#i honestly didnt think it would get so long winded
medtech-mara · 1 year
Chae-Rin is the Pepe Silvia of LoNC@imaginarycyberpunk2023
The SHINS!!!! Okay, so Chae-Rin is another old character of mine that got ported into the world of Cyberpunk. Originally, Chae-Rin ran a illegals arms trade website on the dark web, where she ended up meeting Jago and pulling a 90 day fiancé kinda visa with no romance in mind, but wanted his help taking over the city. Things had gotten too rowdy in little Seoul (this original version of Chae-Rin & Jago are from Los Santos. Aka gta5) and she wanted to show them who really held all the power. Thus, Chae-Rin started Okkangpae, or the Jade Mafia as they were called by other gangs. The only thing that stands true with Gta5 Chae-Rin and Cyberpunk Chae-Rin, is the attitude and love of guns. Let me introduce you to THE TECHIE of Heywood.
So Legends of Night City, the Shins, Sang-Il (Appa) and Yong-mi (Umma) came to Night city from Busan, the city was suddenly erupting in violence from the extermination of a prominent family in the area backed by Arasaka, creating a power vacuum during the 4th corporate war. Kang Tao was responsible for all of this. See, Kang Tao didn’t like the fact that Arasaka was sitting pretty in busan with the help of the Jung crime family. So they had decided to frame Arasaka for turning against the family (as rumors had been that the Jung’s had married off one of their sons to a prominent Militech family can you guys who I’m talking about yet?)
Settling down in the Wellsprings, Sang-II and Yong-Mi had spent their whole life savings, uprooted their lives, to give their child a better chance at life. They opened a weapons shop called Shin’s Cache and carry, where life would resume as normal. Well… until Chae-Rin turns 27,and is now running the shop mostly by herself.
One morning, just after the shop opened. Chae-Rin was doing some restocking, listening to (tbd station name) which was playing the hit song Spring Day by Korean pop group BackTheScene [I’m a huge K-pop fan, I can’t help myself.] and she used this time to dance and sing, trying to drum up some excitement for another boring day.
Without her notice, a Tall, muscular man, leaned against the counter watching the display, he smiled slightly at the display, and when she noticed, her first instinct was to point out how the man had a crooked smile, or that his smile seemed unnatural to him. However, at second glance, her stomach dropped. This man was dangerous.. he had blood stained knuckles that she couldn’t discern if it was his blood, or someone else’s. That same stomach dropping feeling she experienced at her second glance of the his man, who has now greeted her in her native language, was replaced with excitement, curiosity.
The man’s smile fades as soon as the sour petite girl arrives at behind the counter. He began to ask her if her shop sells a certain gun he’s having trouble getting his hands on. The Malorian Arms 3516.
Kicking a case under the counter slightly, covering it up as if she was leaning against the counter, Chae-Rin informs this strange man, who she’s pretty sure is a street samurai at this point, she doesn’t (she does) have that model in stock, but she does weekly trips to the nomad market, she’d be willing to acquire one for him. The man then flicks his finger at the young woman, sliding over his contact info.
A new contact notification was added to her internal agent: Jago and a his holo icon is that of a Tiger with fire coming from its eyes. Knocking on the counter one time, the man then leaves the shop. Only to return each morning. Which clued in that he must live near by if he is willing to come by every morning.
After about a week, she finally decided to let him off the hook, she sold him the Malorian she hid. The man thanked her, and left. She'd held her breath out that she'd see him again.. but She never did. Until 2 months later.
He'd come in, Bigger, chromed, and dressed as if he was doing well for himself. Nothing like the shape he'd shown up at her shop the first time.
So, Jago wanted to know about this bar owner he had gotten a gig for. He had seen her going in and out of the place pretty regularly, so he figured she'd be the best person to ask. With a sinister smile came across the younger woman's face. She agree'd to give him such information, only if he agreed to go out on a date with her. The rest was history. These two were madly in love with each other.. Except.. Jago wasn't accepted by the Shins. They tried their best to prevent her from seeing that dangerous man, but nothing worked.
You might ask yourself, Chae-Rin is 27, why doesnt she move out? Well, thats because she wants to take over Shin Cache and Carry, if she upsets her father, than she might never get ownership, crushing her own dream to expand the brand with her own drones that she's been making since she was 8. During this time, you had to be in good with some Nomads to keep a good and interesting stock alive, and if Chae-Rin burned that bridge with her parents, the contact with the Desert Foxes ceases.
So I wish I was done with this girl, but im not.
So, Lets Fast Forward to 2065, Jago meets his tragic and untimely demise by the hands of Tetsuo Okada, one of Wakako's sons. Chae-Rin see's that Jago's biomonitor they have linked suddenly flatlines but the GPS signal is still pinging. This meant it didn't mean EMP disruption, Which prompted Chae-Rin to jump on her bike... only to find that Jago is in two pieces in a parking lot, and the only people around who might know what happened, are leaving. Collpasing, holding Jago's head and bringing his body close to her, sshhe craddled him and sobbed, screaming. Mara, who is a pillar of the Wellsprings community, is so recognizeable, that the second Chae-Rin sees her, she knows who she is. Mara, who was in a rush to meet with Wakako and anxious to discuss the events that took place just minutes before. Just slid her details over to the girl, and told her that she would explain everything the second she got home. (oops..... Mara got wasted that night and met Jihzzy).
So fast forward to a few weeks after Jago's passing. Mara is 3 sheets to the wind, tore up from the floor up (because this girl doesnt drink anything but coffee and beer) and lost in her feelings that she wasn't being seen as a woman, because undoubtedly due to her large stature. (Hard being a 6'2 muscle mommy, but reality is that this girl didnt know who she was until she became a merc and learned she's damn good at it too. she hit a glow up, i didnt even notice it til Jihzzy had pointed it out). She's laying on the couch feeling sorry for herself when she gets a ping with just cords from Chae-Rin. This is how Chae-Rin becomes a legend of Night city.
Wanting to get Jago's birth certificate that was at his apartment in the combat zone near city center, so that she could have his remains sent to South Korea with the rest of his family, she had gotten attacked by a group of Lazarus mooks patrolling the area and were itching for a fight. She's barely gotten out, and was about to pass out from blood loss, when Mara shows up and collects her in Blue Remedies repurposed Meatwagon.
Much like an animal you nurse back to health, Chae-Rin chose to stay with Mara, never asking, no. She just stayed there to heal up without worrying her parents, but ended up just never leaving. Becoming Mara's roommate.
