#i have to do a are you soll’s type
handfulofmuses · 1 year
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'Not doll‘
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
Supernova Initiative - WIP Intro/WIP Someday Tag
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I wasn't tagged for this recently, but I wanted to make a WIP Intro/WIP Someday post for this story in the style of my previous post for Song of Thorns (here). So here we go😅! Feel free to make your own version of this Tag for one of your WIPs, if you'd like!
By the way, if you like this, please reblog, it helps a lot 💕
And tell me if you'd like to be added to any future taglists of this WIP!
Rules: Pick a WIP. Post something about it. On a Wednesday. Or whenever! It can be literally anything! (:
WIP INTRO - Supernova Initiative
Title: Supernova Initiative
Genre: Science Fiction/Space Opera/Adventure & Mystery/Whump
Tags: #wip supernova initiative #supernova initiative
Synopsis/What Is It About?
Jack Tithus, a young and charming intergalactic thief, along with his crew - Vesper Foxx, a feared cyborg assassin; Cassiopeia Tithus, his younger sister who is also a genius engineer; Aleks Keldora, a master in the art of temporary identity theft; and Artemis Zreeth, their edgy new recruit - are the most wanted criminals in this quadrant of the galaxy. Never once caught, the team defies their galaxy's oppressive government by using their combined talents to steal from the government as their own act of rebellion.
However, their luck takes an unexpected turn for the worst when they find themselves set up and arrested after a botched heist. Taken to the most secure facility in the whole Junction, the group expects nothing but problems in the coming future - instead, they are offered a strange deal: if they agree to work for the Junction and retrieve some highly classified files that were lost in a hostile planetary system, they will be spared from execution. With few other options, the group begrudgingly accepts to carry out this heist for the government they spent their lives trying to undermine.
Meanwhile, Jack finds himself trapped in a horrifying web of unethical experiments and illegal bioengineering when, while still having to carry out the heist along with his crew, he is secretly forced to become a test subject to the fearsome Director, head of the Junction's division of sciences, unbeknownst to his crew.
The team will need to count on the help of old allies-turned-rivals such as the cold-blooded mercenary and sniper Deimos Soll, their former crewmate, and the secret agent assigned to oversee their mission, an uptight and by-the-book young man called Noctus - if they wish to complete the most dangerous heist of their lives, and get their freedoms back.
Tropes and Nice Stuff! (Or, a.k.a. What you can expect in this book!)
Found Family/Team as Family!
Space adventure, exploration of unique, uncanny, beautiful, and outlandish alien planets, all the good science fiction stuff!
Robots, cyborgs, and sarcastically friendly AI!
A terrifyingly strict aspiring utopian regime that promises progress and freedom but is actually an unethical dystopia in disguise, with many bloodied skeletons in the closet, if you will.
Intergalactic politics, multiple alien cultures, and a bubbling interplanetary conflict about to explode between vastly different civilizations, each seeking either revenge or power.
Sibling bonds! A lot of this story centers around the siblings Jack and Cassiopeia Tithus, and the struggles they go through to keep each other safe and live another day, among some other notable siblings throughout the book.
Laboratory whump - A LOT OF IT. Also expect a crazy, unethical scientist/politician as a villain who is willing to do absolutely horrid things in the name of progress, even if it means human experimentation.
A suspicious, morally grey antihero with a reputation for being a cold-blooded killer, whom you'd expect is going to betray the group sooner or later, but is actually one of their most loyal allies and HAS A REDEMPTION ARC aaaaaa
Heists! Heists! Heists! And all the good stuff that comes along with this trope!
An edgy rogue-type character who is super impulsive and does not always make the best decisions, who only recently joined the group but would defend them with his life.
Traumatized - and hot - cyborg assassin lady on the path to have revenge on the people who destroyed her life in the past, and who is going to get said revenge in ✨style✨
A conformist secret agent who has always been "the perfect soldier" and follows rules like his life depends on it has an existential crisis and learns that his government has lied to him
A subplot that follows a young cadet from the Junction's Void Program, who discovers a dark secret about their government and starts investigating, but who needs to escape (and ends up meeting the MCs) after the government makes an attempt on his life + his war hero (adoptive) older brother who is a fighter pilot and really just needs a break and was tasked by their parents with trying to keep Pax from getting into even more trouble, but fails successfully.
Outcasts and society's "rejects" decide to make a better future together and it is great
Angst, team dynamics, and a lot of action-packed fight scenes!
And more! ✨
Meet The Main Cast! (The good guys)
Jack Tithus
A charming and rebellious intergalactic thief, Jack always sought a better life for himself and his younger sister, Cassiopeia, his only family - and he finally got his chance many years ago by joining a famous space pirate crew and leaving the dusty mining settlement moon he grew up in behind. After that, he took on a solo career - along with his sister and a few friends they had made along the way - and became the most wanted thief in the galaxy. He only steals from the government and seeks to help people who are oppressed or neglected by the system. He has a kind heart and a free spirit, and despite being a thief has a stronger moral compass than most, believing in breaking the rules to do what is truly right.
Cassiopeia Tithus
Cassiopeia - or Cassie, as she is usually called - is a brilliant robot engineer and inventor, able to build even the most complex machines from little more than scraps. She built her first robot when she was a child and has had a passion for mechanics ever since. A part of her older brother's outlaw team, Cassie uses her tech to aid in the heists and allow them to be mostly undetected. Most times. A lively young girl with a fiery personality, Cassiopeia has a lot of passion for what she does and is the glue that keeps their little team of misfits together.
Aleks Keldora
Raised by his two mothers on a struggling planet on the edge of the system, Aleks always wanted to help his family financially and give his mothers the life they deserved. However, struggling with self-esteem issues and often feeling discarded by society, Aleks knew what it meant to be invisible in the eyes of the world around him - with his family being the only ones who ever saw him for who he was. Tired of feeling left out by the world, and wanting to help his mothers - whose business was about to go bankrupt - Aleks decided to take a stand after winning a high-tech device in an underworld completion, a mask that allowed him to shapeshift into anyone he'd like. With the help of this mask and his other talents, Aleks completed his first heist in secret and was able to use the funds to help keep his family's business afloat, though they never knew the truth about how he got the money. After that, finally able to use his feeling of being invisible to his advantage, Aleks became more and more bold, eventually leaving his home planet in search of better heists to be able to continue to support his family.
Vesper Foxx
Traumatized by the day her home planet was raided by a ruthless group of mercenaries - who were hired by the neighboring galaxy's government to establish a Junction colony in Khosmonian territory - Vesper was kidnapped by the soldiers along with her oldest brother, Atheris, after their mother was killed in the raids. After witnessing him be tortured and killed, which scarred for life, Vesper was able to flee in an escape pod, being reunited with her little sister, Lysia, and their cousin, Deya, with whom she left their destroyed homeland behind. Despite settling down in another planetary system with the family she had left, the girl was never able to let go of the past, yearning for justice and revenge. Eventually, she left behind her sister and her cousin to pursue the deaths of the mercenaries who destroyed her life, using cyborg implants and upgrades to turn herself into the deadliest assassin in either galaxy.
Artemis Zreeth
The son of a renowned bounty hunter, Artemis never thought he would ever join their galaxy's criminal underworld, but after his father was betrayed by the crew he trusted the most, Artemis was left to fend for himself. Feeling betrayed by the system he trusted and lacking a purpose in life, Artemis survived by doing some gigs as a mercenary and pirate, a gun for hire in the criminal underworld. After winning a race and accidentally meeting the main cast, Artemis joins the group thinking this would just be another job to pay the bills, but as they spend more and more time together, the teenager finds that this group of outcasts might be the closest thing he's had to a family in a long while.
Pax Stellaryn
A genius young cadet, on his way to becoming the youngest cadet to ever graduate from the Junction's Void Program, Pax always wanted to make his beloved adoptive family proud, feeling oftentimes like a fish out of the water. After discovering a terrifying government intrigue by accident, Pax finds a chance to prove that he too can be a hero, and sets off to investigate more about this and seek a way to prevent the Junction's wretched plan from coming to fruition, after realizing his life too is in danger. However, he may have overestimated his ability to get out of this mess alone.
Deimos Soll
A cold-blooded and practical sniper, Deimos was Jack and Cassie's childhood best friend and their first crewmate. The trio split ways years ago due to conflicting beliefs and a few bad misunderstandings and ended up becoming rivals and competition when it comes to stealing from the Junction. Years later, however, after a harrowing encounter with a cruel and sadistic woman who sought to enslave him in order to force him to join her army, Deimos ends up fleeing to the only people he ever trusted - which unfortunately means having to confront his past and face Jack and Cassie again, who is very confused about his return to the crew - while being hunted down by the insane general he seeks to escape from.
Though his full name is classified and unknown to the cast, his reputation precedes him. He is the single most successful special forces secret agent currently in the employ of the Junction - he has never failed a mission, never missed a target. And he always follows orders, always obeys the rules. However, is everything about him what it seems? A forgotten and suppressed part of his memory may prove that the system he fought so dearly to uphold may have actually made him into their perfect living weapon, and there may be many other lies yet to be uncovered
Ethean Mirannir
Pax's adoptive older brother, Ethean is a fighter pilot who has made a name for himself as a war hero and has always been the perfect soldier. Unexpectedly, he finds himself having to choose between his duty to the government and keeping his family safe when Pax discovers a secret that even he had no idea existed.
