#i hope the players that got involved are physically okay tho
lunar-racing · 6 months
I didn’t watch the Devils game bc I had some AP Chem stuff due but uh- What the fuck do you mean there’s a point in the game where every player on the ice got into a fight- and then the refs put 1 person in each penalty box and the rest of them in the change room…
If anyone has anymore details abt this I’d love to know cause what the fuck happened-
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jaehyunsuh · 5 years
nct 127 reaction to: being interested in idol!reader
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please go to the ask box to send your requests or questions♡ you can interact as much as you want !
author's note: i tried to make this as a mix for a reaction and scenario so i hope it's okay, i'm sorry if it isn't that good
you just debuted and going into your 3rd debut stage, you are excited because you are meeting idols you have always admired and they have been all so nice. Today nct 127 is doing promotions as well, while taeil is in the living room he notices this really pretty girl, dressed in cute clothes while all she does is drink water. He is surprised because he was never seen here before. "hey, who is that new girl? Is she a backup dancer? She looks really well dressed for a backup dance." He tells haechan trying that no one listens to him. "hyung really? She is a new idol, she just debuted 2 days ago. Why? Do you like her?" He asks playfully while teasing his older member. "i don't know, I was just asking." Taeil says trying not to show his noticeable interest in you.
he just keeps staring and looking away when your about to look. You go on stage to practice and he is mesmerized by your beautiful voice, he even searches for you while you are on stage. After you are both done rehearsing taeil and some of the members go to some of the rooms looking for the staff, they enter one of the rooms and decide to sit in the couches there, for his surpsrise he finds you are there staring at yor phone. "I'm so sorry, i didn't notice you. Hello I'm y/n, nice to meet you." You say trying to be polite, the 127 members tell you not worry and say hi back to you while sitting.
you decide to put your headphones on and listen to some music, since taeil is focused on you by mistake he looks at your phone. "Wow, i really like that song." He says on accident realizing he was looking at your phone. "I'm sorry, i wasn't looking at your phone, it just was in my front view." He says panicking. "It's okay, i appreciate your good taste anyway." You say laughing. "Do you want to listen too?" You tell him while offering him one of your earphones. "Oh, yes, thank you." He says shy yet happy. He starts talking about how much you both like this artist, his music, lyrics and singing. He becomes really talkative and comfortable with those kind of topics. You exchange numbers and agree to recommend music to each other.
being one of the most popular and few english idols out there, you are offered to mc-ing a new youtube channel with nct's johnny. You were really excited with whole idea, for the first episode it was just going to be johnny and you answering some fans questions but for the next episodes you were going to interview more idols.
johnny enters the studio where you are recording, you are already sitting and waiting excited to start the show. Johnny is mesmerized by your beauty and the sweet way you talk to everyone in the room. "Hi, my name is johnny, I'm a really big fan of you. I'm glad we can work together." He says smiling confidently. "Oh, hi I'm y/n, thank you. I'm excited to work with you too." You began the show and answer the fans questions comfortably, even tho this was the first time you met each other you were always laughing and joking with each other.
you are finished recording and picking your stuff to leave, when johnny grabs your wrist. "Hey i want to show you something." You follow him in agreement. You both end up in the rooftop of the building. It was dark already and you could see the beautiful lights of the city of Seoul. "Wow this is beautiful, how did you knew about this." You say smiling while looking at the beautiful landscape. "I've worked here before recording some stuff and i found out about it once." He says smiling.
"And why did you decided to take me here, we just met." You say facing him. "I don't know, you are a really nice and pretty girl so i felt like we could come here and talk, get to know each other better." He says flirty getting close to you. "Okay, great. So this is were you take all the 'nice and pretty girls', now i feel special?" You say say smiling while being sarcastic. "Look babe, i haven't been interested in someone for a long time, don't worry I'm not a player, but i needed a way to spend some time alone just the two of us." He says being direct and getting closer. You smile knowing you want to go out with this guy as soon as possible. "Don't you think we are going a little bit fast?" You say taking a step closer to him. "If you are okay with this I'm okay with it too. So are you gonna let me take you on a date tomorrow." He says staring right into your eyes putting a piece of your hair behind your ear. "Okay, pick me up at 6." You say flirty biting your bottom lip and leaving just making him wanting you even more.
you are excited that even tho you just started your idol career you are already having your own radio show, you are able to express yourself, interview some idols and also share music that you like.
today you are having taeyong from nct to come to you show since he has his solo debut. Taeyong enters the studio and when looks at you he immediately blushes and becomes shy, he greets you being polite and nice and you give him a comforting smile. You start the show by asking him some questions about how he feels about his solo album, the writing and producing process, the concept and what inspires him. You chat comfortably and even laugh a lot, everyone is surprised that taeyong is being so open even tho he just met you. Taeyong couldn't stop smiling since the beginning of the interview because you totally got his heart.
the show ends and you greet all of the staff while taeyong does too. You get out of the recording room and go to the rest area, in there taeyong approaches to you. "Hi." He says giving a cute smile. You say hi back smiling too. "I wanted to tell you that you were amazing at the show and i really enjoyed it." He tells you while he keeps smiling. "Thank you, i had fun too in this interview." You tell him. "Uhm, i wanted to know... do you come up with this questions or the staff gives them to you." He asks while being curious. "Oh, i make them myself. Sometimes i write them down or i just come with them on the spot, it depends on the artist and on how the interview is going." You say smiling. "Since you seemed so happy taking about your music it was really easy and comfortable to make this interview."
Hearing you say all of that completely caught taeyong's heart, it was like he had heart eyes forming, he was nervous and didn't even knew how to react. "Well if you don't mind, i really liked talking to you, maybe we can talk just the two us, without the public listening and grab some coffee after you are free?" He says nervous yet with a sweet smile. "Yes !! I would to listen more about you and get to know you better to." You say playfully. At this point taeyong was over the moon, really happy and proud of himself.
there is a new football (soccer for some of you) variety show you are being part of. This is the first time you are part of the official cast for a variety program, you just have been as a guest but never as part of the cast. There some many talented and popular mc's, actors and idols as part of your team so you are really excited to learn from them.
yuta arrives to the football camp were the show is being recorded, he feels happy that he can connect something so special to him with his idol side as well. He gets dressed in his sports clothes and stretches since this shows involves some physical activity. He is introduced to the rest of the cast and he greets everyone with his big and bright smile, he reaches into you and goes surprised since he has never met you before, also there is only two girls in the cast but the other one is a well known actress so he feels curious about you.
He tries not to stare so much at you but he finds your excitement and energy really adorable. You start recording and you are divided in duos, by luck yuta was your partner and you were excited since he was experienced with it. "Oh no, I'm doomed." He says playfully while laughing. You pout and make puppy eyes making him feel a little bit bad about his joke. "Hey i was just kidding, i will help you to be good." He says in a low voice really close to your face, which makes you blush but you nod your hair in agreement.
you are supposed to do basic stuff, like passing the ball to your partner, kicking it through some cones and then doing some penalties. You were doing pretty bad what made you feel bad and embarrased for yuta since he was your partner. You are taking a break and he approaches to you. "Y/n, you are doing really well don't worry". He says giving a warming smile. "I'm terrible and you know it, but i appreciate your effort in making me feel better." You tell him while looking at the floor.
