#i havent reblogged any of my madcom stuff here bc im p sure its no server appropriate
echoorigami · 3 years
Rules: Copy and paste these questions and make your own post, please do not add onto this one, it’ll get too long too fast. Then tag some of your friends to let them know you’d like to hear more about their ocs!
Original by @/queen-breha-organa / BWAH! Thanks for the tag /@Kkrazy256 (do I get rid of this or?)
Name: Liquid
Pronouns: They/Them
Nickname: Disposal (Well that was their original name), Trash Can, Dumpster, God-spill-a, Stinky, Roomba, Oobie (Oobleck), Boupa
One Word To Sum Them Up: Goopy
Noun to Describe Them: Large
Temperament: Friendly, just kinda going about their life mostly peacefully
MBTI Type:  N/A
Enneagram Type: N/A
Other’s First Impression of Them:  Pretty chill, intimating but more from size and "species" more than anything, the person their trash and waste goes to
General Likes: Food (any kind really, they haven't had much good food in their life until Spite came along), hiding in narrow spaces, pissing off Employers and other people they dislike
General Dislikes: Employers, Director Phobos, being kidnapped and asked to obey someone without question when there is no explanation or the reason is bullshit, being attacked by Hank (it's more annoying than anything but still unpleasant), being stuck in their tank all day (it's not too bad but it's boring as fuck)
Romantic Status: Shit that's supposed to be a thing?
Love Interest(s):  Uhhh N/A
Good Friend(s): Tan, Spite, maybe that one agent who gave them a sandwich is very likely dead
Enemy: The Employers (Hank n Phobos aren't really their enemies but more just people they aren't fond of)
Hobbies: Hiding and traversing through pipes, eating, watching other people do things (especially cook) , messing with people, they wonder if their jobs can be considered a hobby since they don't hate them
Songs They Relate To: N/A (I've never been good at finding songs for characters)
Fictional Characters Similar To Their Personality: N/A (there's gotta be someone out there but my head is ~empty~)
Fun Fact: Liquid is one of my more developed characters and a Madness Combat OC at that, even with the gaps in their characters I am still p proud of them. But for an actual fact: Liquid was renamed from Disposal to Liquid by Spite! Spite is very bad at names, think Asgore's way of naming things
Free Space/Ramble: Liquid was originally a janitor! Someone was watching them and got the idea for a living waste processor and Liquid was used as the subject. They were originally as small as they were as a janitor but had a part time job absorbing waste. It ended up taking up a ton of time as they became required to absorb more and more. They were made into a MAG (considered a defect since they lack aggression but they did their job so they weren't disposed) to help allow them to absorb more waste but also stay a janitor. They ended up in a tank full time absorbing radioactive waste, garbage, chemicals, and whatever else and either processing it or ejecting recyclable stuff. Someone gave them a sandwich one and it led to them leaving their tank sometimes to look for food. Their eye sight isn't the best, they have posters of wanted people but can't read them very well. Their memory is also a bit scrambled so they have forgotten a LOT, including their previous life (which I haven't made yet)
Tags: @lettucetanteo @queensqueercourt @rubinjuweldraws
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