A few Plot Points, chaotically described🙃 (A.k.a - Badly Summarized WIP Tag but different)
Celebrating a successful heist on a space diner with the homies
I don't know why but I have a feeling this is going suspiciously well for our standards... Are we being set up? Hmm. Nah, I must be thinking too much into it-
Yep. Yes, we were being set up.
🎶Hell to the no, to the no, no, no🎶 WHAT IN THE DYSTOPIAN BULLCRAP EVEN IS THIS PLACE?
"Making shady deals with psycho government officers and bargaining for our freedom - with a bonus of Trauma✨"
THIS JUST-IN: 20-something agent totally done with everything must babysit this group of reckless space pirates that refuse to obey the rules
Cue the most uncomfy space travel in the whole galaxy~
"Hey guys, so yeah, this wasn't my plan either -" Promptly passes out, and everyone has more questions than answers.
Preparing to steal important files lost✨IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE✨ with a plan with came up with at 2AM with three bottles of energy drinks and a dash of improv
Operation "Let's Try Not To Die In Less than 20 Mins" begins and goes about as well as you'd expect
Losing communications with any backup we might have had and having a bit of group therapy because why not~
Things get Oh, so much worse, Special Edition - a.k.a - a not-so-nice crash landing on the worst possible planet ever
Let's improvise again Pt.2
Questionable problem-solving and emergency hot chocolate bottles
Cyborg Girl and Sniper Dude absolutely do not get along for a whole week and make it everyone else's problem
This is nice! Finally, something goes according to plan in this mess. I'm honestly surprised we got this far. Bravo to us!
(POV Shift) "Hi, yes, you're probably wondering how I even got into this mess. Let's start from the beginning."
This isn't a regular doctor's appointment, is it? What is that needle?! What are you doing -
Political drama, espionage, and manipulative teachers
And The Whump Begins
Well, well, well if it isn't the Consequences of my actions striking back at last. I probably should've mentioned this teeny tiny major problem sooner though. Yeah, my bad...
This is either the single most adorable little alien or the most concerningly ugly thing I've ever seen and now I'm confused
Cue existential crisis - "So no one was gonna tell me my whole life was a lie? Cool. Cool. Just checking... WTF"
Two tired older brothers try to keep their respective gremlin younger siblings from encouraging chaos and fail miserably
Insane Femme Fatale makes everyone hate her in less than 2 seconds and is so proud of it
Midnight Talks and Crispy Snacks
Things just got serious, Oh No.
How To Keep Two Rival Civilizations from Destroying Each Other 101 - We're still trying to figure it out
Hm. This plan wasn't half bad. Except it was. It was oh, so bad, OMG
To be Continued...
Antigravity - Runaground
Superhero - Simon Curtis
Die For You - Valorant
Notorious - NEONI
Fighter - The Score
Glitter and Gold - Barns Courtney
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix @elshells
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kentopedia · 11 months
I typed your url wrong trying to find you and had a momentary heart attack when i couldn't find you 😭 thank god you're still here vtgtcdvgby
I hope you're doing alright and aot didn't hurt too much (I know nothing about that series so I'm just going on vibes from what I've seen about it and I assume it was heart wrenching)
SOLL OMG NO IM STILL HERE DON'T WORRY !!! i have no plans on leaving anytime soon >:)
i'm doing pretty good ! ah aot hurts a lot, i feel so empty today it's been such a long journey, i can't believe it's over! :(
i'm honestly super sad bc nanami's death is most likely going to be animated this month too, so i won't get to see him or levi again after this </3 i still have dazai though LOL
how have you been ? i hope you're doing okay as well!!
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
for the vibe check game: brown, black and green from your blog vibes only, but for you personally it's PINK PINKY THE PINKIEST 💖 you are too sweet!!
AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH :;) I'm really happy that my blog have the exact vibes I wanted to present since the idea of creating a simblr came to my mind! It's actually means so much for me since I always dreamed of being a horror-related blog (and possibly, If i try creating something similar on here, I might be able to make my own tiktok or maybe youtube horror ARG, because I'd be more skilled I guess at creating something with horror-ish vibes? I have so overwhelmingly much to learn, but just seeing people already enjoying my not so skilled and best posts, I believe in myself and that as time goes by, It'll be possible for me to do something much more difficult and do it right, and I appreciate your incredible support because c'mon - you support me all the time and I'm very happy to see that you like my blog and just... Ahh, I just love you so much, Evan 😭💕 And I'm sorry I can't give anything quite as important in return :;< I truly love your OCs and absolutely everything you do! ❤️)
And Deer God (🦌), I can't be more thankful for being called a friendly creature! 😭💕💕💕 THE SAME GOES FOR YOU BY THE WAY, YOU'RE LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST AWESOME AND FRIENDLIEST PEOPLE ON THIS WEBSITE!!! And I just- I love you and your energy so much!! And i'm glad I have the friendly creature vibe since I've always struggled a lot with social interaction and in general, I feel really lonely often thinking that I'm just not the type of person that should have friends, because.. I don't know, it always feels like I'm doing either too much or not enough. Just.. like everything and how I do it is wrong (especially socialising) and god, I never felt this accepted really :'))) I love youuuu! Ich weiß nicht, wie ich dir danken soll, aber wirklich, vielen Dank dafür, dass du so ein Sonnenstrahl in der Dunkelheit bist!💕 Ich hoffe, dass dein Abend gut verläuft und dass du (insbesondere dein Knöchel) dich besser fühlst! :')
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heya I will answer your question in the morning I am very tired at this moment but I do have my own question for you!! which ocs of yours have been on your mind the most lately & if ya wanna talk about them well I’d love to hear
the (screen reader unfriendly) truthful answer: **** ******** *** ********* ******* ** *** ***** ****** ********* * ***** *** *** ***** **** ***** *** **** ** ** **** ** ** ****
the somewhat less truthful answer: adrienne & soll, trans mage who vanished under mysterious circumstances & royal guardsman on the road, friends for life
the fully not truthful answer: marcy and coral and how they came to know each other on gallifrey, as told through this backstory dump i typed up somewhere over a year ago (which will go under the cut)
note: a full context for the dw lore that follows would be hard to provide on this post. context for the cw? lore is that marcy & coral used to/also go by the renegade titles of soloist & conductor, and it's easier to refer to them by those titles when it comes to not specifically their regenerations that appear in cw?.
