#i have some neat outfits to wear to a wedding or fancy event !
rosylamb · 2 years
Interesting perspective! Also I don't mean to hit on you, but wanted to say you're really pretty! I can't believe you've never been asked to slow dance. All the guys at dances and weddings must be blind haha.
Oh, gosh.
That’s okay!
Honestly, I don’t . . . always feel so good about myself, so that really means a lot. ♡
I’m genuinely flattered (and a little embarrassed admittedly — my face is so pink hehe) that you think so well of me. :’)
So thank you so very much for giving me something to smile about today! ♡ ♡ ♡
It’s okay though!
It’d be nice, but I don’t count on it happening anytime soon. I’m not the kind of girl people do stuff like that for. I’m not sure I deserve it. :’)
Perhaps I will dress up and show some of my dressy looks though! I have so many pretty dresses and nice jewelry to wear. That’d be fun, huh?! ♡
At the very least I could bump my favorite red party dress that I wore for my birthday?
Oh! Now I wish I had somewhere fancy to go. :3
Thank you very much for stopping by!
It’s been lovely to speak with you, and I am honored you have chosen to share your time and thoughts with me. ♡ ♡
Hugs, kisses, and many well-wishes! I hope that you take care and that your day is filled with lots of kind and beautiful things! ~ X O ⁎✧ ✿ 。˚₊ ⋆゚⊹ 🤍 ♡ 🤍
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galoots · 4 years
Prompt 2 please!
As Duckworth put the finishing touches on his carefully coordinated outfit, he caught a glimpse of Scrooge’s tail feathers in the mirror. “Please, put some trousers on, love, you’ll embarrass me.”
Scrooge huffed and rapped his cane on the ground in annoyance. “I never wear pants! Who cares?”
“I do.” Duckworth folded and tucked a lavender pocket square with delicate shimmering fleur-de-lis into the breast pocket of his charcoal colored suit. He admired the slim figure he cut in the dashing outfit. “We’re going to a wedding, dear. Not to the five-and-dime for a pack of smokes and some beef jerky.”
“Psh.” Scrooge sidled up to Duckworth so they were side-by-side in the mirror’s reflected view. “I look just as fancy as you.”
He did not. 
Duckworth was dressed in a bespoke three-piece suit with a silk shirt underneath. He accented the dark cloth with antique opalescent cufflinks and a coordinated lavender bowtie and pocket square combo. His neat leather shoes were freshly polished and buffed for the event. 
Scrooge was wearing his same old red woolen sweater. The one he wore everyday. It was growing ever more threadbare as time went on. Even worse, he had donned no trousers for formal event. Only his silk top hat was appropriately fancy enough for Gustav and Hiro’s wedding.
“Put on the outfit I picked out for you, dear.” Duckworth plucked the hat from his love’s head and gently brushed any dust off the top. 
Scrooge grumbled and stomped over to their bed, where Duckworth had laid out the clothes earlier. “I won’t wear pants.”
Duckworth sighed. Difficult as always. He’d have to push him on this one. “Well, that’s fine by me, I suppose.”
Scrooge ruffled with pride over winning the argument. He so rarely won them against Duckworth.
His glee was short-lived. 
“Of course, I wouldn’t want to walk around without pants had I that bald spot on my behind...”
“What?!” Scrooge’s feathers deflated as he whipped around to check the mirror. A bald spot had indeed developed right on his behind. “Have I’ve been walking around like that all week?!”
Duckworth said nothing, only tapped Scrooge on the bottom as a gentle urging to go put on some pants. He smiled at his reflection as he watched Scrooge’s bare behind retreating from view, the skin turning red from embarrassment. 
When it came to fashion, Duckworth was never wrong.
i wanted to do a little fashion piece with Duckworth for this prompt. He is a fashionable gentleman and he won’t let his cheapo husband show up at a fancy wedding looking like a sack of nickels with his ass hanging out for the world to see
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Standing on Ceremony
Isn’t the Hokage inauguration ceremony kinda like a wedding between you and Konohagakure? (Kakashi Hiden Ch. 2) | AO3 |
When Naruto arrives the training grounds, he feels a distinct sense of déjà vu.
Firstly, because Sasuke and Sakura are already there. Secondly, because Kakashi isn’t, in spite of the fact it was definitely him who’d sent the vague summons asking him here.  
“You guys too?” asks Naruto, holding up the note. It contains only three lines and a poorly-drawn depiction of one of his sensei’s dogs. 
Sakura and Sasuke nod, and fish notes out of their own pockets. “‘Training grounds. Morning. You’ll want to be there,’” reads Sakura in a drawling tone that must be an impression of their teacher. “Who sends this kind of message?”
“Kakashi,” says Sasuke, shaking his head. 
“What do you think he wants?” asks Naruto, sitting down beside them. “Not another bell test?”
Sakura laughs, and throws a skeptical look at the two boys. “I don’t think he wants to be responsible for the damages.”
Sasuke and Naruto meet eyes, and Naruto grins. Sasuke gives him what passes for a smile in Sasuke expressions, which mostly consists of his mouth twitching at the corners like his lips want to turn upward but they’ve forgotten how.
Though Sasuke isn’t residing in the village currently, Kakashi does ask that he make regular, if brief, in-person reports. Yesterday, he’d delivered one such report, and it appears that he has yet to leave. Naruto suspects that Sasuke is getting lonely in his travels, and that Kakashi has caught on. He doesn’t think Kakashi would go as far as staging an intervention, but perhaps this meeting is meant as a reminder that he has something waiting for him in Konoha.
Either way, it’s nice to have the three of them together like this, so Naruto can’t be too mad at Kakashi for being vague about when he’d arrive. He’s the Hokage now; he finally has a legitimate excuse.
“Could be a mission, you know,” muses Naruto aloud. Excitement flares up. The three of them haven’t been partnered together since the war.  
Sasuke raises an eyebrow. “He’d just call us into his office for that.”
“Maybe he just wants to spend time with his old team,” offers Sakura with a smile. “He’s kind of a sap, when it comes down to it.”
“If it was all about spending time together, you’d think he’d actually be here,” says Naruto, flopping down on the grass. His arms form a headrest beneath his chin.  
Sakura and Sasuke both let out long-suffering sighs. “Same old sensei,” says Sakura.
They sit there for like this for a while, chatting idly as they wait. Naruto tells them about his most recent date with Hinata and his shadowing of Kakashi as the Hokage, Sakura informs them about the progress of her children’s therapy centres and the vegetable garden she’s started with Yamato’s advice, and Sasuke tells them about the rumours he’s been following and, surprisingly, a tea shop visit with Jūgo, whom he’d run into while passing through Kusa. 
After an hour and a half has passed, Sasuke pulls out a pocket watch. “It’s afternoon now,” he says, not sounding surprised in the least. 
Naruto groans and stands. “I can’t sit still like this forever, you know. I’m going to go get him.”
“Get who?” asks a voice from beyond the trees. 
“Sai,” exclaims Naruto, upon looking at the new arrival. “Did Kakashi-sensei ask you to meet him here too?”
“Yamato-taichō did, actually,” Sai tells them as he approaches. “Though he stated that he would not arrive until shortly before two in the afternoon. I thought I’d come early to do some sketching.”
Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke all exchange looks. It cannot be a coincidence that Yamato and Kakashi would send messages for a meeting at the same spot on the same day. And since Yamato’s instruction tends to be much more precise than Kakashi’s... “We’ve been waiting here for hours for nothing,” concludes Sakura, exasperated. 
“Sensei,” says Naruto crossly, eyes in the direction of the Hokage tower as if to somehow project his annoyance on Kakashi from a distance. 
“Hn.” Sasuke folds his arm across his chest. 
Sai pulls a sketchbook out of his bag and sits down. “This is an unusual occurrence,” he comments idly, flipping to a blank page. “To have both versions of Team Kakashi come together. It is rare that all six of us are in the village at once, these days.”
