#i haven't done anything particularly inventive with his design
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fluffydeoxys · 2 months ago
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been working on my design for mr wimble cus it's been on my mind for a while. it's been fun!
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julimar-cool · 7 months ago
A little sad that I can't see the fireworks rn, but I do have a lot of free time to finally talk about one of my interests! Experimental musical instruments. I couldn't tell you why, but my fascination revolves pretty exclusively around acoustic instruments making sounds in an interesting way. This extends to more traditional instruments that weren't designed with the intention of pushing any boundaries (I love the dan k'ni so much) but that's a whole different thing. I specifically want to talk about the people who inspire me and what I find interesting, and I'd like to start with Nicolas Bras (you can find him on youtube, tiktok, and wherever else he posts). He was sort of my gateway to getting into experimental instruments, and that definitely makes sense. A lot of what he does is taking an instrument that already exists, and seeing what he can do to innovate on it, and I feel like seeing these things you're familiar with be transformed into something new is a great way to start learning. The way he sees the world definitely opened my eyes a bit too, he's stopped several videos in their tracks because he dropped something on the floor, scraped something, or otherwise accidentally made a sound that he finds interesting, then he takes the time to sample these sounds at various pitches before continuing on his project. He also does collabs with people who are more experienced playing the instrument he's trying to replicate (he had a singer on for his video on the kazoo, that was amazing. Plus it makes sense). After watching his videos for a while I eventually found Bart Hopkin, and his work absolutely rocked my world. You can find him on youtube, but I'd also recommend checking out his website, particularly his "instrumentarium".
He innovates a lot more with his designs, and seeing this whole new world of sound changed the way I view music (some highlights. Savart's wheel, the "moe" family, and spools and wheels. Don't expect some kind of beautiful harp or flute like sounds, savart's wheel in particular is harsh and unpleasant, and I love it so dearly). I think it's around this point that I had read all of the summaries of his instruments and watched almost every video on his youtube channel, and I just started looking for any unique instrument I could find. From there, I found people like Leonard Solomon ("Bellowphone" on youtube), Andy Thurlow (creator of the Anarchestra. The youtube channel you want to check out is "anarchestra instruments"), and Görkem Şen ("Yaybahar" on youtube). Briefly, Leonard Solomon's work got me more interested in organs and how they work, Andy Thurlow's work is just cool, and Görkem Şen's yaybahar genuinely sent me on a spiral, and that's something I want to touch on more. The natural echo of the yaybahar was so baffling when I was first exposed to it. It was so beautiful and sad, I think I might have cried. It really made me want to make a difference and design something so radical, and so beautiful, and crazy, and monstrous, that it would inspire someone else to get into instruments too. And I guess it really is just instruments now. I've since spent hours upon hours researching instruments from all over the world, and I could probably name any instrument you could show me. Music has been so important to me throughout my entire life, and the idea of making new sounds is just so wonderful, and so promising, and I just love it so much. Very happy to be talking about all of this! I hope I don't come off as pretentious in any way, I'm not some kind of expert or anything, I am nineteen. I haven't even done anything huge yet, just a banjo, a few flutes, and a lap-played banjolele sort of thing. I'm working on a little accordion though! With real reeds! Maybe I'll actually post it someday, this post has really brought back the old feelings of discovering these things for the first time. Indulge your interests! Do what makes you happy! If you can!
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years ago
Since no one cares about Alola I can therefore say what I want.
Team Rocket's Pokémon are all worthless toss. That's such a surprise from this oafish writing team.
Remember when Jessie and James had two each, to offer variety? Permitting them even that is too much focus nowadays.
We don't what anything interesting going on, thank you. Repetition is what we and they deserve.
Arbok, Weezing, Lickitung and Victreebel are spinning in their graves.
Stufful was missing for three years and she displayed not the slightest pang of concern until its belated invention. Given her temper she ought to have torn the island apart searching for her baby, but no.
Not bothered about Bewear. It shouldn't really be in this list as it didn't belong to them, although catching has no value anymore.
A bit thick are we? Or conforming to the usual parental standards?
Well, she's sufficiently neglectful that she let it out of her sight long enough for it to be crushed under a tree, then was too idle to come to the rescue. In consequence he was obliged to wait days until one of Lusamine's lackeys arrived.
She's 'Mama Bear' though, isn't she?
