#i hope the three of them are happy and together in ninja afterlife
sukirainbow · 2 years
Anytime someone portrays Nagato and Yahiko as romantic rivals or Nagato as happy Yahiko died bc he can have Konan now im like 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
there was never any animosity between them Nagato was so rooting for him and Konan he wanted them to be happy!!!! ARHHHHGH 🔪🔪🔪🔪
They loved each other so much 😭 it makes me feel so many emotions ok???
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
For Honor [Samurai!Yamada Ichiro/Reader] - Chapter 3
You’re happy to learn Ichiro didn’t grant you an empty promise.
As dinner was slowly cooking over the fire Ichiro had led you away from the horses, making some joke that he didn’t want you to spook them. You were excited as he removed the sword from his hip and brandished it for you to admire, almost feeling like a child when he began to explain how truly dangerous his weapon was. With some ‘get on with it’ hand movements Ichiro sighed, ushering you close to him and turning the blade away from you just in case you suddenly grew clumsy. Holding the hilt of the sword was an experience on it’s own, you could tell why his hands were so rough as the material wasn’t nearly as smooth as you thought it’d be.
“Is this an old sword, Ichi?” The nickname caught him off guard, leading him to not reply to your question for several long moments. When you repeat it, this time without use of his name, he stuttered out his reply.
“It was a gift from a town I helped… I had to chase bandits, fought most of them with my bare hands since I was too poor to afford a proper sword. They had a talented blacksmith who offered this as compensation. It would’ve been rude not to accept it…” He looked at the sword with a fond grin, it almost seemed mischievous in nature which was a far cry from what you’d seen of the proper swordsmen so far, “It’s seen the best and worst of times with me.”
“Now those are tales I’d like to hear!” You held the sword out in front of you, immediately surprised by the slight weight of it in your hands.
You nearly fumbled forward, not quite falling but your balance thrown off. Ichiro, being both your protector and a professional big brother, panicked immediately as the potential situation of you falling on his sword blade up flooded into his brain. His one arm wrapped around your middle, steadying you again while his unoccupied hand reached out to prevent the sword from slamming into the dirt after you dropped it in surprise. You can feel his breath tickling your neck as he let out a sigh of relief, turning to look at him with burning cheeks. It only took another few seconds for Ichiro to realize the inappropriate position you were in and he released you without a second thought, carefully sheathing his sword before he got to his knees in front of you.
“I apologize, princess! I should have asked permission… I should never have allowed you to put yourself in danger like that…” Ichiro’s forehead is practically on the ground with how low he’s gotten, feeling truly guilty for having touched you without permission. To think he had approached a young lady so brazenly, and a noble one at that. You must think so poorly of him now.
You’re more upset that the moment is completely ruined due to this but you placed a hand on Ichiro’s shoulder, once again noting the way he flinched under your touch. You removed it as you didn’t want to make him more uncomfortable than he already was, telling him you accepted his apology (as you did not feel like arguing with this stubborn, honor driven man about how his actions hadn’t bothered you) and turning the topic to dinner. He seemed grateful for the change and immediately went to tending the food, the silence speaking volumes as you ate without speaking another word to each other.
You curled up in the wagon that night with memories of how it felt to have Ichiro’s body pressed against yours, your imagination running away with itself when you thought of how it might feel if he had a distinct lack of clothing. Naughty thoughts were unrefined for someone of your social standing but so was thinking that marriage was about love, an ideal you wanted to hold onto for as long as you could. You knew you were on your way to potentially seal the deal, to be with a suitor of your own status, but the thought of it truly filled you with dread. You didn’t dislike having to be married off so young but you wish it was more your choice; your parents shoving bachelors in front of you and going ‘pick one!’ still wasn’t a real choice, at least, not in your opinion. When you had rejected each one of their line-ups, they had finally gotten sick of giving you this illusion of choice, instead opting to great an agreement with a neighboring kingdom to have you marry their prince.
They told you that should you think anything is wrong, you could reject the proposal and they’d welcome you back with open arms, but you’re not so sure that was a statement based in reality.
You’re beginning to fall asleep when a twig snapped outside, your sleep-addled brain unworried as you assumed it was just Ichiro. It’s when the careful sound of multiple sets of feet start to surround the cart that you’re alarmed, and you let out a loud cry as the back of the wagon is forcibly opened. You can hardly make out faces in the dark but you see bright shining eyes and scars, your leg suddenly in a heavy grip that you can’t escape from. You let out another scream as you’re pulled unceremoniously from the cart, falling into the dirt and scrambling to cover your body as your nightwear was quite thin. You sent out a defiant glare but your face faltered at the sight of Ichiro, bloodied up in a pile near the fire pit from earlier.  
“You look so pretty, princess, you wouldn’t mind if I had a taste, would you?” The bandit closest to you touched your face in an overly familiar manner that filled you with rage.
You kicked out at the man saying such disgusting things to you, hoping he’d kill you before you ever allowed him to touch you in such a way. You’d rather face a thousand deaths than allow a man such as him to defile you, you hoped that at least in death your ghost could come back to haunt and torture this man a thousand times over. You’re full of even more fury as he picked your body up like a rag doll, tossing you over his shoulder like you were nothing even as you fought to get out of his grip. You saw a man bigger than the others, likely the leader, sitting a few feet away from Ichiro, watching you with interest.
“Keep calm, princess. We just want to strike a deal with ya. Coin is all we’re after… Simple folk, and all.”
You let out an ‘oof’ as you’re thrown on top of Ichiro, pulling away to see that his eyes had opened at the sudden impact. There’s something eerily calm about his aura that sets you a little more at ease now that you’re within arm’s length of him, even if his hands are currently tied behind his back. You knew his sword was at the bandit leader’s side, you had seen it when the leader had addressed you initially, so how were you to get out of this situation? There didn’t seem to be many men, three others without including their leader, but there was only one of Ichiro. You remembered his earlier story about saving a village from bandits with his bare hands but had they been heavily armed? Had he just been lying to impress you with his feats?
You placed your hands on Ichiro’s chest as you looked up at the leader with an annoyed look.
“Who the hell are you to touch me, you insolent beast!” You spat out, ignoring the way Ichiro’s eyes widened from underneath you. You felt him start to move, his voice muffled by the gag they had wrapped around it, but you were already using up every ounce of bravery you had to keep eye contact with the leader; you were afraid if you looked at Ichiro you would crumble back down, and now was not the time to be weak. “You will get no gold from me. My parents will send only the best of the best after you, you won’t know what’s hit you until you’re burning in the afterlife!”
“We were goin’ to be nice…” The leader stood, taking a few steps towards you and standing still for a moment before his hand suddenly lurched out, taking a fist full of your hair. “But if you don’t got manners, then neither do we.”
You brain is screaming to act and you do so immediately, once again acting on impulse before the sensible side of you causes you to shrink back. You’re going against every bit of training you’d ever received, always made to be compliant, always told to be kind and pretty and perfect, but those were the rules of the elite. Out here in the woods, there were no rules, no proper etiquette that was forced to be upheld for the sake of one’s reputation. Here you were free, no politics at all, and you would run with this chance while you had it.
The dagger dug deep into the chest of the bandit who let out a yowl at the surprise attack; you had caught him off-guard, angered him so deeply that he had forgotten he didn’t do a full body search on the samurai. You couldn’t blame him, most samurai only carried their swords and nothing more, but you’d have to give personal thanks to Ichiro’s ninja friend if you made it out of this one alive. The cries of pain caused Ichiro to jump back into actions, the ropes tying his hands together falling to the ground uselessly. He had been working at them slowly but surely as everything was going on around him, the bandits far too full of themselves for thinking they had gotten the jump on him.
Ichiro had something to prove now.
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heartofsnark · 3 years
Can You Feel The Sun? (Chapter Eight): Icarus Falls
Notes: Why, yes, I am posting these relatively quickly. This is the last of a backlog since I’m actively still working on the next chapter, This is a doozy of a chapter, both emotionally and length wise, but I’m rather proud of it, if I’m being honest. I recommend settling in a snack and maybe...just maybe some tissues.... 
Word Count: 15327 
Chapter Warnings:  Multiple deaths, violence, gore, grief, angst. 
If you haven’t yet, you can read the previous chapter here!~
V and Jackie get into the backseat of the Delamain taxi. White and tan leather interior, despite looking the nicest she ever has in twenty years she still feels like she might stain the white leather. No driver, instead there’s screens and consoles in the back of the seats in front of them. An avatar of a bald man with stark unnaturally white skin and blue lips 
“Welcome on board this Delamain service. With Delamain, you leave your problems at the door,” the AI avatar greets them in a robotic voice. 
“Son of a bitch! Better fuckin' believe I will!” Jackie yells out, still grinning. V lets out a breath of air meant to sound like a laugh, but the lump in her throat isn’t making it any easier. 
“I see no reason why you should be using expletives.”
“Sorry, he gets… excited.”  Her voice is tighter than she wants it to be, her leg bouncing now. 
“Damn right, I’m excited. Hey, Del, what about that time I wanted to hire you for my cousin's bachelor party, huh?” 
“Unfortunately, we do not take on such contracts.”
“Three months I'd been savin' up scratch… Egh, water under the bridge. Hit it, Del!”
“Before we begin our journey, I must verify the identities of all customers. Please proceed to connect your personal links,” the mercs plug their personal links into the console, “Thank you. "Excelsior" package activated.”
Crisp subtitles for Delamain alight along her contacts, more comprehensive than the lip reading tech sometimes gives. Maybe his AI avatar enunciates more properly than a human, she wonders. 
“"Excelsior"? Hohoho, this just keeps gettin' better!”
Jackie laughs as the taxi cab starts to drive and V finds herself fiddling with her suit sleeve. It’s perfectly tailored, but she still feels like a kid in dress up. Having to pretend she’s a corpo, having to pretend to be a hearing person. Her bright painted nails seem to clash so much with the persona and she curses herself for not changing the polish. What if they’re caught right away? The corps smelling Heywood and The Badlands on them the second they walk through the door. What if the spoofed SID hack doesn’t work, what if the bot malfunctions… What if, what if, what if; spins around her brain. They can’t fuck this up, there’s no room for mistakes. One disaster will destroy their reputations, hell their entire merc careers. And that's the best case scenario. 
When she glances at Jackie there’s no hint of nerves, no hint of reservation or fear, just giddy excitement. Like a kid getting ready to hit up a party. 
“What’s got you riled up?” She asks in spoken English, deciding she’ll mostly speak for the ride since Jackie is the only person really here, that way he doesn’t have to look at her the entire time. And maybe she’s also hoping if she talks enough she won’t clam up too bad in Konpeki.  
“Hang on, watch this… Delamain! Initiate combat mode!”
She can see the bright red ink of his tattoo peeking from his suit sleeve, eyes drawn to it, and something about that scares her more; a hint of his Valentino roots showing, would it be a literal red flag for Konpeki security. 
“My apologies, but you do not appear to be in any sort of imminent danger,” Delamain crushes Jackie’s hopes, a frown replacing his grin. 
“Huh… Oh well. Trust me, he'll mow down an army of ‘Saka ninjas if it comes down to it,” Jackie explains to V and she wraps her arms around herself, resisting the desire to bring her legs up into the seat, trying to get her mind off her nerves. 
“So, what else is included in Excelsior mode?” V tries signing to the AI, curious if it has translation tech for ASL. 
“Comprehensive health coverage, including the handling and disposal of a client's remains should death occur on board,” Delamain responds without hesitation and instantly ruins any chance of her getting her mind off the massive risks within this job. 
“Damn. Shit got dark pretty quick,” Jackie comments. 
“Dex isn’t skimping though.” 
“And thanks to you, we're still gettin' a juicy forty percent.”
“You’re welcome.” 
“Excelsior…This is how you wanna cruise into the major leagues…” He says like the job is already done and they’re hitting up an after party… 
“Wouldn’t get too excited yet, Jack, doing a job not hitting up a party.” And her words are too sharp, voice too venomous and rough in her throat. She regrets it as soon as they leave her lips, as soon as she’s spoken them into reality, wishing she could swallow them back down. His face drops completely, eyes harsh and she knows she fucked up. 
“For real, V…? See me as that shallow?”
“Lemme explain somethin' to you, V… My whole life I've spent in this shit around us! And I ain't goin' back!”
“I’m sorry, really, I just… I’m worried and I let my nerves talk for me, I’m sorry.” She quickly tries to smooth it over, those knots in her gut only winding tighter with Jackie mad at her. 
“Swear to christ, V, I will never fucking get you,” he says, shaking his head and looking out the window.
“What do you mean?” 
“Twenty years old, sitting in the back of a Delamain, on your way to do a job for Dex fuckin’ Deshawn and you can’t even muster a fuckin smile? You fuckin’ know what I’d have done to be where you are right now when I was your age, I was still dreaming of seeing The Afterlife! Took you less than a year to be here, took me ten! And you ain’t even happy about it! Then you act like I’m not takin’ it serious, like I don’t got my fuckin’ head in the game, just cause you can’t appreciate where the fuck you are right now!” 
She chews her lip, not sure what to say to him. Guilt coming over her. He’s right, she hasn’t lived in Night City nor been a merc nearly as long. He’s been doing this since he left the Valentinos… For Jackie this has been a lifelong dream, the ultimate goal. She didn’t even consider it a possibility until she met him and now she’s already on her way there. Of course he’s happy, on the precipice of his dreams coming true. 
“I’m sorry, really I didn’t mean to piss on your parade.” 
“Yet somehow you always do.” 
