#i honestly did not expect this i thought they'd win
siblingshowdown · 1 year
okay i do feel bad that the aquatos are losing so dramatically. does anyone want to submit some propaganda for them they seem funky fun
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pendarling · 8 months
Their hand skimmed Hero's shoulder as they pushed back their hair along their neck. A shiver ran up their spine, and cold eyes welcomed the feeling. 
"You did so well today, didn't you, Hero?" When Villain discovered their best weapon against Hero was themselves, they'd lead an expedition of the heart. The best way to win wasn't only through physical confrontations; it looked like Hero was utterly unprepared.
It might've been an unsettling solution to a more significant issue; manipulation was not an easy path to learn to exploit for gains, but this was a harmless little game to Villain.
For Hero, on the other hand, their emotions were all over the place every time Villain made their next move. It wasn't like this until the sudden tactics change was introduced.
With their heart thumping in their chest, Hero tried to simulate resilience to the enemy. Villain had held a dagger to their throat as they were still recovering from the last compliment. Their voice held onto their throat, too afraid to speak.
"I always did admire your skills, Hero." They whispered gently next to their ear. Hero could feel their back pressed against Villain's chest with such intensity that it made it harder to decipher their intentions. 
Villain grasped tightly at their waist to prevent them from moving and continued feeding them detailed lies.
All of them weren't complete lies, however. They honestly did believe Hero was one of a kind, but more in the sense that they were a nuisance. 
"Are you trying to seduce me or convert me to your side?" Hero smirked tentatively; their body froze in anticipation as soon as Villain slid their arm around them and came to the front of their face smoothly, still aiming the dagger close to their throat.
"I was hoping you'd ask." 
Hero felt their cheeks rise in temperature. Their heart ached in a pain they couldn't bear as they forced the feeling down. The proximity to them didn't help either; maybe they did want to get cut after all, and perhaps they wanted to get hurt. Whatever kept pulling them in had locked them into a position of weakness. "So this was all…"
"Not all, my dear." They fiddled with the dagger. "But you shouldn't believe everything anyone tells you." They rolled their eyes and watched the crime fighter furrow their brows as a thought came over them.
Hero knew this was all a setup for their schemes, but when Villain had confirmed that all their praises were falsified to add to the game, a distressing emotion overtook their face. "I know you would never appreciate what's in front of you, but you really don't know me if you think that would work. "
Villain raised a brow, "Really now? Is that why you're trapped right where I need you?" They tapped Hero's nose playfully, 
"A small blunder for a large prize at the end."
"I guess you also love being rewarded too, huh? I can work with that."
Hero blushed but firmly remained grounded. "I'm not some kind of toy for you to play with, Villain."
"I know~" they chuckled, but Hero didn't buy it. "That's what makes you our city's favourite, isn't it? Those other heroes don't stand a chance against you, do they?"
They tried to push from their grip, but Villain was demanding and continued their fight. 
"Awfully clingy, hm?" They stared at each other with a tilted grin. If Villain would mess with their head, so could they.
Catching onto their new plot, Villain only excited the moment and pulled closer, "It's what you deserve after all that hard work. I know you want a little appreciation," Hero swallowed, their confidence now wavering, "Don't worry about it, dear."
Hero thought back to their earlier days as a hero. What little they could do was credited to more prominent heroes. Their acts of saviour went unnoticed for quite some time, so having Villain of all people notice did something to them they didn't expect. Their words failed them as their mind muddled.
"You're teasing me again." They whispered, this time with a look of disappointment. Although Villain recognized what they could do, these words all existed to coerce them into confusion, not to acknowledge their achievements.
It was evil. 
Their rival frowned at the way Hero's voice shook in great despair, and this wasn't what they aimed for. Hero should've felt their ego boost enough for Villain to get away with all their plans. 
A simple few sentences couldn't have ruined them; it should've remade Hero.
"You're overthinking all of it. I just wanted to admire you-"
"I get it. So please, whatever this is…" their fragile mask fell apart as growing tears filled their vision. "You win, alright?"
They couldn't have been any more wrong. Villain placed the dagger away and inspected the scene playing in front of them. Their leather glove wiped down a tear with casual comfort. 
"Hmm?" Villain's eyes widened only slightly, not entirely believing what the results had come to. They'd assumed this would end much differently, but it had an unexpected consequence. "Feeling overwhelmed?" They murmured.
"Shut up."
Villain couldn't understand how their words could be misconstrued enough to impact Hero terribly.
They were all praises directed at commemorating Hero's work; it was nothing too special, only vague references and general connections to Hero.
Hero pulled themselves away from their arms and wiped their tears with frustration, "I'm letting you go. So leave before I regret anything."
"You really must not know me very well, love."
"I know you're not sincere."
They walked to their side and pulled their hands away from their face by the wrists, "Please, I'm not oblivious."
Hero's eyes met the ground in protest, "You could've done this any other way, and you chose to mess with my head?" Their heart raced rapidly. Even when they were mad, they were overjoyed at the evident concern from their adversary.
"You genuinely believe I think so lowly of you?" They leaned in. "Hero, the same one that deciphered my codes when no one could? Saved neighbourhoods alone and still made it home before dinner?" They raised their chin to meet eyes in the centre. "You do deserve all that attention." Their thumb circled their chin, "Though not everyone deserves you."
Hero had thought for a second that maybe they were still lying, still playing games with their head and leaving them to overthink it all later. It was better to stay in blissful ignorance than know; they nodded carefully, still doubtful but accepting of the words. 
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inchidentally · 5 months
Okay so I was thinking about why Oscar didn’t go and congratulate Lando right after his win but I think the answer is quite simple. It’s because he felt a little at odds with himself.
He lost out in that race because of the safety car the same one that secured Lando’s chance. (you can hear him audibly swear over the radio when it came out, which he NEVER does) He was pissed at the timing and then to top it all off gets his race ruined by Carlos of all people (again) and THEN when he’s desperately trying to force his way back thought he field he’s told to stop fighting because Lando is in the lead.
So whilst I’m sure he was happy for Lando, he was, at the same time, mourning his own loss. As he should! He’s a racing driver. he should be pissed at losing especially at no fault of his own.
So he gave Lando the space, let him take in his well deserved victory and once he’d calmed he congratulated Lando earnestly, without his feeling for his own race getting in the way!
And I think it’s says a lot about how understanding and kind Oscar is. He knew if he congratulated Lando as soon as they crossed the line he wouldn’t have meant it enough so he waited until he did mean it.
What do you think?
KES BABE you're gonna make me long post !!!
I've actually got to weigh in (pun intended) with a very real technicality that my cousin pointed out when I was looking for Oscar once we finally got to watch!
all of the drivers who congratulated Lando not only were father figures/big brother figures to him, they also finished in the top 10 and quite literally had finished their weigh in nice and quick - the exception being Daniel who did not have to go and see the stewards. quite literally Oscar had to wait toward the back of the queue to finish his parc ferme shit (did we ever even get eyes on him?) from there he had to go see the stewards. depending on who they spoke to first out of him, Carlos and KMag and how long they kept him in the meeting, from there he'd have had to find out where Lando was (celebrating? interviews? cool down room?) and then run around to wherever he was. and ofc if he was in cool down he wouldn't have been allowed in.
so technically maybe Lando would've still been easy to find in Oscar's gap between finishing in parc ferme and going to the stewards, he might also have been stood waiting for his interview or even doing it or he might have already headed to the cool down room etc etc etc.
but I am NOT going to expect Oscar to try and navigate all of that when he not only had his top 3 position ruined but now he also had to go and find out if he was going to be penalized as well !!
especially when he knows he's got ample time to congratulate Lando anyway and Oscar is not remotely the type to care if cameras are around to broadcast it or not. the other non-podium drivers were going to entirely different garages and who knows when they'd cross paths with Lando again.
so honestly I personally think this all came down to technicalities more than anything else and if Oscar had finished in the top 10 at least then he would've absolutely been right there to congratulate Lando both for the ease of it but also bc it wouldn't have been as awful a result even if did receive a penalty.
and equally if he had the time to think of it, he would've assumed Carlos was already headed up there to congratulate Lando (and possibly could have seen him) and it was not !! the time for Oscar and Carlos to cross paths at that moment !!
BUT AS YOU SAID !! I think if there was time for him to get past the frustration and anger at what had happened to his own race and those mitigating factors weren't as much of an issue as I'm guessing they were, we know damn well that he'd be thinking what you said <3<3 bc even when things are going horrendously for him, Oscar never loses his head. and if he at all thought he'd bring his own negativity to the biggest moment in Lando's career so far then no WAY would he have risked it.
and bottom line is that one hug has ended up paling in comparison with how much Oscar was there for Lando in Oscar accepting 50% of the upgrades, obeying team orders for Lando rather than trying to get back in the points, showing up for Lando's celebrations twice in a major way, then going out to celebrate him all night long and posting about his win on social media for days afterward <3 like sure it would've had wider publicity if there'd been a hug right after - but Lando's beaming smile and thanking Oscar shows that he doesn't rate publicity as being more significant than everything else Oscar did for him that weekend ;__;
and what's actually really killed me is that surely surely there had to be an element of it for Lando where he remembered last year telling the press how it stung and hurt that Oscar had achieved any kind of win before him. that Oscar was never a showboat about it and always specified that it was a sprint win and not a real race win. that Lando was always the one to bring it up and give Oscar his dues but that Oscar never brought it up again afterward himself. and the mounting anxiety for Lando of what if Oscar got that race win before him? and how much that anxiety must have been at it's peak watching Oscar leading in Miami?? literally I think it would've been too much to humanly expect Lando to cope at all well. I think the absolute least amount of grace we would have given him would be to not go and immediately celebrate it with Oscar but honestly? if he'd decided to just do his post race interviews and slip away quietly until the video with Andrea then none of us would have judged him for it AT ALL. it would have been an unavoidably bittersweet day and knowing what the press and haters would have done to him would have paled in comparison to Lando having to live with knowing that Oscar got there first and so much quicker. and genuinely I think it would have taken a certain amount of shine off of it for Oscar as well and he would not have even slightly expected Lando to put himself through any more of it than strictly necessary for appearances.
