#i have to be playing more dnd. yes i have 2 active campaigns you don't understand it's not enough
zincbot · 2 years
holding a normal amount of feeling in my body about dnd
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rainbow-crane · 1 month
So little fun fact I play DnD, and have DM'd my campaign for over 2 years now. Like we started back in spring of 2022.
Tomorrow, I get to kill one of the PCs. And I'm beyond excited.
This player and I have been planning this death for almost 2 full years. As in, I decided in September of 2022 that this man was going to die. I already knew I had full consent from the player, of course, and he's been actively helping me set up this whole thing.
This particular character has had a pretty strong arc over the course of the campaign so far. It's very Wattpad, to be honest, but his whole thing was that he was too OP but had basically no control over his powers because of his lack of emotional control. His arc consisted of escaping the abusive system that wanted him to repress every part of himself, and not only to find people that cared about him as a person, but also to love and prioritize himself. It's been a really good story, and worked really well with the rest of the party's PCs with their respective planned character arcs. We've been slowly building him up to become this martyr figure, so that when he is killed, I get to have him haunt the narrative and further the arcs I have planned for the rest of the characters, particularly our paladin, who bonded with him more than anyone else. Honestly, it's fantastic.
We've also been building up his relationship with the player's new PC, a childhood friend who's mutually in love with him (yes, he will confess only as he's dying in his arms, because we are gay and evil) so we can push him into this Mega Depression. It'll serve as a really stark contrast to the OG PC, considered a failure where they came from but was actually one of the strongest, as the new PC was considered the star student but is basically incompetent outside of a classroom setting. Oh, and in universe, half the party finds him annoying for accidentally condescending to OG PC. So yippee guilty conscience arc!! (The player is fine with this, and actively wants them to hate him at first. I triple checked this just to be sure. DnD is meant to be fun.)
It's really bittersweet for us. This character has been with the group since the very beginning, and it's really hard to let go of that kind of connection with a character that's been with you for so long. The player in question used this character inadvertently as Gender Simulator 5000 to fully accept himself. This character has been one of the big movers and shakers of the campaign, and unwittingly became a staple in the group dynamic. No one except the player and myself know that he's going to die. They all know *someone* is going to die, but they don't know who, or when, to the point that one of them even approached me saying it was okay because they 'knew it'd be them eventually, they just want a heads up when it's close to time.'
I'm so pumped up for tomorrow. This campaign will never be the same after this, in the best and most tragic way possible.
Also hi if anyone ever wants to hear about my DnD campaign only one of my players follows me on here and I had her block my yapping tag so like if anyone wants to hear more about it I will yap forever and ever
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littleladymab · 8 months
FebruarOC - Damaris
Of all my abandoned TTRPG OCs, Damaris is the one that I miss the most! I can't find a place for them in my own original things because I simply don't write stories with dragons in them. (Well okay I have one, but that's not important). 
Version 1: The first time I ever played DND! In this iteration, she was a silver Dragonborn Paladin of Bahamut. Dragonborns' family names come from a "notable family ancestor" who establish the lineage, and her last name was Faessi which is Draconic for 'coward', so while she's not actively judged for her ancestor's mistakes, especially since anyone who doesn't speak draconic won't understand, she was determined to set out and establish herself as a notable individual and start a new lineage. She idolized her clan head, the Dragon Paladin named Havarlan who was a leader of the Talons of Justice -- an exclusive order of mostly silver dragon paladins of Bahamut. (There were a few gold and bronze dragons). And more than ANYTHING, Damaris wanted to be the first Dragonborn to be accepted into their ranks. We only played like 2 or 3 sessions of the campaign, but my overall goal was to tread the line of like... idolization and worship of Havarlan and a huge Gay Realization, and upon discovering that she's not on this path for Bahamut, Plot Arc Would Happen. I thought it would be sick as hell of a Fae came to her and tempted her away and she became an oath of ancients paladin, but I never really put too much thought into that and we never got far enough for it to come up. Her character sheet is uploaded here! 