V sighs watching the city pass outside her window for a few more moments, tapping her fingers, that knot feels like a ball of lead now. She wants to claw her skin off,  tear and tear away at herself, at her being, and maybe, just maybe she’ll find someone better under the gore.  Someone who isn’t such a fucking asshole. Someone who knows how to keep their mouth shut and doesn’t ruin everything for everyone else. She’ll never understand why Jackie puts up with her, why he has for so long. She just doesn’t want to fuck this up. The job, her friendship, the little bit of happiness she’s built. V wrings her hands together, tight enough to hurt and she twists them a little harder, nails digging into the skin. If she can’t find anyone better maybe she’ll just claw away until she’s nothing at all. 
She’s already a bundle of nerves over the heist and she can’t stand another moment of the tension hanging thick in the air. 
“Did you fuck my wife?” She says in her best imitation of something between an Italian and a Brooklyn accent, watching Jackie’s face, the hint of a smile tugging at it. Tension starting to melt ever so slightly. 
“Don’t get me started,” he returns forcing the same cheesy voice. 
“Did you fuck my wife?” 
“I think you fucked my wife and got me started.” 
“I got started cause you fucked my wife.” 
“I could trace back the moment I got started it’d definitely be when you fucked my wife!” 
“That is unquestionably when I got started!” They’re smiling now, giggling at every other word as they choke on their cheesy jokes. Tension melts away as a weight is being lifted off her chest. 
“My records indicate that neither of you are married.” 
And they lose it, laughter filling the car at Delamain’s interjection to their stupidity. Its ridiculous and dumb and they sound like children. But, she’s thankful for the moment, the reprieve, where it’s laughter and not nerves tearing at her guts. 
A call notification lights up on V’s optic contacts, T-Bug’s avatar and V answers, the runner’s voice coming just a moment later. 
“Hey. How's things?”
“Eh,” Jackie answers, “been better, been worse.” 
“We’re nearing our destination,” Delamain tells them and V’s throat tightens. 
“Listen, set up a direct, encrypted line to guide you through Konpeki. V, ring Jackie now, see if we're in sync. Can't be too careful.” 
She puts a call through to Jackie, inteface telling her it’s establishing a secure connection.
“And?” Bug asks, expectantly. 
“Got static,” Jackie cringes, “Say somethin', Bug?”
“The greatest crimes issue from a desire for excess and not from necessity."
“Say what now?”
“Yeah, I read you. Not so much your Greek friend, though it was kind of exciting,” Jackie tells her with the ghost of a smile on his lips. 
“Could give it some thought, try to understand…? How 'bout you, V?”
“I want more Aristotle!” 
“Fuck off, both.”
Jackie and V share a giggle at the runner’s expense, V’s going to miss when Bug goes into retirement. If all works out, even on the brighter side, it may be the last time all three of them work together. But at least Bug will be happy and safe, unlike V or Jackie, this was never her dream or end goal. 
“OK, tech checks out, looks like,” T-Bug confirms. 
“Será mejor que sí…”
“Stay in touch”
And V just realizes the taxi has stopped moving, through Jackie’s window she can see the front entrance of the hotel.  The bright red exterior walls, a worker standing at the ready and those nerves are clawing their way back with a vengeance, tearing up her insides and making her want to bolt, terrified that they’lll be found out as soon as they step foot in. They need to get moving, only way to get through the fear is to take control, do what needs to be done. And hopefully avoid puking in the back of an expensive AI taxi. 
“Thank you for choosing the Delamain service. And best of luck. I shall await here for your return.”
“Shit's finally happenin’… “ 
“Its game time, got any iron left on you, time to put it away,” she tells him, tucking her gun and knife into the center compartment. Jackie following suit. V tugs off her suit jacket and rolls her white sleeves to her elbows, making sure her blades are accessible from the start. 
“Alright, Hannah, let’s go.” 
V opens the door of the Delamain, greeted by the view in front of the hotel, in the distance she can see the space travel facility, night settled over the water. The hotel has trees and plants out front, trying to sprinkle some nature into the cement and chrome world of Night City. She carries her suit jacket over her shoulder, keeping one hand busy with it, while the other sits in her pocket. Hoping it will keep her from signing if she needs to talk. 
“Hold on, lemme grab the Flathead.” Jackie pops the trunk of the taxi and pulls out the case with the bot. 
The mercs take the two marble steps up, a vibrant stript of red along the path.There’s long white marble with planters and the name of the hotel inscripted in gold. 
“'Member, reservation's in your name… Ramón. You're there to meet Hajime Taki - military tech department rep. Papers are for the Flathead” T-Bug tells them as they get closer to the double doors. 
“Welcome to Konpeki Plaza,” a man in a red, black, and gold uniform greets them, bowing his head as they pass by.
There’s a large waiting room, white couches along the sides with monitors displaying documentaries and vases with red hologram plants branching out of them. A security gate divides the waiting room from the front desk, scanners to check each guest for weaponry. Beyond it she can see staff with gold plated skin. All non-security personnel of the hotel are gold plated; receptionists, concierge, bartenders, and the like. A requirement for the job, even staff must match the aesthetic. 
“Welcome to Konpeki Plaza. Please come through single file,” The guard tells them as they reach the full body scanner. 
“You got it, holm-- uh, ahem, sir,” Jackie stumbles and V screams internally, watching her friend step forward. Blue light crackles along him, like lightning, then it flashes red. Misty’s warning of mean reds, flaring in V’s mind. 
“Ahem. Hold on got something,” the guard stops Jackie before he can go any further, “Sir, care to explain why you're bringin’ a combat bot onto Konpeki Plaza premises?”
“Arms dealers.” V yells out quickly, hating how forced it sounds, tightening her fingers in her jacket, desperate not to sign on instinct and not realizing she forgot the ‘we’re’ part of her sentence until she finished saying it. 
“Excuse me?”
“Ah!” A gold skinned concierge steps over,  “You are here to see Taki-san, am I right? Please accept my apologies for the confusion.” 
“Pff,” Jackie scoffs as the concierge bows and walks into the lobby, waiting at the front desk. 
V steps into the scanner, guard assuring her it will only take a moment. It distorts her vision, crackling it with blue for just a moment. Then the guard tells her to go ahead and she walks forward, meeting Jackie at the desk. A woman with gold skin, black hair all shaved except for the bangs and sidelocks greets them.  And V is starting to notice that the Arasaka logo is everywhere, the corp hotel owned by them. On the screens, gold emblazoned on marble planters, and on pamphlets. The hotel and Arasaka logo are clearly one in the same. 
“Youkoso. Greetings and welcome to Konpeki Plaza,” she says bowing her head to them and V returns the gesture.
“We’d like to check in,” Jackie says and V sends him a silent thanks for talking. .
“Of course, just a moment, please” the receptionist taps away at a keyboard, “The name on the reservation is…?”
“Double room, two adults, one night. Correct?”
“That’s the one,” V tells her, with a tight nod. 
“Perfect… I will go ahead and notify Taki-san of your arrival.”
“Shit, no good, not part of the plan. Talk her up, V, stall!” T-Bug yells out over the call and V is once again wanting to scream. 
“That, uh,  won't be necessary,” she curses herself for stuttering, “We'll go freshen up first, notify him ourselves.”
“But Taki-san is expecting you, no…?”
“Senorita, do you know how long we been traveling? Eighteen hours from New Barcelona. With a delay on Metakey 'cause some cyberpsycho blew himself into bits inside the terminal…”
“Been a nightmare, ugh.” 
“Of course, I understand. You will be in the Lapis Lazuli Suite on level forty-two. Oh, one more little formality… Please validate your SID chip.”
“Honor's all yours, Hannah.” 
A tablet on the table lights up with a bright blue handprint and she’s reminding of her issue getting into her own apartment. Bug said she put a temporary hack on their SID chip, but there’s an extra twinge of anxiety as V lays her hand down on it. She half expects it to show a senior citizen, to be outed as a fraud and tossed out the door. 
“Everything seems to be in order. We wish you a pleasant stay!~” 
“Better get goin'.”
V murmurs a thanks, feeling a bit of relief at having that part of this whole thing done. Playing corpo is somehow more stressful to her than the idea of breaking into Yorinobu’s penthouse. She follows behind Jackie. Large marble planters fill the lobby, some with trees that nearly touch the staggeringly high ceiling. 
“New Barcelona? Really?” T-Bug comments as V follows Jackie up a short set of marble steps. 
“It's called improvisin' - you should try it,” V stares up at a gold framed painting, “Whaddaya think, Hannah"?
“...” V raises an eyebrow at him with a soft noise in her throat. 
“Quaint, cozy. Not like the hotel we had in Zurich for that convention.”
“Don't need that, Jack. Enough.”
“What? I’m takin’ this seriously!” Jackie grumbles when T-Bug scolds him. 
They take two turns through the lobby, guards passing by talking about dolls being left in rough shape as they near what looks to be a bar in the corner. It's an open pathway inside, the bar illuminated in pink and a gold plated woman stands at a podium bearing Arasaka’s logo. There’s a lit collection of alcohol behind the bar, liquor that costs more than V’s rent, which isn’t a hard feat but still rubs her the wrong way. 
“Bar don't look too shabby.”
“We don't do reservations on weekdays, so feel free to grab any available table. Or a couple of stools at the bar if you prefer?” She explains to them, a valley girl accent to her words. 
“Could bring Misty here one day. When we, uh… close this deal.”
“Might take a look around.” 
The idea of sitting down, if only for a moment, and catching her breath after the close call in the lobby sounds nice. Her nerves are frayed already, she’s never wanted to drink so much on a job before. A quick breather before she has a full blown panic attack. 
“Shit,” Jackie curses, “look like some fuckin' travelin' salesman with this case. Go ahead, I’ll go on upstairs.” 
V nods, watching Jackie go to the elevator, a part of her feels guilty, but she doesn’t intend to take too long. And it’s not as if she’s made visiting bars on the job a habit before, she can have this one. She rubs a hand over the back of her neck, feeling the chrome indents of her Mantis Blades cooling the skin. Half of the room is a lounge with black couches and slick pink metallic chairs, terrariums built into the walls. The other half is, gold stools and booths before the neon pink bar. Each side is filled with people mingling, dressed in high fashion, people who’ve gambled away more money than she’s ever seen. 
“And when I say heads're gonna roll, I don't mean it as a fucking turn of phrase,” a half drunk man slurs his speech at the golden bartender. The stench of whiskey clings heavy to his clothes. 
“Had enough guy, don’t you think? You’re making the other customers uncomfortable,” the bartender sends a pointed look towards V, a slight twang in his voice. She was looking for a breather, not conflict. 
“Good! 'Cause this affects them, too! It'll slap everyone in the face!” 
“What’s that?’ She entertains him, figuring it might get the guy gone sooner. 
“You wanna know what a bearer of bad news looks like? What's four hundred yards long, weighs a hundred thousand tons, and is nuclear powered…? The answer's docked in the bay! Hanako Arasaka decided -,” he hiccups, “decided to take a little vacation!
“Big deal.”
“Don't know how big just yet,” her sarcasm doesn’t penetrate the fog of whiskey, “And by the time we do, it'll.. it'll be too late. Screw this. I'm gonna get some sleep…”
With that the man stumbles away, taking the too strong smell of booze with him and the shining bartender turns to her. His shaved hair either red or pink, color distorted in the glowing light. 
“Evenin, what can I get you, baby?” 
Her nose wrinkles at the term of endearment, “little forward, don’t you think?” 
“Suckled it outta my ma's very breast,” he returns, “Fifty percent protein, the other half pure high octane CHOOH2.” 
He presses two gilded hands to the bar leaning forward as he regales his story and she can’t help but raise an eyebrow; he’s implying he’s a nomad, but why would he tell her that? 
“She had wind and dust in her hair, so to speak. Belonged to the Aldecaldos. Before the bombs began fallin'. Her final words? ‘Wherever you go, whatever you do, be yourself, David.’ And so I ended up here. Still no one but myself.” 
He’s full of shit, she decides immediately. Maybe her own distrust or her own frustration, nobody with nomad blood would end up here, gold plated and slinging drinks to corpos. At the very fucking least, they wouldn’t act so damn happy about it. 
“Lovely story if it wasn’t a crock of shit.” 
“Everyone's making something up,” he smirks, “Just like you, baby.”
“Excuse you?” she chokes out, feeling like ice water has been shot through her veins. He’s seen through her, that implication clear, but how? Even regaling to her some fucked up story of being a nomad, like he could smell the dust of the badlands still on her skin. 
“Can I getcha somethin'? At the least, water?” 
“Bourbon and cherry coke.” 
“You got it, baby.” 
The repeated use of the pet name earns him a glare, V tapping her fingers against the bar, his story and perceptiveness making her nerves worse. He sets the drink on the table and she downs it with a gulp, alcohol not quite loosening her how she hopes. She sets the glass down and leaves the bar, it may be petty but she doesn’t leave him a tip, frustrated at the idea he could have seen through her. 
She jabs the elevator button, tapping her foot as she waits and stares at some painting. Its all abstract bullshit, pretty colors, but she’s not sure she sees much else to them. The golden doors open, the back of the elevator windowed with what looks like foliage inside, maybe it’s just a screen. V steps inside and jabs to her level. And after just a short ride, it stops  at her floor. 
The doors open and she sees Jackie, looking over one of the art pieces, walking past a desk and concierge to greet him. 
“About time,” he says, when he spots her, the pair making a beeline to the suite. They walk past a couple speaking Russian, talking about testing on people, as they find the door. 