Currently, she works as a freelance techie, does some work for Night Raid when requested, she had adjusted Mara's Sigframe. She is also being groomed by Kang Tao by the man the Shin's desprately want Chae-Rin to marry. Cheol Gong-Ji. Who is happened to be the son of the family who exterminated the Jung Family.
[Chae-Rin & the Shins(a shame too cause they would let him be with her if they knew) never learned about Jago's real idenity, nor does Gong-Ji (he has his own thing in the AU going on.... holy fuck) Chae-Rin also never learns of Jago's playboy ways. She never learns about his marriage to L. ]
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
How do you think the Chain would react if they found out one of them had an allergy to a certain food after the hero ate the thing they were allergic to? The allergy can be as severe or as mild as you want it to be, and the hero who has the new found allergy also just found out with the rest of the group.
oooooh, okay okay
so i base Warriors’s food issues and fear of poisoning very much off of my own food allergies, and the reactions he has to said poisons (the way i write them) are based very much off of allergic reactions. So with that being said I think it would take him literally .5 seconds to understand what was happening and how to get someone a life saving potion or a fairy even though their throat is literally closing up. because he could probably recognize the symptoms just by looking at them (because i was able to look at my friend who was in the middle of trying to figure out if they really HAD just eaten an allergen and just know because I recognize those kind of panicked facial expressions and i know why someone might be testing to see if they can swallow okay and if their tongue is swollen. when something that threatens YOUR life is actively starting to threaten your friends, you kinda just know and you recognize the signs even before they start breaking out in hives)
but if Wars DIDNT have knowledge of a similar experience, i think it would take everyone a hot minute to understand the situation. food allergies are fucking weird and also fucking terrifying. sometimes your tongue is just tingling and you’re thinking to yourself “oh haha it must’ve just been spicy” or “ooh the food just has a scratchy texture” and you’re not really thinking “oh huh my life could be in danger right now-“. sometimes the same way eating spicy food makes your tongue feel is exactly how it feels when it’s swelling up because you ate something you weren’t supposed to and it takes a second for you to figure out which one it was
I headcanon Wind has peanut allergies (BECAUSE NO ONE CAN STOP ME 🫶), and if he found that out with the chain I really think it would take himself and everyone else a good minute to figure it out. Like i can see Wild making some dish with peanuts in it and Wind being like “oh this is just spicy or whatever”, and trying to either force himself to think he’s completely fine or maybe he really just doesn’t understand what’s happening to him. and i think he wouldn’t tell the others until he was dizzy and nauseous or his throat was swollen shut, because that’s what would alert him something was SERIOUSLY wrong. I don’t think he’d try to hide it from the others on PURPOSE, i just think if it was his first reaction he’d be so confused as to what was happening to him
at some point tho I think someone would honestly just grab him and try to get a red potion in him, because at some point the visible symptoms would be so obvious to the others. and if it got to a point he couldn’t drink because his throat was so swollen, they have fairies
lmao sorry for rambling and if this was a bit incoherent, i just had spicy food and accidentally freaked myself out 🥺 (<- i am stupid, and also fine, it’s just been a long day lmao). THIS WAS A COOL ASK THO AND IT GAVE ME A CHANCE TO YAP ABOUT A HEADCANON SO THANK YOU, I JUST HOPE IT MAKES SENSE AND ISNT TOO REPETITIVE
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izu · 4 months
What is this twitter drama about Liu Kang?
i guess ill give context but it really is so fucking stupid it honestly doesn't even feel worth explaining.
basically i made a post that implied liu kang had more control over the timeline than he originally says he does, and that his emotions lead him to intentionally keep the timeline as close to the last one as possible, with few and obvious changes. this included "making sure" johnny's homelife was bad, and that his brother and father were still going to be abusive and serve as a hard lesson for cage.
people didn't like that i was talking about this, or more importantly that i was implying liu had direct control over individual champion lives. which is not at all what i was saying. my intent was to highlight the questionable ethics towards liu kang's intent to keep the new timeline as similar as possible. and how johnny specifically, if he ever found out about this, would be fuckin pissed. that's all. i wasn't even saying "this is how it is!" i was merely making a theoretical based on the little information we have about titan kang and his powers. and how little autonomy people like smoke, syzoth, sindel, kenshi, johnny etc would actually have in this situation.
we have a single game that tells us basically nothing about what he did/how he ensured everyone would be ready and willing for his tournament when it was finally time aside from showing up and recruiting them. at convenient and premeditated times, might i add.
it is undeniably true he had SOME insight to how things would play out. i think mindlessly accepting his "trust me bro" mindset is just boring, and i was theorizing that its intentional.
people got. UPSET. im talking like, calling me a dumbass, putting me publicly on blast bc they didn't agree and telling me i didnt play the game. 😭 like?? idk. it was never that serious but twitter does what twitter does and turned it into "lets laugh at him for daring to go against canon" kind of thing. i went to bed expecting no one to see it. i even debated with a really kind person who was willing to be respectful and be like "hey so he probably doesn't actually have any control over these factors at all". i wasn't expecting people to agree.
just so im not getting too long winded here, this is just how mk twitter is. there's a LOT of unnecessary fighting and vitriol, and basically every day there's a new thing the community is pissed and attacking others about. quite literally over the stupidest of shit that everyone involved is more than capable of scrolling away from.
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Listening to ocean ambience and thought hey maybe this is how it sounds for yakuza! I’m also a Spotify hater tbh. I’d much rather have a small music library that grows slowly than every song ever ⚡️ what kind of music do you like? Is there something in particular you listen to while working?
good morning new trench caot :) this is what it usually sounds like for me:
the constant hum of machinery along with the creaking and groaning of the hull. its quite soothing honestly. you don't think about it unless you pay attention. the sounds of the ocean are more often the sounds of the coast- waves don't tend to break out in the open ocean, so you don't get the roar of the waves, its usually gentler and different in a way thats hard to describe. of course thats assuming calm conditions. if the sea is stirred up by a storm then its deafening.
i like so many different kinds of music... its hard to choose. i get told a lot of the songs i send tend to be cute acoustic guitar songs n its true thats a lot of what i listen to, like sun kil moon and jessica pratt and hope sadoval... but idk i like things ranging from industrial noise to opera and everything you can imagine inbetween. sry to be so vague. its like asking me what food i like; all of it, as long as its good. theres beauty to be found in any kind of musical expression. genres are blinds that keep u from developing eclectic taste... but it used to be, before starlink, that before i went to sea id download all my songs on soulseek and keep them on an mp3 player and when i had a song i wanted to listen to but didnt have downloaded id write it down, collect a little list, and then in port frantically download them all. idk where my mp3 player is rn!!! i may have left it in brazil... that would have been a real gd exploration of my music taste, cause its the shit i think of regularly.
anyway to actually give a proper answer (sry for the long winded essay lmao) some songs i listen to a lot at work rn include;
message in a bottle (the police)
the drum (car seat headrest)
witches (alice pheobe lou) <- you should listen to this one, it reminds me of ur vibe
heartbeats (the knife)
the bomb! (bucketheads)
loba (shakira)
idk if that tells you anythin abt my music taste other than that the ECR is rockin out when im on watch 😌
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aftonfamilyvalues · 9 months
I have a sort of conspiracy theory about liberal feminism that I need to get off my chest. The whole "pick me vs girls girl" culture is actively creating TiFs.