"I mean it, if we don't win this time we will do it next time. Listen, you are an idol not a freaking football player, you just have to have fun." He says calmly with a comforting vibe. "Not everyone is good in many areas as i am". He says playful with a big smile in his face. "Thank you, that didn't made feel even useless in football." You say laughing. "Well, if you don't mind we can go and practice on the weekend, i know a good place where there's no many people so you don't hurt anyone while kicking the ball." He says while laughing and you punch his arm. "But no really we can go there and maybe eat something later." He says now with a serious face and flirty vibe. "Okay it sounds nice, i will accept your help then." You tell him smiling as well. Yuta felt weird since his normal self is really competitive and would have been slightly annoyed by you, but you captivated him as soon as he saw you, so him helping you was a great opportunity to approach to you.
you are really excited because sm entertainment has sent you TVXQ tickets. You debuted just a year ago and you are excited that you are already being included in such cool things, even if it's just going to a concert. You were curious thinking about what idols were going to be there since so many idols end up going to their concerts.
doyoung enters the arena and his manager leads him to his seat, as the other invited artists he is sitting in vip seats. He goes closer to his designated seat at it's surprised but finding out he is sitting next to a girl he doesn't know. "Hi, excuse me, I'm doyoung from nct, nice to meet you." He says while shaking tour head slightly bowing to you. "I hope it's olay if i seat next to you, are you okay with that?" He says giving a shy smile looking nervous. "Oh, it's totally okay, i actually didn't wanted to seat by myself so I'm glad you are my partner." You say giving a big smile which warmed his heart.
the concert starts and doyoung stares at you, you have been singing and moving your lightstick since the concert started, reacting happily at every single stage, song and even the effects. He was glad he was with someone who was so genuine and not hiding her expressions at all, since some idols don't even react being at a concert. You react and laugh, sharing your thoughts with doyoung while he just nods his head laughing and smiling at you. He couldn't believe how nice you were. He wished this concert lasts forever.
The last song was performed and the duo waves saying goodbye to the fans. You are waiting for people to leave so you can leave as well. "Uhm, i know this might be unexpected but i have two tickets that the company gave for exo's concert. Since you enjoyed this so much i was wondering if you would like to go?" He says with a shy smile. "Oh my god yes! I love them so much, you are so nice, thank you." You tell him excited. "But the thing is that you have to go with me again." He says firm with a confident smile. "I would love too, i like seeing you smile while i was saying nonsense stuff, it was so sweet. You say while feeling touched. "Oh no no, i love hearing you talk, that's why i want to see you again." He says giving a warm smile. "Okay, see you next week then." You say to him while winking and leaving with your manager. After you left doyoung gasped letting out all the nervousness you made him feel while he smiles at himself.
since he is experienced with idols being around him all the time, talking to him and trying to get his attention, it was new to him to find out about this new idol y/n, she just debuted but has been training for years and it's already so professional and talented. He saw you for the first time at a little event where other idols were, he saw your mv and heard your album before and thought you were stunning and talented, but didn't had the opportunity to approach to you.
then he turns on tv and he watches your debut stage, he is shooked by the you dance, how stable you are and your mesmerizing stage presence. He knew that he definitely had to meet you.
there was a festival were nct 127 and you were both performing, as soon as he arrives the arena you cross paths with you, the staff introduces you to the 127 members and obviously, to jaehyun. His vibe is different and kinda intimidating, it just leaves you intrigued. You are left alone and he starts chatting with you comfortably, he asks about music taste, debut and whose friends you have in common, during the whole conversation he has really nice and friendly trying to hide his flirty side. He asks for your number and tells you to hang out when you have time.
suddenly your new friend bambam invites you to a little party at his house so you can meet new people and make friends, since you are new you accept. And there he was, jung jaehyun at the end of the living room. He immediately goes to you and starts talking, now he is being more teasing and flirty that before, he is being really straightforward and you can't deny you like that.
"So tell me more about you, how has the whole idol life been for you? Is it all new?" He asks curious. "Yes, everything it's so different. Everyone is always watching my steps, expecting something from me, fake people try to be my friends and famous guys thinking i want to date all of them." You say annoyed. "I totally understand, everyone is always expecting me to have the 'prince charming' image and sometimes is exhausting having to behave certain way, also it makes some girls expect me to fall for them and be really romantic." He says open up to you, which surprises you since, for what you know, he doesn't open up easily. "But right now I'm interested in just one girl that I've met for a while now. She seems to be down to earth, i feel like she is gonna accept the real me." He says taking sip of his drink and staring at you playfully. "Oh really?" You say teasing as well.
"Tell me more about her." You say while smiling. "Well, she is beautiful, kind, friendly and she never ever! Cares about what anyone says. She is so real and smart, i can't wait to take her out. Oh also! She is really really hot." He says giving a flirty and teasing smile. "Wow, she seems like a really nice girl, i hope you get her." You say playing along with him. "So do you wanna go out to take dinner tomorrow? I will take care of you, i promise." He asks without hesitation whispering at your ear which makes your body become weak. "Yes, i would love to." You answer rally close to his lips, teasing him as well.
in the last few months lots of clothing brands have been offering you modeling contracts to promote them, that has made magazines gain a lot of interest in you as well.
winwin has been really into modeling lately, brands and magazines from korean and china all want to have him in their team. A really big and important project came to him which made him really excited, it was a photoshoot with vogue korea! At the meeting he was told they were doing this with the purpose of promoting a clothing brand but also making a really aesthetically beautiful photoshoot, he is also told that that in this project he will be collaborating with a female idol who is getting popular in the modeling business as well. He was excited with the whole idea and curious to know who his partner was.
the day of the photoshoot finally comes, he enters the makeup and hair room and sees a really cute girl getting done while talking excited and smiling to the staff members, he immediately smiles feeling moved by the girl's excitement. He sits next to her and wonders if she if his partner for the photoshoot. He is getting done and constantly looking at the mirror to see the pretty girl sitting next him. He feels shy and nervous about her and doesn't even knows why.
the staff enters the room and introduces the two of you. You give winwin and kind and warming smile, he feels captivated by you and is curious to get to know you better. You both put your outfits on and are called to finally start the photoshoot. The concept and scenario were really artistic, romantic and beautiful, you felt like you were in a movie. You are told what type of poses and vibes you should do and you proceed to follow the instructions. "I need you two to come closer, like if you were in love. Winwin hold y/n's hip in a romantic way." The photographer says. Winwin proceeds to hold your hip asking you for permission. "It's okay." You tell him with a warm smile.
you have already been two hours taking pictures, making poses, changing clothes, makeup and scenarios and now you are finally done. During the whole photoshoot you both started to create a close bond between the two of you, feeling even more and more comfortable with each other. You head to the makeup and hair room one more time to finally take you makeup off and hange into comfy clothes. You are both wearing a jean and t-shirt looking at your phones, the stylists and makeup artists left the room so it was just the two of you there.
