#i haven't finished Pokémon arceus yet
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Hi, I hope you’re doing good in life. I wanted to ask out of curiosity, have you completed Legends Arceus? I don’t mean just get the end credits or battling arceus, but like have you done everything that could be like completed? I know “completed” is kind of a loose definition since what can be considered completed in a game is sometimes debatable and by how the player wants to define “completed.” In my case for example in Arceus, I did the whole story: the credits, the final battle with Arceus, and the daybreak update. I also filled every Pokédex entry, got the shiny charm, did all of the side quests including the ballon mini games and the path of solitude quests, got every crafting recipe, all the Hisuian poems and I won fifty battles in a row in the eternal battle reverie and got a special mark on my trainer card from Arceus for doing that. That’s my personal criteria for completing Arceus and I was wondering if you’d done the same. Before Arceus, I had never cared about doing things like completing the Pokédex or things like the battle facilities(mainly because I suck at competitive battling and am too lazy to do things like EV train), but Arceus was the first Pokémon game where I did any of that stuff. I loved the game so much that I actually wanted to and was willing to do stuff like that. I was curious if you’d done the same since you seem to love the game as much as I do.
Hey friend!! Wow what an accomplishment!! It certainly sounds like a lot so it's fantastic that you got through all of that!!
I have not finished PLA to these standards like you have, but I am SO CLOSE!!! I've done all of the above except for two things:
-Ingo's paths of solitude
-completing the eternal battle reverie
I really struggle with Ingo's paths of solitude; THEY'RE SO HARD!!! I've been doing my best with it but it's very slow going haha, Ingo really knows his battle techniques ;o;
And the 50 battles in a row, I simply haven't done yet as I was always concerned I'd never have enough time at once to do it, and I want to get it all done at once.
BUT YES! just the same as you, I've never been motivated to ever complete any pokemon game. But I'd found myself just naturally doing it with PLA since I've enjoyed playing it so much, so I just kept going. I'm not as far as you, but I'm almost there!!
What a fun question OP, thank you!! ^^
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I swear, sometimes Pokémon fan is one of the most emotionally draining fandoms to be in. Literally all I said that I never finished Fire Red and Leaf Green because I thought it was a little bit boring and almost immediately I get people biting my god damn head off.

The first guy.... what do they mean by "the OGs?" They can't be talking about FRLG because they aren't the OGs, Red and Blue are. Are they lumping ALL the old games together? Do they assume that because I thought FRLG was boring that I think ALL of the OG games are boring?? That couldn't be farther from the truth.
I love Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. I've played all three. I like Crystal more than Heart Gold and Soul Silver. I haven't played Red, Blue or Yellow so I don't have an opinion on them yet. Fire Red and Leaf Green are the only Gen 1-3 games I didn't enjoy yet this guy thinks I'm some "Noob that doesn't appreciate the Classics™". That's the vibe I get from from.
Also imagine unironically saying that someone needs to get therapy just because they don't love a video game 😭
The second guy.... jumps to the wrong conclusion almost immediately. Once again, lumping the "OGs" together. And thinking that I found FRLG boring because *checks notes* I found the puzzles to be difficult???? What???? I never mentioned puzzles at all??? If you must know, I found FRLG to be boring because it's pretty grindy. No Lucky Egg (that I'm aware of) and a high level curve (Level 5- Level 65). Lots of mindless running back and forth beating wild Pokémon to level up. The story is kinda bare bones. But that's okay, it's literally a remake of the first Pokémon game, telling a story wasn't their priority yet. I got Gen 5, 7, 8 (Legends Arceus specifically) and 9 to give me good stories. Gen 3 and 4 were good too, but Gen 5 was when they REALLY started flexing their writing skills.
And another thing... I know that guy was trying to defend me, even if it was misguided but they have this real condescending tone
Finally, the last sentence of the last guy. Holy Gatekeeping, Batman! How dare I enjoy the later generations (aka the ones I grew up with) more than "The OGs!" (aka the ones they grew up with). I hate how they imply that wanting to play USUM, SwSh and Scarlet/Violet over the "OGs" is a bad thing.
They're acting like I said that FRLG is an abomination, a trash fire, worst game ever, complete garbage but I DIDN'T SAY THAT????? I didn't even say that FRLG was BAD, it's not! I just said that I didn't have motivation to finish it!
