#i hope i dissappear bruh
junkartie · 1 year
Extremely fucked up that we havent figured out what happens after death yet. Makes me want to throw up that ill find out eventually
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qoeww · 2 years
The Rise!movie was amazing!! (Spoiler alert)
If it was s/o Who managed to "portalchop" the ship and trap Krang on the other side, including themselfs, how would the turtles react?
Bonus scene: They got saved, of course
Warning: Angst and spoiler from movie
Characters: Turtle Bros
Writing type: Fic+ Hc
Author Note: Bruh this is my fav request, I love that type of angst >:] That was long, I hope you like it hun <3
No, you shouldn't be there, why didn't you just listen Leo?
Leo had expected Krang to crush him, not throw him. He hissed in pain as his shell rubbed against the ground. No, no NO! That wasn't a part of the plan!
You were the closest to Krang.
You looked at the chaos behind you for the last time. Fear was reflected in the eyes of your friends.
You grabbed Leo's ōdachi from ground and runned to Krang. Screams coming from behind you mixed together, only heard Krang and his disgusting voice. The expression on your his made you grip the ōdachi tighter.
You swung the ōdachi into his outstretched arm, there wasn't even the tiniest crumb of pain on his face.
"Really? That's all?"
You just grinned to his teasing.
"You thought so?" Ōdachi activated and you both dissappeared. Your voice heard from their wristbands.
And the huge portal door disappeared like you and Krang.
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Before portal shouted, he could only shout to get his voice to Casey
Portal shout down and he didn't do anything
Everything was his fault.
His brain working so hard, he is blaming himself and at the same time he is trying to make a new plan
He ran to Casey and tried to grab the key
Yes, YES he will just take you from there and will close the portal again and everything will be fine
He got angry at first when Casey didn't give him the key, but he slowly grasps everything
You sacrificed yourself... Because of him
If he had done the plan better, these would not happen, if he-
Breathing is so hard, his chest is burning with every breath
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He didn't do anything, just watched you disappearing without noise
He heard your voice, he knew it was coming from the bracelet but didn't believe
He didn't wanna believe what was happening now
The sound of the portal closing mingled with your voice and echoed in his brain
He didn't know how to react
He brought his hand to face when he felt the salty water in his mouth
He was... Crying?
His vision was blurred, his brain had a hard time understanding
He felt like this for the first time... So helpless
He couldn't do anything
He wanted to stop crying, get up and do something
But there was no end of tears
Donnie hated to feel this way
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He failed
He didn't do his part
He was the big brother, he should save everyone
At a sound from his right, he turned his head, for a moment believing that you were there
As the portal closed, he took a wheezing breath and watched the chaos dissipate
He fell to his knees, he felt like he couldn't bear his weight
Weight or guilty? He didn't know
He tried to suppress the sobs that were struggling to escape his throat
He should encourage others, and make a new plan
His. Stupid. Brain. Stopped. Working. Think. THİNK!
He didn't even dare to look at his brother's face
The last time he saw the fear on your face turning into courage, the sob ripped out of his throat
"Why... WHY?"
If he hadn't been so stupid, if he hadn't gone and obeyed Krang...
The sobbings didn't stop
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Hah... Haha...
His face contorted with pain
He looked behind, his brothers for support
But everything was worse than he thought, his brothers were crying
Maybe... Maybe Leo?
No... No
Was the situation really hopeless?
He felt his heart was disassembled
Tears were coming to his eyes
He clasped his hands in anger, he wasn't going to let that happen
He will not leave his love
He stretched out his hands, Casey told him he could make portals right? So he will.
His hands were shaking but he didn't care, he will do it, he can!
Nothing was happening, tears ran down his chin
After all, he was just a child, the child always being useless
He focused more, he could hear your voice, you were talking with Krang
The heat on your fingertips hurt
The orange portal shined in chaos, attracted the attention of all to magnificent structure. Even Leo noticed the shining, noticed the hope.
Raph looked up at Mikey's voice, his brother… his brother was making it. Turned his head to Donnie, the emptiness in purple one's gaze was finally filled with determination. They both reached out to the portal to support their brother
"IT'S NOT ENOUGH!" Mikey shouted, he felt all the flesh in his body being roasted
The portal was getting smaller and smaller.
They didn't even hear the sound coming from their side, so Leo rushed over to them and held out his hands
The portal returned to its former greatness, then the universe where you were Krang was reflected.
Blood was dripping from your nose, mouth and wounds. Raph activates his strength and reaches out to you, you weren't even strong enough to grasp it. But you made it, you were back. While portal shout down from your back you heard the Krang's voice for the last time.
"Oh, hey guys. What a day huh?..."
They all jumped on you, gave you a warm family hug
Leo stood on tiptoe to look at you as Raph pulled you
You were there, living
All he could feel was the relief in his body when the portal closed behind you
After group hug, he didn't want to leave you
He closed his eyes as he ran his fingers through your hair
He just, just wanna stay like this for a little bit
His hand were still shaking after you came too
He slowly pulled himself away after a hug
You can feel the pain in your eyes
Slowly, ignoring the pain, you raised your arms and invited him into the other hug
He walked quickly towards you and wrapped his arms around you
You can feel his nails rubbing against your back, he gripped you tightly like you were about to slip out
"I- I don't know how to feel-"
You whispered while rubbing his neck. "Everything is okay Donnie, everything will be okay."