"Hey, i really liked working with you today, you are really talented." Winwin says with a kind smile. "I really liked working with you too! You are really talented as well and you also made feel really comfortable. Thank you for that." You say giving him a smile back. "I know this might sound straightforward and daring but... do you want to have dinner tonight? I had a lot of fun with you and i want to know you better." He says shy. "I would love too, to be honest you have been my favorite coworker so far." You smile. "So wait...is this a date?" You say shy. "If you want it to be one, i would like it." He says now with a flirty vibe. "Okay, let's go on a date then". You say while biting your bottom lip.
jungwoo has been a fan y/n since debut, he really likes your style, music, concept, dancing and everything that has to do with you. He is always wishing you go to the same events, have the same friends, go to the same hair shop or promote at the same time but none of those things came true.
you are having your first mini tour starting in seoul, since it was announced jungwoo was really excited about and he was expecting not to have any schedule so he could go. Finally he tells some of the members and they agree to go with him. He entered the arena and was so smiley and happy, the members found his excitement really adorable and the proceed to go to their seats.
the concert starts and you began to perform. "Hello Seoul, i hope you have fun tonight, please take of me. I will make sure you have a good time tonight." You say waving and smiling to the public. During the show you would have small talks and even do some aegyo to the public, all of these things just make jungwoo's love grow for you. Since nct are idols they get special seats so in the middle of the show the cameras film them so you can see the idols that came to your concert. "Hi, we have mark, johnny, haechan and jungwoo from nct here tonight." You say smiling while the nct members smile and wave to the camera as well. "Did you have fun? Have you like the show so far". You ask them, and they make thumbs up and smiling affirming. "Thank you a lot for coming, maybe you should go backstage later so i can get to know you since a big fan." The camera focus haechan who is nodding his head really hard making you and the public laugh. When you said that jungwoo's heart was about to get out of his chest, he know couldn't wait until the show was over.
the concert ends and you quickly change your clothes so you can receive you guests. Nct walks the hallway and find you standing giving them a warm welcome with a big smile. "Hi, nice to meet you all I'm y/n." You say smiling and bowing at them. They all introduce each other and shake hands with you, after jungwoo had to shake your hand he was speechless, he was all red, smiley and shy, the cutest boy ever.
You talk for a while and you all notice that jungwoo hasn't been really talkative. "Hey, actually i wanted to tell you something. My friend here is a big fan of yours, he actually invited us to come with him since he was really excited." Haechan says while hugging jungwoo. "Oh wow, really? That's such a honor!" You say smiling and patting jungwoo's shoulder. "Uhm, y-yes, I've like your music since debut, it really suits my style." Jungwoo says nervous. The members slowly leave the two of you alone so you can talk comfortably which, at the beginning makes jungwoo nervous but he manages to gain confidence since you are really nice and immersed in the conversation.
"Well, as you know I'm a big fan of yours, I've wanted to meet you before but we never had the opportunity to meet you. "Since we have become comfortable with each other would like to be my friend? I mean we can hang out and eat with the members too so you don't feel weird". He says doubtful but with a sweet smile. "Yes, i really would like to be friends. It's okay we can eat something just two to of use, I'm okay with it." You say smiling.
it's been already 4 months since your debut and you can't wait to have your 1st comeback !! Your company told you that for this 1st mini album the wanted to include some collabs, a vocal one and a rap one. You were really excited with this idea, even tho you didn't knew who the collabs were going to be with. You wrote and co-wrote a lot of songs for this album so you were curious if one of the collaborators were going to be into writing their own parts for their songs, you love writing so someone adding their own lyrics and feelings to your songs was just amazing for you.
mark has been said he is collaborating with idol y/n who is in the making of her new album, he is also said that y/n said he could write his own lyrics for his rap and verses and eve tho he didn't know her yet he was really excited and thankful with that idea.
he enters your company and leads into the studio. Your managers introduce you to each other and then they just leave you with your writer and producer. Since he entered the studio he noticed youe excitment for making music, how involved you were in it and how you wanted to know about everything. You talk a lot about music which makes him feel like he is talking to one of his best friends.
"this is the song we are doing together." You tell him showing a piece of paper. "I know you already listened to the demo but i wanted to know if there's something i should change. I'm a big fan of your work so i would like to have your opinion." His eyes became brighter and he flashed the biggest smile, he was happy you were reaching into him for help and also complimenting him. He reads the lyrics while nodding his head, he just marks a few verses and proposes you lines that could go better. "You really did a great job with this one, you are a good writer." He says while smiling. Then he begins to play the song on his guitar while singing the whole song, you join as well and he smiles and becomes shy but keeps singing.
After that you have a good time jamming with his guitar and talking about the same interests. He finally records his part of the song, you were really happy and pleased with it. "Wow, you are so amazing. Only your rap is better than my whole song." You tell him while laughing. "Oh no no, thank you but your song is amazing, I'm glad i can be part of it." He says while giving you a warm smile. "I was thinking if you would like to go to the han river with me? It's a nice place to play the guitar and we can also sing and see if we come up with any lyrics." He says looking a little but nervous buy adorable. "Yes, i totally want to see if we can come with another collab soon." You tell him grabbing you bag so you can go to the han river.
as a rookie idol you are invited to do a collab stage with some idols who are close to your age and that includes nct's haechan. As soon as the news are told to haechan he becomes really hype and excited about it, he has liked you since the beginning and he really likes you.
you enter the practice room at sm entertaiment which is were you are rehearsing for your collab stage. As soon as you walk into the room haechan becomes flustered and nervous, he was wondering what was happening to him since he isn't like that, he is always confident and cheerful with everyone, why were you making him so nervous?
"hello, I'm sorry I'm the last one to arrive." You say really embarrased because you arrived a little bit later. "It's okay, the choreographer hasn't come yet so we are fine." Han jisung says, who is also part of the collab stage. After everyone being weird and in silence the choreographer comes and the practice begin. "Haechan, y/n, you are having a dance break together at min 5:20 so you better work together, you need to practice together as much as you can. You both stare shyly at each other and nod to the choreographer. He teaches you the dance break amd haechan and you have to be on synch and really close also.
the rehearsal is finished and haechan finally gains to courage to approach to you properly. "Hi, i think i haven't introduced myself." He says smiling. "Im haechan, i really like you and your music." You smile back at him. "Hi, I'm y/n, I'm glad you like me. I'm happy that we get to do this together." You say being shy. "Yes, i think we should practice. Do you want to come over tomorrow so just the two of us can practice our part? " He says with a kind smile. "Yes, i will come, thanks for the invitation." You tell him while smiling. "Also you seem really nice. Do you mind if i treat you dinner afterwards? He says confident with a flirty look. "Okay, i will really like that." You say smiling at him while leaving the practice room. After you leave he smiles at himself knowing that he succeed.
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codedglitch · 6 years
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hello hello !! it’s a’me !! a’may’rio !! with this extremely small gif !! here to introduce everyone to one of my three characters !! here is vanellope !! an actual child !! i hope everyone i still a’reading with the mario accent !! more under the cut !!
& * ☼ . ❝ cierra ramirez. + cis woman. + she/her. — welcome to fantasia island, vanellope von schweetz! word has it that you’re from wreck-it ralph / disney & have been living unpeacefully here in fantasia for two months. they say you can come off as tactless, but can be passionate, too. are all nineteen year olds like that nowadays? well, either way, i hope you’re doing okay here in fantasia.
