#i have. some artfight related stuff to work on as well but at least my actual refs are done for that so
javacad0 · 3 months
Finally explaining my absence
This will probably be the last post I make on DeviantArt so LISTEN UP!
And don't worry, nothing really serious has been going on aside from the typical mental shit we all get sometimes. Either way, I just felt the need to step away for a few months.
As for why... well, for starters, I just couldn't keep up with the pace. Part of why I made a Discord is so I could still interact with some of my followers and mutuals without having to commit to such a rapid schedule and post everything on here all the time (except it's not actually everything, just the best looking things), and that's what encouraged me to finally take that big break I didn't even know I've been craving the whole time.
I'm glad to have DA and have made it as far as I did, but lord it can be draining trying to stay active, especially for someone who just doesn't like to run around constantly working on shit in general.
The more time I spent away, the more I questioned whether staying here was even worth it anymore. And I mean, specifically here.
To make a long story short, I'm actually leaving DeviantArt and moving socials. I'm sure I don't have to explain why.
It's really a shame that I must do this, I have quite the history with this site (eight on-and-off years) and it's where I met some of my closest friends currently, but if DeviantArt wants to reject humanity and become Deviantron 3000, then I'll let it. I'm not necessarily proud or happy for her transition, but I respect her.
And like I said, I have a list of links to all my new accounts at the bottom of this journal. As of now, pretty much all of them are completely empty, but if you want to support me, I encourage you to please follow them! As for this account, I'm not going to deactivate it, I'm just going to leave it as is to serve as a little old archive for all my older Pokemon related work. Which brings me to my next announcement...
As for another decision I've made within my break, which could be good news or bad news depending on how you take it...
I am now fully committed to transitioning "Street Cat" (now Flea Season) from a Pokemon series to an original one. Some of the later images in my gallery may give you an idea of what it will look like, but a lot of changes are being made every day so those designs are already more than outdated.
Reasons include more creative liberty and freedom, an excuse to just restart from the ground up without the pressure of forcing in all these Pokemon elements and PG filters because there are more kids, and uhh... the relief of not just being followed because of a fandom but rather my own general interests.
I hate that I'm coming back here after about three months, only to tell everyone I'm leaving DA and discontinuing my series... sort of, but it's what needs to be told. I'm sorry I've put this journal off for so long, I've been so caught up with real life stuff, and constantly battling exhaustion, anxiety, ADHD, amongst other likely issues in between. So in terms of productivity, I'm basically frozen in place. It certainly hasn't gotten easier, but I want to at least try to pick myself back up before July.
So I will be doing ArtFight this year. By the time it comes around, that account will be showcasing all my current designs and where everyone is at now. I can't promise there will be much to present aside from a rushed lineup, or that I'll participate much in general, but at least it's something.
I've also had thoughts about a more public Discord server, but there's usually a lot of responsibility and general bullshit that comes with maintaining one, so I'll have to think carefully about that.
I don't know how to conclude this aside from saying I appreciate y'all for the support you've all given me on here over the past year and a half, I'm so glad to have made it this far and feel good about what's to come next.
That being said, here's all my current accounts you can expect me to continue my work on, from most to least likely to be active (plus my AF again just in case).
https://artfight.net/~javacad0 https://sheezy.art/javacad0 https://javacad0.tumblr.com/ (main blog and the only thing that isn't currently completely empty) https://str33t-c4t.tumblr.com/ (current series blog, will either be reconstructed or replaced)
(Just... just trust the process. I'll get to posting and makeovers after July.)
It is 4am as I am finishing this journal, but if you're reading this the next day, then uh... have a great rest of your day and I hope to see you again soon.
I will respond to comments here and notes, and may comment some add-on info myself. Otherwise, I'm signing off. Love y'all."
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artsyfyro · 1 year
Artfight 2023 Collection
This year’s Artfight has come and gone, and it was a pretty active year all things considered. Sent out a lot of attacks, and even got a lot of defenses, especially for Kilua this year. Since a lot of work went into the pieces I did this month, here’s each of the pieces I did for people.
Keep in mind that I was on Team Vampire, so next to the title of the piece, i’ll have a number that corresponds to the person it was for, attributed to near the bottom of the post, and in parentheses, a indicator on which type of piece it was, friendly fire, attack, revenge, etc. Without further ado... here’s what I did this year!
