#i hope this all made sense hdjksfhdksflsf
fairymint-archive · 3 years
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Gonna say it yet again, don't bitch about what people write if you aren't going to invest in it yourself. If literally all you wanted was for them to change gears badly enough, you'd help. You. are. an. Audience. I mean it, yes you, sitting right there in the chair, reading people's posts.
If someone can write a line of anon hate, such as 'This Bad.' they can use anon to write literally anything productive. Make up a random character to do a mini storyline, send the kind of headcanon asks you want to see, or about what muses you wanna see.
On the flipside, being active and having an RP blog doesn't save you from this either. idk how many times I've come across people who just like to post some variation of ~~i'MmmmMMMM BOOORED!!!~~ and yet, I don't see this person in people's inboxes. I may see them write an open. I might not even see them write headcanon posts which could inspire interaction or clues on how to do so. Asking for a certain type of interaction is on the right track, asking for.....any kind of interaction or starter can fall into this too. There's a fine line between a request and pressure, even if you don't mean to. Boredom is a bit of an obligation, kinda puts people on the spot. Basically they don't really participate with their followers/mooties, and, while it sucks....sometimes you just gotta be not lazy. Pull up your britches, find online tools to start from, practice practice practice engaging your RP partners. Cause, they're Partners. It starts with networking, like promos and seeing people reply to mooties....and well, continues with networking. Find what you're after. Find what you want, heck, even find what you didn't know you wanted.
I see a lot of passive behaviour, which is fine on its own, but it's a have your cake and eat it too kind of deal. 'Entertain Me' is kind of a mirrored statement and should be kind of met back with 'well Entertain Me, too.' And, just to cover the 'not being ableist' side of things, if the problem really is you, you need to work on yourself first, and I won't fault people for that. I'm not saying it's easy, just that first steps help a lot.
Like, I've seen posts that reblog around too with the right idea, 'send me your wishlist plots', 'tell me if you ship our muses', etc. Sometimes you may be told No, but with that you may be told a 'No, But' and end up w/ something that does work.
Like, basically, sometimes saying 'I Want' or hello is not enough. and if 'i want', 'i'm bored', and such doesn't work....find someone who is also that. Work with your people, and they'll probably wanna work with you back.
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