I'm freaking AUTISTIC, I don't have motivation to finish A LOT of games! It's just unfortunate that Leaf Green was the Pokémon game that got hit with that! I finished Radical Red like 4 times, and it's basically the same game as Leaf Green, but harder and with more Pokémon (and an Audino Trainer to make grinding easier.)
#pokémon#pokemon#Y'all chill out 😭#seriously what the fuck#Spent up 11 years of my life witnessing all my favourite nostalgic Pokémon games getting called trash fires and every insult under the sun#But the second I say one mildly negative thing about an old game it's suddenly unforgivable.#Gee not so nice seeing a game you like get dunked on isn't it 🙃#I'm old enough to remember when Gen 5 was the most hated Pokémon game.#I was terrified of saying that I liked Gen 5 because I literally got cyberbullied because of it.#And now the Gen 5 fans are cyber bullying the Gen 6-9 fans. They totally forgot when the Gen 1-3 fans were sending death threats to THEM#I don't interact with other Pokémon fans much. I just browse the plush subs and memes and play the games at home by myself
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I got asked about Defeated By A Mere Child...
I didn't want to go and answer the asks with a huge dump of text, so I decided to post this separately to whoever is interested in reading a bit more about my reasons for being in a hiatus.
There was more than only one factor that led me to the hiatus.
First of all: time. I graduated in 2019 from Language Arts course, but back in 2021 I started another course (Game Design), and I also got a job in 2022… So for the past 1 year and a half or so, I've been not only studying again, but working too, meaning that time has become scarce… And here I need to mention that DBAMC is not my only creative project, even though it is one of the only projects I ever managed to actually "put out there in the world", I guess… But with all the games I'd like to make, all the unfinished fanfictions in my AO3 (Including the DBAMC one!), all the other comics I still want to create (fancomics and original projects), drawings I still want to make, RPG campaings I'm playing (with sessions that I owe my friends), yada yada, DBAMC has become only one of thousands of things "in line", and yet another project that I keep thinking of and wishing to some day finish. Specially because the little free time I've got, at the end of the day, always ends up being consumed by playing Baldur's Gate or watching Youtube, simply because I'm too tired to produce actual content after a whole week of work (that's modern capitalism for you)…
All that aside, there are emotional factors related to it as well. (Sad Backstory Unlocked).
Jokes apart, I lost a dear relative around the time Legends Arceus was first around, and it was a difficult period for me, meaning I found it hard to keep up with the Pokémon franchise (and any other franchises to be fair). Pokémon released Legends, the Sinnoh remake, DLCs, and in the middle of all that I was still trying to successfully incorporate the characters from SwSh into my comics... I had no time and energy to look up the new content, couldn't play the games since I don't have a Switch, and just ended up stressed abouot not knowing the new content, thinking I should be working on it to keep up with the fandom for the sake of the comics - Now, I want to clarify, I created this problem myself, in my head, on my own (as one with anxiety does). No one from my followers ever pressured me to keep up with releases or anything, but I ended up turning it into a problem in my head and couldn't tackle it in a productive manner.
The fact that now ScaVio has also launched and I still haven't even touched anything from Legends or even the SwSh DLCs should explain how much I distanced myself from the new Pokémon content ever since, in part due to bad emotional associations with the loss I experienced, but also due to not liking how GameFreak / Nintendo have been managing the development of their games recently, AND also due to simple lack of time to go after anything other than "let me take a look at the new pokémon" (Tinkaton is my favorite Fairy Type ever, just in case anyone is interested).
Thing is, I couldn't keep up with the new content, as much as I love Pokémon and as much as I love all the content up to SwSh. The fact I couldn't keep up led to my anxiety acting up (plus emotional difficulties due to personal life stuff), leading to me deciding to take a break. Lack of time in general ended up becoming the main reason why the break hasn't ended yet, unfortunately.
So, all the context aside, am I gonna get back working on DBAMC content?
The short answer is: I don't know. I want to, but I don't know if I'll manage. I do want to do it, eventually.
I still have no idea when I'll be able to work on comics again, being 100% honest. But there are two things I can tell:
First, it's not gonna happen before July 2024, because that's when I'm expecting to finish my graduation project. I'll still have to finish one or maybe more disciplines after that, but the most difficult part should be over by the middle of next year... Still, this is not a promise DBAMC will be back after I finish college. I'm just saying that it will certainly not happen before that.
