#i hellicarrier both ships
im-tops-bottom · 6 years
*clears throat*
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Just to finish this off.....you guys ever consider Strangestony or even Strangesoldier or whatever ship name Stephen and Steve's one is.....if you do know. Please let me know.
I'm going to be on the verge of just making a whole head of Strangestony posts and slide them into Ironstrange and Stony's DMs until people can learn to like them both.
I remember when people gave Stucky and Winteriron crap and look how that turned out. We got the Tin Man in a Super Soldier Sandwich. We got Stuckony. We got the awesome threesome.
Hell I have even been doing some awesome foursome with Steve/Tony/Stephen/Bucky.
So how about show each other respect. Show the fandoms respect. And don't shit on other fandoms just because you don't like them.
Who even started this stupid war? No wait. Do you wanna know.
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dynamicduoofstackie · 3 years
Fake SamBucky fans: We love Sam and Bucky as a couple if Steve can't have him in Canon. He's not white or a woman. But until someone better comes along, Sam will do. 😅
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I ship SamBucky because Sam choose on his own to search for Bucky after how badly they treated each other with Sam dropkicking Bucky on the street and Bucky ripping off Sam's wings before kicking him off the hellicarrier.
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Sam literally went from 'I don't think he's the kind you save. He's the kind you stop' to 'where do we begin' in his steps towards helping bring back Bucky. Steve didn't ask it. Sam volunteered. It's sweet that no matter how much Sam acts like he hates Bucky, he was willing to give up his secure job to search for him. Clearly, he saw Bucky was redeemable enough to risk approaching a guy who normally attacked first and asked questions later.
No matter how much they pretend they can't stand each other, they always find themselves drawn together in a crisis. Whether its fighting a teenager in pjs at an airport or dealing with an alien invasion, Sam and Bucky always had each other's backs.
Sam doesnt need to write out in big letters in the sky that Bucky means everything to him. Sam shows his care in little ways and Bucky is lucky to have someone in his corner to treat him like a person and not a weaponized accessory or just Captain America's best friend. He sees Bucky as Bucky and let's his opinions be known accordingly with no ulterior motives.
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Sam is someone who checks in on him without prompting because he recognizes Bucky as a PTSD victim and POW without trying to lecture him like he's one of Sam's patients. Sam defends Bucky automatically against people like John Walker and Zemo. He teases and argues with Bucky like a schoolyard kid with and crush. Fights at his side, trusting Bucky to have his six.
Sam is someone who gives him that little drop of normalcy by welcoming Bucky into his family. He let Bucky around his most vulnerable, precious people because Sam trusts Bucky and wants to show him off to his family.
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Bucky showed he cared with how determined he was to give Sam the shield. The fact he considered that shield his only family and Bucky fought to give it to Sam means something that people fail to notice. Bucky could have stolen it for himself. It was his last reminder of Steve; wherever old man Steve is. But he wanted it for Sam because he believed in Sam and he clearly wasn't ready for that kind of responsibility in Infinity Wars.
Bucky gave Sam a whole suitcase full of Wakandian tech, using his last favor from the Dora Milaje because he believed in his man that much. He knew he was on thin ice with them but he needed something to convince Sam that he was the one.
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Bucky doesn't trust easy. So for him to put all his trust in Sam time after time. They consuled each other in Endgame. Sam was the only Avenger remaining that kept checking on Bucky despite their supposed bad blood. Bucky willingly opened up to Sam about his nightmares when it was like pulling teeth for Dr. Raynor to open about anything.
When they both refused to acknowledge what they had, Bucky was willing to face off John Walker so that Sam could talk to the terrorists. They argued constantly but Sam and Bucky where never vicious to each other like jaded Sharon Carter was to Bucky. Their arguing was their own love language. Whenever they would say 'I hate you' it had no real fire and is said more with fond annoyance.
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Sam worried about Bucky long after Steve disappeared and Bucky gave his blessing the moment he saw old man Steve on the park bench. SamBucky is amazing because they went from two perfect strangers whose only connection was their best friend Steve Rogers; to two petty and in love people who proved they can survive together without Steve as long as they have each other.
Sam Wilson deserves Bucky Barnes and Bucky Barnes deserve Sam Wilson because they can be real with each other and know the other ain't going anywhere.
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hallowedmuses · 3 years
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑡: 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟
SUMMARY: Our ragtag team of heroes including Natasha Romanoff, Daniel Sousa, Clint Barton, Loki Laufeyson, Veronica Stevens, and Deke come together to rescue Director Daisy Johnson from the clutches of Lucia von Bardas. TRIGGERS: Torture, Violence, PTSD, Trauma WRITTEN WITH: @ofbartons, @oflokismischief, @ofdcniels, @daisyljohnson, @ronniestvns, @oflemcns
CLINT: when loki woke him up for the rescue mission, clint wasted no time. he threw on the first shirt he could find, which luckily was clean, and his shoes before literally tumbling out the door with his bow in hand. his fuzzy pizza-sliced patterned pajama pants wasn't the most tactical choice, but then again neither was his bright purple t-shirt and converse. once they'd arrived at the hellicarrier, clint took out the guards on a section of the deck before firing a bomb arrow at the wall to create a point of entry for 'tasha and the dude in the blue shirt. "i will admit, being subtle might have been the smarter play here." he chuckled over the comms while firing a trio of arrows. the explosion had two purposes in his head- one, the point of entry, and two, draw attention away from daisy's rescue duo. the second purpose was just working a little better than he'd thought it would. he slid across the deck, firing off a couple more arrows before standing up and kicking one of the guards in the chest. using the controls on the handle of his bow, he switched to a smoke arrow before aiming at a group of the guards "hey lo, i'm really glad you have the cape still." keeping the arrow drawn back, clint turned his head to look at his boyfriend "otherwise i'd be too distracted by that ass of yours." he winked and let the arrow loose, still looking in loki's direction "not to mention all these schmucks would be staring at it." he switched back to regular arrows before firing into the smoke.
LOKI: Loki should've known Clint would be far from ready when it was time to lead the mission, it had been quite awhile since he'd gone into battle but then again he did quite love the hunt when it came down too it. His mission was simply and if anything he could easily take out anything humans could throw at him. "Possibly but then again we have quite the army of people who have been missing out dear Director and I'd burn the place down if she wasn't in there." He mused throwing iced daggers at all who dared come near. For those who got to close they were met with his quick stabs and his illusions. when he heard his boyfriend speak chuckling softly "Its all about fashion darling, Those little SHIELD outfits do nothing for my figure" He mused back looking at Clint he always found his Archery skills rather attractive before he rolled his eyes "as for my ass I'm sure I can other wise to distract you, maybe flirt with a villain or two and see how much of your spy skills come out to play, after all Green is quite your color my hawk"
NATASHA: "Subtilty was never your strong suit, but I do appreciate the flare. The pajamas make it easier to find you too," she laughed as Clint shot a few explosive arrows to give herself and Daniel an entry point into the helicarrier. As Clint, Loki, and Ronnie guided Lucia's guards away from the entry point, Natasha and Daniel made their way in. Natasha fired off a few taser disks, hitting the oncoming guards squarely in the chest. She watched them fall to the floor, convulsing as electric shocks ran through their body. As the guards fought to peel the taser disks off of themselves, Natasha made her way through the hallway. She ducked as a few rounds of bullets came flying at her and Daniel. She grabbed him and pulled him toward the wall for cover. Natasha used the wall to shield herself as she fired at the oncoming guards. "Ronnie, have you located the room where Daisy's being held captive?" They could aimlessly fire rounds all day, but they needed to know what direction to go. She made a face as she heard bits and pieces of Clint and Loki's conversation over coms. "Honestly," she frowned and looked over at Daniel. "I can't even be mad. I did this to myself inviting those two along."
RONNIE: “Yea... I’m working.. on it.” Veronica breathlessly remarked over the coms. A few grunts could be heard as she flipped the guard she’d been tangled up with and stabbed him with one of poison daggers.  “Now where were we.. a yess.. here we go.” Ronnie grabbed her data pad, ducking down behind a bolder as she took control of the building. “I’m in, I’ve got eyes on Daisy.. She’s alive..” Ronnie neglected to add how bad she looked from the live feed she was getting on their shitty surveillance system. “She’s on the fourth floor, third door to the right. Give me thirty seconds, I’m disabling the alarms and lock mechanisms now. I’m about to fry the fuck out of their systems and equipment. Can’t promise I won’t blow the lights.. hope you brought flares.” Ronnie playfully teased, falling forward as a couple of guards began to fire at her out of no where. “Hey lover boys! As uncute as it is listening to you flirt endlessly while taking out guards, I could use some help over here! Cover me while I shut down their main line.” She made a mental note to switch them over to their own channel when she was finished here.