Krang hissed behind you as he tried to reach you and he felt panic trying to grip his body
He gripped you tightly but not hurtfully and pulled you
He was trying to use his strength as carefully as possible, even as he slowly put you down
He was the first to break the group hug, worried about your bones and scars
"We should go and get some-"
You grabbed his panicked face and kissed him, feeling his tensed muscles soften under a kiss
Tears wet both your face and his
With a final wink to Krang, he closed the portal
He's the one running for the first hug, he really held her body, he really made it
Even when he brokes hug, he was still very happy, she did it, she made it
He didn't even notice the tears running down his cheeks
His relief was reflected in tears, The stress inside was him flowing with tears
He opened his arms again and pulled you into a hug
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So! I finally watched Felix and I have some notes on it! This is just what I’m remembering off the top of my head: 
what the fuck? It’s only been one year since Emilie’s dissappearance? I know the Timeline is fucked up, but it should be a year and a half, if not two years by now.
I really liked that garden scene! 
Adrien and Gabriel having a moment that’s actually sweet.
Gabriel being so close to telling Adrien about everything. Emilie in the basement, being Hawkmoth, etc. 
Adrien thinking it’s about whatever the fuck is going on with the GabeNath interactions and being all ‘I get it, and it’s okay’. 
Gabriel getting offended at the implication because he’s still trying to bring Emilie back!
I love it. 
All the friends wanting to send a video to Adrien is very sweet
While I like the fact that they included Chloé and Kagami in the call, seeing that .5 seconds of Lila gave me anxiety. 
Also, Tikki, I get what you’re going for, saying ‘there’s never going to be a ‘right time’ to confess so just let the video go’. But, uh, it’s the fucking anniversary of his mother’s disappearance!!! That’s literally the worst fucking time!!
Emilie’s sister gives me weird vibes. idk. She’s just kinda... chipper. But morbidly chipper. I’m not sure if I love her or hate her. 
Though I do hate her commenting on how Gabriel’s still wearing his wedding ring. 
Like, bitch your sister is missing! Her husband is still attached and hasn’t given up hope yet but you’re just chill about it!!
‘I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your father’s funeral’. WHAT THE FUCK
They just dropped that shit on us???
Okay, I get that Felix’s whole plan had something to do with those rings. But that the FUCK are they???? HELLO? ANYONE???
Seriously. The implication was that they’re magic. You could’ve just left it as ‘Emilie’s sister is a bitch who just wants her family heirlooms back’. But there’s some Magic aspect? WHat??
I really liked Chloé’s short little video. The vulnerability! The compassion! I love it! Except for the fact that it reignited my hatred of Miracle Queen.  
I’m... concerned with how quickly everyone believed that Adrien was a dick over the video Felix sent. 
Like... bruh. Sure they go ‘well.... we’ve only known since school started.... and he is friends with Chloé...’
Oh. You mean the Chloé who has been on the road to being better? Who Alya and Nino should trust a little more since they fought by her side as Heroes? Who they literally had in a video call just ten minutes ago to be a part of this plan???? That Chloé???
Also, they might only have known Adrien for a few months. But come the fuck on. That’s plenty of time for y’all to know he’s a sweetheart who would never.
 Sure, they don’t know about Felix, but their first thought shouldn’t be ‘oh well. Guess Adrien’s a dick!’. It should be ‘oh god he’s Akumatized!’. Because a boy all sad about the anniversary of his mother’s disappearance is a prime target for Akumatization!
I was hoping we’d get some explaination for how three people were Akumatized at once but... nope. 
You can Akumatize multiple people into multiple seperate Akumas as long as they’re touching the same object now!
Just set up one of those ‘whoever keeps their hand on the new car the longest wins it!’ contests and Akumatized a fuckton of people at once. 
Seriously, they should’ve been Akumatized into something new. 
Oh hey! Actual Gabriel is back and not whatever the fuck we got in Chat Blanc! 
The one who’s like ‘Hey, I’m going to cause some problems, but I want Adrien safe and protected so I’m gonna have Nathalie get him out of harm’s way!’. Instead of, again, whatever the FUCK we got in Chat Blanc. \
Badass Nathalie is badass
Still don’t understand what Felix’s plan is. 
Also, what the fuck does trying to force a kiss on Ladybug have to do with all this? I mean, sure we get that moment of ‘if a guy is making you uncomfortable, then deck him!’ but what the fuck was the point?
Oh right! Making Felix be Literally The Worst™, especially compared to our innocent cinnamon roll Adrien!
Yeah. I’m aware of the salt. And while I take some people’s Adrien salt with, well, a grain of salt. This was uncalled for on so many levels. 
I do kinda like the ending conversation. 
Where Felix’s mom tries to excuse his actions, but Felix is like ‘nah don’t I was a dick’. 
And Adrien’s like ‘hey, look, I get it. If you ever feel like that again, I’m just a phone call away!’. 
Plus Gabriel softening for a half-second and giving Felix the handshake. 
I still don’t know what the FUCK is the deal with those rings though. 
Look, I am all for Magic outside the Miraculous existing. For example, every time I bring up Chloé’s bracelet. 
But this has no explanation???
On one hand, it could be something for next season. On the other hand, uh.... have we heard literally ANYTHING about those potions from Season 2? No? right. 
So. this is a mixed bag for me. Most episodes are tbh. 
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