at first at the academy. they're not like close per se. soloist decides they want to spite the folks in charge and be a funny little rebellious teenager & so spends a bunch of time hanging with the good old shobogans and doing other scandalous things to Stick It To The Man. conductor, by comparison, was on the surface a "very good team player" & bearer of "excellent leadership qualities", which is very useful when one is telepathically disabled & not accomodated in the slightest (institutionalized ableism everywhere (e.g. fucking telepathic doors smh)). much easier, then, for one to collect & file the abundance of damning secrets scattered around the academy, and blackmail one's fellow students into doing telepathy-heavy schoolwork for oneself. of course the soloist's illegal excursions would make perfect ammunition for the conductor were it not for how few fucks it gives about having its illegal activities known to the public (it's generally so good at schoolwork & whatnot that none of the authorities can be bothered to stop it, beyond not wanting it to be a bad influence (on someone as ~promising as the conductor, for instance)). so the soloist knows the conductor is blackmailing people & has a disability and the conductor knows the soloist likes doing illegal activity and so neither has much power over the other. sometimes they hang out and soloist does the occasional kind bit of telepathic work for them in exchange for venting about how much xe hates being in the position of a glorified gifted kid. there are other developments, such as a shobogan telling soloist at one point that being rebellious & hanging out with shobogans isn't even that unique of an idea and there are like non-renegade time lords who did shit like that in their youth & are normal citizens today ("like, i appreciate the gesture, but not only is it not that special, i know full well that it's a hollow one.") and so they have to sulk over that for a while feat. something vaguely resembling consolation from conductor basically. conductor is pissed at the lack of disability accomodation on gallifrey and soloist despises the general bigotry of the place as well as how they can't at all choose (discover, even) a life they'd like to live. anyway they grow up because that's what a gallifreyan does, graduate from the academy, get into Jobs and Positions around the place. soloist joins the cia and is generally despised by all their surperiors because they're too good at their job to be replaced but way too rambunctious to be controlled & do their job in the way they're Supposed To. conductor meanwhile is capable of going anywhere and fixing all the problems but nobody (including themself, to an extent) can really figure out an institution for them to stay in- once they've organized people & got everything standing on its own, there's very little more they can directly do, so they might as well just head off somewhere else to work their magic. the lack of telepathy doesn't help. this is exactly as miserable as you might imagine it is. eventually someone decides "hey what if we got the conductor to work with the soloist & like. rein em in a little bit or something" so now these two dudes who were like. very slightly closer classmates than usual (re: they were barely acquaintances but on gallifrey that's a significantly bigger deal) are now coworkers, oh boy. they very quickly realize all that sucks so basically they catch up on all the bitching about gallifrey they missed out on in their youth. eventually soloist gets pushed around slightly too much and decides, hey, screw this, steals a tardis, and fucks off. conductor, who had a very healthy amount of gallifrey-hate in them but wasn't quite clued into this plan, doesn't actually want to be suddenly separated from the only person whom they had an actual relationship with on this damn planet, and so goes to the cia like "hey can we maybe send a time lord or two after her? yknow, me and a group. or just me." and the cia's like oh actually we've been wanting to get rid of them for ages, they were getting to be too much of a bother to be worth keeping around ("you didn't do a good enough job of keeping xyr under control" "bitch i was letting xyr be more out of control because your standard of control sucks" <- not actually said out loud). and since conductor was already this /\ close to snapping that's basically all the motivation they need to steal a tardis of their own and go after the soloist (mainly because it's the only one they can think of going after, partially because they are curious where it went, and a little bit because they're worried it left them in particular. communication's not great on gallifrey, after all) soloist, meanwhile, had been bouncing around planets seeing sights & trying to figure out what they're going to do with their life. conductor did basically the exact same thing when they got out, however the two's problem-solving modus operandi does differ in some distinct ways. soloist sees some dude on an alien planet punching people -> soloist goes in there and punches them harder -> soloist endures major attempts at self-improvement through the process of punching people -> soloist is an inspiration to people-punchers on the planet -> soloist leaves conductor sees some dude on an alien planet punching people -> conductor examines the hierarchical structures that allowed this to happen and refines communication between the downtrodden and those in power, educating the ignorant and providing the means to punch very hard to those that need it -> conductor leaves
well anyway they meet up on this lovely little planet called earth at circa 4th century bce india just because. and here's where things get a tad bit detailed conductor parks their timeship a bit out of the way and sets off to the soloist's residence- they may be trying to fit in, but a time lord cannot help themself from being just slightly extravagant. they knock on the door and say hi i'm a time lord is this- the door peeks open for half a second, during which they are shot point blank with a staser, knocking them flat on their back. "enjoying the stun? if you still try to get me to gallifrey after i'm done questioning you, i'm not afraid of dialing that thing further," says an unfamiliar voice, still from behind the door. "um," says the conductor, looking around at their body, "are you sure about it being set to stun?" the great glow of light that follows is enough to get the door open & a horrified onlooker out of the house, just in time to watch a completely unfamiliar time lord's face emerge from the haze. they don't have anything much to say to each other, considering the shock of the situation, and all, but soloist- the time lord who did the deed- can at least get out an "i'm sorry," however meaningless they feel it might be in this situation. "oh no it's cool" responds conductor before passing out. the next week is a bit of a confusing one. the soloist's timeship, it turns out, got broken, and they've been stuck here in india for about a century, somewhat resigned to their fate (especially so, after they regenerated all on their own here, really cementing their identity as a time lord out of time). now though, with another time lord around, it has some hope- as soon as this time lord finishes the regeneration process & remembers who they are. the whole memory thing is inconvenient in numerous ways, and strange in even more. they don't remember where their tardis is (probably a long ways off, and they're in no state to search for it), so resting in there isn't an option. they apparently remember knowing the soloist, which is weird because the soloist can't think of anyone who'd really know em that well- noone with that face, of course, but mainly not anybody who'd be willing to go off-planet to find em (as far as ey know). they don't remember who they are, no name or occupation or chapter house or anything, but they're not letting it get to them. the optimism impresses the soloist, honestly, as he doesn't remember having half as much comfort in his regeneration without his tardis. don't worry though, for gallifreyan standards, they make an incredibly affectionate patient, constantly providing the sort of appreciation the soloist (neither of them, really) would've thought they're missing but need all the same. as previously mentioned: very, very strange. their memories do return, though, don't worry, and it's just as dramatic as any good renegade time lord would have it. i mean, it's a simple enough day, of course, soloist figuring out some curry because one of the folks in the village a day away heard she had a sick guest & insisted on providing help in some way. and it is of course while making mung daal (carefully omitting the ginger) that one does not want, "rassilon's beard, soloist, i just remembered!" to be shouted at oneself, but not everything can go as one wishes. "remembered what?" is the reasonable response that comes next, with "all of it!" being the unexpected but not unreasonable reply that follows. "oh, uh, great! so you remember who you are?" soloist continues uncertainly, because they're not sure at all where this is going to go now that the time lord in their custody could leave them at any time (as was inevitable from the start, but still. a person can hope). "yes, i'm the conductor!" "oh- oh! you're another renegade! well, damn, that's a pretty big relief, honestly-" "-no!" and the stranger reaches forward, grabbing the soloist's bare hands with their own in a way no time lord would ever considering doing with anyone they've known for less than a few millenia, at least. the soloist reels, internally summoning some out-of-use telepathic insulators in a panic, but finds only moments later that... there's no use for them. "i'm the conductor," they repeat, whilst not a single current is conducted between the two of them, unmistakably familiar in its absence. the soloist follows the paths laid for them, clear as day, to the only conclusion they can come to, and, well. perhaps it's both poignant and silly at the same time. "it's you?? it's really you??? from the academy, and, no, the cia, too, oh rassilon, i can't believe you came after me- i shot you, man, the first thing we do- the first thing i do upon you tracking me down across all time and space, i shoot you with my staser, and" "my dude i didn't even care about that while i couldn't remember our shared history can you give it a rest already" "conductor, with all due respect, being without you for 100 years has made me depressed. i'm not going to stop moping this easily" "is that a challenge?" "oh for the love of omega's awful helmet- are you going to let go of my hands any time soon?" "not if i don't have to"
in conclusion: they're besties your honor
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calsvoid · 5 months
15, 8, and 4 for the fic writers ask and I am aware that 4 is basically asking "which of Sebastian's family members is your favorite" since you have such an extensive family dynamic imagined for the Smythe's
fic writers ask game
i CACKLED at the fact my answer for #4 is so obviously gonna be one of sebastian’s relatives, anyway
15. What's your favorite fic of all time?
my fave fic is definitely You Felt Enough by Soll, i’m literally in love with that fic i’ve read it so many times austin smythe is my everything and i adore the friendships between blaine and the new directioners the writing is so beautiful and it broke me when i first read it
8. What character is the easiest for you to write?
probably sebastian, part of that is because he’s not super fleshed out in canon and there’s leeway for me to do whatever i want and then of course all the projecting i do with him
4. Who is your favorite OC?
literally any of sebastian’s sisters i just love the idea of sebastian being close with his siblings and his relationship with his older sister (partners in crime, friends forever type of bond) and him being gentle and so caring with the twins are always some of my favorite things to write
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amberfaber40 · 2 years
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37 Brilliant Pinterest Marketing Tips (to Increase Your Website Traffic in 2020)
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This post gives you seven ways to do affiliate marketing without a website or blog. Simple ways to get started with this key way to make money online.
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Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Without a Blog - Complete Guide
To make money on Pinterest, Affiliate marketing is the best to get started without a blog. Here is the complete guide for you.
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asoulofstars · 2 years
OC dev question: what do people who like riona like about her and what do people who dislike her dislike about her? I don’t mean grand statements of objective good or bad, I mean like how you’d describe your friend or someone you hate for a reason that has nothing to do with your morals and ethics. (After all, even the most horrible person has things their friends like about them and even the best person has things people find annoying about them, that’s just how people work).
Examples would be her friends like her because she always knows how to make them laugh or she always remembers little things you mention in convos, and those who dislike her do so because she has a tendency to talk over people or she struggles to read the room. (Not saying I think any of those things about riona, just examples of type of traits I want to know about!)
Hello, Anon!
Thank you for this. I’m gonna give you a few examples from Riona’s three closest friends in my novels.
Aislinn loves the way that Riona is always the first to volunteer for something. She loves Riona’s initiative and compassion. If people need help, Riona wants to be that person. She doesn’t wait for people to reach out to her. On the flipside of that, Aislinn hates how Riona doesn’t take care of herself. Aislinn has become Riona’s main rock and support over the years, and she will never ever make Riona feel bad for that. But it DOES get exhausting when Riona doesn’t take care of herself and continuously feeds her own insecurities.
Aidan: The thing that drew Aidan to Riona from the start was the way that Riona tends to just *exist*. Riona sees herself as kind of invisible, and Aidan notices how she tries to make herself that way. But Riona’s also emotional, heart on her sleeve, and she CARES. She may be “invisible”, but he sees her, and he loves her for the way that she exists in the world. She doesn’t have to be the center of attention or draw attention to herself. She doesn’t care about image. She just does. What bothers him the most about her is the way that she doubts things, though. How she doubts that people care for her as much as she does them. How she doubts herself. He wishes he could get her to see herself the way he does. He wishes she could see how vibrant and beautiful her heart is.
Logan: Logan loves Riona’s dedication and drive. It’s why he agrees to stand by her. Riona is so full of doubt about so much, but she lets her heart lead her, and she stands by her convictions. She doesn’t roll over and let other people lead her mind. But he hates that she doesn’t do that for HERSELF. He hates that she lets other people dictate her self-image. Namely her parents, but also anyone else who makes snide comments to her about Soll’s death. He wishes she could stand strong about herself and believe how strong she actually is.
