#i have to go to the linz pride
bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Under Pressue: Cyrus Lupo x Reader
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Tagging: @darqchilddaydreamz @words-and-seeds @infinity-mars @tkappi @greenies-green @trublu2u @kmc1989
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Cyrus prides himself on keeping his calm under pressure. It’s what got him through some dicey situations during his time abroad in the Intelligence Unit, chasing down terrorists. He had no weapon, no partner, no back up, he’d had to rely on his wits and clear head to ensure he made it home alive.
“I was self-destructive,” he had told you when you were discussing it over dinner last week. “I was trying to find redemption by putting myself in the most dangerous situations I could just to see if I survived, it became a game…”
It’s the most honest he’s been about his time away. The two of you have only been seeing each other for a couple of weeks this time around but already it feels like a lifetime. He wonders if it’s fate, the two of you always ending up in each other’s spheres. It’s happened a couple of times over the years, the first time you got together, and then running into each other the night before he left for Morocco. This time you had been working his brother’s case when he got boots on the ground and now the two of you work together in the same division, usually with different partners.
The trip up to Dargerville is the exception, Benard had been injured when a perp had gotten a little unruly in holding and Lenny was vacationing up in Florida with a couple of old fishing buddies. You’d been assigned to make drive instead, which Cyrus doesn’t mind. You used to take roadtrips the first time you were together, staying at B&Bs around the country, he’d enjoyed it immensely. You bring the snacks and he brings the music, that was always the deal.
The thing is Cyrus loves small towns, he always has. He loves the vibe and the quaintness, he spends two hours in the local dinner eating chilli and tasting a variation of the pies they have on offer.
“You miss a homecooked meal.” You inform him as the two of you share a slice or key lime.
You aren’t wrong, his shifts have been chaotic over the past few weeks. He’s been living off takeaways and the hotdog stand outside the precinct.
“Let me cook for you when we get back.” You say and his gaze flickers up to meet yours, his cheeks colour just a little because he knows where the offer usually leads.
A good meal, a couple of glasses of wine, hours tangled up in your sheets making love to you until the sun comes up.
“Yea?” He asks, his eyebrows raising as he shoots you that sinful smile. You throw your napkin at him in response.
Despite the fact the NYPD has booked you two separate rooms in the local motel, you know you won’t be sleeping alone tonight.
It’s when a Dargerville sheriff tries to put his hands on you that everything goes to hell. The moment you pick up Linz with the material witness warrant it all goes sideways. When the local sheriffs blockade the car you’re out of the passenger seat before Cyrus can stop you. He’d been getting a bad feeling about this case since the moment you started to meet resistance at the stationhouse. There’s something going on here that the local PD don’t want you know.
You’re polite and calm, but there’s a steeliness in your voice, one that clearly rubs Burkheart up the wrong way. He’s not used to be spoken to like that by a woman, Cyrus can tell from the rage that burns in his eyes when you get between him and your prisoner. He bolts out of the driver’s seat because he gets that feeling, the one he used to get abroad when shit was about to go down.
When Burkhart he issues the order to remove you, it’s with extreme prejudice. It’s a show of authority, one meant to put you back in your place but the thing about you…
You don’t respond well to someone laying hands on you and apparently neither does he. When the deputy grabs you with force that’s completely unwarranted, something just shorts out in his brain. He gets between the two of you, his palm on the other man’s chest shoving him backwards as he comes to stand in front of you.
When the guns come out, he doesn’t expect it and he can tell you don’t either. Whatever is happening in this town, it goes far beyond the death of William Simmons. There isn’t a doubt in his mind about what happens if he doesn’t comply to their demands.
It ends up with him being arrested for interfering with a police officer. When you start to protest, he catches your eye before shaking his head. He can taste the violence in the air, he can tell from the way that Burkhart looks at you that he’s waiting for just the right opportunity to throttle you.
You’re already on the phone to Van Buren as he’s put into the back of a squad car.