Jackie opens the door and she gets her first peek of it, stepping in. The furthest wall almost entirely windowed, looking out over the hills. Another expanse dedicated to a terrarium, a large plush bed, white sofas, and a table projecting hologram displays of fish. V tosses her suit jacket off onto the couch. 
“Pretty snazzy. Too bad we ain't stayin' the night. Nice choice, Bug.” 
“Didn't pick it for snazz. Offers quickest access to the dweller and servers.”
“Sí, sí, me acuerdo,” jackie grumbles as he puts the Flathead case down on a table in front of the terrarium. The little spider bot springs to life the second it’s case is opened. 
“Now you fire up the Flathead and find the shaft entrance.” 
“Sounds simple enough…” 
“Simplicity's sometimes toughest to master,” T-Bug tells her. 
“Aurelius? Aristotle? Who's it this time?”
“Yours truly, that one's mine.”
“Go ahead and find the shaft, chica, I’ll get the Flathead running.” 
V nods and begins looking around the room, scanning around, finding the shaft after a short moment. A little square panel standing out on the wall next to the terrarium, scanner telling her it’s Flathead compatible. 
“Found it.” 
“Good. Jackie, how's the Flathead lookin'?” T-Bug asks, he’s put the control shard in one of his neuroports while V was looking for the shaft, eyes now glowing bright white blue. 
“All set. Systems’re operational, charge at a hundred…,” a moment passes his expression furrowing as he shakes his head, “Mierda.  Little gonk's stuck.”
“Just gonna stand there and look at it? Gonna have to switch to manual control. V, take the control shard from Jackie. Gonna link your Kiroshis to surveillance so you can guide the bot.”
“Why me, Jack’s got full blown optics?”  She asks, as he pulls the control shard from his head. 
“Yeah, but you got better tech, unlike someone I ain’t run up my tab with Vik. Got last-gen firmware low flow. May be contacts, but you’re working with top notch Kiroshi tech.” 
“Plus someone already has some playtime with the bot,” T-Bug outs her and Jackie raises an eyebrow at V, a teasing smile on his lips. 
“You played with the bot?”
“Just… give me the shard,” she takes it from Jackie’s hand, “Surveillance cover the whole hotel?”
“Mhm. Even the bedrooms in the suites.”
“You'd be surprised what people're willin' to give up to feel secure. Lucky for us, Yorinobu's an exception. Penthouse is dark, no hotel security.’
“Okay, here goes.” V pushes the control shard into the slot, the interface says it’s connecting her, then it glitches and in a moment she’s looking at herself and Jackie through the surveillance camera. 
“Patching you through to in-cam view. Might get a little disoriented, but don't freak”
Her vision switches between rooms; a man getting a lap dance from a doll in a dimly room, two men in another hotel room. And then it lands on a third room. A meeting of four people; two Arasaka suits and two faces she vaguely recognizes. The view doesn't shift again and she takes the chance to look closer, talks of losing control of Watson, election season. And it clicks, the mayor of Night City. 
“Camera’s set,” V tells Bug, political bullshit isn’t her business, she can see the vague outline of the Flathead creeping into the room.  Only slightly visible to her thanks to her connection, 
“Get him to the next vent.”
V scans and finds the next vent shaft tucked in the corner of the room, sending the Flathead to it. She watches as it crawls and creeps through the room. 
“C’mon little buddy, you got it, yes,” She cheers on the little machine as it skitters across the camera and into the vent. 
“It’s a Military grade combat bot, not your pet, V. Patching you into the next cam now.” 
The next room appears, more brightly lit with two maids working to clean it. V goes to send the Flathead into the vent but the request is denied, detecting one of the cleaning ladies is too far into it’s path. 
“Cleaning crew’s in the way,” V tells Bug, listening to one of the women start drooling over Yorinobu. 
“Gotta distract her. Hmm, let's see what's on the subnet…temp control on the terrarium, sic the bot on it.” 
V follows the runner’s orders scanning and sending the Flathead onto the temp control. Barely a moment passes before the maid’s notice, freaking out about how expensive it is. The merc takes her chance and sends the bot into the unblocked vent shaft. 
“Little guy’s through.”
Next cam flickers into a green tinted maintenance hallway, the bots legs tinkering across the floor. Vent on the other side of the room, V sends it through, smiling as her little buddy makes his way through. And it brings her to a new camera, it looks like where the surveillance feeds lead to. A console and row of screens with a security guard watching them. 
“Dweller's just beyond the door. Flathead can jimmy the lock.”
V sends the command, watching it scamper to the door, tendrils working at the lock. But nothing gives away. 
“He’s having some trouble, poor feller.” 
“Shit… Gotta be another way. Lemme think… Got another cam other side of the door, but it's disabled.’
“Got a CCTV port, might be able to enable it.” 
“Go for it.” 
The Flathead creeps across the room and jacks into the port, giving V access to the other camera. And V switches her vision to it, the next room looks like a high tech runner’s nest. Two netrunning chairs in deep cooled divots within the room. But only one is in use, a man jacked into the security frame, illuminated in blue, screens running code around him. 
“Dweller’s inside.”
“Just as planned.”
“Still don’t get why they only have the one.” 
“Decent dweller's as good as a dozen rank-and-file. Lemme graft a demonoid onto your link, you’ll be able to jack the bot directly into the chair and neutralize the runner.” 
“You'll have to get the Flathead in there first, though.” 
“Got another shaft grate,” V finds when she twists the camera’s view, there had to be a vent in the other room, servers lining the walls. Bad ventilation and the entire operation overheats. 
“Shaft may link both rooms, looks like. Toggle to the other cam.” 
V does so, a moment of scanning and she finds a hidden shaft grate in the floor, “Think I got it.”
“Send the Flathead over there, then toggle over to the second cam.”
She waits until the bot is prying open the vent in the surveillance room, then flickers back over to the runner’s den, eyes on the vent and hoping she didn’t send their tech into the wrong room. A moment passes and she sees her robotic friend creeping his way out. 
“Our friend’s inside.” 
“Flathead into the chair, V, jack in.” 
The bot crawls across the floor and into the netrunner’s cubby, creeping up the chair and scuttling over the man’s body. Deep in the subnet the man doesn’t stir or even notice as the bot hovers over his face and jacks into the chair. And the code across the screen glitches, replaced by a T. 
“Holy shit.” 
“Whoop! Got him! Love those daemons!” Bug cheers, louder and more excited than V has ever heard her. They did it, the bot is in, T-Bug has access to it all. 
“Uh, Flathead buddy stays, right?” 
“To keep an eye on the dweller, yeah. Punching into Konpeki’s main net. Go ahead and log out.” 
The young merc’s vision starts to glitch and flicker red, her pulling the shard from her head, everything spinning. Lightheaded and her body feels both too light and too heavy. Like she could collapse and float away all at once. 
“That's how it's done! How ya feelin'?” Jackie asks, concern lacing his voice. 
“Like I’m about to puke on a rug worth more than my car.” 
“Bug? How're you doin' on time?” The runner doesn’t respond right away, a moment too long passing. 
“Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Soooo listen, ICE is thicker than I thought. Piercing it'll take a couple hours.” 
“A couple hours?! Can't do it any faster?”
“Want my brain to burst into flames? Just siddown and enjoy your snazzy suite.”
“Thanks, I will! V, you take it easy, c’mon rest for a bit.” 
V doesn’t need anymore prodding, settling down onto the white sofa, hoping her head will stop spinning and stomach cease churning by the time Bug is done. The merc kicks off her heels and lays across the sofa, softer than her bed. Jackie sitting across on the other side of the table, V brings her hand up to her face, trying to block out the blue light from the holo projector. But catches herself looking at the bracelet Misty gave her, the way the beads catch the light, remembering the name of it. 
“Hey, what was our suite’s name again?” 
“Lapis lazuli, why?” 
“Isn’t that what Misty’s bracelets are? The blue beads with the gold.” 
“Oh...yeah, ain’t that some shit, must be a good sign.” 
“Maybe… she read your cards before this?” 
“Nah, didn’t get a chance, nagged me about mean reds though. What about you, cards in your favor?” 
“All I remember is something about a magician and love, blegh.” 
“Hehehe,” his laughter is warm and fills the huge room, “telling you, one day you’re gonna be head over heels with some chiccy or mano and you’re not gonna know what to do with yourself.” 
“That how it was with you and Misty?” 
“Pssh, knew I was crazy about her from day one, took a while to work up the nerve though one day I just told her the truth.” 
“That you were in loooove~.”
“More like I’d take a bullet for her, chica.”
“Fuck yeah it is, in Night City, that’s worth a billion I love yous.” 
“So you say.” 
“Keep doing that and you’re gonna rub the finish off Vik’s work,” Jackie tells her and she realizes she’s been rubbing and fiddling with her implants, “be a waste for free work to be ruined.” 
“I’m gonna pay him.” 
“You give him anything upfront, even a dime?” 
“I… gave him a hug…” 
“Wow,” Jackie says half laughing and she’s laughing too, “a whole hug for top of the line chrome! Probably wasn’t even a real hug, just your half ass shit!” 
“I may have only used one arm.” 
“Santa mierda, V, gotta learn to hug people like you mean it.” 
“Yes, yes,” she yawns, “blah blah blah, never know which hug will be the last one, blah….” 
“Flathead wear you out that bad?” 
“Maybe a little…” Her stomach feels better, but her head is still light, fuzzy. And in the plush of the sofa, with Jackie close by, she finds herself drifting away. Eyelids getting heavier with each word, each lull of his voice. She didn’t drink much, but she’s sure the bourbon didn’t help. 
“Gonna be a while, might as well catch a cat nap, chica. Though Bug might not like it, haven’t quite managed to get the stick out of her ass.”  
The world fades away, a soft fuzzy sleep taking over. Time ticks by around her as she catches a moment, or maybe several, to sleep. Her brain is still a little foggy, but the dizziness is gone by the time she slowly starts to wake back up. A bad case of cottonmouth as she wakes, world filtering back in. 
Her suit jacket is tossed over her, a makeshift blanket she didn’t put there, she rolls over to sit, more stable than she was before. The time on the terrarium panel tells her only an hour or two has passed.  Jackie’s back is too her, his eyes staring at the window. And she finds herself staring, standing in a suit and basked in the lights of the city view, he’s never seemed so serious. 
“Whaddaya think? Why'd he give it all up?” He asks after a moment and she blinks, brain still foggy. 
"Yorinobu Arasaka. The good life, I mean. Old news, I know. Just got to thinkin's all. It's like, think… You got everything, right? Eddies, education. Your pops can snap his fingers and turn half the fuckin’ planet into a nuclear wasteland… But instead you're like, ‘Nah, fuck it,’ and whaddaya go do? Start a fuckin' gang! Steel Dragons or some shit! You ghost from your fam, chip some RealSkinn and play gang leader for a few years. For what?!” 
She can sense the frustration in every word, feel it every clench of his fingers or swing of his hands. Someone like Yorinobu was handed everything he could ever want; tried to piss it away to play edgerunner, then found himself sucking the silver spoon once again.  But, she can’t blame him for wanting out from under his father’s thumb; that alone a feeling she knows too well. Her fingers hover over her wrist, the still branded flesh that Vik saved. 
“Maybe...he just wanted out of the system.” 
“So then why’d he come back.” 
“Tough to ditch the system when the system’s your own family,” V admits, finger still on the mark. 
“Black sheep’s still a sheep, eh?” 
It took her forever to get the nerve to leave, she talked about it constantly, but it wasn’t until her mother’s death, murder, culling. Whatever she’s meant to call it, that she finally was pushed to make that move. Been gone for years now, but… more days than she cares to admit were spent wondering if she ever should have run, if she should crawl back and beg. If a family that hates her is better than no family at all… 
“Crawled back on all fours, tail between his legs, fuckin’ cheap ass rebel. Fuckin’ tourist!” 
Her nails dig into her skin; insecurities brimming, fear that maybe she’s just as much a fuckin’ tourist. Some black sheep nomad who’ll go running back to her dad, beg for another chance, playing pretend merc when all she’ll ever be is the family burden. 
“Tourist or not, he just walked into the lobby. And we are back in biz. Penthouse security is neutralized.”
“Perfecto, let’s start this show.”
And with those words, they’re back in business, the younger merc up on her feet. V grabbing her jacket and following Jackie out of the suite, fiddling with the fabric as she walks, heels clicking across the floor. 
“Hey, Bug…” Jackie says after a beat of silence,  “were, uh… were you on comms that whole time?”
“Three and a half hours.”
“Eehh… about that stick up the ass…”
“Mean the one up mine?”
“Ehh, slip of the tongue, y'know…”
“I know. Now's your chance to make up to me,” T-Bug tells him as they reach the elevator, Jackie pressing the button. 
“This is going pretty smooth right,” he turns to V as they wait, “right?” 
“Really are a silver lining type, ain’t ya?” V teases as the doors open and they step into the elevator. 
“Hey, when are you gonna wave off that dark cloud hanging over your head? Tellin’ you, it’s downhill from on in.” 
She rolls her eyes and hits the button to the penthouse, elevator doors closing and the carriage rumbling, shaking as it ascends. Silence falling over them, only the sound of the elevator. Jackie’s leg shakes and she knows that silence is about to end. 
“Ahh, there's the awkward silence. You, uh, wanna hear a joke?”
“Now? Seriously?”
“OK, so why'd the rockerboy's output kick him out of the apartment? ‘Cause he wasn't chippin' in.” Jackie cackles at his own joke and V rolls her eyes, a slight smile on her lips. 