Second is that, whenever I manage to get back, I have decided that I will not incorporate newer content in the comics, at least not so soon. This has to do with the reasons cited above, of course, but also has to do with all the complicated "logistics" that adding new characters to comics turned out to be (incorporating Rose and Piers was a lot harder than I expected, since I had to re-write and change already written scripts and change the order of comics and etc... I won't be able to do that again with even newer characters).
All that said, I have at least ONE good thing to say: I've been revisiting my written content in AO3, wanting to get back writing some projects, and that includes the prequel I wrote to my DBAMC comics! I've been wanting to at least publish the last two chapters so that the story can be complete! So this is something I am planning to do in January, if everything works out. :)
I understand that it's definitely not the news any old follower of the blog expected... But it's what I can do for now...
If you read everything... Wow. Thank you!
Happy new year, everyone!
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BLOGROLL TIME !! most of these are not on the carrd blogroll linked in the pinned post, because i'm adding them there only when they are completely fixed and ready to go ( apart from the info page, because i usually need to roleplay a character for some time to understand where i want to bring them and write the bio ), but today i've been moving a bunch of blogs and taking decisions, so i figured that some of you might be interested in where to find me even if the blog isn't ready yet! some blogs are very new and some are 2019 relics - in general, if you see blogs without updated pinned posts, don't worry, they're still sideblogs of this one, i just need to update them!
most of the following blogs are sideblogs of soultoken; i eventually decided to still keep two separate dashboards for my own comfort, one where i go only when my friends' wakfu muses are awake ( risinglcgcnd ) and my scp foundation dash ( ukulclc, and its sideblogs insurgc and containprotocol ). the main blog is still specified in the list!
also, consider that there are blogs that i still haven't passed ( like tm1o, which will come, i just need to find the will to reorganize it ) and that i might still add some ( like a blog for cecil palmer, because i definitely want to roleplay him on his own separate blog. it's not already present just because i've been thinking of an url for him for two hours straight and couldn't find one ).

soultoken / canon divergent john constantine / main blog for the following codedparaiso / don't look unless you finished pokémon scavio! tapumana / canon divergent four tapus from pokémon sun&moon ecliidse / canon divergent nanu from pokémon sun&moon backstatiion / canon divergent ingo from legends: arceus truebeginnings / canon divergent, gen7 trainer red hcadquartcrs / human!verse centred skipper from madagascar crownhcart / multifandom multimuse cfjacks / handsome jack from the borderlands series derocca / paranormal investigator original character gcdhunter / monster hunter original character itchiing / monster original character
ukulclc / alto clef from the scp foundation / main blog for the following insurgc / chaos insurgency original character containprotocol / scp foundation multimuse
risinglcgcnd / tristepan from wakfu / main blog for the following coeurdeiop / wakfu multimuse
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Saying that Pokémon is a franchise very near and dear to my heart is a bit of an understatement. Pokémon Emerald was one of the first games I played, and the anime was probably my first anime. I'm pretty sure I've watched every Indigo League, Hoenn and XY(Z) episode, and I've played at least one of every single mainline Pokémon game. So I made a tier list because I can't think of a topic and I'm currently playing Scarlet and Violet so :P.
Get ready for some hot takes. Also, I know you won't find this interesting at all, but at this point I'm writing these more for myself so sorry :/.
S Tier
Pokemon Emerald was among my first Pokémon games along with Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed and LeafGreen, so I look at them with extremely rose tinted lenses, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people grew up with them too so I don't think that's a very hot take. (Yes, I know it came out 2 years before I was born, but I never had a console, much less a Nintendo one, so I played the Gen 3 games in a browser. And plus, I think the remakes of Ruby and Sapphire, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are regarded as some of the best games?[citation needed].) Even so, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald are still really awesome games. With Gen 1 and 2 games being very linked, with even the ability to travel to Kanto in the Johto games, RSE was sort of a soft reboot, introducing 135 new Pokémon, and very little repeats from older generations. It was also the game to introduce abilities, inherent traits to Pokémon that assist in battles or in other ways outside of battle, and separating the Special Attack and Special Defense stats completely, which had the unfortunate side effect of making transferring from Gen 1 and 2 games to Gen 3 games impossible, so they created FireRed and LeafGreen, the first generation games, remade for the GameBoy Advance, and Emerald, to introduce the rest of the Pokémon yet to be obtainable from the previous games. Emerald was basically an enhanced version of Ruby and Sapphire. A slightly different story involving both Team Aqua and Team Magma (basically, every Pokémon has an evil team, with different goals. In RSE, Team Aqua and Magma want to submerge the earth and create more land respectively), animated sprites, and the third of the Weather Trio, Rayquaza, gets a role in the main story. And the best thing from the Gen 3 games, the Pokémon.
