#i hope the bit on styles is coherent bc i started rambling trying to describe things
talkyorgans · 2 years
12, 21, 23
12. Easiest part of body to draw
faces definitely, even if i stick to like 3 expressions, since thats pretty much what dominates everything i draw lmao. also hair is really fun and depending on how detailed i want shading to be it's pretty easy
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
hmmm off the top of my head—idk if it counts since the subject matter is totally different but i'm big on old romantic era landscape paintings and the like.
also really big on a lot styles based on ink drawing or printing? like this is like a really broad category and my personal tastes can include things like old biological diagrams and botanicals, creepy vintage illustrations and inspired styles, whatever the fuck fransisco goya was doing in his print series, etc. the scary stories guy also comes to mind though i'm pretty sure he's dealing w/ different mediums. ALSO going off of that i'm using this opportunity to plug Mateusz Skutnik games bc daymare town is one of my big faves art wise and i go through it like once a year at minimum
23. Do you use different layer modes
yeah difference layers are my best friend lol, even if my version of paint tool sai doesn't have them. i'll use them on like my lines layers too to help them merge better before painting or to add like quick gradients to things
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bug-ocs · 3 years
1, 19, 43, 49, and 50 for oc asks!!
1. Your first OC ever?
audrey!! i had plans to make a rambling video talking about her origins, but it got interrupted and i never finished...her name's changed constantly since i created her but one thing's stayed the same: she's always a short, fiery redhead ghlsdfkjsk emory came from her, but i went back a bit and broke her off to be her own character w/ closer ties to her "roots" or how i first envisioned her.
audrey was basically the self insert for the silly little story i wrote back in middle school and she was, for all intents and purposes, The Blueprint. i have such an affinity for obnoxious, stupid, well-intentioned women and audrey is essentially the manifestation of that lmao. she's kinda your typical shonen protagonist...her personality was influenced by protags like luffy and naruto, very bright and optimistic, if not a little dense.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
HOO BOY well...without getting too deep i have to say it's danny! i didn't intend for danny's character to end up as a way to project my Mental Illness, but unfortunately he's the one that ended up with that burden, idk why. it might've made more sense in theory if it were emory/audrey but who knows...really what ended up happening was that i THOUGHT i was projecting on emory (and i was!) but i had actually accidentally subconsciously projected a lot of stuff i was working on in therapy onto danny...idk if any of this will necessarily make sense because i haven't written everything yet, but...danny has a lot of traits that i'm self conscious about, and once i realized that, i decided to write him to have a "happy" or "good" ending as just a little way to express some self love, because it wasn't going to originally be that way
i hope this made sense ghldskfjsk it's kinda hard to talk about coherently w/o getting too personal...
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It's time to confess
LMAO see the first answer...a LOT of my characters sort of branched off from the OG audrey, so i have a TON of short, obnoxious redhead characters that are typically paried with--thanks to the OG dirk--a tall, lanky, depressed bastard. obsessed with duos that look like the number 10, bert and ernie lookin' bitches, a round ball of energy and a scrawny can of depress i LOVE IT I EAT IT UP
i also love big eyebrows....everyone has big dark eyebrows, sorry i don't make the rules (jk i do and everyone's got big eyebrows here)
49. Which of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
you know, i feel inclined to say emory bc they're really good at making gen-z-style deep fried incomprehensible memes, but it's more out of compulsion now rather than enjoyment. i think rami likes to make very outdated memes a la lolcats and image macros. like he REALLY gets a kick out of it and loves to see what other people make, even if he doesn't get it
50. Give me the good ol' OC talk here. Talk about anything you want.
hmmmm...idk if i ever said this anywhere but i'm starting my emory/danny/etc. story from scratch (feel inclined to call it vice versa w/ some cute subtitle idk yet)! i'm sorta trying to be more intentional with the words i use to describe everything, and i'm even trying to work on a sort of reference booklet on Vices that'll be referred to in the story occasionally. i don't have a ton of stuff down on paper yet but i've got ideas swirlin...might redesign some characters and shift others...i wanna give danny long hair? and i wanna give emory a BIG fuckin coat...no more of this tiny jacket business...they're getting a MASSIVE olive jacket >:^)
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