#i have some other horde toons but they need levelling
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Don't forget all the racism in Warcraft's writing which has actually gotten worse over the years whilst even DnD has gotten better over the years.
I mean, itâs hard for me to say Blizzardâs racist writing got worse when Warcraft Trolls were incredibly transparent stand-ins for African and Central American cultures/races from the beginning. Thatâs not even getting into goblins as the banking/neutral race before a goblin faction joined the Horde. Honestly, other people have written about racism in the narrative of WoW lore at length, and I wouldnât be able to do half as good a job since I havenât played in a while.
A key problem with Blizzardâs writing in WoW is that there is no coherent story. Itâs an amalgamation of plots conceived by writers without any accountability, which results in an absurd number of retcons and contradictions. Itâs a collaborative story with no central lore document. Nothing is actually set in stone. Sometimes the change is genuinely an improvement over prior lore (shadow priests, old gods, and the Void Lords, as they were elaborated upon in Legion), sometimes itâs painfully anticlimactic and nonsensical (Tyrande fails to kill Sylvanas in the Ardenweald because her powers suddenly cut out), and sometimes itâs obvious a team got written into a corner by a different team and the plot just needs to move on (no negative repercussions for Illidan killing Xeâra in front of her Army of the Light on their flagship). That means that some quest lines are really well done, others are plagued with racism and bullshit, and every possible mix in between.
Like, how Sylvanas was handled throughout the Shadowlands expansion is peak WoW writing. Obvious plot armor, flimsy justifications for her choices because half the writers didnât want her to be a villain, a half-assed cardboard cutout of a redemption arc so they could fridge her for later, and the cheesiest vague dialogue possible so that future retcons wouldnât feel as disappointing. I was so excited for her to go genocidal in Battle for Azeroth, committing to a truly evil option that the players band together to stop, and then it was followed by that. Because Blizzard decided to walk back the âgenocide is badâ message. For reasons.
I havenât played WoW since the end of Shadowlands, so I canât speak as to the changes since then. I doubt theyâre better. And I want to be clear: I adored Xalâatath. I mained a shadow priest the entire time I played, which was about 8 years total. The lore of my preferred class was all about self-worship and tapping into dark power in oneâs own soul until it was retconned into worshiping Eldritch horrors, and I loved both iterations. I had several now-unobtainable PVP titles. I did BGs and Arenas. I did progression raiding. I had max level toons in every class on multiple servers. My main was in the top 10 for achievement points on our server. I had over 400 days played. I was the lore nerd of my raiding guild. I did that silly trivia bot game every time I came across it in the hub city. I collected mounts, pets (before they were even battle pets) , and toys (when they still took up bag space). I spent a lot of time playing WoW and immersing in the experience.
I never played WoW for the story. The writing was always horribly inconsistent. Writersâ racial and class biases always worked their way into random quests, dialogue, and narrative beats. But you know what? Iâm a POC, and thatâs everywhere. WoW wasnât unique for that.
WoW has been around for about 20 years at this point, Warcraft for even longerâso now those stances engrained in the lore arenât as widely accepted anymore. They were always wrong. Itâs just that now more people agree that itâs wrong. Iâm no longer on the fringes for thinking âman, it would be nice to have a human character with my skin colorâ or âit would be nice to see elements of my culture shown through something other than a cannibalistic troll empire.â
D&D benefits from the fact that they release new editions, so the lore from prior editions is easier to sweep under the rug. There is no WoW 2. Itâs just WoW. If D&D had taken a similar expansion process as WoW instead of editions, theyâd be much more comparable. D&D racism isnât really âbetterââI just havenât spent quite the same number of hours spent learning it to play a game.
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oh yeah i got my wow account back so if u wanna rp or do dungeons or whatever hmu iâm Beaatles-moonguard and Mayla-shandris
#please i desperately need pekple to rp with#mutuals can ask for my btag btw#deku.txt#bea is ally and maylas horde btw#i have some other horde toons but they need levelling
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So all the terrible retcons and geographic inconsistency (Kul Tiras wtf) and the time travel and the bullshit with the night elves is bad (Illidan is the worst character ever, don't @ me), but the most frustrating part of WoW lore to me is its failure to explore certain complex emotional themes in a really satisfying way--like, the people who expound and expand on Warcraft lore are canny enough to notice that these emotional themes *exist*, but not clever enough to actually work with them or build them out, and so the whole thing collapses into rule-of-cool melodrama. There's nothing wrong with rule-of-cool melodrama; I love rule-of-cool melodrama. But Warcraft lore is *begging* to combine that rule of cool melodrama with some really rich and interesting emotions and character interpretations, it sets them up and is all ready to knock them down, and just... doesn't.
Take the conversation between Saurfang and Garrosh in the Borean Tundra, in WotLK, the one that ends with Saurfang saying "I don't eat pork." I think that's emblamatic of the big theme that unites the Horde, that makes it make sense as a faction. The Alliance, after all, started as a defensive association in the face of the Orc invasion; its renaissance after the creation of Durotar and the invasion of the Scourge is only natural. But what is the theme of the Horde? Is it honor? Strength? Sheer brutality? Well, none of those things. Orcs claim to value honor and strength; the Forsaken are certainly various shades of very dark gray at best, the Tauren and the Orcs *do* seem like natural allies of a sort, but all the races of the Horde have something even deeper in common: trauma. The Orcs are still (cf. Saurfang) dealing with the emotional turmoil of having been both forced and partially complicit in the atrocities of the First and Second War--after which their homeworld was destroyed, they were forced into concentration camps, and they had to rebuild their culture and their identity from the ground up. They have to find a new place in a new world, and there's this tension between the younger generation that doesn't have firsthand experience with any of this and just remembers that the Horde used to be a name that struck fear into the hearts of their enemies (Garrosh Hellscream, for instance) and the older generation that remembers how awful that time really was, and doesn't want to see the old ways revived because it might just destroy their people for good this time. Then there's the Darkspear Trolls and the Tauren, who were both driven out of their old homelands, and fell in with the Horde as natural allies with similar cultural points of reference; and the Blood Elves, whose suffering in the Third War was severe enough to radically alter their culture, coupled with being betrayed by their ruler who decided that joining the Burning Legion and abandoning them sounded like a better time than rebuilding Quel'Thalas.
And then there's the Forsaken. Oh, man, the Forsaken. The Forsaken and Sylvanas are some of my favorite characters in all of WoW, because sure, you could look at it and say, "okay, creepy undead who like green things that go plop and mad science = evil, bad guys." But you'd really be missing what makes the Forsaken interesting. They're not the Scourge--they explicitly broke away from the Scourge when Arthas left Lordaeron. They're not invaders, either. They're in fact mostly the human population of the destroyed kingdom of Lordaeron, the inheritors of that land, but who are treated by the Alliance as interlopers with no right to the very towns and villages they have *always* called home. They're treated as monsters by every living person who ever knew them, and they can't help but regard themselves that way, too. "What are we, if not slaves to this torment?" is one of the casual interaction lines you get when you click on Sylvanas: they do not *like* being dead. But Sylvanas is ruthless and cruel and after Arthas is killed, wins the Val'kyr over to her side so she can keep making more Forsaken. Why?
Simple. Let us imagine: you are an ordinary person, of no unusually great or poor moral virtue. You are hurt, badly. Grieviously. In a way you will never recover from. And everyone you love, all of your friends and your family, the whole society you come from, now sees you as an unredeemable monster that should, no, must be destroyed. How long must you be called a monster before you decide--fuck it, I *will* be the monster they call me. Because, at least that way, no one can ever hurt me again.
The overpowering motivation for the Forsaken is not power or bloodlust; it's not money, or forbidden knowledge. It's making sure no one in the whole world is ever able to make slaves of them again. To make sure they will not be hurt. And the biggest misstep the Alliance ever made was not reaching out to Sylvanas with overtures of friendship as soon as she established her kingdom--because like it or not, she has the support of the people of Lordaeron, and thus a damn good claim to her position. Maybe, if they had, they could have influenced the Forsaken, shown them that they had friends and didn't need to resort to amoral methods to defend themselves. But as it stands, they only have allies of convenience in the Horde (at least until Sylvanas becomes Warchief), and they know that no one in Azeroth is quite happy to see them continue to exist and be free. Everything else about the Forsaken--their use of dark magic, their development of a new, even more destructive plague, their recruiting former servants of the Lich King and raising new Forsaken from among the dead of the ongoing wars--makes perfect sense from the standpoint of a people that knows they are under threat from all sides, and will do anything to survive.