Love Lupo? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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afewproblems · 1 year
Fic Master List
There's quite a bit apparently so I will leave everything under the cut!
But first, hello! Linz here, I write primarily for the Stranger Things Fandom and focus on Steddie, I have an AO3 as well and will link that here. My AO3 fics are all currently locked and visible only to registered users due to AI and predatory third party companies.
My Asks are open for prompts as well as questions, and general screaming about Steddie or if you just want to say hello!
This is an 18+ Blog so please keep that in mind!
Multi-part Complete Works
Mean!Eddie Misunderstandings AU (You can only Remember What You Want to Forget)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Read on AO3
Warm My Cold and Tired Heart
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Read on AO3
Season Two Halloween Party AU
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven , Part Eight , Part Nine , Part Ten (Final) Read on AO3
Cheating!Eddie Rockstar AU
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Always Quick and Never Painless
Part One, Part Two, Read on AO3
Essential Songs to Woo a Metal-Head (Prompt 53. I'm flirting with you!)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Multi-part WIP
In My Heart is a Memory (And There You'll Always Be)
Part One, Part Two Read on A03
Lost and Lonely, Just Like Heaven (Ghost!Eddie AU)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three Part Four
Steddie Breakup/Fix It
Part One, Part Two
The Mouth of the Wolf, the Eyes of the Lamb (Kas!Eddie AU)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
You're On Your Own Kid (angst prompt 13 "why would you say that?")
Part One
Hard of Hearing Steve Harrington
One-Shots and Snippets
Ghost Eddie
Steve as a Dancer 1
Steve and the Fruity Four Dance AU
Steve as a Pianist 1
Follow up Steve as a Pianist
Steve, Eddie, and Robin Go to a Bar
Of Paradoxes and Parents (Read on AO3)
A Clear and Present Threat of Tongue (Read on AO3)
Just a Little Push (Read on AO3)
Ice Cream Sundaes and Cherry Lips (Read on AO3)
Steve and Eddie's First Time
Steve Finds out About the D&D Game
Steddie Pride and Prejudice AU
It's Okay to Cry
Chocolate Kisses
Quiet Confessions
Original Fic - Hero and Villains solve problems with kissing
First Ever Spicy Fic (Steddie Mutual Pining)
Special Delivery
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neverendingparable · 7 years
due to pride (!!) im probably not going to be online today 
and tomorrow in the morning is an after event but thatll just last a few hours most likely
next week things will be kinda back to normal except for the weekend
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laraimaustria · 7 years
Salty: Krakow day 3
Today was the fun day of our trip. We had to get an early start at 8am to go to the salt mine, but it was well worth it. I know "salt mine" doesn't exactly sound like a thrilling place, but this isn't just some hole in the ground. They've completely modeled the inside not only to show how the miners lived and worked, but added in beautiful pathways, salt sculptures, and even a full blown church with chandeliers and religious scenes carved into the walls. It really was a beautiful place and the history of the mine was very interesting. You could tell that the Polish people really take pride in it and love to show it off. Plus I got to eat some salt straight off the wall of the mine. It tasted exactly how you would think. (Salty)
After the tour of the cave we had the rest of the day free, so we decided to go to the Schindler Factory and museum. I had to watch Schindler's List in high school, but I recently re-watched it and definitely appreciated it more as a not-fifteen year old. The story of Schindler and his factory is fascinating, even if the movie dramatized some of the events. The museum itself is not how the factory originally looked, other than Schindler's office and a couple other rooms. The whole inside of the factory has been made into an extremely interactive and comprehensive history of the Nazi occupation of Krakow, as well as the history of Schindler's factory and how he saved so many lives. The museum was extremely well done, and was definitely impactful. My favorite part was a series of pathways made to look like the insides of the Krakow ghetto, with quotes and pictures of ghetto life lining the walls, as well as audio of what it would have sounded like within the ghetto.