DANIEL: while this wasn't the strangest mission he'd ever been on, that title probably had to go to the whitney frost case, this had to be the most chaotic and strange team daniel had been apart of. you had not one but two super spies (one of which was in pajamas and using a bow and arrow of all things), a tech genius, a god (or were they an alien? daniel was a little fuzzy on that particular detail), and deke... at least most of them seemed to know what they were doing. daniel ducked down when agent romanoff pulled him out of the line of fire "thanks." he waited for the shooting to stop, meaning the men were reloading, and once they did he leaned out at shot the men. keeping low he moved towards the door to the stairwell one he heard daisy's location. daniel couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him at the couple's banter "compared to the things i've heard howard utter, this is nothing."
DEKE: In the past, when Deke had thought about his 'next cool mission' this had hardly been the thing in his mind. Not Arrow-Guy in his pajamas, not working with someone who practically a God, Black Widow herself or well, any of them. Certainly not Daisy being in danger like this... But still, he was nothing if not adaptable. So adapt he did. Rescue Daisy now, rankle his mind about all these events later. There was something pretty calming about the group of them being so casual and prepared (though he still felt a spike of fear at every loud noise, the many of them). He was working with the best, Deke reminded himself. He'd gotten the Hyperbaric Chamber ready to go for Daisy upon their return, nervously awaiting. In one of his more anxious moments  he'd thought about preparing food for Daisy before remembering he wouldn't know how long she'd be in there for. So, with the chamber up and waiting, Deke listened on the comms and waited. "How's it looking? It sounds pretty crowded." Crowded, being the word for all the many enemies they seemed to be facing (and taking down). "You guys doing okay?" He was fairly sure they were but it didn't hurt to ask.
DAISY: Daisy had been living in a fantasy world, but it could only last so long before she eventually had to wake up. Wake up was a relative term. It didn't mean she was entirely awake and aware, more so that she had to wake to the reality of her situation, that there were no happy endings, that she couldn't get what she wanted, that actions had consequences, and even when you thought you won, it could come back to bite you in the ass. In the time that it had taken everyone to track down her kidnappers, Daisy had been put through several different forms of torture. Lucia had even been so kind as to grace her with her presence, reminding Daisy of what she'd done to the woman and how everything she was going through now was her own fault. Daisy could give her that much. Daisy had done her fair share of awful things, even if she hadn't been entirely in control of her own actions at the time. Nick Fury Sr. had made sure of that. It seemed that even after she'd taken things over from him, he still managed to screw up her life, but in the end she wasn't really surprised by any of this.
Currently, she didn't know where Lucia was, and she was just surrounded by guards who had all made sure not to listen to a word she said. Still, that didn't mean she wouldn't try. Her ears were ringing, but she could still feel some kind of activity on the ship. She spat out blood. "Sounds like . . . you've got company," she taunted, her voice raspy and barely carrying out to them. Her breathing was shaky and uneven. "You might . . . wanna go deal with that." They ignored her, saying nothing.
CLINT: clint had been in a lot of sticky situations before, but this wasn't one of them... if anything he was like a greased up hog running from the farmers trying to catch him, which might be a little dangerous for him. bad things tended to happen to him when he got too confident, but at least both loki and 'tasha were here to keep him from dying. he was about to fire off an arrow when a guard came up on his left, so he turned and stabbed the arrow into the guy's eye "oooh... i hope your insurance includes vision." clint quipped as he fired another set of arrows into the group. "aww, don't be like that lady. you know that my husband and i are cute as fuck." he winked at her as he ran by, headed towards loki... not because he needed the back up but purely because clint wanted to get another look at loki. his look was different from the last time clint had seen him in his battle gear and the blonde had to admit it was a damn fine look. "hey handsome! you come here often?"
LOKI: Loki had enjoyed the thrill of field work, it had been such a long time since he'd been able to use his daggers and magic against an actual threat. The best part was having Clint fight side by side him, before they'd been on opposite sides of a war, never sharing more the small glances. He fought with a passion ensuring they would clear a spot to bring Daisy home, there was no way he was leaving without her even if it cost every single on of these humans lives. "Did you really just say that Clint?" He questioned chuckling softy as he quickly disarmed three more guys pinning them down with a couple of his daggers. "We actually are, plus you are the driving force that brought us together in life and on this mission. The blame is fully on your shoulders Nat darling." He teased the other as he noticed his lover coming towards him. He could easily see that glint in his eye whenever Clint saw Loki in his more regal clothes, though now he'd donned on his Asgardian wear leaving that as his go too field work outfit. He turned to reply to Clint before throwing a dagger right into the bad guy who'd tried to take Clint by surprise. "Depends on who's asking, and if they are going to buy me dinner first," He mused winking at Clint.
NATASHA: Natasha had learned long ago to tune out the chatter of the coms. She kept her volume low so she could focus on their current situation. If shit hit the fan outside, she trusted her team to be able to handle it. "Ah, Howard Stark. If working with him is anything like working with his son, I'd pass on the opportunity," she joked. Tony wasn't so bad...in small dosages anyway. The lights on their side of the helicarrier flickered before going out completely. In the next moment, Natasha and Daniel were bathed in an eerie red light. Ronnie must've knocked out the security system. Only the emergency lights were operational now. "Fourth floor, third door," Natasha nodded as they slipped into the stairwell. She heard heavy boots above them. Reinforcements were coming through. "Five pairs of boots," she whispered to Daniel as she ducked behind one of the spirals. As the sound of boots came closer, Natasha shot a taser disk at the first guard. He convulsed and fell forward, tumbling down the stairs. He was wearing the same mask Natasha saw in her memories. The widow jumped out from behind one of the spirals and landed a kick square in the chest of one of the guards. He fell forward and took a third guard down with him. Three out of five. Not bad. She turned to take down the other two, but it appeared Blue Shirt was already disengaging them. She would have to share the body cam footage from her stealth suit with Daisy later. That was sure to lift her spirits.
RONNIE: “Nice one Nat.” Ronnie mused as she watched Nat take out three guards at once, followed by Daniel knocking out a couple more. “You kids make a good team. Daisy’s gonna be so proud.” She snickered into her earpiece. She’d muted Loki and Clint’s come but kept an eyes on everyone’s body cams in case the lover boys got into trouble. She loved them dearly, but their banter was brining her lunch back up.  “They’ve got her surrounded.. ten.. maybe fifteen guys.. the footage is shit.. but I’m trying.. ” Ronnie relayed, watching the room she was being held in like a hawk. “She’s saying something to them but no ones budging... hold on..” a few clips to enhance the audio and suddenly Ronnie was sporting a shit eating grin. “I knows we’re here. Hang on, Director.. we’re coming for you.”  
DANIEL: hearing that they had eyes on daisy made him feel a little better but he wouldn't feel settled until she was out of here completely. after kicking the fifth guard in the chest, with his bionic leg for good measure, he turned towards natasha to see if she needed help "ten to fifteen? i think we can handle that." daniel smirked before reloading his guns "so how do you want to do this?" he peeked around the corner seeing that there were no guards outside the room but daniel knew all hell would break loose once they went in.
DEKE: He listened intently to the communications, hoping to hear word of Daisy's safety and prepare the Hyperbaric Chamber for her. Well, it was mostly prepared. It'd really be him opening the thing, then everything was smooth sailing. That is, if her injuries could be healed by it... Which they should. Unless she literally lost a limb or died she should be fine. She would be fine. He heard the ruckus over the comms and felt his heart swell with fear. "Any eyes on Daisy yet?" He asked desperately. Then he heard it. They found Daisy. "Is she okay?!" He asked over the coms, without much hope of getting an answer. They had other things keeping them busy, after all. So he continued waiting anxiously.
DAISY: As the fighting outside continued, the guards around Daisy got more anxious. They could hear on their comms that they weren't exactly winning this fight. "Let's just get rid of the dead weight," said one of the guards. "I doubt Lucia wants this one alive anyways."
"Did you hear her say that or are you just assuming shit again?" asked the other guard. "You know what she'll do if we go against her orders."
"Screw her orders. That's the fucking Avengers out there. If Lucia wants her alive, we can just blame her death on the Avengers, say they didn't give us any choice. Hell, we can say she attacked us." He pulled the tubes that had been connected to Daisy out, but there were still drugs in her system. She couldn't do much. She could barely move. He pulled her up by her hair, shoving a gun against her skull. "You're going to get them to stand down, or you're going to die.