(seriously I think we all breathed a sigh of relief over this win as much as we were elated about it !! we will never have to exist in a timeline where Oscar got his race win before Lando)
so not only will Lando have not remotely expected Oscar to show up in parc ferme for a hug, he has clearly counted every moment of Oscar celebrating his win as golden and beyond the call of teammate duty. and that not only did he make sure that posterity recorded Oscar's achievements earlier in that race, he made sure that he thanked him by setting the example of what could be done on just half the upgrades.
we all expected each of the hugs Lando got right after that race. each of those men has helped to raise Lando and has watched him since he was small and awkward and painfully shy and suffering heart-wrenching race results. they needed to hold their boy in his moment of purest happiness.
but none of us could have reasonably assumed how Oscar - only just out of his rookie season and Lando's teammate of just one season and a bit - would react to such a devastating race for himself while also on the biggest day of his teammate's career to date.
one hug would honestly have been a perfectly fine bare minimum and plenty of other drivers would have called that good and begged off.
equally tho one measly hug shouldn't make anyone underestimate how extraordinarily above and beyond and then some Oscar has been for Lando for the past week. that not only has he celebrated it and celebrated Lando, he's done so in proportion to people older than him who have known Lando much longer than him and who are not direct rivals to Lando.
like genuinely, the general F1 fans keep saying what a gentlemen and exemplary one-of-a-kind teammate Oscar has been through all of this and they're absolutely right. we not only got to rejoice in Lando's win, we also get to rejoice that he has a teammate who has proven his worth and made the McLaren driver partnership secure for the years they have to come <3<3
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copperbadge · 6 months
How does Little U like her new bag?
Well, I will say she acted exactly as I expected a kid less than two years old to behave -- she immediately opened it to see what was inside. :D
When I made the bag I quickly realized that if you give a small child a container of any kind, the most likely reaction is to wonder "what's inside" rather than to understand the container itself is the gift. So every time I went to Target (which is roughly once a week) I stopped at the little bargain-bin section that always has cheap seasonal decor and children's toys, and I picked up anything I thought would be of interest. It ended up holding two little bath toys, a box of crayons, a pair of sunglasses, and a deck of "counting cards" that have the number printed on one side and the word for the number on the other, because R had told me she's "big into counting".
The counting cards were the really big hit -- they're interactive, tactile, and she just...she fuckin' loves numbers, you guys. She can identify most numbers up to 35, but she has trouble with "3", and also differentiating "4" and "9". And I blew her mind when she showed me the "6" and I said "Or is it NINE?" and turned it upside down. I may have given her baby's first existential crisis.
She did eventually put the bag on her head like a hat and run around with it waggling atop her, and I'm sure eventually it will be a treasured gift -- R was very impressed I made it, and he said they'd use it to keep her favorite books in when they get home.
But I think honestly so far my left shoe is winning in the "favorite toys" game...
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chaenniz · 1 year
Hello love! How have you been? I would like to request a New Jeans reaction to their fem s/o being buff, like, more muscular, stronger
NEWJEANS X READER ;; when they have a gf that’s more muscular than them
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A/N ;;i've been good! wrote a part of this during my study period for bio 😍💯
genre ;; fluff
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kim minji
it wasn't a secret that you and minji were furiously competitive girlfriends with each other. idol's physical race did nothing but fuel the competitive fire between you two.
it was scary honestly, if the girls didn't know that you and minji were in a stable and loving 1 year relationship with each other, they'd have thought you two were enemies.
in both yours and minji's defense, you both found that the rivalry between you two in competitions were what made them so interesting and addictive. of course though, there were never any hard feelings afterwards.
so when your manager announced that your group would be going on 'idol's physical race' and competing against each other, you and minji were both practically counting down the days.
you and minji even went to the gym together to train for the upcoming competition.
finally, the day of the long awaited physical race rolled around, and it was pretty obvious that you and minji were the most excited.
first up was the grip strength test. danielle had gone first with a combined grip strength of 37.9 kg, then haerin second with a combined 36.7 kg. third was hanni, with a score of 44.2 kg. hyein attempted it shortly after, getting a test score of 50.9 kg.
it was finally minji's turn, so you sent her a teasing grin before she attempted the test, combining both her left and right hand's strength, she got a score of 51.2 kg. the highest score so far.
minji sent you a teasing smirk, spurring you on to try and beat her score.
so you did just that, after taking the test yourself, you got a combined score of 60.2 kg (29.8 L + 30.4 R). everyone looked at you shocked, even the instructor himself. you simply grinned back towards minji, continuing on with the idol physical race.
the rest of the competition went along like that, with minji winning some and you also the same.
lastly, came the obstacle course. you already got a feel for what it was like since you had to go against hanni in the 'semifinals' of the race.
having won against hanni, it was now time to officially go against minji in the finals for the 1 million won cash prize.
"may the best girl win" you smile warmly towards minji, extending your hand for handshake.
minji shakes back, also smiling warmly at you "likewise."
the rest of the girls and crew were laughing at the oddly serious scene, but admired the sportsmanship between you two.
the timer had reached zero, and the two of you took off sprinting. you and minji weaved and dodged, jumped and ducked through the obstacles, the two of you neck and neck the entire time.
the last stretch was rapidly approaching, minji still in the lead with you trailing closely behind her.
although you did take the lead a couple times in the race, you ultimately lagged behind near the end due to a slight mishap in your footwork, making minji the winner.
you made your way over to minji who was sitting in the winners circle, "if we go again, i bet i could totally beat you" you beam, helping minji up.
your girlfriend rolls her eyes, but soon betrays herself as her crescent moon eye shape comes out and smile slips past. "what makes you think i wouldn't just beat you again?"
"because i'll get the other girls to hold you down while i finish the course" you joke. minji playfully smacking your arm in response.
soon, shooting 'idol physical race' had come to a wrap, all of you more tired than expected.
you all gathered into the car. you, minji, and hyein in the back. whilst hanni, haerin, and danielle sat in the middle.
your manager double checked that everything was good to go before dropping you all off to your shared dorms.
as the ride came to a stop, signifying that you were at your dorm, you gently shook minji awake. no response. after a couple more attempts, and minji still not getting up, you told the girls to go inside first.
you decided you'd just carry her instead. you carefully picked minji up into a princess carry, not wanting to drop her or wake her accidentally. you thank your manager for the shoot today and for dropping you all off home before heading inside.
you gently set minji down onto her bed, adjusting her blanket so that it laid comfortably on top of her before pecking her forehead with a kiss before leaving her room to help prepare dinner for the members with hanni.
when minji awoke, you were all indulging in the meal that you and hanni prepared for the group. she took the vacant seat next to you.
"how did i get into my room?" minji asks, still a little sleepy.
"yn-unnie carried you" haerin replies nonchalantly.
minji's face flushed red, she already knew you were strong (thanks to previous events and the idol race providing even more evidence for her), so it shouldn't have been as surprising as it was to her.
either way, her flushed and blushing cheeks were a sight for you and the members to behold so none of you complained.
pham hanni
hanni took pride in the fact that she was your childhood friend. more specifically, the fact that she knew almost knew everything about you. keyword: almost.
hanni, your wonderful groupmate and girlfriend of 6 months has been by your side ever since the two of you met in diapers. so to say that hanni knows everything about you isn't that far of a stretch.
"jagiya, i'm going to the gym now." you told hanni, pressing a kiss to her forehead before you left.
hanni waved goodbye as she watched you gently close the door behind you, feeling her heart warm as you peek your head in through the door one more time before sending her a final wave.
your girlfriend knew you enjoyed going to the gym, telling her on more than one occasion that the gym was basically your third home. the first would be hanni herself, then the second being the rest of newjeans.
three days later, hanni found herself feeling incredibly bored on her day off. minji headed off to the company to work some leader stuff out (hanni wasn't fully awake when minji announced what she was doing for the day), haerin was still sleeping, danielle and hyein were watching a movie together. and you? you were getting ready to go to the company gym.
"im so bored.." hanni drawled out, currently laying on your bed in a starfish position as she watched you pack all your things needed for your time at the gym.
you giggle lightly at hanni, "you know, you can come to the gym with me"
hanni thought about it, deeming it a perfectly good idea. despite the fact that you've been dating each other for half a year now, she's never actually gone to the gym with just you.
"give me 15 minutes to get ready" hanni shot up from the bed. theres no time like the present right?
true to her word, hanni was appropriately changed and ready by the 15 minute mark. after letting danielle and hyein know, and texting haerin and minji, the two of you were headed to the gym. you and hanni started making your way there.
in the gym, there was nobody else there, despite it already being 1 pm in the afternoon. neither of you minded though, a quiet and empty gym was rare these days.
hanni didn't do much in the gym except for some core exercises and cardio. she was jogging a moderate pace on a treadmill as she started looking around. you, however, were going straight to work on one of the machines, 'lat pulldown' is what hanni could make out.
hanni knew you went to the gym often, hell she was there with you, but seeing you work out in front of her, in just a sports bra no less, just made everything so much more surreal.
hanni watched you work out in awe. the weight was set to 110 lbs, which was a little over your body weight. hanni watched as your back muscles flexed in response to the machine working at your lats, your biceps and triceps contracting and relaxing from the motion of the workout, and the tension in your abs visible as you finished your second set. hanni might've swallowed a fly if she kept staring any longer.
finding herself distracted, your girlfriend trips over her footing and stumbles on the treadmill. hanni shortly fell off the treadmill after, luckily unharmed.
seeing the scene that just played out in front of you, you quit whatever rep you were on and immediately went over to hanni's side. "are you okay?" you ask worriedly.
hanni gives a fervent nod, embarrassed that she quite literally fell for you.
"what happened? how did you trip?" you start asking a barrage of questions before hanni finally speaks up.
"i got distracted." hanni left her explanation at that, quickly dusting herself off as you helped her up.
to this day, you still don't know what made hanni distracted at the gym. if only hanni turned around for you, you'd be able to see the furious dust of pink that spread across her cheeks.
danielle marsh
danielle being the ever bubbly and perfect girl she is, is head cheerleader for hybe's cheer team. you on the other hand? just a quiet pretty girl who happened to be in the same class as the sun personified that is danielle marsh.
the first time you two ever exchanged words was 4 months into the new school year, despite having most of your classes together.
sighing softly to herself, danielle sat down in a chair in her home room afterschool, why? because of detention. danielle had forgotten to do her homework and wasn't able to convince mr. kim this time around.
danielle laid her head down, hoping to fall asleep to pass the time quicker. as danielle felt herself fall not slumber, a loud screech could be heard in the room.
the girl whipped her head up, annoyed that whoever this was couldn't bother to lift the chair as she falling asleep.
danielle recognized you from her class, you were the girl that always kept to herself and sat at the back of classes. danielle also noticed that you weren't in your school uniform, instead in gym clothing attire, making your lean, defined muscles very visible. danielle soon snapped out of her thoughts after she heard you talk.
"im so sorry" you apologize profusely, "i didn't realize that it was gonna screech like that-"
before danielle could accept your apology, the detention supervisor 'shhh'd' the two of you, reminding yourselves to stay quiet.
instead, danielle gives you a thumbs up, thinking that you also had a pretty voice before trying to succumb to the lull of sleep again.
one hour later, the two of you had been released from detention.
after exchanging awkward, but quick goodbyes with each other. the two of you went your separate ways, not expecting to talk anytime soon, or even ever again.
to both of your surprises though, you found each other in the same detention again only two weeks after the last one.
the same thing occurs again, you would be reading your book as danielle tried to fall asleep. an hour later, the two of you got released from detention.
the same thing happened for the third time, which didn't really surprise the two of them this time. they run through the entire detention process again, but before the two of you could go your separate ways, you called danielle by her name to get her attention.
you catch up to danielle who was in the middle of the hallway, facing you now.
you ask danielle why she was in detention. you listen intently as she tells you that she was there for not being able to complete homework in time.
