#i hope it isnt immediately obvious that im very much stepping out of my comfort zone with this drawing
thylacid · 6 months
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big fan of the meat in this game
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Home For Christmas Chapter 2: Mr and Mr Ross
“Jesus, crack a smile would ya? “
Lee was stone-faced as he and Barney got of the car that had brought them to the hotel.
“I thought you might be happy to be on this side of the Atlantic.”
“Yeah well…..” Lee looked around, taking in some of the sights and sounds that had once been so familiar to him. “Not the happiest of memories. Why the bloody hell do you think I  moved halfway across the world to surround myself with Yanks? Cos I needed the airmiles?”
The past was the past, for all of them, Barney understood that.  And sometimes the past was best left where it was.
Their bags were taken inside and they made their way to the reception desk where they were greeted by a young brunette woman. “Checking in?”
“Yeah.” Barney returned her smile. “The name’s Ross.”
The woman, whose name badge read ‘Cathy’, looked at her computer screen. “Mr….and Mr Ross?”  She looked only momentarily surprised and then, smiling warmly, carried on with the check-in process she’d done so many times it was second nature to her now.  “We have you booked into the Aquarius Suite. You’ll have beautiful views of the city.”
“Thank you., Cathy.”  Barney smiled again as he took the key card from her then turned to Lee. “Come on, honey, let’s go check out our suite.”
Lee forced a smile. “Can’t wait. Sweetheart.” As soon as they were out of earshot and entering an empty elevator Lee couldn’t wait to drop the pretence. “I don’t see why I had to take your name. Is that how our marriage works, you get your own way all the bloody time?”
“Well, 'Mr and Mr Christmas' didn’t sound very authentic.”
“And she was fit and I couldn’t even hit on her.”
“Actually I’m pretty sure that out of the two of us she wished I wasn’t gay.”
The elevator pinged and it was only a few steps to the door of their suite. They entered the room to find the concierge placing their bags on the floor and looked around the spacious suite.
“Very nice,” Lee said as he wandered through from the living room area to a large bedroom and peeked into the equally large bathroom.
“At least something put a smile on your face,” Barney said as he gave the concierge a generous tip, it wasn’t his money after all, it was Drummer’s.
Lee was already undoing the buttons on his shirt by the time the door closed behind the young man and eyeing up the suitcase that held his hoody and t-shirts. Barney smiled and shook his head slightly, watching Lee who was now checking out the mini bar and still fiddling with his buttons, He was about to say something about how Lee wasn't even wearing a tie, how could he be that uncomfortable but thought better of it, Instead, he held up the file Drummer had given them as he sat down on what he decided was probably the most confirmable sofa his ass had ever met.
“So, we know he sits at a private table in the bar most nights. We need to go down for dinner or drinks or whatever tonight and make sure we catch his attention.”
Lee nodded, realising he wasn’t going to get to put on his hoody for a few hours yet.
“Gimme your hand.”
“We’re supposed to look like a couple so we’d better start practising just the little things that’ll make it seem like we actually are.
Now gimme your damn hand, Christmas.”
Lee frowned and put his hand in Barney’s,
“Pretend I’m the girl from the front desk if you have to.”
“And who are you picturing, then? Maggie?”
“Where did that come from?”
Lee shrugged. “Last woman I saw you take in interest in. And fuck knows why but she liked you back, it was obvious. “
There was something in Lee’s face that Barney couldn’t read.  “Maybe.” He replied.
“So why’d you just let her go like that?”
“You know better than anybody why.  This life, what we do, isn’t exactly made for happy healthy relationships. “
“Nothing’s perfect, Barney,  And she knew the life, she lives it too. Maybe that was some kind of perfect or the closest you’re gonna get.”
“You’ve been spending too much time with Toll talking about his therapist.”
“Piss off Barney, you know it makes sense.”
Neither looked away from the other for several seconds, though it felt to them both like longer.
Lee suddenly let go of Barney’s hand. “I’m off for a shower, at least it’ll give me a break out of this bloody suit. “ He walked across the room, already starting to take off his partially unbuttoned shirt.