"Guess. . ." Daisy choked on her words. It was hard to focus on her words, when she was focused on something else. "Guess I'll die then." Her shoulders moved up slightly in a shrug. She wasn't actually expecting to die now. She imagined Natasha was probably leading this charge, and these guards didn't stand a chance against her. If Daisy could just move her fingers a little more, she could help Natasha too. There. A small tremor shot out from her fingertips, and the door to the room slammed open. The guard still had a gun to Daisy's head, but Natasha would be here in 5...4...3...2...1... //
NATASHA: "Thanks, Ronnie," she replied when Ronnie relayed the message about what was waiting for them up ahead. "I dunno, Danny Boy," she smirked up at him. "I seem to be carrying all the weight here," she elbowed him gently. "Pick up the slack or I'm gonna leave you behind and save your girl myself. Maybe I'll steal the kiss right from under you too." Natasha glanced down at her utility belt to see what supplies she still had left. "I still have a few taser disks left. That should be enough to shock the oncoming guards. The rest we can take down the good old fashion way." And with that she heard the door to the room where Daisy was being held slam open. "Good girl," Nat grinned. Daisy was a fighter till the end. "Come on, Daniel. Let's work for a living." Natasha sprinted into the room full force. It didn't take long to make an assessment of the danger. She threw the first taser disk at the man who'd had a gun to Daisy's head. He dropped the weapon and began to convulse on the floor. Natasha threw the remaining disks that she had at the next few guards that tried to come at her. She used the momentum of their falling bodies to take down a couple more men. She was really hoping this would be the last of them.
DANIEL: the male let out a quiet huff at the update from ronnie "quack right?" he raised a brow before rolling his shoulders "to be fair, you are enhanced." daniel joked. he looked calm on the outside but internally he was worried about his girl... if that's still what she was. plenty of time had passed for her and daisy was probably given many opportunities to move on from some square she only knew for a short time... he wouldn't blame her in the slightest. nodding he followed after natasha, downing guards with his guns before exchanging blows with a couple. he dropped to the ground and knocked the legs out from under one before moving towards daisy his heart nearly breaking at the state she was in.
his hands were shaking slightly as he knelt down by her “hey... what did i tell you huh? i thought you were supposed to take care of yourself.” he was so relieved to see her again, although this wasn’t the reunion he had been hoping for after he had to stay behind to make sure that the team was able to escape back to their timeline with the chronicoms in tow. he worked as quickly as he could, removing any leftover wires and nodes from her body, while talking to her about... well, anything really. if anyone asked him later what he’d said, danny boy wouldn’t be able to tell you. his focus was getting daisy out of there and making sure she was safe. after he pulled the helmet off her head, he started brushing the hair out of her face “keep fighting okay? you stay awake for me daisy and i’m gonna get you home.” memories flashed in his mind of their time in the barn with malick, his heart breaking at the fact people kept hurting the amazing woman in front of him. he’d kick himself later for not trying to find a way back to her sooner, could he have prevented this from happening if he had? or perhaps he’d have been taken too, used against her in some way... he’d never really know, but daniel had to focus now. get her home, get her safe, make sure she’s okay three easy goals he could focus on. as gently as he could, daniel gathered daisy up in his arms and lifted her from the ground. “i got you sweetheart, it’s okay.”
DAISY: As the man who had been holding Daisy fell after being tased by Natasha, Daisy crumpled too, her body unable to hold herself up after constant torture. She was glad to have been right about Natasha coming in, but after her head hit the floor, her awareness of what was around her was fading again. She vaguely heard the sound of fighting, and then there was a familiar voice that she hadn't heard in a long time. Her eyes, covered in her own blood, wouldn't open anymore, but she recognized Daniel. She must've been slipping. It was a result of being so close to death. An auditory hallucination. It wasn't real. "Daniel?" she whispered, allowing herself to ask even when she knew this wasn't real.  
NATASHA: Natasha was tired as she took out the last of the guards. Parts of her tactical suit were torn and her lip was bloody from where one of them managed to hit her, but she was thankfully in one piece. She pushed her coms button to give the team a status update. "We have Daisy," she informed them. "We're en route out through the north bay entrance. Take the carrier, find Lucia," her voice took on a darker tone. "I have some questions for her myself." Lucia von Bardas was the one that ordered this torture. Natasha was about to return the favor. She turned to see Daniel pick up Daisy. The woman was barely conscious at this point. Natasha approached them and gave Daisy a reckless smile before quacking obnoxiously. "I didn't give you permission to die. This is so unprofessional. I'm sure you'll make it up to me though."
Her coms buzzed. "Romanoff, we're in."
"Welcome to the party, boys," she grinned. Moments later she heard boots on the ground and the sound of rooms being checked and cleared. It was the back up unit that she'd called. "Come on, let's get her to the Hyperbaric Chamber."
DANIEL: "yeah sweetheart, it's me." he spoke softly as he adjusted his hold to keep a feel of her pulse like he had when he pulled her out of that barn all those years ago. watching the small interaction between natasha and daisy made him smile, seeing her have family like this made him so happy... it was everything she deserved. seeing the agents filing in daniel started moving out of the room, daisy didn't look too good and she needed to get back to hq to start recovering. he turned and looked over his shoulder, smirking slightly "you coming romanoff? thought you said you were gonna steal the kiss from me?"
DAISY: She still heard his voice speaking to her, and she felt like it was just a sign that she was going to slip away again soon. The sound of Natasha's voice was something she knew to be real. She could focus on it, though that was getting harder to do. She heard Lucia's name, and the hellicarrier started shaking violently. It wasn't intentional on Daisy's part. She was hardly in control of her body right now, but as Natasha came over to her and started quacking at her, Daisy calmed enough for the shaking to stop. She tried to return the greeting, but it only came out as choked gurgling. Apparently, blood in your throat didn't allow for very articulated speech, even in the instance of duck calls. She managed at least a small smile as Natasha criticized her for not getting permission to die. "n't dead yet," she wheezed out.
She felt herself being lifted up and moved through the halls. Her eyes weren't open, but she could hear and feel just well enough to know she was being moved quickly. Daniel's voice spoke again, and she had to remind herself again that this wasn't real. It was easier to believe that it was a hallucination from what he said. Even if it was her Daniel, she was sure Natasha would kick his ass for implying she was falling behind. Daisy hadn't been able to see much before, but she'd heard the fighting. Plus, she knew Natasha well enough too to know that she must've done almost all of the fighting here. From the sound of Natasha's orders, she was leading this thing. Whoever suggested she of all people was falling behind was going to regret the words coming out of their mouth. Daisy almost felt sorry for whoever it was, but at least it wasn't actually Daniel.
Whoever was carrying her, certainly not Daniel, got her off of the hellicarrier fairly quickly, or maybe Daisy was just losing her concept of time passing. She heard S.H.I.E.L.D. agents directing the person carrying her back to the zephyr, telling them to get her to the hyperbaric chamber as quickly as possible because she didn't look good. She fell back into unconsciousness before she found out if she made it into that chamber or not. Maybe she was dead. She hoped not. Natasha hadn't given her permission to die yet. How would she make it up to her?
DEKE: Deke was nervous. Not his usual 'state of being' kind of nervous but the more dastardly 'holy shit is my friend alive' kind of nervous. Also the 'she got tortured and it's my fault' kind of guilt laid in pretty thick too. But... he couldn't let that take away his focus right now. He needed to be an agent. Turn off the nerves and the guilt, he was a pro at it in the past he could for sure do it now. He would, if nothing else than for Daisy's sake. The moment Daisy was in, all hurt and bruised and broken but still Daisy, still strong. Well, Deke did what he did best. Move. As soon as it was possible with Daisy situated and safety in there the machination turned on and began it's process.
That was his part. Small. In the end, it was Daisy who would have the toughest job. And that was surviving. Deke inhaled deeply, wishing he could do more and knowing he could not. He ran a hand through his hair. "She'll be okay." He spoke, not even knowing if the words were for himself or the others. "She will..."
NATASHA: She rolled her eyes at Sousa's joke. "My pacing's fine. Yours though..." she frowned. She'd carried most of the operation from the investigation to the rescue mission itself so she wasn't even mildly amused. "We'll have to work on that if you wanna keep up with me and Daisy," she winked. She'd already stolen a kiss from Daisy...more than that actually. But she wasn't gonna tell the old man that. Bless his heart. Now that her team had moved in on the helicarrier, getting to the zephyr wasn't all to hard. Natasha's shoulders eased once Daisy was in the chamber. She would be okay.
"Romanoff, we have Lucia," one of her agents reported through the coms.