Women who don't fit into certain standards society holds have been shamed for it since the beginning of time, but now rejecting femininity is being seen as anti feminist. Girls who aren't even putting down other women are called nlogs and pick me's just because they're awkward and kind of tomboyish.
Look at Jlaw. She was shamed out of the public eye for acting like an actual human and not a walking caricature of womanhood (eating pizza and falling down on the red carpet). There's an audio going around being mocked on tiktok where a woman rightfully says "I don't like makeup. I think it's bad for women". I've seen nasty comments under Korean feminist insta posts where the women in question are smashing their makeup or wearing comfortable clothing and talking openly about it.
I genuinely think this is the reason why a lot of girls believe themselves not to be female. Since it's shameful and cringy to not be feminine as a woman in the year of our Lord 2024, it would logically be better to think of yourself as a man or some in between thing. Tomboys are basically an endangered species at this point and it's really really sad. Little girls aren't climbing trees or playing in the mud. They're playing with skincare and makeup. I truly feel like I'm living in a black mirror episode and it's scary.
Sorry for the long winded rant. I'm semi crypto on main and wanted to put this out there. I dunno why I sent this to the "I want to make a milkshake out of copia's cum" account but I don't really know anyone else who gets insane anons like you do. x
i think youre right though, there is definitely a backlash against feminism right now that comes in the form of hyper femininity and capitalism.
if you dont wear makeup, youre a childish loser who needs to learn how to put on eyeliner. if you dont shave, encourage other women to not shave, youre bombarded with women with "sensory issuee" and are just as bad as a patriarchal man. if you dont like pink, you have internalized misogyny. if you say anything about how high heels damage your feet, youre shaming women. if you talk about how womens clothes are made worse than mens, just go shop in the mens section! stop doing anything, stop going against the quo, let women do what they want! dont question anything!
and in more recent years, ive been seeing the evidence of this seeping into girls younger and younger. we now have little girls begging for drunk elephant and sephora items, to shop where the adult women shop. honestly i didnt even know what drunk elephant was until i saw a girls christmas list on here. theyre spending adult with a job money on products, whether it be from saved allowances and or from their parents. i just saw a video about a 9 year old girl getting bullied for having a tumbler from walmart and not one of the expensive trendy stanley cups. there was always an issue with bullying over not having name brand but i feel like its gotten so much worse. and thats not even talking about the "skincare" aspect of it.
theres so much to say about this but they really did rebrand capitalism as being woman positive though.
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doomed-era · 6 months
also. i was going to ask this before but i didnt know how to word it: any zelda tropes you like/dislike? stuff like fairies being guides for link or the concept of sages/Legendary Sword or how link and zelda are always depicted or reoccurring characters like impa or beedle or epona. though theres probably not. a lot of tropes considering most games are vastly different from each other. uhh yeah if youve got nothing . things that were done from a zelda game that you liked?
OOH. tbh I had to think about this a bit (my gripes are usually with the fandom and how they depict the tropes as a Strict Narrative Rule) but! I do have some
UH ONES I HATE. this is gonna be long no matter what so it's going under a cut
Number one has got to be making link into a super special boy for basically no reason!!! being from a special type of knights is. so irrelevant to everything else about alttp link that I think a lot of people legitimately forget this. it barely ever comes up and it's honestly not that important to the story except as an excuse for why link's the only one that can grab the pendants and pull the master sword, which. why not just have him be the one to do this because he's just really determined? Ocarina of Time...tried this, sort of? almost completely irrelevant AGAIN. in twilight princess and wind waker they are just some guy basically and this is the best direction they could have gone with his character. except they ruined it in botw and ss and I will neverrrr forgive them for this. botw link beats up grown men at five years old he's like superbaby instant knight and I HATE it. it's just stupid. I don't even care that it applies pressure to him as a character and seems to affect him; they could have just made it an in-universe lie and it would have had the exact same effect so genuinely screw that trope
number two is calling random soldiers knights stop fucking doing this. i dont care that its fictional fantasyland it annoys me
number three! the 3D games' great fairies! I hate almost all of them the oot/mm great fairies are freaks, botw ones are so pretty but they're creepy as hell, and twilight princess is just a naked lady and it's stupid I hate her. wind waker minish cap and alttp fairies are gongeous though
number four. everyone thinking link is cool and or hot. I hate this in universe and in the fandom. I don't care that the devs wanted to make him """"cool"""" he's 100% always a LOSER!!!!
number five I hate the hijacked by ganon trope in zelda games so much. STOP ffs please let ganon/ganondorf take the spotlight we all love him. or let another villain be the main baddie
ok now for ones I like :)
number three...I love random gods and spirits that are just hanging out because. keaton malanya zephos satori light spirits what have you. theyre great I need more of that.
number four incredibly weird npcs. need i say more
number five soldiers being extremely incompetent and dumb or getting possessed. soldiers as enemies or easily corruptible people
number six that one character that doesn't like link. you know what i mean (revali. groose. mido. iirc ralph? maybe? I haven't played much of the oracle games)
number seven hyrule with a dark and bloody past. and not only that but a fairly simple presentation of it that's clearly hiding a more complex underbelly. its just neat to see simple, clear-cut writing tell you so much with so little. it's a big reason I love alttp; it's simple but there's so much grief in it
number eight uh. clawshot/hookshot :] good stuff
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potsweeta · 6 months
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Lol this panel got me confuse, at first i thought saitama saw tatsumaki 😭 and stich?* Looks so scared poor old man🤧he prob wont live long if things like that keeps on happening lol
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Blast is so hot😋 the fact that he want to make void human again means that he really miss it ,since its no human any more yk
And it seems like they want to make the arc shorter cus it feels like the fights are getting closer yknow, honestly i wish that would happen cus i cant wait any longer to meet blue, i wonder if he is still blasts son .