"what about you?" danielle inquires.
you blush in embarrassment, "i fell asleep in mr. hwang's class again"
danielle found herself amused at the girl in front of her, 'again?' she thought to herself. "i don't blame you, mr. hwang is really boring." she offers a smile.
an awkward silence engulfs the two of you, it was now that danielle never really noticed how you were taller than her, the way your long arms fooled everyone, because hiding underneath all of that was physique worthy of a goddess. catching herself staring, danielle hurriedly says goodbye. you do too, you were just a bit confused with how she was acting.
the next day, it was danielle that approached you in class first. she smiled when she saw you already dozing off and a little before class.
danielle taps on your desk, successfully gaining your attention. "here, for you." she beams as she set down a bar of caffeinated chocolate on your desk. "it'll help you stay awake" she adds.
you thanked danielle generously, shaking her hand repeatedly.
unbeknownst to you though, danielle watched as your biceps flexed unconsciously. who knew that underneath that quiet pretty girl exterior, you were actually really buff.
kang haerin
haerin was the manager of the varisty girls volleyball team of hybe multi-arts high, she also happened to be the girlfriend of the distinguished y/n l/n, captain of the volleyball team.
it was just another practice as haerin quickly tallied another point in the spike category underneath your name.
a loud 'boom' echoed through the gym as you managed to spike completely past hyein, who was currently practicing her blocking with you.
"why am i practicing single blocking, we both know how coach yeji gets when we don't double block in game" hyein complained.
you simply smirk at her, "hyein-ie, what are you going to do when yunjin-ie isn't able to get there in time with you in game huh?"
yunjin who was getting drink of water suddenly exclaims, "i always get there in time!"
your laugh echoes throughout the gym, "regardless, it'd be really good if you can get a touch on the ball single blocking before practice is over"
you were currently running simple drills as warm up before the rest of the team started showing up. your starting lineup went as follows: minji (setter), hyein (middle), danielle (middle), hanni (libero), yunjin (opposite), and you as their power.
you were all practicing for the upcoming game against sm academy, hybe's rival school, this friday. so this practice was really important.
haerin loved watching you play, practice or game, she knew you always gave it your all. it was exciting watching you play with such passion, your presence on the court contagious as she observed how your teammates would match your energy and passion on court.
this time a 'ba-boom' was heard throughout the gym, followed by a squeal of excitement.
"i did it yn-unnie! i got a touch on the ball!" hyein dances around happily.
you all looked hyein impressively, before minji adds on, "that was a shoot set too, hyein. you should be proud."
yunjin soon joined in to block with hyein, now practicing double blocking. you and minji kept experimenting with your sets, some shooting past the two blockers, but most of the hits touching their blocks, resulting in hanni practicing her digs, which managed to get the ball up almost every time.
a click turned all of your heads around as you revealed the person who just walked in, thankfully it was just danielle, so you were all free to just keep doing what you were doing.
danielle sets her stuff down the middle of the bench, beside hanni's. danielle observed her surroundings before grinning.
"you look so in love with y/n" danielle teases haerin as she got changed into practice clothes, causing the latter to hide her face into her hands.
regaining her cool composure back, haerin replies, "... who wouldn't? she's a phenomenon"
danielle laughs, "slow down there haerin-ie, lover girl heard you y'know"
turning her head towards y/n, haerin can indeed confirm that y/n heard her due to the surprised look on her face. without y/n paying attention however, she hadn't realized that a set was coming her way. the set hit y/n's head unexpectedly, a small groan coming from y/n in return. y/n's teammates were quick to find the situation funny and laughed, asking if you were okay shortly after.
slowly the rest of the team piled in, as well as coach yeji and the practice goes the same way as it always goes.
during the actual practice though, haerin couldn't help but take notice of how your compression shirt hugged you so nicely.
sweat beaded at your hairline, some trailing down to the sides of your neck. you were practically glistening with sweat, as did the other girls.
simply put, haerin thought you looked absolutely breathtaking right now. your muscles and abs were clearly defined thanks to the black compression shirt you were wearing. paired with your heavy breathing, and the overall presence and vibe you were giving off right now, haerin thought she was the luckiest girl in the world for having such a hot girlfriend.
haerin was surprised she even made it to the end of practice, thinking halfway she was going pass out from staring at you too hard.
to signal the end of practice, your team did their signature sandwich, yelling out 'hybe high!' at the end.
you walked over to haerin, who was right beside your duffel bag. "so.. a phenomenon, huh?" you tease.
haerin effectively responded to your teasing with a kiss, after pulling apart she whispers to your ear "if only you could see you from my point of view, then, yeah."
you blushed furiously, haerin had never been so bold before.
watching the blush spread across your cheeks, haerin thought that you really were a phenomenon in her life.
lee hyein (platonic)
hyein has always looked up to you during her trainee days, now that she's debuted with you, it's only increased by tenfold.
hyein wasn't joking around when she said she was her unnies' number 1 fan. you, of course, were no exception to her protective maknae instincts.
when the members revealed that you were the member that worked out/ went to the gym the most during a live, the fans went wild asking for you to pose for them.
you laughed awkwardly, looking towards minji for what she'd do in this situation, and she just giggled at your cuteness.
the next ot6 live that went on you were wearing just a simple tank top, all the members in their loungewear as well.
it wasn't long before you saw the comments flood about wanting you to pose for them.
a bit reluctantly, you looked around your members silently asking for their permission to do this.
seeing no weird faces or reactions, you decided to flex for your fans for about 3 seconds, feeling shy.
needless to say, that moment got clipped and popular pretty quick within the fandom. all the clip showed was you doing a simple bicep flex pose which showed the curve in your biceps excellently before getting flustered and relaxing once again.
the group decided to do another ot6 live around week later, everything doing the same as usual, but they'd be lying if they said they didn't get annoyed by the comments asking you to flex again that showed up every 9-10 seconds.
what seemed to hyeins breaking point however was when hanni read out a comment "y/n-unnie marry me please!!"
with her protective maknae habits, she immediately denies the comments request, "sorry bunnies, y/n is already newjeans's, you can't marry her."
with that the group erupts into laughter, and another viral clip in the fandom was made.
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i got sleepy halfway through writing this so i'm sorry if some parts don't make sense 😰😰
also i may or may not expand on the minji one
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hyenafu · 3 months
Have you ever thought of crossovers between Slightly Damned and Junk Hyenas Diner? Both casts meeting, even as what-ifs or jokes. Lucky and Kieri have similar struggles with their mothers and the expectations put on them by their families, so they'd likely have a lot to talk about. And then there's the two fuzzy chill guys who love food, and the short beings of nebulous origins that came back to life.
It's funny you worded your question that way! One of the reasons I stopped working on The Junk Hyenas Diner is because I felt my long-term plans for it were too similar to Slightly Damned. I made The Junk Hyenas Diner as my thesis project when I got my graduate degree from the Center for Cartoon Studies. I wanted to completely change up the way I did comics and do something new. I was afraid of having Slightly Damned being my only major project, and I didn't want to be stuck in a rut forever. And it worked out great! I loved working on JHD. With a different setting, I got to make different jokes. Working in black and white helped change the way I approach my art, as well. I think I learned a lot from the experience. I made a bunch of short stories and gained new confidence in my ability to adapt and make new things. I fully intended to continue The Junk Hyenas Diner as my second webcomic in tandem with Slightly Damned after I graduated. But... I ended up putting it off more and more. I got busy with going to conventions more way more often, and expanding the breadth of my merchandise. I also got more involved with my Patreon. I needed to do these things in order to secure my income so I could keep living off of my art. I also felt like my heart wasn't really into making a science fiction (well, more like science fantasy) story. I felt intimidated by other artists who could ground their work in a lot more concrete facts about space travel, technology, and biology. I just wanted to make dumb jokes about food. Now I know that just wanting to make dumb jokes about food is valid, but that was honestly part of why I lost my motivation. I've decided to completely drop JHD for the time being. I'll always keep the website archive up because I still think it's a fun read, and I loved the experience of making it. I also don't consider that door closed forever. If I feel compelled to return for whatever reason, I will! I have thought that JHD would be suitable project for a self-contained graphic novel. I could also just lean into telling jokes whenever they come to me. But I don't really have the time or motivation for it right now, so it's not a priority. I think artists should be allowed to drop projects if they're not really feeling them anymore. It happens. Since the last time I made any new Junk Hyenas comics, I went through some rough emotional events that led me to seeing a therapist. That helped me a lot! After that, I ended up leaning more into making mushy stuff (cutesy and romantic) and spicy stuff (kink art for adults) for Slightly Damned in my free time. That's just what's the most fun for me right now. Because it's fun and rewarding, I keep making more and more. Even if there are folks who don't get it (which is fine), being motivated to draw makes me practice drawing, and practice makes all my art better, so everyone who likes my art still wins in the end!
Motivation is a fickle beast. Life changes. I always have way more ideas than the time and energy to actually make them, and I hope that's a problem I keep for my entire life. I can't possibly do everything all at once. Having Slightly Damned be my life's work is still scary thought. Other artists are able to finish their webcomics and graphic novels and move on, so I end up thinking that the grass may be greener on the other side. I don't know when or even if I'll be able to finish Slightly Damned in order to free up more time to work on other projects. But at the same time, right now, I don't really feel like I need to. I am enjoying what I make, and I'm always pushing myself to make each weekly update better. I love my characters so much that I enjoy following my whims and making spinoff projects with them. I think as long as I continue to find this fulfilling (and there are still people willing to support me), there's no need to force myself to do projects that I'm not feeling especially motivated to do. I know this big wall of text isn't what you asked for, but I wanted to explain why I don't draw Junk Hyenas stuff anymore. Anyway, here's a Thanksgiving picture I did of the Slightly Damned and Junk Hyenas casts in 2016:
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Battle Of The Knights pt. 1: May The Best Knight Win
Pairing: Moonknight trio x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: I mean none really there's a gun at some point but no one gets hurt
Genre: kinda fluff
Summary: "So let me get this straight, you all like me, so you each want to take me on a date and let me decide what to do after?" You can't believe the words you're hearing even as you repeat them back.
What happens when the relationships you've built with Marc and his two alters are turned on their heads by a proposition that is anything but simple? How can they expect you to risk blowing up the carefully crafted dynamic you've worked so hard to create? And why do you agree to such an insane suggestion?
You met Marc first. He was charming and quick on his feet. It made you fast friends. Though he was guarded and you knew there were things he would probably never tell you. It didn't stop you from embracing a friendship with him. One filled with movie nights and playful insults. It was Steven you met next. You'd seen him getting off a bus and excitedly ran over to who you thought was your friend only to have a confused Brit staring back at you. You probably should've realized it wasn't Marc when he didn't respond to you calling him but it didn't occur to you until after you grabbed his arm.