(The Draenei could have been something like this, too, FWIW. Like, a broken people, a people of exiles who are most comfortable in the shadows and with moral ambiguity. But then Metzen had to go make them Righteous Space Goats. I mean, come on. They're just boring now. They were never going to be Horde-aligned--there's too much history with the Orcs  there!--but having a group like that on the side of the Alliance, to help drive home the point that there is not a clear good guys/bad guys distinction here, would have been really nice.)
That actually makes them a pretty damn good fit for the Horde. Moreover, it creates an interesting point of tension with the Alliance, which is clearly *not* always the good guys. I mean, there's the matter of orc concentration camps, but also consider the refusal of leaders like Daelin Proudmoore to contemplate peace (and the subsequent, somewhat... forced turn of Jaina Proudmoore from dove to hawk) and the steadfast refusal of many on that side to deal fairly with the races of the Horde just because they appear monstrous. And arrogance, hoo boy. Dalaran, Gilneas, the Night Elves--huge swathes of the Alliance are characterized by being arrogant and not a little cruel.
And what of Sylvanas becoming Warchief? I don't know where the BFA lore is going (I'm not playing retail anyway), but right now it looks like they're setting up another Garrosh type situation, and preparing for Thrall to retake the Warchief-ship, but if they do that it would be a real pity. First of all, because, well, we saw that already in Mists of Pandaria! What, are we going to besiege Orgrimmar again? Second of all--Sylvanas and Garrosh are *very* different people. Garrosh was, well, Proud; hence the Sha of Pride. He wanted glory and power, he wanted war for war's sake, so he could live up to his father's reputation as a warrior. He was willing to sacrifice everything else that made the Horde the Horde for that. Sylvanas, though, has one overriding motivation: Keep Her People Safe. Punish the people who hurt her is a strong secondary motivation--but it's part of that first one, because if she can make her enemies' victories painful enough, she might discourage them from trying to press their advantage. And her people *trust* her on this: "Dark Lady watch over you," they say when you take your leave. She is not an autocrat--she is their beloved protector. So, she makes the ruins of Lordaeron uninhabitable. She annihilates Teldrassil. Does she spend very many Orc and Troll and Tauren lives doing so? Very well. They aren't *her* people.
I don't think this has to be a tragic flaw leading to her downfall. It sure doesn't make her a good leader for the rest of the Horde, though (even though, on an emotional and aesthetic level, I am 3000% here for Warchief Sylvanas, even more than Warchief Vol'jin, who also had a lot of the creepy threatening vibe that made him a much more interesting choice than either Thrall or Garrosh). But you could make it one, and you could do it very well--they've already mentioned in the tie-ins that Calia Menethil, Arthas's sister, teeeechnically has a claim to the throne of Lordaeron. And, even more interesting, is no longer quite among the living, even if the mechanism of that unlife is happy fun magic instead of evil death magic. Moreover, she has some sympathy for the Forsaken. You could have a squaring-off between them, and you could have a Queen Calia--maybe. If you could bridge that gap and make her understand that the Forsaken feel fundamentally apart from the other human kingdoms now, if she could come to understand just how much evil the Alliance has done to them, if she could really grok what it's like to be them. Then you could have a leader who understands their trauma--but also wants to heal it, rather than lash out at anyone and everyone that might conceivably be a threat. That, too, would be very interesting.
(Thereâs a reason that, while I loved the Alliance as a kid, I only play Horde toons as an adult. Itâs not just that the Horde feel more interesting and vivid to me. Itâs that the hypocrisy and the arrogance of the Alliance stands out in much greater relief now. The Horde arenât good guys--nobodyâs the good guys, here--but they donât lie about their motivations, and they donât act with cruelty and then play the victim in response. Jaina was an important exception, but they badly mishandled her character in the runup to MoP, which I find very hard to forgive.)
But knowing Blizz, even if they go vaguely that route, they won't stick the emotional landing. There is a very good, if very OTT and melodramatic (in the best possible way), series of fantasy novels or games lurking *behind*, or perhaps parallel, to Warcraft's lore. It is a shame that Blizzard has done so much to obscure it with obnoxious cruft, retcons and timeline compression, repetitive use of the same handful of characters, stupid-ass time-travel plots that create ten thousand plot holes and inconsistencies, shitty tie-in novels (cf. everything by Richard Knaak), and a total failure to make half the world's characters (i.e., everyone in the Alliance) at all interesting. I have a daydream of doing my own version of WoW lore and posting it somewhere like on AO3, but one of the things that makes WoW lore simultaneously so interesting and disappointing to me is that it's embedded in the explorable, realized space of video game worlds. Hard to reproduce that in print, I think. Might be worth it to try.
#world of warcraft#lore#warcraft lore#the forsaken#sylvanas windrunner#the work of chris metzen and its discontents#but hey#at least i got full chain of the scarlet crusade on my warrior in classic
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What Iâm Looking For:Â Friendos, fellow 40k enthusiasts, RP buddies for either fandom
Fandom: World of Warcraft/Warhammer 40k
Sole Faction or Cross-Faction:Â Cross-Faction
Faction I Play: Alliance (can utilize Horde alts)
Server:Â Wyrmrest Accord
Venues I Actively Roleplay In: I think I tend to lean more towards Discord/Tumblr these days. With a job and two kids, it can be hard to get to things.
Favorite Type of RP: Hm...dunno if I have any particular favorites. I like dark and spooky RP just as much as lovey-dovey or slice of life RP, so...
Triggers: I tend to have issues in regards to character relationships being terminated without my input. This character doesnât have those inclinations, so there shouldnât be any problems with her. Really, having major things happen to my toons without having any say in it is pretty big to me in general, I suppose.
Things I Will Not RP: Open to just about everything. Ask for specifics.
RP Strong Points: Long-lived, deeply developed characters.
RP Weak Points: I no English good. Also, I do have some pretty terrible reading retention, so I might ask for verification or information out of character so I can sort out how my characters should act. I donât do well on the spot.
IC Information
Name: Tarvasha Winterscale, alias Tara Haalos/Maleki
Race: Augmented Human
Can Currently Be Found In: Taverns, scrapyards, nearby other engineers, airships/zeppelins.
Would They Be Known: Probably not. Tara keeps to herself and doesnât like a lot of personal interaction. Though, her technological genius is expressed and admired from time to time.
Personality: Dry, rough, distant, irritable, angry, can be animated, loud, and violent.
Language(s): Common, Orcish, Goblin, Gnomish
Height: 5âČ7âł
Body Type: Athletic
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blue (naturally black)
Age: 36
First Appearances: This woman reeks of cigarette smoke and motor oil, and looks like the definition of a DO NOT TOUCH sign. If the sideways glares and scoffing doesnât keep you away, her winning personality likely will. Sheâs not afraid to speak her mind or put her fist in someoneâs face. If you do manage some conversation with her, its likely to involve engineering or other forms of technology, though itâll likely be short-lived as well.
What To Expect: Lot of grunting silence, flying cigarette butts, and a slew of explitives that would make a sailor shit his pants. Surprisingly, she does have a respect for orcs, especially those who work amongst various tech, and is far more likely to open up to one of the greenskinned races than anyone else.
Where I RP: In-game (still need to level a toon for her), Discord (Tarvasha#3934), and here on Tumblr ( @winterscalesheir )
Extra: I havenât played this character in ages and Iâm still working on a proper blend over to WoW. If youâre up for some 40k RP, hit me up! Weâll go take over an Ork WAAAGH! and kidnap some tech priests. Otherwise, sheâs sort of just lingering in WoW as an angry, displaced techie with a penchant for violence and a severe touch aversion.