After the museum it was already dinnertime so we got our last round of pierogies and slowly made our way back to the hotel. I'm sad to be leaving Krakow so soon, but I feel like this trip was one of the most meaningful of the semester. I feel humbled by the experience, and I also appreciated how welcoming the Polish people were and how much they obviously take pride in their beautiful city. Now it's back to Vienna. Next trip: Linz and Munich!
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Struck Before Midnight Ch1
AU. In 3 Parts. Sonata-Allegro form. Tony and Ziva. Immediately after Tony leaves Ziva on the tarmac in Israel, things take a turn for the worst causing Ziva to risk her own safety to be by his side.
And just like that, the ground began to shake, the earth moved under his shoes and spun from its axis. Or so it felt like. Along with a damning headache associated with a painful whiplash, he is waiting between worlds.
I'm asking Him for one more chance. One more moment to be with her. I want more. I NEED more.
I wake up on the cement, check my pulse. I'm alive. Then thrown back into darkness. Is this real or am I fantasizing?
"Anyone there?" His inhalation is drenched with doubt and dread. A grad student could write his thesis on the human condition and Tony would be one of his subjects, it was that absorbing.
What happened?
He tilts his head side to side hearing a few pops and clicks. Tapping on the metal roof, one hundred feet up, indicates a heavy rain storm. He wants to get a good view of the area, scan it, and access it, but the only light is of the moon streaming in through a high window.
The right hand moves around on the floor, trying to get a good hold so he can balance himself to get up. One try, two tries, but his head hurts too much to try a third time. "Where am I?" He whispers to himself. Knowing he's alone for tonight.
The window fills with light and it gets brighter and brighter. Scalding hot light accompanied with unintelligible conversation. The only word he can distinguish out of the cloud of words is "Awake, awake."
"He's awake!" "Anthony."
His right hand no longer feels of hard, cold, cement, but now of cotton sheets. It was not dark and the room now had warm inviting light not from the lone illumination from a rainy night.
He's groggy, only letting his eyes open to diminutive slits. He rubs his head to find a needle hooked to tubes, taped to the vein in his hand. "What the-"
Someone by his bed side rubs a hand over his hair, it feels nice. "Where am I?"
He can see it's a hospital but all he remembers is saying goodbye and stepping on a plane… everything is fuzzy and his recall is less than horrible.
A doctor and two nurses appear from the doorway, "Anthony, glad to see you up. Finally."
A nurse came to click a few buttons on a machine he was hooked up to, "You're wife is here."
"What?" His mind was spinning circles. Wife? Who? How? His mouth is suddenly dry. The nurse hands him a glass of water from one of those plastic pitchers. He then notices that both the nurse and the doctor had a German accent. "Where-," he wants to make a move, stretch, look around, something.
The doctor pulls out his pen and pricks both of his feet. "Ow! What was that for?"
The doctor says with absolute solemnity, "You were in a crash, Anthony."
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Um, two?"
"Good. Now repeat after me?"
"1, 2, 3, 6, 89, 567,3"
"1, uh, 2,3, 6?, 89…something, 3?"
"Good enough." The doctor looks down to his pad, writes something, and then has a minute conversation with the two nurses. He adjusts his glasses, scanning the man on the bed. "Do you know how long you've been asleep?"
"No," he grunts, putting his head back on the soft pillow. "That's why I asked."
The doctor tells him to follow his finger in different directions, then to pull on his hands. After checking his eyes with a small white flashlight to check pupil dilation, Tony knows something bad really has happened. He just doesn't know what.
"You said I was in a crash. With my car? Or.." He's remembering the plane after someone hurt his heart.
Tony takes a sip of the cool water then notices the sign mounted on the wall, he can see it from the window to the hallway. It's in German, French, and English. He sees the doctor, middle-aged, metal framed glasses, and dark brown eyes. He is reminded of her when he looks at them. "I…I was in a plane crash?"