‘wreck-it ralph’ spoilers // ‘ralph breaks the internet’ spoilers ahead
in a roleplay where video game characters can be brought to life, a cartoon character who just so happens to also be a video game character is brought back to life. why’d you have to go and be so complicated?
n e way i have a feeling the majority of y’all have seen wreck-it ralph but i don’t?? j wanna link the wikia page ( although it is here if u want it ) i want. 2 type.
literally no childhood so we can’t start there. directly lampshaded in breaks the internet. just coded in as a 9y/o ( who’s 19 here get rekt ) and bam. life.
was actually a princess like wow we stan !! but the throne was usurped !! and i hope everyone is reading this as dramatically as i am !!
so ya back to the usurped part. usurped by an attention whore (turbo/king candy) who’d previously taken over a different game and wound up putting both his original game and the other game out of order. it’s turbo-tastic !! 
after locking up everyone’s memories, he was like “lol vanellope can get rekt im ruling this kingdom now” and made it look like she wasn’t actually supposed 2 be part of the game rip
also like. super important to note that she had a glitch. i cant believe i saved that until now but ya that’s super important.
bc of that, plus the whole ‘wasn’t supposed to be in the game but the developer was too lazy to delete the character as a whole’, she was treated like a common criminal.
not allowed to participate in any activity
banned from a bunch of places for no reason
got locked in the ‘fungeon’ at one point
essentially homeless
was just called “the glitch”
she also couldn’t leave the game ( bc glitches can’t leave games ) so she was subjected to 15yrs of that
essentially made her first friend 15yrs in ksksksks we stan the purity of the ralph/vanellope friendship yessir we do
well !! turns out the real reason she wasn’t allowed to race was bc the game would reset, restoring her to her original position if she crossed the finish line !!
ya n e way eventually crossed the finish line
ugh my mind !! the details !!
kept that glitch tho !!
was super excited she could actually participate as a game character now !! actually got to race !! that’s hot !!
but it was the same thing over and over and she eventually got bored which led to a whole thing that required buying a new steering wheel for the game which led to more things
wound up in a different game entirely, this time online. it was a d r e a m just free form fast driving no tracks sexy !!
important to note that her game had been saved. it was also a roster game where the players were different everyday. this is to show that it wasn’t a case of ‘going turbo’ bc, unlike turbo, no one was harmed by her absence.
also idk who was in charge after that but we love democracy ig
obviously was,,,, confused,,,, that she was not only in the real world,,,,, but also ten years older,,,, than she had been since 1997 ksksksks
at first, it was “unpeaceful” bc. wtf. but now it’s more a matter of literally not having anything to do like all that hard work?? that time finding that other game?? all for nought?? 
all for a boring life!!
wants 2 leave.
honestly idk what im typing rn.
knows ur common “please” and “thank you”s but anything past that?? “?”
more categorized as Innocently Insensitive™ than purposefully tactless tho if u feel me?? like j doesn’t. get. that that’s not what u say in this situation bc 1) she’s mentally 9ys/o ksksksks, and 2) only rly just started learning what NICE human interaction is 
i haven’t decided how 2 portray her glitch in a real life situation yet bc the great thing abt it in the movie is that it’s up to interpretation?? if that makes sense?? like i’ve seen ppl compare it 2 epilepsy (physical), parkinson’s (physical), stemming, panic attacks, etc. and i don’t want 2 mark it down as one of those and then have it be MY WORD!! in this rp if that makes sense?? at all??
like where i have my headcanons i dont want 2 make them like. solidified right here. right now. bc i like that it can be more than j my headcanon. if u have smth u liken it to more than i dont want 2 ignore that like do u feel me??
but i also dk if it would be possible in this scenario for her to glitch?? im probs still gonna describe it like that but,,,,,
ANYWAY THAT’S ALL TO SAY that she “glitches” in various scenarios that involve high emotions. most of the time, it only happens when very disjointed/stressed or surprised, but can occasionally happen in reaction to positive emotions.
is that even legal?
generally a good kid tho. a good teen now. a good ‘not a girl, not yet a woman’ now.
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
wrapped up playing final fantasy ix
yeah, idk, at some point it became clear to me that the game wasn’t really heading in the directions i wanted it to. that was... a while ago, lol. but i’m usually committed to finishing these things once i start them, even if they’re less than what i’d hoped.
on the game side of things... it’s a final fantasy game. it’s got all the regular final fantasy stuff going on. for this one in particular, i guess i like this type of ability system. otherwise it’s your standard, mostly-mindless turned based combat. summons take way to long to play. as usual i tend to favour physical combat interspersed with a healer that can cast holy. but i ended up relying a lot on Frog Drop and Dragon Crest, heh. my favourite team is something like Eiko and pick 2 {Quina, Freya, Amarant}.
Also this final fantasy gets credit for finally getting me to like moogles. they are... so cute in this. Stiltzkin is pretty great, as was Mogmi and Moguta being silly in love, but my absolute favourite was Moorock, who gets so gd excited about writing a letter and loudly exclaims ‘I love Mognet!’ even though he’s never heard of it before. why are he and Mozme not on disk four tho?! tell me they made it out okay D’x  Although, hmm, I’m not sure why we trusted Artemicion with more superslick at the end there. Since he apparently he got high snorting the last bottle. god, don’t trust the addict with more of his substance.
idk, I guess I’ll go through the story characters. and just... kind of hope I cover everything that way.
I... love them. And I tend to like gag characters but... I love them. Such ambition... to eat everything. So cute. So silly. So relatable. I also really like the nightgown/smock kind of thing going on. Need more characters dressed like granny that are trying to eat us out of house and home.
Um... there seemed to be a lot going on in this sector of the story that kind of... needed more time. Or otherwise needed cutting out, probably. I find it conceptually interesting, at least: loners being confronted with the boundaries of their... determination to be alone. So I like him in spite of myself. But Zidane’s played a pretty shitty trick on him, once upon a time, and it’s a little hard to justify the kind of devotion Amarant has in lieu of that. Because... yes... it is devotion... somehow. And it’s a little hard to buy the way he becomes so easily enamored with how Zidane’s mind works with so little development.
Mmm, again, there was some interesting stuff here about her growing up alone, and the way she immediately clung to Zidane as a way to escape that loneliness. But her crush on him is taken a bit too seriously by the narrative, like she’s really in love with him, and that gets a bit creepy, imo. The stuff with Mog is interesting, but kind of too much trying to tug on the heartstrings when the heartstrings haven’t been wound and tuned, if you know what I mean. I suppose, at the end of the day, I didn’t end up liking her all that much. But feel like I could have and should have if they had written her even a little better.
I love this aesthetic... so much. Kind of a mix of red mage and dragoon, both of which I love individually, plus rat person. She is one of my faves on this basis alone. In terms of her actual personality... it’s so sparse and inconsistent. Ah, there are some landmarks I like - the kind of quiet and sternly professional bits, the loyalty to her homeland, she has some good moments deciding to fight after the destruction of Cleyra, and talking with Amarant too. Just- I’m left feeling like she was never pushed to a workable extreme anywhere in the narrative, and so she doesn’t really have any clear, defining personality characteristic. It’s more like... a lot of shit happens to her, and she’s sad but not too sad, and strong but not too strong. And it’s kind of lacklustre at the end of the day.