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Scrambled Thoughts
hey how does beinâ, like. exited about a thing, but coherently, work? âcos like. P5S was announced, and itâs not what some people necessarily wanted or expected, but. I think itâll be good? in ways those same disappointed folks might enjoy, but arenât necessarily considering? man where do I even start with this
so way back in the day, when the Wii U was still relevant, Koei Tecmo came out with Hyrule Warriors basically outta nowhere. now, I never played any warriors games and I think my first zelda was Twilight Princess? Skyward Sword? spent plenty of time watching my brother play them titles and consider majoraâs mask one of the greatest games of all time, but I ainât never touched âem, and because I already experienced them vicariously, ainât ever likely to. but I was big on diablo, on that experience of mowing down hordes of enemies with a big overpowered hero, so I was like, yeah, sure Iâll keep an eye out
(maybe I was able to latch onto Hyrule Warriors because I was more invested in the characters and story than the gameplay? I donât know how zelda fans recieved it; I wasnât as deep in The âNet as I am now. doesnât matter.)
turns out just about everything in that game is great. the long-term gameplay isnât anything to write home about; itâs all level grinding and weapons farming, but like itâs not necessarily a game for that. itâs a buncha dumb fun! hit things with big flashy attacks! watch actual dozens of bodies ragdoll off into the distance! play as your favorite heroes and and villains and then also some npcs we added for the hell of it!
That, see, is what I remember about Hyrule Warriors. the whole draw of the game, what I love about it, is the warriors and their weapons and their fighting style and fighting with style. like, each character can have multiple weapons, and each weapon is its own moveset-- relatively simple, but still pretty involved, and built around slaughtering a buncha dudes really flashily. and it just-- they went through like every zelda game, and went like, whoâs important and how do they fight, and then they made them ALL fun to play as
there are forty two fighting styles to choose from and none of them are bad
actually no thatâs a lie; the dominion rod, the summon gates, and agithaâs parasols are bad. maybe also the great fairy and sometimes the wind waker? and I never unlocked all the toon-era weaponry, but it doesnât matter because there are like thirty-five other ways to play That Are All Fun
thatâs the first thing. the second thing, which you may have noticed from the list of weapons I donât much care for, is that some of these weapons get way dumb. like agithaâs parasols. you remember agitha, right? from twilight princess? the incidental, out-of-the-way npc with the completely optional sidequest to find extremely rare bugs? the character that hangs out at home all day and does not interact with any character outside of link? yeah lets make her a playable character in a game where you literally beat up entire armies, she can hit people with a shitty umbrella and also summon bugs, like a giant beetle to crush people with or a giant butterfly to ride on and dive-bomb, that makes sense lol
and the thing is! I think thatâs great! itâs legitimately hilarious! and sheâs viable!!! I donât like her fighting style; sheâs short range with long recovery times and her special mode relies on getting enemies airborne to actually hit anything with-- but sheâs not unusable, her inclusion is a joke but sheâs not a joke character, yâknow?
and then they went ahead and did that with like every character and every weapon in the zelda series. like Impa, you know Impa, right? protector of the royal line, shows up in Ocarina of Time to teach you a lullaby, never actually displays any combat skills on screen? letâs give her one-a them slab-of-metal ultragreatswords, that seems reasonable. sheik plays a harp and is mysterious, letâs turn them into a ninja with kunai and shit and also a magic harp which does magic based on the songs from OoT that they teach you. how âbout Fi, the ghost inside the master sword that exists primarily to interrupt you with unskippable dialogue? well, she can turn into a sword, sure, but her main form of attack is interpretative dance, you know, like she does when you beat a temple. or the king of hyrule, who is a boat! very aggressively. hey why donât we turn volvagia into a dude with a spear who can just turn back into a dragon while weâre at it
and thatâs not even touching link, who has:
sword (obvious)
horse (obvious)
fire rod (flamethrower, giant laser, and most powerfully, axe)
great fairy (carries link in a bottle)
spinner (niche late-game mobility tool from Twilight Princess; 3rd best weapon in Warriors)
and gauntlets (support item that lets you carry heavy things throughout the series; 2nd best weapon in Warriors)
(the best weapon is ganonâs dual greatswords, but thatâs aside the point)
and as though that wasnât enough, they invented Link But A Girl so they could include the iron boots, which makes sense, and, fuckinâ, dual crossbows.
you know, crossbows? linkâs iconic weapon? that he uses exactly once?? in the game linkâs crossbow training??? a throwaway motion-control-centric game for the wii???????
now. everyone is different. so I feel the need to clarify.
all of that? thatâs praise. thatâs adoration. this game is a love-letter to the zelda series, all of the zelda series, no matter how ridiculous, because itâs ridiculous. I love that, I aspire to that! to that dedication, that passion for a thing, the ability to take a joke and make it real, to make you forget itâs a joke because of how good it is. like when they announced pirahna plant for smash brothers, and then made him good? that emotion, informing the design of an entire game. let me stick this flail in the ground, and then use it to swing the entire earth around to hit you with, and then also, incidentally, because Linkâs Awakening existed, because we can, the flail is a chain chomp!!
*breathe in*
*breathe out*
and then I think
the people that made that
are doing one with persona
and people have the gall to be disappointed?
like, no, okay, I know, thatâs too harsh. I know this isnât what everyone wanted. I know some feel lied to and betrayed, and my inability to relate to that means yâall might not relate to this. and I know the excitement I feel now is the same as the excitement yâall felt before yâall got let down. I know that.
and yet...
if these guys can pull 42 different combat styles outta the legend of zelda series, from people without even theoretical combat experience, and then you give them the cast of persona 5?
like yakuza man, who's in the yakuza? or guns child, who dual-wields guns? or the doctor, who plausibly has needles and scalpels and doctor-y stuff? or the already extremely anime shogi player, who, fuck it, letâs turn her into a summoner archetype, run people down with cavalry anâ shit! or the fortune teller, she reads tarot, letâs arbitrarily give her tarot-based powers, drop The Tower on some hapless goons, doesnât gotta make sense if itâs fun!!
but maybe thatâs unreasonable.
I dunno how much creative control nintendo exerted over hyrule warriors, I dunno how much atlus is gonna exert over P5S. maybe they want a more serious experience, maybe chihaya wonât be playable. chihaya being playable doesnât make sense, and I know that, thatâs fine
but even then
I also think
persona 4 arena had the 4 in it
but they still had dudes from 3
you know
weâll see.
#VIDEOGAMES#long post#blatant speculation#persona 5#p5s#basically: I am excited and hopeful#but I know that might be unfounded#and my hope and excitement do not negate whatever you're feelin'#but I also hope you can overcome frustration at what this isn't#and take it for what it may be and will be#even if what it ends up being is Not Great#also worth pointing out:#this doesn't preclude P5 onna switch#(it could be a means to gauge the profitability of a p5 switch release#''do enough switch users care enough about a spinoff to drop the full thing?''#but I dunno if that's how people in business think)
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The Low-Level Guide to Boralus: Horde Edition

So youâve seen in previous posts that Boralus is accessible to low level Alliance characters (spoilers: you can take the boat from Stormwind at any level), and can even explore some locales outside of Boralus.
But what about low level Horde characters? Can they explore Boralus?
The answer is: yes, as long as you donât mind dying a lot.
The biggest problem is how to get to Boralus at all.
If you have a BfA-level character, you can just hop over to Boralus the same way you get anywhere on Kul Tiras, like if you need to do your WQs or whatever.
But that only opens up once youâve completed quests, and obviously low level toons canât get those toons.
The only other way to get there by yourself (note: you could get a warlock and friends to summon you over) is to catch the same ship from Stormwind that your Alliance counterparts take.
Youâre probably thinking, âWait, is that safe?â right about now. And no! Itâs not!
If you are allergic to death or rez sickness, you probably want to stop reading this post right now.
Okay, for everyone else:
1. Remember, you need Battle for Azeroth to be access Kul Tiras.
2. You need to get to Stormwind. I went from Orgrimmar to Ratchet to Booty Bay to Westfall.
3. Yes, Westfall. You donât want to go in the front gates of Stormwind, thatâll just eat up time.
4. Instead, head north from Westfall, past the murlocs, along the shoreline. Hug the cliff to avoid fatigue.
5. Youâll soon see Stormwind ahead of you, or properly, Stormwind Harbor. With piers, a lighthouse, ships, and all that fun.