The Gen 3 games gave us:
The cutest Pokémon ever
Some of the coolest grass types
A pretty cute and interesting line. (Art by RoastedStix on DeviantArt. Although, I'd advise against searching up Gardevoir art. Some terrible people exist on the internet.)
Okay, I'll refrain from flooding this post with images from just this game. But you get the point.
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are the Gen 3 games remade for the 3DS, with 3D Pokémon and features added in from Gen 4-6, including, Mega Evolutions, basically beefed up cool looking fully-evolved Pokémon, like the 4th in the Sceptile line.
A Tier
Heart Gold and Soul Silver are remakes of the Gold and Silver Gen 2 games. Decent enough games, but the inclusion of walking Pokémon bumps it up significantly.
This is what I was trying to achieve when I accidentally released the Grovyle that I cried about. The Pokémon admittedly are kinda forgettable, except for Quilava who is one of my favourites.
And the level curve is terrible. I somehow didn't even evolve Quilava by the time I beat the Champion, and the Gym Leader levels are weird. Otherwise, pretty fun, along with the new features from Gen 3 and 4.
I haven't finished Legends Arceus yet because of my ancient laptop and inability to afford a Switch, but from what I played and heard and watched, looks pretty fun.
I put Black and White and its sequels in the B tier in the tier list, but I think they're A tier games. Stellar story that stands out a lot from the other pretty much cookie cutter stories, it goes over the morality of Poké Balls and owning Pokémon, and some of my favourite Pokémon. The Pokémon in Gen 5 doesn't seem to be very popular, but I love them.
These two starters are among my favourites, and picking one of them was so hard. I ended up picking Snivy in Black and Oshawott in White 2.
Huh, I just realised, the Oshawott line is one of two starter lines that go from biped to quadruped from all 27. I found a post analyzing the walking habits of every starter to predict what the Gen 9 starters would evolve into.
Ah, poor /u/RazarTuk, all your predictions were wrong.
A mole that's literally a excavation drill.
A literal Hydra with a little easter egg for people who know German numbers. Deino, Zweilous and Hydreigon. (Art by SeleneEde on Deviant Art.)
Electric Zebra.
Alright uh I don't think I have the time to get into the rest so, I'll sign off with a hot take. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are not awful.
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I am guy name of Jay. See helpful playlist:
I enjoy video games (playing or watching streams/let's plays), making art (digital or traditional), taking photographs (film or digital), writing poems, voice acting, singing, colorizing black & white photos, video editing, gif making, reading books about queer history, archiving & collecting things, and running millions of sideblogs. I have a BFA w/ graphic design concentration and printmaking minor. Making art is physically painful for my body but I am trying to get back into it after long hiatus.
I am an annoying millennial and I have been on this website since 2011. I make frequent use of the block button. I enjoy reblogging images of creatures, shitposts, pastel items, old men, and such. I am an enjoyer of many things. Such as OFMD, Star Trek (TOS/TNG and a few other treks), Twin Peaks, Disco Elysium, Red Dwarf, HALYX (I run the @halyx archive!), Dune (the 1984 David Lynch film), Pokémon (mostly gen 1, PMD, and legends arceus), Animal Crossing (GC, NL, NH), Fallout (mostly NV, have played 3 & 4. Haven't finished 1 & 2 yet), Elder Scrolls (mostly Skyrim, some Oblivion, and Beyond Skyrim Bruma + the standalone Enderal game), TTRPGs (still new to the concept; I've played some one-shots and part of a DND campaign) and others. My favorite band is Tennis. I tag music I enjoy with #jay.mp3 on here.
I post music on soundcloud as Milkproxy. I also post some of them here with the #jay.midi tag.
These are the songs that are most important to me (not ranked):
I am a gay femme and exclusively T4T. Monogamous trans guys born 1993-1999 and live in Appalachia can try to court me. If they want. Just understand that I have the romantic disposition of a Victorian dandy or a skittish deer. Chaste and patient is the way to go. This blogger is romanceable.