"I'm on my way." Natasha looked up at Deke, Daniel, and the others. "They have Lucia and I have questions." She also had a penchant for violence. And based on the way Daisy looked right now, Natasha had no plans to go easy on Lucia. "I think you guys can manage from here. Get Daisy home safe or the next body I bury will be yours," she informed the team. It was very clear she had the means to carry out on that threat. With that, Natasha left Daisy's side and made her way back to the helicarrier to interrogate Lucia. / END
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Through The Years Pt. 10
A/N: feedback is so so appreciated! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO WAS KEPT THEIR PATIENCE WHILE I WROTE THIS! (also, this is kind of short, my apoligies)
tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @the-romanian-is-bae @bihoeofmanyfandoms​
takes place during: The Avengers
Italics= flashbacks
NEW YORK, 1942
“As you all know, a threat has risen. Commander Johann Schmidt has his eyes on something new; they call it the Tesseract. The power it holds is unlimited and unknown. If it falls into the wrong hands, especially in times like these, this is a war we won’t win. Meeting dismissed.” Dr. Erksine said, as all the agents seated around the table got up, desperate to go home. 
You had dozed out ages ago, and would’ve practically fallen asleep if it weren’t for Howard. He laid a hand on your shoulder and shook you. 
“Y/N/N, it’s time to go. C’mon. I heard your favorite radio show is on tonight.”
“Thanks, Howwie. It’s just, there’s something-”
“This Tesseract thing? I know were supposed to believe everything Dr. Erksine tells us, but this is a stretch-”
“Except it isn’t, Howard. I got a bad feeling about this one. You know how strong my intuition is.”
“I know. That’s what worries me.”
The Hellicarrier is quiet as it floats across the night sky, and you absentmindedly type some data that Tony had given you a few minutes ago. You weren’t going to  lie; you were scared then, and you are scared now. It seems like history is repeating itself; some bad dude wants to get his hands on the Tesseract and if he isn’t stopped, a lot of people will die.
Only difference was, you didn’t have a brother this time. 
Blinking back the tears that were about to escape, you kept typing as Dr. Banner was scanning the scepter for gamma radiation, and Tony was solving several different equations and theorems and god knows what all at once. 
“Well, we’re going somewhere now. The  gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvig's reports on the Tesseract. But it's gonna take weeks to process.” Banner said, letting out a sigh, laying down the object he was using to measure gamma readings on Loki’s scepter.
“We bypass their mainframe and direct route to the Homer Cluster we can clock this at around 600 teraflops.” Tony replied from across the room.
“And all I packed was a toothbrush.” Bruce said, going back to the computer.
“You know you should come by Stark tower sometime. Top ten floors, all R and D. You’d love it, it’s Candy Land. I’m talking to you too, Auntie. Paris must be as boring as-”
“How- Tony, I can promise you its not. Paris is fine.”
“But Pepper and I miss you in New York. Think about it, will you?”
“Sure will, hun.”
“Thank you for the invitation, Mr. Stark. But last time I was in New York- I sort of broke Harlem.” Dr. Banner said. 
“Well I promise it’s a stress-free environment. No distractions, no surprises.” Tony says, while poking Bruce in his side with an electric current.
“Tony, leave him be!” you say, taking the current away from him. 
“Hey! Are you two nuts?” Steve says, scolding Tony as he walks in. 
“Oops. Jury’s here. Tell em your secret, Dr. Banner. Bongo drums, mellow jazz, bag of weed?”
“You think is is funny, Mr. Stark? Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship? No offense, Dr. Banner. You neither, Y/N.
“None taken, sir.” Bruce says, while still working on the scepter.
“Don’t worry about it, cap.” you say, while finally snatching the current from Tony’s hand and placing it down on the countertop to continue working.
“You- you don’t have to worry, capsicle. Last time I checked, you spent over 66 years stuck in the ice. You don’t know how anything works here. This little gadget-” he getsures to the comm in his hand. “will let us know everything S.H.I.E.L.D has been hiding from us since the beginning of it’s existence.”
“This is going to cause trouble.”
“Ding, ding, ding. We got a winner. Congratulations, you’ve just won a free box of popsicles. Or is that too cold?”
“What have you three been doing all this time?” Fury’s voice cuts in as he walks into the lab. “You’re supposed to be locating the Tesseract.” 
“We are. The model’s locked and we’re sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we’ll have the location within have a mile.”
“You’ll get your cube back, director.” You say, crossing your arms, after hopping to sit on the table with Tony. 
“No muss, no fuss.” he passes you the blueberry bag, then looks at the screen “What is ‘Phase 2′ anyway?”
At this point, Steve has had enough and decided to intervene. “Phase 2 is S.H.I.E.L.D uses the cube to make weapons. Sorry, the computer was moving a little too slowly for my taste.”
“Captain Rogers, we have gathered every part of information possible related to the Tesseract. This does not mean-” He’s interrupted by none other than Tony.
“What about this Nick? What were you lying?” Tony said, turning the computer so Fury could see it clearly. 
Steve takes one look between the two men, but keeps his gaze on Tony, and says “I was wrong director. The world hasn’t changed a bit.”
Thor and Natasha enter the room and Bruce asks them “Did you two know about this?”
“Dr. Banner, you might want to think about removing yourself from the premises.” Natasha said.
“I was in Calcutta, I’m pretty sure I can handle this, Ms. Romanoff.”
“Loki’s been manipulating you.”
“And you’ve been doing what exactly?” 
“Dr. Banner, You didn’t come here because I batted my eyelashes at you.” She fired back, crossing her arms. 
You hopped off the table, and on the hilt of the sword on your left side, if tensions just so happened to go to another level. 
“And I’m not leaving because you’re getting a little twitchy. What I do want to know is why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction!”
“Starks, Ms. Carter, General Philipps, should the case arise that we get our hands on this - ‘Tesseract’ - as it appears, it shall not, under any circumstances, be used for weapons of mass destruction. It goes against everything we stand for. Everything the SSR stands for.” Erksine says, addressing the group.
“But Dr. Erksine, The rise of facism in Europe is a threat to our national security, and if the SSR can not make weapons of not necessarily of mass destruction, but weapons to protect the country, how are we to protect the nation?” General Philipps said from across the table. 
“Excellent question, General. That’s were Y/N and  comes in. Y/N, if you will.” Erksine said, gesturing to you.
Straightening yourself up, you opened a file. “I’ve thought of this concept for the past couple of months- although just a concept, It would, has General Philipps mentioned, make weapons not of destruction, but of protection. This is why, I’ve decided to name the concept- S.H.I.E.L.D. Get it? A shield is supposed to protect, and that’s what this will do.”
“And what does it stand for, Y/N?” Peggy asks. 
“Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.”
“And it’s purpose?”
“To Protect and Serve, Dr. Erksine.”
“I like it, but we will discuss  it further on Monday. Meeting Adjourned.”
“And I’m not leaving because you’re getting a little twitchy. What I do want to know is why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction!”
“Banner, calm down.” Natasha said cautiously. 
“No, Romanoff. He had every right to be mad and confused. With all respect, director, me and my brother did not start S.H.I.E.L.D so we could pull stuff like this.” you said.
“But we have a reason, Stark. It’s because-” Fury points to Thor “him.”
“Me?” Thor questions.
“Yes, you. Last year Earth had a visitor from another planet who held a grudge on a small town. We learned then that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned.” He finishes, diverting his eye to you, but saying nothing.
“Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies, as a signal to all the realms that Earth is ready for a higher form of war.” Thor booms.
“A higher form of war?” Steve questions.
“You had us in a corner, Thor, we had no choice. We had to come up with something.” Nick fired back.
“A nuclear deterrent. Cause that always calms everything down.” said Tony.
“Remind me again how you made your fortune, Mr. Stark?” Fury asked.
“I’m sure if Stark industries still made weapons you both would be knee-deep in-” Steve was cut off by you.
“That’s enough, Steve! Leave it alone!” you exclaimed.
“No, hold up capsicle, how is this about us?” Tony asked, in a tempting manner.
“Are you midgardians really this naïve?” Thor asked.
“Oh please, are you that immature?” Natasha said, looking between Thor and Fury. 
“Everyone, we’re a mixture for chaos. A ticking time bomb waiting to explode.” Bruce said. 
“You should step away, Doctor.” Fury said to Bruce, before being overlapped by Tony. “Why shouldn’t the guy let off a little steam?” Tony asked, putting a ahnd on Steve’s shoulder. 
“You know damn well why!” Steve yelled.
“I’m starting to want you to make me.” Tony said, coming face to face with Steve.
“Big man in a suit of armor, take that off and what are you?” 