Not only that i really want to know how the neo heroes story will be ,will it change? And ughh i wanna meet that cyborg girl i think its webizawa? I lovee her i hope void just die like homeless emperor so that the arc would be short i really want to meet my babies🤧🙏🏻
But i also want the arc to be long too😭 cus the buddy dynamic of each chac is so interesting like how did flame and wind become so close🤨 like flash and sonic broke the rules right so that means alot of other ninjas broke it to ,but im more curios on blast and void tbh like when did void accept that power? Why did blast let void go and not monitor him?like i get that blast just let it go bcs it was his partner before but why did he let the village exist? Why didnt he stop him? I really hope the ninja from the vilage could like beat void at some point cus yk their childhood and life was taken away from them and their parents also like yk sell them so i hope those old people would die a terible death.
This has nothing to do with what i just said but
I really want to see how suiryu will be when he become a hero will he become a person thats trying to change but does it badly? Or would he still be an asshole but after the martial art arc im sure his not one no more and i think he would ask max and snek how to be a proper hero in a nice matter since he talk shit about them in their face well its actually sneks but i sure he regrets it so much, I wonder if snek quits his job cus he feels like a chac that does their job seriously and hates being taken advantage of by the higher ups
And the cryborg arc tho i wonder whats max fate would be🙁 cus he wont lose one leg but BOTH of them and doctor kusenos too ugh im so not ready to see him but ik it wont happen soon lol cus yk it prob would happen in 2028 or sum lol
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baeddelicto · 1 year
(Older woman/boy(girl), v light gore, somno?, hypno?, idk i dint actually knw how to label writng mech?)
930 words
《Incubation in 3..2..1..》
*krxh* "Dont you fret hun, i know its daunting down there in that chamber but we're up here with sweaty palms too. Now the fluid is breathable and full of that sweet ambrosia so go ahead and take a breath, relax, and drift away" *khp*
She's right its always a crapshoot isnt it tryn sumthn new nd honestly this fluid hasnt even reached my mouth and i already feel better, less tense, floaty like a salt bath if it were the color and viscosity of dirty engine oil...
Smells sweet, ambrosia huh, hear goes... tastes sweet not that hard to move through my lungs actually, i wonder how lon....
"Slipped right past hypnogogia... hope that ain't the case on the flipside. Lower the serum dosage 20%."
"Yessir, entering stage 3......stage 4..... cresting, begining reentry, stage 3"
"Drop another 20. Shit boy slow down. He lied to you Doc."
"It would seem so."
"0 drinks a day my ass."
"We've reached hypnopompia sir."
"Hot Dog!"
Fuck, fuck why can't i talk? Shit somethings wrong w the fluid i cant move! What is-
"Hey sugar, im sure youre all worked up by now so im gonna remind you of earlier when i told you dont fret but um now im not gonna say that bc right now thats what you need. That fear got you real focused. And i need you to take that focus and push out. Focus on the edges of your vision and try to see past all that filth in that pit."
Oh its Jacinta...thats nice... i guess i should listen to her and do something other than freaking out. seems simple enough. Fuck i didnt think a dark room could spin this much. Dont hurl. No hurling. Pleass God. Wait how did Jacinta get in my-
Woah im outside.... That ridgeline its the Salspar Escarpment...
"There you go, Youre a natural kiddo! Now walk toward the escarpment keep your eyes on Salvor's Peak."
I can do that... heh mom always said i needed direction gues i got one. East by Southeast. Honestly one of the better directions westerly spring winds and the rings of Sarthis blaze violet in the afternoon sun. Oh fuck almost tripped that would have been embarassing Jacinta would hav- Why do my feet look so weird and my legs i look lik afucking bug! FUCK oh god wheres my dick?! Wheres my SkIN! FUCKFUKfuckFug I cant feel anything why didnt my knees hurt when i fall? My hands are tearing into my thighs but i cant feel it FUck im bleeding fuCk its everywhr fuck i-
"heyy kid how ya feeln?"
Jacinta whispers to me as she lightly brushes the hair out of my face. Her weight was flushing the mattress so that the side of my hip was pressed into hers. She clasps her hand to my brow then traces the half moon of my face to my cheek. Her raven hair glows a deep amber in the evening light streaming in from the window. She gave a crooked smile.
"You're burnin up bud. We gotta get some fluids in you..." She turns to a small table behind her, a messy plait spills over her shoulder and swishes over the small of her back. The rattle of paper on board heralds
"Petragua or citralyte?"
I nod to the petragua and she replaces the other and proffers my mouth a straw. She gazes down at me warmly as i suck down the plum-apricot-chem slurry. The infusion perks me up a bit.
"Alright now don't drain it dry. Don't want it coming back up all over my vest." She pulls it from my lips and i eek a short and quiet suckng sound that manages a full 5 seconds of embarrassment even though the sound was .3 seconds long.
"Kid ill be real with ya. You did great..exceptional even! Most of the time we dont even get to a stroll the first time we just... well its a whole lot more work on my end than what happened with you so i just wanted to say... im proud of you."
She squeezes my shoulder and feathers her hand to my cheek again.
"I know all this been hard on you and you've put in a lot of work before you even got in the pit and it payed off." She picks up the petragua again and hangs it in the air for a second.
"To all your work...and all of our work... and to your health." She sips some of it then positions it back towards me again. I slurp with even more energy this time.
"Having such a strong liminal drive link seams to really make a difference. Honestly i think you two should meet but we have to get clearance pfft its bullshit. How are you supposed to pilot together if you dont even know eachother? How are we supposed to figure out what this spark is that makes the liminal drive work if we never get to observe you interacting in a controled manner? I swear im gonna have a word-"
*slurpppppp* she pulls it from my face.
"Oh listen to me blathern on, you got another 18 hours til youre on rotation again. You can head back to your room whenever. Ill see you then ok? I just wanted to check in on you." And with that she rises, throws her vest on, and clacks and jingles out the door with a two finger wave lingering behind her with her plait.
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robinsvoid · 2 years
I have a few requests!!