I am also always trying to make friends in general so feel free to reach out regardless. I socialize a lot better in group settings than one-on-one but I will try! Just drop me a DM or smth, I will try to get back to you. Also feel free to invite me to Jackbox game nights, movie watch-alongs, and similar. :)
I'm disabled. I'm AuDHD (although I prefer to just call myself autistic), and have CPTSD, OCD, P-DID, depression, anxiety, and fibromyalgia. I have also had two traumatic brain injuries, and this affects how I think/speak/type. I'm trying to press on though. smiles
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I can add Emmet from Pokémon Black and White into my kinlist
#the first non sonic kin#yay#but also#i haven't finished Pokémon arceus yet#emmet kin#submas kin#kin
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things i write !
this blog has a focus on "male character x reader" content.
my preferred reader is male reader, but i will also write for gender neutral reader as well. when it comes to nsfw content, i also have a preference on writing bottom reader. it says a lot about me but i'll leave it at that. ♡
simply put, i write mlm/nblm content.
i personally will not do:
female reader
female characters ( in a romantic context )
i hope you understand ♡
i am also a bit unsure on how to write trans reader, as i myself am not trans. i am more than willing to try however, but i do suggest you find other people who have a better understanding and are more willing to :)
i am also ok with writing mlm/nblm canon character ships, but would prefer to stick with content that includes the reader.
types of content! section a
these are some genres i will be writing here!
nsfw ( teehee. )
angst ( not as prominent, i am not too big on angst :') )
etc, i am open to a lot of things
however, there will be specific things i won't write.
strictly dark content ( some of the things i write may be on the lines of dark if it ever comes to it, but it won't be too deep and it will be tagged accordingly )
extreme kinks and/or fetishes.
if you're unsure, please ask!
types of content ! section b
i will do my best to write the following:
short/long fics
my average writing for a one-shot styled fic will be approximately 1.8k-2k words. i haven't experimented writing longer fics yet, however, so the length for those may vary. these may take longer to write, considering i am crap at writing fics.
headcanons list
the length of headcanons will vary based on how many characters are included, the kind of headcanons and just how creative i am in general.
shorter than an average short fic, will approximately be 500-1k words, give or take.
these will just be short blurbs. blorbo. mini stuff. probably a lot of it will be nsfw.
what i write for !
these are some of the things i'll write for, my fandoms basically!
genshin impact
every male chara is fair game! certain charas will be a bit tougher to write for certain content. please, feel free to ask beforehand!
honkai star rail
i'll write for most of the male characters! welt ♡♡, gepard, jing yuan ♡♡, blade, sampo, dan heng and any others.
obey me! shall we date?
all male charas are fair game! no luke ( nsfw/romantic content ) for obvious reasons.
i prefer writing for dante, quincy, kuya AND eiden ( my faves! ) but am not against the others!
pokémon ( to a certain extent of my knowledge )
i've played legends arceus, shield, scarlet/violet!!
persona 5/royal/strikers
male charas are fair game! preferred ryuji tho, funny man.
jujutsu kaisen
nanami kento. and more of course, but i have an obsession with him, i need him...
and perhaps some others i will add soon!
requests how-to !
you now know what content i write, and the fandoms i'm apart of. you're free to request me to write according to what i've provided you here :)
first and foremost, i ask that you be as detailed as you'd like when requesting. it helps me get a better understanding of what you would like, and it will generally just help my thinking flow.
if you submit a vague idea, it will take a while longer for me to do, for obvious reasons. ^^
next, i have every right to refuse a request within my comfort. i will address it if you submit it anonymously, or send you a dm if you did not! i hope you understand when i do refuse. if you however cannot take no as an answer, i will block you.
if by chance, i somehow receive a lot of requests, i will close them accordingly! they will open again once i am done with clearing up whatever requests i need to finish! please refrain from sending in requests when i state that they are closed!
that's pretty much it for requests! i look forward to seeing what you have in mind!
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Honestly XY Megas is one of the all time Pokémon mechanics ever.I loved the fact megas was built of trust and love between the trainer and Pokémon.
I know a lot of people want them back(including me) but I don’t think they ever will unless we get a x and y remake which I would love.
I get you with the open world thing cuz I don’t people many if any open world game so sometimes my unfocused brain gets bored if I don’t have direct orders on what to do.
I don’t know if u played arcues but for me Im struggling to complete it idk why but I cuz cant lol so I hope I don’t for this game.
And yes the teams team skull and big bad guzma will all ways be favs becausw of the goofiness.HOWEVER how this was balanced out was with the Aeather paradise plot making it serious when need be and to show a more looming threats hiding underneath.