Naruto’s sour expression is replaced by a smile. “That’s right! All of Team 7 will be in one place. That’s pretty exciting, you know!”
“Don’t forget Team 10,” pipes up Ino, bounding up towards them with Shikamaru and Chōji in tow. 
Sai smiles at her, setting down his sketchbook as she finds her place between him and Sakura. “Hello,” he says sociably. “Would you like to hold my hand? Sakura tells me it is common practice among new romantic partners.”
Ino laughs. “Only if you want to,” she says, and seems pleased when he grasps her fingers. 
“What are you doing here, Ino?” asks Sakura, prodding her friend. “Do you and Sai have a date after our meeting?” 
Shikamaru is the one who answers, coming to stand at Naruto’s side. “If you mean the meeting with Kakashi-sensei, we’re here for it too. Ino made us come early because she saw Sai headed this way. Troublesome,” he adds, sighing. Ino aims a stray kick at his ankle. 
Naruto’s brow creases in thought. “So it’s not a team meeting then,” he says. “What do you think they want?”
“They?” asks Chōji, confused. 
“Yamato-taichō will be here also,” explains Sai. 
Shikamaru’s eyes narrow. “Both of them? It’s strange that they’d call us all here on our days off.” 
“Speak for yourself,” says Ino. “Sakura and I just got back from a mission at dawn. Overseeing children’s therapy centres isn’t a simple task.”
Naruto and Sasuke stare at Sakura in surprise. “I slept for a few hours when I got back,” she says, shrugging. “And I’ve got the next week off, so I figured taking one meeting wouldn’t kill me.”
“Will you kill Kakashi, if he doesn’t show up?” asks Sasuke. His comment is for Sakura’s benefit, but it goes unmissed by the rest of the group.
They all turn to stare at him. It is, Naruto realizes, glancing at his expression, Sasuke’s attempt at humour. Involuntarily, Naruto lets out a snort. Sakura giggles. Ino and Chōji look conflicted, and Sai only shakes his head.  
“You’re not allowed to make treason jokes,” says Shikamaru, unamused. Sakura is the one who kicks Shikamaru this time, and her blow lands. Wisely, he offers no further admonitions. 
“The two of them have got to be up to something,” declares Naruto. “Why else would they gather so many of us here?”
Thoughtfully, Sakura asks, “Do we know if anyone else is coming?”
As if summoned by the question, three new figures approach the grounds. Four, if Naruto is being technical, but only three of which are likely to have received a message about this meeting. Naruto recognizes each of them in different ways. Hinata, by sight, since he’s learned to spot her across crowded rooms. Kiba, by sound, since sure enough, he is in the middle of saying something to Akamaru loudly enough to be heard even from this distance. Shino, by the presence of the other two, and the unsettling feeling of having bugs nearby. 
“Hinata-chan!” Naruto calls out to his girlfriend, waving. 
Hinata smiles and returns the greeting. When they are close enough for Shino’s calm voice to be heard, he tells Naruto, “It is common courtesy to greet all members of a group when they arrive. Why? The reason is because we are also your friends, Naruto.”
“Sorry,” says Naruto sheepishly. “Hey Shino, Kiba.”
Kiba laughs. “That sounded sincere. Why are all of you guys down here? Me and Akamaru could smell everyone gathering. You got the same note too?”
“Yeah. Actually, can we see yours?” Naruto asks eagerly. “We’re trying to figure out what this is all about.”
Kiba pulls out a crumpled note from his pocket. On it, the neat scrawl of their former captain states, ‘Please come to Training Ground 3 at two in the afternoon. There is an important matter to be discussed. Your presence would be much appreciated. Yamato.’
“‘Important,’ huh,” muses Naruto. “Wonder what it could be.”
Only more questions are raised as their party grows beyond just the rookies of their year whom Yamato and Kakashi have been teamed up with before. Tenten and Lee are next, the latter pushing Gai’s wheelchair at a pace which cannot be safe for either of them. Gai seems to know better than the teenagers about what’s going on, but when asked, simply says with shining eyes, “My rival has surpassed me once more!”
Kurenai joins them too, balancing a growing Mirai on her hip. A few more jōnin Naruto recognizes follow, like Shizune, Aoba, Genma, and Anko. And some he doesn’t, like a woman with long purple hair and a man with sleek brown hair, though Naruto must assume they know Kakashi or Yamato based on the way they keep referring to a ‘taichō.’ Iruka shows up a bit later among a handful of chūnin, and Naruto tries to bargain with him for answers only to find out he doesn’t know anything more than him. 
Finally, exactly ten minutes before the scheduled meeting time, Yamato himself shows up. He stands by the posts where Team 7 was first officially formed. Strangely, he is not wearing his jōnin uniform or face plate. In fact, he is in nicer clothes than Naruto has ever seen him, looking like he wouldn’t be out of place at one of the Daimyo’s fancy events that Naruto has started being invited to since the war. 
“Taichō!” Naruto says. “What’s with the outfit? Where’s Kakashi-sensei? Why’d you make all of us come here?”
“I think we’d better wait for Kakashi-senpai before we get into the details,” says Yamato.
Sakura groans. “We’ve been waiting, Yamato-taichō!”
Yamato smiles. “He’ll be here.”
The younger members of the group try to convince him to explain, but years of ANBU training have made him plenty able to withstand questioning. He starts by shooting down questions politely, but eventually turns to them with a ghoulish expression that silences the most vocal of his interrogators. 
As it happens, they don’t have to wait all that much longer, because fifteen minutes after the agreed upon time, Kakashi indeed arrives, dressed just as properly as Yamato. With him, he brings his predecessor, Tsunade, who is donning the hat she passed on not long ago with pursed lips as she hauls around a bag that makes a suspicious sloshing sound. 
“Sorry I’m late,” says Kakashi, sidling up next to Yamato. “I had to collect a very important guest.” He nods at Tsunade. 
“Guest for what?” Naruto demands. “What’s this about, sensei?”
Yamato turns to Kakashi. “Shall we start?” 
“Right. As you know, Tenzō and I have known each other a long time. I consider him to be a very important person in my life,” Kakashi says, nodding at the man beside him. “So, we wanted to announce it to you all.”
“Announce what?” asks Ino, folding her arms. “That you care about each other?”
Kakashi shrugs. “Sounds about right.” The group begins to sigh and exchange murmurs, until Yamato adds, “Legally.”
“That’s not a legal procedure I’m familiar with,” says Sai, pulling a notebook from his pocket. He skims it, and then frowns, looking to his peers for answers. “There isn’t any formal custom for simply declaring one’s importance to one another, is there?”
“Sure there is,” jokes Kiba, throwing his hands behind his head. “Marriage.”
Kakashi snaps his fingers. “That’s the word.”
A stillness falls over the crowd. For a moment, everyone just stares at the two men, who have remarkably calm faces for people who’ve just announced a lifelong commitment. They don’t seem inclined to elaborate, simply smiling (or in Kakashi’s case, hiding a smile) as they look out at the faces of their loved ones. The silence drags on, until Naruto shouts, “I knew they were dating!”
“Well, yeah,” says Sakura. “They were holding hands at the ramen stand last week. What did you think they were doing? Practicing hand signs?”
“Naruto was on a mission then,” Sai reminds her.
Naruto looks between Sai and Sakura, betrayed. “You went for ramen without me?”
“I think there are bigger questions here than about ramen,” interjects Sasuke, eyeing Kakashi and Yamato as if they’ve suddenly caused him to reevaluate his world view once again. 
“You’re getting married?” asks Hinata. “Have you decided on a date for the wedding?”
“Today,” says Kakashi affably. 
“We knew you’d all be free,” Yamato adds. 
Dozens of eyes turn to each other, looking for the same flabbergasted expression on their neighbours’ faces as there is on their own. By the looks of it, almost no one but the pair at the front had prior warning. Except...
“Did you know about this, Gai?” asks Aoba.