“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
“He’s not wrong-” Natasha said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Thank you, Romanoff! Someone with sense on this ship.” Tony said, thanking Natasha.
“I’ve seen guys none of that worth ten of what you are. The only person you fight for is yourself. You’re not one to make sacrifice play, to lay down your life for someone else. You better stop playing the hero.” 
“Steve-” you began, now both hands on both swords, both of them on your waist.
“No! You better stop acting so cocky, Rogers. You’re a lab rat, everything special about you came out of a bottle.” Tony fires back.
“If you think your think you’re so special, put on the suit then, lets go a few rounds.” 
“I’m not afraid to hit an old man.” 
“Stop it you two! You’re acting like children!” You yelled, cutting both of them off.
“You are ALL acting like children, man up, all of you!” Fury said. 
Bruce kept his eyes firm on Loki’s scepter. It seemed to glow even more now, but all of you had to resolve the argument first. 
“Something’s coming. Something bad.” Bruce muttered. “I can feel it.” 
“Keep calm, Banner.” Natasha said, and both her and Fury put a hand of the holster of their gun.
“Dr. Banner, please-” You began. 
You were once again cut off, but not by anyone talking. Thor, Natasha, Bruce, Fury, Tony, Steve and yourself were knocked down to the floor, scattered all over the room.
“What the hell was that?” Natasha asked. 
“Engine’s been blown off. I didn’t want to say I told you so, Agent Romanoff.” Bruce said, while helping you up from the floor. 
“You alright, Tony?” you ask, as You help Tony up.
“Just fine, aunty. You?”
“Barely hurts, tones.”
“What the hell was that, Fury?” Natasha asked. 
Fury looks out the window before running out of the room.
“Agent Barton.”
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blackamethyst04 · 3 years
Loki Laufeyson x Oc Pt. 4 | Loki A/N: I am sorry if this is really slow building. I wanted to make this more than a Fanfiction. I wanted to put out my Marvel ideas.
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As we broke eye contact a green light caused the agents to fly away from him, giving him room to run. They Agents seemed shocked. "Agent Brooke. Get him." Fury said to me, I followed the instructions he gave me and chased after the man. Did i just want to impress Fury or did i wanna see who this person was. I jumped over guards and followed him. Through the halls, down the corridor and up to the surface. He continued to throw things at me causing me to fall. I growled as fire began to block his past. A beautiful purple flame. This Caused the man to stop and try to change direction. I blocked his path doing a low kick sweeping him off his feet. He fell onto the floor as the fire began to close in. I then aimed one of my Katana's at his neck. He slowly put his hands up as i cleared the fire. He laughed. "You truly do listen to whatever those people tell you to do huh." The man looked at me. He looked like a puppy who just got caught chewing up his owners shoe. "Shut up. Who are you Anyways. S.H.I.E.L.D seems to have it out for you." I said as agents caught up to me. They cuffed him. "Loki, Son of Laufey. King of the Frost Giants.You shouldn't turst them, they have a habit of using people then throwing them away" Wow, Royalty. However, I wondered what he meant. A ship blasted though the sky landing on the Hellicarrier. I looked over confused. The door opened and a buff man with blond hair and an eye patch ran out. He had what looked like a over-sized axe. He blasted past me a bit of static causing my thick curly hair to frizz up. I pulled it into the best ponytail I could. My hair was too thick to do a qUicK mEsSy bUn. The man grabbed Loki angrily yet carefully. "LOKI! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD." Loki looked at the man his energy turning from Angry and Defensive to caring and defensive. "Thor, I thought you were dead as well." The buffer man hugged our prisoner. I guess the agents noticed how confused I was. One whispered to me. "They are brothers." I nodded as the agents told Thor that they had to take his dear brother to the cells. He eventually let go. I Put my blade away and walked with the group. Thor looked at me. "So. Who might you, my fine maiden be?" He said. I could tell he was not trying to come out as flirty. I turned to him as we stood at the cells as Loki was put into a cage. "Names Agent Brooke. A Newer Assassin of S.H.I.E.L.D." I responded. "Well Lady Brooke. I am Thor son of Odin and King of Asgard." Lady? What am I a knight? IS he some sort of Viking? I asked myself. I shrugged it off. "Nice to meet you." I turned my attention back to Loki. The words he said echoed in my head. I needed to speak to him again. I then felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I grabbed it and answered it. "We need you and Thor to come up here for this mission." Fury said. I turned to Thor and told him what Fury told me. We both walked up to the lab to listen to out mission. 📷
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I don’t belong here (II)
Summary: taking place during the events of The Avengers, Lex is Tony Starks adoptive daughter, who seems to have a knack for technology and, for some odd reason, mythology, however when one of the myths she loves so much comes to life, she can’t help but feel she knows him from a life before Tony Stark
this chapter: Lex talks to a man who looks suspiciously like the Captain bloke that Tony’s basically in love with
part 1 / part 2
After a night of revision on odd creatures, Lex was sure her entire head was going to explode. She had a headache from being up for so long, along with a headache from dehydration and a headache for overuse. Maybe she should have gone to bed when Pepper said. But of course, she wouldn’t be a Stark if she ever listened to good advice.
At 6am Coulson had walked through the elevator doors once more and announced that they had to leave for the hellicarrier, earning him a groan from one of the two lying on the desk, face down and half asleep.
He had gone into Lex’s room and picked out as many appropriate outfits as possible, shoving them into a Captain America gym bag (which he highly approved of) and dragged it out to the central room, before picking up a half dead Lex and lightly kicking a Tony in the same condition, trying to prompt him to move. Of course, Tony waved him off, saying he would join them later and to ‘have fun, be safe.’
Coulson sighed and adjusted Lex on his hip, before making his way to the landing pad outside and getting on the small craft which lifted the pair over New York.
Lex barely registered that they made a stop at one point, only slightly rousing herself from her sleep when the engines stopped, before nodding back off.
When she finally woke up, it was because of light glaring off the ocean surface in her eye, glinting and glittering in the most annoying way possible to man. Her eyes opened slightly, and her hand went to her face, trying to shield herself from the light. Lex groaned and sat up, looking towards the cockpit to see a man leaning against the arch separating the pilots from the passengers. He was tall, really tall. Like, within the 6ft perimeter tall, wearing a faded leather jacket and a haircut which Lex assumed was ‘grown out military style.’
Tony would have probably commented on how he had a nice ass.
“Hey mister.” He turned to find the source of the sound, only to see the 12 year old which he was pretty sure was sleeping a moment ago, completely awake and walking towards him in the cabin of a moving vehicle.
“Hey kid.” She was right next to him now, watching him tower above her, only to give a little laugh and walk back to her seat.
“You’re taller than Tony, thats gonna annoy him.”
The man looked at her in confusion, waiting for her to elaborate in some way.
“Tony’s my dad, well, is he? He is, he’s my not-so-dad dad. Adoptive dad. And he’s sort of tall but he hates being shorter than others, says it makes it harder for him to sass them.”
The man gave a chuckle and looked towards his shoes, trying to find an appropriate way to reply to the kid sitting opposite him.
“I’ll be sure to kneel when i’m around him then.” Lex have a laugh and shook her head.
“Don’t do that, because it starts with the kneeling, then it goes to the banter, then it goes to the arguing and the tension, and then I have to stay with Pepper for a couple of nights because Tony isn’t one for being walked in on.” The man looked at her completely dumbfound, slightly scared and wondering who the hell was her father and why did he need her out of the house for 2 days?
“So, who are you?”
He shook himself out of his daze and gave her a little smile.
“Well kiddo, i’m a soldier.”
She nodded.
“Yeah, but which one? Are you the green man? Or maybe the arrow guy? No he had brown hair and i’m pretty sure he’s on the other side, or are you the Captain?” Her eyes were lit up as she spoke, rattling off different people and their powers, asking him who he was or what he was.
“Well, I’m the Captain, Captain America.” He stuck out his hand and she latched onto it, instead of shaking it, and pulled it down to hold in a gentle manner, keeping her steady as the craft rattled on.
“My dad has a crush on you, he thinks you’re really cute.” Steve felt himself blush, red creeping up the side of his neck and reaching his ears.
“Well, that’s real nice of him sweetie, when did he say that?” The blush was burning across his cheeks now. Even after 70 years in the ice, Steve Rogers could not keep his cool.
“Well, he says it when he's talking to Pepper, who’s sort of my mum, and she’s saying he’s gotta settle down and he says he’ll only ever dream of doing such a thing if its either with Steve Rogers or Captain Kirk from the new Star Trek.” Oh boy.
Lex leaned up towards him, or as close as she could get.