“I’m gonna take a walk, check out the hotel and see what intel I can gather with my own eyes.”
“I’ll be ready for dinner when you get back,” Lee called over his shoulder as he headed into the bathroom and closed the door behind him, leaving Barney standing for a few moments, wondering what the hell had just happened and what that conversation had really been about.
Lee was ready when Barney got back, but he hadn’t bargained for Barney also wanting to shower and change.  He grumbled under his breath, letting Barney know he wasn’t happy to be waiting around in his suit longer than he had to be but by the time Barney was done and entered the living room of their suite, showered, dressed and fastening some cufflinks, Lee was sat on the enormous comfortable sofa with his feet up on the coffee table, drinking beer from the minibar and watching football on the massive flatscreen tv.
Barney started to grin and Lee held up a hand. “Don’t say a bloody word, I had to keep myself occupied with something. And I swear to God if you call it soccer I’ll kick your arse all the way back to the States.”
Less than five minutes later they walked into the grand bar and restaurant downstairs, turning more than a few heads immediately. But not, they both noticed the one head they were hoping to turn.  A Maitre ’D seated them at a table with something more like a sofa than actual chairs. They sat side by side and even closer than they normally would have. A waiter arrived to take their drink orders and returned less than a minute later with a Scotch for Barney and beer for Lee.
Seconds after taking his first sip, Lee put his glass down and leaned in, making it seem as if he were casually whispering something in his 'husband's' ear. “We have an audience.”
“Yeah. Just walked in behind you. With two guards that look like Trench and Gunner. Only taller.”
“Funny how Drummer didn’t mention that.”
“Told you he was still a wanker.”
Lee waited until Artemis had been seated and his bodyguards sat as casually as two men of their size could at the table right next to him.  “Better make it look convincing.” He let his arm casually rest on the back of their seat, allowing his hand to lay on Barney’s shoulder,  stroking with one finger across the fabric that they both knew hid the tattoos underneath.
“You do this with all the girls?”
“Why? You Jealous?”
Lee’s eyes looked back at Barney so intently, his smile a sultry one that he’d never seen before on Lee’s face and right now it was all focused on him.
“Not right now.”  Barney leaned in close this time, whispering low and softly right next to Lee’s ear. “‘Cos I’m here and they’re not.”
Lee licked his lips involuntarily, suddenly aware that his mouth had gone dry and he wasn’t sure why. But Barney was obviously making this a competition now and Lee was happy to oblige by competing. He moved his hand from Barney’s shoulder and rested the side of his head on it, an angle that let him keep an eye on Artemis and still look like he was gazing at his “husband.” Then, as casually as before, he rested his other hand on Barney's leg, just above his knee. He got the reaction he was hoping for, a momentary eyebrow raise from Barney before he played along and put his own hand on top of Lee’s.  As Barney considered what he’d do next to up the stakes in this unspoken competition, he realised he was enjoying this. And not just the usual back and forth, trying to outdo each other. He was actually turned on.
They were interrupted by a waiter carrying a tray with two whiskeys on it.
“From the man at the far table. “ He said, lowering the tray for them both to reach it.
Lee’s hand moved finally to take his drink from the tray, and Barney hoped his sigh of relief wasn’t audible to him and the waiter. but as he reached for his own drink he realised with some confusion that he already missed the sensation of Lee’s warm, heavy hand on his body.
They raised their glasses in Artemis’s direction and he returned the gesture.
“Got him,” Lee said under his breath.
“Now we reel him in.”
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choisgirls · 8 years
What if the mysmes bunch +Saeran +V find out MC has an illness (can't think of a specific example) that meant they were constantly at a hospital (also MC is terrified of hospitals)
A/N: im afraid of hospitals until im actually admitted then im like yeah okay im here, /fantastic/.Also, I tried to be kind of broad and diverse? But I only know like one ofthese on a personal level so i hope nothing is completely off the wall ~Admin404
           -I think he’d be afraid of hospitalsas well
           -I mean pet hospitals are different!!That’s for pets! Hospitals deal with people! And he’S A PERSON!
