#i have tl;dred enough for one day
farfromdaylight · 7 years
122/61: 122,444 words
total wordcount: 261,446
well, here we are! the last day in this completely abritrary self-challenge. i started on may 1 with the goal of writing 61,000 words in 61 days.
...which i achieved on june 5. well. uh. that calls for a new goal, right?
at first i thought i would aim for 100k, and then maybe 111k -- 61 + an extra 50k would be pretty cool. but then it hit me: 122k.
what's so special about 122k, you ask? simple: 61 + 61 = 122.
this is the part where i remind you i had 118k yesterday, and admit that yes, i wrote 4400 words today purely to make this terrible joke.
to be honest, i decided on this goal a week, maybe a week and a half ago, but i've been behind by 2k (sometimes more) the whole time. i kept telling myself i could catch up, but LMAO, I KEPT NOT DOING IT. eventually i was left having to write an even 4k in one evening. thanks a fuckin' lot, past larissa.
anyway, further tl;dr on this whole experience below
i started this whole thing with a couple of goals. let's review how those went.
get in the habit of writing every day instead of only during nanowrimo: complete success. i have written every single day for the past 91 days. by this point it's part of my schedule. it's something i look forward to every day. i would be happy to write every single day for the rest of the year.
give my hands a break/don't overachieve: ........... :"| lmao yeah about that. i think overachieving just might be my state of being. maybe i should set lower goals and then i won't be so motivated to fly beyond them...
learn how to focus on multiple things at once: mixed success. may was a pretty lousy month and my brain was mostly on writing. in june things have been somewhat better. this past week i've actually been able to work on site stuff, which usually i haven't been able to do while writing. separating 'writing time' from 'other stuff time' is the key here.
learn colemak so i can switch to it by july: lol big failure, i practiced like twice. gonna make it a part of my schedule so i actually freaking do it next month.
overall, i'm really, really happy i did this. posting about it here was actually really useful; i'm looking forward to reading back through the posts. the most useful thing though was the goal tracker on the nano site. having an ironclad 12:00am deadline to get my words in every day is invaluable.
i'm gonna roll right on forward into camp nano tomorrow; this story continues to be a ton of fun to write and i'm really enjoying it. onward and upward!
oh, briefly, a bit about what i wrote today (since there was 4k of it): finally nearly finished this scene wtf. christ i have no idea how long it was-- 18k??? no wonder i've been fucking dying. there was a lot of important emotional stuff to get through but jesus, i have got to learn how to be more concise, these 20,000-word scenes are fucking killing me.
there was this one bit i really enjoyed writing today though because the POV character straight up started dissociating. i didn't plan for it at all but in hindsight i totally foreshadowed it, so go me.
(the bad part: didn't realize until i was halfway through that i'd written the dissociation in present-tense. WAY TO GO, ME. it's not like the other 260k was in past tense or anything. to be fair dissociation scenes are typically better in present tense... maybe i can leave it that way. it's not like anyone's going to see this.)
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