Gai beams, putting up a thumbs-up and a wink in the direction of the two men. “Kakashi knows that he cannot hide anything from me.”
Kakashi chuckles. “We needed witnesses for the legal filing. Gai is my best friend.”
The clearer it becomes that this is not some kind of joke, the more eyebrows go up. “But Kakashi-sama, as the Hokage, shouldn’t your wedding be an event for public celebration?” asks Shizune. 
Kakashi and Yamato share a look, as if they’ve been expecting this question all along. “Not if no one is aware of it,” says Kakashi. 
“I told him it was a nonsensical idea. But then, that’s never stopped us before,” says Yamato, doing a poor job of suppressing a smile.
“They have my blessing,” says Tsunade, shrugging. “Sarutobi-sensei’s wedding wasn’t a big event. I don’t see why Kakashi’s has to be. Besides, we’ve still got Naruto’s wedding to look forward to if we want something to bring the villages together.”
Hinata and Naruto catch each other’s eyes and then turn red. Luckily, Sakura saves them from having to address the comment by aiming a reproachful look at Kakashi. “You could’ve told your guests at least, Kakashi-sensei.”
“What would be the fun in that?” asks Kakashi with alarming sincerity. 
“We could have dressed appropriately,” says Sai, with a glance down at his bare midriff. He notes something down on his sketchpad, which Naruto is willing to bet is a question about wedding attire. A few more voices offer their assent to Sai’s words.  
Yamato waves them down. “What you’re all wearing is fine. We didn’t want to waste anyone’s time with having to prepare.”
Kakashi nods. “I know some of you have just returned from missions,” he says, a bit more seriously, “and some of you will be leaving in the morning. We didn’t want to take up more than an afternoon.”
“For your marriage,” says Sasuke, still sounding startled.
“Wedding,” corrects Kakashi easily. “Marriages usually last longer than an afternoon.”
Yamato nudges him, raising an eyebrow. “We’ll see.”
“Have a little more faith, Tenzō,” says Kakashi, grabbing hold of his hand. “Our marriage should survive at least until next week.”
“Next month, optimistically.”
“I bet we could even make it until the winter.”
Naruto gets the feeling their exchange could go on for some time, but a cleared throat brings their attention back to the crowd. 
“Where will the ceremony be?” asks the purple-haired woman. She is one of the few who doesn’t seem very caught off-guard by the antics of the two men. 
“Oh,” says Yamato, as if remembering himself. “Here.” He lets go of Kakashi’s hand in order to form the signs of the mokuton, and from the earth, several rows of benches rise up. With a few more gestures, an altar has formed, and several fruits have dropped down from nearby trees to adorn it. Tsunade pulls out a bottle of sake and three cups from her bag to join the display.
“Please sit,” says Kakashi, gesturing to the impromptu arrangement. “We’ll begin shortly.”
There is a general shuffle towards the seats. Naruto wonders if he should be sitting with Hinata, but he’s still a little bit sheepish about the wedding comment, mostly because it has been on his mind lately. Either way, his decision is made for him when he finds himself squished between the other members of Team 7 in the seats closest to the altar. 
“This is crazy, you know,” says Naruto, as his former team leaders begin to move into place. “Is the Hokage allowed to do this kind of thing?”
“He’s ranked higher than anyone else in the village,” says Sai, “so probably.”
“I still can’t believe he was late to his own wedding.” Sakura sighs, but then laughs. “I guess I can’t imagine him getting married in a normal way.”
“Marriage,” repeats Sasuke, shaking his head. “He never struck me as the type.”
“I don’t think you need to be any particular type,” says Sakura, with a gentle smile, “as long as you love the other person.” Sasuke stares at her for a moment, and then nods. When Sakura turns away, Naruto smirks and pokes Sasuke in the leg. He receives a slapped hand in return.
It seems as if they’ve tasked Tsunade with filling the role of master of ceremonies, if the way she stands in front of them is any indication. Naruto supposes it’s fitting. Kakashi isn’t much one for pomp and circumstance, and Yamato has always been a staid, if stalwart, presence. So they would’ve chosen a ceremony as simple as possible, without the numerous steps required with a priest. 
They exchange vows, which Naruto hears but understands very little. There are mentions of ANBU and a boy named Kinoe, whom Naruto has never met but of whom Kakashi seems to be very fond. He figures it can’t be another nickname, since Kakashi already calls Yamato ‘Tenzō.’ They reference locations that Naruto isn’t aware of Kakashi ever having gone, but he supposes they are old. Yamato even mentions the word ‘Tsukuyomi,’ which sets Sasuke on edge beside him. If Naruto didn’t know any better, he’d think they were speaking in code.
What Naruto does understand comes at the very end of their speeches. 
“Kakashi,” says Yamato. “I would be honoured to spend my life with you.”
“Good,” Kakashi replies warmly. Tsunade huffs and gestures at the scroll in front of her. Peering down at it, Kakashi adds, “I accept.”
As Kakashi and Yamato begin to offer each other sake, it dawns on Naruto that this is actually happening.
Kakashi, his sensei and Hokage, who has taught him almost every important lesson he knows, is marrying someone. Kakashi, who has spent more time at the memorial stone at this training ground than half the people present combined. Kakashi, who buys their team ramen, and pretends to like Sakura’s food experiments, and strong-arms Sasuke into displaying human affection, and accepted Sai into their team without a word. He has someone to hold him up, in the same way he holds their team and the village up.
It makes Naruto smile. He’ll have to thank Yamato later. 
Though Naruto hasn’t been to a wedding before, he knows enough to understand that the exchange of sake is among the last of the rites performed. He watches as Kakashi somehow manages to take a sip without lowering the fabric on his mouth, and then gives the cup to Yamato. When the motion has repeated itself, they shift beside one another and the movement sets off a thought like a light bulb in Naruto’s brain. 
Naruto suddenly leans forward in his seat, and elbows Sasuke in the side, jostling him into Sakura. “What was that for, dobe?” Sasuke complains, elbowing him back. 
“They’re going to kiss, you know,” whispers Naruto, staring forward intently. 
Beside him, Sakura and Sasuke frown at each other. “And why are you so excited about it?” asks Sakura, giving Naruto a concerned glance. 
“They’re going to kiss,” Naruto repeats, eyes trained on Kakashi and Yamato as Tsunade begins to conclude her ceremonial duties, “and Kakashi-sensei will have to take off his mask.”
Both Sasuke and Sakura immediately look at Kakashi and Yamato. As Naruto predicted, their sensei and captain are moving closer to one another, and each of them inclines their head as far as they can, hoping to get the best angle. Tsunade says the last of her speech, and all three are frozen in anticipation. 
And then Yamato takes a large step forward, placing himself in front of Kakashi with his back to the onlookers. He puts his hands on either side of Kakashi’s face, so even those sitting on the side can’t get a good look at him. Kakashi’s hand rises to pull down his mask, but all they can see is the back of Yamato’s head, leaning into the person he is marrying. 
“Come on,” says Naruto, at the same time Sasuke says, “What the hell?” and Sakura says, “Really?” 
And then they’re separating, and turning to the crowd with bright and pleased faces and the mask already back in place. Kakashi spots the dejected faces of his former students, and he winks. 
Sai seems confused by the behaviour of the rest of his team. “I don’t understand what the fuss is about,” he confesses. “Kakashi-senpai took his mask down when we had lunch last week, Sakura.”
“He did what?” ask Naruto and Sakura simultaneously. Sasuke narrows his eyes. 
When Kakashi and Yamato move away from the altar, hand in hand, to join the crowd, Naruto asks, “Did your really let Sai see your face before us, sensei? We’ve known you longer!”
Kakashi laughs, his dark eyes alight. “I believe the customary greeting is ‘Congratulations,’ Naruto.”
“Oh,” says Naruto, cheeks turning pink. “Congratulations.” His teammates repeat the sentiment. 