6. Now you die for the first time. Swim up to the end of the first pier you come across.
7. You should be able to jump up on some boxes or something, to get up on the dock.
8. Then you die instantly as a Stormwind guard kills you.
9. Release now. Youâll find yourself seemingly miles away, in the eastern part of Elwynn Forest, in front of a spirit healer.
10. Donât rez at the spirit healer. Itâll take some time, but start running to your corpse. This time you can cut through the front gates of Stormwind, youâre dead already.
11. When you get to the harbor, run out along the pier to the end, but donât rez yet.
12. Wait around for The Relentless to show up. It has a round-trip travel time of 4 minutes 26 seconds.
13. When it arrives, go on board the ship and rez.
14. Surprise! You just died again! Donât panic.
15. This time, donât release.
16. The ship will start to move, and youâll see the travel map for Kul Tiras.
17. Congrats! You are now in Boralus! Youâre dead, but youâre in Boralus!
18. Now you can release.
19. Youâll be looking at a spirit healer at about (54, 22). Take the rez sickness and rez here.
20. If you go north, east, or south, youâll probably get killed by Boralus guards, Go west, across the water.
21. Cross under the bridge, and swim down around past Proudmoore Keep and the academy. It really helps if you have a water mount. As long as you donât get too close to hostile mobs, you wonât die again.
22. But who likes to just float around in the middle of Tiragarde Sound? Boring! So prepare to die some more.
23. We can go to Fireside Anchors, which is the home of our friends over at The Violet Tap! Sounds fun, right?
24. Circle around the shore near the keep, go past the academy and its obstacle course, and soon youâll see the lower dock beneath Pinkyâs Groggery. There are a couple boats tied up here.
25. Letâs talk about hostile mobs in Boralus, if youâre Horde. Not only are there the normal hostiles that Alliance has to put up with, but there are Boralus guards who will shoot you on sight.
26. You meet one of these once you climb out of the water and run up the stairs beside Pinkyâs. Bang! You dead!
27. Itâs okay, the spirit healer isnât far, not like in Stormwind. Run back to your corpse, come back to life, and probably die a few more times.
28. However, unlike most Alliance towns, most of the mobs wonât actually attack you, or shout for guards. The vast majority of the red-named mobs wonât attack you if you donât attack them.
29. Be careful, though. The guards will kill you, and so will any other NPC that has a PvP indicator on their tooltip. Itâs really humiliating to be one-shotted by a freakinâ bag merchant.
^^^ Selma Crump, killer bag lady.
30. By the time you make it to Fireside Anchors, you are now safely out of line of sight of Boralus guards. Huzzah! Snap some selfies, grab a brewski or something, and enjoy your stay in scenic Boralus!
... just watch out for Selma Crump.
#boralus#exploration#world of warcraft#battle for azeroth#bfa#ktrp#selma crump#horde#low level guide to boralus
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Supertux jogo online

#Supertux jogo online license#
#Supertux jogo online free#
At the end of each world is a boss, such as the Yeti boss on Icy Island. The SuperTux difficulty is not used in Story Mode but you do need to play story mode to.
#Supertux jogo online free#
The objective of each level is to get to the end, usually marked by checker-patterned poles. SuperTuxKart is a fun free kart racing game with online and LAN. Currently, only the fire flower power-up is implemented in story mode but there are also ice flowers, which shoots bullets that can freeze bad guys and kill fire, earth flowers give out a light which can be used for lanterns and can give invincibility for a few seconds, and air flowers allow Tux to jump further and more quickly. Tux can defeat some bad guys by jumping on them, and most can be defeated or frozen by shooting flower power-ups, which let Tux shoot the flower's respective element. Other objects such as trampolines and invincibility granting stars can also be obtained from these blocks. Tux can jump under bonus blocks marked with question marks to gain coins or retrieve power-ups such as the egg, which makes Tux bigger. Gameplay in SuperTux is similar to Super Mario Bros. series instead of Mario, the hero in the game is Tux, the official mascot of the Linux kernel. The game was inspired by Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. Today, we will take a look at SuperTux.According to the description on the projectâs website, SuperTux is a free classic 2D jumpân run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original Super Mario games covered under the GNU GPL.
#Supertux jogo online license#
SuperTux is a free and open-source two-dimensional platform video game published under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Although we have talked about many games for Linux I note that we have overlooked one: SuperTux This is a game similar to Mario, made with all intention. Includes my config file which I like for QWERTY ProÂč, but other devices/keyboards will most likely want to change resolution/zoom and keyboard map from the built-in setting menu. Juego de Penalty Shootout Euro Cup 2016, Alfa Cup, Super Toad Bros, World Cup France 98, Super Toad Flash, Euro Cup Kicks, Copa Toon 2017, Juegos de Super Cup online gratis. The Action Building game where you team up with other players to build massive forts and battle against hordes of monsters, all while crafting and looting in giant worlds where no two games are ever the same. Requires QXCompositor for rotation (landscape) support.Ä«uilt and packaged on F(x)tec ProÂč running Sailfish 3.2. Requires keyboard or controller - no touchscreen support.

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Wowhead soul cinders

#Wowhead soul cinders Patch
#Wowhead soul cinders upgrade
#Wowhead soul cinders full
If they didn't turn SA into gold then yes, it's another annoying as hell system for the sake of squeezing gameplay in for artificial hours played reports.
#Wowhead soul cinders Patch
What I hadn't thought about in my original response on this article is if SA is being turned into gold next patch then it would matter, you'd just do you 2 runs as usual and send it on it's way. Making a lot of minor things annoying as hell for absolutely no good reason.
#Wowhead soul cinders upgrade
They continue the line from azerite respec and azerite armor not being spec specific, to conduit energy and the annoying uniqueness of the conduit upgrade item from Venari, and now this. Comment by Dhrall on T12:00:37-05:00ÄȘlternatively, they could put it on Venari or some other open world vendor instead of this unnecessarily annoying limitation of having to play 2 Torghast floors to buy 1. Once your main is yoked out and doesn't need ash, then anytime you do a run to farm cinders, just send the soul ash to your alts. If you plan on playing your alts anytime to get r6 legendaries, then you will have to step foot into Torghast. The only thing this I guess prevents you from is hording soul ash on as many toons as possible right now, and then just having them sit at the vendor. It's not like you won't ever step foot into Torghast again.you will be jumping in there on your main and your alts. you know, just making it work like every other time they've done something like this? Comment by Krunklock on T12:00:32-05:00 Why make me walk into Torghast, speed through 2 floors on layer 1, go to the broker, leave, and repeat every time I want to buy this vs. My issue isn't being able to move soul ash account wide, that's fine. What is the advantage of the vendor being in the middle of a run instead of in Oribos, or in the entryway to Torghast, or by Ve'nari? How is the game better for that vendor being placed there? Nevermind the awkwardness of promoting people to level toons to 60 just to funnel soul ash onto a character and the absolute refusal of Blizzard to recognize the exponential time scaling on maintaining characters this expansion, particularly since balance is all over the place - how is that part better? I actually think this is good I have a ton of soul ash on my main it makes it easier to get Legos on fresh 60s or classes/specs that aren't super OP so now I'll spend like what would it be like 3 or 4 runs so about 20 minutes to get my max legendary item level vs spending a couple hours grinding it on a new or bad toon but here's an idea if this is such a bad system go farm it the original way it's not like this actively punishes players
#Wowhead soul cinders full
I don't think the incredibly small portion of the population that wants to "experience the full journey on an additional character" (which by the way, they could simply opt to do if they enjoy repeating content that much) warrants aggravating the entire rest of the game's population. Legitimate question: how is the game better for this system working this way in the context of the game state in 9.1? This continues to block players that for whatever reason are behind from 9.0/9.0.5 content from being able to fully enjoy the game and annoy veteran players alike. Comment by mzing99 on T11:59:44-05:00Ä«lizzard: offers a gift in one hand, but slaps you in the face with the other. I can run torghast with my most geared toon and send the soul ash to my new undergeared alt. Just let us buy how ever many we can afford from a vendor outside. This is the dumbest thing I'll read all day. Please, shut down your hatred and please, shut up already :) Comment by Aleona on T11:57:53-05:00 If you place your foot in Thorgast at least 4 times on week 1 of 9.1, how hard is it going to be for you to buy the actual item 4 times? You will be getting obvious 570 Soul Ash that you don't need "for free" You will be farming Soul Cinders for new max ranks, which itself: You will have an OPPSIe and you will have to repeat the process You will WANT to unlock The Uber omegalul new max Layer, which itself: When you start playing 9.1, it will be mandatory to run Thorgast for at least couple of times, to name few: Listen up, I myself don't like Thorgast anymore, don't run it whatsoever after I got my desired legendaries to max rank.

