#i honestly just wanted to reblog it to the musings blog for Emmett that's the only reason I'm posting it
softceleste · 2 years
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alchemic-elric · 4 years
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|| Guys my mind is fucking everywhere tonight so just bear with me. There’s been so much shit I’ve wanted to do but my focus is horrendous. One of those things was that 
||| “what do you want to tell me before 2020 thing.” 
But let’s be real here. There are so many of you I think I’d hit my ask limit or to be completely honestly, my flighty ass would lose track of who I sent shit to and what it said - so it’s all right here in one neat place easy for you to see and me to make sure I hit everyone. 
and even if you DIDN’T reblog that meme well too bad, you might be here. 
It’s gunna be very long, sappy, emotional, brutally honest - there are a lot of you - bear with me. 
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@angcrmanagcmcnt​ - I love you. I think of you as my little sister in Northern Canada who gets all my midwestern weirdness. I didn’t know how we were gunna click when I first saw your blog but I was like “fuck it could be fun” and now I’m here and I care about you a lot and I consider you one of my good good friends.  You’ve dealt with a lot from both me and my son and I can’t thank you enough for that.  Thank you for writing with me. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for plotting. You’re one of the few people here in our tumblr community who’s heard my voice. Thank you for taking a chance on me. I care about you. 
@eveningmuses​  - Eve, you’re wonderful. You’re such a talented writer and I love the way you handle your muses and so many. I felt for you when tumblr murdered your blog. I love talking with you and plotting with you. I’m blessed and honored to have you as one of my friends. Thank you for getting to know me this year.  
@avarice-inclined​ - Emmett - oh Emmett - your Greed came to my boy in a time of need and they bonded over a panic attack just like Ly’ did. Even if Ed doesn’t completely believe he cares about him (Ed has difficulty with that and anyone though) It’s been such a pleasure to get to know you. It’s been such a pleasure to plot things out with you in canon and modern. It’s been such a joy to bring Rhys into modern. I adore what you’ve done with him. Also you and the art presents. You’ve given me so many art presents. I can’t thank you enough for that. I love your art. It’s so cute and all your own. 
@dolcetters​  - Red,  it’s been a rough go of it with our boys and for a while there I didn’t know if they would ever get to being in the same room status, let alone talking status - let alone last name status. It’s still a name and I’ll take it. It’s been a rough go of it for them and I will not excuse Ed’s actions over the course of the year. He’s been an absolute jackass to your boy. There’s really no way around that.  I’m so excited that they’ve come as far as they have though - and you too though. We bonded over birbs and I’m still excited about that. I’m glad we just chat about birds and whatever. I love seeing your art and I have your comic bookmarked <3 Thank you for all your encouraging words this year and being my friend. 
@regnantlight​ - CC, I know you have a lot going on - CONGRATS on the engagement! Thank you for all your kind and encouraging words this year. You breathe life into Zelda in a special way that’s all you. Seeing her interact with other muses on the dash as well as my own is an absolute treat. Every time she comes up on the screen when I play HW I think of you. 
@creepiitus​ - Jay, you’re wonderful never change. Your art is always a treat on the dash and your muse is an absolute wonder. We all know he’s a trash man with some issues but we all love him so much. He’s so perfectly Kimblee but he’s so perfectly yours.  But in a different way from Dol, but much like Dol - these two had a rough start (at least on Ed’s end).  Even if they’re getting along or they’re not I love writing with you. I love reading your writing and your headcanons. You roach man is so in depth and I adore that.  Thank you for talking with me this year and being my friend. I appreciate all your roach man guidance in the way of angsty ass AUs too.  When it comes to Kimblee I will always defer to you.
@deathleads​ -  Cosmos, I think I will always been in awe of Chrissy in one way or another. She’s such an amazingly lovingly crafted OC and I have just decided she’s canon anyway. I have said it more than once and I will keep saying it. Your art just blows my damn mind and I love it. I see it always improving and it’s always fantastic. You are talented in so many areas I can’t begin. You’re a wonderful person. Thank you for your kind words this year and being my friend. <3 
@cromwellharvests​ - Bird, you mean a lot to me. We’ve dealt with some stuff but we got through it all and I appreciate you always being there to talk through things for your second opinion. I hope things go well for. I care about you and I’m always here for you if you ever need an ear to listen. And your wife! Emily Cromwell is still a gift to dash and she will always persist to be. Pure Canon 100%.  You’re soooooooo talented. You made your own character and then brought her to life and made her human.  Also all your graphics and theming and just everything is always so pretty <3 <3 My eyes are always excited to see the things  you make. 
@deammortale​ - Rose,  every muse you write is so good. Your OCs, your canons. They are all so wonderful. I adore your graphics, your writing, all the things you do. RPing you is both an honor and a pleasure. Your Winry is the one that comes to kind when Ed thinks of her. His Mom(s) and his best friend. I also love just chatting with you and seeing messages on dis//cord warning of “i’m gunna sue you for this pain.” make me laugh and make my days go a little better when I see them before work. 