"Dude, did you not hear me calling you?" You had said once you caught up to him but he backed away from you as if you'd grown another head.
"I- I'm sorry, have we met?" He asked.
"Marc come on, this has got to be your lamest joke yet." You'd rolled your eyes. "The accent too?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"Drop it Spector, you're no good at this."
"I believe you've got me confused with someone else, I'm Steven. Steven Grant." He'd shook his head adamantly and for a moment you really thought it was someone else.
"Wow you're- really sticking to this."
"Yes because it's true? And if you'll excuse me, I'm late for work so, bye." Steven scurried away and you hadn't known what to make of that interaction. 
The next time you saw Marc you weren't sure if he'd recognize you or not which had him demanding an explanation when you walked passed him without a word. Of course, when you told him you saw him days ago and he literally didn't recognize you, he reluctantly explained to you that he has an identity disorder. Trauma he wouldn't get into, causing a fracturing of his mind that resulted in three, not two, separate consciousnesses sharing one body. You didn't know much about Dissociative Identity Disorder but you cared about Marc and so you did your research, and asked questions when you had them, trying to be a good friend to him and eventually Steven as well. 
Between the two of them, you learned pretty quickly they didn't like talking about the third consciousness, alters you learned they were called, and as a result, you knew next to nothing about him. You didn't know his name or what he was like, he was a mystery, but you knew he was there. It was a door you let stay closed, in fact, you don't even think he wanted to meet you that day you finally encountered the third member of your friend's fractured mind.
It had been Steven's birthday and you wanted to surprise him with a cake. So, using the key they gave you, you'd gone to their apartment while you knew they'd be out to set up the cake. Unfortunately for you, it wasn't Steven who came strolling into their flat that afternoon and you didn't realize it until too late. The whistling should've clued you in honestly, Steven doesn't whistle, but you were excited and so when the door creaked open you didn't hesitate before speaking.
"Happy birthda- oh my god you have a gun!" Your hands shot up when the man pulled out a firearm quicker than you could finish saying birthday.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" You're so frazzled by the weapon pointed at you that you don't immediately notice the accent in his words but then it dawns on you.
"Oh. That makes three." You say quietly.
"I asked you a question."
"My name is y/n. I'm a friend of Steven's and Marc's. It's Steven's birthday so I brought him a cake." You tell him.
"You're a friend of Steven's?"
"And Marc's. Can you please put the gun down?"
"They told you about us?"
"Technically only because they had to. I was Marc's friend first but then I saw Steven one day and when he didn't recognize me Marc had to explain why. He told me there were three of you but they don't really answer any questions about you." You explain quickly. There's a moment of silence and you almost miss the switch between one alter and another. The gun is tossed to the ground with faint disgust and you're certain Steven has taken over.
"Y/n, Gods, I'm sorry about Jake. He's protective. It's, kind of his job." Steven says.
"Happy birthday." You breathe out quietly, relieved you're no longer at the business end of a revolver.
"He didn't hurt you did he?" He walks over to you carefully.
"No. No, I'm not hurt, a little spooked but I'm fine. I just- I wanted to surprise you for your birthday."
"Yeah sorry about that. Surprises are tricky."
"Oh trust me I will not be doing that again any time soon." You say with a chuckle.
"You baked me a cake."
"I did, I didn't get around to lighting the candles before Jake came in but it's vegan. I know it can be hard to find good vegan stuff."
"Thank you! Seriously, I- I really appreciate it."
"Of course Steven." You say. "I can't believe you guys have a gun." You shake your head as you cut Steven a slice of his cake.
"I didn't even know we had one and I'm- really sorry about Jake, he's- not the friendliest guy."
"Don't be sorry and he doesn't have to be friendly. I'm very aware that you're all different personalities. Sure you've all got the same face but I think that's where about 80% of your similarities begin and end, I mean I'm sure there are others but, the point is, you deciding to be my friend after we met does not mean I'd expect the same from Jake. He doesn't have to be my friend, he doesn't even have to talk to me if he doesn't want to. The only thing is if I do run into him again I'd appreciate him not pointing a weapon at me." You shrug.
"You are- so wonderfully understanding." He breathes.
"I mean from what I've read I imagine DID can be pretty disruptive I don't want to make it any more complicated for you. I'm not doing much just, being supportive, trying to help however I can. Like an external carer for your system." You say with a smile. There's a very sudden, very quick, change in Steven's demeanor, shoulders squared as his eyes narrow into a glare.
"They don't need you. I take care of this system." He grits out and you know immediately the new stranger has returned.
"Jake, I'm assuming. Hi again. I didn't say they needed me. I'm sure they're very capable, I'm sure you are very capable, but I'm their friend, so I'm here as support. That's what friends are for. Even for you if you ever decide you want it. Just, try not to point any more weapons at me."
"There is not a thing that you could do for me."
"Never say never, Jake. Look can you bring Steven back so he can actually eat the cake I made for him? I'd offer you a slice but it's vegan and something tells me the guy who carries a handgun to run errands doesn't give a rat's ass about that sort of thing."
"You don't know me. Don't pretend that you do."
"It was an educated guess. I don't have to know you to make a guess based on what I've already observed. Steven's vegan but Marc isn't. I can't see a reason you would be but don't get me mixed up I'm not pretending to know you. I know exactly 2 things about you, your name is Jake, and you carry a gun, I'd guess regularly. Oh, and I think you speak Spanish, based on the way you speak English but that's another guess."
"What are you doing?"
"At this point just pissing you off I'm sure. I know you have no interest in being friends with me Jake and that's fine, I just want Steven back so we can keep doing this back and forth where you get progressively more annoyed with me or you can let him front again." You say with a calm look on your face. You can see the muscles in Jake's jaw work as he glares at you as if he'll be able to set you on fire if he only thinks about it hard enough, then, there's a switch. Wide eyes look at you with confusion.
"What did you do?" Steven asks.
"Nothing." You shake your head blinking innocently at him.
"He's muttering angrily in Spanish."
"All I did was say I don't think he's vegan." You shrug and Steven laughs so hard he has to sit down.
"All you did was say you didn't think he wasn't vegan? He's not!" Steven chuckles.
"Well- I also may have implied that he's not as complex as he thinks he is and while I didn't mean it as a negative I can see how someone like him might take it the wrong way."
"Someone like him?"
"Jake seems like the type who makes a point to maintain a level of emotional distance between himself and anyone he comes in contact with. Perhaps it's his way of ensuring he's an effective protector, I don't know I'd have to talk to him more to find out but I think he values that ability to keep people at arm's length and I think he doesn't like that I can read him in any capacity even though it's mostly surface level information I've gathered. The implication that I can figure anything out without him telling me the thing- I don't think he took that well."
"Then- he's going to hate when Marc tells you pretty much everything about him."
"He doesn't have to. Marc I mean. I don't need him to tell me about Jake." You shake your head.
"I know, so does he. He still will. Because you've met him. And he likes having someone other than us to talk to about our situation. I- like it too."
"Oh- well in that case either of you can talk to me about anything. Always." You said to them and you meant it. You still do. You care about them so much, and it took a while but Jake did eventually open up to you. He still tries to maintain his mystery but his tricks don't really work on you the way he thinks they do.
You like to think that at this point you know them all pretty well, which is why this conversation feels very out of character from basically the start.
"Y/n, we have a confession to make." Steven says, avoiding looking at you.
"I hate when you guys do that because it's never something serious. You don't keep serious secrets from me." You say walking into your kitchen to grab water.
"Never say never princessa." Jake's wry smile when you look at him makes your brow furrow.
"Wait did Steven bow out of this so called confession?" You ask.
"Sí, although I think Marc should be the one to tell you this in the first place."
"Well have Marc come out here then, someone start talking before I start getting anxious." You say. Jake nods and blinks.
"We- you are really important to us. Basically the most important person to us besides, you know each other." Marc says.
"I know. That's not exactly a confession though, I've known that for ages." You frown.
"I know, I know, it's just- we've developed romantic feelings for you and we're unsure how to proceed at this point."
"We? As in all of you? Independently of each other, you all have romantic feelings for me?" You ask.
"Yes." He nods.
"And I take it you're telling me because you've known me the longest."
"Also yes." He nods again.
"Okay." You cross your arms.
"Jake suggested we each take you on a date, you know without the others involved- that way you can make an informed decision on being with one of us. The others, of course, will respect whatever choice you make after."
"Each of you- wait a second, what?" You blink at him.
"Well usually when you're with us, we're all so used to you that it's easy for us to just switch in and out as wanted I mean even just now you spoke to all three of us in like ten minutes but we figure if you should experience each of us without the others looming." Marc explains.
"I'm sorry are you trying to Bachelorette me?"
"It seemed like the most efficient way to solve the problem." He nods.
"What problem?"
"We all have feelings for you. It's not like we can decide for you who to be with so we thought this would help you decide. You can set any rules or limits that you feel would make this easier for you of course. The only one we have is that the others are not allowed to butt in under any circumstances." Marc explains.
"So let me get this straight, you all like me, so you each want to take me on a date and let me decide what to do after?" You can't believe the words you're hearing even as you repeat them back.
"Yes exactly." He nods.
"Good god." You breathe out.
"So- are you on board?"
"You're all insane, you know that?"
"Are you with it or not?" Marc asks.
"I think this is ridiculous, but I know how you get. So if this is what you've decided you need, fine." You say. "Steven goes first. Then Jake. Then you. I'll give each of you one week, during which you can pick any day for your date. I won't be sleeping with any of you. I also won't discuss my date with one with the others. And don't discuss them with each other. I know you guys are competitive and the only way I'm going to allow this madness is if it stays friendly. The moment you start fighting it ends because you're family and I'm not dealing with that." You say.
"What are our weeks?" Marc asks.
"I'll text you."
"Two days before, I'll text you to let you know your week is going to start. To clarify, on a Friday I'll text you and you'll have that Sunday to the following Sunday." You say.
"That's- short notice."
"Well if I assign you your weeks now, Steven gets less time than Jake who gets less time than you- it's fairer to do it this way." You shrug.
"Okay. Your rules." He nods. There's a moment of silence before Marc speaks again, from the look on his face you'd guess there's discussion in his head. "We're gonna quit while we're ahead. We'll be waiting for your text messages. Goodnight." Marc says sharply and exits your apartment. You chuckle just a little at his abrupt exit but he's definitely right to leave. Back at their own apartment, the trio is in discussion as soon as the door shuts.
"I can't believe she's on board." Marc says.
I can't believe we even presented that to her. Marc sees Steven frowning from the reflection in the fish tank.
"You had no problem with the idea when Jake originally suggested it."
Well the other suggestions were way worse, lesser of evils and all that. Did you see the look on her face? I think we may have actually convinced her that we are completely off our collective rocker.
Honestly, hermano what would you have suggested in place of this? Jake's voice rings in Marc's head, tired and mildly annoyed as is his standard disposition.