And I’ve realized that all of this goes to Riona’s hypocrisy. Love and care applies to everyone else, but not her. Everyone is inherently good, but she’s bad and deserves to suffer. Yes, it’s a trauma response, but it’s something that needs to be addressed.
Maybe that will be something in Book 2, as that is going to be a much more…introspective book.
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wander-yet-wonder · 4 years
HETABANG PROJECT - Fugue in A minor - Spaus
These are the accompanying illustrations I have done for the @hetabang​ project. In this project writers and artists team up and create a collab. 
I partnered with the Talented @katemarley​
She wrote the fic “Fugue in A minor” Which can be read here:
We tackled the marriage of Spain and Austria when in 1520 Charles V becomes emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the Habsburg house unites Spain and Austria. Below you canfind the illustration accompanied with a snipet of fic, but for the whole experience go to the AO3 page where fic and images are combined. 
A lot of historical research went into this on both our parts and all events, locations, clothing and furniture are painstakingly researched to reflect the time period. I hope you all will enjoy our work!
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 “I need some moments alone with my consort, my partner.” Burgundy gave off an air of sovereignty as she spoke to her court who all accepted without question that this was business for the immortals to tend to. Roderich sighed in relief and let her steal him away into their bedroom.
 She was fussing at his outfit, straightening it and picking imaginary lint off the velvet before making him sit down on a chair in front of the dresser. She took a brush and took off his black beret to run it softly through his hair, obviously just to have something to do while they talked.
“Liefsteling, I think we should have a little chat before you and Antonio exchange rings.”
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The priest produced a small dish on which Spain put a piece of gold, a piece of silver and a ring.
Roderich extended his hand meekly for Antonio to put on the ring, but then noticed something. The ring was of a German type. He wondered if this was Spain being thoughtful or him purchasing one at the last minute. Spain held up the ring and clicked it open to be two separate rings. To Roderich’s surprise, they were gimmel rings …
 Spain explained in a hushed voice: “Because we are both men, I felt I couldn’t just put a ring on you. We should both wear one. I liked these because of what they say.” He was referring to the words around the band, which he read out in horribly accented German: was Gott zusammen fueget soll der Mensch nicht schneiden. They were a purplish ruby and an emerald. Antonio carefully put the half with the emerald on Roderich’s left ring finger and then handed him the ruby to do the same. This was thoughtful of Antonio—had he come up with this himself or was this the council of Karl advising him? Austria was very aware of the new weight around his finger and his resolve to remain cold started to waver.  
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“Augsburg.” Austria bowed on his part, anxious not to incline his head lower than she had. He could at least keep up appearances, if nothing else.
It was her who took his hand for the basse danse—almost imperceptible, but the transgression was there. She swept her eyes over the people that had gathered inside Aachen’s town hall: Most of them were members of the high nobility and imperial estates who wouldn’t have missed the opportunity to show themselves for Charles’s crowning and the establishment of the Austro-Spanish union alike. There were guests from other kingdoms, too, moving in the slow and elegant sequence of steps so characteristic for this dance. Not all of those people had come to Austria and Spain’s wedding ceremony itself.
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Then a gentle, calloused hand cupped his chin and warm, slightly chapped lips captured his lower lip.
This really was no different to being with a woman, Austria thought involuntarily. At least so far.
He opened his mouth to let Spain in when his tongue demanded it. Spain was a good kisser, at the least; Austria had to give him that. He made an involuntary, small sound at the back of his throat and could feel Spain smile against his lips before he started to kiss Austria’s cheek.
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2ofswords · 3 years
top 5: plays, words, chapters/fics you wrote,items of clothing you own, ships
That’s... a lot of questions. I’ll try...
Let’s talk theater!!!
Okay, for he first one… Are we talking written plays or shows? Because there are…. Very different answers there. I’ll just include both since a lot of my favorite theatre productions are not about specific texts. (I just like a lot of them so much and want to mention them!) Also note: I live in Germany and study German literature with a focus on theatre so there will be a lot of that.
5. Die Winterreise written by Elfriede Jelinek This one is actually about the text. I guess it is not the most provocative work from Jelinek but… the themes man… the themes. The whole “passing of time” and the sadness of it. It kind of goes through all seven stages of grief about it and… well it’s Jelinek so there is much more. The whole part about the lost father near the end that just goes on forever and doesn’t stop and it is so bleak and also melancholic and full of love that cannot be properly expressed an… god. Also the first page of this text is one of my favorite written pieces of… anything really. Sometimes I just read it to… read it. This play also started my interest in theatre studies! I wrote an essay about it out of spite! I was just really annoyed by everyone calling it autobiographical (which to be fair: it absolutely is) and basing the narrator only on Jelinek’s own life when the whole narration has her style of deliberate vagueness and can be applied a whole lot more interesting. But people only relying of autobiography aspects is a pet peeve in literature studies I have in general. (Yes, I am looking at you, people who cannot shut up about Franz Kafka’s father!!)
4. Kill your Darlings by René Pollesch I have to go with one Pollesch play and while I also really liked Probleme Probleme Probleme, this one just has some banger sentences and also an octopus costume. Which is all I ever needed in a theatre production.
3. Ibsen: Peer Gynt by Markus&Markus This one is not a written script but a play. And it’s a really interesting one. It follows a group of performance artists who spend a summer with a man who has dementia and they are trying to make a play about Peer Gynt from Ibsen with him as the main role. It is part of a series trying to find the characters Ibsen writes about in our time and this is the last part of the trilogy and… it really hits. It’s just… super interesting and the plot twist is… Good. There seems to be some debate around the play and the group in general (and I actually have seen one other play from them that I really didn’t like) but this one is genius and I think it handles the discussion with a lot of dignity. Also the connections to the actual source is super interesting. There are a lot of really amazing monologues in there too!
2. Les Robots ne connecaint pas le blues oder Die Entführung aus dem Serail by Gintersdorfer/Klaßen God… this one is so good! Sadly this is another one that was played by the group and cannot be seen anymore. But god… it’s a masterpiece! It’s an analysis of the opera “Die Entführung aus dem Serail” and applies a lot of postcolonial theory, queer studies, gender studies and just… personal experiences and viewpoints. It’s thorough, it has an amazing aesthetic, an entire opera orchestra and a Coupé-décalé dance-off… It’s just a blast and so fucking clever! I really love the analysis and style of Gintersdorfer/Klaßen in general and can really recommend the group!
1. Draußen vor der Tür (The man Outside) by Wolfgang Borchert Surprising absolutely nobody. This is definitely the play I loved most through school years. But let’s be honest here: It’s mainly number one because I made my own production of it with one of my university’s theatre groups and that was – no exaggeration – the best time of my life. The magical semester I had. It’s also really good and really sad though.
The other lists are under the cut because this post is getting too long!
Okay, what’s next. Words?
Uuuuuuh. I like words. I don’t really have… specific ones I love… Uuuuuuuummmm…. I’m going with German here. There is also some great English ones but… I know more words in German… Sorry… The other lists are written in English again!!
5. erwidert mein Lieblingswort, um “sagen” auszuweichen direct nach “fragt“ und „antwortet“. Erwiderungen geben einfach recht viel Dynamik in die Sache hinein und strukturieren Dialoge. Yay!!
4. jetzt Um… ich weiß, man soll keine Füllwörter benutzen… Aber an die Regel habe ich mich noch nie gehalten? Ich mag meinen Sprachrhythmus? Und „jetzt“ ist einfach super praktisch, wenn man eine zusätzliche Silbe braucht, aber einen schnellen Sprachfluss erzeugen will. Es setzt ein bisschen druck in den Satz und lässt sich dabei sehr schnell sprechen. Außerdem eignet es sich auch sehr gut, damit wörtliche Rede ein bisschen umgangssprachlicher klingt, ohne besonders umständlich zu sein. „Was machen wir denn jetzt?“ „Das kannst du jetzt echt nicht ernst meinen!“ „Ich habe jetzt aber wirklich genug von euch!“ Fun stuff.
3. demnach Ich hoffe niemand hier hat irgendwelche großen oder interessanten Worte erwartet… Das hier ist ein Hausarbeits-Wort! Argumente! Sie lassen sich zusammenführen! Und man kann dieses eine Wort benutzen, um von einem Punkt zum nächsten zu kommen! Es ist ein Wunder! Um ehrlich zu sein, bevorzuge ich es, dafür „in diesem Sinne“ zu benutzen, aber das ist kein einzelnes Wort.
2. Enzensbergerexegetenschelte I… am out of words: Aber hier ist ein wort, dass den Buchstaben „e“ ganze zehn Mal beinhaltet und in einem lustigen Gedicht vorkommt.
1. Oh.
 Okay, about my own fics:
I rarely revisit my fics so I will just see where my gut feeling takes me. Also if I talk chapters, I will only include one chapter by fic, so that this list doesn’t become my favorite Blank Rune Chapters.
