#i hope i did them justice.... the only thing i tweaked was their height lol 😭
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fxnker · 17 days ago
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fanart of this beautiful paolo by @ssspringroll and this beautiful knox by @0298butcher ... thank you both of you for your amazing rendition of the best boys ever !!! đŸ«¶
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poetica-miscellanea · 7 years ago
Dragon Age OC/Inquisitor Profile
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Full Name:  Felan (fey-LAUN, but FEY-lihn is also acceptable pronunciation to him) Fen’an Lavellan
Nickname(s):  “Snow” - Varric, at first (because of his hair and eye colour - he later stops at Dorian’s behest) and then “Spitfire” on occasion after that; “Ickle” - Sera (she thinks it’s hilariously ironic given Felan’s tall height for an elf); “Fae” - Dorian (at Haven, Dorian tells Felan it’s not just because it’s an alternative spelling to the way the first syllable of his name is said, but also because Felan’s “glowy hand” and humming after battle makes him think of the stories of Firesprites in the Korcari Wilds)
Age:  24 at the Conclave, 27-28 during Trespasser
Gender:  Male
Pronouns:  He/him
Sexuality:  Gay
Family:  Felan’s mother, Una, was a city elf born in the alienage of Starkhaven.  She met Felan’s father, Fen’an, while he was doing trade off and on in the city for his clan.  They became smitten with each other soon after.  Tired of the treatment of elves in the alienage, and the pretentious luxury and grandeur of the rest of the city, Una eventually ran away with Fen’an, as she had no more living relatives in Starkhaven to keep her there, either.  Fen’an was the clan’s long-standing Master until he, along with a few other clan members, were killed when Felan was 22 during a treacherous ambush in a trade with humans gone awry.  Unfortunately later on, Una and Vienne do not survive the attack on the Lavellan clan in Wycome.
Birthplace:  Somewhere outside Tantervale, near the Minanter River where the Lavellan clan stayed for a time
Occupation:  Prior to Inquisitor and assassin specialisation:  Master of clan Lavellan after his father’s death; he then relinquishes his “title” and duties to Aridhel Lavellan a couple months later.  Felan takes on the job of one of the clan’s best hunters and weapons crafters until he leaves approx. four months following that.  He periodically checks in with the clan to see his mother and Vienne, so he stays relatively close, even when it isn’t to their knowledge at times (which he prefers).  Prior to the events of the Conclave, he briefly comes back as the result of Aridhel and Vie’s combined pleadings.  Keeper Deshanna and the clan’s hahren then request of Felan to be a spy on the talks at the temple as retribution for his “slights” against the clan, and a way to be welcomed back with open arms.  Felan very, very reluctantly accepts.
Fears:  Losing those he cares about and failure.  Though he also suffers PTSD after his father's death, and the fall of Haven worsens it.  Occasionally heavy snowfalls trigger panic attacks.
Guilty Pleasures:  Learning about magic, expensive wine, having Dorian read to him, seeing if he can make Cassandra blush or smile, and visiting with his favourite terrifying undead steed, Dearg (JAIR-ahg) in the stables! :D
Hobbies:  Once Felan eventually learns how to read fully, he enjoys that a great deal; learning to fight with a sword & shield, drinking with Sera and Varric, blade crafting and weapons modification  
Eye colour:  Very pale, icy blue
Hair colour:  White
Height:  approximately 5’9 / 178cm
Scars:  He has quite a lot, especially on his arms, but his most prominent are the ones on his right brow and the right side of his nose which he got during the attack on his clan before he joined the Inquisition.  And he later gets a pretty bad scar beneath his left pectoral muscle from an injury involving an arrow.
Burns:  Of course!  He’s fought enough enemy mages, fire-breathing dragons, and has both heroically, and idiotically run into burning buildings aplenty.  Technically, the scar from the arrow injury also involves scarring from cauterisation, too. 
  Overweight:  Nope.
Underweight:  Though some humans would say otherwise, no.  He’s actually got a decent amount of muscle for an elf, but is still lithe.
Had sex:  Yess
Had sex in public:  Technically speaking?  Uh.. yeahh... shh...
Kissed a man:  Yep!
Kissed a woman:  Romantically?  No.
Gotten tattoos:  His June vallaslin when he was 17, and then at some point when he is 25 and travelling in Val Royeaux, he gets the alchemical symbol for fire (triangle) connected to the ends of the vallaslin going down his biceps for Dorian :)
Gotten piercings:  No
Had a broken heart:  Yes, twice (in the romantic sense)
Been in love:  Twice, Dorian being the last<3
Stayed up for more than 24 hours:  Felan has insomnia, so it’s more than likely.
A virgin:  Ohhh no haha
A cuddler:  Yep, he loves physical affections
A kisser:  Very much so, and isn’t afraid of PDA unless it makes his partner uncomfortable
A smoker:  He’ll smoke elfroot on occasion if he really wants to sleep, especially because it prevents nightmares
Scared easily:  Besides his PTSD triggers, no.
Jealous easily:  He’s only jealous of those who haven’t experienced prejudices or have lived relatively “normal” lives.
Trustworthy:  Yes, it’s something he prides himself on being
Dominant:  Yes
Submissive:  Definitely not, though he would be to Dorian in bed.  But Dorian veryyy rarely allows it.
Single:  Quite the opposite!
Morality Alignment:  Felan stumbles in between Chaotic Good & Chaotic Neutral at different points in his life
Sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
Virtues: Charity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience / Restraint
introvert/extrovert:  introvert mostly
organized/disorganized:  organised
close minded/open-minded:  very open-minded
calm/anxious:  calm when it counts (especially in battle), but is prone to panic/anxiety attacks
disagreeable/agreeable:  Most on his good side would say agreeable
cautious/reckless:  Ugh, reckless!
patient/impatient:  He leans more towards being impatient, because of his recklessness lol. Fae also has no patience for bullshit.
outspoken/reserved:  A good bit of both
leader/follower:  Reluctant leader - he fails to see he’s good at it, and also refuses to follow
empathetic/unempathetic:  empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic:  Cynical optimist
traditional/modern:  A bit more modern than most Dalish, he breaks away from quite a lot of tradition
hard-working/lazy:  very hard-working
OTP:  FaeDor! haha  Dorian & Felan ♄
Acceptable Ships:  Felan & Cullen as they were together for a little over 3 months sometime after they met.  And Felan & Aridhel, who were together from the time Fae was 17 until he left the clan at 22.
OT3:  None - Fae is very monogamous once he’s in a relationship
BROTP:  Felan/Cullen when things smooth over with them, Felan/Sera, Felan/Varric, Felan/Cass, Felan/Leliana, at times Felan/Harritt, and Felan/the Bog Unicorn lmao
NOTP:  Since he’s gay, no women, obviously lol.  And nothing against Bull personally, but Felan doesn’t trust him, so he wouldn’t bed or end up with him.
Recruited the mages or Templars?:  Mages because magic interests Felan greatly and he was hoping the Anchor was magic-related enough to be removed after closing the Breach.  He also wasn’t sure how trustworthy the Templars would’ve been, despite Cullen’s insistence on the matter.
Who did they leave in the Fade during Hear Lies the Abyss?:  Stroud :(  Purely for my selfish reasons because the thought of a romanced Fenris finding out Hawke was left in the Fade guts me.  I can’t think about that.  Not to mention how crushed Varric would’ve been.
I “tag” anyone who’d like to do this themselves or even tweak it to fit their non-DA OCs!! :)  And my asks are always open, so feel free to pop in there if you’d like to know anything more about Felan!
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