“Jesus Christ…” 
Bug sounds a moment away from killing him, but thankfully for the older merc’s sake, the elevator comes to a stop. Doors opening up to Yorinobu’s suite. It feel different, seeing it from her own perspective instead of Evelyn’s and outside of a braindance editor. The entire suit feels bigger. A part of her wonders if it’s the height difference between herself and Evelyn, but decides to chalk it up to braindance shit instead. 
“Huh… not bad bein' heir to the Arasaka empire. Sure as shit better'n bein' the son of Raúl Welles,” Jackie comments taking in the room. 
V turns the corner through the room and a tank catches her eye. A slightly red light illuminating an iguana. It immediately reminds her of the only other iguana she knows, Manny. Come to think of it, his original crate was from Arasaka? 
“Hey, Jackie, look!” 
“Whoa, another fuckin’ iguana, not as cute as Manny though.” 
“Manny’s original crate was marked Arasaka; think he might’ve been Yorinobu’s before we klepped him?” 
“Think we stole his iguana and made him get a new one?” 
“Maybe?”  She gently taps the tank glass, watching the iguana’s tail flick back and forth. 
“Guys! Focus! The safe! And make it quick!” Bug yells out, bringing the merc’s back down to earth. V tosses her jacket onto one of the seats in the center, searching around the penthouse. Rain patters outside the windowed walls. They know where the safe is, but how do they get it out of the floor?
“Why, what's the rush?”
“Sig on Yorinobu's gone dark!”
“What is he, a fuckin' sorcerer?”
“Some kinda dead zone's my guess - have him back in a sec. And you do your damn job! Look around for a switch.”
V walks around one of the dividers where Yorinobu’s bed is, the slick metal of a gun catching her eye first and foremost. Black and gray, with purple detailing. She checks it for ammo and finds it loaded then decides it’s hers. 
“Looks like Yori left us a little gift,” she laughs, tucking the iron in her waistband. And on the other side of the bed, she finds a little switch. She presses it. 
“Bingo, got somethin' ejectin’! C'mere, V!” Jackie calls her over to the corner of the room, heart pounding in her chest.
They’re so close to the finish line, each click of her heels feeling like a step closer. This could actually work. A large black safe has risen out of the floor, a small jack in port and two red lights. Jackie stands on one side of it, the gray rainy day behind him. 
“What now, Bug?” 
“Jack in your personal and make us rich.” 
V plugs her personal link in, leaning one hand against the safe. Jackie leans against it from the other side, foreheads nearly touch as they wait for Bug to work her magic. Just get the chip and walk out, that’s all that’s left. All they need to do. She can’t stand still, itching to cross the finish line, minutes away from the major leagues. 
“Gimme two…”
The merc’s interface shows Bug uploading the daemons to crack the case and V watches the number rise. Sixty percent, seventy, seventy-five; each ticking number another shaky breath, a rising beat of her heart, and a chill up her spine. Homestretch, nearly there. 
And there’s a hum, V’s focus drawn away from the rising percentage, to the windows. Flying AV whirring through the gray skies, hovering around. She looks to Jackie, hoping somehow he’ll have an explanation, something to help her ignore the way her stomach is starting to drop. 
“We got winged visitors… Bug…?” There’s catch in his voice, nerves. Jackie’s scared and she swallows the lump in her throat. His face illuminated in the red flashing lights of the case, mean reds, the words flash in V’s mind. 
“Dunno who. But staffs abuzz, all two hundred on their feet, can't keep still…” 
Somethings wrong, the hair on the back of her neck stands up, a chill in her she can’t shake. Something is so fucking wrong. 
“Can't say I like this, how much longer, T?!”
“Shit. Yorinobu's penthouse bound!”
“What!?”V’s voice cracks, digging her nails into the safe, they’re fucked. They’re so fucked. 
“Fuck him!” Jackie slams his hand down, rattling the container, “Open the safe!” 
“Almost got it… Done!”  The safe opens, revealing a cryo-container within. Bright white light and a fog of ice cold air coming with it. V rips her personal jack out. 
“Preem, lets get the fuck out of here!”  
“Lemme look to this, eh?” Jackie says, pulling the container out and looking at the little screens across it. 
“Relic intact?” 
"Bioshard integrity - one hundred percent." Guessin' that's a yes,” Jackie reads off the vitals of the shard, picking up the case. 
“Good,  let’s delta.” 
The pair nearly trip through the center of the penthouse, rushing towards the elevator with Jackie lugging behind the giant cryo-container. So close, so close, so fucking close. An elevator and taxi ride away, then they’ll be at The Afterlife counting their eddies. The homestretch. 
“Fuck, too late!” T-Bug yells before V can hit the elevator button, “Yorinobu's about to walk in - find cover!
“Where in the fuck!?” V swings her hands as she yells, they’re so fucking close. She rakes her nails across her face, leaving red angry marks down her skin. 
“That pillar- try that!” 
“You fuckin' kiddin'?!” Jackie screams as the mercs make a move to the pillar in the center of the penthouse, were she thought servers for the room were kept. The back of it opening up and allowing a tight passageway. 
“No! Inside it! Now!” 
V slips inside as quickly as she can, Jackie following suit. He holds the cry-container close to his chest. The glass barrier is one way, they can see out, but it can’t be seen in. Still not ideal cover, ideally they’d be outside of the fucking hotel by now. The merc presses her hands to the glass, cursing under her breath. 
“We’re in,” she whispers to Bug.
“Which don't solve our problem, T.”
“I fuckin' know our problem's still there! Lemme think for a sec, okay?” 
The lights to the penthouse come on, elevator doors opening as Yorinobu strides in. with mechanical monstrosity of a body guard from the BD taking large whirring steps after him. And he seems even bigger now. He’s a cyber giant, one mech hand larger than  any part of V. 
He’s outlined in red, his eyes staring straight at her,  Vik said her new contacts would highlight if enemies saw her.. No, there’s no possible way. The man has barely set a borged-out foot into the room. She meets his gaze head on, swallowing the lump in her throat as she tries to seem braver than she is. On the off chance he may truly know the mercs are there. 
“Is that… Is that Adam Smasher?” Jackie whispers and V trusts him to look at her hands  as she signs, not wanting to break eye contact with the robotic monstrosity, refusing to show weakness.
“Worse,” her trust in her friend is well placed, “Night City legend. Bleak motherfuckin' one, too. What's the plan?”
“We stay quiet and we wait.” 
A flash of movement makes V finally break the stare down, Yorinobu walks to the middle of the room and stops at the seat across from the table, black fabric strewn across it. He picks it up, regarding it for a moment and her heart drops into her stomach. 
V’s jacket. She left her fucking jacket on his chair, like an idiot, she didn’t even have time to consider grabbing it. They’re going to die because she left her fucking jacket out in the open and Adam Smasher is still staring at her. 
She half expects Yorinobu to call a sweep of the room, ring security, that he’ll realize the random jacket must be an intruder. But he shakes his head, tosses it aside onto the floor, not giving it another thought. While his body guard Smasher lingers in the corner, robotic eyes staring straight at V, watching the mercs squirm. 
“Are they here yet?” Yorinobu asks out loud. 
“They approach from the landing pad,” an AI voice responds. 
“Fuck are they talking about?” V resists the urge to elbow Jackie, silence has never been more important. One sound too loud and a borged out psycho will rip their heads off. And if her contacts are right, Smasher may just be waiting for the perfect opportunity. 
“Nuh-uh, no fucking way…. This isn't happening…!” T-Bug whispers over comms and V sees someone coming down the spiraling stairs, a guard it seems, with another older man following him, “Saburo Arasaka.” 
The second man is older, much older than the first. Balding with gray hairs and liver spots across his scalp, glasses perched high upon his nose. Dressed in a mixture of yukata robes over what seems to be slacks and loafers he takes slow measured steps down the stairs. The head capitalist himself, owner of Arasaka. 
“The emperor? Yet another asslickin' legend….” 
V taps Jackie’s side and puts her finger to her lips, encouraging him to be quiet. The man who led Saburo in starts to walk around the room. He’s older than V or Jackie, but nowhere near Saburo’s age. Long graying dark hair pulled back in a bun, cyberware across his neck coming out from under his black suit. 
“I thought I told you not to meddle in my affairs,” Yorinobu speaks in his native tongue, V’s contacts translating and subtitling to English. 
“Oh fuck,” Jackie curses as the long haired guard comes to stand in front of them, silver ringed brown eyes starting to scan them. 
“Leave us,” Saburo orders and the guard stops scanning, turning to face the corporate leader. 
“Arasaka-sama, I still haven't done a full sweep.” The guard turns his back and V can see where part of his hair is shaved, allowing intense cyberware extending beyond his neck and towards his scalp. 
“This is my son.”
“Of course. Should I retrieve what we come here to-” 
“I will handle it. You may go.”
The long haired guard bows and goes to leave the room, finally Adam Smasher’s gaze on her drops, as the borged freak leaves with the guard through the elevator doors. If they’re here to retrieve something… it’s likely the biochip, which means if they go to get it and see it’s gone… They’re fucked. They’re straight fucked. 
“Un-fucking-believable… Saburo Arasaka.” That comment makes V nudge Jackie with her foot, once again begging him to just stay quiet. 
“Did you think I wouldn't know it was taken from me?” Saburo asks his son, barely making eye contact as Yorinobu looks through a datapad. 
“Actually, I don't think of you at all. Ever. You see, that's your problem. You think the world revolves around you. Arrogant.” 
“Why did you come? To humiliate me? To personally see to it that your son knows his place?”
“"The nail that protrudes from the wall gets hammered…"
“Couldn't think of anything original to say?” Yorinobu yells in exasperation, standing up and pacing around the room.  He’s on edge, looking ready to jump out of his skin and V can’t say she has a good feeling about any of this. 
“And do you think it ‘original’ to sell our greatest achievement to Westerners - our future to these… barbarians?!”
It’s definitely the biochip Saburo is after, they’re screwed, monumentally screwed. V would laugh if she didn’t feel like dying, of course, of course it all goes to shit. 
“Our future? Ours?! You are mistaken. You've only ever cared about yourself… and your sick schemes.” Yorinobu points and swings his limbs, still pacing, every word coiled tight with barely restrained hatred. 
“I knew this day would come. That sooner or later your impudence would cross the line,” Saburo is calmer, measured, taking soft steps towards his son, “There is much for which I could forgive you, but for treason - no.” 
The two men, father and son now stand in front of the pillar before an audience they don’t know. Stares trained on each other, each hateful, but one furious in it’s spite and the other calm in it’s contempt. Moments pass, no word said, each waiting for the other to light a fuse that will set off the powder keg. 
“I'm just glad your mother didn't live to see this. The heart should break but once.” 
And it goes off. Saburo’s words are punctuated by Yorinobu’s hands wrapping tightly around the old man’s throat. Yorinobu slams his father back against the pillar, cracking the glass in front of Jackie and busting open Saburo’s head. Blood streaking the shards. And he pulls away and for a moment, as Saburo clutches at his crushed windpipe, Yorinobu seems nearly regretful. 
“You shall never have to forgive me for anything again.” 
His hands wrap again, choking his father against the pillar. Until Saburo starts to fall limp, Yorinobu bringing him down onto the floor in a lifeless heap. Yorinobu stands over his father. Saburo is dead, killed before the merc’s very eyes at the hands of his own son. Jackie curses and V watches as Yorinobu paces, mind clearly racing before he stands over his father’s corpse again. 
“I wish… I wish to put the hotel on lockdown.” 
What does that mean? What the hell does that mean?
“May I ask why?” The AI secretary asks him. 
“Saburo Arasaka has been murdered.”
“Code red initiated. Attention! Code Red has been initiated throughout Konpeki Plaza. Please remain in your rooms and follow all instructions given by staff.”
Oh no, oh fuck no. The lights in the room drop, only bright neon red ones glowing angry in the dark. What the hell is going to happen? What the fuck do they do now? The elevator doors open, Smasher and the long haired guard walking in; the latter rushes and comes to a full stop when he sees Saburo’s corpse. 
“What happened?”
“Someone… someone poisoned my father.”
“Seems so.” 
“Yorinobu-san… I doubt…”
Yorinobu glowers at the guard, pushing into his personal space, trying to intimdate him. Trying to make him stop questioning what happened, trying to stop him from looking any closer. Anyone who gets a good look at Saburo’s corpse will see the fingerprints around his neck. 
“What is your job, Takemura?”
“I don't follow.”
“It's a simple question. Answer it.”
“To protect the head of the Arasaka family.”
“I do sincerely hope you'll do a better job of executing your duties from now on…”
“Forgive me, Arasaka-sama,” the guard drops his head in shame, “I shall not disappoint.” 
Yorinobu turns to leave the suite. The guard, Takemura, follows close behind. And the still red highlighted Smasher follows behind him. The elevator doors close behind them. Jackie and V left alone in the suite again. But what the fuck just happened? 
“What the fuck just happened in there?” T-Bug asks, exactly what’s rattling around V’s skull as the pillar back opens again. Jackie and V clambering out. 
“Yorinobu just killed Saburo, he fucking choked out his own dad, I didn’t even know you could do that!” V rambles and yells as she turns the corner of the pillar, looking down at Saburo’s corpse. She quickly checks his pockets, stealing some cash and a pair of dog tags off of him. 
“His own fuckin’ pops.” 
“Know what this means?l Security's gonna swarm the place any second. Oh my god, we're so fucked!”
“We need to get the fuck out of here, now!” They can’t just go out the elevator, they’d meet security on the way. They’re beyond fucked. Why the hell did they take this stupid fucking job!?
“Gimme a sec!”
There’s the helipad, but it’s not like they have anything that fucking flies. Think, think, think; she screams in her head to just fucking think, there has to be something, anything. 