1. Aftercare with robin!! Makes my heart flutter everytime i think about it ;(( shed probably so nervous. Would be running around asking if you want her to get anything for you. Snacks,movies,drinks ANYTHING. SHE. WILL. GET. IT. FOR. YOU. But honestly you’d rather just cuddle her!! After you make it clear you dont need anything and just want to spend time with her she would still have her mind racing 100 mph ;(
2. A festival date with her + having her first kiss with you on top of a Ferris Wheel
Her winning you a big *insert your fav animal* plushie and being so proud of herself,stealing kisses in private where no one can see you,getting cotton candy and her getting it everywhere (even in her hair ngl) and having to helo her wash it off as soon as possible cause she hates being sticky (i mean who does) and finally going on a ferris wheel with her and kissing her at the top while the sun is setting <33
3. [ NSFW ?? Idk not really] her actually being so super obsessed with your thighs (i know you already wrote about this (i think) but i cant get over the tought of her being so goddamn obsessed with readers thighs its insane , leaving little kisses up your inner thigh , complimenting your thighs and saying she sleeps better when she touches them like oh my god!!!!!!!
4. Cuddling on a autumn morning
(In this youre more of a morning person so..)
Its early in the morning,birds chirping and sun shining thru the blinds perfectly reflecting her face and lighting up her features. You were sure you could count every freckle on her face at this point,Robin and you have been in a relationship for not so long actually.. but she was the most perfect girlfriend anyone could ever wish for. Seeing her like this,mouth hanging slightly open,hearing her soft snores and seeing the way her bangs are spread out againts her forehead. You made a mental note to trim them for her today in the afternoon. You tried to get up quietly and you stopped in your tracks when robin stirred around and mumbled something , you giggled a bit to yourself and headed towards the kitchen. *fast forward* you had made breakfast for your girlfriend. scrambled eggs and bacon. she loved loved LOVED scrambled eggs for some odd reason. You walked into the room slowly calling her “Robinn..love, time to get up” you said. With the softest tone. When you see her eyes flutter open a smile raises on your face. While she takes a while to adjust to the light , she mumbles something. “Whats that? didnt quite catch what you said there,love” you let out a chuckle,setting her breakfast on the table beside the bed. Sitting on the edge of the bed. She pulls you into her arms and burries her head in your neck peppering light kisses. You squirm and she giggles,voice raspy an deep from the effect of sleep. Robin wraps her leg around your middle pulling u impossibly closer. “Robs,I made you breakfast” Robin just hums,shes grateful and all,but she just wanted to cuddle for a little bit longer and tbh you do too. And there you are,melting into your girlfriends arms..
5. Nsfw headcanons?!?
Ok i got really carried away but i hope you enjoyed this! the 4th one just turned into a blurb i wanted to share!!
- buckley anon
❦ everyone go read #4 right now. makin me cry fr i want that so so bad. she would be so happy hearing the little giggles that falls from your lips after she pulled you back into bed. she’d turn the two of you over so that she could lay on your plush chest, nuzzling her nose towards your neck her breath soft on your skin right where she had just placed kisses all over, breathing in your sweet scent. it would be so relaxing, hearing nothing but the birds chirping just past the window, the rustle of the trees in the wind, robin’s steady breaths. it’s the featherlight kisses you you place on her forehead that makes her hum in satisfaction, moaning slightly in delight. she comments about how lazy she feels and wants nothing more than to just lay with you all day. she says you’re warm, and that she wants to dream a nice dream about you or something you can’t quite make out. her voice is deep and raspy and she talks a little sluggish after just waking up in the morning, god, she’s pretty. and the moment you start to run your hand through fluffy, morning bed head, she drifts back to sleep faster than you could say her name. sighhhh.
➜⠀this was requested a while ago in october and i think i got everything down! links will be posted below! thank u for requesting anon, it took a hot second because i procrastinate a lot :[
all links:
1. AFTERCARE WITH ROBIN — there’s also a part two kinda, a little more like a short fic instead of a blurb. part two is posted here.
2. TASTE OF YOUR SMILE — festival date with robin + first kiss on top of the ferris wheel.
3. ROBIN BUCKLEY LOVES YOUR THIGHS — part two! about robin’s obsession with your thighs. part one is posted here.
4. up above ^^ ;) it is very very cute i need robin fr
5. ROBIN’S NSFW HEADCANONS — pretty self explanatory:) a little long i would say, but had a lot of fun writing!
navigation. © ROBINSVOID
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aldi-spice · 2 months
Ngl I don't know how to feel about winds of anthos. I have so many thoughts about the game after finishing the main story line (dont have the kid yet but it's incubating).
Long post after the break.
I've seen a lot of praise for the game and I get it, I really liked the game in the beginning too, could hardly put it down, but after finishing the main story it's kinda lacking (which makes sense, I mean I finished the game, it's gonna be out of content at some point). But after a few days of reflection on the game I've decided it's just not that great? Am I missing something?
Like, I get it, I like the open world exploration, I felt so claustrophobic in pioneers of olive town and even the wonderful life remake, but once you've seen it all that's it, the land is barren too which makes it feels so boring and it's not interesting to look at either. One thing that pissed me off a lot was the fucking mountains that are so hard to navigate, but I think that's really just a me problem.
Then there are the characters and honestly o can't even tell them apart at this point, they are all (most of them) default nice with no personality, especially the bachelorettes, I always feel like fictional women lack personality in general. The only character (apart from doc) who stood out was Nickolai and only because he's autistic (blunt and not very nice). And don't get me started on the design, Arnold with the "one two buckle my shoe" and Ella looking like a pokemon trainer when she's supposed to be an artist from a swiss inspired town from what I can tell. She just doesn't look like she belongs in the town and I don't know if it's further explain through her flower events but she doesn't seem to hate living here or hate the town so I don't understand why she has to stand out so much.
Speaking of flower events, those were boring as well. I can hardly remember what even happened in them, all I remember was being a little disappointed when I realized all the 6 music notes events (the one after you start dating) are all the same, you go to a secluded location, look over the town and chat. That's it, for all of the 3 guys I started dating (again, I don't know if it's different with the other marriage candidates but I doubt it).
I felt like the pace was off too, I don't know when you're supposed to finish the main story line, I finished in winter of the first year I think, it was very early on and I only played for 30ish hours and finished the game. I found the tasks so tedious I wanted to get them over with asap, I was so done with the characters being like "thanks for getting us this ore, now onto your next mission, get this other ore, kay, thanks, byeee" maybe because the main quest was under the request tab with all the other requests but it didn't feel special enough. I also hated having to sift through this long list of requests that never seemed to get shorter since every morning, there would be mail of some villager needing something. It was just so annoying, I just wanted to clear my requests once and start anew but the game really didnt want me to I guess.