Version 2: A few years ago a friend at the time wanted to do that thing that everyone was doing and start a dnd podcast. I'm not going to go into the, uh, ANYTHING about it because we're not here for that. But I did bring back Damaris for this! In this version, I made them a half-human, half-dragon Circle of Dreams Druid (back when I think circle of dreams was still in beta), and the GM and I worked on how to slowly reveal the draconic ancestry out over the course of the campaign. There were a few bits where it certainly got CLOSE where, it was a better production, it might have meant some curious stares from other players (who didn't know) and audience. I loved this version of Damaris the most partly because I got to play them more, but also because they had a charisma of 8 and were the face of the party. So it was this half-wild child who just recently wandered out of the woods after three years living in there going ":D LET'S BE FRIENDS" to anyone who would talk to them.  
I had their character sheet as a doc, so I've got the PDF version of that uploaded here. 
If any of you know the singer AURORA, then that's the FC I used for this version of Damaris, and a lot of the mannerisms. She has the perfect facial expressions and fey-ish oddness. Watch any interview with her or her youtube shorts (I guess tiktok too) to get an idea of Damaris. She's perfect. 
So, yes, I didn't have much of an arc for Damaris in this version beyond just discovering they were half-dragon which had some to-do with the world building of the place in how it would be impactful, but uhhhhh not interesting enough. I would play them again in a heartbeat though! They are one that, if I had a story I could put them in, I absolutely would especially since it mostly just means eliminating the half-dragon part which, easy, but I don't have a setting that would work for them. 
I did at some point play a higher-level version of Damaris for a battle royale as part of a 24-hr charity stream and that was fun! I don't remember much about it, I think I got eliminated like halfway through. They were full human in this one because obviously them being half-dragon didn't matter, and I didn't want to have to explain to the GM why they needed a breath weapon as a human LMAO 
I didn't have a full playlist for either version, but I did have a few songs! 
Dragonborn ver: - "Bury It" by CHVRCHES ft Hayley Williams - "The Greatest" by SIA (yeah, I know, but this is before we found out she was shit and unfortunately there aren't good covers)
Half-Dragon ver: - "Ribs" by The Crane Wives - "Winter Bird" by AURORA - "First Light" by Lindsey Stirling
Here is their pin board as well! 
The character sheets are up on my Patreon if you're curious.
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dolcetters · 3 years
Hmn, how abooooout.... 7, 8 , 26 and 28?
munday asks
7) is there a muse you played on more platforms or in different moments of your life?
ABSOLUTELY. good lord.
i've played beast boy both on tumblr and very frequently over discord with my bestie in an ongoing DC-AU we've had since high school. in the ask linked under #8 i mentioned having played don from TMNT'03 on tumblr, and i'm still writing for him over discord with jenn in another on-going RP.
since we're the only two in those RP 'servers' on discord, i've also written numerous other DC and TMNT canon characters as well as a bunch of OCs and random NPCs.
do DnD characters also count because if so i think i have 4 characters i've actively used in campaigns, so--
8) did you have a muse you tried to play, but didn’t feel connected to?
[ answered here! ]
26) are you multiship?
i would say i'm selectively multi-ship, yes! dol can be kind of difficult to ship with (for several reasons), and i have a very large attachment to rosecetto even if i don't get to write it often. marcetto still has a close place in my heart even if it's faded a bit. but 2 other ships have come along that have majorly given me ~emotions~ (pointed looks at CC and bird) and i am vibrating at max velocity whilst lying facedown on the floor.
28) is your muse canon divergent in any way?
yes, he's canon divergent in the sense that i 1) refuse to let him die because i ain't about that life and 2) i don't want to make my RP partners feel like they're stuck interacting with him in dublith OR like they have to write that early on in the series.
having dol survive the raid and be on the run means he has more places in amestris he can show up (with the exception of central; he is not setting foot there unless it's necessary), AND it allows for other parts of the canon's timeline to be explored.
there is the ~angst~ that comes with being the (potentially) sole survivor of the raid, but what it ultimately came down to was that i didn't want anyone i wrote with to feel limited, y'know? it kind of bites when you're having to bullshit a reason for why a character who wouldn't visit dublith would also be in the sketchier areas of dublith--or to constantly be stuck in the first 13 episodes/first 7 volumes of an otherwise huge story.
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