“We don't have a sec!”
“Okay, got somethin'! Window - now! Releasing the lock! Should see a ladder… Ladder…” 
V sees an opening in the large windowed walls, double doors practically made of glass they goes onto the ledge. This has to be in, T-Bug can undo the lock and they’ll slip out. 
“Oh fuck.” T-Bugs voice drops and a chill shoots up V’s back, something is wrong. 
“No, no, no, no - not now…! I’ve been made… “ 
And panic turns to agony as T-Bug screams, a shrill cry of pain then she’s gone. Connectuon cut and V freezes in place. 
Bug is gone, just gone… 
Maybe, Konpeki just cut their comms? But the scream rings through V’s mind. She’s heard of how runner’s can die, daemons and quick hacks. Having their entire brain fried, every nerve and neuron set on fire, burned from the inside out... And all that's left to find is a simmering corpse stewing in their own filth. Bug was never meant for that, meant to retire, meant to find peace after years of netrunning. But now… 
“Bug.!? Bug!? Can you fuckin’ hear me, Bug please, are you there!?” V calls out, words slurring together. She just needs to hear Bug one more time, and know everything is okay. 
And nothing. 
“¡Pinche Dios Santo bendito! We lost her, V!” 
“They...scorched her...didn’t they…?” 
“We… we gotta go, V,” Jackie says, voice cracking as he smacks at V’s shoulder. 
Bug’s final hack going through, the window unlocked. V steps out through the window onto the ledge, rain pelting her skin as she rushes around the corner. Bug said there’s a ladder they can use, last thing Bug ever said… There’s no time for mourning, no time to cry, they need to get through this. The ledge narrows around the corner, ride lights outside the hotel window guiding the way, secured against the steel of the hotel. V sees the yellow safety ladder. The merc presses her back to the building, gently side stepping across the narrow ledge, if they just reach the ladder. One wrong step and they’ll plummet. 
“You can do it, Jackie… just don't look down,” jackie tries to talk himself up, following V, “ Yep, that's fuckin' high…!”
There’s a whir of engines, an aircraft vehicle buzzing around the outside of the hotel.
“Shit! That Trauma?” Jackie asks and that’s exactly what they need right now, doctors shooting them. 
“If they’re here for Saburo, they’re a little late.” 
“Just hope they didn't see us! ¡Chingada madre!”
The aircraft carrier flies in close, flashing blinding white light onto the mercs. It sees them, definitely sees them. 
“Suspects in violation of security protocols.” The mechanical voice croaks out. 
“Time to bail!’ Jackie screams and the aircraft starts to fire, drone automated shooting at them. 
The glass around them bursts and V jumps, grabbing Jackie’s hand in her left, she swings her right blade out towards the ladder. It hooks in the bottom rung, creaking in distress as it stops their fall. And there the mercs hang, suspended by a single Mantis Blade and a ladder rung; rain pouring down upon them and a drone still searching for them through the debris. The strain pulls at V’s arm, pain shooting throughout, shoulders ache and left arm pulled tight trying to hold Jackie and the case he holds in his other hand. 
If she could pull them up with the blade, maybe they can get to safety. But her muscles already strain, wrought tight with the strength it takes to hold them up. The blade pulling at the inner tissue it’s attached too, never meant to support more weight than the person it’s attached to. Rain and tears sting her eyes as she forces herself to pull with the blade, use it to lift them up. 
“V! I can’t hold on!’ Jackie yells out, rain slick hand starting to slip from her own. She digs her nails into his skin, holding him tighter. 
“Just a bit more, I can do this!” 
Her throat is raw and she doesn’t know how much she believes her own words. Nerves scream in pain as her cyberware pulls at what’s left of her flesh. Muscles cry as forced beyond their capability. She curses beneath her breath, pulling them just a little further up. Immeasurable pain and brute force of will only amounting to the tiniest bit of progress, not even an inch closer to safety. Her blade is pulling further out from her skin, raising up from her arm in a way she knows it shouldn’t. 
Every nerve in her arms on fire; blade tugging at flesh and the other nearly pulled from socket under Jackie’s weight. Barely an inch closer to the safety, Jackie slipping from her grip quicker than she can pull, blade lifting from her arm quicker than she can move them. Her teeth sinks into the inside of her cheek, hard enough to bleed as she pushes herself further. Closer, closer, she urges herself. 
A bright white light shines across them, illuminating them in the gray night, adding another ache to her eyes. Drone marked Arasaka buzzing around, refinding them within the debris of the destroyed hotel wall. The robotic voice speaking again. 
“Violators found.” 
And her blade breaks, V’s eye blown wide as they begin to plummet, shock blurs her pain and deafens the world.  Slowing it for a moment, only able to stare as metal snaps, tissue tears, and her arm is ripped open. Cyberware tearing out tissue and nerves, viscera left behind. 
Then she hits glass, shattering it as gravity slams her through and shock becomes hurt. She hits metal, body bouncing from impact, crying as the air is knocked from her lungs. Her head bashing against something. V clutches her arm, the pain it hitting her as everything else does, blood sticking to her fingers. Each breath hurts, a labored wheeze as bruised lungs strain to work. 
V blinks, sitting up slightly, regaining her sense of self now that her fall is broken. Across from her is Jackie and the cryo-case. She looks at her arm, A solid rip from wrist to near elbow, nearly an open hole, metal and moving inner parts of the cyberware mixed with gore. It doesn’t bleed as much as she'd expect, the internal mechanics helping block major bleed out. It hurts, metal now working against raw nerves. But, she’ll live… if this is the worst that happens, she’ll live.
The cryo-case is dented, part of it sparking and part of it splatted with blood. But her eye is drawn to Jackie. A tear in his gut, shrapnel and glass caught him well, bleeding more than her. The white of the button up around his stomach turned scarlet. 
“The Relic! ¡Madres! Agh… Oh, this ain't good. Agh…” Jackie curses, each breath pained. 
“Jackie, you’re hurt!” 
“Worry about me later,” he growls, “check the relic… "Container depressurized. Biochip integrity at ninety-four percent." And fuckin' droppin'! Carajo! Parker! Call her!”
“And tell her what!? We fucked up!?” 
“Just do it!”
Evelyn answers after a short ring, her avatar coming across V’s contacts. 
“V?! Konpeki's all over the feeds! What the fuck's going on there?”
“Got a problem! Cryo-case is damaged. Biochip's integrity at… Jackie?”
“Eighty-six percent!”
“Eighty-six percent and droppin'!”
“Shit…! OK, listen to me. There's only one thing you can do. One of you's gotta slot the Relic into your neural port!”
“That sounds really dangerous!” 
God only knows how this biochip could fuck them up, the relic itself is like putting another personality in your head, seeing ghosts. If this one is even half as fucked up as that, they could be putting themselves in serious danger. 
“The longer you wait, the greater the risk we lose it!” 
“Well, someone’s got to do it,” Jackie says, voice a rasp, face steadily draining color as he opens the case, “In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit - Amen.”
Jackie crosses his body with the pray and pushes the chip into his neural port and V watches his eyes light up for a moment. And he’s quiet for another, a second too long.
“You okay?” 
“Dunno… I guess… Don't feel any different.”
“Once you're back, we'll take out the Relic and run a full brain scan and sweep. But you two need to get the fuck out of there first!”
“We’re working on it!” 
Jackie and V get back on their feet. He holds his hand to his stomach, trying to press his guts together and she keeps her arm held close to her chest, not putting pressure on it. Jackie calls Delamain. 
“Del, we'll be there in a couple. Be ready, got it?”
“Certainly, Mr. Welles.”
“Better be fuckin' certain.”
“We gotta somehow… reach the lobby. Only chance to hit the garage. And we'd best be quick,” Jackie jabs himself with an air hypo, “ Oh-ho, that's the shit… Great… Now let's get outta here.”
“Wait, take your jacket off, use it to keep pressure on your gut, okay? Should help with the bleeding.” 
It’s minimal first aid knowledge, she knows. Hold something to a wound to keep it from bleeding out as quickly. But it’s all she can offer, helping Jackie get the jacket off with one hand, so he can press it to his stomach wound. She can move her right hand somewhat, but it hurts and she swears she can see the tendons moving around the metal in the gaping wound her forearm has become. She catches herself wondering if she’ll be able to sign with her right hand again. But, there’s no time for those fears. 
She walks down the red lit metal grate, heels nearly catching in it as she turns to a doorway. V leads the way, less injured than Jackie, she pushes the door open. A door lobby with glass banisters and plants, the only light the bright red ones. 
“Great… Now let's get outta here,” Jackie says, each word a stressful choking sound to get out. 
An AI voice speaks repeatedly over the speakers that Konpeki plaza is in code red, as the mercs work to move quickly and quietly. Catching the murmuring of two guards as they reach a marble staircase, speaking of sweeping the floors and checking the lobby. They creep around the corner and past a desk, seeing the back of the men’s through the glass banister. The only sound the pounding of V’s heart and Jackie’s labored breathing. They watch as the two men separate, enough space for each to grab one. 
They move down the last stretch of the stairs, guards talking about evacuating Yorinobu. She lets Jackie take the one closest to them as she moves further to the one at the doorway. V swings her left blade, now her only one, through the man’s gut. Her right arm shoots pain through each nerve, metal inside churching to dispense a blade that no longer exists. She holds back a sound, Jackie’s already choked out the other guard, checking for pockets. Each one armed with a silenced gun. She steals ammo off of them.
They come to another door, each catching their breath. Sweat clinging to V’s brow as they brace themselves for what’s to come next. 
“Careful… security likely to be swarmin' outside,” Jackie warns and V nods, words clumping together in her throat as she opens the door. 
They stay crouched, spotting more guards as they go. The pair hide behind a planter, V taking a scan of the area, spotting a security camera. Remembering Bug’s lessons, she’s quickly able to shut them off. She’s the one to step back out, leading the way for the first time in months of working together. V needs to get Jackie through this, he’s holding on now, but.. 
She grabs a guard from behind and snaps their neck, arm twinging in agony at the movement she throws their body aside, clearing a long stretch of hallway for Jackie to follow her down. All light bright red and screens that once showed commercials now flash the words, Code Red. She leaves Jackie to stay hidden behind a counter when she sees another by the doorway, jumping at his back and dropping him just like his coworker.  
“Ain't doin' too bad… Just a little further…” Jackie whispers as she drops another guy, her arm screaming at her to stop. But she’ll survive without an arm, if worse comes to worse, she can’t let Jackie get hurt any worse. 
They creep through a door, past a desk, hearing a guard yelling out as they sneak and weave through the room. She watches over the top of a planter as the guard walks past them, none the wiser as V creeps around, getting behind him, and taking him down. She can’t risk leaving any behind, leaving one alive and them finding the mercs later. The hotel is huge, a labyrinth of Arasaka guards. 
“Engaging hostiles!” A voice booms out, the mercs spotted by a heavily armed Arasaka guard who nearly trips over V.
Fuck, fuck, so much for stealth. Jackie shoots over a counter, trying to stay somewhat protected from the gunfire, while V takes lead, firing Yorinobu’s gun at the men, only dropping behind cover to reload, she blasts. Fuck it, stealth not an option, she’ll turn the whole damn hotel into a blood bath. 
The guards drop and V knows she’s been shot, but she’s standing so she moves onward. Through a doorway, three more men open fire as the mercs turn the corner. V blasts a bullet through ones head, Jackie blows the second full of holes. 
“One more fucker dead!” 
The third is further back behind a glass door and V charges forward, glass open as she fires at the man. Bullets ripping through his chest in a spray of blood before he collapses, red smeared across the marble. If she gets a chance to sleep tonight, she’ll be seeing red in her dreams. The vivid neon lights of the emergency lit hotel, the burgundy uniforms, and the steady spray of it from every shot fired. 
Jackie and V go running around a corner, through another glass doorway and slide into side of a marble planter. Taking a moment to breathe, she can hear guards talking. Orders from higher up, panicked yells from the less experienced. She can spot two around the corner, but can’t get a clear shot. She runs to the open doorway, catching one off guard as she slams into his view and rips a blade through his gut. 
A full armored worker fires off when he sees it, partially hidden by a linen rack. Another runs in, half hiding behind a planter, firing off around the corner. She presses against a wall between it and a partial doorway, reloading before she looks back through. The less armored man moves around a pillar, peeking from behind cover, and she shoots his head as soon as she sees it, watching him hit the marble. 
She struggles to get a clear shot of the third, still hidden behind the rack and so she runs forward, past the rack and coming to a sliding stop behind him. The guard fumbles to swing around when he realizes where she’s landed. Back turned to Jackie now, her friend fires a shot clean through the guard’s head. 
The room is cleared for a moment and the elevator is nearby, she runs past a desk, when she sees the button screen. A glowing red off symbol. 
“Chingo tu madre! It's shut down! What about the other one?” Jackie yells between rattling breaths, she wanted this to be stealthy, didn’t want to put him anymore danger. 
She runs, heels clicking against blood streaked marble, nearly tripping over a corpse. Quickly trying to stop herself when another guard springs up behind a desk. Two more swarming the room, one in the heavy almost samurai-like Arasaka armor. 
“Orale! Got to plough through them!” 
She focuses on the Saka samurai, pulling the trigger again and again,  Thankful to have emptied the ammo off every body she’s dropped so far. A bullet catches his throat, a gush of blood as he paints the floor,  and she shifts to the other men. A headshot on one, the other already down thanks to Jackie. 
V searches their corpses, pocketing ammo and bounce backs, when she finds an access token on the samurai. V thanks any god that may be listening, if they exist and makes a beeline for the elevator at the end of the room. 