"Yesterday… I was going back to D.C." The doctor is waiting for more. So he continues, "I'm somewhere in Europe. Germany?"
"Very close. Linz, Austria. I believe is how you say our country in America." Tony's mouth opens wide just like his eyes. "You have been here in this suite since the incident. "
"Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern. I believe your wife has been here since then as well."
He has so many questions but this one voice breaks him through all of the confusion, the doctor summons someone from across the room. And out of the view of the nurses, she is here. With him. "Ziva?"
Her eyes are watery, a sad smile graces her features. "Tony. I should have never let you get on that plane."
"Oh my God." He mumbles to himself. "How long?"
She exchanges a look with the doctor before turning her attention back to him. "Eighteen days." She sees him gasp and grab at his chest. Honestly, he was choking on a very large pill that had to be swallowed.
This is my actuality; no longer a fearful reverie.
"Tony, you woke up a few times but fell right back to sleep. I mean, I would have, too." No doubt she would go back into slumber if she was in his position. The brain needed time to heal along with the multiple cuts to his legs and chest.
The doctor nods to both of them. "I'll give you two sometime to. Process things." Then he instructs Tony to still be awake when he returns to run some more tests. Tony wonders to himself for a brief moment about what gift basket the doctor would like after he's sent back home. This man definitely deserves it and, also, he's reminding him of a 1980's Americana film.
"I've been in a coma for over two weeks?" No way. "How did it crash?"
"The plane flew into a large flock of birds. Lost an engine. The pilot used a river for some resistance to slow it down. But, it couldn't save everyone. I guess you're just lucky."
"Lucky?" He scoffs.
"You are not dead." She sounds so sad and offended. All of a sudden he feels bad. She's right. The woman is right. He could've been like the other passengers and not wake up at all.
"Why are you here, Ziva," He had hoped to see her, but she told him herself she needed to free herself from everything in the past.
"You need me." It's all she said.
His disbelief now changes to a confused smirk, "You said you were my wife?"
"It was the only way they would allow me in. I'm sorry."
"Never say you're sorry. It's even a rule," he says it playfully. Her eyes roll. She's being serious. Be serious! "Ziva. I'm glad you're here." He takes her hand in his. "Does Gibbs know?"
He shouldn't have asked. He remembers she wanted that 'clean break' from her past to include everyone. But it did seem, at the least, that she would call Gibbs. He was the father-figure she had always needed in her helplessness.
But she gulps down her pride, "I let him know. He would be here but there's a case and.. he trusts me to look after you until you are…." Tony squeezes her hand and she moves on, "I wanted to make sure you got back to D.C. safe, then it crashed. I took the next flight from Israel to be here…with you."
He closes his eyes to just relish this moment, with her (and also the light was getting too much for him).
"Tony. I am so sorry."
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eastbridge-sb · 5 years
UEFA Europa League Match Previews – 28th November Thursday
LASK Linz v Rosenborg
Group D is a straight three horse race between LASK Linz, Sporting Lisbon and PSV Eindhoven but it’s the former that has the group whipping boys Rosenborg this midweek. Many people will historically be more familiar with the Norwegian side but the Austrian newbies have made their mark in Europe’s second competition and have a genuinely great chance to qualify for the next round, but you’d think they’d need a win here to give themselves the best chance ahead of welcoming Sporting on the final gameweek.
LASK have not been shy on their debut Europa League campaign, they’ve generally dominated games and probably shocked a few that expected them to have no chance. Incredibly the Austrian Bundesliga runners-up have recorded the second most shots in the competition, averaging just under 20 attempts per game. What’s more, Die Schwarz-Weisen have generated an excellent 8.8 xG for over their 4 games, an average of 2.2 per game which is better than anyone in the group by a fair margin.
