#i headcanon cinder as both a lightweight and a very annoying drunk and you can't stop me
thebunnyremix · 6 months
[Going to a bar after a heist.]
Cinder: [abruptly stumbles into Roman, voice slurring] Ahem! I just wanted to tell you that you are a swe- Have I ever told you that you are SWELL human being, Roman! Roman, you are...a FASCINATING creature!
Roman: [a mixture of amused and annoyed] Oh, is this really how you feel? Are you actually opening up to me? [tries to steady her]
Cinder: [swaying as she tries to gesticulate] Is it-? I-! I--! These are thoughts that I have had...um...never. But right now I am having them, and I am embracing them, and I want you to know that THIS is a...this is a thing between us! Yeah, I think...where... [knees cave in] I need to sit down.
Roman: [gently helps her sit on the floor] Are we ever gonna have this kind of talk when you're not drunk, or is this just like a one time-
Cinder: No! Nooo, uh...noooo! [slumps back, now laying down] Nooo. No-ho-ho...
Roman: [now more amused than annoyed] Okay. Okay, uh...what-
Cinder: [abruptly raises finger] PASS THE COURVOISIER!!
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