It's based on a red panda, is partly the colour of a black bear and as strong as a grizzly, but all that is a mere cover for its true nature as a Bear-Face Ham.
The modern pretence is that everyone's a vegetarian (are they balls), and Ursa Major lives on fruit, not, you know, flesh.
Just because it there's no hibernating in the tropics doesn't mean it can get by without a salmon now and again.
The name is stupid, since a red panda is not a bear. A play on words isn't clever if based on what it isn't.
They should've called her 'Pandamonia', or 'Pandour', which is a brutal soldier.
It is at least redeemed by battering the klepto cockroach into the next dimension. Good on 'er.
Mind you, this is Alola, a cesspit of incest, so it's probably some sick arrangement, like Bewear being slipped the length by that previously unmentioned Oakie-Dokie clone.
He's the spit of Jimmy Savile, thus every depravity is on the table.
Where's Stufful's dad? He buggered off too?
What kind of name is 'Stufful'? What's it made from, 'stifle' and 'suffocation'? 'Stuffed'?
Thanks for that. Whenever I see its ovine face I'm reminded of taxidermy.
Were Ursa Minor and Bewear described as mother and son, or were they 'friends'?
A series of games involving breeding and the 'anime' is too squeamish to even imply animals live in families.
I don't care either way for Stufful, but I'd like it better if its mouth wasn't a camel toe.
I understand it's a sea creature, and the contents of the oceans are their own brand of peculiarity, but looks like a limbless, undead spaniel plagued with extra teats. Its 'ears' resemble distended mammeries.
Hey, remember that interesting, original Pokémon James had called Victreebel? Let's do it again! And again! AND AGAIN!
Victreebel is a venus fly trap: an anomaly in nature as a carnivorous plant. It makes sense that the Pokémon version would be a bit more full-on in catching a meal.
New law: Team Rocket are required to collect monsters as ugly as themselves.
Hurting James was its personality quirk, particularly to it, fitting its nature, its 'thing'. It was never meant as a template for most of what he caught in the future.
Something is funny if it happens once, and can be now and again if done with a least a little flair.
Nothing repeated as a constant leaden thud is remotely amusing, but this is an unknown fact to Nintendo bone heads. They think certain events are utterly hilarious in themselves and require no finesse in application.
They have a checklist of moments obligatory to each episode, which explains the plodding lifelessness. Tick 'em off to keep the fans from being ticked off. All we supposedly care about is each gong struck, not how we got there.
At least Victreebel used to vary its behaviour:
Occasionally it even did as told without any chomping preamble.
It didn't do the exact same action every single time it was involved!
Mostly it swallowed James.
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How long was it once Victreebel was chucked out on its leafy arse before Cacnea arrived?
Oh look, it's a Grass Pokémon and attacks James!
Sometimes it ate Jessie.
Carnivine got in on the action before Cacnea's run was even up: kick 'em when they're down why don't yer?
Oh look, it's a Grass Pokémon and attacks James!
Now we have Mareanie. Wasn't there a few in between? No, shush, they don't exist anymore.
Every bloody time it came out, it turned round and punctured him.
Every bloody time.
Ah, it's not a Grass Pokémon. That makes it totally new!
Oh yes, it's the complete opposite of Victreebel. It's Poison instead. Not like it at all.
Every bloody time it came out, it'd gnaw his head off.
Every bloody time.
That's endearing.
Oh but it is! It's just showing him love!
As that makes it alright!
If a muscular man squeezed his girlfriend so tightly he cracked her ribs, is that 'sweet' because he 'meant well' but his feelings overwhelmed him? Or is it A.B.H.?
Every bloody time it comes out, it injects James's head with toxin until it swells up into purple pustule of disease.
Every bloody time.
I never took Victreebel's assault as affection. To me they were real attempts to devour James, especially with the accompanying frenzied screech. Interpreting that as a positive emotion is bizarre to me.
At soon as James found it wedged in a Breeding Centre cage and opened the door it grabbed him, which appeared to be Victreebel lashing out in anger for what'd happened in the intervening period.
What Mareanie does is worse than the other three put together. At least they delivered mere bite marks or pinpricks, but it infects James!
Whole episodes of this programme have involved a Pokémon falling foul of Poison Powder and being on the verge of death, with all done to preserve it until Ash hunted down the cure, but now it's a big laugh, apparently.