They also come up against a Rosenborg side who have lost every one of their games in the Europa League campaign, making it impossible for them to qualify. The Troillongan therefore have nothing riding on this but pride, sure they wont want to finish the group with zero points but Linz have proven themselves a much stronger force and I can’t argue with the 1.780 available on the visitors as there’s everything to play for in their eyes.
Asian Handicap Betting Recommendation: LASK Linz – 0.50 at 1.780
Sporting Lisbon vs PSV
Sticking in group D but looking at the other fixture which involves two much more well-known sides going head to head as PSV head to Lisbon
Both will be keen to get a result here with LASK breathing down their necks. I’m far from convinced by either sides backline but when there’s the likes of Donyell Malen and Bruno Fernandes on the pitch it shows the quality of forwards on show.
Over 2.5 goals has been chalked up at 1.810 quotes and I’m very happy to take that. It’s landed in 5 of the last 6 PSV Europe league games and now Malen is back from injury they have a much greater threat up front.
The reverse fixture in Holland was a humdinger that ended 3-2 to Mark Van Bommel’s men and a similar scoreline is not out of the question here. Both teams strengths are going forward not at the back and we should see a few goals in the Portuguese capital on Thursday evening.
Asian Total Goals Betting Recommendation: Over 2.50 goals at 1.810
Lazio v CFR Cluj
It’s got to the ‘must win’ stage for Italian giants Lazio. The Biancocelesti have underwhelmed in this competition with home and away defeats to Celtic and a surprise defeat in Romania. They will be out for revenge on Thursday as the welcome Cluj to the Stadio Olimpico.
The hosts sit on 3 points whereas Cluj are on 9, therefore Lazio would have to win their last games in Rennes as well as this to have any chance of going through. Given the fact Cluj won the reverse leg they will have to better that 2-1 scoreline so even a one goal victory for the home side would not be good enough.
I’m happy to back them at home though and with the greater need for the win. We can get 1.810 on Lazio with a -1 start on the asian handicap and I like the look of it. One player the capital club have in form is Ciro Immobile. The Italian international has bagged in 7 consecutive games and I expect that run to continue here, his movement and finishing is second to none and the Biancocelesti always have a chance when he’s involved.
Asian Handicap Betting Recommendation: Lazio -1.00 at 1.810
Preview By: TomLove_18
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The post UEFA Europa League Match Previews – 28th November Thursday appeared first on Eastbridge.
source https://eastbridge-sb.com/uefa-europa-league-match-previews-281119/
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andresenbutt40-blog · 6 years
on Your Hemp Network - a Profitable Business Review
Dream Organix Review Lesson: Selecting to run residence business can be the quickest road to divorce or family departure. Keep your family updated on what is happening in your business, particularly when you run a business that is going to keep you away all of them on a building basis. Family rules, structure, and expectations may need to have to shift for awhile, and also the more which family can be a part of creating that change, the healthier and happier everyone will just be. Pot farmers, as they affectionately to be able to themselves, call their plants "babies", in addition they do this until full maturity, very much like I'm still my mom's baby at 57. Reducing in the deep, moist, dirty soil is quite like changing diapers, especially if you treat your plants with fish emulsion supplements. This is what catches most newbies off-guard, the living aspect of the garden of cannabidiol. Yes, it's great that you'll benefit in the medicinal way, exhibiting pride in your accomplishments over the journey, however the intensity and catharsis from cultivation- could easily push your new found passion, into a syndrome. In exploring how in order to smoking weed, you always be understand a person become addicted to it. Marijuana is bought from a Hemp Plant called cannabis sativa. Cannabis sativa includes property that produces the smoker to become unconscious. In marijuana, los angeles cpa than 400 chemicals. The psychoactive property in marijuana is THC. The effects of THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) in the smoker based on a regarding factors including type of cannabis, soil, weather along with the harvest some time. Nowadays, the pots are made cannabis plant that uses a high amount of THC. In fact, the weeds cultivated today have higher toxic content rrn