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Final?? Org Daily Mail Interview With Trixany Cuomo
Approx. 10 min read. The Org Daily Mail liquors Trixany up and letâs âer rip. BTW Trix has a guild tag now, but I did leave her unguilded for a while and it inspired me.
Alternate title: Free Trixany!
Org: So, TrixanyâŠ
Trix: Eyup.
Org: Eyup.
Random Orc #1: âŠEyup.
Random Orc #2: Uh-huh. *hands out the beer*
Trix: Wow. Kaja Cola makes beer? Nice. *has a big sip*
Org: Sort of. Miss Trixany Cuomo, thank you for joining us again.
Trix: Yeah. Being here for the second time is⊠meh. I guess. And I figure the Trixany versus the Org Daily Mail, love-hate relationship thing has to end sometime, right? You know, this Kaja Cola beer is unusually good. Itâs even giving me ideas!
Org: Well done, Trixany. Youâve earned a toffee.
Trix: Haha, nice! *spins in her swivel chair*
Org: Letâs get to it--
Trix: Ooh! I know a girl in another video game who says that. Sheâs good with a whip. And if I ever, as a video game character, did a cosplay of another video game character, like inside my game? It would totally be Franziska Von Karma.
Org: What⊠the heck are you talking about now, Trixany?
Trix: *gulps more Kaja Cola beer from the can, swivels*
Camera man: *chuckles*
Org: *starts ignoring Trixany* Alright. So, a lot has happened since the last time you were in the Org Daily Mail studio. Care to explain?
Trix: Oh cool! Yeah, I was wanting to talk about thatâwait, do you mean about my glam fishing project?
Org: Welp, this episode will be boring and drop our ratings then⊠*mutters, annoyed* No, tell us about something more⊠spicy.
Trix: Okay so, me and Haris Pilton finally had that knock-down, drag-out fight that witch deserved. But then, someone got cute and put us in the same ghetto Lower City Hospital ward. *shrugs, swivels* Which only led to a re-match.
Org: Woah. Thatâs awful, Trixany. Weâre so sorry to hear that someone out there finally took a swing at you⊠*winks at the camera*
Trix: No, sheâs the rotten one. After her little dog stopped being cute, Paris stole my pet dragon whelp Nautistrasz, saying it wasnât âmy brand.â And I told her that her brand is trashbags and Febreeze! Then, she hit me. *tears up* Iâm a Bloodknight. She started it, I finished it. Retribution comes with the territory. *sips her beer, calms* Anyway, it ended on a good note. After they transferred me to Scryers Hospital and my recovery was almost finished, I figuredâhey, Iâm already in here. Might as well get some work done. And there are some treatments you can only get for a good price in Outland. Can you see it? I sort of have a new face now, like that Kardashian girl. *puckers* Itâsh shubtle, but alsho mega poutier, shee?
Org: Uh⊠Hokaaay...
Camera man: How do we trick her into talking about the really good stuff thatâll get her jailed again? Try that!
Org: Ah! So, I see that youâre currently guildless. Isnât that a bit shameful for someone at your level? A bit⊠sad? Arenât you lonely? Angry? Angry enough to start fighting people, or to start some other crazy drama? Maybe shave your head? Attack a Goblin trike with a baseball bat? Punch a camera man in the face like Kanye while youâre walking out of the Mankirkâs Wife Memorial Airport*, right at the heart of Orgrimmar?!
Camera man: Or, you could not encourage her to punch me in the faceâŠ
Trix: Wait, is the zeppelin⊠place⊠is it called that?
Org: Yeah, itâs pretty sweet. The new zeppelins are now tricked out in all those Quilboar hides that were just piling up in the Barrens, but few people know. Actually, weâre going to start calling it Mankirkâs Wife Memorial Airport after we crash the zeppelin masterâs association dinner and finally expose them. Canât wait. MuahahaâŠ
Camera man: Yeah, you have to tune in for the next episode!
Trix: Mhrm, *files nails* I figured that seemed more like something -you guys- would do.
Org: Now, about you being guild-free and ready to hurt people and also raise our ratings?
Trix: I know, I know, whenever you see someone max-level without a guild tag, itâs like⊠I dunno, seeing someone whoâs clearly not wearing a bra and itâs kind of awkward? And also kinda hawt. But I think you guys can handle that from Trixany. Like right now. Weâre hanginâ out and everyoneâs fine.
Org: ⊠Wait.
Camera man: Woah. And now, this episode is being banned in Thundberbluff, the Exodar, Stormwind⊠Not Goldshire, for some reason.
Trix: Being guild-free is liberating, itâs wild! Another thing, being guildless is like being bra-less in that itâs also nobodyâs bloody business. I tell those haters, âDonât spam me with your life adviceâI look great!â
Org: *clears throat and carefully looks her in the eye* Well, um. But donât you sometimes feel like you need⊠more support? Social support, I mean.
Camera man: Sure, Bill. Whatever you say, Bill...
Trix: Nah, I got friends. I still hang out with all the Kaja-Cola girls, tooâActually, thereâs talk of us re-forming our girl band. Our new single is going to be unbelievable. Mega Meghan Mango and I wrote it. I think weâre calling it⊠Roleplay Got Back? Itâs the cutest song. And scandalous, yet empowering. And hilarious. Which is like, exactly my brand. Stupid HarisâŠ.
Org: Wait, letâs go back to the free Trixany thingâ
Trix: Wanna sample? I know one of the verses. Letâs see⊠*turns her rose red RET HO snapback the other way, and gestures aggressively* My emote anaconda donât want none unless your roleplay got buns hon!
Org: STOP!! Now, about your lack of a guild⊠Ratings⊠need ratings⊠Trixany! Wouldnât you be more comfortable if you went around in a umâŠ? And, I mean, Iâm a guy, but still-- arenât there benefits to having one of those⊠*trails off, looks her cautiously in the eye again* Anyway! Iïżœïżœïżœm just saying, we here at the Org Daily Mail, a quality family show, are very concerned because, without a bra-- a guild! Without a guild, you might stick out too muchâNo! What Iâm saying is, you wonât fit in with other people! And you get less experience. Your mail doesnât get delivered as fast, right? And arenât there certain battle pets and other stuff you wonât be able to buy? Is being an individual really worth it?
Trix: I think I stick out just fine. Also, I have plenty of amazing experiences, the mail man always visits me first, and I walk right up to the front of the line at the auction house. They just let me. I even get a discount. Thanks, Drezmit! Heâs taking me out this weekend. Aww, isnât that so sweet of him? He says heâs been worried about me.
Org: *Tries hard not to laugh*
Camera man: Holy crap. I think sheâs actually onto something there.
Org: Hold on. *feigning serious again* Are you⊠saying that you planned this? Going, letâs call it âtag-lessâ, is a real strategy for you?
Trix: Either that, or I just donât care. *gulps more beer* Do you know what? Maybe itâll be like that âI kissed a girlâ song or that thong song and everyone will start dropping their guild tags for the realer benefits, am I right? I mean, youâll go to Club Night Owl and be like dancing, and then some hottie without a guild tag will walk in, and then they turn up the music, shine that spotlight, and suddenly everybody just drops their guild tags too, and parties even harder!
Org: Yeah, that wonât happen.
Trix: It could trend, you donât know. Like glam fishing. I will force glam fishing to be a trend if I have to. Ouch! Sorryâkinda TMI I know, but this bra has been pinching me all day.
Org: Sure it is and I guess Iâll finally ask you⊠Whatâs glam fishing? Is this like a low-budget glamping that only Horde B celebrities would be into?