“Thank you,” says Yamato, with a broader grin on his face than Naruto has ever seen. Turning towards the rest of the guests, he tells them, “For those of you who are available, there will be food and drink at my home this evening. No ramen, I’m afraid,” he adds teasingly to Naruto. 
There are some cheers among the attendees. Gai and Lee decide to race to Yamato’s house on their hands, and a disconcerted Tenten is left behind to bring Gai’s wheelchair. “How do they think they’re going to get in without either of you to open the door?” she asks. Kakashi shrugs, and she sighs, going after her team. 
“Will you be taking time off from your duties?” Sai asks, as the crowd disperses. 
“A few days,” Kakashi affirms. “Tsunade-sama has agreed to look after the administrative affairs while I’m gone. Though I told her she could pass a few tasks on to Naruto.”
Naruto’s mouth drops open in surprise. “Really, sensei?”
Kakashi nods. “I trust you.” Then, his gaze turns to Sasuke as he pulls something out of his pocket. He places the object in Sasuke’s hand. “You’ll be minding my apartment at the Hokage’s residence,” he declares. 
Sasuke blinks at the key in his hand. “I didn’t agree to that.”
“Think of it like a wedding present,” says their teacher, patting him on the shoulder. “Besides, I can’t have you sleeping on the roof of the tower whenever you spend the night in the village.”
Naruto and Sakura look at Sasuke, alarmed. He shrugs. “I needed somewhere to camp out. Naruto was already asleep. It seemed as good a place as any,” he explains. 
“We’re getting you an apartment in Konoha,” mutters Naruto darkly. Sakura nods. 
Sasuke opens his mouth to refute them, but Yamato cuts across the protest. “We’ll talk about it later,” he says lightly. “For now, we celebrate.”
At that, the group can offer no further argument. They move along with the rest of the guests in the same direction as Team Gai. Sakura starts telling Sasuke sleeping on roofs is bad for his back, and Sai asks Sasuke if any respectable landlord will rent to him. Naruto lags behind his teammates, still looking at his sensei and captain. 
“Naruto?” prompts Yamato quietly.
“Congratulations,” Naruto says again, hoping they know what he means.
He thinks they do. Because they smile at each other, and then at him. Kakashi throws an arm around his shoulders as he replies, “Thank you.”
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House of M Au - Roses Pt. 3
. Falling . Roses Pt 1  Pt 2  Pt. 3
Pairing: Billy/Teddy
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15190091/chapters/36621672 
"Okay" Kate said, throwing herself down into the chair opposite Teddy with a huge grin. "Tell me I'm awesome. Because I'm awesome."
"You're awesome," Teddy agreed. "But what specifically did you do this time?"
Kate looked at him for a second, apparently trying to decode whether or not there had been any sarcasm there. Not finding any she leant forward and grinned.
"Just call me your fairy godmother," she said with a grin. "Because Theodore Altman you shall go to the ball!"
With an expansive gesture she brought out a ticket from inside her coat pocket. It was on thick card, the writing glinting the dim light of the coffee shop.
"It's mine," Kate clarified. "But you know I'd never actually read one of these before. Barely even looked at it, just turned up whenever my dad told me to go. But this entitles me to a plus one. So I no longer have to be bored at these events and you get to stare at Prince Charming all night. Isn't that great?"
Teddy hadn't even had time to bring up the possibility of Kate keeping an eye on Billy before Kate had fixed the problem. Nonetheless conversation with Thomas still weighed heavily on his mind. Kate had probably been right before about not getting involved. And clearly his preoccupation with Billy was starting to be noticeable. Should he really be turning up to the palace to a party and drawing even more attention. Should he really be dragging Kate along for the ride?  
"You don't look thrilled," Kate observed.
"No," Teddy said quickly. "No, I am. It's just -"
He trailed off. Shrugged.
"What am I supposed to wear?"
"You'll have to figure that out on your own," Kate said. "I left my dress making wand at home."
"What time-?"
"Three hours," Kate said cheerfully. "You're lucky I managed to get past Susan. She thinks that five hours isn't long enough to prepare and is trying to instil the same virtues in me."
Kate rolled her eyes, standing.
"Saying that I should probably get back before her or Dad send out a search party. I'll pick you up. Have fun finding a suit."
Kate drove a purple car and she drove it herself, no chauffeur involved. She came to a sudden halt outside Teddy’s house and waved at him cheerfully. Teddy got in the car with some trepidation.  
"Dad and Susan said I should ride with them but honestly I'd rather die than listen to Susan's celebrity gossip for one minute longer. She's obsessed with the palace."
Kate paused, turned to grin at Teddy for a fraction to long and had to correct her position in the road by swerving wildly which sent Teddy slamming into the side of the car.
"You and Susan would get on," Kate continued, as though nothing had happened. "She can hook you up with all the rumours."
"Kate that's a red light," Teddy said in lieu of dignifying her comment with a response.
"I know," Kate said beatifically and true to her word did stop, though slightly more abruptly than Teddy would have liked. She drummed lightly on the steering wheel as she waited for an elderly lady and an even more elderly dog to cross at the lights.
"So what's the latest from the palace?" Kate asked. "Is Prince Charming still charming?"
Did he tell her?
"He's forgotten who I am," Teddy answered, settling for a half truth.
"Royals," Kate said sounding utterly unsurprised. "Maybe you should have left him bleeding in the alleyway am I right?"
Teddy picked an imaginary piece of dust off the side of the dashboard. Kate, who spent far too much time watching him when she was supposed to be driving, picked up on that.
"Seriously?" she said. "You're seriously still crushing on someone who is paying you back for basically saving their life by forgetting you? Come on Altman. He's cute but he's not that cute."
Teddy didn’t answer. He’d found a second piece of dust.
He bit back the urge to defend Billy, to explain that it wasn't his fault, that there was something wrong, that Billy had been made to forget.
The seatbelt seemed to be cutting into his chest. They were getting closer to the castle now which meant their pace was slower as they joined a line of shining cars and limos as they queued up at the gates, waving invitations, smiling snobbishly at passers by and craning their necks as each new car was appraised in case this car was an interloper and would be thrown out.
"It's an awful crowd," Kate said. "Why I'm glad you're along for this one even if I'm enabling your Prince fantasies."
Teddy was staring at the guards.
"You've gone pale," Kate said. "What's going on? These people are all here to suck up to the royal family which probably makes them some kind of monster, but they aren't going to bite."
Attempts to rouse him with questionable humour failing, Kate punched him in the arm. Being Kate the gesture was accidentally slightly too hard.
In the palace the guards were imposing enough, but tonight they wore ceremonial uniforms. The finery made them look like pantomime people and he almost would have had trouble accepting them as real if it hadn't been for the very tangible weapons hung from their belts. Kate had said not to interfere from the beginning and she was usually right.
"Maybe this was a bad idea," Teddy said.
"It's just a party," Kate said. "Super fancy one sure, and most of the guests are boring as hell or pure evil but the canapes are good."
She frowned.
"What's really bothering you?"
"You know how you told me not to get involved in whatever was going on in the palace?"
She sighed very heavily.
"Theodore Altman what have you done?"
Teddy would have replied, would have told her but they had somehow made their way to the front of the queue and the guards were waving Kate forward. One came to her window, one came to his. Kate showed them her invitation. Teddy tried very hard not to sink down into his seat as the guards questioning gaze landed on him. His suit, left over and forgotten after a family wedding the previous year dug out of a wardrobe and hastily ironed, felt uncomfortable. He was a fake. They'd see right through him, they'd see the gardener. They'd know he was interfering.
The guard at his window leaned closer, narrowing his eyes. Teddy swallowed.
"Parking round to the left," Kate's guard said.
Kate waited until they were round to the left before rounding on Teddy.
"If I tell you, it could get you in trouble too."
Kate gave him a look.
"If you are stopping me from getting involved in foiling a royal family assassination plot I'm going to be mad."