I have no idea I'm just saying she thinks we're insane. Also, what is our course of action for when she doesn't pick any of us?
"When? That's pessimistic." Marc frowns.
Did you hear what she said? 'You're family I won't deal with fighting' Do you honestly think there's anything we could say that would convince her that choosing one of us over the other two wouldn't result in chaos among us? She's always made a point to not make any of us feel more favored than the other. She's not going to change that.
"We told her we'd respect her decision-"
Sure we did but anyone can say they'd react favorably to a situation they haven't been in. We don't know for sure that we will be okay if things change. I know that I would put her happiness above mine but you and Jake? I mean Jake would kill for her and even if she doesn't know that it goes that far, she's likely not going to take the chance.
"You don't know that. It's in her hands now. Stop trying to figure out what she's gonna do and worry about your part in this. Or don't. Your choice." Marc walks away from the fish tank, effectively ending the conversation between him and his alters. Maybe this is a crazy plan, but nobody said romance made sense.
Taglist: @queerponcho @avengersinitiative2012
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chaosclimber · 5 months
“I’m not doing it.”
Hob grinned a bit–there’d been some gentle ribbing between them on the subject already, and he was happy to slip into the well-worn argument. The kids in question were away, anyway, it couldn’t do any harm. “Dream…come on, you know you’re more qualified than me for this. Besides, do you really want an ADHD-er to try to teach another ADHD-er to drive?”
“I don’t want to be in any vehicle either of our sons are operating. I would prefer they not drive at all, but I know that’s a foolish wish.” Dream swept passed, not bothering to take the pile of clothes he'd been folding. Hob stood and watched for a moment, dumbfounded. The reaction was bigger than he'd expected–he honestly thought the argument was all in fun. It wouldn't be the first playful disagreement they'd had over the kids as teenager-dom posed new challenges for them. 
He started to follow behind, but stopped himself a few steps in. Dream was a very different person than Hob. For whatever reason, this had upset him, and Dream was the kind of person who preferred space when upset. Much as Hob wanted to just go and hug him, that simply wasn’t the best choice. So instead, he veered from the hallway and retreated to the kitchen, pulling out the leftover rice, a few eggs, pre-cooked chicken breast, and a few veggies from the fridge. Homemade fried rice was one of the first dishes Hob had cooked for Dream, and it was a favorite of theirs when a quick meal was needed. Tonight it wasn’t necessarily about the speed, though. He hoped it could be a comfort. 
Dream didn’t emerge from the bedroom until dinner was ready, and when he did, he seemed…withdrawn. Hob held himself back from pushing, from asking immediately what the matter was. He could damn well guess, now that he’d had some time to reflect. What he remained unsure of–more importantly, really–was whether Dream would actually want to talk about it. 
Dream held his silence. 
Well. Hob was never one to disappoint a captive audience. He chattered on–about his day, about his students and their determination to win the little contest he’d set up to let them earn extra credit (find the crudest joke they could in a period piece of literature and deliver it properly when he least expected it. Today’s attempt included the ‘your mother’ joke from Titus Andronicus at the end of class, right as he was taking a sip of coffee. The three who’d done it were the front-runners, so far.), about how his journaling attempt was going (abysmally–it was Friday, and he had managed to actually use the fancy set up he’d spent  over an hour setting up a grand total of once.), about anything that came to his mind. 
It wasn’t until Hob was clearing away the dishes that Dream finally spoke. “...They’re growing up.” The words were quiet, Dream’s already low voice gaining just a bit of gravel, as it did when he had been crying recently. He was still sat at the table, shoulders pulling in and up. In that moment, Dream seemed to transform from a person into the sad, wet cat one just happened to find in a dumpster. 
Hob just wanted to hug him, dammit. He took a breath and resisted, though–he knew Dream tended to actually dislike touch when he was upset, so he would wait until he asked for the contact. “Yeah. Not a fun realization, that one.”
“...I don’t want them to grow up.” He shook his head. “It was not too long ago Orpheus would sit in my lap and beg for story time. Now he’s going to drive. How far will he go from us once he is able?”
“Oh, dove…” Hob paused at the confession. God, he was familiar with that realization. Honestly, he’d been putting off looking at it head-on, himself. At least until he could schedule some time to watch brainless rom-coms with a pint of ice cream (yes, he had the coping methods of a teenage girl dealing with her first break-up, no, he would brook no judgment on that fact). “I get it. But we can’t stop them, you know that.” He sighed. “Look, I’ll teach them both how to drive–I was gonna, anyway, I know you don’t really like driving in the first place. We just…have to have a little faith that they’ll come back. They know they can come back, whenever they need to.” 
Dream sighed, and looked up at Hob. “I…could do with a hug, now. If you are willing.”
And that was all the invitation Hob needed to drag Dream to the livingroom and settle them both in for a cuddle. 
As it turned out, they needn’t have worried. Robyn was a natural at driving–he couldn’t engage in conversation while he was behind the wheel, but that was fine by Hob. And Orpheus was nervous enough about it that he didn’t end up getting his license right away–which was fine by Dream. 
@domaystic All my fills will be cross posted to AO3
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gay4harm · 1 year
Pick a side
Paring: Shuri x Riri x Reader
Warning: None really except implied smut, makeout session, reader in a theater nerd, I think das it
A/N: Soo I know I'm supposed to be working on Who is she? but this was just stuck in my head and I had to get the idea out. This will have multiple parts to it. Lmk if you guys want more of it. (This is kinda proofread)
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Shuri and Riri were known for being very competitive. They'd see who could finish certain projects first or silly things like seeing who could finish eating first, but most of all they loved seeing who could get the girl first.
Who could fuck her before the other but in the end it always ended with both of them fucking some random and them leaving right after.
This whole thing was Shuri's idea, after losing her family she had developed a few bad habits, she'd drink, party and sleep with women, the ones who would be willing to hookup with no strings attached.
Riri saw this and although she was a bit worried she knew Shuri was a big girl and even when Riri said anything shuri would just shut it down, so the only thing Riri could do was try and be there just in case something happened.
So this is how they got in this predicament, one of their friends telling them everythig he knew about you which was. "Yeah nah thats Y/N, she bad as hell ain't she?"
Riri and shuri nodded as they observed you with your tight black dress on, hair pulled back in a ponytail showing off your black smokey eye makeup and glossed, plump, dark red colored lips, shuri wandered what they would feel like wrapped around her strap and Riri noticed how familiar you looked, like she had met you from before.
Their friend spoke up again. "I tried to get with her last semester but she was playing all hard to get and shii"
"did you ever get with her?" Riri asked. "Nah she real stuck up, acting like she better than everyone."
That's just what Shuri wanted; someone she could breakdown, a real challenge.
"How much you want to bet I could hit that?" Riri looked at Shuri offended as she let a soft scoff fall from her lips. "Nigga you couldn't bag a bitch as bad as her"
"Oh you think I can't?"
"Nigga I know you can't"
"Oh well that sounds like a challenge, two weeks, who ever sleeps with her first wins. Deal?" Shuri stuck her hand out ready to make the deal as Riri hesitantly took Shuri's hand firmly and shook it. "Deal"
Just as Riri let go of shuri's hand she got up and walked over to you who was leaning on a kitchen counter with a cup in hand.
"Hey how you doing pretty?"
"Oh hi" Riri was surprised at your voice; small, southern with a bit of sultriness to it, she would have never expected you to sound as you did. Your resting bitch face gave off the impression that your voice would sound smokey, low and honestly she thought you would be a bit bitchy, as in you would try and dismiss her for coming up to you. She didn't expect you to sound sweet like honey or for when she came over your eyes lit up as if you had been waiting for this moment.
"Oh wow, I'm sorry I just- I didn't expect you to sound like that" You giggle slightly at her words before responding. "Its fine, you would be surprised at how much people say that"
"Uh, I'm Riri, it's nice to meet you" Riri stuck her hand out and you took it, a bit taken aback at how her hands had a slight roughness to them while yours were soft and well moisturized. "I know who you are Riri." Riri furrowed her eyebrows confused at how you knew her, maybe it was just from around school. You noticed her confusion and gave her the same look with your head tilted, did she really not remember you? "We live across from each other.... we're in the same study group" You could tell when the realization hit Riri, what looked like disappointment flashed across her face. "Shit I'm sorry, I knew you looked familiar, I just forgot where"
"Its fine, I've been told I have a very forgettable face." Riri didn't laugh at first and instead looked apologetic but you were just joking of course. You knew Riri had a busy life, not only did she barely come to the study group you guys were in, you two hadn't crossed paths that many time and if you did it was a quick glance and small smile that usually occurred, never going as far as talking.
"Its ok you can laugh, its supposed to be funny" Riri's face was wiped of any uncertainty and instead you two shared the same sheepish chuckle not being able to look each other in the eye.
Its not that it was awkward or anything
you didn't know what it was, well you knew what it was for you. You were a bit nervous, you've had the biggest crush on Riri and honestly you were horrible at flirting, especially when you were put on the spot like this. If it was someone else than you would have been a bit more confident but this was Riri. Someone you were completely head over for. The whole party scene wasn't something you were used to nor was the dress and makeup, it was all a product of your friend Kourtney who had basically dragged you here, at first you were a bit upset but now you were glad you came.
"So uh... you wanna dance?" You looked up from your cup a bit surprised at Riri's question but before you could answer she grabbed your hand and led you to the center of the room where other sweaty bodies were grinding on each other to fast pace songs, that was until a slower song began to play. (play the song bookie)
As the song started you look around to see people grinding on each other in sinful ways, slow dancing or for the people who didn't have anyone to dance with they sat and watch waiting for the next fast paced song to play. Riri began to slowly sway to the music as you stood awkwardly, her hand snaked around your waist pulling you close, you tensed up in response not used to something like this
Riri noticed how uncomfortable you seemed and leaned into your ear, her warm breath making you shiver. "I don't bite, you know" You lean in to hear her better. "I said I don't bite, not unless you want me to" You smile softly at her as she turns you so now your back is pressed against her front with your ass on her crotch.
Never been scared to get wet
No umbrella, you can rain all night
Ooh, woah, woah
And go 'head and drench me with your body
By the time you're finished, baby, I'll be Covered in you, ooh, yeah, yeah
Covered in you
Ooh, you know when we're through
'Cause I'll be covered in you
You begin to move slightly on Riri, unsure of what you were doing
This wasn't exactly your scene.
You were use to singing and dancing during rehearsals, in between work and classes not partying, it wasn't how you were. Being good looking attracted people but you never really gave them the time of day especially when you could tell they only wanted one thing. So you didn't know why you were here, grinding on Riri Williams to a Chris Brown song but you were and it was the best thing ever.
You began to move more fluently with Riri's hands on your hips guiding you.