Team yell was so lazy I don’t even think they gave it more than a minutes thought.To me it was also like they wanted to replicate the vibe of team skull but failed miserably.So I hope they bring it back with this regional evil team and make them super evil again.
And with the badges thing I’m split to be honest. It does make sense for people to do it at different times seeing as they might live closer to that gym and it’s never stated to have an order(like you said with other trainers and brock)but to make it just makes the build up less important?Like I could go to the last first and takes away suspense.Idk to be fair you could do that in let’s go eevee I think?
(God my writing is everywhere lol)
I have a trainsona as well I just cant hack the children thing.it makes the game better imaginging I’m dealing with all this shit and it fun thinking of me and my Pokémon bonding lol.
I just hope the graphics are good and the world looks good instead of blocky.
Now I’m sorry for rambling lol.
I haven't finished Arceus yet either! I'm ruled by my hyperfixations, so when they switched I wasn't really able to keep playing, but now that I'm Back On Pokemon I'll probably get back to it lmao. a friend sent me a shiny Chimchar bc it was my first pokemon, so I'm really excited to have him lmao,, I've also seen plenty of spoilers by now and omg. Giratina is my favorite legendary, I Must See It Again
I get what you're saying about the gyms too! the final gym leaders always feel like strong obstacles bc you've already come so far, they're the last thing standing in your way,, I've felt that same way about the E4, since they've started letting us challenge them in any order? facing Lucian in Diamond definitely felt a lot more intense bc I HAD to fight my way through others to get to him, and I don't mind it in Unova bc it was the first time we could choose the order, but since then it's just been a lil bland imo. But maybe that's also just bc it's been constant too? I wouldn't mind alternating leagues, or being able to challenge them in any order on rematches.
speaking of evil teams and all that. I know very little will ever hit the personal level of "holy SHIT team rocket's boss is the LAST GYM LEADER," and "MY RIVAL IS THE SON OF TEAM ROCKET'S BOSS????" but. I'd love to have more of a personal relationship with the evil team? maybe a rival who gets sick of losing to you, so they join the villains? or a character like Colress, who's only with them for his own reasons and is still clearly interested in you too. again, I do adore N Harmonia, so I'm partial to his role in everything too lmao. a part of me is hoping that the professors end up involved, bc I think it would be super cool.
I do think SWSH had a lot of potential; Rose did have a point, but the story pacing was a total mess. like,, Galar's air is apparently so toxic that the poison-type Weezing gained a regional form to PURIFY the air, they could've done sooo much with the base ideas they have there.
most of this talking is just the Writer Brain I can't turn off though lmao, I love Pokemon more than basically anything and it's been a constant throughout my entire life; I'm beyond excited for these games and I can't WAIT
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My comment on chapter 6
Well, here goes my comment on chapter 6, just before chapter 7 Why did you post it here and up to this point? Because I barely finished the memes and only here I can comment this with memes.

About the new discovery... Well, objectively speaking, it was very good how you handled that discovery of our dear Arceus. It was not something treated with morbid curiosity but with delicacy and innocence.
I liked it a lot and it made me think about many things that I will talk about later.
Speaking more personally, the truth is that I died laughing when I read it, I'm sorry! I already have my head very contaminated with the memes that men do with that topic, and the meme above is the clear representation of that xD.
P.S. :One thing I would like to add is a question and a complaint. If Arceus was supposed to have been in it for about an hour ... That means he did "it" while the shower head was open? Because if so, that means Arceus wasted a LOT of water. And yes, I understand the context and all but, no shit Arceus! There's a state in my country that has no water and this guy just spends it stupidly on that! XD
There, that's all I had to say. Something very "XD" and out of nowhere but I had to mention that, LOL.

Oh Delia's aunt, that was one of the funniest things in the whole story in my opinion. Very cool lady and all, but she's a little too intense xd.
I got a good laugh out of seeing Delia doing her best not to be on top but it wasn't worth it, now she even convinced her to have something with that guy who saved her life.
It seems to me that this lady watches Latin soap operas every afternoon, because she is that kind of person. What's more! I could tell she asks you if you've gotten a date yet at Christmas dinners xD.
But sure, I like that even she has an important role with a personality that to me is memorable. Maybe one day I'll deign to make a fanart based on how I imagine her.