I don’t really know how to say this except to say it. He’s funny and sweet at times. Overly distracted by rules and decorum, of course. But he also veers hard into being rather annoying to watch at times. He is... not a practical person. Overall, I’m kind of impressed with his bit in the story, though. Even if it fades as the narrative progresses. His relationship with Beatrice was kind of a bright spot in the narrative as a whole for me. I maybe... can’t help but like the fact that this hypercompetent, beautiful lady falls for his bumbling ass. Beatrice in general strikes a neat line between being chilly and needy and, really, way too good for anyone else in the cast.
A great character and... ultimately a huge copout. There was a lot of build up to Vivi dying and, ultimately, it felt rather unsatisfying. It felt like they were trying to rob the sadness out of it by limiting what they showed us of him in the epilogue to his breed of offspring. But, even before then, they touched on so many themes about him in a way that really attempted to distance itself from the fear of human mortality. Like, this isn’t something that only happens to weird artificially constructed lifeforms. Human being sometimes find out they only have a couple months or a year left to live, and have to come to terms with that. Hell, all of humanity is on a timer - and not once did anyone really say to Vivi, ‘yeah, it’s true for all of us. We could all die at any moment. We’re only going to last so long, whether it’s a year or ten or a hundred.’ Kuja came kind of close to communicating some of this ‘i’m going to die, just like the Black Mages’. But never in a way that emotionally impacted Vivi, which ws kind of shitty writing, imo.
I don’t know. She’s rather generic. Which... doesn’t necessarily preclude my attachment in of itself. But, yeah, she’s generic in a way that doesn’t resonate with me, heh. She leans super hard on Zidane the whole narrative, and it’s really not even a little fun. There was some interesting stuff with Ramuh, and with Eiko and her being from the same summoner clan, and her relationship with her mother was great as well. I liked that Dagger got to be sad about Brahne - because let her be sad about losing the people who loved her and who she loved. But... Brahne herself is such a conundrum. I don’t dislike her character and her design as a whole. But I don’t like the game’s ‘fat and ugly are evil’ vibes. And I also don’t like the way she’s immediately forgiven in the public eye, and the eyes of the narrative, once she dies. She... literally destroys cities and kills thousands of people. That’s not really forgivable.
But, regarding Garnet... I started liking her a bit more once she cut her hair and started smiling in her in-game portrait. so, if nothing else, we know I am very shallow.
Aaaaand, if I wasn’t already, this is where I start really running into problems. When you don’t really like the main character. When you’re not invested in the main character’s romance that is front and centre of the story and its ending. When you really don’t believe the strength of the emotional connections between the cast that the game is attempting to sell you on... It just makes it really hard to enjoy things. Zidane often seems dismissive, in his own head, and even shallow in the way he attempts to relate to the rest of the cast. It’s everyone else that has to come around to his way of thinking and learn from him, rather than the narrative making much of an effort to teach him about how to actually empathise with others. and it’s kind of grating then that we hear them praise him so casually.
I think, then, combined with the womanising aspect of his character... I don’t know, because I’m certainly not opposed to somebody wanting to sleep with all the ladies. That is an A+ relatable feeling. But, for someone that’s so casual about cozying up to every woman he runs across, I was left feeling like the only woman he had any kind of legitimate connection to was Garnet. (The game tells us he’s good friends with Freya, but does it really show us why? or how?) Which is... I suppose why Garnet, and not Ruby and Freya, was propped up as being Zidane’s major romance. But... idk, it feels a little too much like entitlement. He’s allowed to hit on all the ladies and look good while doing it, while he has a serious relationship developing with Dagger and she’s arguably right there to see him hit on other women, and he also has basically no interest in providing any kind of emotional support or developing any kind of connection with pretty much any woman (except maybe Dagger). Combine this with Cid cheating on Hilda and then she jealously turns him into a beetle - but, wait, this is a happy marriage, the game tells us. and the fact that the game’s major villain is pointedly described as ‘not a skirt chaser like you’... it’s just deifying an entitled straight boy ‘boys will be boys’ kind of attitude when that’s already an accepted social norm. and it’s kind of disgusting. I think there are better ways to talk about infidelity and promiscuity and the desire for the ladies, ones that are still sympathetic to all the parties involved. I think the final fantasy series /has/ talked about it better. With Edgar, who wants to get with all the ladies, but who lets Terra and Celes into his protection and the bounty of Figaro castle without touching either of them, and who is pointedly single even though he’s the sole heir of a kingdom and pushing thirty. And with Tidus, who had a power fantasy dream where Yuna and Rikku are hanging off each of his arms as they roast his father, but that’s before he gets to know each of them better as people. once he does the objectification wanes. I’m not saying that Edgar and Tidus are perfect heroes and wonderfully written, but I think this aspect of them was delivered with more nuance and a more critical eye, and it makes a huge difference.
Also... Are you a team player, Zidane? Or are you just a team player until you’re angry, or decide your pride is on the line? For a kind of ‘friendship is everything’ message, it certainly gets muddled everytime Zidane’s in a snit. Running back into Ispen Castle alone was a weird moment when we’re just getting done telling Amarant not to run around alone. Only okay when I do it(tm) And when he’s being kind of an insufferable bastard at the end of disc 3... just... why are you chasing after him guys? and why, after all that hoopla about accepting his friends’ help, does he deny it when going after Kuja at the end? I'm not saying that there aren’t things one needs to do alone just- why is Zidane always right when he says he needs to do things alone, but everyone else is wrong when they say the same thing? it’s a terrible case of protagonist-centred morality, and it’s really terrible and trite.
idk, I just- I understand why people are sick of the angsty final fantasy heroes after Cloud and Squall (the former I love, the latter I don’t). But I feel Zidane basically fell short in every way that wasn’t being upbeat and energetic, and I’m not sure what everyone sees in him.
I can’t help but like this flamboyant bastard. God, he... soooo did not need a tacked on redemption arc. Again, mass genocide isn’t really forgivable. He is a terrible person. full stop. But I’m irrationally pleased he got some sympathy from the narrative anyhow. He’s just... I never liked Sephiroth, but Kuja has convinced me I could have liked Sephiroth if Sephiroth had even a fraction of a personality in ff7.
other than that... the wind/earth/water/fire shrine part of the game was weird. give me real dungeons, devs. also the coffee sidequest is nigh impossible to complete and then the game guilted me, and i hate that.
in the end, i suppose i feel the game was messy. the tone whip-lashed quick between whimsy and pure horror - which should be my jam but, idk, it didn’t work here for me. and a lot of the major characters and storylines lacked depth, or otherwise lacked nuance, or otherwise lacked payoff. it’s kind of hard to watch so much effort and so many good ideas flop so hard, but it flopped hard for me. i don’t get the hype about this game.
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bobafetts-princess · 7 years
Life in the Fast Lane Ch. 3
Hey y’all! Here’s part 3, I hope you like it!