           -He COMPLETELY gets your fear, buthe’s gotta be tough for you!!! Gotta be the man!!
           -“MC don’t move, ill getit!” “I’ll fluff your pillow!” “Want a different tvchannel?? IVE GOT IT”
           -You’ve been going through chemotherapybut that doesn’t mean you can’t moVE YOOSUNG PLEASE
           -If you cry because you’re scared,he’s there crying with you
           -But!!! He surrounds you with TONSof plush toys, and brings you food his mum he’s made
           -And honestly his innocence is socute? And gets your mind off of the fear? He’s always making some cutecraft thing with you, or telling you all about his LOLOL game (even brings alaptop for you to play with him when he has to go home!!) He isn’t very good atthe whole comforting aspect but he loves you and tries so hard for you!! ;A;
           -He heals quickly and strong
           -You….do not…do that
           -You get an infection and it’s SOHARD for your body to fight it
           -Which often leaves you in thehospital over something like the flu
           -And that makes him SO SAD like omgMC i’d give you some of my healing power if I could
           -You are very vocal about yourdislike for the hospital, so he doesn’t have to guess or pick up on subtlehints
           -But he treats you like ROYALTY herefuses to let you do anything for yourself when you’re in there because hejust wants to make up for not being able to stop you from getting sick ;A;
           -He sings for you almost constantlybecause??? You can’t be afraid of anything in this building if all you canfocus on is him??
           -He brings his scripts with him allthe time so the two of you can waste the day and practice together!!
           -HAVE NO FEARS MC, FOR ZENNY ISHERE. Always watching the doctors and nurses like a hawk, always tries to getyou to focus on him instead of anything they’re doing (obviously not if it’simportant, then he lets you pay attention). Otherwise there’s a lot of cheekkisses, hand kisses, and just like…kisses everywhere come on it’s zen we’retalking about
           -You’re in the hospital often forbreathing problems
           -“Jaehee, it’s because you takemy breath away,” you wheeze as she’s rushing you to the hospital
           - mc shut the fuCK UP NOW ISNTTHE TIME
           -She loves that you’re able to makelight of the situation though
           -That is until you actually get tothe hospital, then she’s practically dragging you through the doors becauseyou’re too afraid to go in
           -Too much sadness, too many machinesthat you aren’t familiar with, the weird feeling of being in a strange place,you don’T LIKE IT
           -But she’s always there to read youa book at the end of the day, with a cozy throw blanket from home, and she’llbring you some coffee from your favourite shop!
           -She also studies what all themachines and medications do so she can explain them to you and hopefully easeyour anxiety!
           -When she can’t be there because ofwork, she leaves you a stack of books to get lost in so that you won’t evennotice you’re there. She’ll text you throughout the day as well to check up onya
           -She’s small enough to cuddle up inbed with you which is GREAT the two of you watch zen’s dvd’s on her laptop allthe time
           -???? Why go to hospital whenhospital can come to you
           - jumin no i appreciate thegesture but no
           -You’re a regular there because ofyour heart problems and it breAKS HIS HEART
           - he’s threatened saeyoung a fewtimes because he keeps making jokes like “your heart must of stoppedbecause you saw jumins face” and things of the sort like stOP
           -The first time you had a problemwith your heart when you were with him it scared the sHIT OUT OF HIM MC WHAT’SWRONG
           -But he noticed the whole time youwere there, you were anxious and always on the verge of tears and Juju will nothave that
           -Literally had a room made just foryou for whenever you need to be admitted and it looks just like home
           -“It’s your home away fromhome. Funny, right? MC why are you crying it was supposed to be funny” noits because you’re so swEET JUMIN WHAT THE FUCK STOP
           -He’s sad he can’t bring Elizabethto console you but he does his best. Always sits with you, petting your hairand kissing you softly
           -His tall ass crawls into your bedat night too so he can hold you like duDE WATCH OUT FOR THE IV YOU’RE TOO TALLYOU DON’T FIT PLS YOUR KNEE IS DIGGING INTO ME
           -He knew your medical history, hedid do a background check on you after all