@mangataonegdaj​ - Newt, my 03 buddy.  You’re in that super talented bunch too with all the amazing graphic work and your writing is like poetry - my god - your writing.  Your writing it’s self is a painting all on it’s own. Like fuck.  How do you do it? Your writing just blows my damn mind. And your girl is so wonderful. I know we have a lot of great OCs in the community but it doesn’t take away the testament to each one of their creator’s ability.  Feli is just a damn treasure. But so are you. You finished your Master’s this year?! Like holy shit. that’s amazing! Throw a party! Celebrate! Brag it up!!! That’s AWESOME!!! GO YOU FRIEND! That deserves to be bragged about! How amazing you are! Thank you for being my friend and for Feli being such a good friend to my son. 
@thegoldensage​ - Jester, you’re only getting tagged here because Hoho has had the most interaction with my son and when I think of you I think of “Dad” first.  Ed loves Hohenheim so much but their relationship is so very (understandably) awkward. I hope things are improving for you. Please do not stress and worry about the time. I told you I would always be here and I meant that. Please deal with what you need.  I adore our thread(s).  I love your other muses too. Having a Heinkel to interact with is so exciting to me. I’m so glad you popped up in the community this year. I got so excited.  I hope for good things for you friend. 
 @wyrdify​ - Kai don’t think you got away from me.  Kai loving hours are back. (They’re always on but now it’s time to be public) Your Mustang has become so engrained into my Ed’s muse. They’ve grown so much together and we have so many threads and I love them all. I think the only other people I’ve done that with has been Ling and Alphonse. I love exploring these two with you. I love reading your headcanons. I love seeing all the love you crank into your muses. But also your kitties. I love hearing about them. I just love how we just clicked.  It’s wonderful. I consider you one of my good good friends. I feel like I’ve known your forever and it’s been like half the year? That’s crazy. You’re so easy to talk to and I feel like you just accepted me instantly. You’ve been nothing but kind to me this year and I can’t thank you enough for that. You also deal with me talking constantly and I just appreciate you. I just want you to know that. You mean a lot to me.  
@lady-quen​ -  Aren’t you the pitch hitter this year? We’ve hardly RPed (a little with kumo) and I still haven’t written you shit but we talk a lot and your art makes me smile. I got so excited when you followed me because someone else who knows FFU????  You know the problem with that DEAD DEAD fandom. You’re always coming to check up on me and chit chat and I appreciate you. Your kindness means a lot to me. Thank you for that. Also your art is just top notch and animations too! You’re so friggin’ talented!! 
@fiuehrer​ - Lumie I don’t know when you’re going to see this but you will eventually and that’s all that matters to me. So let’s start with CONGRATS on the new job! You’ve come so far and done so much and this year kicked your ass but you beat it right back and fought and you won and I’m so PROUD OF YOU. Queen you are KILLIN’ it. I love you. I love you so much and I wish all the best things for you.  Now, Papa. You know I adore your Mustang and I can ramble about him for hours because you go so intense with it and you know I love that. And you’re over there with all these amazing graphics and writing and just ugh A+ right here.  
@citrinexdreams​ - Kay when was the last time you even logged in? Lol. Things have been so busy for you. That’s okay though, I’m always lingering around you know that’s how I am. I’ve already told you many times over that I love and care for you. Thank you for being my friend and being there for me this year. It’s been rough all around.  But also look at this WORLD we’ve created. Modern was this tiny little thing at the beginning of the year and then the kidnapping Arc started in January and holy hell look at it now. A living breathing beast all it’s own. Look at this WORLD we’ve breathed life into. It’s amazing and I think about it all the time. I love creating with you because it’s always both challenging and rewarding. I feel like your writing brings out some of the best in mind because I have a need to make them mess in their own ways.  I adore writing with you but also reading what you write. We’ve written so much this year it’s crazy. 
@valiant-noble-soul​ -  YOU.  Little Bro.  Yes you.  I’m proud of you. Taryn, I love you. I legit think of you as my sibling who doesn’t live me with. As I said to some friends just yesterday - “Seeing Taryn have the time to write with anyone just makes my heart sing.”  I just love seeing you on the dash be it with Al or Al - haha you know what I mean. I love them both for differing reason (if they’re gunna kill each other) But I mean this when I say it. I would be lost without you. You’re always somehow magically there when I’m sad or upset and I almost never have to tell you. It’s like some force in the universe does it for me. (you know what it is)  I’m sorry for the scares this year. I’m still sorry about that.  I wish all the good things I can on you. Still you’ve done so much this year and I’m so proud of you. I’m so so so proud of you.  I beam when I get to talk about you. My sibling forever. The younger sibling I never had but always wanted. You’re always so sweet and kind to me. I can’t say thank you enough (even though, yes I know I don’t have to.)  I love you. I’m gunna keep saying it. I’ll always be here for you, Taryn. 