“Don’t worry, I think he’d prefer you.” Cap’ gave a little chuckle and nodded, almost in agreement, before looking up. How much longer did he have to hear about how some girls dad had a crush on him? Not that he minded, but it was a little odd.
“So honey, why are you coming along?” She looked towards her feet, trying to decide if she should tell this man why she was being dragged along with Captain America to a top secret air/boat shuttle.
“Well, doctor Banner wants to run some tests with me, make sure that its not some sort of dangerous disease I have.” She was avoiding eye contact with Steve, ashamed by what she had.
“Well, whatever you have i’m sure its incredible.” She gave a little shake of her head in disagreement. She had almost killed a puppy because of what she had. She knew that she was colder than the average human, but she didn’t know that if she felt threatened the could go sub zero, in fact she had ruined a few of Tony’s machines because of it, but the real problem was when she got a puppy, and it bit her when she was asleep, thank gods it had the sense to run before her entire room became encased by ice. They had given it to Pepper after that.
“Its dangerous, and I guess I want to know why I have it.” Steve felt a twinge of sympathy for the girl next to him. He knew what it was to have something that was dangerous, he was constantly afraid that one day he would hug someone too hard, or do something which normally wouldn’t hurt, but because it was Captain America, enhanced super soldier, even the simplest of contact could kill.
“Well, I’m sure doctor Banner will do everything to help.” She smiled up at Steve, not quite reaching her eyes. They were too sad and too knowing to be a Childs.
The pilot shouted towards the two of them, telling them to ‘strap up! We’re landing.’
Both of the passengers took their seats, before a rustling from the back drew Lex’s attention to one Phil Coulson coming out from behind a little nook, which she assumed was the bathroom.
“Hey Phil!” He gave her a friendly wave before sitting beside her, strapping in quickly and holding on to the seatbelt like his life depended on it. Lex had the feeling that Phil wasn’t really a fan of flying.
The shuttle rattled on towards what looked like a large, military ocean craft, planes and carriers littering the runway which took up the entirety of the top of the ship, each craft with their own designated spots. Several people scurried around like ants, busying themselves with this job and that job, working like an efficient machine.
As they began to lower themselves on to the deck, several different people began to swerve towards their specific ship, kneeling down and grabbing hooks to anchor the wheels and body to the deck, to reduce chances of damage. The only figure standing to the winds was a particular redhead which Lex knew and loved well.
She had unstrapped herself from the seat before the pilot had said it was safe, and had gone through the opening doors before they had finished opening, barreling towards a smirking Natasha who’s crossed arms opened and welcomed her in for a hug.
“Hello MIlaya Moyna, how are you today?” She gave Lex’s nose a little tap with her index finger and wrapping her arms around the little girl.
“Hello aunt Nat,” Nat smiled slightly at the pet name Lex had adopted for her, before drawing her away and putting on a face of false seriousness.
“Now, young lady, what did I tell you about calling me aunt?”
“Not aunt, it makes you feel old, only aunty because thats what you call the fun aunts.” Nat drew Lex back in for a hug.
“Exactly Milaya, now go and find Fury and ask him about the fish under his big glass dome, you know he likes that.”
Lex ran off into the Hellicarier, swerving to avoid personal after personal, as Natasha watched the child lovingly. She knew it wasn’t her kid, but that little girl meant more to her than all of shield itself.
Captain Rogers had appeared next to her, looking strangely in the direction of the child who had now disappeared from sight.
“She’s really strange, you know that? She knows way too much for a kid her age.”
Nat nodded in response. She knew what he meant. There were times where you would look into Lex’s eyes and see wisdom, a knowledge beyond her years, burning bright like a star in the back of her brain, powering her. Natasha recognised it in herself, and she sometimes found herself wondering what on earth she knew.
“Why do you think she’s like that?”
Natasha’s face darkened, and she turned away, trying not to look him in the eye. Her eyes were cast down and she had begun biting her lip in a nervous manner. Steve noticed the way she fiddled with her hands, trying to distract herself from the question as if she were going to answer it, but knew she shouldn’t.
A shout behind them singled the arrival of one Bruce Banner, who jogged towards them through the wind of a newly landed carrier, pushing his coat around his form and making it a mission to get from one side of the deck to the other. As he was running towards them, the ship began making shifting noises, the entire structure beginning to hum with activity, changing beneath them.
Lex had found Nick Fury by then, in fact, she was currently pointing at the large glass dome beneath their feet at the empty ocean which lay below. The fish had made a point of specifically avoiding the big thing in the water which was blocking their sunlight and giving out weird noises, but Lex didn't mind, she liked how the water was leaving a blue glow in the room, the light dancing on the walls and making the entire chamber seem more mysterious, more enchanting.
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minimin1993 · 5 years
B/L 17
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Warning: Violence. Bucky Feels.
The couple hours later they decided to call a meeting.
“  This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize. He said, "Peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility." See, it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues.” Fury said looking at the picture of Pierce. 
“We have to stop the launch.” Linda said looking at Steve. 
“  I don't think the Council's accepting my calls anymore.” Fury said opening a case containing three chips.
“What's that?” Sam asked. 
“Once the Helicarriers reach three thousand feet, they'll triangulate with Insight satellites becoming fully weaponized.”Maria Hill said turning the case to show them 
“  We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own.” Fury said.
“  One or two won't cut it. We need to link all three carriers for this to work, because if even one of those ships remains operational a whole lot of people are gonna die.”
“  We have to assume everyone aboard those carriers is HYDRA. We need to get pass them, insert the server blades, and maybe, just maybe, we can salvage what's left…”
“  We're not salvaging anything. We're not just taking down the carriers, Nick, we're taking down SHIELD.” Steve said. 
“  SHIELD had nothing to do with it.” 
“  You gave me this mission, this is how it ends. SHIELD's been compromised, you said so yourself. HYDRA grew right under your nose and nobody noticed.” Steve said. 
“  Why do you think we're meeting in this cave? I noticed.” 
“  And how many paid the price before you did?” Steve asked
“  Look, I didn't know about Barnes.” Fury said 
“  Even if you have, would you have told me? Or would you have compartmentalized that too?” Linda said getting up from the chair pissed before Steve place his hand on her shoulder. 
“SHIELD, HYDRA, it all goes.” Steve said calmly. 
“  He's right.” Maria said as Fury looks at Natasha then Sam.
“Don't look at me. I do what he does, just slower.” Sam said looking at Steve. 
“  Well... Looks like you're giving the orders now, Captain.” Fury said. 
  “Did you really have to steal the uniform?” Linda asked when they sit in the truck driving to Triskelion.
“Its not stealing, its called borrowing with an intent of maybe not able to return.” He said with a smirk. 
“Whatever, America’s golden boy.” Linda said getting out of the car and walking the rest of the way with Sam and Maria. 
When they got to the tech room Linda, Sam, and Maria held up there gun as Steve knocks.
“  Excuse us.” Steve said to the tech boy who holds up his hands and steps aside to let them enter. Steve heads over to the PA making his announcement. 
“  Attention, all SHIELD agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control. They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not.”
Steve, Linda, and Sam make their way to the Helicarriers as Maria stays in the control room being their eye waiting for CAPs orders. 
  “  Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?”Sam said
“  If they're shooting at you, they're bad.” Steve said just as Sam, in his Falcon suit, flies off. Steve and Linda jumps down running toward them. The HYDRA agents starts to shoot at them but Steve blocks the bullets. 
“You go left, I go right?” Linda asked smugly.
“Deal.” Steve said jumping over pallets, Linda conjure her whip aiming at the agents taking them down one by one. On her left Steve threw a grenade taking out a couple more. Overhead of them Sam was flying when the Helicarriers starts to shoot at him. 
“  Hey, Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about.” Sam said in the com making Linda giggle. 
“No shit birdy.” Linda said making Sam scoff. 
“  You okay?” Steve asked 
“  I'm not dead yet.” He said dodging the bullets while Linda and Steve was on the base just taking out Agents after agents. 
“  Falcon, status?” Maria asked.
“  Engaging.” Sam said flying down to the Hellicarrier Bay taking down the HYDRA jets chasing him. “Alright, Cap, I'm in.” He said when another HYDRA jets heads his way and starts shooting at him. “Shit!”
“  Eight minutes, Cap.” Maria said. 
“  Working on it.” Steve said getting into the Alpha Carrier switching the chip successfully.
“Alpha locked.” Steve said.
“  Falcon, where are you now?” Maria said 
“  I had to take a detour!” Sam said still trying to dodge the jet.
“Fly upward north I got you.” Linda said getting in position
“Got it, just don’t whip me out of the sky.” Sam said.
