#i havent seen a new pimple in a week though now that theyre all gone
nyelaexe · 6 years
ALSO if you have problems with whiteheads and/or cystic acne PLS buy the COSRX acne pimple patches. ive been having a bad hormonal acne outbreak for like 2 months now since my cycles started acting up again. they're like $5 on Amazon for a sheet of 24 patches. i just got them on Thursday and every one of my pimples is fucking gone. I had like 7 whiteheads and now I don't have any. for the first time in 2 months I don't have any acne and I'm LIVING. I wish I took before n after pics but all that's left is acne scars. i put a patch on and left it for a few hours while I napped and when I woke up the entire whitehead popped on its own. like when you take them off you can see all the gross oil and dirt and sebum and stuff that was on your skin. like the entire pimple will come off on the patch if you let it sit for long enough and it doesn't even hurt. also for deep rooted cystic acne that doesn't come to a head, it works too. i always get painful bumps on my cheeks that never actually turn into real pimples so I put one of the big ones on the side of my face and it stopped hurting in 2 hours and all that's left it a little scar. ALSO the Nature Republic 92% aloe gel is great for acne scars. I just don't recommend using it as a standalone moisturizer, as it's really thin and kinda watery even though it's a gel. also it has some alcohol in it so it works great for burns and scars but not so much as a moisturizer. but it's like $7 or $8 on Amazon and you get the biggest fuckin jar of it and you only need the tiniest little bit. I've used it twice a day everyday since Thursday and you can't even tell I used it at all. it DOES give moisture though, just not enough to keep you hydrated on it's own. i had two pimples on my chin and I used the patches to get rid of them then the aloe gel and the COSRX salicylic acid wash took the scars away. you can't even tell I ever had a pimple there. ALSO ALSO the Esfolio Volcanic Ash mask is great for acne prone skin.
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