You know I won't stop 'til I feel it overflowin'
Tell me, tell me, baby, would you mind
If I just jump right in and take the dive? ('Cause I)
Never been scared to get wet
No umbrella, you can rain all night
Ooh, woah, woah (Woah)
And go 'head and drench me with your body
By the time you're finished, baby, I'll be Covered in you, ooh, yeah, yeah
Covered in you
Ooh, you know when we're through
'Cause I'll be covered in you
I ain't runnin'
Keep it comin'
'Til I'm covered, baby
Covered in you
You know when we're through Until I'm covered in you
You had fully went loose, slowly grinding and swaying to the music with Riri behind you, kissing on your neck setting off a fire in you, her lips on you felt so good, so right, like they were made for you.
"You wanna go upstairs ma?" You thought about her question at first, not sure if you should go but then you thought about the way she felt and her lips and their softness, you thought about how much you liked having her hands on you and how you needed them everywhere.
So your reply was obvious as you turned to face her. "I would love to"
She takes your hand, moving through the sea of bodies, as you guys go up the stairs and in one of the unoccupied rooms she sits you down on the edge of the bed with her on the other side of you. No words are passed between the two of you until Riri speaks up. "You ok? You seem a little nervous." You look up at her knowing that she was right, you were nervous. Once again this wasn't something you were used to, you had only ever been with one other person and they were the reason why you were the way you were, shy and reserved, and to some people boring and stuck up.
"Yeah I'm cool just a little nervous"
"There ain't nothing to be nervous about, I'm not gonna hurt you, just wanna make you feel good." Riri grabs your chin making you look at her. She pulls you closer until your lips are just barely touching, not wanting to wait anymore you capture your lips on hers.
They were just as you expected, soft, supple and honestly to you it appeared that she might have more than enough experience with this.
At first it started off with sweet small pecks that turned into something heated, Riri let go enough to bit your bottom lip making your mouth go ajar, she took the opportunity to slid her tongue in your mouth.
She gets a hold of your jaw making you tilt your head up to deepen the kiss, the taste of her cherry lip balm swarmed in your mouth making its way into your mind savoring the flavor, her flavor, her scent, the way her hand traveled up and down your body until it stopped to take hold of your breast with one gentle squeeze.
She was so addicting, everything else was wiped from your mind except the feeling of Riri, you wondered if you went through her mind just as she did with yours.
So when Riri pulled away you were confused, that was until you realized someone had been knocking on the door. She yelled out hoping the mystery person would leave.
"Yo its occupied." She turned back to you to resume your little makeout session but before she could a few more knocks and a voice cut it off. "It me Riri, we gotta go, some business to take care of." Riri got up clearly annoyed, she swung the door open coming face to face with Shuri who had a sly smirk on her face.
"Can't you go handle it yourself, I'm kinda in the middle of something." They both look back at you as you spoke up. "No I mean it's fine, you should go take care of your business, I should get going anyway my friends probably wondering where I went."
You got up heading toward the door but just as your about to walk out Riri grabs your arm. "Before you go let me get cha number, you know so we can finish what we started." She pulls her phone out so you can put your number in and you take it ready to do so. After you left, pushing pass Shuri and into the crowd.
"What the fuck, why would you do that?"
Shuri looks at Riri amused
"Do what?"
You see Kourtney walking up to her, she looks relieved as she grabs you by your shoulders. "God where have you been? I've been looking all over for you." You didn't reply. What would you have said, 'I was upstairs with Riri Williams about to sleep with her until Shuri Udaka, the queen on wakanda decided to interrupt'
There was to much to explain and you were not in the right mind set to explain it. "Can we just go? I don't want to be here anymore" Kourtney looked confused as you pulled her towards the door. "But what-"
"I'll explain later" You both get in the car, driving off to your apartment.
You had lived in a apartment with two of your best friends, Gina and Kourtney. They were your best friends since high school along with Ashlyn of course. You all had decided to go to MIT together which was the best decision ever made. You were here with your three best friends and it made you feel at home, they were like your sisters.
As you got back to your shared apartment, there sat Gina and Ashlyn waiting on the both of you. "Hey, how was the party?" Gina asked from the couch. "Hey, yeah it was cool" You replied as you walked into your bedroom. "Um are we gonna forget about earlier? You forgot to tell me what happened" Kourtney shouted out.
"I didn't forget I'm just- you know... coming down from it"
"Wait coming back from what? What happened?" Ashlyn asked confused just as everyone else. You walk out, now in sweatpants and a tank top. As you do you blurt out. "I almost had sex with Riri Williams"
Everyone turns to stared at you, stunned by your words.
"You did what?"
"It just kind of happened, we didn't get that far"
"Well what stopped you?" Kourtney scooted closer to you, waiting for an answer. "Someone was knocking on the door and it turned out to be Shuri Udaka as in Wakandan royalty."
"Wait you said Shuri Udaka as in like the queen on Wakanda?" You shake your head at Gina's question. "Girl did you not know their dating?" Your eyes widen and your mouth parts to show your shock
"Are you serious!?" Many things were swarming through your head.
Why would Riri try and cheat on Shuri with you at the same party Shuri was at?
Why was Shuri so calm when Riri opens the door and why didn't she say anything?
Was she planning on getting back at both you and Riri later?
Or did she just not care?
Was this a part of some type of game or prank?
Did Riri actually like you?
"Look I doubt anything's going to happen, right?" You look up at Ashlyn as you could tell her voice was laced with false hope. You gave her a weak smile, got up, said your goodbyes and walked back to your room hoping to forget everything that happened.
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You woke up, had forgotten about the events that occured last night. Instead you got out of bed, ate breakfast and just as you were about to get ready for the day someone knocked on the door.
Gina was the first to answer it while you began to pick out your outfit for the day.
You began to notice that you hadn't heard the door close but you had heard it open, so you walk out to see it anything had happened.
You had imagined that maybe it was the RA or an old friend so you walk out not expecting much.
But as to what was happening at the front door, it was actually something a lot different.
"Is Y/N here?"
"Um no... no she is not"
"Well do you know when she'll be home or at least where she'll be?"
Just as Gina was about to answer, you walked in
"Gigi who's at the door?" You stop in your tracks to see Shuri, sporting a black tracksuit with her signature black shades. You'd be lying if you said she didn't look good.
Both Gina and Shuri look at you and as they do the events of last night are flooded back in your mind.
"Y/N, do you mind if I talk to you?"
"Uhh yeah of course come in."
Shuri steps pass Gina as she closes the door. Gina walks back to her room hoping to forget all this happened.
As soon as she leaves you speak up. "Ok look if your here to like kill me or something then you should know I didn't even know you and Riri were in a relationship. If I did then I would have never-"
"You think I came here to hurt you for kissing my girlfriend?" Pure confusion was laced over Shuri's face. "Well I mean I would, or at least I'd be pretty upset, but you don't seem upset at all actually."
"Well that is because I'm not." Now instead of Shuri being confused you were.
"Ok so your not mad?"
"Not at all, in fact I'd love it if you were to join me at a party next week"
"Um I'm actually not very fond of parties"
"Well maybe we could grab a drink... at my place"
"You want to hang out at your place?" Shuri gives you a simple shake of her head. You think about it at first and there's only one clear answer.
"That sounds lovely Shuri but I'm gonna have to decline."
Shuri was filled with shock at your decline, this hadn't ever really happened before. Of course there were people who would say no for the fun of it but with you it seemed like you were completely uninterested.
"Ok well are you sure?"
"Positive, now if there isn't anything else you'd like to talk to me about then I suggest you leave."
You walk her out, closing the door as you head to get ready for your day.
While you put the final touches on your outfit and finish up your look, your phone goes off.
You look to see a unknown number but as you read the message you find out to see its Riri texting you a simple good morning text followed by 'how'd you sleep?'
You smile with the thought that Riri might have actually been thinking about you.
You text back with a good morning to start off, ending with 'I slept well, hbu?'
after that the two of you talked the whole day even when you two saw each other in a few classes. The day ended too soon and the only thing you could think about as you walked back to your dorm was how you couldn't wait to see her again.
The same thing went through Riri's head, she actually enjoyed talking to you. You weren't like the other brainless girls she normally spoke to.
She knew this would have to end soon but did it really?
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A/N: She's finally done girly pop
It's actually crazy because I have so many other fics I need to finish and start but I had to feed the Shuriri x reader girlie cause I myself am one.
Anywayssss I hope you guys enjoyed this and please remember that I love when you guys tell me how you feel about it so please do.
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saibugslegacy · 25 days
Summer Sun
Word Count: 1.2k
Idris Valley & Leander Prewett
Summary: After Percival is cursed Idris throws themself into trying to find a cure, to the point where they're isolated which is concerning for the normally extroverted mage. Someone does finally find them, but it's the last person they expected.
Read it on AO3
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"FUCK!" Idris yelled. 
They grabbed the pot and just threw it as hard as they could, desperate to feel 
anything other than frustration and exhaustion even if it was just the temporary satisfaction of breaking something. They ran their hands through their hair, pulling it a little bit in their anger. It helped ground them a little even if it hurt.This was a herbology assignment! They were supposed to be GOOD at Herbology. It was like they one thing they had! And they now they couldn't fucking do it either?! Why couldn't they do ANYTHING?! WHY WERE THEY SO USELESS-
"Thought so."
Idris whirled around to see Leander Prewet at the top of the greenhouse stairs. Leander was just about the last fucking person Idris wanted to see right now.
"Don't even start, Prewett," Idris grumbled. "I'm so not in the mood."
"I know, I have eyes." Leander scoffed. "And ears."
He trotted his way merrily down the stairs and right to Idris' potting table. He stood there and looked at the asphodel Idris had killed three times so far. For some reason they just couldn't tell what they were doing wrong. They couldn't remember much of anything, really.
"Did you drain the soil?" Leander asked. Idris paused, racking their brain. Fuck. Now they wanted to throw their own skull instead of a pot. How dumb of an oversight was that?
"...no," Idris admitted. Well, it was honestly more of a mumble. 
They begrudgingly waved their wand and drained the water from the soil, leaving just enough for it to be soft, and dumped it in a nearby dittany pot. Leander handed them the sprig of Asphodel and sure enough the gray flowers immediately turned a healthy white instead of brown.
"Thanks," Idris mumbled. "Bye."
"Where are you going?" Leander questioned. "Classes start in just two hours and you look like crap. Were you here all night?"
"No, I just got here a few hours ago," Idris answered. "Mostly I was in the library. Now I'm going back."
More specifically Idris was going to break into the REstricted Section of the library. Now that their school work was out of the way and they wouldn't have Professor Weasley or Percival breathing down their neck they could finally focus on research that actually matter. Them and Sebastian had found an artifact they thought might be able to cure Percival, they just had no idea how it worked or what the consequences would be. Idris had to find out as soon as possible, for Percy. They needed to do 
something."No, you're not," Leander crossed his arms glared at them. To his credit, Idris was so caught off guard they didn't even retort for a few second, just stood and blinked at him.
"Excuse me?" Idris scoffed.
"When was the last time you slept?"
"When was the last time you slept? And how many hours?"
"Why do you care?"