“Got access,” she breathes out, calling the elevator. 
Its doors open and she steps in, the side railing lit that bright red. She waits as Jackie rushes in, he’s still in somewhat decent shape it seems. Not the ideal heist, she thinks as she hits the button, but maybe they can get out of this. Rush Jackie to a ripper, check on T-Bug, collect their eddies, and tonight will be a story to tell later. Remember the Konpeki Heist, how everything that could go wrong did. 
“Hah-… agh! Heh, hng…” She can’t tell if he’s laughing or groaning in pain, maybe both. Blood is coating his hands, has he bled through the jacket? No, Jackie’s bulletproof, said it himself a billion times. He’ll be okay, he has to be. 
“Saburo Arasaka, Hundred and fifty years… and today… of all fuckin' days. That's like… some divine comedy shit… hehehehe… agh.”
And he’s laughing, of course he is, holding his guts together and he laughs, because why would Jackie Welles do anything else. She’s not sure if she’s going to cry or laugh along, if she’s charmed or infuriated by it; is he just still desperately searching for that silver lining or does he genuinely not give a fuck if he flatlines? That idea, the thought, makes her throat tighten. He can’t die, he won’t die, she won’t let him. 
“Save your strength, please, we’re not out of the woods yet.” 
“What do you think I’m doing!?” She doesn’t miss the frustration, because if he wasn’t so hurt, he’d been the one leading that battle, charging in to take brunt of it all, “Buuut… chill, V. We'll get out alive.” 
“I know we will,” she says and wants so desperately to believe.
The elevator reaches the lobby, doors open to more guards, more gunfire. She shoots at one that looks out behind a wall, three more in the main room of the lobby. Jackie slides behind a desk, using it for cover between shots. V takes lead, shooting from around a doorway. Its chaos and mayhem, V blasting the four men. One dropping behind a chair, catching one through the green ferns growing from a planter.  Three more Arasaka corpses, splattering blood across marble and the roots of those towering trees. Bullet after bullet, shot after shot, until her ears are ringing and three remain; the mercs and one last guard. 
He throws a grenade across the room at them, V shooting it in the air before it can hit them, smoke and fire smoldering across the ceiling. She uses the chance to close the gap and blows his brains out at close range.  
Room cleared they rush through the rest of the lobby, finally reaching the elevator that will take them to the garage. V slams the button, calling the elevator. The door opens and she runs inside, expecting Jackie to run in after her. His steps are slowing and he leans against the wall for a moment instead, having to catch a second wind. He’s getting worse, but they’re in the homestretch, they can do this. They can do this, he stumbles through, leaning against the elevator wall. 
“Argh… I'm leakin' a little…” His voice a rasp. 
The elevator stops at the garage, so close to safety. Doors opening she can already hear the guards and the mercs step out, eye on them, its a swarm of Arasaka. Gunfire rings out alongside the screech of brakes. The Delamain taxis coming to a stop in the center of the garage, it’s doors flinging open. 
“I advise that you waste no time in entering the vehicle,” Delamain chirps at them, like this is a normal night. 
But she needs no prodding. V grabs Jackie’s hand and runs for the taxi, dragging him through the garage to the open doors. Rather than making him walk around, she shoves Jackie through her side on the right, letting him slide into the left seat before she jumps in; he needs the extra second of protection more than her.  The doors shut, bulletproof shields raising as they the taxi is blasted by the guards. They’re safe? Right?
“Welcome back. With Delamain, you leave your problems at the door….”
And Delamain does just that, engines firing up as he rams through the garage door like it’s nothing. She leans forward on the two front seats. As the taxi takes a sharp turn, they’re almost there, almost safe. Jackie wasn’t fucking around about the combat mode. 
“Not bad at all.” 
“Client feedback noted.”
“How’s the ride looking?” 
“Tiptop. Though alas, we are being pursued.”
And then she sees him, Adam Smasher, the borged monster of a former man rushes them. No hesitation, no fear, as he slams his entire body into the car. Shattering glass, gnashing metal, and nearly sending the car to the side; slamming V and Jackie to the right. 
“Sweet fuckin’ jesus!” 
Jackie curses as V screams, the hell kind of freak is this guy? The car goes back down on its wheels. Adam Smasher on a metal knee, slowing standing up on front of the car. 
“Combat mode activated. Please remain calm.”
“Calm!!!????” She yells out as Delamain begins to drive backwards. 
 “Road block ahead. I kindly request that you brace for impact.”
“¡Oy, mis huevos! Shiiiit!”
The cab takes a turn, rather than driving through Adam Smasher, it goes through another roadway. A row of cars blocking the way and Delamain slams through through without hesitation, taking them through the Night City roads away from the hotel. Jackie is hunched over, bloody hands still pressing the jacket to his gut, the white shirt soaked through with it. 
“A hostile enemy aircraft has a lock on us.”
V doesn’t need a word more from the AI taxi, climbing halfway out of the window, she spots the drones flying after them. Three of them. Needing steadier aim, she flips off her hearing aids with a thought, steeling herself as the car weaves through the road and she fires at them. This is Arasaka’s last ditch effor to keep a lock on them, if she can get rid of them, they’re in the clear. 
Three shots; first drone goes down sparking as it hits the city streets. Two more kills the second, the metal remains slamming into a streetlamp. And the third goes down with a final shot, smoldering onto the roof of a  BD store. She turns her hearing aids back on as she slides into her seat again; they’re gone. 
“Hostile aircraft eliminated.”
“Nice work there… Del…”
She shifts to look at Jackie, he has one hand on his stomach, the other braced against the door. V grabs his shoulder with one hand and his leg with the other, practically shaking him. 
“We did it, Jackie! We made it!” 
“Heh...guess we did…” It’s not the triumphant excited Jackie, she’d expect to hear. His voice still rough, a rattle barely leaving his lungs. Her eyes sting, no, no. 
“My medical diagnostics indicate that Mr. Welles’ condition is critical.”
“Critical, what- take us to a fucking ripperdoc, now! Vik’s behind Misty’s shop!” 
She reaches to put pressure against the jacket over his wound, hand over his, but the fabric is bled all the way through. Blood sticking to her skin, warmer than Jackie’s skin and he’s looking pale, paler every second. He leans back against the chair, strength starting to leave his body. 
“Apologies, but that will not be possible. Our itinerary has been pre-arranged and paid for in advance. I am not at liberty to alter it.”
“Fuck your itinerary and fuck your liberty, just get us to goddamn doctor!” 
“It's OK, V… I'll hold out…” 
When did his nose start to bleed, when he did he start hacking up blood, red streaking down his nostrils and over his chin. She sucks in a shaky breath, eyes starting to water. No, not Jackie, anyone but him… please.  She doesn’t know who she’s begging; maybe god, maybe fate, maybe just anything in this world that will listen. 
“Yeah, yeah,” she chokes out, nodding, “you-you just got to hold on, okay? And, and, we’ll hit the major leagues. Only the best jobs, swimming in eddies, just like you always wanted.” 
She brings her forehead to his, feeling the cold sweat of his skin, hoping her warmth, touch, her words; anything will keep him alert. The tears flow freely now, wet and hot on her cheeks. 
“Mija...  you’re gonna be rich, I can feel it…” 
“No, we’re gonna be rich, Jackie! You and me, that’s how it’s always been, I-I can’t do it without you, y-you got to stay with me okay! We’ll get back, you can see Misty and your mom, everyone and let them know you made it.” 
“Misty… She knew… She always knew…” he breathes out, eyes glassy with a weak smile, “told me not to take this job, why she always got to be right?” 
“J-just a little longer, please, Jackie...please,” she begs him, like he can stop it. Like he can put his inside back together, stop the color from draining out of his face, and can just stay with her. 
“The biochip…” he holds her shoulder, grasp weak, and takes the chip from his head with the other, “Hold on to it. For me…”
And he slides it into her neuroport, her vision glitching for a moment. She surges forward, wrapping her arms as tightly as she can, burying his head into his chest, crying into him as she clings tightly; wishing she had the strength to just hold him together. 
“Please, please, Jackie, I can’t lose you, just a little longer, please,” she sobs into his ashen skin and blood soaked shirt, begging with every slowed beat of his heart. 
For a moment his hands graze her back and she waits for a bear hug, for him to squeeze the breath from her lungs and lift her from her seat like he’s done so many times. For him to be Jackie; her best friend, her partner in crimes, her brother, her everything. But his touch is faint, the space between each beat growing further and further. Until his hands fall limp, body slack in her arms, and she knows the next heartbeat will never come. 
And she sobs, she holds him and cries out her pain, if only for a moment. No more ‘chicas’, ‘jainas’, or the odd ‘mija’. No more smiles that outshine the sun. No more nagging her to look on the bright side. No more bear hugs or hands the size of her head ruffling through her hair. No more Jackie…. And it’s not fair and it’s not right. 
“Mr. Welles has passed. Where shall I take his remains?” A robotic voice asks and she realizes the car is no longer moving. 
She forces herself to let him go, one of the hardest things she’ll ever have to do. Pulling away, she sees him, truly lifeless. Bright green eyes now dull with no light behind them, limp hands falling away from her. 
“W-what?” She stumbles over the word, brain fogged over with grief. 
“The Excelsior package provides for the disposal of passenger remains free of charge. I merely require a destination.”
“I…he-he’d want to be with his family,” she stumbles across her words. 
“Mr. Welles' closest blood relative is Guadalupe Alejandra Welles, proprietress of the El Coyote Cojo bar. I will make sure to deliver him safely. Mr. DeShawn awaits you in room number two-oh-four. ” 
That’s right… Dex… The chip. The world didn’t stop spinning, only her’s. There’s still a job. And the idea of still going, that there’s a tomorrow beyond today, seems unfathomable. How the hell could she ever move on…  
Because Jackie would kill her if she didn’t and she knows that. He’d haunt her for a thousand years and kick her ass every day of it. She looks at the remains, her friend gone, now limp and bleeding across white leather. And knows if he could speak, he’d tell her to get her ass to that hotel room and finish this job, that he and Bug didn’t die just for V to bury herself alongside them. She squeezes his shoulder, presses her forehead to Jackie’s one last time, feeling the cold of his skin. 
“See ya in the major leagues, Jack…”
V opens the car door and steps out into the backlot behind the motel. Rain pours down across her bloodied skin, soaking her to the bones, a numb chill clinging to her. Painted across brick is the Night City emblem marks the wall, red graffiti altering its slogan.. The city of broken dreams… 
She moves, on autopilot as she makes her way up the stairs and to the back door of the motel, sheltered from the rain once she’s in a trash filled back room. The motel is bathed in the neon red lights, only offset by the white of sign bearing its name, it’s always red. She stumbles up the staircase and then  another, past a tv chattering on about Saburo Arasaka. 
The merc walks down the gloomy hallway, dark except for warm yellow floor lights, Graffiti covered walls, rain washing down the windows at the end of it. And she reaches room 204, her arm leaden as she knocks. 
No response. 
“Its V,” she yells out, knocking harder. 
The door opens but before she can take another step, Dex’s body guard takes a step out. Large hand blocking her from coming further. He checks the hallway, making sure she wasn’t followed. After a moment, he finally pulls away. 
“He waiting.” 
The man takes a step back, allowing V into the room. She pushes through a bead curtain and sees Dex, leaning over a TV screen, another cigar between his golden fingers. She clears her throat, hearing the door close behind her. 
“WNS… N54… Even the pirate networks… You blowin' up everywhere! And the Jackster? He out in the car?” 
“He’s...dead,” her voice breaks, words like thorns in her throat. Having to say it, having to hear it from her own lips… 
“Condolences friend,” he tells her, shifting to look at her rather than the tv, “and the relic?” 
“Here,” she says, voice a murmur as she taps her neural port. 
“Hmm, I was afraid of that…” 
She got the fucking relic, everyone is fucking dead, but she got the relic! Everyone died for this fucking chip and now he’s disappointed that she has it!?
“Saburo Arasaka?” Dex paces, smoking his cigar, “Dead…?! You got any notion of the shit you pulled me into?! You offed the fuckin' emperor! His majesty! Anyone with so much as a pinky toe dipped in this mess is as good as dead!’
“I didn’t kill Saburo! I- I-” she stalls, wanting to say she didn’t do anything, but can she say that? Can she act like she didn’t fuck up any of this? Like she has no role in Jackie and Bug’s deaths… 
"No shit?l Tell that to the ‘Saka ninjas they send after you!”
“We...we got to leave the city.” 
Badlands isn’t the safest for her, but it will be safer with money, she could settle in another city, maybe. She can outrun her family more than Arasaka. 
“You don’t say.” 
“Call Parker, we close the deal, collect our eddies, and go off the radar.” 
“A’ight, settle down,” he sits down on the leather couch, “Gotta be tactical about this. Parker, eddies, then we leave the city limits behind. But first… Your face… got blood all over it. Bathroom's there. Go get yourself cleaned up.”
He points her to the bathroom of the motel and she nods, in no place to argue, she just wants to be on the other side of this mess. To be able to tell herself at least she made it to the major leagues, at least Jackie would be proud of her, even if he isn’t here to see it. 
V stumbles into the bathroom, legs wobbling. Everything should hurt, her arm ripped open. Bruises mottling every inch of flesh. But she’s… numb. She works on autopilot, only somewhat aware of the door shutting behind her as she grips the sink, streaking blood across the silver.
Her blood and Jackie’s. 