5 Shenanigans by the sea (Pathologic Fanfiction) It’s so silly but also so happy and genuinely one of my best pieces of writing! Definitelly one of my better Pathologic fanfictions and what can I say? I like to write scenes with a lot of characters that I can switch around. It was super fun! Also lifeguard Saburov is still one of the best ideas I ever used for anything.
4 “Durchführung” in Nur ein Spiel („Execution“ in Just a Game? – Hungergames Fanfiction) Another chapter of my hunger games fanfiction and… well it’s one of the most memorable I would say. I remember that I absolutely loathed writing it because my personal favorite character died and also the favorite character of my best friend but… worth it tbh. The whole love confession in it is also…. Cheffs kiss.
3 How to play. A dramatic text in three acts (Pathologic Fanfiction) I think this is the best Pathologic fanfiction I wrote. It’s just… I can’t help but love it and it’s one of the very few pieces I actually reread from time to time. I love the wordplay in this one and I really love how it mirrors some more abstract forms of theatre and… I don’t know I just think it’s one of the few times I managed to write something really smart.
2 The Last Gebo-Chapter in The Blank Rune (Hungergames Fanfiction) It’s short but… I think it hits. Don’t even think it’s the best chapter from a technical view and also… not the one that hurts the most but… It has the exact sweetspot of hurt and loving it and I worked a long time to finally get to a point in the story where I was able to write it. Also that fucking last sentence…. It symbolizes a lot of what I wanted to do with Blank Rune.
1 Das Glasperlenhaus (The Marbles‘ Shed – Original Work) It’s short story of mine an I really really love it! It’s actually hard to say what it is about but I wrote it for a competition that had the theme “Haunted House”. I guess it’s about some guy who visit’s a pretty weird small house next to a park and how that house affects his life. And also there are a lot of marbles that get knotted into a string and I guess that is metaphor for life and death or something.
 Items of clothing I own
Oh! I have a lot that I really like!!
5 The one black dress with the flower ornaments!! It’s just so… insanely pretty! It’s more for special occasions and I need to be in the mood for wearing it but man… makes me feel very fancy and fairy like.
4 All of my woolen socks! They. Are. So. Warm! And my feet are very cold. Bonus points if at one point they got extended and now have completely different types of wool attached to them? I don’t know, I really love that!
3 The one grey jacket, that kinda looks like a biker jacket where the person who made it didn’t get the memo, that these are supposed to be made out of leather. It’s just a wacky item and still very much my style and very comfy. Also I need another leather jacket, my old of kind of… faded into nonexistence…
2 The blue outdoor jacket that kind of looks like one of the cloaks in kingdom hearts but some fool painted it dark blue and so it got thrown out of the world that never was and directly into… a tom tailor outlet store I guess Ummm… Much nostalgia, I guess? Also it has some fluffy clothing parts an is super warm and comfy…
1 … my binder Not really an explanation needed, huh… Just when binder days are there it’s amazing to have it and I feel awesome wearing mine.
5-1 Evergreen’s Ever Given
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
Heyy !
☀️ Sun - What's your favorite part of your WIP?
⚡️Lightning - Have you ever spontaneously added something to your story that you wouldn't have added normally? If so, what made you do it?
for Supernova Initiative pls ? :)
Thanks for the ask, @thepeculiarbird!
(Ask Game Here)
☀️ Sun - What's your favorite part of your WIP?
Let's see, (:
I really love the dynamic between the three main siblings of the story (Jack, Cassie and their adoptive brother, Deimos), and writing their backstory has been really fun so far as well (mainly because its really interesting to see how their past shaped them into the people they are today, as well as how their dynamics changed over time while also somehow remaining similar at times).
I love, love, love writing the sci-fi settings for this story. I have a lot offun every time I'm writing a new setting, planet, etc! Since Supernova Initiative takes place on a set of fictional, futuristic galaxies, I have a lot of leway to make the settings as unique and varied as I want, even outwordly or uncanny at times. I can have grimy, crime-filled mining moons with streets filled with neon lights, or a giant ocean planet which hosts some of the largest creatures in the system and has beautiful rings (like Saturn, but different, utopic-dystopian high-tech space stations ruled by the intergalactic Junction with an iron fist, etc!
I love writing my morally grey characters - Kye Thalax, Zenyth Astrophell and even Deimos Soll has a morally grey streak at times (though he is more 'chaotic good' than neutral lol). The contrast between them and the more do-gooder, kind personalities of this series - such as Jack Tithus, Lyorna Alyrii, Cassie etc - is really interesting and grants the story a great deal of variety that I think makes it even more fun to write! I also do love angsty, badass, hot and undyingly loyal antihero-type characters so I may be a bit biased lmao.
I really like writing and reading some whump, and this story has its fair share of it, so there's also that!
I like my character's unique quirks and how they all feel so distinct from one another in their own ways while also forming a cohesive and compelling team/crew.
⚡️Lightning - Have you ever spontaneously added something to your story that you wouldn't have added normally? If so, what made you do it?
That's a tough question lol. Since I'm a plotter, my WIPs and stories are usually carefully thought out and developed by the time I start the first draft, and this WIP (Supernova Initiative) especially, was intentionally tailored to my personal tastes, with my favorite tropes and dynamics, as I needed a passion project LMAO. But even then, there are a few things that took me by surprise as I reached the final stage of plotting and moved onto the first draft. So let's see what those things were!
Originally, Deimos wasn't going to have left the crew five years before the main story and had nothing to do with the set-up that had the team arrested in the inciting incident of the main act of this series. I usually don't like the "sibling rivalry" or "traitor sibling" trope in movies and books, as I think it is rather overdone and it often isn't compelling to me/feels annoying when not done well. However, as I reached the final stage of plotting, I realized this story needed a bit more stakes and that a bit more of internal conflict in the crew could spice things up, as well as give Deimos a change at a really meaningful redemption arc. So, I changed things up a bit: in the new, final version of the story, Deimos, Jack and Cassie grew up as siblings and best friends, but after they became adults and the civil war started, Deimos wanted to get involved with the conflict directly and rebel more openly against the Junction, while Jack & Cassie wanted to keep things as they were and continue simply undermining the Junction by stealing from it. This leads them to have an argument, after which Deimos leaves the crew but ends up caught by an insane warlord in the Khosmonian galaxies, who tries to turn him into a living weapon. He escapes a few years later, but is still being hunted by that General. With no resources and no other choice, Deimos makes a deal with the Junction to set-up the crew (since he knew how they operate and how their heists work) in exchange for temporary protection and with the promise of being given the resources to take down General Laylah. He later regrets betraying his family, as despite their estrangement they were still his siblings whom he loved more than anything, and ends up starting a redemption arc later on while trying to make amends.
Vesper originally wasn't going to be a relentless cyborg mercenary seeking revenge for the deaths of her brother and their mother. In the first version of an outline I developed for this WIP, she was actually a character much similar to Pax Stellaryn - she was going to be a spy and cadet at the Junction, and her personality was going to be much kinder, funnier and softer. She was also going to be a childhood friend of Pax's in another version of the series. However, I felt that their personalities were far too similar and that her character felt like her story was lacking something. So I scratched that original concept completely, and changed up her backstory, character and personality a lot and thus the cold, calculating, ruthless and painfully socially awkward Vesper we now know was created. And I quite love this new version a lot more!
Not exactly something that I wouldn't have added, but which was still an unexpected change I made in this story and which actually fit really well into the plot: Aleks Keldora was originally going to be an orphan, like quite a few of the other main cast. But somehow I felt that didn't match his personality and worldview, and also felt that at least some characters in this story should have happy, healthy, living relatives/family, so I scratched his original backstory and gave him two loving mothers who raised him with all the care in the world, and whom Aleks wants to give a better life to now that he has the means to help them.
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Hii! So, do you think Imayoshi would also try to create a perfect soll? (like Hanamiya). If yes, what would he consider as his perfect doll?
presuming we’re talking about a yandere!imayoshi, i do think he’d go the doll route, potentially more aggressively than hanamiya. based off his type (kikubari), i can see him manipulating/bullying his victim into being completely submissive, and very obviously dead inside. e.g. 
ima: won’t you greet our guest, __-chan?
doll, clearly wishing they was dead, with absolutely no emotion in their voice: welcome to our home, it’s a pleasure to have you.
(guest is too spooked to return)
so, in general, the ideal doll would be: overly polite (using very formal speech), able to serve as a maid if imayoshi had friends over, would do pretty much do everything imayoshi asked for, and would have eyes more dead-looking than furuhashi.
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Well, I don’t know what happened. I didn’t have an idea, I wanted to write something short, but lo and behold the next story for @drawlight‘s advent challenge is the longest and most complicated yet.
I’m rather fond of the AU that I seem to have created here. It came as a pleasant surprise.
12: Caroling (3,379)
Die Hoffnung und Beständigkeit Gibt Trost und Kraft zu jeder Zeit. O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum! Das soll dein Kleid mich lehren.
Aziraphale sighed, applauding with the rest of the audience. “Oh, I do love Christmas carols,” he said, smiling towards the demon standing beside him.