#Piece 1 - 20th Century Boys (Attack) Ft. Clarenze and Liam Signhson
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#Piece 2 - Sweeping Blade of Grass (Attack) Ft. Parsley
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#Piece 3 - Ballin’ (Attack) Ft. Slim Ridland (Ft. Daily Pyoro)
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#Piece 4 - An Unlikely Trio (Attack) Ft. Ivy, Josie, and Wynne
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#Piece 5 - Reaper in the Rain (Revenge) Ft. Drizzle
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#Piece 6 - Salty Vaporwave (Revenge) Ft. Jewel
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#Piece 7 - Hat Trick (Friendly Fire) Ft. Ferris and Mochi
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#Piece 8 - Flower-Tailed Forest Dweller (Attack) Ft. Matcha
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#Piece 9 - Sunflower Chu (Attack) Ft. Poppet (PMD ver.)
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#Final Piece - Fluffy Aeromancer Dragon (With a Battleax) Ft. Aero
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1 - @clarenzesinghson 2 - @honeycrud 3 - @rachaelpyofren 4 - @madadrawing 5 - @dibblesdoodles 6 - SaltedGlaceons on Artfight 7 - @startistdoodles 8 - sweirde (Kira/Kemoki) on Twitter 9 - @snoofins Final - @noodlebean
Last Thoughts of the Event:
This year’s artfight I think was one of my favorites i’ve had so far (and i’ve only been around since 2021), but not without some added anxiety.
Some of that anxiety was expected stuff from artfight, like not being able to hit a couple people because I ran out of time and energy, and also dealing with artist burnout a couple time. But some other stuff was personal life stuff, and well... twitter becoming more and more of a trashfire.
That all being said, this year was also really fun. One of my favorite things to do over an artfight is find some way to improve on or just experiment with my art since I don’t really do “big colored pieces” very often, and this year certainly helped push that a little further. I experiment a lot with shading and backgrounds, and I think in hindsight, things like Pieces 2, 5, 6, 8, and Final ended up being my favorites to look at just because the colors and background all just work.
Some of them also allowed me to think up a couple ideas of scenarios to put the characters in that added to how I went about the piece. Pictures 4 and 7 especially clarify that, considering they depict a scenario or even a potential group dynamic that’s pretty fun to think on. 
Though what also was crazy was that I got attacked a lot more than I was expecting to going into this year. Like I expected at least a couple if I was actively participating, but I got hit with... well 7 technically, but one was a mass attack Volt was included in, not directed at me, so 6 officially. It was a neat surprise to keep waking up to a few of them, and a lot of them focused on Kilua, she got a lot of love this year. (dw, Volt got a couple too actually). I’m really happy about that, and I love all the drawings people did, they all capture something about the original designs that I love, while translated into their own styles. Dibnibs in specific went and even added backgrounds to them after the event passed, and they (not just mine but a couple of the others I saw) look awesome.
Whatever the case though, the event went really well. I got quite a few pieces sent my way, and I was able to put out a lot of pieces, and a lot of those pieces I really like how they came out. I was on Team Vampire this year, but I think I can say i’ll win either way because I only was on there because a lot of my mutuals were going werewolf, and I wanted to have opposition. That and, I just like Werewolves more. 
If anyone has questions for me about anything related to their art, my dms are open. And with that, thanks for a really fun year to everyone who participated. 
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chisatowo · 2 years
I should try to get more used to drawing Marley so I can have more art for them before artfight, but also I'm not super confident in translating them into my artstyle in the way I want to..... Curse you thick line art or whatever
#rat rambles#oc posting#probably wont try tonight cause my brain is still having a Moment#Im feeling a bit better now but still am tired as shit and dont wanna risk setting off whatever that was again#kinda just wanna go to sleep now tbh but like also Id need to shower first and thatd probably just wake me up more#so idk might wait for like an hour or two so its at least late enough I wont have to worry abt waking up at like 2 am or smth#or might just suck it up and shower now since god my brain is mush rn#anyways theres some design stuff I have in mind for marley in relation to story stuff that Id like to have reference for on artfight#mainly just alt eyes nothing big but important enough I wanna draw them sooner rather than later#also I just wanna draw them more so I can get yall more familiar with them since theyre probably gonna be decently important to both#magic cat stories and theyll be a nice help with explaining some worldbuilding stuff#I also rly rly need to design the other two main characters in the melody and ramp story but god one of them is gonna be rough#I have a very specific image in my head for her but its like very stylised and idk how to make it work in my artstyle#as for the other my main thing rn is that Im not completely set in stone on what kinda animal