That big walk in the festival was very nice, funny to imagine Arceus insisting with Delia about what she has the gift of aura, eating delicious food and seeing that charming town. All very nice, no reyeni moments and always on the way to the main story while the characters are growing up I like! I understand that in this kind of scenes it's easy to lose the way but very good! I like that everything goes according to a great plan! >:D
God, I can't imagine Arceus' face when he realized he became what he swore to destroy. He captured a random Pokémon (a Ditto) and it will be fun and interesting to see what happens with that, I mean, seeing Arceus dealing with this will be something very entertaining and I think that will end very well.

Okay, now let's talk a little bit about Cogita. She's a love as a person and as a grandmother (?). It's nice to see how Arceus can always count on her for anything, very cute indeed. Reminds me of my Russian Empire version of the contryhuman, both are loving and trying to guide their respective loved ones, thanks to his wisdom and experience of centuries (in the case of Cogita Thousands of years)
Only my Russian Empire is more of a dad than a grandpa jsjsjs.
It gives me a lot of intrigue, truth be told. I want to know more in detail her story, I want to know more about her history with Arceus and more from her regarding her relationship with Volo (Though most likely in chapter 7 you'll answer me some of this).
My god, I haven't played the pokemon legends Arceus game, but is Volo really that dangerous? What I've seen of him in the gameplays is that to me he's just religiously obsessed with Arceus and his vision of how the world should be. I thought Arceus would see him as a nutty guy who managed to make a mess out of that madness…. But now I see that here he's more like a VERY dangerous nutcase. I'M EXCITED FOR WHAT'S COMING UP NEXT WITH THIS VILLAIN!!!….
Arceus sure is sick of him, he doesn't even want to see him anymore. I'm sure his insanity and immortality made him very irritating for this god.

Bonus: This way the meme still looks funny, the actor's face from the original meme came out just the right way for this image. LOL
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Happy birthday! As a gift here’s a free pass to recommend everyone that one book/movie/game/whatever you’re dying to talk about lol
I have not had this much fun with a Pokémon game in YEARS OH MY GOD.
This is the BEST DAMN POKEMON GAME. I have spent over 30 hours in it so far (in two different game files - rushed through to finish the story, then restarted to actually take my time and enjoy it), and it is SO MUCH FUN. I hope there is DLC (paid or unpaid, doesn't matter to me), and that more games are made in this vein because oh my god, it's fantastic.
Also for any HORROR FANS out there, I'm reading The Last House on Needless Street and good god is it FANTASTIC. I highly recommend you check it out! Archive 81 on Netflix is really good too, haven't finished it yet so no spoilers, but I plan on watching the last few episodes this weekend/next week sometime.
And thank you for the birthday gift, @cormorantcolors!
#ask#answer#legends arceus#pokemon legends#spheal#they see me rollin'#they hatin'#the last house on needless street#archive 81
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Hi! I've just finished binge reading all your pokemon tamerverse fics and I thought I'd drop by and tell you I'm hooked. :) I know you're not writing for that fandom at the moment, but just wanted to let you know how awesome those stories are.
Your world building is the best I've ever seen in the pokemon fandom, and while I've always been a fan of the darker, grittier style of pokemon fics, yours have completely blown the others out the water. I honestly don't know how I can read any other pokemon fics now. You have ruined me. Congrats. :)
And what an incredible and unique idea the whole tamer thing is! I've been playing BDSP recently and even though you haven't done a fic set in sinnoh (yet...?) I'm still picturing the characters as various tamer types. The tie-ins with the manga, particularly in Triumvirate, are brilliant too - the manga is imo such an underrated version of the pokemon stories and it's good to see the earlier volumes getting some love.
(Also don't even get me started on the N chapter in Clash of Crowns - I've seen everyone else's comments on it and it turns out my reaction of simultaneously bawling my eyes out and wanting more isn't that uncommon. But yeah, that chapter utterly destroyed me. I'm now trying to find fluffy ferriswheelshipping fics. Please let me know if there's any you recommend.)
Anyway, enough of my ramblings. Just wanted to let you know that those fics are still very much loved. I do hope you'll return to that fandom some day, but I totally get that sometimes people just move on, so no pressure!
Have an amazing day! :)
Thank you so much for this incredible message! It is truly an honor to know that there are people enjoying those old fics to this day, and I'm glad they bring you some joy and entertainment. I'm not done with Pokémon, still working on that Hoenn fic for a certainty, and the new Legends: Arceus game really hit me hard with Pokémon fever. I know those are fics that will always be there to revisit and update at some point.