Trix: Seriously? Someone is finally asking me? Yes! Oh goodness, now Iâm nervous. I invented it myself, itâs so cool. And itâs perfect if like, you feel your toon, ICâly, would never dirty their hands with fishing, like me. Well, first, you find a beautiful fishing spot. Next, and this part is most important, you--
Org: Wait, nevermind! My camera man here says weâre out of time. *fake smile* Trixany, we canât thank you enough for coming into the Org Daily Mail studio and telling us how you are. We care so much and weâre so glad that youâre out of rehab now and doing the topless thingâ
Trix: It wasnât that kind of rehab, and I would never do that! Why would you say that? Are you somehow twisting my words? I thought our last lawsuit settled this! *her speech slows* Wait, whyyyy did I blaaather on the way I did? Whatâs in thiiiiis frigginâ beer? And WHY did you saaaay this episode was being banned eeeeveryplace but Goldshire??
Org: And thank you all for watching! Remember everyone, the Org Daily Mail cannot be held liable for any gross misinterpretations of what its employees actually said and did today in the studio. Org Daily Mail is also a subsidiary of the Kaja-Cola Corporation: âWe donât exploit our workers, we exploit big flavor!â *cheesy TV grin* Now everybody, you know how it works. Letâs say it together!
Trix: Waaugh! *Falls out of her swivel chair.*
Special thanks to a random stranger I talked to a whiiiiiiile back on an alt for the Mankirkâs Wife Memorial Airport idea. Sadly, I canât remember your name! I joked about all the Quilboar hides piling up in the Horde probably going into the airport in Orgrimmar; that our zeppelins would be covered with them. And then, they laughed and said that if I saw the zeppelin towers as an airport (and it SO totally is) then it would have to be called Mankirkâs Wife Memorial Airport. I can even see Blizz putting a sign up there that says it. Canât you? Okay so⊠possibly. And also some NPCs curing Quilboar hides as well as towing parcels⊠Itâs kinda goofy, but I love it. Thank you, kind stranger! I hope it catches on. Another reason why I love this game. Random encounters with really, really fun people. Hahaha!
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Events This Week
Bizmoâs Brawlpub Tavern Night When: Wednesday, January 18th Time: 7 Bells (server) Bizmo's Brawlpub is open for all the assorted members of the Underground. Come grab a drink, make some deals, and make some gold. Or just smash your face against one of Bizmo's brawlers!
OOC: Â Blizzard Events Starting
Call of the Scarab Starting 1/21 through 1/23 This micro holiday commemorates the opening of the Gates of AhnâQiraj. Come out to Silithus and show your Alliance pride, by helping to gather materials before the Horde does! Its a matter of pride! The winning factions will have their banner above the Gates for a whole year. Come out and help us show why Alliance is best.
Lunar Festival Starting 1/21 through 2/4
Every year the druids of Moonglade hold a celebration of their city's great triumph over an ancient evil. During the Lunar Festival, citizens of Azeroth have the opportunity to honor their elders by celebrating their sage wisdom, sharing in magnificent feasts, and of course... shooting fireworks!
Ironforge Winter Craft Fest When: Saturday, January 21st Where: The Great Forge in Ironforge Time: 6 bells (server)
The Dwarven clans of Khaz Modan, as well as other brothers and sisters of the Alliance, wish to host a crafter's festival to honor centuries of fine craftsmanship! This will be the Winter installment in this seasonal event!
Vendors: - Modarin of the "Cask and Anvil" will be providing you with the finest Dwarven dining under the mountain! - Bathildis of "The Steel Pub" will be supplying some of the finest brews in Khaz Modan! - Davonna will be assisting fest-goers at the "Cask and Anvil" pub! - Gorval will be setting up a blacksmithing booth to display his finely crafted wares! - Cairdaid will be hosting contest of coordination! - Velkard will be providing us with hand-carved Wildhammer Totems! - Kioal will be bringing his masterful leatherworking talents, and perhaps a few wares! - Hulain will be selling his amazing parchment, among other wares! (This is an actual in-game drawing parchment using the addon GHI. I can personally attest to how cool it is!)
- Bigeasy will be roaming the festival grounds, providing folk with festive music! - Veltaazha will be reading runes! See what fate holds for you!
More info here: http://ironforgecraftfest.tumblr.com/ Â or contact Bathilidis in game @bath-ironstout
Rose Clinic Grand Opening
When: Saturday, January 21st Where: Elwynn Forest, Eastvale Logging Camp Time: 6 bells (server)
The Rose Clinic is being opened and overseen by Lady Christina Bension. In honor of her mother, who died giving life to Tina. Â Having spent her life within the walls of Northshire Abby, under the careful watch of the Sisters there. Kindness has been shown to this young woman and after starting her teachings in the medical field at the young age of fifteen. Christen has chosen to open and run a small clinic within Stormwind City.
Weekly Events
The Cask an Anvil: When - Fridays @ 6 pm server Where - Ironforge Who - Modarin Theme - Social
The Steel Pub
When: Sunday @ 6 pm server Where: in Anvilmar, Dun Morogh Who: Bath Ironstout Theme: Social
@bath-ironstout @ironstoutbrews
Upcoming Events
Vulpes & Co Live Auction When: Tuesday, January 24th Time: 8 bells (server)
Vulpes & Co. invites you to our 4th monthly auction! Further information will be posted on our tumblr within the next few days. [ vulpes-and-co.tumblr.com ] @vulpes-and-co
Spice & Spirits When: Friday, January 27 Time: 6 Bells (server)
Prizes, spin the bottle, Zandalari ghost pepper eating contest and live entertainment! houselockwood.tumblr.com IN REDRIDGE!! Menu: Ribs - Wings - Shrimp - Steak Order plain, or with your choice: sweet or spicey barbeque sauce! Special house drinks! Contact @houselockwood
Pandaren New Year Celebration When: January 28th Time: 6 bells (server)
The New Year is ringing in for the Pandaren! Come join the Iron Rose Consortium in Dawnâs Blossom. Bring anyone and everyone that you wish to give luck to during this time. From Fireworks to paper lanterns! Wear whatever make you feel festive in this time as we honor the Crane. This Year is all about the Red Crane, with hope for the New Year. There will be music for dancing, food and drinks.
Kung-fu hustle:
This is the Sparring event, everyone can sign up for. This will be a clean fighting, nothing below the belt. Â It will be a /roll type sparring. This will be a fist fight! so put up your fist and join in.
1st place will get the tcg Dragon kite pet 2nd will get 2k
The Fire Crackle battle
Everyone who sighs up will need the Dazzling Rod.
The rules are simple that one it starts if you get hit your out. There will be three free for allâs and then those who win will then go after each other to see who will be the true winner. Then 2nd and third place.
1st will get a tiny blue carp pet 2nd will get 1k 3rd will get 500g
( you can pick it up here: Tower entrance 43.0, 35.8. Treasure coordinates 42.9, 35.3. You can just pick it up nothing to kill for it)
Contact @neytiriravenholde for more information.
What: Open Lunar Festival Remembrance Ceremony hosted by the Kalimdor Collective
When: Saturday, January 28 beginning at or around 5:00 PM ST Where: Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains
For the first time in years, KC will be moving through the EK on our guild RP campaign--and we will be in the area of Redridge Mountains during the Lunar Festival!
We decided to take this opportunity to bring Kalimdorian culture to the residents of the area, and invite any RPers who frequent this part of the world to join us in our Lunar Festival Remembrance Ceremony!
Rough Schedule (all times are in server time):
5:00 PM We will begin to gather, mingle, and meet one another 5:15ish PM Tables will be set out for an open-air Kalimdorian-style feast 6:00 PM We will gather by the lake for a retelling of the story of Omen 6:15ish PM Elune Stones will be tossed into the lake in remembrance of comrades and loved ones who have passed. Visitors and the curious are encouraged to bring Elune stones to toss as well, and to share a short memory or word of remembrance for their loved ones.
Whenever thatâs finishedâŠ
For those interested, we will engage in a short cleansing ritual to prepare us for the New Lunar Year.
So youâre interested in comingâŠ
   Wear finery or anything befitting the Lunar Festival    Bring any Elune Stones you may have--great time to use that Eluneâs Lantern you probably forgot about (and be prepared to share with those who forgot!)    Prepare a short memorial for comrades or loved ones
If you have any ideas, would like to participate in leadership of this in one way or another, or have any questions, please contact Telrien, Ymaara, or Maeshkin in-game!