they are#Ive been imagining him as a weasel but ramp is already a mongoose and theyre roomates so I feel like I shouldnt go with smth so similar#well ramp isnt like a pure 1 on 1 mongoose but yknow thats the inspiration#most of the animals in this world arent nessesarily one specific animal theres a lot of overlap between most the population#for example flutter dust is part lion#ramp probably has a bit of cat and ferret in my mind also#so I could make that guy like part weasel and part smth else but idk what Id go for#maybe I could go for some sorta dog? I think I only have one proper dog oc in this world atm but like also shes already an emo wolf wannabe#uhhhh idk maybe I shoulr just search up random animals and browse my options#also I rly need to draw daisy again hes my bestie but god I do not know how to design the sorta clothes I want him to have :/
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traaanskimkitsuragi · 2 years
ok as much as i want to draw & design some dr sprites ive been sitting on the idea of drawing a set of pinups for my pirate boys for almost 2 months now so i think thats gonna be the next big art thing ill work on
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nyrator · 4 years
some more ny life updates, feat. MBTI stuff, dreams, financial decisions, ACNH checklists, and Radiohead opinions
incredibly depressed lately to be honest, but trying not to be too depressed for this post- basically a place to vent without being super negative because it be public and stuff, helps calm me down, maybe
helping other people with depression is too hard for me, I think. Feels bad to distance myself, but I think avoiding rumination is all I can do when it gets to that point
decided to re-take one of those personality things recently because why not, friends were doing it. I don’t hold much weight to them personally but at least I seem to be consistently this result every few years
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for reference, an earlier test:
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reading through the weaknesses and romantic parts, it almost eerie how it describes me. It’s wrong on the sex part, but feels right just about everywhere else. They even quote me on saying this at the end part. The nice thing is, apparently Kresna’s personality result is my ideal match, which is fitting.
I tend to think my personality is a very flawed one, unfortunately, at least when it comes to social relationships. I don’t like being flattered or praised, nor do I tend to show appreciation to those that deserve it, I feel. Feeling people are slighted by my lack of attention or affection for them more and more.
Energy in general is such a hard thing to grasp. Lately I just can’t seem to do or focus on anything, nor do I have any strong desires to do anything. Feels hard to draw or make anything, and I’m wondering how I’ll finish up that Artfight thing. All I want to do is lay in bed and sleep, maybe just change my sleep schedule and only be awake when no one else is, and just keep to myself
been laying in bed a lot lately, and I’ve noticed a trend in actually having dreams when I’m taking a nap- or at least, that weird “trying to take a nap but keeping eyes half-open basically because I don’t actually want to fall asleep” zone
both dreams I had this week involved different things that I forget, but the core part was basically my family assaulting me, pinning me to the wall, and speaking my darkest secrets into my ear.
First one was my late sister being a prick and possibly uncovering my secret and me trying to get rid of her, while her boyfriend grabs me by the throat and lifts me off the ground into the wall as she mocks me. Second one that I just had earlier tonight, I don’t even remember the context, but basically had my mother disgusted by me, forcefully pinning my arm behind my back and slamming me face first into a wall, telling me she’s aware and disgusted by all my secrets.
Earlier this month, I also had one of my first dreams in months, but it was one of my reoccurring humiliation dreams. Except this time, there was blood. It was a very uncomfortable dream.
I wonder if these dreams mean anything about my psyche or whatever lately.
but yeah, have a lot of money lately, yet still feels sickening to spend money on myself still. I feel like I’ve spent too much on myself lately, and it feels bleh. I like spending money on Kresna, but he doesn’t let me do it often, but it’s always appreciated when he does.
ended up setting up an eye exam in three weeks- decided to order my own frames this time, but shopping for frames is hard. Ended up buying these two (since I always seem to have to buy two pairs for some probably insurance-related reason), but frames are extremely hard to shop for, at least for me, and that lavender look I like is extremely hard to come by
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I wonder if I show my appreciation for lavender too much- I think I want to go for thicker frames like the top one, though the bottom ones are like my old frames (same company), and have that metallic lavender look that I love. If I ever had a dream car, it’d be in that color, honestly.
speaking of cars, my neighbor is trying to sell us her old 1997 Saturn for $250, but I’m not sure if I want it, to be honest- One, it’s so old, two, it’s a stick, which I only have basic knowledge on how to drive, and three, I don’t like driving. I think my mother told her yes, which is unfortunate, but we’ll see how it goes.