Pairings- Reader x OMC, Future Reader x Sam/Dean/Cas (can ya guess??)
Word count- 2775
Warnings: Cursing, Emotional Reader, emotionally and mentally and physically abusive relationship, drug use, alcohol consumption, unsafe driving, abuse denial.
A/N- Hey guys, I hope you’re ready to figure out who the Reader is going to hook up with because it’s coming in the next chapter! Let me know what ya think!
Tagging- @abaddonwithyall @aprofoundbondwithdean @bovaria @but-deans-back-tho @balthazars-muse @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @ilostmyshoe-79 @just-a-supernatural-smut-blog @kittenofdoomage @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @littlegreenplasticsoldier @lovemydean-o-saur @nichelle-my-belle @ohmysupernatural @oriona75 @obsessedwith-dean-castiel-sam @oneshotwinchester @rizlow1 @ruby-loves-supernatural @stayclassysupernatural @supernaturalimagine @thewinchesterdaily @winchestersandwordprocessors (If anyone wants tagged or untagged, let me know!)
Ch. 1, Ch. 2
Another week gone, another weekend here. Things had been patched up with Patrick, but he wanted you to go to a party tonight at the same house and you were a little iffy on it. You didn’t want a repeat, but you also knew that if you didn’t go with him, it might cause a bigger fight. So you sucked it up, picking a laid back outfit for the evening. Silver flats, skinny jeans, and a white off the shoulder top was your outfit of choice and it earned you a sneer.
“That’s what you’re wearing?” Patrick asked, beer already in hand. 
“Yes. What’s wrong with it?” You asked, a small streak of defiance going through you. 
“There are going to be people there that know me. They expect me to have a good looking girl.”
“I look good Patrick. It’s not my normal outfit, I know, but I don’t look bad.” You argued in your favor. Normally he liked you to dress so you were showing as much skin as possible, and you obliged. You weren’t feeling it today, you wanted to be cute and comfortable. Not that you had any objection to showing skin, it didn't feel right if you were with Patrick; you didn’t feel like you were showing skin for yourself, you were doing it for him. He would prance you around in front of his friends and they would ogle you and the whole situation made you uncomfortable sometimes. It was like you were piece in a game and Patrick and his friends were the players. 
“If anyone gives me a hard time about you not looking your best, you’re going to pay for it later.” He threatened and you would have brushed it off, but after last weekend you weren’t sure whether he would follow through. 
“I’d like to drive, if that’s okay.” You asked, trying to garner a little control . Normally Patrick drove, it was a habit the two of you had fallen into when you’d started dating and he drove everywhere. Unless he was drunk, and then sometimes he still insisted on driving. 
“No.” Was the only answer he offered and he attempted to make his point by grabbing his car keys and looking at you. 
“Why not?” Standing your ground in the kitchen of Patrick’s apartment, you didn't budge. 
“Because it’s un-manly for a dude to have his girlfriend drive him around.”
“I wouldn’t be driving you around. I’d be driving us to a party. There’s a big difference.” 
“I said no, goddamnit. Leave it alone. I’m driving, now get your ass in the car or we’re going to have a problem.” His anger flashed and he was giving you the same look he did the night he hit you, so you sucked it up and got in the car. Your injuries were still healing, only a small mark from the black eye left. The last thing you wanted to do was provoke him. The party was raging by the time you arrived, late, and Patrick let you know it on the drive over. 
“If you hadn’t been arguing with me, we wouldn’t be late.” He'd said, foot driving through the gas in his anger. You’d rolled your eyes, choosing to stay quiet instead of start another argument. The 20 second 'discussion' about who was driving didn’t affect how late you were . The two of you were late to parties anyways because Patrick thought it made him look cool. He slammed the car door, strolling towards the house and leaving you in the dust.  
“Hurry up! I need to lock the car!” He shouted from 30 feet in front of you. You shut your door, the large house looming in front of you, almost daring you to go in. You didn't want to, but your other option was standing by the car and waiting for Patrick, and there was no telling how long that would be. His temper was in full force tonight and you didn’t quite know how to react to him, especially after the last weekend. Sighing , you walked in the house, looking for Patrick to see if you could make up with him and not argue this evening. Wandering through the house, you looked for him before remembering where you found him the last time. Looking for stairs that led downwards, you were finally lucky enough to find them, when you saw your blonde coworker again.
“Y/N! Hey babe! How are you?” She asked, curls bouncing as she pulled you into a hug. 

“I’m good honey, how are you?”
“We’re well!” She grinned, leaning into her boyfriend who gave you a polite nod in acknowledgement. “Is your boyfriend here too? She asked, almost like she was fishing for information.Smiling, you nodded towards the stairs and responded, 
"Yeah, he’s downstairs with his buddies. I was getting ready to head down and ask him if he wanted anything to drink.” You were afraid to tell her that you were trying to fix an argument because you were sure she already thought poorly about Patrick and you didn't want to make it worse. 
“Oh okay! I didn’t mean to stop you.” A worried look crossed her face and you could tell that she was afraid she was getting in the way of your mission. 
“Oh no! You didn’t. I figured out where he was, so I wasn’t in any sort of a hurry. Do you work this weekend?” You asked, trying to make conversation with her and hope that one day the two of you could be friends. 
“Unfortunately. I work tomorrow morning and Sunday evening. How about you?”
“I’m off tomorrow but Jean scheduled me for all day on Sunday and Monday too. We must be down a server.” You pondered, rolling your eyes. You always were short severs, so those who were veteran servers always ended up with the short end of the stick. 
“She let two go. This next week is going to be a nightmare. Hey, you look super cute though! I love that top.” Her boyfriend sat next to her, arm curled around her waist with a drink in hand, and stayed silent. This conversation was nice, there weren't any drugs involved, it wasn’t filled with drama about who’s boyfriend or girlfriend cheated. You smiled at her, wishing that Patrick would let you have friends outside of his friend group, because she was so bubbly and you wanted friends like that.
“Thanks! I actually think I got it from a thrift store, the one on 35th?” You tried to recall where you got it, but it was slipping your mind.
“I know that place! We should go shopping there sometime, it’d be fun!” She offered and you almost fell out of your chair at the gesture.
“I would love that. It would be nice. It’s been a long time since I went shopping with another woman." You admitted, nostalgic. 
“Oh no! You didn’t grow up with sisters?” She asked, “I grew up with three, we went shopping all the time!” Her face lit up when she talked about her sisters and your throat went dry and your face, pale. This was a hard subject for you to talk about, because it hurt so much. It was a solid 30 seconds of silence before she asked you, “Did I say something wrong, sweetie? I’m sorry if I did. I didn’t mean to.” She observed, laying her hand on your arm in comfort. You looked into her wide blue eyes, full of worry for you. 
“No, it's a hard thing to talk about. That’s all.” You smiled at her, swallowing the tears that pricked into your eyes. “It’s okay. I would love to go shopping with you sometime, it would be so nice.” Trying to get the conversation steered back into safe territory, you took her up on the offer.
“Definitely. I miss having other ladies to shop with. Its always a good time!” She smiled, leaning back into her boyfriend and snuggling into his warmth. 