As I was saying earlier, I finished the game in winter of year one (or spring year two I don't remember). Great, now what? I'm still not married because I couldn't advance my relationship with Westley until I fixed the harvest goddess spring, so I worked on that (and Nickolai and Arnold). I saw what I needed for the house upgrade and did that, yay bigger house. Checked the guide (God bless FOGU) to see why I didn't have a double bed/two beds and I need another upgrade??? That's 250,000 gold not counting the pain of getting high quality lumber boards and square, having to resort to buying them with added another (approximately) 60,000. I grinded by fishing and finally got married in summer. I have to wait a season to realize I'm pregnant. I have to wait another season to give birth. Then, another season for the bitch to crawl and then, a season later, it's able to walk and even talk. Right now, I have to wait for another year for the baby to start being useful to me (by which I mean it can talk and explore the farm). I'm already bored by having to maintain the farm, I wake up and water the cows or whatever, I usually go to bed at 8 or 9 am because I wanna get this over with at this point.
(I just realized you can't use your camera indoors, how will I take cute baby pics of the fucker? I wanted my whole camera roll full of blurry baby pics.)
Am I playing the game wrong? Why am I not enjoying the game the way others seem to enjoy it? It's tedious for me now, maybe I just need a break from farming.
I feel like you need to be a very specific person to fully enjoy this game, and it ain't me. I miss animal parade.
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sapphicdib · 1 year
You have my interest in your damn hands so I will give more asks cause I am loving this au of yours. How absolutely horrified must Moon feel watching Sig and Pebbs just slowly lose themselves (also Sig's snapped neck), and most importantly..does Pebbs rot travel succesfully :)?
WAH YAY THANK U FOR LOVING IT!!! I’m so happy that ppl find this interesting and it’s been so fun to answer asks !!! I’m putting this under a readmore cuz it gets a bit dark towards the end, (plus it’s really long and i don’t wanna clog the dash) BUT THANK U!!!!
Now that I’m not drunk I can now provide art too!! I realized about 50% of the way thru this drawing it’s basically that “aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you just wanna go ape shit?” meme LMFAOOO
Tumblr media
Moon is incredibly horrified. She was so happy when she noticed Pebbles’ overseer in Sig’s can more and more often, her brother and girlfriend are actually getting along? Working together? Shes been trying to get them to quit bickering pretty much since Pebbles was put online, this is great! Unfortunately they were working on some pretty fucked shit and by the time she found out it was too late.
Unlike Suns, she isn’t angry at them for going to such drastic measures. She knows it was an incredibly fucking stupid thing to do, and was kind of selfish as it’s now affecting everyone, but she almost understands. Almost. If anyone in the local group is going to be convinced to “join them”, it would be Moon. And that’s Not Good when she’s the local group senior!
Like in game, she is incredibly stubborn and hell bent on talking them down with words rather than by force. Her kindness will once again be to her detriment, and by the time she puts her foot down, it’s pretty much too late. And she’s tired. I haven’t solidly figured out the ending yet, but she either stalls and stalls on breaking the bridge between her and Pebbles until it’s too late and the rot spreads (hmm, wonder if that was intentional or not?), breaks the bridge and has to watch her partner and brother crumble, or accept Sig’s offer, which is looking more and more appealing as the cycles go by. Watching this play out is horrifying, perhaps if she joins them she’ll eventually become a mindless husk too, incapable of remembering/processing the pain that the situation is causing her?
The WORST part is that Sig and Pebbles never try to hurt her. Sure, they LOOK scary and say creepy things, but never, not once, do they lay a hand on her (at least violently, Sig still hugs her and holds her until it’s pretty much impossible for him to do so). Even with Suns, when Sig grabs him before they break her neck, it was a gesture more of [shaking his shoulders to get them to think clearly] rather than an attempt to hurt Suns, though Suns didnt to see it that way (through no fault of their own, I mean, Sig looks terrifying). Suns avoids Pebbles for the most part but if they did visit him, Pebbles would be kind to them. Pretty much until the end there is still a piece of them shining through, that’s loyal to their friends, that has convinced themselves that “this is the best way and I want my friends to be free like me too”.
I still haven’t decided what Moon (or Suns, or Wind, or Innocence, etc) are going to do in the end, but honestly every single outcome has such a wonderful amount of angst >:3c so we’ll see!
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faerunsbest · 4 months
I wanna know more about Ma’na. You mentioned she was originally created as tav? Can you tell us more about her as tav/how she handles some main parts of the game? :3
lets be fair and honest here guys.
The game is basically a character creator for me. i mod as much i know how to get more hair styles and faces in, because im that ho, most of my playthroughs didn't make it to act two lol. Thats because i hate the shadowlands what a damn hassle. so i tried to maker her in game and then just wound up looking up all kinds of maps of faerun and build her up off all kinds of other stuff.
if she DID make it through the game, she would have been nicer to shadowheart than i am, but still not trust her. she would have kept astarion and before he told her what he is she would just leave 'snacks' out for him. I.E. passed out baddies.
she probably would have been a little oblivious and merced the guy chasing karlach before meeting karlach. She may be illiterate but she can read people just fine.
Speaking of Astarion, hes probably the one that would teach her to read. Yes hes selfish but if he can provide a service WITHOUT giving up his body that would be nice, so he'll take that route. She loves astarion but the one she trusts more than anything in all the world is lae'zel laezel and halsin.
shes a barbarian bard which sounds very strange but shes doesn't 'bard' much in battle. if you want to know what she sounds like its like this her songs aren't peppy.
she knocks out aradin ON SITE. He wants to be a racist? OKAY- she just knocks the shit outta him and pushes him outta the way with her foot so she can talk to Zevlor. Ma'na is incredibly respectful to Zevlor because he reminds her of her dad.
as for the grove and kagha, shes does the old reverse psychology to free arabella, but be aware given a free chance she would have knocked the hell outta that woman. no she does not investigate kagha does doesn't get a second thought. she loves making up stories with volo. she does however kill the harpies and even keeps a few feathers, chats and sings with Alfira.
Ma'na is used to shifts being up to a week long in dark caves just her a hammer and pickaxe, the goblin camp was ill prepped for that kind of stamina. no she didnt know the bear was halsin she just wasn't going to let them hurt the bear. she even says so right in front of the goblins. Ma'na knows Karlach and Laezel will stop the guards and Astarion has no qualms killing two and three.
its shortly after freeing Halsin and being done with the camp that she goes and looks for the creche, shes given the egg after talking to its keeper then goes to the 'dr' then vlakkith and well, you know.
the party goes on and she doesn't stay up particularly late, the celebration is more for the tieflings anyway.(game has no option to spend it talking with rolan but thats what she would have done lol)
because she isn't particularly close to shadow heart she winds up killing her for aylins freedom. i cant think of anything she does thats special in act two... ahhhh
honestly the rest of the game is kind of a blur lol is there a particular situation youd like to know about? the game just has so much going on
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
I *WANTED* your long winded answers! I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I definitely would take fic recommendations from you! And they don’t have to be JUST Matt Murdock fics either. I’m super glad you mentioned TRT, it’s like the Murdock Fic Bible at this point. I need to go back to it again because I never finished it and it’s been so long now (wah) but I think that was one of, if not THE first, DD fanfic I started reading and it was so overwhelming (in the best way) with chapters and the way it was so wonderfully written.