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some other financial decisions lately- bedding, bottles, and slippers (not shown- the more convenient backless purple slippers I now regularly wear, as well as more personal items)
throw pillows are good for holding while sleeping and for preventing my arms from waking up entirely numb sometimes
been thinking about buying more clothes and furniture, but now that I probably won’t be getting the extra $1000 with my unemployment, it’s even harder to justify buying anything. I’d like a new desk, at least- something able to display things would be nice. My boss told me I’ll be going back to work soon hopefully, so that would be nice, especially since this virus is a good excuse to not bring back my coworker and to give me full-time hours, but even then, spending money is hard. Been thinking about a new mousepad since I’ve had this old one for longer than I can remember (probably a college gift), but even something simple like that is tough.
in other random news, slowly trying to make progress in ACNH still- and by that I mean I’ve finally started keeping a checklist for items (had Bugs/Fish already, but now have DIYs and man there’s so many DIYs I’m missing, also Dresses - Umbrella tabs of clothing, basically everything but Tops and Bottoms so far, and mannn, there’s a lot of stuff, but I basically have almost every accessory/sock/shoe in purple/pink at least, now just grinding my way through the rest of the colors I skipped. Also caught a Golden Stag today, only three beetles left (Giraffe, Hercules, and Elephant, I believe)
should probably start saving my extra bugs/fish for making models for Justin Beaver and Hot Topic, I realize- collecting those models really doesn’t interest me much, but at the same time, I have a weird obsession with trying to 100% Animal Crossing games (at a reasonable speed, of course- figure I’d wait until next year to worry about those two)
haven’t tried dreaming yet and honestly my island is still a mess that I’m still hesitant because I still have no idea what to fill it with or how to organize it
one last thing I did buy is the rest of the Radiohead albums though- I now own all their albums, except disc 2 of In Rainbows, though. Should probably listen to that on Youtube, not sure where to find a physical release of it. Decided to rank them, because I like ranking things apparently, even though overall it doesn’t mean much since my tastes shift constantly, and every album is good to listen to in my opinion (honestly more of a way of solidifying a future “best of” playlist)
Personal feelings of ranking at the moment:
Hail to the Thief (every song is top tier, I just want to shout them all out, but in particular I think “A Punchup at a Wedding“, “Myxomatosis“, “2+2=5″, and “Sit down. Stand up” are my favorites)
In Rainbows (my old favorite before HttT blew it away, though I think ”Weird Fishes/Arpeggi” is still my favorite Radiohead song, also shout outs to “Videotape” and “Jigsaw Falling Into Place”)
Kid A (I was lukewarm to the album at first, but it has a lot of tunes that stand out to me, “Idioteque” is also one of my favorite Radiohead songs, also shout outs to "Everything in Its Right Place" and "How to Disappear Completely")
OK Computer (this is where placings start getting fuzzy, “Paranoid Android” was their first song I ever listened to and loved back in high school, thanks to Ergo Proxy, great song, though I think I’ve oversaturated myself to this album by having it play as my driving music when I still had a car. Shout outs to “Exit Music (For A Film)” and “Let Down”. “Karma Police” is also up there but feels a bit less than those I suppose)
A Moon Shaped Pool (I’d place this higher when I’m looking for a more somber/reflective album to listen to, otherwise about tied with OK Computer. My favorite on the album, “Daydreaming”, is what reintroduced me to Radiohead and got me obsessed with them- this album was my first album, though it’s definitely softer compared to their usual stuff. Also driving music so a bit oversaturated, and it feels harder to shout out specific songs, but shout outs “Ful Stop”, “Glass Eyes”, and heck, basically most of the later songs on the album)
Amnesiac (Some good songs, but just not to the levels of the others. “Knives Out” is a great song though, and I tend to like the first half of the album more than the last half, last half is pretty weak to me honestly- though I got it fairly recently, so may require more listenings)
Pablo Honey (the latest album I got, so it’s still fresh in my head and thus nothing is permanent with it compared to the others, but mannn, people undersold this album, it feels solid front to back. I honestly want to put it higher, I think. Hard to identify individual songs, but shout outs to “Blow Out” in particular, “I Can’t” as well- but again, every song is great, so might say it’s close to A Moon Shaped Pool levels in rankings)
The Bends (one of their first albums I got, also a car album, but definitely didn’t click with me like the others. I have warmed up to it more than I originally did at least- I mainly got the album because heck yeah “Street Spirit (Fade Out)” is a great track, also shout outs to “The Black Star”, that’s like, one of my random “mouth out the chorus in the car” songs. I also tend to have “High and Dry” in my head a lot for some reason, but yeah, good car music, but not much else going for it I think)
The King of Limbs (the second-latest album I own and also the least listened to album I own, but it feels very... non-standout-ish. Like it’s almost too simple-sounding, or repetitive, or something, definitely the weakest album in my personal opinion. Can’t even think of a song to shout out, so I guess “Lotus Flower”, honestly, but again, I need to listen to the album more. Good background noise but just nothing that jumps out at me)
but yeah radiohead is definitely my favorite music group, I’d say, and also realize almost every album has a bonus disc, so hm, more music to find it seems (admittedly I’m not a fan of live music in general, which seems to fill up a lot of these bonus discs)
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