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Mun’s final thoughts. 
Please note that if you’re not on here, I’m a flighty jackass who loses track of things. So please know I love every single person who writes with me. I love all the kind words you give me and they are very special to me. I’m a shy anxious person - not that I advertise this shit. I appreciate people taking the time to speak with me in or out of character and I love how much love my son receives.  I spend a lot of time questioning myself and my muse. I won’t lie you about it. I get very nervous and anxious often but I try to cover it up and ignore it. 
Roleplay is generally how I cope and you all have been so so so kind when dealing with the previous passing of my father and the passing of my grandmother just this year. You’ve all been absolute blessings and it’s helped me push through this year and survive everything life’s thrown my way. 
My mental health has been pretty terrible and some of you know that better than others. Some of you have dealt with me in extreme lows and I try to hide my bipolar disorder from the dash.  However it is difficult somedays and I apologize for that. 
Thank you for investing time into me this year and getting to know me. Thank you for following my blog and going on adventures with my son. This blog is 21 days short of being 2 years old, and I am thankful for every single one of them.  
I love you guys, 
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The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
Marcel Gerard (here)
Davina Claire (@prettyxlittlexnolaxwitch)
Hayley Marshall (@fucking-nightemare)
Rafael Waithe (@lost-boy-raf)
Diego (TO S1, Discord only)
Literally way too many to list because I have no self control
3 OC’s
Phoebe Halliwell (Charmed)
Piper Halliwell (Charmed)
Emmett Cullent (Twilight Saga)
Paul Lahote (Twilight Saga)
Embry Call  (Twilight Saga)
Elijah Mikaelson (TVD/TO Based)
Stefan Salvatore (Humanity off - TVD)
Probably some more random ones that I can’t remember because literally I’ve been doing this way too long 
Honestly probably most of them. If I started writing them it was probably because I had the muse/enjoyed them. I’m currently toying with the idea of a multi-muse instead of adding side blog after side blog (which is tempting ya’ll..no self control here). If that happens I might consider bringing most of them back. 
TAGGED BY: @onefinaltruthremains
TAGGING: YOU (BC I love you all and honestly just want to tag everyone but no one has time for that so just do the thing and say it was from me)
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townhuman-blog · 7 years
 SHIPPING INFO //  answer  the  following  for  your  muse(s)  so  people  know  how  shipping  works  on  your  blog.     REPOST.   don’t  reblog.
 what’s your otp for your muse?:  jess  x  bella.   jessica  stanley  likes  GIRLS.
 what are you willing to rp when it comes to shipping?:  literally  everything  under  the  sun.   jessica  is  a  bi  disaster  who  is  desperate  for  love  so  like  .  .  .  you  name  it,  dude.
 how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?:  as  long  as  both  characters  are  over  18,  anything’s  fair  game.  i’ll  ship  legal  jess  with  some  old  ass  motherfuckers.   sugar  baby  au  ???
 are you selective when shipping?:  it  honestly  depends.   i  will  say  this,  i  almost  always  ship  the  thing.
 how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered ns.fw?:  i’ll  tag  anything  after  first  base  as  nsfw,  just  in  case,  but  i’m  good  writing  most  smutty  things  if  i’m  comfortable  with  my  partner.
 who are other muses you ship your muse with?:  there’s  so  many  dynamics  i’m  dying  to  explore.   i’d  love  to  write  against  a  mike,  since  their  relationship  was  always  shown  as  one-sided  which  made  me  ???  i’m  not  gonna  get  into  because  i’ll  never  stop  okay.   also,  concepts:  jess  x  jake,  jess  x  eddie  boy,  jess  x  leah,  jess  x  rose,  jess  x  emmett,  jess  x  paul  –––  plus,  crossovers  &  poly  ships  !
 does one have to ask to ship with you?:   nah.   i  mean  i’m  totally  cool  with  plotting  something  romantic,  but  winging  it  is  also  fun.   chemistry  is  always  the  most  important.
 how often do you like to ship?:  i  love  ships.   romantic,  platonic,  hateships  –––  i’m  a  hoe.
 are you multiship?:  i  am.
 are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?:  i’m  gross,  i’ve  accepted  it.
 what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?:  rose  x  emmett  was  my  #1  twilight  otp  back  in  the  day.   also  i  was  team  jacob  –––  who  am  i  kidding,  i  still  am.
 finally, how does one ship with you?:  punch  me  in  the  face,  idc.
TAGGED BY:    stolen  from  @meticia. TAGGING:   whoever  wants  to  ship  with  me.  ur  tagged  bitch.
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