I was even thinking to myself that I *didnt* want you to say that FFTD or ATY was your favorite work because it felt too obvious, an authors most popular work is never nearly a favorite of their own!
Thank you for your answers ❤️ I always look forward to your responses to everyone about the content we all have in common here in this comfy corner of your blog lol SO I do hope you get more fic questions!
Ahhh OMG thank you!! 🤣 It's funny because in person I am SO quiet, I would give you the briefest answer possible. But I'm very chatty via the written word.
I do have a previous Matt Murdock fic rec list floating around somewhere, but I do need to make a new one because plenty more fics have come out since then. I've also wanted to make one for Mikey and one for Frank, but that means I'd have to, you know, read things. I truly need to stop writing long enough to do that again 😅
YES! TRT really is a huge part of the Daredevil fandom. And it really did have a HUGE impact on me when it came to me entering this fandom and to my love of Matt's character. But you're not alone, I'm very behind on it unfortunately and I always tell myself I'm going to find a week soon and catch up on all my reading but then I get ideas for writing... It's a vicious circle.
Ahh! Well then I'm happy I didn't disappoint! I figured most probably would expect me to say one of those two as my answer, but nope! LWL was also the fic that proved to me that I still love writing. I spent a lot of time over the last few years in college working on my BA and then my MA in Literature, Rhetoric, and Composition. Working on those degrees crushed my love of reading and writing for awhile. But writing and publishing novels is my dream and it always has been, and that fic was the one that opened my eyes to show me that I can sit down and write more than just a few thousand words for one story (as FFTD has also shown me and so many others by now). So that fic means a lot to me. But you're absolutely right, the popular work is not always the favorite of the author!
Thank you for the questions!! I love chatting with y'all about whatever and I'm always open to any of you asking me questions about the fics or the characters I write for! And it makes me so happy to hear many of you consider my blog a comfortable place to open up and chat ❤ Honestly, connecting with all of y'all has been my favorite part of fanfic writing!
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itlivesproject · 2 years
*SPOILERS* Any wise words for someone who is struggling to like Amalia?? She really grinds my gears on a personal lvl, i do appreciate her character and role within the narrative thats *chefs kiss* but shes so pushy 😭😭😭 like girly no one is stopping u from doing lawyer things without me! And then when she got deleted from the UoO system she really struggled to see the big picture??? If we know the Power deleted her, why does she insist on doing things in a normal capacity???
I hope this made sense and didnt come off to rambly, despite my grieviences with Amalia I wouldnt delete her from the game or anything, i do like what she represents and honestly this enitre game is just the best thing to occur this year!
Here are some wise words. Also, I did not intend for this to be so long 😅
Consider things from Amalia's perspective. Although we are playing as the mc, rowan (i'm gonna call them that in this response) is not the center of the universe and everything Amalia does for them, she doesn't have to. Ro begged Amalia to join them in hunting monsters and terrifying dogs and she hesitated a grand total of like three seconds before giving in. At the beginning of the game, Amalia (whose school literally starts in less than a week) is sacrificing her time to help Ro get settled in for school, find an apartment, and basically taking care of all the practical things that Ro would genuinely forget about if left to themselves. She gives up her summers (which she could spend working or studying or taking extra courses) to help Ro on their personal vendetta against power creatures, and consistently puts her life on the line for Ro. So when you consider her being pushy or perhaps selfish for worrying about her future and wanting Ro's support for once... maybe think about all the times she's supported you first.
You must understand just how important Amalia's future is to her. Aside from Rowan and her family, her goals and ambitions are the most important thing in her life for a few reasons. One, she feels like she can make a difference in peoples' lives and needs to do so. Two, she wants to make her parents' sacrifices worth it and make something great of herself. Three, she doesn't want to have to depend on anyone, she wants to be fully independent and take care of herself so she can help take of others. Like I love Noah but mans completely depends on Connor for his survival lol. Amalia doesn't want that. Idk if you've been through college, but she had one more year left!! One more! Imagine the prospect of having to start over from scratch after the hundreds of hours you've spent in class, on assignments, studying, and not to mention the money she spent that she won't be able to get back. This is probably the most difficult thing that has happened to her, not just in the sense that it's a hard thing, but in the sense that she was just royally screwed. Her future is on the line, and for the first time, she wants Rowan's support like she's always supported Rowan.
She is pushy about Rowan going to college but that's because she's a good friend! She knows that this isn't sustainable long-term and she doesn't want Rowan to wind up dead in a ditch someday. Hunting is dangerous for two reasons: physically you might get killed, and when you're hunting you're not preparing for your future. How is Rowan going to make money? Get a job? Ro doesn't have a family to support them and they need to learn to take care of themself. Amalia supports Rowan enough to go along with them and make sure they're safe while chasing monsters while also trying to encourage them to be smart and make choices that will benefit them long-term in life. That's not being pushy, that's being an actual good friend who cares more about what's good for you than only saying what you want to hear.
Finally, consider that Amalia and Rowan have no idea that their story is taking place in the final installment of the It Lives series. The Power has been causing problems for decades, centuries even! Why would Amalia have any reason to think that their investigation will actually end anything? As far as she can tell, fighting the Power is like trying to stop a boat leak by putting your finger over it. It's like the meme guy slapping a piece of paper over the giant leak. She views your situation as powerless. She supports Ro not because she thinks they'll actually make much of a difference, but because she knows Ro is going through it and will do this with or without her, so she figures she may as well be there as much as she can to keep Ro safe. But in her opinion, the Power is unstoppable, unbeatable, and it's best to just step away from it and try to live life as normally as you can. You're not the main character of the universe, this isn't your problem, you should try to live your life and be responsible and have a future.
So this is my list to understand Amalia and her perspective better 🤠 oh and thanks for enjoying and supporting the game, we truly appreciate it 💖
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l0velace · 8 months
《Incubation in 3..2..1..》
*krxh* "Dont you fret hun, i know its daunting down there in that chamber but we're up here with sweaty palms too. Now the fluid is breathable and full of that sweet ambrosia so go ahead and take a breath, relax, and drift away" *khp*
She's right its always a crapshoot isnt it tryn sumthn new nd honestly this fluid hasnt even reached my mouth and i already feel better, less tense, floaty like a salt bath if it were the color and viscosity of dirty engine oil..