           -So he knew that you’ve had frequenttrips to the hospital your whole life
           -He did not realize, however, thatyou’d be this terrified of just visiting the hospital to see Saeran (after thewhole mint eye thing of course)
           -It wasn’t very obvious to anyoneelse how afraid you were, but he could tell
           -You were in a lot of danger whenthe two of you were saving Saeran and you didn’t bat an eye
           -But the moment you stepped foot inthe hospital, you got quiet. When you did talk, you started to stutter and tripover your words. You had a lot of trouble looking around or at anyone  and that wasn’t the MC he knew
           -You explained that due to your weakimmune system, you’re a frequent in the hospital. You get sick easily and ithits you hard. But being surrounded by the multitudes of machines, hearing thesad sounds of people losing loved ones, you just couldn’t handle it
           -From then on, every time you’readmitted to the hospital, he brings a back full of different outfits so he canentertain you, and get your mind off of everything that was happening aroundyou
           - mc i’m your doctor im gonnahave to give you an exam wink wonk
           -Full of stupid jokes, hand holding,and kisses to the cheek. He is the deFENDER OF JUSTICE and he will DEFEND YOUFROM ALL OF YOUR FEARS. He’s such a dork??? How can you even think aboutwhat’s happening around the hospital to freak you out. It was practically likebeing at home with him around
           -You immediately told him about yourhealth conditions when the two of you met
           -You unfortunately had to stay inthe hospital frequently because of bad epileptic episodes
           -Well, you would go home of course,but some episodes were too risky to go immediately home, so you’d have to stay
           -And you HATED it, like, THIS PLACEISN’T HOME
           -So every time it happens, he makesit home for you
           -Always bringing you favouriteblankets and pillows from home
           -He even tries to bring calmingcandles so you won’t be as afraid you cant really…light those in here v
           -He’s always talking in such acalming tone that you’re just kind of….relaxed. Please tell me some storiesV, lull me to sleep and ease my nerves . He’s always reading fairytale storiesto you
           -On days that you’re extra anxious,he shows you videos he’s taken of you, of the RFA, and of random things youlove the ones he takes of dogs and you know he does it just for you
           -Overall, he’s just always there tolisten to you. You can rant and rave and cry angry tears because you’re soafraid and just want to go home, but he’s there to wipe your tears away and theonly home that matters is the one you have with him
           -He knows what it’s like to be inthe hospital for a long time
           -I mean, right after Saeyoung tookhim from Mint Eye, he was in there a long time to get all of that shit out ofhis blood stream and all of that, so he kind of gets it
           -When you have to go to the hospitalpretty often because your kidneys were weak and almost always on the verge offailing, he freAKS OUT
           -Pulls it together (well on theoutside at least) fairly quickly when he notices how nervous you are everytime, no matter how often you have to go
           -You’re almost on the verge of tearsevery time because?? Every time you’re here you’re fairly close to dying andWOW that’s scary as fuck this place sucks
           -But he’s always there for you, nomatter what. He might not say much (and nO ITS NOT BECAUSE HIS VOICE WILLGIVE AWAY HIS FEAR SHUT UP MC) but he’s there to hold your hand through itall, and tries to act like wiping your tears is an inconvenience though youknow it’s not and that hes just trying to be tough
           -Actually stays up for days at atime to watch over you and make sure everything is alright which makes you feelbad but also really puts you at ease??
           -Like nothing bad is gonna happenbecause Saeran will pUNCH IT IN THE FACE. That fear? PUNCH IN THE FACE. All thebeeping machines? PUNCH IN THE FACE. Doctor comes in the room in the middle ofthe night and scares the shit out of you? saERAN ITS THE DOCTOR PLEASE DON’TPUNCH THEM IN THE FACE
           -He buys a bunch of sweets- likecake, cookies, ice cream, things of the sort- and pretends it’s all because hewanted it himself but he guesses hecan share with you, if it’ll help lift your spirits and take your mind off ofthe fact you’re in here
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