“We'll have to plan a day we're both off work." You encouraged, before remembering you were doing something before you saw her. "It was good to see you, I'll see you on Sunday. I gotta get downstairs and talk to Patrick.” You smiled, giving her boyfriend a small wave and her a hug before you headed downstairs. Listening for Patrick’s voice on the way down, you were beginning to wonder if he was down here when you spotted him. Making your way over to him, your sober brain noticed the same pipe from the previous weekend. The smoke hadn’t manifested itself yet, but the pungent smell was already there and it was horrible. Whatever he was smoking smelled terrible and you couldn’t imagine that what was in the pipe was any good, but that wasn't the point of you being down here.
“Babe. Come here, let’s talk.” You whispered from behind him. Either he ignored you, or he couldn’t hear you, so you placed a soft hand on his arm. “Babe, will you come here? I want to talk to you.” 
“Fuck off, Y/N. Leave me alone.” He snarled, head only turned towards you. “Patrick, come on. I don’t want to argue all night long.” You pleaded, standing firm against him for the first time in a long time.
“If you don’t want to fucking argue, go snort some coke and have a beer. Leave. Me. Alone.” This time he didn’t even turn his head towards you, instead faced his friends and hunched his shoulders away from you. His friends looked on at the situation uncomfortably, they’d never seen you like this, unwilling to go away and leave the situation alone. Maybe it was because you were sober, maybe it was because deep down, you hadn’t forgiven Patrick for hitting you, or maybe you were tired of taking his shit and decided that enough was enough. “No. I want to talk about this. I don't want to spend the entire evening with you ignoring me.” He turned, ready to say something else to you, but a loud voice coming from across the room interrupted him. 
“Yo! Patrick! Why's your bitch so dressed down? I thought you had a hot girlfriend!” His friend Brady hollered. He owned the house here so that made him feel like he owned the people in it as well. 
“Quit Brady. I don’t have the patience for it today.” You turned to him, surprising yourself with your boldness. 
“Damn. Sounds like you need to teach your bitch some manners too.” He sneered, taking a swig of the beer he had in hand before taking the pipe from Patrick. You sneered back, you weren't Brady’s biggest fan, but you dealt with him because you loved Patrick. 
“You see, my girl comes dressed appropriately for the party.” He smiled, a greasy, unnerving smile, and wrapped his arm around a scantily classed dark-skinned girl. She looked like Pocahontas, with her long black hair and dark skin, and she leaned into Brady’s embrace. She smiled at you, but it wasn't friendly. She smiled at you like she’d won a battle you hadn’t known you were participating in. You could feel Patrick’s anger radiating, and for a split second, you wondered why you were dating him. That thought left when a strong hand enclosed your arm, squeezing tight enough to leave bruises as a voice whispered in your ear.

“I fucking told you that you didn’t look good enough to come to this fucking party.” Patrick growled. “You didn't fucking listen to me, and now I look like a goddamn fool.” He turned to Brady, talking louder but with less venom. “No worries man, I’m going to take her home and teach her a lesson.” The hand wrapped around your arm began to tug. It hauled you up the stairs, not caring whether you were able to keep up or not. 
“Patrick! Stop it! Let me go! You're starting to hurt me!” You were trying to pull your arm out of his grip, but every time you got close, his grip got tighter. People were watching as you as he hauled you around like a rag doll. You made brief eye contact with Jess, her eyes full of worry again. He hauled you across the dance floor, down a hallway.  
“I fucking told you not to embarrass me. And you fucking embarrassed me.” He mumbled, almost talking to you, almost talking to himself. The crowds cleared for you, no one wanted to be in his way. He drug you all the way out to the car, throwing you against the body, knocking the breath out of you. 
“Get in the fucking car. I can’t fucking believe you embarrassed me like this. I don’t even know what to do with you.” Somewhere between the basement and the car, you’d gone numb and he'd gone insane.  You weren’t sure what was happening and you weren’t sure why it was happening. He snarled, pulling open the passenger side and tossing you in the seat. He stormed over to his side as you shut the door to yours, trying to figure out what had snapped to make him act this way. Somewhere in your mind you knew that you shouldn’t have gotten in the car with him, but you were so stunned by his actions that you were on autopilot. Patrick was still mumbling to himself as he turned the car on and pulled out of the driveway. He floored it down the street, almost nailing a stop sign and bringing you back to reality.
“Patrick! Slow down! You're going to kill us!” 
“Shut the fuck up.” He turned, glaring at you and taking his eyes completely off the road. You wanted to say something else, but you would rather he keep his eyes on the road. You gripped the sides of your seat as he flew through traffic, swerving between cars. 
“Patrick!!!” You screamed again, trying to get through to him but he pressed down on the gas pedal harder, taking a left turn at 50 miles an hour. The passenger side wheels came off the road as you screamed, scared for your life. He sped down the road that led to his house, and your stomach dropped as two things happened. The first was that red and blue lights trailed behind you . The other was that there was a sharp turn coming up that Patrick always forgot about. It had almost caused an accident before, and you were almost certain that it would be your death today. Gripping Patricks arm, you tried to make him slow down, but he threw you off , his fist catching your left eye as he swung. The lights got closer and louder, and you hoped that Patrick would slow down and talk to them, but he didn’t. He glanced in the rearview mirror and then shot a nasty look your way. 
“Fucking bitch! You fucking caused this, like you’ve caused everything else in your miserable life!” He screeched and you wondered who your boyfriend had become in that moment. This wasn’t like Patrick, this wasn't the Patrick you first fell in love with. You clung to the seat with everything you had, hoping he remembered the curve and his sweet words from the previous weekend. “And now you have me so angry the cops are following me. I fucking hate you, you worthless piece of shit. If they catch me, I'm going to make sure they know this is all your fucking fault.” His words cut like daggers and you wondered if you could ever forget the things he was saying in that moment. He floored it once more, driving closer and closer to the curve that he always forgot. 

“Patrick! You’re going to run us off the road! Please stop!” It was like he was a madman, uncaring about his life or yours. As the curve got closer and closer, you contemplated grabbing the wheel from him but you were worried about doing more damage than he would. Before he realized it, the curve was there and he wasn’t turning. As you barreled off-road and towards a tree, your world went black.
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alexanderhamllton · 8 years
Maybe Someday [Jordan Fisher x Reader]
[write-a-thon tag]
Summary: Your new neighbor is a guitar player and his music became the soundtrack of your days.
Word Count: 1,713
Warnings: None, this is a fluffy fluff.
A/N: ONE DAY LATE BUT HERE I AM!!!! This is /VERY/ loosely based on “Maybe Someday” by Coleen Hoover, I got lost in my own thoughts and the plot kinda wrote itself, meaning I forgot to follow the book’s timelime. Hope it’s still good tho! There’s also room for either a Reverse POV of these or a part two, so please let me know if/which one you want! <3  PS: this was not proofread so i apologize lmao
askbox | masterlist
There’s no way to tell when you’re going to fall in love.
Some people bump into each other in the street and when they trade looks, the connection is immediately there. Other situations may involve a small coffee shop where you buy a cup and fall in love with a beverage. In your case, you fell in love with the sound of your neighbor’s acoustic guitar.