"You said -"
Kate waved a hand and pulled effortlessly into the dead centre of a space the first time and one handed.
"That was before you got involved. Now you clearly are involved you better be involving me too. Should I have brought weapons? Would a bow be too obvious?"
She was smirking.
"For sure," Teddy said, choosing to take her seriously. "I'm trying not to be noticed."
He told her briefly about Billy not recognising him, the guard and his conversation with Prince Thomas.
"In-ter-esting," Kate said, dragging out the word and savouring it.
She turned and gave Teddy a huge, slightly worrying, grin.
"Alright," she said cheerfully. "Let's go save Prince Charming."
"Please stop calling him that," Teddy said. "Because I'm concerned you're going to forget and call him that to his face."
"And what's he going to do?" Kate said, but she sarcastically mimed zipping her lips shut at an exasperated look from Teddy.
They were directed up a set of steps, through a corridor and into a ballroom, attended to the entire way by blandly pleasant servants, waiters and other staff in pristine outfits. Kate responded with weary resignation, allowing them to take her coat, grabbing a drink. Teddy just felt flustered. He'd seen one or two of these people around the palace and though he had no idea of their names and he doubted they knew his he still half-expected them to yell fake, to point out this wasn't his scene.
This really wasn't his scene.
The only two events he had been to that could be classed as parties were the family wedding and Kate's last birthday. The family wedding hadn't been too over the top, and Kate was Kate so her birthday, though funded entirely by her billionaire father, was still grounded in some semblance of reality.
The House of M were not grounded in the same reality as Teddy.
The ballroom itself was elaborate with marble pillars and a floor that shone like glass and reflected the lights from the enormous chandeliers high above them. The decorations were something else: one wall had a waterfall for no apparent reason other than they could. Full size trees in pots lining the edges of the room. A bank of doors opened out onto the lawns where Teddy had been working only the day before. Peacocks wandered up and down the neat grass, and occasionally pecked the lawn and beds to death.
And everywhere there were flowers, huge displays falling in curtains, dripping out of stone urns: peonies, lilies, orchids, carnations and snapdragons. Roses.
Teddy glanced around the hall. It was already half-full with people all in masks. Teddy stopped glancing around the hall and glanced at Kate.
"Did I mention it was a masquerade?" she asked.
Teddy gave her a look of frustration.
"Yeah thought as much," Kate said. "Luckily for you I remembered that I'd probably forgotten and -"
She reached into her bag, eventually retrieved two simple silk masks.
"Admittedly," she added as she tied hers, "it looks slightly like we're planning on robbing a bank after this, but I didn't have a whole lot of time."
The mask only really covered the area around his eyes, but Teddy still felt slightly better for having it. Kate wanted to dance so he let her lead him onto the dance floor, joining the colourful guests and the entertainers who walked on stilts performing small feats of colourful magic.
Teddy glanced around.
"Prince Charming not here yet?" Kate asked sympathetically.
"It's not that -" Teddy said. "Kate how do you get invited to these? You're human?"
Kate shrugged.
"Daddy's rich. Politics?"
"Magneto's politics are that humans are the worst."
Kate shook her head and gave a lopsided shrug.
"Look I try not to question it."
That didn't sound like Kate.
"Unless the pitchforks come out," she continued, "Can you please just concentrate on one drama at a time? And look perfect timing there's Prince Dreamy. Stare at him."
Teddy spared half a glance in the direction Kate had gestured, intending it only to be that much to prove Kate wrong and shut her up. He ended up getting caught though because Billy looked so different, both from their first meeting and their subsequent meetings when he'd been so far away he might as well have been on another planet. He had his cloak back on and he played with the fabric with one hand, distractedly as his mother spoke to an ambassador.
He looked more with it than he'd seemed in the garden, but not at all like he had their first meeting either. When his gaze swept the room there wasn't much life in it, but then he seemed to stop at Teddy just for a millisecond and he smiled. Teddy's heart stopped. There were hundreds of people in the room. Billy wasn't looking directly at him. Billy had no idea who he was. It was a coincidence that's all.  
"So mission save Prince Charming is a go!" Kate said next to him.
Teddy hushed her, but he was smiling. He told himself it was at Kate's sense of humour, rather than a response to Billy smiling but he also knew he was a liar.
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senszio · 8 years
The War on Tuxedos
Minds work differently once an invitation to a formal social event is received. For women, a myriad of choices falls before them. Is my red dress ok? Will it clash with the event? Maybe I should go for the blue one, but damn I don’t have the shoes to match it. The pressures on a women’s outfit far out rank that of men. Just open any vanity Hollywood magazine and you will have critics dismantling everything from the hair- cut to the pedicure. Thankfully for men, before the invitation comes we know what we are going to wear. Wedding? Tuxedos will do. Ball? The tuxedo will do. Funeral? Hmm.. maybe I can get away with my tuxedo? Or perhaps just my black suit will do. For the shoes, why my trusty pair of fancy black oxfords that only see daylight when champagne is involved. The only real difficult decisions we make is our preferred accessory for the evening, a tie or a bow tie.
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With the dawn of the 2010s times are changing, and war has been declared. These strict rules of formality for men have been a blessing in disguise. Always black, Always white shirt, Neat combed hair. Our uniform liberated us from the ordeal of thinking up and buying a whole new outfit every time we go to some tedious art gallery opening.
Variation has been eroding away at the fabric of our comfortable lives. The white suit combination, has gone from colonel sanders to a fashion staple of the limelight. These non-traditional looks have been ingrained enough into our social being that we accept it. If you want to make a statement at your next event, this won’t even cut it anymore. We are ramping up our flamboyance at an alarming pace, with grandiose color changes from red velvet to lavender. Now we have the format of a jacket, pants and tie being ditched completely for a more unique look. Don’t want to wear a tie? No problem. Sick of fumbly dress shoes? Sneakers are fine! Hell, what about the Jacket? Or the Pants? I keep cooler like this anyway.
Will there come a day where men will seem under-dressed if they wore the same classic black tux to each and every event? Only time will tell. There are still many bastions that stand up to this encroaching wave of informality, but as each year passes, one by one, idols of men’s fashion ditch their trusty blacks for something like this, there will come a time all of us must start thinking a little harder about what to wear, but thankfully the black tux remains king for now.
Times are always changing, the Duke of Wellington was once a social pariah for wearing trousers to a social event instead of the customary breeches, but we at Senszio will have your back. Whether you are going to hold homage to tradition of the classic black tux, as seen in the photos above, or you are feeling a bit more adventurous, our master tailors will make sure your outfit will always be a hit.
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livegrace-blog1 · 7 years
Moments For Life
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This month was a lot about moments, and moments that I will remember forever. Some were big moments for different people, and some moments were small ones, but to me--they stood very big in my heart. 
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Ugandan Wedding
My friends, Allison, Nzinga and Matt, were able to celebrate the marriage of one of our dear friends that works at RG, Robert. It was a neat experience to see how the Ugandan culture celebrates the love between two people. In Uganda, they have an “introduction” a week before the wedding. The introduction is where the groom brings gifts for the bride’s family, pretty much showing the worth of the bride, which is a big deal! This is also where the parents of the bride can refuse the groom to marry their daughter or allow the wedding celebration to continue. The decorations and the outfits were traditional in Uganda. It was really cool to experience. 
At the beginning, Robert’s gang (his family and friends (many were muzungus) entered to the area and sat under a tent that were sitting in front of all of the bride’s family and friends. Just like they do in America for most of the big events, they sang the Ugandan National Anthem. Make sure you’re paying attention because one of my favorite parts of the day is coming up. After they sang, they asked all five of us muzungus to stand up in front of everyone and sing our National Anthem. First they tried to hand the mic to me, but obviously I kindly rejected the mic and passed it on to the next lucky muzungu. We sang our National Anthem at our dear friend’s introduction in the middle of Uganda. One, how incredibly funny is that?!? Like every time I share this I just crack up because it is totally Ugandans to get us to do something completely on the spot. Two, how humbling is that they put their pride aside (unlike many Americans) and allowed us to be able to share a part of our culture with them. Don’t get me wrong, I am proud to be an American, and many of my loved ones has fought for that freedom, but I am also a lover of many nations where I cherish making those around me from different backgrounds feel comfortable and cared for. During their big day, even as embarrassing as it was, they made us feel special, and happy that we were able to be there to celebrate the love between two people. 