“You would,” Crowley grunted, tapping at the keys of his new-fangled Blackberry. He shot a glare through his dark glasses at the dozen singers gathered under a tree coated with twinkling lights. “Du denkst du bist schlau. Singe etwas das wir alle verstehen können.”
“Crowley!” Aziraphale took a step away, adjusting his lapels, hoping no one thought they were here together. “I’ve told you before, if you don’t stop heckling, I won’t bring you along.”
“Promise?” Crowley growled, bending back over the keyboard of his tiny computer.
Aziraphale tutted, turning back to the singers with an expectant smile.
The angel Gabriel from heaven came. His wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame: “All hail,” said he, “thou lowly maiden Mary. Most highly favored lady.”
As soon as the song started, Aziraphale felt his smile fall, though he struggled to keep it in place lest Crowley see.
He didn’t even look up, just snorted, “There’s one I haven’t heard in a while. Let’s go. I don’t want to hear about that wanker.” He brushed past, elbowing his way through the crowd while Aziraphale hurried to catch up. “Hau kultural jabetze da,” Crowley called over his shoulder.
“You shouldn’t say things like that,” Aziraphale reminded him as they moved back towards the busier parts of the winter festival.
“Why? He’s your boss, not mine. In fact, I’m supposed to not like him.”
“Still. I would prefer if you remained civil while we were in public.”
Crowley shrugged, brushing his long hair back out of his face, never looking up to acknowledge the carts of street food, the lights, the seasonal entertainments.
“What can possibly be so entertaining about that…that machine?” Aziraphale snapped.
“They put the internet into a phone. Genius!”
“I don’t know what that means,” the angel said, trying to sound as uninterested as possible.
“It means,” Crowley continued blithely, “that I can get into all kinds of trouble from anywhere in the city.” He finally glanced up, long enough to wiggle his eyebrows. “I am going to take spam to a whole new level.”
“Please do not explain that.”
“Well, I need to do something to keep myself entertained!”
“There’s plenty to keep you entertained.”
“What, this?” Crowley waved a dismissive hand. “Consumerism. Gluttony. Really bad music. Nothing real about any of it.”
Aziraphale tried not to look hurt. “Well, isn’t there anything about the season you like?”
The fingers paused in their dance across the keyboard. “I like wassailing, I suppose.”
“Of course you do.” Back in the Middle Ages, wassailing had always ended in gangs of drunken young men demanding food and drink at houses in the villages, causing all kinds of chaos and damage if they didn’t get it. He had been glad when the tradition had died out, and that it had revived as the much more stately and dignified caroling in the Victorian era.
“Now what is that supposed to mean?”
“Only that wassailing is exactly the sort of thing I would expect a demon to enjoy.”
“You don’t need to sound so disapproving.” The fingers typed more furiously than ever.
“I only meant…there are some holiday traditions we’re better off without.” No, that sounded worse. Aziraphale immediately wished he could call the words back.
Crowley finally shoved the blackberry into his pocket. “If that’s how you feel, I think I’m better off without this tradition.” He shot a scowl his curtain of red hair. “Enjoy your festival.”
“Crowley…” but the demon had already stormed away.
Aziraphale didn’t hear from him all though December, which really wasn’t a surprise; the demon didn’t bother to come visit on New Year’s, which was unusual, but not alarming.
As the month of January began to pass, though, he grew nervous. The last time they’d parted angrily, they’d wound up not speaking for over eighty years. This disagreement surely hadn’t been so bad, Crowley couldn’t still be upset six weeks later…and yet still, no word.
Finally, on the 17th of January, Aziraphale called Crowley’s flat.
“…you know what to do, do it with style. <beep>”
“Crowley. Crowley! I know you’re there, don’t ignore me. Crowley!”
A long pause, then…
“What is it, Angel?”
“There you are! I was beginning to think – oh never mind.” Aziraphale had promised himself to be calm and reasonable. “Where have you been?”
“Indulging in holiday traditions we’re better off without.”
“Really! Crowley, there’s no need for you to be…stand-offish.”
“I’m not being stand-offish. I’m in a great mood. Very sociable.”
“Are you.”
“Yes, but you wouldn’t approve, would you?” A heavy sigh. “Look, Angel, I don’t want to argue. I have people to meet. We can talk later.”
“People?” But the line was dead. Crowley had hung up on him.
Now Aziraphale was furious. He very nearly miracled himself to Mayfair to give Crowely a piece of his mind. Then again, there was the slight possibility that something demonic was afoot, in which case the sudden arrival of an angel would cause rather a large disaster.
If that was the case, though, why wouldn’t Crowley have said something? No, he hadn’t even tried to speak in clever code. This wasn’t business, this was him giving Aziraphale the brush-off.
After pacing furiously across the book shop for five minutes, the angel reached his decision.
He opened up a map of London and concentrated on a bit of magic he’d lain down decades ago, in case Crowley ever needed to be rescued from his own foolish risks. After a moment, he was able to sense the exact location of the Bentley – nothing was visible, the trick was all in his mind, but using the map he could track it as it traveled through the city.
Except that, almost immediately, it turned onto a major road and drove southwest, crossing out of London entirely. Aziraphale fumbled until he found a larger map of southern England. This would be cruder, but with some concentration he could still detect the car racing through Surrey, Hampshire, Wiltshire, and Somerset.
When the Bentley finally came to a stop, it appeared to be in the middle of nowhere.
Where was that atlas? Aziraphale flipped through map after map. Not Bath. Not Taunton. Not Wells or Glastonbury. He finally settled on a village named Chilton Stoke, not even four hundred people. What in Heaven’s name was Crowley doing there?
The Bentley didn’t move for half an hour. Or for an hour.
After more than ninety minutes, Aziraphale decided he should investigate.
Teleporting to a strange location took ten minutes of preparation, even with the Bentley as a focus. Aziraphale arrived as subtly as possible, but there was nothing demonic going on at all.
The Bentley sat outside the village post office. There didn’t seem to be anyone about, but he could feel Crowley somewhere out among the farms, and started in that direction.
The air was chilly, but clear and crisp, the sky just starting to darken towards sunset. There were plenty of tracks across the thin layer of snow that coated the fields, grinding the pure white into a brown and grey slush. Aziraphale turned to follow that up the hill and into the orchards.
A shift in the wind brought the sound of shouting, but laced with laughter. He crept closer, moving from one tree to the next.
The crowd seemed to include every man, woman and child from the village, gathered around the largest, oldest tree in the orchard. They were shouting, jeering – a few banging pots and pans or other noisemakers. Children threw wads of snow up among the branches and there, moving from one limb to another, taunting them, catching the snowballs and throwing them back down, was Crowley.
Crowley, glasses off, golden eyes shining for all to see, garland of winter greens hanging around his neck.
“Ha! Is that the best you can do? I’m not even trying!” Another snowball sailed past his head, and he slid across the fork of the tree as easily as if he were on the ground. “I’m going to have this whole field blighted by morning, and then where are you going to be?”
The crowd booed this, but much in the way one boos the villain of a pantomime. Crowley waved his arms, encouraging it.
Then, the crowd shifted to cheers as a young lady with a wreath lain across her hair began to climb the tree. Crowley gave one of his overdramatic cries and backed further away up one of the branches.
“Evil spirit! You are not welcome in this village!”
Crowley gave a look of exaggerated shock. “Get him, Liz!” called one of the children in the crowd.
“And what, exactly, do you plan to do about it?” Crowley hooked his hands across a branch and dangled bonelessly, grinning at the young lady.
“I call upon the soul of this tree to reject you and your curse! I – oh,” she leaned down and someone handed up a large bowl, which she gripped in both hands. “I shall waken this tree, and all the trees in the orchard, and your evil will not stand!”
She pulled a piece of bread soaked in something brown and dripping and pressed it to a sharp twig so that it dangled. The people gathered below cheered again and began to sing.
Huzza, Huzza, in our good town The bread shall be white, and the liquor be brown So here my old fellow I drink to thee And the very health of each other tree. Well may ye blow, well may ye bear Blossom and fruit both apple and pear. So that every bough and every twig May bend with a burden both fair and big May ye bear us and yield us fruit such a stors That the bags and chambers and house run o’er.
All the while, the young lady moved across the tree, spearing more bits of bread on twigs. Crowley darted around, making a show of alternately hiding from and trying to scare her. But every time she nearly lost her footing on the slippery bark, his hand would reach out and steady her, just for a moment.
When the song ended, she announced, “The blessing has been made!” and climbed quickly down to the ground, where several young men were pouring more liquid at the base of the tree.
“Attack!” someone shouted.
Suddenly the air was filled with sound – everyone screamed, or banged their noisemakers, and the children threw a concentrated volley of snow at Crowley. When one struck his chest, he flung his arms out dramatically and fell from the tree.
Everyone cheered, several small children crowding close around the fallen demon.
“Alright, ALRIGHT! You got me!” The crowd parted, and Aziraphale could see Crowley sitting up, grinning like mad, snow thick in his hair. A five-year-old child appeared to be trying to put him in a chokehold, but was unable to move much in thick jacket and scarf. “Fair cop. This orchard is officially uncursed. Congratulations.”
He jumped to his feet and pointed at the large tree.