The first time you heard it was just a few days after you noticed someone moved to the apartment in front of your bedroom window: as you highlighted the important points of the latest article you had to read, you heard the strum of a guitar not too far away from you. You looked up, facing the familiar view through your window and getting a glance of your new neighbor: terracotta skin, curly hair, eyes closed as he got lost on the making of his own music, sitting on the latter of his firescape with a notebook by his side. You watched him play for a few minutes, right before he stopped and looked up, your eyes quickly going back to your papers.
You didn’t see when he looked to your window and smiled at the sight of you.
In the next few days, he became the background music for your studies: as you almost drowned in readings for your finals, his guitar was a constant and, before you knew, you both had a silent agreement to be at the same spot every day after you got home from your classes. You didn’t know his name or the number of his apartment, all you knew is that he would check you between songs, his smile making you giggle after you nodded a silent greeting, and the fact that his songs would get stuck in your head every once in awhile.
You were an aspiring musician majoring in journalism, two paths that don’t necessarily cross. The pressure from your family to major in something that would be more ‘reassuring’ financially obligated you to canalize your love for writing into articles and essays, leaving the music sheets and poems for anyone that actually got the time. You didn’t play the guitar, but a second-hand keyboard that you bought with your savings right after graduating from high school: it was a little old, but did the trick just right. The sleepless nights caused by your nerves over college were the only time you had to practice and soon enough your neighbor’s song was the one you found yourself playing, his melody being stuck in your head for days as you tried to come up with lyrics in your mind.
Little did you know the breeze would take the sound of your instrument through his window all the way to him, his lips curving into a smile as he heard his melody being played not in a set of strings, but keyboard keys. As he fell asleep to the music, you wonder if you would ever know the name of the boy behind the tunes you started to know by heart.
In fact, you found out the very next day his name was Jordan. And you found out because he went to your favorite coffee shop when you were buying your second shot of espresso that morning.
You were, as usual, occupying the last booth in the place, one headphone on while the other ear was free to listen to the buzz of the place; the smell of coffee bringing memories from your childhood home and allowing you to concentrate while you finished taking notes for your last final of the semester. You noticed someone taking the seat in front of you, and you looked up once you finished writing the sentence you were working on, meeting the eyes of the mysterious neighbor, sitting right there in front of you with both his hands wrapped around a large cup of coffee. “Hey you.”
“Hey,” you replied, not being able to contain the blush that grew on your cheeks. “How you doing?”
“You know, funny story: my day started pretty bad because my coffee machine broke, and I don’t know the neighborhood pretty well, so I went for a walk searching for anywhere that could sell me said beverage. I noticed this small place, got in line and ordered a large cup of black coffee, got my order and as I was leaving I noticed my neighbor sitting right here in this table, and I decided to say hi considering I’ve been playing for her for weeks now and I never even knew her name,” his sentence finished with a smile that made you chuckle.
“[Y/N],” you replied. “I didn’t know you were aware that I was listening.”
“Well, let’s just say I heard a keyboard version of one of my songs a few nights ago,” he admitted, not breaking eye contact. “I was hoping that was you.”
“There’s a small chance,” you eyes went down as you confessed. “As long as you haven’t seen me dancing in my pajamas, though, we are good.”
“That’s something I haven’t had the luck to witness yet,” he laughed. You stared at him with an amused look, watching his hand go to the back of his neck as he tried to figure out what to say next. “So…”
“So, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Oh, of course, I didn’t-I didn’t even realized… It’s Jordan. My name is Jordan,” he babbled, earning a giggle from you.
“Nice to meet you, Jordan,” you replied, tasting his name on your lips. You liked it. “So,” you repeated with a smile, “what do you do with… Your life?”
“Well, I play guitar as you may have noticed,” he laughed. “I’m a musician. I’m trying to be, at least, what about you?”
“Not a musician, no,” you shrugged. “I’ll hopefully be a journalist, if I survive college. Music has been… Put aside against my will, if I can be completely honest.”
“But you’re like, really good! Why would you put it aside?”
“Thanks,” you quietly replied. “I guess… My family wanted me on a more certain path, per se. I was gently pushed into turning my love for writing into journalism.”
“So you’re a lyricist?”
“I… Try?” You answered, your tone indicating more that you were doubting yourself than doubting your answer. “My compositions are… Sloppy. Raw, if I dare to say.”
“But these are the best ones,” he said, getting a smile from you for what felt like the millionth time that morning. “Is there any chance I can hear them someday?”
“Maybe someday,” you teased.
After that, you traded phone numbers and he left you alone to finish your studies. Not that you were able to focus on anything after that encounter. Your exams in the afternoon were followed a very tired [Y/N] falling in the couch in the evening after dinner: your body was so tired, both mentally and physically, that you thought nothing would be able to make you get out of that couch.
Until your phone buzzed in your back pocket.
From: Jordan Hey, open your window.
You smiled at the text before lazily get up from the couch, making sure to check yourself on the bedroom mirror before opening the curtains. Your view was pleasantly surprising: Jordan was sitting on his fire escape, guitar in hands like he always was, smile bigger than you’ve ever seen. He grabbed his phone, searching for something before your phone started ringing. “Hello?”
“So, about those lyrics...” he started, making you laugh.
“I need to find them, give me a second.” You dissapeared in your room for a few minutes while leaving the phone by the window, looking for the old notebook with your poetry. When you showed up again, you brought your phone back to your ear. “Okay, I’m back.”
“Hey,” he smiled. “Can we start?”
Right after you nodded, he smiled and started to play the melody you listened to him perfect over the weeks, you stood there, hearing the sound more perfectly through the phone, but watching from afar as his fingers glided on the strings to create the melody you knew by heart now. When he finished, his smile turned into a chuckle. “You were supposed to sing your lyrics!”
“What? No!” You laughed in response. “They are not finished, maybe you can help me out?”
“Sure, of course.”
“Okay, so… Can you play the chorus? The...” you hummed the part that repeated through the melody, and Jordan placed his phone by his side, speaker mode on as he played. You shyly sang your idea, watching his smile grow. “...And that’s what I got. The only part that I like from what I have, at least.”
“I love it.” His voice sounded as happy as he looked, almost in awe as he stared at you. You felt yourself blush because of those three words and mentally cursed to yourself for not being able to keep it together.
As the night went by you sat by your window, notebook in hands and your phone on speaker while debating lyrics with Jordan. You raised your eyebrow to him when he completed one of your verses with another that would be definitely considered a flirt and he shrugged in response before laughing, that being one of the many, many times he created butterflies in your stomach. The both of you didn’t even noticed when the other apartment’s lights turned off, making you the only two people awake in the buildings.
“It’s getting late,” you said, your voice almost a whisper.
“It is.”
“I don’t wanna go to sleep.”
“Me neither,” he answered, both of you with your phone on your ears now, guitar and notebook aside, watching each other from afar with such attention that the rest of the world seemed to stop.
“But I should go, big final tomorrow.”
“Good luck.”
“Thanks.” The both of you kept staring at each other, not even moving, the sound of his breath being the only thing you could listen, and the only thing you wanted to listen.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” his eyes, even from the distance they were from yours, were able to hypnotize you.
“You know where to find me,” you smiled.
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