The following weekend...WEDDING TIME! It is totally not like it is in America. Very scheduled, and strict to the time...and a hour or a hour and a half ceremony, following the reception. Ugandan weddings are literally the entire day. They don’t feel the urge to rush into things. They truly enjoyed each other’s company and wanted to take in the moment with the new happy couple. The wedding was also very traditional in some parts, and very contemporary. There was a lot more dancing and singing throughout the ceremony--and they are singing all praise and worship songs. During the reception, there were big sparklers surrounding the wedding cake, and the song “Celebration” was playing once the sparklers finished. Once everything was concluded, there were some dancing going on. I tried to make some requests to the DJ to get the party hoppin’, but it was cut way way too short. It was time to clean up. :) It was a fun atmosphere to be apart of, and I enjoyed it so very much. I am very thankful that I was able to witness the bond between two beautiful people in my life. To Robert and Zam! :) 
Just Being There
A few blog posts ago, I shared a little bit about a friend of mine who God has allowed us to really connect. My friend, M, doesn’t usually open up to people, and is very closed of to other people at times. While I was coming home from Robert’s wedding, I found out that she has been trying to reach me via phone. I finally was able to talk to her through a friend who also serves at RG, and M shared with me the news of her grandfather passing. M opened up to be about how she was feeling, and that she has been wanting to talk to me about it. Of course, when I finally reached back to RG--she was the first person I went to see. One of my love languages is gift giving, so I had her a little something to show her that she is loved and cared for. M was hurting, and was having trouble with grieving the loss of her loved one--especially being away from him and not being able to see him. M wasn’t able to go to the burial, but she told me that she was going to go home for a night to visit with family, and to visit the grave site. We talked and prayed together--looking for Jesus for comfort, and peace and understanding of her grandfather’s loss. 
The next day, the day before M was leaving, she randomly came to my house. M asked me if I would like to come with her to her home village while she visits her family and the grave site. Of course I said yes! M lives close to the South Sudan border, so her home village was a bit of a ride from RG, but I wanted to be there for her. M was close to her grandfather, and he was the person who took care of her after her parents were gone. He was like a second dad to her, and with that I could relate. When I lost my Uncle Jack two years ago, I lost a second dad to me. It was tough, and still is tough to process that he really is gone. That was how M was feeling right now. The loss of her second dad, and I wanted to be there for her. God is so cool how He places people in your life at an exact moment where He can use you. I find that experiences that we share seem to connect to at least one person around us. Coincidence? Definitely not. It’s all about God’s timing. Sometimes when I am in those situations, I find it hard to say words that would help that person feel better. As I have grown, I have learned that it’s okay to not know exactly what to say to that person. It’s okay if you don’t have all of the Bible verses memorized at that exact moment to be able to share with that person. What I have learned that is important is to be there. To just be available to that person. To sit with them, and allow them to have an opportunity to open up what they are feeling inside, and if not that is okay--just pray about it. I don’t always know exactly what to say in different situations, but in this situation--losing a second father figure--I have experienced that. It’s not the same exact situation, but I know the feeling. In that moment, I just wanted to be there and be available. To travel across Uganda on public transportation just to be beside her, and to let her know that someone cares. At the same time, praying with her to let her know that good things come from the One Above, and that He is here with us, in this moment. 
We traveled across different villages to M’s home village where I was able to meet her family, see where her family’s land, see where M grew up, visit the grave sites of her loved ones, and celebrate the life that Jesus has given us. These moments were precious to me. Being there for my sweet M because I know it isn’t easy for her to open up to people. It’s not easy to trust people because of her past. The moment of being with her grieving the loss of a loved one, but at the same time, excitement of showing her friend around where she grew up. This is a moment from Jesus, and that I will treasure forever. 
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Another Year Older
On July 23rd, I turned the big 2-5! Whatttttt?!?! I can’t believe that I am 25 years old! I feel like just yesterday I was turning 21. Time flies by, and each year seems to just go by faster and faster. The 23rd was a Sunday so I woke up to the sound of pouring rain. Honestly my first thought was “You have got to be kidding me?!?!”, but then I told myself that the rain isn’t going to prevent me from having a good day and living life to the fullest! :)  I got ready to go worship my Jesus with the people I love, and a lot of the kids were coming up to me and giving me the biggest birthday hugs including my best little friend here wearing his fancy suit. It was like they all knew it was my birthday as if they had something up their sleeve.......and they did. I am sitting there with my two closest friends, Nzinga and Allison, and Nzinga tells me that I need to get out my phone to video this next presentation. Instant feeling of emotion because I knew Emmy wore his black suit for special occasions. The announcer started to talk about blessings in our lives, and how God can send special people to different places. The announcer expressed that we are celebrating one special person, and when that name is called to go on the stage to blow out a candle. The curtain was being opened....*drum roll please*....there my sweet little Emmy in his black suit was on the stage holding a mic and a lit candle. There were most of the little girls who performs dances for the church behind him, and two of the older girls that helps with dances holding flowers on both sides of the kids. Emmy sang me the sweetest, Uganda birthday song that went on for about 3 minutes. The girls performed dance movements that were so sweet and special behind him, and the older girls held up the bouquet of picked flowers on both sides. I know that I have talked about feeling this type of love for Emmy like I have never experienced before. This was a moment for me where I saw Jesus. I was overwhelmed throughout the entire song from the love that was pouring out for me. In that moment, Emmy was Jesus for me. I don’t know how to explain it, but the beauty and the love that I was experiencing in that moment is a love that only belongs to Jesus. This was one of the sweetest gifts I have ever received. It didn’t come from anything materialistic, but entirely a song directly from the heart. 
After that, my buddies, Allison, Nzinga and Matt had a couple things planned for my birthday. :) They took me to the Chobe lodge where we go to relax from time to time, and where we can swim. They were taking me to go eat dinner, and relax, but the big surprise was that they invited Emmy and his mom, Auntie Alice, to come with us. So incredibly thoughtful my friends are. :) We traveled, and on the way to the lodge, we drive by a lot of the safari animals, and we passed by some giraffes. We were just on a road, and Emmy and I decided to go see if we could get close to the giraffes. We didn’t get far, but I was able to catch a picture of Emmy with a giraffe walking around from us behind him. Emmy has never swam before either, so we experienced the joys of swimming together. It was absolutely precious witnessing the joys of Emmy swimming for the first time. We ate a nice dinner together, walked down by the River Nile and sat around a bonfire for a bit. I felt incredibly loved, but that wasn’t it. As soon as we got back, we walked over to my place “to play Monopoly Deal.” When my door was finally opened, my roomies of the week had planned a surprise party for me with a birthday cake and sparklers. (More to talk about with the new roomies in a bit). They came up with a goodie bag full of random items that they had, but turned it into inside jokes that we already had together from the past couple days. This birthday was full of moments of love. I felt so loved, and God knew that I needed that. I am so incredibly thankful for all of the people that are in my life. Thank you for creating those precious moments for me. :)
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Welcome New Roomies :)
Since Kyle and Haley left in June, I have been living by myself. Now all the kids are concerned about me living by myself, but seriously, I enjoy it and it doesn’t bother me at all. Plus, I have more opportunities to go out and hang out with the kids. At the end of this month, and right before my birthday, a team from Boston arrived. There was a ton of short-term teams on campus, so Allison (head of hospitality) asked if it would be okay if they lived with me for the week. I tell you something...God sure does know what He is doing, and He really does plan everything so perfectly. A family of four, and a mother and daughter came to live with me for the week, and I am so thankful that God picked exactly those people to live with me. The Lord really used them to speak words of affirmation into my calling. I know that my parents would appreciate how they treated me the entire week, because they loved me very well. By the way, I only knew them for literally a couple days, and they had a big surprise back at my home waiting for my return. The kindness and loved that they shown me impacted my heart, and allowed me to understand how God wants to use me more. My new roomies brought laughter into my home, and filled each and every room with love. They are missed. :) 
My P7 girls have been asking for a sleepover, and we finally got it done. It was so awesome having them over at my house to spend more quality time with them. The night was filled with dancing, food, painting their nails, movies on movies on movies, and more food. I can definitely tell that I am getting old because I had to call it quits at 11 p.m. The girls stayed up the entire night, and watched movies! I remember back in the day when I could do that. :) Good thing the next day was the Sabbath, so they obviously had to get rest. :) 
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Who’s Ready for Football and Netball?!?!?!