"Answer the question."
Idris groaned and took off their glasses to pinch the bridge of their nose. It did nothing to quell the headache building behind their eyes, but they'd gotten used to it.
"I got like, three hours the other night," Idris replied. "Happy?"
"No," Leander shrugged. "When was the last time you ate?"
"None of your business."
"So too long."
None of your business.""Come on, we're going to the Great Hall," Leander decided, like that was his right at all. 
"I'm going to the library," Idris rolled their eyes and pushed their way past him to head for the door.
"You go out there I'm going to duel you," Leander warned. Maybe it was mean to laugh, but Idris was too tired to care.
"Seriously?" Idris snickered. "You can't beat me in a duel."
"In this state it would be easy," Leander scoffed. "But that doesn't matter, we can argue about that later at length. If I win I can drag you to the Great Hall. You win, I'll report you to a teacher for hurting another student and you'll end up with detention. Then you definitely won't have time to do whatever it is you're trying to do."
"I fucking hate you," Idris informed him.
"I really don't care," Leander offered his arm and Idris unwillingly noted to themself that apparently Leander actually did have manners. 
Idris groaned, thought it was mostly for show, and put their hand in the crook of Leander's elbow, just like Mom taught them when they came out about not being a boy.
Leander led them to the Great Hall despite Idris dragging their feet for every step. If they stumbled once or twice as their vision spun and actually used Leander to rebalance themself that was their business, not his. They eventually made it to the Great Hall and Leander plopped Idris down at the GRyffindor table. Then, to their surprise, sat down right next to them. They didn't even get to protest or comment before Leander was filling a plate with an entire array of food and placing it in front of Idris.
"Eat three things on here," Leander ordered. "I'm not leaving until you do." 
"Are you trying to out-stubborn me?" Idris raised an eyebrow.
"No, because I'm betting your hunger will win now that there's food in front of you," Leander smirked.
Idris' eyes darted to the plate for just a second too long. Leander had grabbed pretty much everything, probably because he had no clue what Idris liked. Which meant their plate had sausage, hasbrowns, eggs, and strawberries, also known as Idris' favorite breakfast.
"I'm going to destroy you later," Idris told him.
"Sure you are."
"I really don't like you."
"Improvement from hate. Eat."
Idris grabbed a fork and stabbed a sausage with as much fury as they could muster. If the plates weren't enchanted they honestly probably would have broken it. Unfortunately, Leander was right. As soon as that first bite was in their mouth they dug into the food like they hadn't eaten in weeks. True to his word Leander just sat there and ate his own food. He finished way before Idris did but he still sat there and waited for them to be finished eating. And of course he had a stupid smug grin on his face the whole time.
"Shut up," Idris muttered.
"I didn't say anything," Leander replied. Idris wanted to curse that grin off his face. "But I did tell you so."
"Shut up!" Idris laughed and elbowed, making Leander join in on their laughter.
"No way," Leander said. "Not until you go to bed at least."
"Classes are in like," Idris checked the large clock on the wall. "Fourty five minutes."
"I'll just tell them you're sick or something," Leander waved them off. "You look like a patient at St. Mungos."
"It's not that bad."
"It really is. You look like you have ash smeared under your eyes."
"Okay maybe a nap would be reasonable," Idris admitted with a sigh. "Tell Percival what's actually going on or he'll mother hen me."
"Sure whatever."
"Kinda like you are."
"I am not mother henning you. When I beat you in Crossed Wands I want you in top shape so no one can dismiss my victory."
"Of course you do," Idris laughed. They got up from the table and patted Leander's shoulder as they passed him. "Good night, Prewett."
"Good night, Valley."
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Okay. I know this blog is all for women’s wrongs, and I think Foxglove is a fantastic character. But please tell me more about Ronnie and his wife.
LMAO dw Ronnie is Also committing Lesbian Wrongs...
The wife in question is Robin who's locked in the most codependent torment nexus situationship to ever exist in DoLtown. They've been friends forever, rely on each other for everything and just assume they're always on the same page. This is often not true at all but because they have to assume it must be or else they'd have to admit they no longer know the other as well as they thought they did, they never talk it out (Ronnie hates being wrong, Robin has a crippling fear of being hurt/disillusioned) and they end up letting it escalate and implode but they never will truly break up because they can't stand to be away from each other for too long or else they stop functioning (Robin lets the self loathing and isolation win, Ronnie becomes more reckless and self destructive), keeping them locked in the cycle.
The biggest reason of their conflict is that Ronnie can't keep it in her pants for even one minute and loves pretending it has something to do with wanting to do some good. She's dating Kylar cause she wants to protect her from bullying (but secretly loves how Kylar needs her to be emotionally stable), messes with Sydney cause she thinks that will give her some much needed freedom (has no intention of taking it seriously even if Sydney falls for her and enjoys how Sydney needs her to validate her choices) and thinks she can charm Whitney into getting better (actually just also wants to get Whitney to rely on her to control influence her to behave). Despite that, she does truly believe she's helping them and every other girl she helps get up only to watch them fall into her arms. To her that's just part of the process.
But at the end of the day she'll always go back to Robin and she expects Robin to understand it, and doesn't even consider what she does cheating because she's just trying to help those girls thrive, and Robin is her special one, and gets truly & honestly heartbroken whenever Robin calls her out and tries to put distance between them. Cause they're supposedly a team and supposed to be here for each other forever, and when she's particularly desperate she admits that Robin is the only one she actually loves. Robin, on her part, lets her backbone magically disappear when it comes to Ronnie and ends up folding more often than not even though what Ronnie is doing does break her too, because she also truly loves her.
Also they're butch4butch/kinda t4t/nb4nb :) Diversity win!
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night-heron-writes · 2 years
My Thoughts on Spy x Family Chapter 75
Warning: This post contains spoilers for Chapter 75 of the manga
Firstly, the stellas were very much deserved all around. All four of them were very brave the entire time, and even though I think Anya and Damian each deserved an extra stella for the bomb collars around their necks, I wouldn't be surprised if Eden has a policy of not giving out more than one stella at a time to each student.
Becky wanting to use the event to launch her singing career is hysterical and honestly a very 6-year-old thing to do.
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Now for the parents' reactions:
Mr. Blackbell wins 2nd place in the Most Concerned Parent Contest. He was literally ready to go to war for her and started bawling the moment she was safe.
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The Anya/Yor reunion was sweet and went down pretty much as I expected. I am glad Anya got to break down and cry now that she and everyone else are safe.
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Twilight's reaction was kinda underwhelming, but I'm banking on him just absolutely breaking down once he gets back home. He's probably still running on adrenaline and hasn't really processed anything yet.
But Melinda. Holy shit. This woman is complicated. Where do I even start with her?
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I'm noticing how the positive, caring thoughts/emotions come first, and then are followed by the appallingly cold stuff. It's like her first, instinctual reaction is to love and worry for Damian, but she's desperately trying to convince herself she doesn't care.
Interestingly enough, the way she's talking here makes me wonder if she is Donovan's second wife. Not once has Melinda ever mentioned Demetrius, even with the Mommy Club. She did, however, bring up Damian in conversation with Yor.
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If she is indeed Mrs. Desmond No. 2, then I'm very curious ab what might have happened to her predecessor. Her being Donovan's second wife would potentially explain the seemingly large age gap between Demetrius and Damian.
It also seems like she didn't want children, or at least didn't want to have children in this particular relationship. Given what we know of Donovan and what we now know of Melinda's psyche, I think its safe to say he is at the very least emotionally abusing his family and quite possibly doing much worse. He seems like the type to pull some messed up psychological shit. It would make sense imo for Melinda to not want to bring kids into that kind of household. But I can imagine her wishes not being respected, partly bc of societal pressure and partly bc Donovan doesn't seem to care what anyone else wants.
That might explain her abrupt attitude switch, if she has loads of Donovan-related trauma. She literally went from Yuri-levels of devotion to and obsession over her son to wishing he'd died in the hijacking within like 0.1 seconds after Donovan was mentioned. She even calls him "that man" instead of "my husband" or "your father", which is honestly very telling.
I wonder if Melinda trying to convince herself she doesn't care about Damian is so that Donovan can't use him against her. If this is the case, then Donovan getting wind of her actual feelings towards Damian could be disastrous for them both. This of course doesn't excuse her behavior in the slightest, but is one interesting theory to explain her mental and emotional state.
Melinda seems to think that Damian's existence traps her in the Donovan household. She both loves him because he's her son and resents him because he keeps her tied to a waking nightmare, hence her wishing he'd died in the hijacking. She probably thinks that if he'd died, they'd both be free. If she didn't have him to worry about, she would likely run away to the in-universe equivalent of Italy or something. I can't imagine her being happy in her current situation.
All in all, I'm starting to think that living in the dorms is really the safest, healthiest option for the Desmond kids. They may face ridiculously high expectations, but at least they have a solid routine and aren't in a house where they have to wonder if their parents actually care for their well-being.
I think it would be fascinating if at some point Melinda suffers a breakdown and ends up a patient of everybody's favorite psychiatrist, Loid Forger. What other kinds of issues lurk beneath the surface of her mind?
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bi-hans · 9 months
What was Bi-Han's first thought when looking at Shang Tsung for the first time
(am I doing this right I'm still slightly drunk)
no no this is good.
He thought he was hot would be like his beloved arch enemy, and they'd spend all their lives fighting and flirting with each other in an intricate game of cat and mouse. No, but fr, Bi-Han lowkey has the most respect for Shang Tsung out of everyone else. Shang Tsung is his beloved enemy no joke.
After every fight, Bi-Han tells off his adversary and/or disparages them in some way. Even Johnny Cage, who for all his goofyness and bravado, actually did manage to get the upper hand and lay him out.
So when he gets to the Ying Fortress right off the bat, he says, "Finally, we face a worthy foe. Victory will bring us glory."
First up is Nitara, to whom he says, "I heard tales of battles against your kind. I had thought them tall ones." and it's not the words so much as the look he gives her that conveys what he really thinks of the Vaeternians/Nitara herself. They were probably overhyped. At the end of the fight, he just says, "You will end this day hungry." Not too bad, honestly. Just a dismissal with no insult attached. That's about the best anyone can hope for from him lmao.
Then, he almost pays Ermac a compliment by saying Liu Kang had warned them about Ermac and "I had hoped for the chance to battle your dark magic." Of course, he beats Ermac and then says, "You are not so fearsome." Again, not so bad as an insult. Another overhyped enemy, but it's whatever.
When he faces off against Quan Chi, he starts the fight by saying, "Were you told also to expect defeat?" Keeping his expectations low. And he was right because he wins and says, "Your failure was inevitable."
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Then he gets to Shang Tsung, who, much like Dr. Strange, has come to bargain. And Bi-Han wants all the smoke (no pun intended), so he's like, "Unless it's your surrender, I am not interested." (Translation: square up.)