Bile rushes up her throat, stinging as she pukes into the sink, choking and gagging it out. The tears threaten to come again, eyes stinging as he nails dig into the sink. He’s gone, he’s really fucking gone. Her best friend, her brother in everything but blood and name, her rock, and world. The man who took her in, who gave her a goal, a life… 
And how’d she repay him? 
Watch him die in the back of a Delamain. All her promises to keep him safe, to repay back all the kindness he gave to her. And she couldn’t save him, couldn’t protect him, couldn’t do shit but hold him. Fuckin’ only time she really hugged him with all she had and she doesn’t even know if he could really feel it, if his body was too numb. 
If she would have refused the job. 
If she had gotten them up the ladder. 
If she had been stronger. 
If she had been stealthier.
If she had gotten them through the lobby quicker. 
If she could have convinced Delamain to get him to a doc.
If she knew better first aid. 
If….if… if… 
Thoughts spin and whirl through her mind, a thousand reasons why it’s her fault. Why she could have saved him, why she could have done more, why she failed him… 
Misty will never take Jackie’s last name and it’s V’s  fault. They’ll never have kids, they’ll never buy a home together, he’ll never get to take her to that stupid hotel bar with the annoying waiter. 
Senora Welles will be forced to bury her son and it’s V’s fault. She’ll never hold her son again. Never see him smile again. Never see him live out his dream. Never cook his favorite foods for him and nag him not to talk with his mouth full. 
Jackie had a future, a family, people who loved him. He was going to marry Misty one day, have kids. Get enough eddies to provide for them and his mom. And now there’s a hole in all of their lives. The world as a whole now worse off without him, her own world destroyed. It should have been her, she knows that, the world would be better off losing her than losing him. 
Yet here she is and she’s just supposed to keep moving, supposed to keep breathing, supposed to live a life post Jackie. 
When she looks up, she sees her own reflection staring back at her. Red rimmed eyes, swollen  from crying and blood splattered across her skin, stuck in the ends of her hair. And she doesn’t know where it’s from, if it’s her own, if it’s Jackie’s, or if it’s from the people she killed tonight. T-Bug and Jackie gone, yet she’s here. 
A brilliant talented netrunner is gone. But she’s still here. 
The kindest man to walk in Night City is gone. But she’s still here. 
She glares at herself, because she has no right to be here and the world has no right to be this cruel. Her fingers clenches, pulling at her damaged nerve endings and she slams her fist into the mirror. Glass shatters and crackles, shards splintering into her knuckles. 
V washes the blood from her hands and face, cleaner but still a zombie as she turns to the door. Jackie wanted this for her, one of the only people who ever wanted anything good for her. If only for him, she owes it to him to finish this job. She stumbles to the bathroom door and opens it, stepping out.
Knuckles collide with her head, wracking more pain through an already injured merc, she’s sent sprawling to the ground. She curses and twists around on the floor, not sure she has the energy to stand back up, vision blurring as Dex’s bodyguard stomps on her. Heavy foot colliding with her head. She curses and sputters choking on blood.  She twists onto her back, blinking through the pain as Dex’s bodyguard hands him a pistol. The fixer walks closer, standing over her.
“Can't risk it, V,” he says casually, leveling his gun with her head,” ‘Member our first convo?”
“I’ll fucking kill you!” She screams, spitting blood as she stares down the barrel. 
“Seems I've chosen the quiet life, after all. No blaze o' glory for me.” 
The shot rings out, loud and clear, the world going dark as a bullet rips through the young merc’s head. Blood splatters across the dirty carpet, her body going limp, a final breath gurgling forth as she chokes on her own blood, iron taste clinging in the back of her throat. 
Then she’s gone. 
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raendown · 7 years
Drunk Writing
Got drunk one night and asked people to send me prompts.
This section organized in order of completion.
Shino/Alyssa “Kiss me, you fool” Madara/Tobirama “Assassin au” Iruka “I challenge you to a dance off” Shisui/Tobirama “Accidental time travel” Kakashi/Sakura “Sakura punching someone to save Kakashi and he is in awe” Zabuza/TenTen “I hope you don’t mind, I helped myself to your sword” Kakashi/Sakura “Secret descendant Sakura” Madara/Tobirama "You just saved my life, but I'm too proud to say thank you, so here, have this instead" Tenzou/Sai “Did you know you’re broken?” Shikamaru/Shino “You don’t have to love me, it’s alright” Kakuzu/Hidan “Modern au flirting” Hashirama and Tobirama “He’s gone” Izuna/Tobirama “Loving any of us is a death sentence, isn't it?” Madara/Tobirama “I’m tired of being your secret” Madara/Tobirama [Sequel to Previous Story] Tobirama/Kagami “Greek mythology au” Madara/Kakashi "What do you mean, work with him? He tried to kill me!" Kakashi/Naruto “Porn collection and surprises” Madara/Tobirama “Drunk Tobirama and bartender Madara” Kakashi/Sakura “Pregnancy cravings” Danzo “Ruler of an empty village” Gaara/Naruto - “High school au” Madara/Kakashi “Time travelling Minato is mighty confused” Kakashi/Cass “Comforting a sick Cass” Madara/Tobirama “How do you fuck up this bad?” Madara/Tobirama “The Get Along Shirt” Kakashi and Iruka “Bad flirting to pick up the Reader” Kakashi/Yamato “Dancer au” Lee/Sakura “Drunken fist” Kakashi/Yamato "I'm sorry! I thought it was you!" Kakashi/Hana "You said you were just stepping out for a minute. It's been three days!" Tobirama “Do time travelers seek him out?” Madara/Kakashi “Time travel jealousy”
Take two! Did it again!
Madara/Tobirama “Welcome back. now fucking help me” Kakashi/Yamato “Bed hog” Madara/Tobirama “Sharing a tent” Neji/TenTen “Track team au” Madara/Tobirama l Madara/Hashirama “Senju bros vying for Madara’s attention” Ino/Sakura “Angel and demon au” Kakashi&Iruka “You’re literally the worst person ever” Madara/Tobirama “What do you mean you lost him?” Madara/Tobirama “Snarky argument” Ao/Mei “Mizukage-sama...shut up!” Kakashi/Sakura “Hospital after drinking contest” Ino/Sakura “Drunk and cute” Madara/Tobirama “Tobirama modelling new ANBU uniforms” Indra/Gaara “Time travel & it’s all team 7′s fault” Madara/Kakashi “In a hot spring together” Kakashi&Sakura “You’re gay? As in boyfriend gay? With like, hot dudes?” Kakashi/Obito “This is all your fault&I regret nothing” Kakuzu/Hidan “Try it one more time and I’ll rip your fucking head off” Madara/Tobirama “Sharing body heat to save a life” Tenzou/Iruka “Confession” Sakumo/Tsunade “Giving flowers” Obito “Guide To Cheating Death” Hashirama/Madara “Lazy Sunday morning” Anko&Tenzou “This is a terrible idea. I love it.” Madara/Tobirama “I’m caught between goodbye and I love you” Kakashi/Itachi “Kakashi’s idea of a perfect date” Deidara/Anko “Nice ponytail” Madara/Tobirama “Tobirama needs to borrow Madara’s clothing pre-relationship” Madara/Tobirama “Sharing a tent sequel from Madara’s POV” Hashirama/Madara/Tobirama “How it all began” Ay/Tsunade “Love at first sight” Itachi/Gai “One-sided pining Itachi”
Whoops! Take three!
Hidan “Drunk Hidan” Fuu “Drunk jinchuuriki” Madara/Tobirama “MadaTobi fluff” Kisame/Sakura “I should have killed you, you know?” Kisame/Itachi “Kisame taking care of sick/exhausted Itachi” Madara/Tobirama “Haunted inn” Hashirama&Tobirama “Drinking together, cute and cuddly Tobirama” Kakashi/Sakura “Clingy drunk Sakura” Madara/Tobirama “Ridiculously pretty ninja verse” Team 7 “Arm wrestling contest” Hashirama/Madara “Hashirama drunk off his ass” Izuna/Tobirama/Madara “Peaceful evening together” Kakashi&Jiraiya “Friendship in an alive Minato au” Tobirama/Kinkaku/Ginkaku “Smutty Valentine’s Day picture” Madara/Tobirama “I AM A GAY ICON! YOU CAN’T TALK TO ME THIS WAY!” Kakashi&Gai “Drunk Kakashi” Tobirama/Kakashi “Getting Tobirama drunk to see how he acts” Kakashi&Iruka “Any platonic situation” Minato/Kushina “Super drunk Minato” Madara/Tobirama “Hashirama and Madara friendship moment” Madara/Kakashi “Adorable puppies, secret identity” Sakura/Shikamaru “Star Trek au, USS Raendown meets its new engineer” Madara/Kakashi “Angst” Kakashi/Hana “Drunkenness” Kakashi/Sakura “Sakura forgot Valentine’s and Kakashi went all out” KakashiItachi “Jealous KakaIta”
Once more for ill health!
Ibiki/Anko + KakaYama “Double date, Ibiki must be involved somehow” Hashirama/Izuna “One of them talking dirty to the other” TenTen/Suigetsu “Lemme borrow that sword” Genma/Raidou “Bed sharing” Kakashi “Time travel, seeing his own trauma, therapy dogs” Hashirama/Izuna “Flowers, all the flowers” Tobirama/Kagami “Role/age swap” Team Minato “Obi anything please” Madara/Tobirama “Madara discovers Tobirama has a praise kink” Gaara/Karin “I can’t remember the last time I was this happy” Mito&Touka&Izuna “Friendship fic” Itachi/Shisui “Interrupted by ‘embarrassing’ bodily functions during sex” Izuna/Tobirama “Domestic fluff” Madara/Tobirama “A nice swim with all of their clothes on” Madara/Kakashi “First three cheesy tropes that come to mind” Rin&Neji “Meet in the afterlife” Kakashi “Tossed in to a strange world” Genma&Raidou&Kushina “Surviving the apocalypse with style” Madara&Hashirama&Tobirama “Experiment gone wrong, baby Tobirama” Deidara/Sakura “Trash talking fluff” Kakuzu/Ino “Snitches get stitches” Tobirama/Madara/Tobirama “The ‘real’ potential of shadow clones” Kakashi/Hana “What are you wearing?” Izuna “Blind!Izuna, focuses on touch” Naruto/Sakura “In which Rae is too drunk and reads ‘Hinata’ as ‘Naruto’...” Shino/Karin “I think I am in love” Madara/Kakashi “Prove it” Madara/Tobirama “Tobirama seduces Madara with a phallic object” Tobirama/Kagami “Undercover as lovers” Madara/Kakashi “Tell me the story of your scars” Shikamaru/Sakura “Comparing hair length” Tobirama/Kakashi “Seeing each other again after a long time” Izuna/Tobirama “Getting frisky in a closet and it turns ridiculous”
Five times is a drinking problem!