“Aww now where is the fun in that.” Linda mocked seeing Sam fly up before she whip the Jet coming up after him with great force destroying it instantly. 
“Oh, yeah!” Sam said flying into the second Helicarrier switching the chip. “I'm in. Bravo locked.”
“Two down, one to go.” Maria said. 
“Thats me.” Linda said running full speed toward the 3rd Hellicarrier jumping right into it. 
“Yeah I am not doing that. Hey, Sam, I'm gonna need a ride.” Steve said after seeing Linda jump. 
“  Roger! Let me know when you're ready.” Sam said as Steve jumps off the edge.
“I just did!” Steve said, Sam flies in just in time to catch Steve flying them onto the last Helicarrier meeting up with Linda who stood at the edge watching.
“You know, you're a lot heavier than you look.” Sam said 
“  I had a big breakfast.” Steve said suddenly Bucky appears and pushes Steve off the edge 
“  Steve!” Sam and Linda both said about to run after but Bucky punches Linda right in the ribs sending her flying to the side before grabbing Sam’s wings throwing him back. Sam reacted quickly pulling out his gun and starts to shoot at Bucky when Linda jumps behind Bucky flipping him over. 
“Sam go!” Linda yelled wrestling Bucky. 
“Got it.” Sam starts to fly to get Steve when Bucky pulls something out of his belt pointing it at Sam’s wings ripping it off sending him flying off the Carrier. Bucky then jumps up kicking Linda off of him before pulling out a gun and starts to shoot at her. She jumps and runs onto some of the crates dodging him before whiping right at him sending him flying.
“Steve, come in. Are you okay?” Linda asked running to the edge seeing him holding onto the side of the Helicarrier.
“  Yeah, I'm here! I'm still on the Helicarrier.” He said pulling himself up. 
“Sam, where are you?” Steve asked.
“  I'm grounded, the suit's down. Sorry, Cap.” 
“  Don't worry, I got it.” Steve said running inside. 
“Steve, I lost James.” Linda said looking around not seeing him.
“Because he is staring right at me.” Steve said.   “  People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen. Please, don't make me do this.” He said as Linda hears them battling. By the time Linda made it down she saw Bucky punching Steve shield, she jumps down the steps right on top of Bucky twisting him into the air sending them both over the edge.
“Linda you have the chip.” Steve said. 
“I am working on it CAP.” Linda said standing up dodging a couple punches from Bucky, kicking him in the face, knocking him down another level but he grabs her ankle pulling her down with him. 
He pulls her close to him digging into her pocket pulling out the chip. She snatches his hand pulling it backward while the other one goes to his face pushing it away causing a strain on his flesh arm. 
“DROP IT!” Linda said putting more strength on it when she sees him resist she snaps his arm, his scream of pain causes tears to run down her face. Bucky uses all his strength to push her down which Linda retaliates in putting him into a choke hold. Bucky uses his metal arm to try to free himself but she grabs him arm and holds it down with her leg holding him in place choking him harder until he passes out. Linda immediately releases him grabbing the chip and tosses it up to Steve who starts to run to switch the chip.
Linda heard some movement behind her by the time she turned around Bucky pulled out a gun on her and shot her twice right in her stomach dropping her instantly before shooting up at Steve hitting him in the thigh and back. 
“30 Seconds Cap.” Maria said  
“Stand by.” Steve said about to switch the chip when Bucky shot him again, sending him down.  Linda stood up holding the wound launching herself into a roundabout kick on his metal arm sending his gun flying. Bucky turns around furious at Linda before grabbing her neck choking her. 
“James.” She said weakly with tears running down her face, she grabs his hand to loosen the hold
“Charlie locked.” Steve said before collapsing.
“Okay, Cap, Grey get out of there.” Maria said
“Fire now.” Steve said. 
“  But, Steve…” 
“  Do it! Do it now!” Linda yells touching Bucky’s face tenderly. “We will always love you.” She whispered flashing her eyes at him, not wanting to fight him anymore. Linda manages to see Bucky eyes soften a little with recognition before passing out. The other Helicarrier starts to shoot at each other causing Bucky to lose his grip on Linda as they tumble around when a pillar land right on top of Linda and Bucky crushing them causing him to scream. Steve stands up and looks down before jumping down trying to help them out. Steve and Bucky uses their strength to push up the pillar grabbing Linda out who was still passed out. 
“You know me.” Steve said when he and Bucky stood up 
“  No, I don't!” Bucky lashed out hitting Steve. 
“  Bucky, you've known me your whole life.” Bucky hits Steve but Steve chooses not to fight back. “Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. And she laying there is your fiance.” Steve said pointing at Linda  
“  Shut up!” Bucky scream hitting Steve again
“I'm not gonna fight you. You're my friend.” Steve said taking off his mask and dropping his shield out of the Helicarrier before Bucky charges at Steve knocking him onto the ground. 
“  You're my mission. You're my mission!” Bucky said punching Steve mercilessly.
“  Then finish it.” Steve said, Bucky hesitates holding his fist up. “Cause I'm with you to the end of the line.” Bucky looks at Steve as if he's starting to remember just then the bottom of the Helicarrier falls sending Steve and Linda down into the river below as Bucky watches from the Helicarrier. 
Linda felt like her body was being dragged when she slowly opens her eyes she sees Bucky crouching next to her touching her face lightly. “James.” She whispered before fainting one last time. 
  When she woke up, she was in the hospital next to Steve with Sam sitting on the chair. 
“God what is that horrendous sound.” Linda said hearing Marvin Gaye's "Trouble Man" playing next to their bed making Steve and Sam laugh. 
“Shit he really did a number on me.” Linda said trying to get up but could making Steve smirk at her. 
“Don’t he always, you guys are always loud as hell.” Steve said making Sam hit his arm making him hiss. 
“I didn’t need to know that.” Sam said making Linda giggle. 
“Oww” She said grabbing her ribs.    
Fury meets Steve, Linda, and Sam at a cemetery at his own grave 
“So, you've experienced this sort of thing before?” Fury asked staring down at his grave. 
“  You get used to it.” Steve said 
“  We've been data-mining HYDRA's files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. I'm headed to Europe tonight, wanted to ask if you'd come.” Fury said looking at Steve
“  There's something I have to do first.” Steve said.
“Nope, I have other priorities at the moment.” Linda said smirking.
“  How about you, Wilson? Could use a man with your abilities.”
“  I'm more of a soldier than a spy.” Sam answered 
“  Alright then.” Fury said shaking their hands. “Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here.” He said looking down on his gravestone before walking away. 
“  You should be honored, that's about as close as he gets to saying thank you.” Natasha said walking up to them 
“Not going with him?” Steve asked 
“  No.” 
“  Not staying here?” 
“  I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out a new one.”
“  That might take a while.” Steve said with a smirk.
“  I'm counting on it. That thing you asked for, I called in a few favors from Kiev.” She said handing him the file titled ‘дело No 17’. “Will you do me a favor? Call that nurse.” 
“  She's not a nurse.” 
“  And you're not a SHIELD agent.” Natasha said with a smirk. 
“  What was her name again?” He said making Linda giggle before Sam nudge her playfully. 
“  Sharon. She's nice.” Natasha said giving Steve a kiss on the cheek “Be careful, Steve. You might not want to pull on that thread.”
When Natasha walks away Steve opens the file with Bucky information on it regarding his Winter Soldier transformation, Sam walks over to Steve 
“  You're going after him?” Sam asked him
“  You don't have to come with me.” 
“  I know. When do we start?” Sam said. 
“Linda?” Steve said turning to look at her. 
“Always Steve. I will be with you to the end of the line.” Linda said winking at Steve making him shake his head.
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inhumansforever · 7 years
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Secret Warriors #4 Review
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It’s the next installment of the Secret Warriors; from the creative team of Mathew Rosenberg, Javier Garrón and Israel Silva.  Full recap and review following the jump.
Hydra has taken over much of the United States and Daisy ‘Quake’ Johnson and her ragtag team of Inhumans are doing their best to defeat this fascist regime and makes things right.  Their plan centers on locating a mysterious Inhuman named ‘Leer’ whom Karnak seems certain is pivotal to uprooting Hydra.  Who Leer is and why Karnak appears so sure he or she is central to their plan remains unknown.
The Warriors had traveled to the Mutant occupied territory of Tian in search of Leer.  Following a brief skirmish with a group of former X-Men, they were told Leer had been taken by Hydra.  The Warriors headed back east and were quickly assaulted by a battalion of Hydra soldiers led by Daisy’s evil father, the super villain known as Mr. Hyde.  