Not one character ever has the wits about them to carry an Antidote, otherwise the writers wouldn't be able to fall back on the tired old race-against-time scenario, which is no such thing as we know they won't die.
Is it likely that James is always going to end up picking a violent Pokémon, of all the individuals of a race, of all the lifeforms in the universe?
Aren't his allowed to come with their own personality, or is there a set pattern they must follow, and when caught they absorb it, for fear they might be memorable?
Mind you, it's interesting the reactions these abuses provoke:
Victreebel eats James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Cacnea impales James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Carnivine chews James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Mareanie poisons James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Meowth claws James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Jessie beats James: Aw, it's so kyewt!
Jessibelle whips James: EEVUL BITCH!!!
Mimikyu should be opposed for breaking it's own world.
To us, Pikachu is the most famous Pokémon, belonging to Ash, the protagonist, and the franchise's mascot.
To them, Pikachu is just another middling Pokémon hundreds of young Trainers catch, and holds no greater value.
It's blatantly a reference to Pikachu's real-life status, acknowledging itself as fiction. No Pokémon would hold the same significance for this design to work but him.
Otherwise why would Mimikyu, when it has the choice of every Pokémon that exists, and, if meant to be a believable world, every Pokémon we don't know exists, choose Pikachu to ape? Why wouldn't it pick a Legendary?
Alola Pikachu is looking off colour.
It's not even this specific Mimikyu, it's the entire species!
What, they work to a hive mind, incapable of individual tastes and opinions?
Do they all hate Pikachu too, even though the entire mouse population of Alola has been rounded up by that loon and trapped in a valley, or were we lumbered with the lone demented obsessive with a severe complex?
Is it well jel that Pikachu's a real one, whereas it can only manage to knock up a bog-standard costume with a face daubed by a chimp paralytic from scrumpy?
Well stop imitating it then! Invent your own design!
Oh come on. The animators can't even do that, hence its creation. You can hardly expect it to display inspiration if born from its absence.
I wonder if it hates Raichu. And Pichu. And Plusle and Minun. And the rest of the Pikachu derivatives, although it is one.
(As an aside, I don't know why Raichu, Marowak and Exeggutor were redrawn for this era, but not Pikachu, Cubone and Exeggcute. Why does the sweaty climate affect only evolutions?) 
Here's an idea: make Shiny Mimikyu have a different get up, not colour.
You can have that free, Game Freak. I'm too lenient with yer.
Presumably, Mimikyu hatches (already dead?) in all its eye-bleeding nastiness, and instinctively reaches for the discarded yellow bedsheet and pack of crayons that just so happens to be nearby, and the scissors to make the peep holes.
Them inbreds know how to litter.
Nah, it's probably hooks.
How is it born aware of a Pikachu's face, and why is it compelled to copy them?
Knowledge of his own ugliness is innate, thus he must cover his nakedness before it lays waste to the forest inhabitants.
Yet if you breed 'em, it emerges wearing it, like the cloth formed from left-over albumen and stained with yolk!
What's it reaching with? Paws?
Oh, and there was a deceased specimen in the series, so it's either a ghost, and nothing but bedsheet, or a zombie, and it's repulsive carcass has upped the ante by putrifying.
Even its name doesn't fit. Apart from the unsightly spelling, what's 'Mimikyu' about? It's not mimicking me.
Mimikyu? It should be Mimikchu!
And you know what? Even Nintendo agree their own inventions aren't good enough, because they made return almost impossible.
They hate these more than they do even the pre-Unova Pokémon, most of whom were condemned to a dark existence within the iron corridors of H.Q. and haven't been seen since.
• Growlie is such a beloved figure in James's life he's been involved all of twice.
• Dustox got pensioned off.
• James was practically bullied into gifting Cacnea to that cloying bitch Gardenia.
• Whilst he still tecnically owns Chimecho, it's as lost to him as any of them.
Remember Seviper, Yanmega, Carnivine and Mime Junior?
Hell, remember Woobat, Yamask, Frillish and Amoonguss?
Or Gourgeist and Inkay?
Of course, since the makers appear to have the Reverse-Midas Touch, Team Rocket still took that useless, wincing lump Wobbuffet to Galar instead of dumping it over the sea. Apparently we're stuck with it forever.
Arbok, Lickitung, Weezing and Victreebel got shafted, but THAT survives?
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Yes? That's more the writers do. In current canon these Pokémon never lived at all. Dead memories in the haze.
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