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Hey, so what do you think about those Pokémon 4G remakes ? Personally, I'm SO glad not to have been hyped for those remakes, because oh my god, do they look terrible ! I mean, I'm glad I haven't bought S/S because they really look low effort, and I lost faith in GameFreak with USUM, so I wasn't looking forward for the 4G remakes ; but I still feel kinda disappointed because Platinum was my first Pokémon game and I was still "expecting" better... The Arceus open world could be cool though.
For me I’m a Gen 4 diehard and I’m proud of it.
My first Pokémon game was Pearl and it got me hooked. I think I calculated at some point I currently have like 30,000 hours clocked into the game.
I’m sure I’ll have my gripes with the remakes but I hold onto a little hope that the remakes they showed are nowhere NEAR being finished.
Regardless, I’m really excited to reunite with the team in a fresh and new atmosphere like we did when I was little. I’ve played a ton of DPPT emulators and those are always fun but ultimately I want to relive the magic in a fun, new light.
Personally, my big dream is to work for GF making the games, and I had a head full of ideas I wanted for the remakes, some of which I might post later.
There are some things I would improve and I’m kind of disappointed they went with the Chibi look, but I’m too overcome with high hopes and excitement to let that deter me.
Legends Arceus looks really fun though and I think it makes SWSH make sense. SWSH was probably a contained experiment/filler to see how people would respond to an open world thing. Overall, I’m really excited!!!! Gamefreak has managed to siphon money out of my wallet yet again...
#pokemon#pokémon diamond and pearl#pokemonpearl#pokémon dppt#pokemondiamond#gen 4 remakes#gen 4 pokemon#gen 4
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Yesss, I knew you'd get them! 😂😂😂
I need to get Animal Crossing! 😭 I'm currently playing Pokémon Violet and then I'll probably go back to Arceus after. 😅 I played all the releases growing up, so I love them! I never played Sonic growing up, I tended to watch my dad play SNES games like Mario and Donkey Kong and the Disney ones.
I don't think I've been to the theater in years. 😅 But I do love the Harry Potter movies and Studio Ghibli movies a ton!
Okay, I think I know what B99 is (Brooklyn 99?) but I will admit I don't know the other two, lmao. I've been on a rewatching the Survivor seasons kick lately. 😂 But I also love like Criminal Minds and lots of KDramas.
Animmeeeeeee! 🥰 I haven't seen most of those, lmfao. I'll have to add them to my list to watch!! Except SpyxFamily, I absolutely love that one too! I love like big series like Fairy Tail and Bleach and Inuyasha, too. Also stuff like Yona of the Dawn (😭 I wish they'd finish it!) and Fruits Basket! :3
Lmfao, that's such a mood. I usually read fanfics for like Dramione or like Monsta X/Stray Kids fics. But I also loooooove to read! My favorites are Scott Westerfeld books (except the Leviathan series, I haven't tried it yet), Mortal Instruments world books, and Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters world for a more spicy read. 😂 Though, I a bookshelf almost lining one wall of my room and have so many more I wanna get. 😂😂😂😭
Cotton candy definitely fits for you! You're light and sweet and just enough that it doesn't make everyone get sick but that they can all mesh well with you and enjoy life with you! :3 I used to say I'd be a Wonderball, which was an old 90s candy they don't really make the same anymore. 😂 Cause I'm one thing on the outside and then you open me up and I've still got a surprise inside!

I have nothing really exciting or productive to say, so enjoy these 90s memes. 😂
Wait! I also have questions if ya want em! What are your top 5 (or 3, or whatever you wanna! I'm just hoping to help your work time pass quicker and get to know you more, lol.) of each : video games, movies, TV shows, anime shows, and books!
Also, a personal favorite question of mine, lmfao, if you were a candy, which would you be and why? 🤍
y'know, this is even funnier cuz we're born in the same year lmAO
Video games: I don't play much games during my childhood but sonic was one of my fave during then. and now i'm playing animal crossing, pokemon unite and untitled goose game on my switch
Movies: hmmmmm i can't think of any rn cuz i've not been to the cinema for quite some time
TV shows: god when was the last time i watched TV. I'd be interested in B99, BBT, and uhhhhh TOH is my recent wanna watch
Anime! My language! : Haikyuu!! Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Psycho Pass, Koe no Katachi, and hmmmmmmm I'd say Spy x Family!
I'll skip books cuz all i've been reading are fanfictions hshshshshshshshs
Candy hmmm.... I'd go with marshmallow or cotton candy. Idk they just popped up in my head. What would you describe me as?
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