comparison to the pot nowadays. The THC could be the main ingredient that will increase the risk for person that they are addicted for the weed. Check substance quality. As with any medical pills, some cannabis you find at a dispensary are usually what you entirely expect it regarding. Some are not purely natural. So beware. Healthy fats react within your body far differently than cooked, processed, rancid unhealthy fats. All cooked oils-(French fries, doughnuts) and you will notice that very inefficient. When in order to consuming avocados, nuts, seeds, raw nut butters, unheated flax seed oil, olive oil, Hemp Legal and coconuts all within raw state they are great for the customer. Most likely you will need some in the fats to keep your weight up. Das Park Hotel in Linz, Austrailia offers "Pay as you wish" expenditure. some have stayed the night here for free. This hotel was converted from three sections of renovated sewer pipe. The rooms offer all amenities that your particular person could ask for, including a double bed and electric power. Showers and toilets are not within intended to absorb themselves but they are located native. The hotel end up being open the particular spring and summer changing seasons. As the weary traveler enjoys the oddity of sleeping within a concrete room; he can also enjoy the breeze about the bank of the Danube. George Washington's family (on both sides) had visited the colonies for as a minimum 2 family. He considered himself a Virginian, however, his loyalties were with no King of Britain. He was Caribbean. He was a soldier in the British armed service. I tell the kids to close their gaping mouths and think in your minute. I remind students that we are talking in terms of a time period before north america. We look at our map therefore. I remind them that everyone who lived typically the 13 colonies were not citizens of the united states but were citizens of British colonies and were loyal to the King.
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willreadforbooze · 6 years
Hello fellow boozie readers!
Sam’s Update:
This week was the same as last week. The gov’t is still shut down, and I’m still slowly losing my goddamn mind.
What Sam finished this week:
The Reach Between Worlds by Cameron M. Hayden: This was the book I pulled from my TBR jar. It is like a cross between Harry Potter, Mistborn, and Name of the Wind. The main two characters are Taro and Nima, brother and sister, sent to infiltrate the magic school in order to save their parents from illness at the behest of a crimelord. This book’s plot was great. The villains were fabulous. However, that’s where the positives end. Review to come soon.
Everless by Sara Holland: This book where years of your life are currency. YA Political Intrigue fantasy. I audio’d most of this one, but I finished in e-copy because… because I did. I liked this. It was a good YA fantasy and I will be picking up the next one that just came out last month.
The Black Powder War by Naomi Novik: I suppose I’m really in to Naomi lately. This is the third book in the Temeraire series. Napoleonic wars with dragons. I’m listening to this on audio and am still enjoying the hell out of it.
What Sam’s reading now:
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik: Sort of, I have barely just started it.
Melinda’s Update:
What Melinda finished this week:
  The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas: LOVED. Definitely brought all the tears. And also a lot of frustration about the general state of the world. Starr’s voice was great and authentic throughout, which made for an engaging, heartfelt read. As one half of a interracial couple who will eventually raise multiracial kids, that part of the book also struck a cord with me, too. Looking forward to reading more books with diverse perspectives this year.
Civil War: A Marvel Comics Event #1-7 (2016): As predicted last week, this was a definite winner. Very, very different from the MCU version of events so can’t really compare, but this was better in terms of Iron Man v. Captain America and reasons why it happened. Both sides had compelling arguments to why they were against or pro-government registration for superheroes, though I’m #TeamIronMan. Seriously though, if you liked Captain America: Civil War, it’s well worth the read.
What Melinda is reading now:
Reincarnation Blues by Michael Poore: I had been wanting to read this for a long time and it finally came up on my library queue! Unfortunately, so did The Hate U Give and I was already in the middle of another book, so this may be snatched away from me again before I finish… boo. I think Sam has a hard copy though, so maybe I will just borrow that. I’ll have to pick up some tequila, too.
