#i have some old pics and vids on snapchat and seeing the app makes me incredibly sad
shyacinth ยท 4 months
think i'm gonna gradually upload all the pics and vids of my cats so they can attain immortality. that's how it works, right?
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topicprinter ยท 7 years
logoThis is a crazy fast paced world we live in with sooo many pressures on a daily basis! Hundreds of decisions are made daily with the average Joseph or Josephine lacking the time and/or energy to put much thought into what is the best way to make an informed decision to solve a problem, which is why the world is ready for Green Go, Red No. Here's a chance for life's decision makers to get others honest opinions both quickly and easily, and at the same time it's an opportunity for folks to voice their opinion and provide advice to others around the world. See the thing is, yellow is just too mellow, we need concrete and unbiased advice in order to make educated decisions quickly and efficiently, and on the flip-side we certainly need to be able to throw in our two cents as well! Green Go, Red No. Simple, informative and to the point.So here's the gist: Users post a photo along with a brief caption to guide others as to what type of opinions they are looking for. For example a pic is posted and the caption reads simply "Does my front yard look good?" No thumbs up or down, no yes or no boxes to check, just a stoplight with a green and red light to choose Go or No. Stoplights are fairly universal so user error on the app is kept to a minimum, and the learning curve is smooth. The tens of millions of stoplights around the world are a nice bit of advertising as well :) So back to it, after the user voicing their opinion re: the yard chooses green or red, they can then provide (if they wish) a brief insight (limited to a sentence or two) as to why they chose go or no. "Looks great", "You need to plant some boxwoods along the front porch", "That driveway needs to be power-washed", "Good looking yard, those 2 trees are perfect for a hammock" The OP is now much more able to make an informed decision, and what an awesome idea to put a hammock up between those 2 trees!Let's get a little deep for a brief moment. It is scientifically proven that when people make informed decisions, they are happier because of it. Some interesting reading with overwhelming proof of this:https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-you-make-decisions-says-a-lot-about-how-happy-you-are-1412614997?tesla=y&mg=reno64-wsj&url=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB11287069537469764775104580198052361484706.htmlhttp://mylearningsolutions.org/2015/08/14/the-link-between-decision-making-and-happiness/https://www.fastcompany.com/3063066/the-science-backed-way-to-be-happier-by-making-better-choicesNow, our app is not going to make every person on the planet incredibly happy, but what if it helped just a little bit with a significant number of people?If you're still reading this, some questions you may be asking yourself and/or others:-What types of questions can users give and get opinions on? Anything and everything! This could range from any type of decision someone will make in their day to day life, both large and small. "Does my hair look good?" , "Is this banana ok to eat?", "Is this safe for my 5 year old", "Do these pants look OK?", "If I spend 4 hours a day playing games on my phone is that too much?" Today alone - you've probably made decisions that couldve taken a different course had a brief moment been utilized to garner unbiased opinions from others, before ultimately choosing the best decision. Please take a moment - would this app have helped to guide you with even one decision you've made today, no matter how trivial or profound the underlying issue? Would it have been worth less than a minute of your time to get the thoughts and opinions of others so you could choose a more effective course of action? Chances are yes.-Hasn't this been done before? Yes! We realize there is a proven market for this type of app, a very large one at that. We intend to just do it better by taking a proven concept and providing a vastly superior and relevant experience for the user. Same way Facebook did with MySpace, Google with Yahoo, In N Out with McDonald's :) we are not looking to reinvent the wheel, just to improve upon it!-Are the ways to monetize this app other than ad revenues? Absolutely - some really fun and interesting ways too!-Can videos/GIFs (Think Snapchat length vids) be posted rather than pics to get opinions? In time - most definitely. We want our users to be able to ask if they in fact do an awesome impersonation of Al Pacino, if they have a functional golf swing, or if their sliding door that is sticking needs to be replaced.
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