Look forward to seeing you there!
[Fashion Battlesâą] by Stealthstar-Silverhand is hosting a New Years themed transmog battle. Everyone is welcome to this event!
Where: Court of the Sun, Silvermoon City When:January 29th, 2017 @ (8(PM(PT), 9PM(MT),10PM(CT) , 11PM(ET)) Realm Host: Farstriders//Silverhand//Thoriumbrotherhood
The Tipsy Date Auction
Come one, come all! Single and ready to mingle? Looking to donate gold to a charity and get a date out of it? Or perhaps you are just looking for a fun time with some friendly faces? Well look no further. The Tipsy Hourglass is hosting a Date Auction! Thatâs correct â a date auction during the month of love! Come and celebrate the season of love with us; enjoy a drink amongst friends and hot food and sweets provided by our lovely tavern. But most of all, come for a chance to win a date with some of the most beautiful and weirdly wonderful men/women/and all those in between on Azeroth and beyond!
All coin spent on bids toward our lovely singles will be donated to funding supplies for the war as well as back home for those who have left behind families in need of a little help this season. Let us spread the love to all corners of the world!
(A small portion will also be given to the lovely couple to treat themselves to a nice dinner on us.)
Where: The Tipsy Hourglass ((A Heroâs Welcome in new Dalaran. Portals/summons available for lower levelled players.))
When: February the 11th at 5 bells!
Looking to put yourself in the line of fire and test your nerves to the hungry crowd? Get into contact with Zae in-game either via mail (preferred) or whisper to be added onto the âauctionâ list! Alternatively you can also contact Graece or Ollivier, my beautiful officers if I am unavailable.
All bids would be at IC money value that we prefer to use within our events:
1 copper = 1 cent 1 Silver = 1 dollar 1 Gold = 100 dollars
Just one rule:
While this is an auction event, people sold are not in any way obligated to do as the buyer wishes against their toons will! You all know what I mean. This is not that kind of event!
(Have an event to advertise? Send an in game mail to Risri or message @risrielthron)
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Updated Crash Course to Playing World of Warcraft
Whether you're new to World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth or are returning for World of Warcraft Classic after a long hiatus, this crash course will help you survive.
There are dozens of forums, websites and Youtube videos dedicated to World of Warcraft. And yet, most of them don't answer some very simple questions. Oftentimes, you're forced to sift through tons of data not relevant to what you're looking for, having to listen to someone explain something horribly. And don't get me started on the craptacularly (that's my word), hideous music in the background. Here's where Ge'NeL comes to the rescue! We've created this WoW guide to answer recurring questions asked in the Women of Warcraft Facebook group and all across the internet world....of Warcraft.
First things first, you have to decide which type of realm is best for you: player versus player (pvp), player versus environment or role playing versus player.
PvP is exactly how it sounds. It's faction player against opposing faction player in addition to NPCs. Outside of major cities, the potential to be killed by another player is pretty high. Some people even find joy in terrorizing low level areas. While it may be annoying, it comes with the territory.
PvE realms are relegated to environmental gameplay. While pvp is still an option on pve realms, it requires being in a battleground or arena or turning pvp settings on.
RPvP is a bit different. It's role-playing! You interact with other players as if you are an NPC or you can create a background for your character. Almost anything goes, including ERP (erotic role-playing). If that's what you're into (not gonna knock it--you do you, boo-boo) then you can get started in Goldshire.
Which faction is better? Horde or Alliance?
Before someone attempts to fill your head with nonsense, let's get this out of the way first. One faction is not better than the other. They banded together for different reasons. That being said, different races have special abilities based on their race. You can click on the particular race then the "More Info" button below the races to see which abilities they have.
After you've decided which faction, race and class you want to play.
Some people are content to play WoW alone. And that's okay. Some people enjoy solitude and want to play at their own pace. WoW, in itself, is a very social game where many objectives require playing with others. It really does help to have a friend or two to quest with. But making friends in Azeroth isn't always easy.
Join a guild. Joining a guild is the fastest way to meet new people. Talk in guild chat and gauge how people communicate with each other. Do not assume everyone's humor is the same as yours. Not everyone fancies dark humor. Needless to say, your first interaction with someone shouldn't be "Sup bitch" or anything of the like that shouldn't be the first thing you say to someone. Also, remember that a lot gets lost in translation via text communications. So be mindful of how you communicate with others and also how they communicate with you.
Create your own guild. By creating your own guild you can create the type of environment that you want to be a part of. Invite people you've interacted with who you feel would fit into the virtual home you've created.
Enter random dungeons and battlegrounds. Not only is doing dungeons and BGs a good way to learn to play your class better, but also a pretty decent way of meeting other players. And if you're good, it's likely people will give you kudos and want to play with you again.
Don't beg for gold. If there's one thing worse than gold sellers spamming trade chat, it's gold beggars. They are annoying. We know that newcomers need gold. But it's frustrating that people put a lot of time and effort into their characters to make gold, save up for repairs, etc. just for someone to come in and start off with "Hi. Can I have a few gold to guy a piece of gear from the Auction House?" No, bruh. I feel for you, but you have to make it the way most of us did. This guide will show you how to do that, too!
Azeroth has enough bad apples to go around. There will always be abominable twats who think that hiding behind a computer screen gives them a free pass to treat others like total crap, waste people's time, pick on others because of their playstyle, etc. This guide is to help you to not be one of those guys or gals. Here are a few do's and don'ts to help make Azeroth a better world--of warcraft.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you're new or it's been a while, speak up. "Hey guys! This is my first time here. Anything I should know about this boss?" People generally appreciate when someone can ask for help.
Be open to constructive criticism. It's not easy being told or made to feel as if you suck. Some people seriously do not have tact when talking to others. That's still no reason for anyone to treat you or anyone else like crap. But do try to be open to advice from those who do try to help you by sharing a few pointers or tips.
Don't need on every item that drops. In addition to your race-based special abilities, the character creation page also tells you which type of armor your class wears. For example: You're a druid in a dungeon with five other blokes. A piece of cloth drops. The priest wears cloth. You need on the item because you might be able to wear it. Don't do that! Druid's primary armor is leather. Priest's primary armor is cloth. Be courteous and ask if they need it before hitting need. Another example: You're a big, strong warrior in a dungeon. An intellect trinket drops. You hit need. WRONG! Warrior's primary stat is strength. Warriors do not need intellect for anything whatsoever.
Do try to have patience for other players. Healers need mana. Tanks sometimes like to wait on their cooldowns or certain abilities before pulling. Someone's kid may decide to play Whack-A-Mole with mommy or daddy's keyboard. Someone's cat may decide that their keyboard is now their bed. Stuff happens. Life happens. Be patient. It will be okay. I promise.
Being new to WoW or making a new toon on a new server and not having enough money to repair your gear, buy gear or buy supplies really sucks. Wowhead has an excellent Gold Making Guide. There are so many ways to make gold. Here are a few ways to ensure you stack your paper (gold) quickly.
Loot everything. Yes, loot everything, even the grey items. Vendor them. The copper and silver add up.
Sell green (common) armor on the AH. It doesn't matter how low the item level of the gear is, it will likely sell on the auction house. Dirtydianna and Thickyvicky have found some amazing, low level green items for transmogs.
Choose a gathering profession. Leather, ore and herbs always sell on the auction house. Always.
Collect cloth. Cloth is yet another big seller on the auction house. Especially low-level cloth. In Retail WoW, Netherweave cloth continues to be the biggest seller on the AH, probably because Netherweave bags are easy to make and they sell very well, especially to low level players looking for more than the 4, 6 and 8 slot bags that they get while questing.
WARNING: purchasing gold from third-party sites is against Blizzardâs Terms of Service and, when they do shutdown the company selling gold, if your account is among their list of clients, your account will be permanently banned. Do not fall prey to the little level 1 characters offering to sell you World of Warcraft gold for cheap.
NOTE: As it stands, you cannot sell a WoW token on the Classic Auction House.
Addons are not for everyone. Some people prefer to play with just the game UI and that is perfectly okay. But some of us use addons to enhance game play and in-game experiences. Here are a few basic addons, if you are interested, that may help you navigate your way through Azeroth.