Smells sweet, almost like rot but in a medicinal way... ambrosia huh, hear goes... tastes like fruit juice on my knee... not that hard to move through my lungs actually, i wonder how lon....
"Slipped right past hypnogogia... hope that ain't the case on the flipside. Lower the serum dosage 20%."
"Yessir, entering stage 3......stage 4..... cresting, begining reentry, stage 3"
"Drop another 20. Shit boy slow down. He lied to you Doc."
"It would seem so."
"No drug use my ass."
"We've reached hypnopompia sir."
"Hot Dog!"
Fuck, fuck why can't i talk? Shit somethings wrong w the fluid i cant move! What is-
"Hey sugar, i imagine you might be feelin' like a corpse in a casket right about now..."
No fucking shit! I fucked up!
"Like there's six feet of soil between you and sunlight..."
FucK! Im so dead...goddamnit!
"I'm gonna need you to start diggin' kid. I need you to take all the hypervigilance u can squeeze outta your adrenals and push out..."
They've been doin a lil overtime sorry!...shit come on! Pleaasssse
"Focus on the edges of your vision and try to see past all that filth in the pit."
Yah focus on the tears welling up. Great.
I wish i could do something other than freaking out. Fuck i didnt think a dark room could spin this much. Dont hurl. No hurling. Pleass God.
Wait how did Jacinta get in my-
Woah im outside.... That ridgeline its the Salspar Escarpment...
"There you go, Youre a natural kiddo! Now walk toward the escarpment keep your eyes on Salvor's Peak."
I can do that... heh mom always said i needed direction guess i got one. East by Southeast. Honestly one of the better directions westerly spring winds and the rings of Cathaş blaze violet in the afternoon sun. Oh fuck almost tripped that would have been embarassing Jacinta would hav- Why do my feet look so weird and my legs i look lik afucking bug! FUCK oh god wheres my dick?! Wheres my SkIN! FUCKFUKfuckFug I cant feel anything why didnt my knees hurt when i fell? My hands are tearing into my thigh but i cant feel it FUck im bleeding fuCk its everywhr fuck i-
"heyy kid how ya feeln?", Jacinta whispers.
She lightly brushes the hair out of my face. Her weight is flushing the mattress so that the side of my hip is pressed into hers. She clasps her hand to my forehead then my feels my quickly flushing face. The evening light leaking in through the shuttered windows lights her black hair to amber. She gives me a crooked smile.
"You're burnin up buddy. We gotta get some fluids in you..."
She turns to a small table behind her, her messy plait spills over her shoulder and swishes over the bare small of her back. The rattle of paper on board heralds
"Petragua or citralyte?"
I absently nod to the petragua and she replaces the other and proffers my mouth a straw.
Why am i always so... behind. Its like im in slow motion...always just barely responding...
She gazes down at me warmly as i suck down the plum-apricot-chem slurry. The infusion perks me up a bit.
"Alright now don't drain it dry. Don't want it coming back up all over my vest."
She pulls it from my lips and i eek a short and quiet sucking sound that manages a full 5 seconds of embarrassment even though the sound was .3 seconds long.
"Ill be real with ya. You did great..exceptional even! Most of the time we dont even get to a stroll the first time we just... well its a whole lot more work on my end than what happened with you so i just wanted to say... im proud of you."
She squeezes my shoulder and flashes me a big deep blue smile.
"I know all this been hard on you and you've put in a lot of work before you even got in the pit and it payed off."
She picks up the petragua again and hangs it in the air for a second.
"To your dreams...or better yet your nightmares."
She sips some of it then positions it back towards me again. I slurp with even more energy this time.
"Having such a strong liminal drive link seams to really make a difference. Honestly i think you two should meet but we have to get clearance pfft its bullshit. How are you supposed to pilot together if you don't even know eachother? How are we supposed to figure out what this spark is that makes the liminal drive work if we never get to observe you interactin' in a controlled manner? I swear im gonna have a word-"
*slurpppppp* she pulls it from my face.
"Oh listen to me blatherin' on, you only got 18 hours til you're on duty again. You can head back to your room whenever. Ill see you then ok? I just wanted to check in on you."
She finishes donning her vest and clacks and jingles out the door with her plait fishtailing behind her.
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taptrial2 · 8 months
I lost interest in g5 when I found out it was gonna be a continuation of g4. G4 had its time it had a good ending, you can capitalize on its popularity without fucking up 9 seasons of development.
FORREAL. like you could keep making g4 merch for the rest of eternity and it'd still sell. it could have just been a reboot with new lore instead of messing around with the old lore
ik this is a question everyone has but WHERE are all the immortal beings. we kind of know where discord is if the comics are canon (press X to doubt) but if hes the canon version of discord now then i dont want him. WHERE DID ALL THE IMMORTAL ALICORNS GO??? WHOS WATCHING TARTARUS???? im usually not this guy i promise. i dont care this much about inconsistent lore in most things. but god damn my little pony friendship is magic had a LOT of lore and they worked really hard to keep it at least somewhat consistent throughout the whole show and this new one doesn't build on it AT ALL? you can BUILD on the lore without discarding huge chunks of it for temporary convenience. there are a million ways you could keep it consistent
maybe just bring back the ascension lore from the final season's original draft. maybe all the alicorns ascended, opaline was one of the chosen successors, and she took out all her competition? that still sucks though. theres so much powerful stuff going on in mlp. so many people can shoot lasers from their heads you have to take into account the rainbow lasers. for me. personally
i agree with you honestly. it's a struggle trying to get through the g5 show, it just feels disrespectful to g4's legacy and twilight's development into a true princess unifying not just equestria but the world with the magic of friendship. it breaks the ending, and the ending is already kind of broken (i hate tall twilight and buff spike so much) but not completely imo. it's still a fitting and poetic end to a long, winding, sometimes super boring or frustrating story that still ends up being brilliant and impactful with a lasting cultural legacy that any continuation couldn't hope to match. :/
i think it's partially because g5 was in development hell for so long. i partially wish they went with the redesigned mane 6 and made it a full-on reboot from square one with new lore, but just recycling the arcs of g4 again would probably ring hollow. but they didnt want to let go of the popularity and profitability of g4 and they wanted new toys to sell alongside the old ones so. we got whatever this is. sad
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