And when he inevitably wins again, he says:
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And that's not really an insult. It's similar to Ermac, as it shows he at least had slightly higher expectations for him than the rest. Maybe also because Shang Tsung beat Kuai Liang right before this. Now, earlier with Ermac, his expectations were already established before their fight, so he follows it up with a dismissal that basically amounts to "bitch you thought." Because before almost every fight, Bi-Han places his bets, and he always bets on himself.
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This isn't to say he thought Shang Tsung could actually beat him. But just to say that he usually already dismisses his opponents before fighting them (few exceptions) and then follows that up with a proclamation that he was right, cause his ops ain't shit. And while this implies Shang Tsung also didn't measure up to his expectations, at least he's not saying that directly to his face before the fight even begins. At least there's no insult added to injury at the end of the fight.
That's respect he isn't shown to give anyone else. In fact, he's usually as disrespectful as he can get away with to everyone, including Liu Kang himself. And Shang Tsung calling Bi-Han "Grandmaster" when literally no one else except Bi-Han himself uses the title in the whole storymode??? Yeah yeah he's a snake, a liar, and a manipulator, but if he's pretending, at least he's putting in an effort no one else does. Like, it's understandable that Kuai and Tomas don't use it because of their close familial bond, but you're going to tell me they didn't call their father Grandmaster? At least when they're in front of non-family as a sign of respect for his authority? The whole time in front of Shang Tsung and the others, it's "brother" and "Bi-Han." Put some respek on his title! And when they're in private, they can't stfu about their dead father either, which could further drive home the point that they don't respect Bi-Han's position.
But anyway, getting back on topic…the way Bi-Han goes in for the kill instead of capturing Shang Tsung like Liu Kang wanted? Bi-Han already feels like the Lin Kuei are being held back by Liu Kang. He's stifling them. Bi-Han himself is in unwanted servitude to Liu Kang. Shang Tsung would have been another captive for Liu Kang to lord over, and so Bi-Han was freeing him from that fate. You know his overdramatic ass would think this and try to pull a stunt like that.
When he said "Finally we face a worthy foe." Turns out he meant Shang Tsung exclusively. No one else lived up to his expectations even marginally. He showed no one else the small measure of respect Shang Tsung had garnered from him, and this was even before Shang buttered him up by playing the "Grandmaster" card.
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td-frog · 4 months
thoughts on dcas e10 (yes i know it came out 2 weeks ago)
i stand by what i said last week- i think it would have made more sense to have one more challenge first. merge now gave the villains such a clear advantage.
that said, my theory was one villain gets cut and the drama becomes "the heroes all have to work together to win" and that did happen, it was just "to tie" instead.
mainly feels weird because i know the writers control everything but in-universe the decision to merge seems hugely biased in favor of the villains.
aiden and jake
this conflict is really funny to me because it really makes no sense. or at least not originally. so at this point the beef is really just they've been beefing so long they can't fix it.
(ultimately this is why the whole thing is tom's fault. if they'd addressed it earlier it could've been fixed, but he literally waited until the last possible second to try)
absolutely makes sense for the villains to use this to vote out ashley, since it's the only way she was losing. tdi bridgette "voted out for being liked too much" move.
jake and ally
honestly, i'm not sure how i feel about this one. the beef feels a bit more manufactured somehow, and unlike the beef with aiden it doesn't feel like it's been building long enough for them to not be able to put aside their differences.
also i'm disappointed we didn't get much of anything about ally re: tess leaving. i was really expecting something big there, especially with the whole thing about her being more okay with hunter gone than she'd thought. instead they just brought up hunter again?
idk i think this part fell flat to me. i think them continuing to fight doesn't really feel natural. but maybe we'll get more ally next time.
y'know i've seen a lot of people complain about the jake vs. aiden plot being way too drawn out, but for me that's shitty boyfriend yul.
i get that leaving abusive relationships is hard. and i get that grett doesn't want to accept that the guy she thought loved her is an asshole. but also every other villain is on record saying "that guy's such a shitty boyfriend and we hate him for it" and nothing ever happens?
like i'm not mad from an in-universe standpoint, because it does make sense why they'd keep him around for alliance purposes. but it's really frustrating as a viewer to have the show keep going "look how awful this guy is! he sucks! everyone knows he sucks! no consequences tho :)"
like i'm sure it's gonna be really cathartic when grett finally sticks up to him or whatever, and i'm guessing this is gonna be the spark of internal conflict that blows up the villain team and makes the competition viable again but like. it's not fun to watch?
i mean so based on the trailer it looks like the eliminated contestants come back and everyone gets a buddy. in which case i do get why they merged at 10 instead of 9, but i still don't love it.
i thought emily getting caught might affect yul literally at all but it looks like instead that's just motivating trevek plot which. fine.
obviously the main conflict here is villains vs. others, which is now a 5v4. so unless something changes with immunity or voting or whatever, i think the villain team internal conflict needs to finally happen (please please please).
i'm so looking forward to alec and fiore. i don't care what else happens i love them.
other than that i am hoping to finally get that tess/ally thing i was hoping for. the fact that (i think?) they're working together over hunter and ally is promising.
idk what else to expect at this point. i think it'd be really funny if jake and aiden manage to be friends all of a sudden now that their beef has had consequences. also curious how ellie returning affects gabby's villain arc.
yeah most of my thoughts are based around the trailer. i think post-merge it's harder to predict. or maybe this episode was just Not For Me.
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mahou-furbies · 5 months
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Miss Meguca contest, Final round (powerup/other alt) results!
Madoka - 178 points
Iroha - 126 points
Homura - 119 points
Yachiyo - 112 points
Kyouko - 81 points
Mami - 72 points
Sana - 68 points
Tsuruno - 23 points
Sayaka - 8 points
Ui - 8 points
(total votes in a separate post)
Can Sayaka get negative points? What the hell is that
i would die for rumor sana. and i will
I’m Disappointed For This is the final round but I Really Knew Madoka would win the first round!
Godoka's design is ridiculously pretty. I ADORE the starry night under the dress. Kinda wish they did something new with her hair tho
No idea what the hell happened to Iroha but I'm fuckin with it
Ui is just. yellow now that's cool
As much as I love Madokami's outfit, the unnecessary boob window has always put me off, and as much as I love Akuma Homura's outfit I wish it was on an older character. Also shoutout to Holy Alina who isn't in this contest but I like both of her Holy forms more than Mami's and I would have voted for her if she was eligible for this contest.
Everyone else is godlike or at least glowing. Sayaka: smimswuit
Wings!!! I love my Biblically accurate Magical Girls! <3
Who was the uhhhh the girl who absorbed all the kimochi stones? I thought she had a distinct upgraded form for that? it may have only appeared in CGs, but I'm *pretty* sure it had sprites...also Holy Alina who definitely did. Rereading the rules I may just not understand the selection process (if I guess they didn't also have pajamas/a swimsuit/etc they'd be fully excluded?) but I did like those too.
Honestly, Madoka and Homura should be number 1 in a two-packMadokami is iconic, I couldn't put it anywhere but 1st place!It's a shame that Sayaka has what looks like a swimsuit here.
Oh Sayaka and Ui are gonna be left in the dust for this one
I don't think Ui's alternate form is especially good, especially compared to my other choices, but I don't particularly like any of the other, so she gets one point for being a cutie.
Pope Mami
Surfer Sayaka is a huge improvement from her default beach outfit. She still needs a proper power-up though.
Madohomu are too iconic to not make it on the list
Sayaka really got the worst possible power up tho
Yachiyo's outfit is amazing I did not expect that holy shit
have a wonderful day!!
iroha looks so cool in that powered up form
Really sad that I don't like Madoka's form more than Iroha's :/
We should really have more villainous powerups that incorporate white instead of black.
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theamityelf · 5 months
Do you think you could do some cute little Komazumi drabble, seeing as both their birthdays are coming up in a week?
(I'll do my best! 😅)
Nagito carefully followed a recipe. He had managed to mix up a batter that did not have any of the wrong ingredients, and he had the foresight to start early enough that, when the stove caught fire, he still had time to relocate the cake to a different oven.
The cake came out kind of...flatter than he'd expected? But he covered it in icing and tried to draw flowers on it with a piping tube. Honestly, he was pretty disgusted by the look of his own work, mainly because he went to school with such amazing artists and bakers and...
But, Mahiru liked it when he did his best to cook something. She said that knowing he cared enough to put in the effort was even better than having Teruteru effortlessly whip up a culinary masterpiece, which...he was just going to have to accept as truth, because Mahiru didn't lie.
They were celebrating both of their birthdays on the Saturday in-between them. The plan was to meet at their favorite spot on Hope's Peak's campus, to exchange gifts and just generally spend time together. He was bringing the cake he'd made and the keys to the new photography studio he was renting for her– which of course couldn't compare to Hope's Peak's accommodations, but she could use it when Hope's Peak wasn't available, like over holiday breaks, and the place came highly rated, and-
Nagito did his best to tidy his hair before making his way to their spot with the cake.
He'd thought he was early, but Mahiru had already spread a blanket on the grass and was waiting on it. Her eyes brightened immediately at the sight of him, which warmed his heart. He really didn't think he deserved such excitement.
Her camera flashed, as he approached, capturing every step of him sitting down on the blanket. Then she lowered it, with a slightly sheepish smile.
"You kept me waiting," she chided. "And you baked a cake?!"
"I, uh, did my best."
"It looks great! Here, I...made you this." Blushing profusely, she handed over a bento with nori and rice and whipped cream and canned corn.
He smiled, his eyes prickling at the fond memory of her disgusted reaction when they'd discussed his preference for whipped cream with nori. "You know me so well," he marveled.
"And you," she said, eyeing the keys in his hand, "had better not say you got me a car."
"Ah, no! I didn't. Even I'm not that frivolous."
"Thank goodness."
"It's just a photography studio. And it's rented, not bought."
"You're kidding!"
"If you don't like it, I can rent a different one."
"That is not what I'm reacting to, and you know it!"
He laughed, smugly handing her the key.
"Hmph! I knew you would pull something like this," she said, without edge. "That's why I feel no regrets for getting you a second thing, too!"
That wiped the smug look off his face. "Oh, but there's no need-"
"Too late! I made it, so you have to accept it." Having stolen back the right to be smug, she reached into her backpack and pulled out a framed collage.
Nagito's heart soared at the sight. For the most part, the pictures weren't of them. There was the odd selfie of both of them sprinkled in, but there was also the desks they'd pushed together for the group project, the horizon they'd stared at when the class went to the beach, the lost hamster they found for Gundham. Little pieces of times they'd laughed together.
"As always," Nagito said, when he found his voice, "you win."
"As always," she agreed. She took a bite of her cake, and thankfully she didn't look grossed out, but she did ask, "Hmm...How much almond extract did you use for the batter?"
He immediately got up. "I can just go bake you another one-"
"Nononono! It's good! Sit down!"
(How was that? I don't write a lot of Komazumi on purpose; usually it just kind of happens as a consequence of those two characters being in a situation.)
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