Apple-tree, apple-tree Bear good fruit, Or down with your top And up with your root!
There was another round of applause, and Crowley made a show of bending over and taking a deep breath. “Right. Who’s next?”
“You know perfectly well,” snapped an older man – at least seventy.
“Barnabas? Aren’t you dead yet?”
The old man laughed. “That’s no way to talk to your elders! I’ll outlive you.”
“That’s what your grandfather used to say, too. Fine then, you try and catch me, or you’ll have the biggest worms in your apples in all Somerset.” And Crowley turned and ran – straight towards Aziraphale.
He tried to get out of the way, but there was no place to hide. And Crowley spotted him almost immediately, stumbling to a halt under the tree. “Angel. What are you doing here?” The smile, the humor, the glint in his eyes – all gone now. He scowled.
“What am I…what are you doing?”
Crowley shrugged, looking down at his foot as he dragged his heel through the snow. “Wassailing.”
“That…” Aziraphale waved his arms, trying to indicate the drama, the apple trees, the strange songs that had nothing to do with the winter season. “That is not wassailing!”
“What? Course it is. I’ve been doing it for over five hundred years.”
“Five hundred years?” It was too much to take. “You’ve been doing this for five centuries? Why did you never say anything?”
Crowley shrugged. “Wasn’t sure you’d approve. And you didn’t.”
For a moment, the angel’s mouth just hung open. “My dear fellow, I assure you, this is not what I pictured when you said you enjoyed wassailing.”
“Oh.” He looked up, cocking his head, expression carefully blank.
“Hey! You gotta run!” came a shout from one of the children. “We can’t chase you if you don’t run!”
“Listen, I kind of have a whole…thing here. Can we talk later?”
“I suppose we must.” Aziraphale’s mind was in a whirl.
“Great. Uh. Back in the village, wait by the church. I’ll see you after.” Without waiting for a reply, he spun and ran off through the trees. The crowd followed behind, singing another song.
Here we come a wassailing Among the leaves so green, Here we come a wandering So fair to be seen. Love and joy come to you, And to you your wassail too, And God bless you and send you a happy New Year…
“It started, oh, 1467 or so,” Crowley began, slumping into a seat in the little reception hall next to the church. The whole village had gathered inside, talking, laughing, sharing mugs of mulled spiced cider served from a large bowl by the door. This, Aziraphale had been told, was the wassail. He’d remembered something like it from centuries ago, but this recipe was entirely different.
It had been so strange to see the crowd returning from the orchards, singing, Crowley swaggering in the middle as if he belonged. Every once in a while, someone would come by and speak to the demon, either congratulating him or making some vague threat about next year. He took it all in stride, even when a few slapped him on the shoulders.
It was incredible. Aziraphale had never seen him so relaxed. Smiling, meeting people’s eyes, letting them touch him without flinching away.
“What happened in 1467?”
Crowley took a swig of his drink. “I was sent out here to blight the farms, as you might expect. Stupid assignment. No Temptation involved. What do they even think I am?”
“Absolute waste of your talents.”
“Yes! See? Exactly. But I snuck out there and did my job. Or tried to.” He chuckled, looking around the room with something approaching fondness. “Bunch of idiot humans caught me at it, tried this ancient ritual to raise the trees against me.”
“And it worked?”
“No! Throwing bread at trees and shouting? Of course it didn’t work!” Crowley took another drink, but he couldn’t hide the way his face lit up at the memory. “But they spent the whole night chasing me around the orchards and I couldn’t do my work. So I agreed to leave them in peace.”
Aziraphale leaned against his hand, studying Crowley’s face. He knew that expression. It was the same one that lit up his own face whenever he thought of learning the gavotte with his friends at the club, a hundred years ago. “You had fun. You enjoyed it.”
“Well. I.” Crowley suddenly fumbled for his glasses, but paused with them halfway to his eyes. “I suppose…yes, I did.” He folded them back up, placed them on the table. “They weren’t afraid of me. Do you know how often I meet humans who aren’t afraid of me?”
“So you came back. Every year.”
Crowley sighed, turning to take in the people surrounding him. “Eighteen generations. I know we’re not supposed to get attached. And it’s been hard sometimes. But…one day a year…I don’t know. I need another drink.” He stood up and walked away before Aziraphale could stop him.
As he waited for Crowley to return, Aziraphale realized people were staring at him. No, glaring. He tried for a friendly smile, but that only made them scowl worse.
Suddenly, the young lady with the wreath in her hair sat beside him. “Are you here to cause trouble?” she demanded without preamble.
“I – no, I’ve never intentionally caused trouble in my life.” She seemed to believe him about as much as Crowley would have. “Let me see, was your name Liz?”
“I’m the wassail queen,” she said, as if that gave her authority over all supernatural entities. “I’ve never seen him like this before. He’s nervous. He’s unhappy. You make him unhappy.”
Aziraphale gasped, his heart clenching in his chest. “No, I…I don’t think I do.”
“Then why is he like this?” She glanced over at where Crowley stood in the corner, holding his mug of wassail, not looking at anyone. It was very much how he usually looked in crowds.
When Aziraphale didn’t respond, she looked him up and down. “You’re like him, but not. Did you threaten him? Are you going to try and take him away?”
“Goodness, no! I would never!” He tried to think how much it would be safe to tell these people, who seemed so familiar with Crowley. “I…I am in this world as a force for good, and –”
She waved her hand. “I know. That’s why I’m talking to you. We all know exactly what he is. But he’s our evil spirit. So you leave him alone or you’ll find out exactly what we’re capable of.”
Aziraphale raised his hands in alarm. “I think you have entirely the wrong idea.” He lowered his arms, rubbing his palms together. “Crowley and I…we’ve known each other a long time. A very long time. I would not…That is…I don’t wish any harm on him, either. I suppose he’s my evil spirit, too. I just never knew about any of this.” He looked again at Crowley, and found he couldn’t look away.
Liz watched for a moment, eyes darting between the angel and the demon. Suddenly she grinned. “I think I did have the wrong idea. My mistake. I was pretty nervous when I brought my girlfriend home to meet the family, too.”
“I – what?” Aziraphale turned to her in alarm. “I have no idea what you…we’re not…”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes, you do and you are. For crying out loud, it’s the twenty-first century. No one cares about that anymore.” She stood up. “Tell him if he wants to bring you next year, we’ll find a role for you. I hope you’re good at falling out of trees.”
After a great many steadying breaths, Aziraphale picked up his mug and walked over to join Crowley.
“For five centuries, you never said anything. Until this year. You wanted me to know. You were trying to find a way to tell me and I…overreacted.”
Crowley shrugged. “I guess I knew what you thought I meant. But… I didn’t want you to disapprove of this. I shouldn’t care but –”
“My dear, of course you should care. This village is important to you. You didn’t want me to belittle it.”
“I know I always insult things you like.” His eyes were locked onto his mug.
“You do.” Aziraphale tried to meet his gaze. “But I know you don’t mean it…all of the time. And it’s so rare for you to find something meaningful.” He stepped a little closer. “I’m glad you found this place. I only wish you’d brought me here before. I would very much like to meet them.”
“You…you like them?”
“Oh, yes.” Aziraphale glanced around the room. “I don’t know what it is, but this place, these people, suit you very well.”
The smile that had been missing from Crowley’s face started to return.
Aziraphale raised his mug. “Waes hael.”
Crowley raised his in return. “Drinc hael.”
(Translations and notes: After “O Tannenbaum,” Crowley shouts “You think you’re clever. Sing something we can all understand.” After “Gabriel’s Message,” he says “This is cultural appropriation” in Basque, the carol’s original language. Both are translated via Google Translate so I don’t know how accurate they are.
The last bit of dialogue translates to “Be in health” (Middle English) and “Drink and be healthy” (Anglo-Saxon). I’ve committed a rather egregious violation of linguistics here just to avoid typing a thorn. Mea culpa. These phrases are actually a greeting and response, not a toast – Wassail didn’t become a Yuletide toast until much, much later. Really my crimes just continue to accumulate.
I tried to include all the meanings of wassail: a rowdier version of caroling, an apple orchard ritual performed shortly after New Years, an alcoholic drink made with apples, a toast, and a greeting. Who knew it was so versatile?
Finally, I’ve never actually seen an orchard (or apple) wassail, but I had a lot of fun researching them. This one is meant to be more of a game between Crowley and the village, so I played pretty fast and loose with the traditions.
You should definitely call this an AU, one in which Crowley has a home and people he cares about long before the Apocalypse arrived. I wonder how that will affect things in the next few decades…)
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kooala · 4 years
since I feel stressed about not being able to pack all my crap until tomorrow, I’ll do the only responsible thing and do a tag instead of finishing packing boxes 🤡 thank you @kimsouthjoon​ for tagging me, love!
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1. What colours is your hairbrush?
2. What food would you never eat?
so I have this unreasonable hate for fennel? so.. that I assume
3. Are you usually hot or cold?
I’m a person that’s ALWAYS warm even in the coldest of winter
4. What did you do 45 minutes ago?
pack boxes 💀
5. Favourite chocolate?
don’t LOVE chocolate but I love giotto.. you know those little balls with hazelnut? yessss
6. Have you ever been at a professional sports event?
Yea I’ve been to a couple of Yankees baseball games in the states and I’ve been to a Patriots football game!