The last day of the month, Primary kids “footed” to Karuma (a close by village) to compete in Football (soccer) and Netball. We starting footing at around 8 a.m. and I finally arrived back on RG’s campus around 7 p.m. It was a long and eventful day! A couple months ago, I talked about how the kids had Athletics Competition in Karuma, and it was a honor being able to be there and be their cheerleader. I was able to do that again, and it was truly a blessing. Some of the kids would come up to me to tell me that they heard me cheering for them, and that it was a big reason why they wanted to play. Not boasting about myself at all, but it’s just cool how the Lord works through people. I know that I say it about every single post, but I am thankful that the Lord chooses to use me to love these kids. This also gives me a glimpse of what kind of Mom I will be in the future. I am totally the Mom that yells the entire game, or runs down the sideline to cheer on the kids. The Mom that takes all kinds of pictures, and making sure that all the kids have their snack after every game. I am sure that the crowd in Karuma thought that I was one crazy muzungu, but it really doesn’t matter to me because I know that my RG kids were loved that day. 
By the way, RG took home the trophy!!!! GO RG!!!!!!!
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-I praise God for giving me these moments. I originally was going to leave at the end of June, but I am so thankful that the Lord kept me here longer. If He hadn’t, then I wouldn’t have all these lifetime treasured moments. And for that, I am thankful to God for putting people who support this ministry, and how God used them to make this happen through their prayers and financially. 
-Some of the kids are back on RG campus that went home for a couple weeks. :) 
-God answers the big and small prayers. Personal to go into more details. :) 
-Moments of loving these kids. These kids are truly amazing, and I love every single one of them.
-I praise God for my friends, Nzinga and Allison. I knew the first time I met them at an event that I am not going to mention (inside joke) that we were going to be the best of friends. God is pretty cool for putting these two jokesters in my life. He knew that I needed them. :) 
Prayer Requests: 
-My sweet friend, Gloria, and her God-sent parents, Jared and Laura Hill. For comfort and a way that sweet Gloria can travel to the U.S. to visit them. 
-Scheduling an outside basketball game for the kids that have been training basketball
-Funds to come in for teachers to complete their education
-For my family back at home
-Please be in prayer for my heart as I prepare for my time to end at the end of August
-Pray for next steps for me
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
                                                                                  Psalm 16:11
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jmfdisco · 7 years
Mobile Discos In Stansted, Kent
Mobile Disco Wedding DJ Hire In Stansted, Kent
JMF Disco provides wonderful mobile discos in Stansted and throughout the Tonbridge and Malling district of Kent.
If you are looking for:-
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or disco mobile in Stansted then JMF Disco can help.
We aim to provide you with your perfect party entertainment, providing you with all the help you need, from your initial enquiry to seeing you and your happy guests leaving after having enjoyed a fantastic evening, dancing the night away to all your favourite songs. with a good expert DJ, with a neat and tidy disco set up and impressive disco lighting.
JMF Disco have been providing clients with experienced, reliable mobile DJs and discos at wonderful parties in the Stansted area for many years.
As part of our comprehensive disco service we will provide you with a good experienced DJ, a neat and tidy looking disco set up and our special Party Planner Pack to help set out how we can help you to bring your party ideas to life, playing all your favourite tunes.
Having other DJs working with me also provides you with great assurance that no matter what happens, you and your guests will still be dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes – something that many other solo DJs cannot offer.
As well as providing you with a reliable, experienced party DJ with a wealth of knowledge gained over the years, who will ensure your evening will be a memorable occasion for you and your guests, I will help you with your arrangements from this initial enquiry until your guests leave singing and dancing out of the door at the end of your evening, suggesting ideas for you to consider to make your evening particularly special.
Wedding In Stansted
As part of our personalized mobile disco service I will provide you with our special Party Planner Pack.
Our Party Planner Pack (this is a document not a person!) helps to gather your thoughts on how you want your birthday party, wedding reception or children’s party to run, and gives a bit of help and guidance if you need it, it sets out a ‘timetable’ (a guideline really as timetable sounds too rigid) for your special evening.
Start and finish times, maybe our special surprise entrance, cake cutting, happy birthday sing along, speeches, opening of buffet, etc and any other ‘spotlight moments’ you would like to happen at your event – you may have your friend singing a song with his guitar, you may be having a band as well, you might want us to run your raffle – whatever you want to happen at your party or event can be catered for. Your celebration can be as formal or as informal as you want to suit the party style you want. It’s your special day and I will ensure you get just that!
The initial Party Planner I send to you aims to get you thinking about your special evening – alter it as you want to and send it back to me and I will update it as many times as you want to provide you with the mobile disco party entertainment you want.
Within the Party Planner Pack you can list out the songs you want played during your party (and the songs you don’t want to hear!!), the artists you like, the styles of music you like etc. You party may have a theme – maybe a ska and reggae night, soul and Motown, a groovy 60’s feel, a 70’s disco night, an 80’s party night, rewind to the 90’s, a noughties and now night – whatever you want we can bring it to life.
You can have as much input on the music selection you want played on the night as you want – we will be playing the music you want – not what we want and it certainly won’t be the same as ‘last weeks’ wedding that some resident DJs churn out!
If you have a specific list of songs you want us to play that’s not a problem – it’s your party and we’ll play what you want us to!
When we have the Party Planner Pack in a nearly firm format, I’ll contact you to discuss any refinements if required, discuss access, timings etc so there are no surprises on the day.
Nearer the day I will contact you again well before the special day just to make sure everything is going to plan and offer any advise you may need.
On the day we promise to turn up and be on time to set when required – I get phone calls all the time from people who have been let down by ‘cowboy’ discos (booked because they were a few quid cheaper) who have been phoned a few days before the event that the DJ can’t make it, they are double booked, their uncle has died again or they send their ‘roadie’ to cover for them while they take on another better paying job. I shouldn’t have to mention this but you hear these stories all the time – rest assured we will be there.
Your DJ will turn up appropriately dressed for your event – our standard outfit is a smart polo shirt, black trousers and black shoes or suit/tie/bow tie if required – you may not mind what we wear but we won’t be turning up wearing a scruffy T-shirt, ripped jeans and a baseball cap worn the wrong way round unless you want us in fancy dress…… You indicate the dress standard you want your DJ to wear in the Party Planner Pack.
We will provide a microphone for speeches/cake cutting/presentation of gifts, opening of buffet etc in the evening – if required.
We will make any necessary introductions, announcements, dedications etc acting as your MC for the evening – there is no substitute for the extra pair of hands an official Toastmaster can provide – but we do a pretty good job!
It will be a fantastic evening – it’s a bit of a cliché but a night to remember.
A few photos of previous events can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/JMFDisco/photos_stream
We will provide copies of certificates for our Public Liability Insurance and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Certificate required by the venue management (Do not book a disco who does not have this insurance or PAT certificates the venue might not let them set up without it!).