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Hyde’s forces include The Vision and Scarlet Witch (both under some form of mind control forcing them to align with Hydra) as well as Deadpool and Taskmaster.  The Warriors are very much outmatched, but Daisy is unwilling to surrender to her dastardly father.   A battle breaks out and The Warriors fair quite poorly.
The Scarlet Witch makes short work of Ms. Marvel; likewise Inferno is quickly defeated by The Vision.  Karnak holds his own against Taskmaster, but is felled once The Scarlet Witch intervenes.  Moon Girl fairs much better against Deadpool, kicking the merc with a mouth right in the groin, distracting him long enough for Devil Dinosaur to gobble him up with his massive jaws.  
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Daisy and Hyde fight each other, yet their battle is interrupted when Hyde orders his soldiers to open fire on Devil Dinosaur.  Fearing for her friend’s life, Moon Girl quickly shouts that they all surrender.  Daisy is angered; she doesn’t wish to give up, she wants to go down fighting.  There’s a sad desperation to Daisy, as though she has lost hope and would rather die free than become a prisoner of Hydra and her father.  Moon Girl hasn’t lost this hope, there is still too many things dear to her that she is unwilling to risk.   The threat of Devil Dinosaur being killed is enough to get her to surrender.   Daisy begrudgingly concedes and is quickly taken out by Taskmaster and The Scarlet Witch.
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The team is imprisoned aboard a Hydra Hellicarrier, heading back toward central command located at Washington, DC.  Daisy and her father continue their spiteful banter with one another.  Hyde knows what the Warriors have been up to, that they have been seeking out the Inhuman named Leer; and he knows that his daughter is unaware of who Leer is and what exactly he or she can do.  He suggests that Daisy is simply looking for a reason to fight, a target to focus on in her quasi-suicidal intention to go down fighting.  
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Hyde slaps his daughter across the face when she barks back that she has no idea what he’s going on about.  Slapping Daisy like that elicits a rage in her that manifests in the whole hellicarrier beginning to tremor and shake.  Hyde is puzzled by it all; he had mistakenly assumed that his daughter required her specialized gauntlets to use her powers.  He had these gauntlets removed and believed Daisy to be incapacitated.  For all of his alleged intellect, Hyde did not realize that his daughter uses the gauntlets simply to focus her powers; that she is far from debilitated without them.  A sinister grin cuts across Daisy’s mouth… perhaps she is as self-destructive as her father suggests fore she is clearly intent on using her defused powers to bring this craft down.  
A Hydra goon comes racing in beaconing Hyde back to the bridge, yelling that the ship is quickly being shaken apart.   Hyde leaves his prisoners to attend to the matter.
Meanwhile, Moon Girl had utilized her magnetic boots to furtively pickpocket a canister of nitroglycerin from Deadpool’s utility belt.   She uses the nitro to free herself from her restraints and then goes about freeing Daisy and the others.  They all rush to find some means of escaping the doomed hellicarrier, yet Moon Girl falls back.  Devil Dinosaur is being held elsewhere on the craft and she’s not leaving without him.  Daisy argues that there’s no time, that they have to leave him behind, but Moon Girl refuses.  They get separated by the falling debris and Moon Girl heads off on her own in search of her friend.  
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Moon Girl eventually comes across Devil Dino, whose being kept in the hull near a communications console.  She knocks out a Hydra goon manning the console and then uses the radio to send out an all-points SOS, asking for help from anyone who may be listening.  
Elsewhere, the Hydra agents have fled the crashing helicarier taking all of the life pods leaving none for The Warriors.  Daisy has no plan as to how to escape and seems resigned to her fate.  Just when it seems that all hope is lost, Archangel and Sunfire of the X-Men come swooping onto the scene.  They had heard Moon Girl’s distress call and have come to help.  
Yet there are only the two of them and each can only carry two apiece to safety.  Daisy insists that wait for Moon Girl, yet there isn’t any time.  They have to leave now or go down with the ship.  
Back int he hull, Moon Girl races to free Devil Dinosaur from his restraints.  A little boy with red hair comes walking up and tells Lunella that her efforts are pointless,  Lunella asks who this kid is and he introduces himself as Leer.  Hey, this is the guy they’ve been looking!  Moon Girl demands he use his powers to help, yet Leer replies that he doesn’t have any powers.  Moon Girl doesn’t have the time to be confused by it all and goes back to trying to free Devil D.  
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Just then a shadowy figure comes from behind Moon Girl and knocks her out.  
The others have finally accepted Archangel and Sunfire’s aide and have flown safely down to the surface.  They can only look on in horror as the helicarrier crashes in a massive fireball and it appears as though Moon Girl has perished.  And it is with this cliffhanger that the issue comes to an end, with the promise of continuation in the next installment.  
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As has been the case with the previous issues of Secret Warriors, the story is inter-spliced with flashback scenes of the recent past, showing how each of the characters composing the team dealt with the Hydra take-over.  This issue focuses on Moon Girl.  The first wave of Hydra’s attack involved an army of super villains laying siege to Manhattan.  Lunella sneaks off from her family’s apartment to go get Devil Dinosaur and join the battle against these villains.  The duo manage to save a group of civilians from the villains, but are ultimately chased off.  Devil Dinosaur appears to possess some kind of sixth sense... he seems to realize that the entire island of Manhattan is about to be closed off in an impenetrable dome of DarkForce energy.  He races off with Moon Girl in tow and jumps into the Hudson Bay… just in time escape being trapped within the dome.  Shocked by the turn of events, Moon Girl has Devil D swim them over to Jersey, which explains how she ended up with Ms. marvel as entailed in the first issue.  
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The issue is another intense and wild ride and Rosenberg’s script continues to do a very neat job of interjecting moments of levity to balance out the very grim tenner of the narrative.  Daisy’s reaction to the return of  the f--ing X-Men was a laugh out loud moment.  
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While Moon Girl was in some ways the star of this latest issue, the series as a whole continues to be centered on Daisy with the rest of the cast acting as foils to her emotional journey of dealing with all that’s happened.  Last issue saw daisy and Ms. Marvel butting heads over bending one’s morals in the midst of war; whereas this issue saw a conflict between Daisy and Moon Girl regarding putting companionship over the needs of the mission.  On two occasions during the issue, Daisy showed relative dispassion over the welfare of Devil Dinosaur… a willingness to sacrifice him in order not to give up.  Perhaps Daisy sees Devil D as little more than an animal, Moon Girl’s pet whose life isn’t as important as the others.  It’s a good deal out of line with Daisy’s normal sense of character, yet it would seem that her anger and desperation has overwhelmed her and clouded her judgement.  
Daisy has been very much traumatized by all that has happened.  Her world has been turned upside down and she saw her friends and teammates, people whose lives she was responsible for, die in front of her eyes.  It has left her myopic, fixed with a tunnel vision to fight back almost blindly.  Her father might be correct that there is a degree of self destructiveness to it all.  All is lost and she has become resigned to go down fighting.  
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The sense of hopelessness that Daisy seems to feel is contrasted by Moon Girl.  Lunella is extremely intelligent, yet she is still only a child and possesses a childlike naiveté that helps her resist seeing their situation as a lost cause.  The whole dire affair of the Secret Empire story will be resolved, but it will be resolved in the pages of the main Secret Empire book.  The Secret Warriors have never really had a chance to save the day.  They have just been blindly following Daisy’s lead because it offered them hope.  Daisy hasn’t shared in this hope, but has herself blindly followed Karnak’s suggestion that locating Leer might bring about some miraculous resolution.   She doesn’t have any real faith in Karnak’s plan, it is simply a better option than lying down and letting the villains win.  
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Despite the snappy patter and the comedic aspect of Garrón’s terrific illustration, there is a rather cold pessimism at the heart of this issue.  I’m guessing it will prove to be the nadir of the arc, the point where things are at their bleakest before hope reemerges.  
I would feel disappointed that the other characters have been little more than window dressing to    Daisy’s development if not for that fact that Rosenberg is doing such a good job of it.  Daisy was left in something of a limbo after the conclusion of Hickman’s run on the first Secret Warriors.  She showed up here and there, but was mostly relegated to sidekick status.  Chloe Bennet’s terrific performance as Daisy on the Agents of Shield television show has further muddled who the 616 version of Daisy is… as parts of the MCU Daisy got superimposed onto her 616 analog.  This new iteration of Secret Warriors has been intent on bringing Daisy’s character back to the forefront, putting meat back on the bones and forging Daisy as a fully dimensional character in her own right, distinct from her MCU counterpart.               
Another highly recommended installment.  Four out of Five Lockjaws.
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