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
"Was soll der scheiß?” because the carton broke
8. Favourite ice cream flavour?
mint chocolate chip from baskin robbins
9. What was the last thing you drank?
10. What kind of wallet do you have?
I have a small chanel one in all black (the linked one isn’t the one I have because mine is last leason, but mine looks the same just in black with gold details - obviously mine wasn’t calf leather for 3.000 bucks but it was expensive enough thank you 😂 )
11. What was the last thing you ate?
oven baked feta with tomatoes, olives, spring onions and garlic
12. Did you buy clothes last weekend?
shoes... bought Jungkook’s FILA’s just to return them becuase I look like a construction worker when I wear them (,:
13. What was the last sports event you saw?
erm.. no clue
14. Favourite snacks?
dried mango
15. Who was the last one you texted to?
@cultleaderyoongi​ 😂😂 to be fair, that jungkook video killed me 
16. Do you like camping?
yes! especially for festivals
17. Do you eat vitamins?
nah only when I have a cold
18. When was the last time you travelled?
Went to visit my best friend in Edinburgh for Hogmanay!
19. Do you like sunbathing?
I do but I’m so fair skinned that I can only do it for like 20 minutes and after that I have freckles all over my face and weirdly enough - knees...
20. Asian or Italian food?
pizza all day every day
21. Do you drink soda?
nah, sometimes I buy a SUGA free if I really crave sweets and I don’t want to eat chocolate.
22. What colour socks are you wearing now?
black and white stripes
23. When was the last time you were speeding?
oh I got a ticket a week ago haha
24. What are you afraid of?
not many things but I can’t get over my fear of spiders
25. What can you see if you turn left?
my homepod
26. What kind of housework you like the least?
... none XD I like using window cleaner on stuff though! spray it babyyy
27. What is the first thing you think of when you hear someone talking in a language you don’t know?
nothing? sometimes I wonder which language it is and if I hear someone struggle in a different language I’m able to speak, like if they’re tourists and they’re looking for something, I chime in to help
28. Do you sleep on your back or side?
29. You crave fast food, where do you go?
.. I hate to say it and I rarely eat it but when I crave it I go for a whopper
30. What is your lucky number?
don’t have one
31. Who was the last person you talked to?
my mom
32. Do you eat meat?
Not at home, like I don’t cook it or buy any but (rarely) when I feel like eating something at a restaurant or take away, I don’t restrict myself.
33. What was the last song you listened?
Just One Day - BTS
34. Last book?
last ones I read was Simon Beckett, chemistry of the dead series
35. What is your favourite day of the week?
probably friday
36. Do you know the alphabet song backwards?
.. am I supposed to? is that a thing?
37. Favourite coffee/tea?
I like Americanos or caramel macchiatos ( don’t @ me) and milk tea
38. Favourite shoes?
the ones I wear most right now are my Nike Air Max 200 or my old school vans
39. When do you usually go to sleep?
when I have to work I try to aim for 11/12
40. When do you usually wake up?
6.30 when I work, weekends usually 9
41. Sunrise or sunset?
42. Do you like your bed soft or hard?
I like harder beds! hate memory foam
43. Describe the plate you are eating from
white plate with a black outline, looks like a handmade one
44. Your favourite type of alcohol
I always drink white wine or vodka with paloma and if you don’t know what paloma is I highly suggest you find out!! it’s mexican lemonade you can drink on it’s own!! so good
45. Do you like board games?
oh I’m super competitive so yeee kasdfhs
46. If you had a car, what kind would it be?
I’m driving this one and I love it, if I could get another one it’d be a g wagon
47. Do you know how to change car tires?
yes because I never wanted to be the girl having to ask for car help
48. Dream country
I’d move back to New York if I had the chance
49. If you could choose from any jobs in the world, what would you like to do?
Something with talent coaching, like helping artists grow and stuff
50. What would you like to try to do? And what is stopping you?
I’d really want to do scuba diving but I want to finish school before I do that
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thanks again for tagging me!! I’ll tag these lovely beans:
@bangtan-madi​ @cultleaderyoongi​ @jamkookies​ @eslebt​ @bitoftaewithsugaandkookie​ and the rest I’ve tagged so much I feel guilty so if you want to do it, be my guest! haha
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after-lauhgter · 5 years
For the numbers ask thing from a few days ago: all numbers that can be divided by 3 🌚😊
this is such a cool idea and im ready to fuck up:
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. Menschen, die sich ‘verlieben’, was soll das bitte sein,
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? normally with clothes on but since it’s so fucking hot this week...
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? lol no
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? wtf no
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? in front of it
18: Do you believe in karma? i kinda do but i feel like it’s somehow giving me more questions than answers
21: Who is your celebrity crush? brendon boyd urie but it’s less of a crush and more like a this man owns my fucking heart
24: Do you have a collection of anything? vinyls and stationary
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? i hate the sound a styrocutter makes bc long story short it reminds me of like the worst week of my life and goddamn i still have to use that shit a lot. i love the sound of a clean electric guitar with a lot of reverb, like this super clean dreamy sound god it’s so good. that’s the reason i bought a guitar. i heard that fender reverb pedal once and knew i had to buy a guitar so i can make this sound all day.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. right arm: ponal express left arm: air
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? i’ll do this for germany and the answer will always be west coast
36: Define Art. an aesthetically pleasing thing that makes me feel something
39: What time is it? 9 am i should get going
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? yeh kinda
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? one time while playing outside i landed on my stupid face so hard that i broke monst of my teeth and my chin is ugly now bc i somehow left my skin on the street
48: What’s your sexual orientation? hahaaa good one idfk but probably on the asexual spectrum (any aces out there who wanna text me lol i’m confused)
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? not for long
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? i printed floor plans on a A0 sheet of paper for uni and it was 6€ and took 15 minutes lol
57: How many relationships have you had? i wouldn’t call them relationships, so none.
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? nope
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? i usually don’t get people to like me and if they do, it’s probably bc i’m kinda funny irl idk
66: What is your heritage? i have no idea what this means i’m german s o r r y
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? lol yes?
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? i’d tell people about it, i think it’s unfair if you don’t. and being afraid of it depends on the way of dying i guess. if i had enough money i’d travel to iceland or nashville and also go see all the concerts i wanna see
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 0149 (yes i did have to type out the entire thing first)
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? it’s the other way around man
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? at least it’s quiet down here 84: What is a saying you say a lot? not rly a saying but i’m saying alter, jo, junge, fuck, what the fuck, digger and stuff like that a lot ja bin ein richtiger assi
87: What is your current desktop picture? some anime landscape
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? get the fuck out of there
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? idk man everything happens for a reason i guess
96: Do you have any relatives in jail? nah
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? i’d play them a song and that would be the start of my non existant music career. badabum
thank u for asking :)
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annacappuccini-blog · 5 years
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✨**Abra kadabra**✨ Wir alle haben diese Worte sicherlich schon einmal gehört! 😁Ich kenne sie aus meiner Kindheit und ich muss gestehen ich liebe Märchen und war schon immer von Zauberern fasziniert! Bis letztes Jahr war ich mir nie wirklich bewusst darüber, was diese Worte eigentlich bedeuten. Ich habe es nie hinterfragt! 🤷🏽‍♀️ Weißt du es? Ich war von der Idee begeistert, dass ein Magier nur mit diesem „Zauberwort“ alles verändern kann. 🐇🕊💨 ✨Was du sagst das soll geschehen✨ Heute weiß ich, dass diese Worte dein ganzes Leben verändern können, wenn du sie wirklich verstanden hast. Alles, wirklich alles, worüber wir andauernd nachdenken wird Realität. Du kreierst jeden Tag deine eigene Wahrheit! Ist das nicht unglaublich?! 🙏 Deine Gedanken und deine Worte sind so mächtig, das sollte Dir bewusst sein. Du kannst immer nur zwei Arten von Gedanken denken! Positive oder negative, also entscheide sehr gut worüber du gerade nachdenkst und wäge gut ab, ob sich ein negativer Gedanke wirklich lohnt oder ob es nicht besser ist, ihn in einen positiven umzuwandeln, bevor dieser negative Gedanke zur Realität wird und dein Leben beeinflusst!💯🥰 ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️ Im pretty sure you have heard these words before and remember it from your childhood. 🥳 So do I ! Until last year I had no idea what **abra kadabra** actually means. Do you? I just loved the idea that a magician could change one thing into another just by saying these words. 🐇🕊💨 ✨What you say becomes ✨ Today I know that these words can change your whole life! Everything we think about will become. We attract it into our life’s only with our permanent thoughts. Your thoughts are so powerful so use them wisely! You can create only two types of thoughts 💭 Positive or negative! So make sure they will be positive or at least let the negative thoughts go as quick as possible. Don’t overthink your problems, don’t worry to much! Find a solution and attract positivity into our life ❤️🙏 (hier: Diamond Beach Nusa Penida) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByE_2kKFFVm/?igshid=m9o0hfsexxy4
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