#i haven't posted a gifset in a Hot minute
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mercymaker · 1 month
im really sorry if you have shared this before but i must know what is the dress maleane is wearing in your last reblogged gifset and where do i get it?? its so pretty
ps sveiki no latvijas braliukai love ur work its amazing and love ur pfp
hey, no worries! i just can't find the gifset you're talking about since i haven't reblogged gifs of her in a hot minute. could you send me the link to the post?
and thank you so much! linkėjimai ♥
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bahamutgames · 9 months
100th Post Celebration! Wahoo!!
Hello everyone! Yes you read that right, I've officially reached 100 posts on this tumblr! How exciting!
I know it's not really that crazy of a milestone, but considering this blog was completely inactive not too long ago, I'm happy to see it. It's become a blog I really enjoy and genuinely love coming to update and make little posts about video games on. And I hope you all enjoy seeing me talk on and on about random games too!
Also this account randomly jumped from under 10 followers to just over 50 this year. Which again isn't a lot but still its NUTS to see. I know a lot of you followed specifically for gifsets and I haven't made any in a hot minute. But I appreciate you still being here and maybe even enjoying my ramblings about games I play? Probably not... Maybe?
Regardless if you only read whatever interests you, if you somehow have the mental fortitude to read EVERYTHING, or don't read anything at all and are just wondering where the gifs are. I do appreciate you being here!
Mainly I just wanted to make this post to give a bit of an update on what's happening here. In the new year I still plan to run this blog the exact same way as I did this year. At this point I REALLY like the set up I have for posting my game thoughts and prefer much MUCH more over the old way of sharing thoughts through twitter threads. And I have no intentions of stopping, so I hope you look forward to seeing all the random stuff I play in the coming year!
Outside of just afterthoughts stuff, I do want to make more gifs. I haven't even really scratched the surface of what I could do with just the dozens of smash bros. games, mods, and fangames I have on my computer. And there's tons of other stuff I could make gifs of, and if they do become popular enough I may even consider taking game requests eventually (no promises though)
I have also been considering making some videos for more visually focused afterthoughts or to facilitate my more insane brain worm fueled video game ramblings. Like maybe gushing about random Xbox 360 RPGs or ramblings about Smash Bros. characters. This is just a concept though cause I REALLY don't want to become a youtuber and would only make videos for fun cause I think the stress of doing it regularly would kill me.
Then of course I have a lot of work to do, both for games I'm a part of and my own personal games like Once Upon An Adventure! I really want to buckle down and get some good progress done on it in 2024 (I say this every year so don't hold your breath lmao). But sadly I will also be moving in the first part of 2024 which will, as all moves are, be a long and stressful process. So I probably won't get a TON of gaming done for a bit outside of smaller games and maybe playing some old stuff I've been sitting on for a bit. But we'll see.
Regardless, thank you all VERY much again for your continued support and your interest in anything I say even though it's all pretty much pointless ramblings of an insane person. Look forward to more video game stuff from your pal Bahamutgreen in the future.
Have a great day, happy holidays, and here's to a lovely 2024!
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incarnadinedreams · 1 year
Your favorite jc's ship?
Honestly, I am not attached to any particular ship for him! I'm open to pretty much anything - I've joked that I'm an 'allcheng, anycheng, nocheng, whatevercheng' shipper before. I'm open to anything that makes our purple boy happy! (Or sad, but in a hot way.)
My answer also depends on the setting and how "serious" it's meant to be, if that makes sense? Also whether it's aiming to be fluffy/optimistic/sweet or dark, no thoughts only horny or a well-rounded romance, etc.
If we're talking "what do I think is the most realistic person for him to end up in a relationship with in a 'serious' post novel canon setting that is not a hot dumpster fire?" If anyone, I think it would be some unrelated OC/minor background person not actually named in the novel with minimal baggage/drama/involvement in past events, set long enough after the end of the novel that he's had some time to marinate and tenderize.
But I'm not particularly bothered by a ship needing to feel "canon-rooted"/"canon-plausible" (or for it to not be a dumpster fire) to enjoy fics or art or whatever! So I'm down for almost any pairing, I don't really have any notable NoTPs or limits, and if the setting is canon divergence or AU that obviously opens up a lot of possibilities.
And the fun thing about a fandom centered on a necromancer is that even being dead is not a major roadblock to post-canon shipping!
If I were more into the CQL/Untamed side of the fandom I would definitely be super into ChengQing, there's a lot about it that I think works well, but unfortunately as a mostly novel fan there's a lot less there to work with so a lot of times they're referencing CQL-only plot changes! (I haven't actually seen CQL just enjoyed gifsets and such and have some basic ideas of what the big plot changes are/that there is a comb involved somewhere, no hate to CQL though I think there were some very valid adaptational changes going on there!) But I do still enjoy ChengQing when I come across it anyway, especially the few darker novel-based versions of it floating around out there (though that's overall a rarer take on it).
Of the bigger/popular ships, the one with the most obvious dramatic energy/intensity straight out the box is ChengXian. So much room for angsty activities in that one whooooo boy!
Some ships do take a lot more to get me invested than others though. For example Xicheng is really popular and I can see the appeal, but for me to enjoy it there's just a lot of heavy lifting that has to go on to overcome their canon "Just Some Guy I Politely Chitchat With For No More Than Five Minutes at the Yearly Cultivation Conference" energy, if that makes sense? I can be convinced, it's just a long road from point A to point B for me to be hooked.
I also appreciate the potential of a lot of smaller or rarepairs with characters like Wen Ning, Qin Su, etc.
Crossovers are fun too. That Jar Jar Binks/Jiang Cheng smutfic is genuinely a masterpiece that brings me endless delight every time I remember it exists and I am not being sarcastic about that, it's so deranged and wonderful and makes me giggle just thinking about it.
Sorry this was probably the longest non-answer ever since I really don't have any very strong opinions!
(Also if the anon who sent me that ask an embarrassingly long time ago about fic recs that I still haven't answered is reading I am so sorry I am still trying to organize my bookmarks because I am The Worst and Least Organized I promise I haven't forgotten)
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boykisserbuckley · 3 years
I haven't been here in a hot minute, how are you Becky?? I missed seeing your blog I haven't been really into tumblr lately and I never got notifications for your posts. But I am back to stalking your page respectfully 👀
totally forgot to respond to this bc i was busy making evil gifsets but hi!! have fun stalking my page!! all my gifsets are spoilers tho so if u aren't caught up yet be warned
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