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik: Or “reading.” I’m still not convinced audiobooks = reading, but will find out soon. This will be my first-ever audiobook experience! Figured it was time to give it a shot. Feel free to post any tips for me in the comments below 👇 #bookclublife
Ginny’s Update:
What Ginny Is Reading:
Well this was a pretty good reading week so I’m pretty excited about the wrap up.
The Masked City by Genevieve Cogman – The second book in the Invisible Library Series.  It starts off with a bang and continues from there.  I’m already super into it.
The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson – I read the first trilogy probably more than a year ago and I’m really excited for this one (and I know Sam is excited for me to finally read it!).  It takes place a millennium after the first trilogy and I’m looking forward to figuring out the lore and whatnot.
What Ginny Finished Reading:
The Power by Naomi Alderman – I’m a bit conflicted as to how I feel about this book.  I read a book with a similar enough idea recently that I spent most of the time reading comparing the two stories.  They both deal with worlds where something has happened to change a gender balance.  I liked bits and pieces of this book and the way things change is fascinating and yet it left me a little bit cold, a little bit let down.  This is probably a 3/5 shots.
Final Draft by Riley Redgate – Man, I really enjoyed this book.  The main characters internal monologue reminds me a lot of myself in my teenage years.  I wasn’t exactly quiet (as pretty much everyone knows me can attest) but those feelings of awkwardness transcend people, race, and sexuality.  I get the feeling I’ll be writing a review about this one so I’m not going to get too into it here.
Winter by Marissa Meyer – Man, there was a lot going on in this book.  The problem with introducing at least two main characters per book is that you have to keep track of all of them.  Luckily Marissa Meyer clearly had a plan from the beginning about what she wanted to do.  This book was a ton of fun, manages to get pretty serious while still keeping the reading (or listening in my case) light enough.  It was a satisfying end to the series – 4/5 shots.
Linz’s Update:
I’m still working through the shutdown, so I’m getting my commuter reading done. On the other hand I screwed my neck up doing crunches and I can’t get seen by a doctor yet, so my gym reading has slowed down.
What Linz finished this week: 
Nightingale by Amy Lukavics – I got an advanced copy from Goodreads and very much enjoyed it. June is a 17yo girl in the 1950s who doesn’t conform to society’s or her family’s standards, so of course, into an asylum she goes. And then shit gets real weird. It’s a horror story in a wonderfully unexpected way and it was nothing like what I thought it would be.
Insurrecto by Gina Apostol – I don’t know if I’m gonna write a full review later because I think I’ll be processing this book for a long time. The VERY simple description is a female American filmmaker comes to the Philippines to work on a script, about an incident during the Philippine-American War, and hires a Filipina translator to help her. The translator obviously has a much different perspective on what happened. The structure of the book is wildly complex, but it’s a fresh take on how differently we can view the same events.
Pride by Ibi Zoboi – Tore through this. It’s a Brooklyn-based Pride and Prejudice, with a cast of minority teens. I do not like Jane Austen, I loved this take on it.
From Twinkle, With Love by Sandhya Menon – Twinkle is an Indian-American girl whose dream is to become a filmmaker, and also find a way to get her best friend back. Def had a few problems, but it was diverse without being heavy-handed and introduced an untraditional immigrant family narrative.
What Linz is reading now:
The Dating Game by Kiley Roache – got an ARC from goodreads and finally getting around to reading it. Three college freshmen design the next Tindr, and drama ensues. I’m maybe 1/3 done and enjoying it.
Flamecaster by Cinda Williams Chima – I think Sam reviewed this already, so in short, enjoying it so far, wish I’d refreshed myself on Seven Realms before I started. (I wouldn’t say it’s necessary to read them first? But I’d heavily recommend it.)
Until next time, we remain forever drunkenly yours,
Sam, Melinda, Linz, and Ginny
Weekly Wrap-up: Jan 15-21, 2019 Hello fellow boozie readers! Sam's Update: This week was the same as last week. The gov't is still shut down, and I'm still slowly losing my goddamn mind.
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