First, download the Twitch Desktop App. It's all encompassing since they partnered with Curse to include addons. On the Twitch app, click Mods to take you where you want to go. Then select World of Warcraft to take you to addons for WoW. Clicking on the name of an addon will give you detailed information about what that addon does.
HandyNotes for questing is amazing!
BigWigs or Deadly Boss Mods for when you decide to venture into dungeons and raids.
Decursive is particularly helpful in dungeons, raids and battlegrounds. It's a mouseover addon that allows you to quickly removes harmful magic, poisons and diseases from your party or raid members if your class has the ability to remove them.
Details! Damage Meter, Recount or Skada damage meters. These are very handy to help keep track of damage, healing, absorbs, deaths and other actions. Details not only displays the damage and healing stats from your party or raid, but also functions as a way to help you improve your game play. For example, as a healer, both you and another player have the same specialization, similar gear and item level, but he/she is putting out more HPS than you. A number of things could factor into why your heals are lower. With Details, you can mouseover that person's name and it will show you what their top heals are. The same with damage.
Was this guide helpful? Comment here, on our Ge'NeL fanpage or by tweeting us at @genelmag! And don't forget to share!
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Intro to Playing World of Warcraft: A Crash Course
Whether you're new to World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth or are returning for World of Warcraft Classic after a long hiatus, this crash course will help you survive.
There are dozens of forums, websites and Youtube videos dedicated to World of Warcraft. And yet, most of them don't answer some very simple questions. Oftentimes, you're forced to sift through tons of data not relevant to what you're looking for, having to listen to someone explain something horribly. And don't get me started on the craptacularly (that's my word), hideous music in the background. Here's where Ge'NeL comes to the rescue! We've created this WoW guide to answer recurring questions asked in the Women of Warcraft Facebook group and all across the internet world....of Warcraft.
First things first, you have to decide which type of realm is best for you: player versus player (pvp), player versus environment or role playing versus player.
PvP is exactly how it sounds. It's faction player against opposing faction player in addition to NPCs. Outside of major cities, the potential to be killed by another player is pretty high. Some people even find joy in terrorizing low level areas. While it may be annoying, it comes with the territory.
PvE realms are relegated to environmental gameplay. While pvp is still an option on pve realms, it requires being in a battleground or arena or turning pvp settings on.
RPvP is a bit different. It's role-playing! You interact with other players as if you are an NPC or you can create a background for your character. Almost anything goes, including ERP (erotic role-playing). If that's what you're into (not gonna knock it--you do you, boo-boo) then you can get started in Goldshire.
Which faction is better? Horde or Alliance?
Before someone attempts to fill your head with nonsense, let's get this out of the way first. One faction is not better than the other. They banded together for different reasons. That being said, different races have special abilities based on their race. You can click on the particular race then the "More Info" button below the races to see which abilities they have.
After you've decided which faction, race and class you want to play.
Some people are content to play WoW alone. And that's okay. Some people enjoy solitude and want to play at their own pace. WoW, in itself, is a very social game where many objectives require playing with others. It really does help to have a friend or two to quest with. But making friends in Azeroth isn't always easy.
Join a guild. Joining a guild is the fastest way to meet new people. Talk in guild chat and gauge how people communicate with each other. Do not assume everyone's humor is the same as yours. Not everyone fancies dark humor. Needless to say, your first interaction with someone shouldn't be "Sup bitch" or anything of the like that shouldn't be the first thing you say to someone. Also, remember that a lot gets lost in translation via text communications. So be mindful of how you communicate with others and also how they communicate with you.
Create your own guild. By creating your own guild you can create the type of environment that you want to be a part of. Invite people you've interacted with who you feel would fit into the virtual home you've created.
Enter random dungeons and battlegrounds. Not only is doing dungeons and BGs a good way to learn to play your class better, but also a pretty decent way of meeting other players. And if you're good, it's likely people will give you kudos and want to play with you again.
Don't beg for gold. If there's one thing worse than gold sellers spamming trade chat, it's gold beggars. They are annoying. We know that newcomers need gold. But it's frustrating that people put a lot of time and effort into their characters to make gold, save up for repairs, etc. just for someone to come in and start off with "Hi. Can I have a few gold to guy a piece of gear from the Auction House?" No, bruh. I feel for you, but you have to make it the way most of us did. This guide will show you how to do that, too!
Azeroth has enough bad apples to go around. There will always be abominable twats who think that hiding behind a computer screen gives them a free pass to treat others like total crap, waste people's time, pick on others because of their playstyle, etc. This guide is to help you to not be one of those guys or gals. Here are a few do's and don'ts to help make Azeroth a better world--of warcraft.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you're new or it's been a while, speak up. "Hey guys! This is my first time here. Anything I should know about this boss?" People generally appreciate when someone can ask for help.
Be open to constructive criticism. It's not easy being told or made to feel as if you suck. Some people seriously do not have tact when talking to others. That's still no reason for anyone to treat you or anyone else like crap. But do try to be open to advice from those who do try to help you by sharing a few pointers or tips.
Don't need on every item that drops. In addition to your race-based special abilities, the character creation page also tells you which type of armor your class wears. For example: You're a druid in a dungeon with five other blokes. A piece of cloth drops. The priest wears cloth. You need on the item because you might be able to wear it. Don't do that! Druid's primary armor is leather. Priest's primary armor is cloth. Be courteous and ask if they need it before hitting need. Another example: You're a big, strong warrior in a dungeon. An intellect trinket drops. You hit need. WRONG! Warrior's primary stat is strength. Warriors do not need intellect for anything whatsoever.
Do try to have patience for other players. Healers need mana. Tanks sometimes like to wait on their cooldowns or certain abilities before pulling. Someone's kid may decide to play Whack-A-Mole with mommy or daddy's keyboard. Someone's cat may decide that their keyboard is now their bed. Stuff happens. Life happens. Be patient. It will be okay. I promise.
Being new to WoW or making a new toon on a new server and not having enough money to repair your gear, buy gear or buy supplies really sucks. But there are so many ways to make gold. Here are a few ways to ensure you stack your paper (gold) quickly.
Loot everything. Yes, loot everything, even the grey items. Vendor them. The copper and silver add up.
Sell green (common) armor on the AH. It doesn't matter how low the item level of the gear is, it will likely sell on the auction house. Dirtydianna and Thickyvicky have found some amazing, low level green items for transmogs.
Choose a gathering profession. Leather, ore and herbs always sell on the auction house. Always.
Collect cloth. Cloth is yet another big seller on the auction house. Especially low-level cloth. Netherweave cloth continues to be the biggest seller on the AH, probably because Netherweave bags are easy to make and they sell very well, especially to low level players looking for more than the 4, 6 and 8 slot bags that they get while questing.
Addons are not for everyone. Some people prefer to play with just the game UI and that is perfectly okay. But some of us use addons to enhance game play and in-game experiences. Here are a few basic addons, if you are interested, that may help you navigate your way through Azeroth.
First, download the Twitch Desktop App. It's all encompassing since they partnered with Curse to include addons. On the Twitch app, click Mods to take you where you want to go. Then select World of Warcraft to take you to addons for WoW. Clicking on the name of an addon will give you detailed information about what that addon does.
HandyNotes for questing is amazing!
BigWigs or Deadly Boss Mods for when you decide to venture into dungeons and raids.
Decursive is particularly helpful in dungeons, raids and battlegrounds. It's a mouseover addon that allows you to quickly removes harmful magic, poisons and diseases from your party or raid members if your class has the ability to remove them.
Details! Damage Meter, Recount or Skada damage meters. These are very handy to help keep track of damage, healing, absorbs, deaths and other actions. Details not only displays the damage and healing stats from your party or raid, but also functions as a way to help you improve your game play. For example, as a healer, both you and another player have the same specialization, similar gear and item level, but he/she is putting out more HPS than you. A number of things could factor into why your heals are lower. With Details, you can mouseover that person's name and it will show you what their top heals are. The same with damage.
Was this guide helpful? Comment here, on our Ge'NeL fanpage or by tweeting us at @genelmag! And don't forget to share!
#world of warcraft#guides#addons#blizzard games#blizzard#women of warcraft#making friends in video games#making friends#basics#Blizzard Games#blizzard entertainment
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