Madara/Touka “Bonding over concern for Tobirama” Shisui/Sakura “Packing a deadly weapon” Tobirama/Kakashi “Hiraishin gone wrong” Madara/Tobirama “Sharing body heat” Madara/Kakashi “Accidental kiss” Kagami/Tobirama “Something fluffy please” Madara/Tobirama “Hashirama’s polite request” Tobirama/Kagami “Kagami as hokage” Tobirama/Kakashi “Only one bed” Itachi/Karin “Gathering courage” Kakashi/Sakura “Shino Bites” Kisame/Sakura “Tattoo artist au” Kakashi/Sakura “Deep discussion on dogs” Kakashi “Deaf Kakashi” Hinata and Kurenai “She could have been a queen” Madara/Tobirama “Series of unfortunate misunderstandings” Kakashi/Obito “Reality was real” Obito/Sakura/Kakashi “Happy Birthday” Kakashi and Sakumo “Toddler Kakashi” Itachi/Sakura/Kakashi “Smut”
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Ayesha Liveblogs Naruto Shippuden S18
“I put the entire burden on you Naruto” The Entire Burden is a nickname for Sasuke and I love it
Team 7 protecting each other while still making time to flirt is my aesthetic
In terms of actually using all three members in a cohesive unit Team 10 has by far the best teamwork in their year
Episodes since Tenzo has been missing: 117!!!! FREE HIM
Sakura doesn’t trust Sasuke and that’s good because she has no reason to do so
“I’m over it” said Kakashi for the first time in his life ever
Poor Minato he is being traumatized even in the afterlife 
“That was anticlimactic” amazing that even in times of war Sasuke still finds time to be a bitch
What is this out of continuity Frankenstein episode
Sasuke walks away from the village just like he walks away from his emotional issues
I can already tell this two episode arc is going to be very stupid but I love it because I miss Tenzo and Neji 
This doesn’t make any sense because Asuma died while Naruto was training to learn the Rasenshuriken so Ino, Choji and Shikamaru should living their most tragic lives atm
I liked it better when Orochimaru was making a fake Sasuke 
Naruto’s two dramatic dads coming to the rescue 
“Don’t worry, it’s okay. This is where Kakashi and I used to come to make out,” said the Gay Subtext 
I can’t believe they’re taking Akamaru but not Kiba kgjhkjdfhgdkfjhgkh KAKASHI HAS EIGHT DOGS OF HIS OWN
So Kiba is coming though this party seems a little large for this kind of mission lmao
I’m not sure what’s funnier that Kakashi is still reading Makeout Paradise or that he has finally stuffed his team members inside a box for their own protection
Me @ those horrified Hokage faces: ....Same
“Wait, who’s holding the front? No one’s theeeeere” KAKASHI PLS
If the Gaara handshake and Kakashi piggyback are the best two minutes of anime I’ve ever seen then this was definitely the worst two minutes the rainbow vomit and Neji’s fall from the sky I will never recover
Naruto’s heart eyes @ Gaara: SAME X2
I guess even Gaara is vulnerable to his Fifteen Year Old Boy Pride
“He was with me earlier but he ditched me” Orochimaru sounds like Sasuke’s bitter girlfriend
ITACHI PLEASE why would you be so highkey about protecting your brother literally his forehead said “Itachi” I’m livid and yet I’m also living 
Gaara the Hidden Leaf is burning to the ground what kinda priorities 
Filler Sakura is much more into Naruto than Canon Tragic Trashbag-Loving Sakura
I never thought I’d be eager to get back to tragedy and yet here we are
“That Sasuke... he’s bright” Sasuke gets the dad approval and Itachi gave Naruto the older brother approval so I’m not saying you’re supposed to get married but that’s exactly what I’m saying  
Well that’s gross Obito
“Time for my Raijin Flash Super Circle Dance Howl Stage 3″ WHO LETS MINATO NAME THINGS
“He’s just like a snake” Well this is a perfect time for Sasuke Uchiha, Snake Expert
Yikes @ Minato watching Obito being swallowed by his flesh prison
For about ten seconds I was rooting for Obito to live for Minato and Kakashi’s sake but surprise surprise he continues to be the wooooOooOrst
Every time Sasuke wraps Naruto protectively in his Susano my heart swells three sizes 
“Here, you can have this back” bless you Tobirama
Temari is so supportive she is Team Shikamaru all the way
“Smiling? Both of them?” Sakura is shocked to hear Sasuke remembers how to smile
Tobirama is increasingly embarrassed by the Namikaze clan nerds
Minato is taking the blame onto himself for all that became of his comrades just as Kakashi does, like sensei like student
Tomorrow is Naruto’s birthday and also his parents’ deathday what a yikes life
Minato has saved everyone in the world even after his own death my Namikaze boys I love them so much
“What kind of child-rearing led to this?” Kakashi and Iruka’s lmao
This outro is literally Naruto and Sasuke running to each other on a beach at sunset bless this homoerotic animation studio
“I know you’re not an idiot” do u know that Tobirama 
The real question is who is worse at dealing with emotional intimacy Sasuke or Kurama
Are you honestly still bitter about Naruto’s success Sasuke come on dude learn to adjust
381 Episodes into the series and the Sage of Six Paths gets a name 
At this point there are going to be like 100 Shinobi left in the whole world
Shikamaru doesn’t deserve this 
Can I just say I’m glad Kakashi is in the intro? Because it gives me hope that he will not be Tenzo’d in this arc
“He seems to be in a foul mood” when is Sasuke not in a foul mood
This is a pretty shitty way for Hiruzen to find out his son died
Everyone is pissed off and inspired by all the pain that Naruto has been through
Current list of Sasuke’s titles: Bitch, snake expert and Smart Boi
Fhfkgjhsjghsdkjgh Hashirama is the most beautiful person dead or alive:
Tobirama: We’ll assign the Tailed Beasts based on power balance but you’re required to pay
Hashirama: [whispers loudly] They’re not free?
Tobirama: Shut it!
“A Shinobi’s Dream” is 10/10, inspirational and beautiful episode I love it
“There’s no one more qualified than me to be Naruto’s advisor” I mean that was very poetic Shikamaru but Kakashi is at least equally adept if not more so
Hiruzen bossing Orochimaru around makes me happy in a weird way
My girl Sakura protecting the whole Shinobi world with her sensei 
Sasuke keeps encouraging Naruto to keep fighting and coming back to his side it’s adorable
Kakashi’s babies are back together and he’s getting the live feed god bless
Obito’s dream of just being a ninja in the Leaf was very depressing
This must be Kakashi and Minato’s dream I’ve never seen so much teamwork at once
Kakashi and Obito with Team 7 vkcjbhkjvhbjk oh my goodness my feelings
Tiny heartthrob Kakashi is adorable and I love him
So the reason Kakashi got placed on Team Minato is because he couldn’t play well with others oh my rude little boy
Obito’s struggles being late to everything are #relatable
This is so funny though because when Kakashi’s babies went to the Chunin exam he literally brought Sasuke in like hours late
“A guy’s gotta have a scar or two get some cred” but how many scars must Kakashi’s heart endure Obito
Lmao @ Tsunade calling “hold” for Team Minato to deal with their Emotional Issues
In all fairness to Kakashi, Minato, he did his fair share of lecturing before you arrived
What is it with these boys and sitting atop each other for minutes at a time while reliving their memories together
“I’ve thought that this world is hell too” Minato gets to hear about the burden Kakashi has been carrying for twenty years
“So that’s where Madara is” you’d think the giant wooden dragon would also be a give-away
I’m very concerned about Gaara but I’m proud of him for making peace with Shukaku
I don't know if Hinata's voice actor changed or if she forgot how to do young Hinata or if I forgot how she sounds but something seems odd
My boy Neji!!! I miss him so much
Why are the Hyuga like this I need reformation #JusticeForNeji
Hanabi discovers that her sister is a peeping tom at the age of 5
The fact that sunset on the beach ending is accompanied by the lyrics “I shouldn't love you, no, no, no” as Naruto and Sasuke meet this is truly the Gay Agenda
So many Naruto episodes are just retelling Part 1 events through different perspectives lmao 
I have so many feelings about Neji and Hinata like he is her Excessively Pretentious Older Brother why is his life so sad!!!! Revive him and let him uncle her babies 
“I want to choose my own path without being influenced by anyone else” all of your memories are about how Hinata was being influenced by Naruto Hanabi but I understand your sentiment 
I know this is supposed to be a recounting of a very serious moment but I can't stop laughing about Kakashi's five hour straddle of Obito like sensei like student
“You just lie there, okay?” Kakashi is so gentle with the friend he was just trying to murder  
“What's that?” Hashirama should really be more fazed about being a face titty on his bff
Black Zetsu is such a dick Kakashi and Minato don't deserve this 
Madara: Family reunion?
Sasuke: How about I kill you instead
Madara: Why does everyone I invite keep saying this 
Real talk how does Madara even know what Sasuke's eyes look like if he HAS NO EYES CURRENTLY
This episode is called "The Hidden Heart" and I hope it's a joke about Madara's heart being hidden under his Hashirama face titty
In a way the Tailed Beasts are all like bickering siblings
Nothing livens up a party like auto-cannibalism
Kakashi, three seconds after declaring possible victory: I failed
Gaara and Shukaku's friendship means the world to me we've come so far my tiny murder child
Hashirama, after witnessing Madara kill literally thousands of people: Madara is fundamentally kind
Tobirama is already pinned down Madara now you're just being mean
“To be honest, I've been wanting to do this to you for a very long time now” Kinkshame Madara Uchiha
Tenzo's jutsu is strong enough to hold off the five Kage and I'm very emo about it
“I asked you what does it feel like to poo” Swirly still asking the tough questions over 17 years later
God bless Sakura shouting words of encouragement as she heals Naruto
Naruto and Sasuke vowed to die together and they are so hardcore committed both of their hearts stopped at the same time
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fabrowrites · 8 years
Reincarnation AU
Because I can’t think of a snappy title. This was supposed to be done on Valentine’s Day, but I ran out of time to finish it. So sorry!
The first time, he’s a man. He stands in a void, staring into nothingness, and he sees not what is, but what can be. Golden spots of light dance on his hands. He stretches them out, and creations sings as it bursts into existence. Colors harmonize as they surge to adorn this new world. He creates deep valleys and mountains that reach to the heavens, scorching deserts and icy expanses. And then all that’s left is life. He reaches out: from the ground rise races of creatures- intelligent, crafty, and oh, so alive.
He watches over his creations, watches them strive and learn and struggle. He creates for himself two companions, making them his heirs until the first is ripped away by his adversary. He observes his world with a certain aloofness, a natural superiority, a ruler looking down at the peasants that litter his streets. He created them, but he is not them. He does not need them. He has everything he could want.
Because before all this, he created her. She stands beside him, his soulmate, two beacons of light reflecting their light and love to the creation. She glows, she laughs, she lights up his world.
Then his adversary strikes, that terrible force that stole his heir but still hungers, still is unsatisfied, still desires. It strikes, and she dies, and he falls.
He leaves his place in the mountains and descends to his creation, rallying them behind him in an attack against his adversary. It is only the first of many. He splits the world, dividing it in half, banishing the demon and his followers for good.
Then his rage subsides, and he cries.
This victory is not without its costs. The land has been touched by war, and the after effects will not fade swiftly. The world that once sang now screams for help as the life within tears itself apart. He himself has sustained many injuries, losing an eye to a cursed blade. He doubts this wound will ever heal completely. And he can feel himself growing old, can feel his power ebbing away. He can’t help anymore, not like this.
He preserves her spirit, his final act before death, a spirit to surpass all others, to exist forever and welcome the deceased to the afterlife. He hopes that she will welcome him, that they might find peace and happiness together like they once had.
He names her Preeminent.
He passes on.
His next life is spent as a pirate. He’s a crew member aboard Misfortune’s Keep, sailing the high seas and raiding the primitive costal civilizations. He enjoys this life, the salty spray in his hair, the freedom from being the one to hold everything together.
Regeneration was a surprise, although in hindsight he should have suspected it. He created this world, after all, it only makes sense that his spirit is tied to it. But he is not his former life. He wants to make a new life for himself. And so he rides the waves to new adventures, forgetting his past as he looks forward to the future.
Then Nadakhan brings a woman on board. They lock eyes, and suddenly it’s all flooding back.
He’s different, with an eyepatch and dark skin, and she’s different, with short hair and breeches. But he knows, he recognizes her -how could he not?
And she remembers too, he learns, one daring night as he approaches her chambers. Their meetings become regular. They speak and laugh and bask in the glow of each other’s presence.
But their luck doesn’t hold. Someone snitches, and suddenly, they’re being ripped apart. He’s arrested for treason against the captain, beaten and thrown into the slave holds. The night is long. It is lonely. It is dark.
Nadakhan drags him out the next morning. He tries to force him into making a wish, but he refuses. The last thing he sees is the blade arching down.
The third life sees him hatching from an egg, a Venomari child, a member of the serpentine tribes. War is in full swing, the ripples created by the first battle still affecting the world millennia after. He wonders if he’ll find her in this life, too, as he trains and hunts and ascends through the ranks.
This time, he loses his eye during a slither pit. There’s excruciating pain as his own venom eats away at his nerves, destroying his vision and rendering the eye useless and deadened. The injury gives him hope, in some roundabout way, that the cycle will continue and they will somehow meet.
Suddenly, full war breaks out. The land-dwellers have broken the hard-won peace treaties, betraying their motives and trust. He’s swept up into the outrage like everyone else, bitter anger and snapping fangs and lashing tails. They rally together, all five tribes as one, and they attack.
He fights with a fury on the battlefield, a whirlwind of acid and blades, thirsting for revenge and intent on getting it. He feels so far removed from his first life and wonders how he stayed so impartial, so aloof, so above it all. Now he is alive. Now he truly lives.
And then the inevitable happens. There’s a pain in his chest. He stares at the arrow, confused and shocked into inaction. When he lifts his eyes, a warrior looms proudly above him. Her eyes are alight with a hidden fire, and her blade is drawn to seal the final blow.
He can’t look away. Her eyes betray her. Snakes can’t cry, and yet his vision blurs as he sinks to the ground. He doesn’t break the stare.
“You were always… created…. to be the greatest.”
He catches the way her eyes widen right before the world dims.
He enters his next life to the flashes of a camera. For a moment, everything seems perfect. A man beams down, face lined with the creases of a person who enjoys laughter. “Jay,” he says. “My son.”
But then the world flips. Something’s wrong with the woman. People rush about, shouting. He’s set off to the side, falling to the background as the flat tone of a monitor takes all priority.
A few days later, he finds himself on the doorstep of a trailer.
He grows, forgetting those first few days as he flourishes and thrives in the care of those who care for him. He grows into a new personality as well. Gone are the days of constant seriousness; if he is to continue living forever, he might as well try and enjoy it. So he adjusts, overcompensates sometimes, trying to find a personality that fits this life and reflects himself.
Eventually, he grows out of the junkyard and moves to the city. He takes up school, learns about the advancements the world has made, enjoying the peace and quiet that graces this life. There is no war, and he thinks he is happy for that.
But an old man shows up and offers to train him in the ways of a ninja, and he realizes just how much he depended on the action. He accepts the offer. Swords glint, and he dodges and leaps and races around a courtyard. It’s also during this time he learns he is to protect the weapons of his first life. The old man gives him three helpers and sends them off on a nation-wide scavenger hunt.
Soon he learns they are not only helpers, but teammates.
They capture the weapons, loose them, and stare up at the blackened spires of the temple. The sword is no longer inside, but something in there still calls to his spirit, still leaves a yearning in his chest.
When the temple splits open, he realizes why.
She sits astride a dragon’s neck, almost an exact copy of her second life. Her smile falters as she stares at him. He sees her eyes widen as they rest on his eye scar, and he knows that she knows.
She throws herself off the dragon, running as he runs to her, and then they’re in each other’s arms. He chokes back a sob, but he can’t keep the tears from welling in his eyes. She’s here. She’s here, and nothing, no Nadakhan, no wars, not even the cycle of life and death will rip her away.
“I’m sorry!”
“No don’t be. It’s okay. We were enemies then. Now we can be allies.”
He knows that this doesn’t mean this life will be without its battles. They’ll have plenty of troubles, of woes, of threats to face in the coming years. But this time, they’ll have each other. This time they’ll be together. He relaxes into her embrace, his soul singing.
This time, he is a man. And nothing will change that.
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