Your booking will be confirmed in writing setting out performance and payment terms for your peace of mind and ours.
Some of the points above you may not of thought of or may not be bothered about but I like to provide my clients with that little bit more – I provide them with what they want, need and deserve for their parties – it is a special occasion and should be treated as such.
Doing it right first time with everything as you want it to be requires an experienced DJ with the right skills and resources that we will bring to your special day.
Map of the Stansted Area
Information About Stansted, Kent
Party Venues In The Stansted TN15 postcode district.
JMF Disco offers a special Mobile Disco service in Stansted and surrounding areas. Venues that have been performed at or are available for your celebration:
Borough Green Village Hall Platt War Memorial Hall Plaxtol Memorial Hall Redlibbets Golf Club     Seal Village Hall Stansted Village Hall The Back Horse The Court Lodge Wedding Barn The Harrow Inn The Hilltop Restaurant With Rooms The Rose & Crown Underriver Village Hall Vigo Village Hall West Kingsdown Village Hall Wrotham Pavilion & Community Centre
as well as your home, local favourite pub, club, hall or marquee.
Get A Quote For A Mobile Disco In Stansted And A Great party!!
So if you like what we have to offer, including
a good experience reliable DJ
a neat and tidy disco set up
impressive disco lighting
provision of my Planner Pack to ensure you get exactly what you want for your special day and provide you with some guidance if you need it
the advantages of using a full time professional DJ service
telephone/email advice
providing PAT and PLI Certificates to venue
liaising with venue with regard to arrangements
discussing with you to fine tune arrangements and musical choices for the main part of the evenings entertainment
making announcements and introductions if required
providing a microphone for your speeches etc
setting up just before the performance
performing when required playing the music you and your guests will dance the night away to
Get in contact with us today for a quote.
We will require a small deposit to secure the booking date (and the firm fixed quoted price) – deductible from the overall cost – the balance to be paid by cheque or bank transfer at least 7 days before, by instalments leading up to the event to help with your budgeting or cash on the day before we press play!
As a thank you for your enquiry I will provide you with a copy of my Party Planner Tips with hints and tips to help you organise the party you want. When you book I will provide you with my detailed Party Planner Pack to help arrange the detailed programme of events and entertainment on the night – it’s your special celebration and the music and arrangements will be as you want them.
I hope this gives you a good idea of the great service I provide and I hope it meets your needs.
If you require any more information please ask – I’m here to help with all your mobile discos in Stansted requirements.
Check out other local areas and party venues we provide mobile discos in the Tonbridge area here.
0 notes
jmfdisco · 7 years
Mobile Discos In Broomfield, Herne Bay
Mobile Disco Wedding DJ Hire In Broom field Near Herne Bay, Kent
JMF Disco provides great mobile discos in Broomfield and throughout the Canterbury City Council area.
If you are looking for:-
mobile disco Broomfield
djs for hire for parties
mobile disco hire
disco jockey
wedding dj for hire
djs for weddings
dj for hire cost birthday
hire djs
dj for my wedding
djs in Broomfield
wedding dj Broomfield
Broomfield disco mobile
party lighting Broomfield
Broomfield dj’s
dj services Broomfield
djs Broomfield
mobile disco
dj in Broomfield
professional wedding dj
or disco mobile in Broomfield then JMF Disco can help.
Our aim is to provide you with your perfect party entertainment, providing you with all the help you need, from your initial enquiry to seeing you and your happy guests leaving after having enjoyed a wonderful night, dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes. with a good experienced DJ, with a neat and tidy disco set up and impressive disco lighting.
JMF Disco have been providing clients with experienced, reliable mobile DJs and discos at wonderful parties in the Broomfield area for many years.
As part of our comprehensive disco service we will provide you with a good experienced DJ, a neat and tidy looking disco set up and our special Party Planner Pack to help set out how we can help you to bring your party ideas to life, playing all your favourite tunes.
Having other DJs working with me also provides you with great assurance that no matter what happens, you and your guests will still be dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes – something that many other solo DJs cannot offer.
As well as providing you with a reliable, experienced party DJ with a wealth of knowledge gained over the years, who will ensure your evening will be a memorable occasion for you and your guests, I will help you with your arrangements from this initial enquiry until your guests leave singing and dancing out of the door at the end of your evening, suggesting ideas for you to consider to make your evening particularly special.
As part of our personalized mobile disco service I will provide you with our special Party Planner Pack.
Our Party Planner Pack (this is a document not a person!) helps to gather your thoughts on how you want your birthday party, wedding reception or children’s party to run, and gives a bit of help and guidance if you need it, it sets out a ‘timetable’ (a guideline really as timetable sounds too rigid) for your special evening.
Start and finish times, maybe our special surprise entrance, cake cutting, happy birthday sing along, speeches, opening of buffet, etc and any other ‘events’ you would like to happen at your event – you may have your friend singing a song with his guitar, you may be having a band as well, you might want us to run your raffle – whatever you want to happen at your party or event can be catered for. Your celebration can be as formal or as informal as you want to suit the party style you want. It’s your special day and I will ensure you get just that!
The initial Party Planner I send to you aims to get you thinking about your special evening – alter it as you want to and send it back to me and I will update it as many times as you want to provide you with the mobile disco party entertainment you want.
Within the Party Planner Pack you can list out the songs you want played during your party (and the songs you don’t want to hear!!), the artists you like, the styles of music you like etc. You party may have a theme – maybe a ska and reggae night, soul and Motown, a groovy 60’s feel, a 70’s disco night, an 80’s party night, rewind to the 90’s, a noughties and now night – whatever you want we can bring it to life.
You can have as much input on the music selection you want played on the night as you want – we will be playing the music you want – not what we want and it certainly won’t be the same as ‘last weeks’ wedding that some resident DJs churn out!
If you have a specific list of songs you want us to play that’s not a problem – it’s your party and we’ll play what you want us to!
When we have the Party Planner Pack in a nearly firm format, I’ll contact you both to discuss any refinements if required, discuss access, timings etc so there are no surprises on the day.
Nearer the day I will contact you again well before the special day just to make sure everything is going to plan and offer any advise you may need.
On the day we promise to turn up and be on time to set when required – I get phone calls all the time from people who have been let down by ‘cowboy’ discos (booked because they were a few quid cheaper) who have been phoned a few days before the event that the DJ can’t make it, they are double booked, their uncle has died again or they send their ‘roadie’ to cover for them while they take on another better paying job. I shouldn’t have to mention this but you hear these stories all the time – rest assured we will be there.
Your DJ will turn up appropriately dressed for your event – our standard outfit is a smart polo shirt, black trousers and black shoes or suit/tie/bow tie if required – you may not mind what we wear but we won’t be turning up wearing a scruffy T-shirt, ripped jeans and a baseball cap worn the wrong way round unless you want us in fancy dress…… You indicate the dress standard you want your DJ to wear in the Party Planner Pack.
We will provide a microphone for speeches/cake cutting/presentation of gifts, opening of buffet etc in the evening – if required.
We will make any necessary introductions, announcements, dedications etc acting as your MC for the evening.
It will be a fantastic evening – it’s a bit of a cliché but a night to remember.
A few photos of previous events can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/JMFDisco/photos_stream
We will provide copies of certificates for our Public Liability Insurance and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Certificate required by the venue management (Do not book a disco who does not have this insurance or PAT certificates the venue might not let them set up without it!).
Your booking will be confirmed in writing setting out performance and payment terms for your peace of mind and ours.
Some of the points above you may not of thought of or may not be bothered about but I like to provide my clients with that little bit more – I provide them with what they want, need and deserve for their parties – it is a special occasion and should be treated as such.
Doing it right first time with everything as you want it to be requires an experienced DJ with the right skills and resources that we will bring to your special day.
Map of the Broomfield Area
Information About Broomfield, Herne Bay, Kent
Party Venues In The Broomfield CT6 postcode district.
JMF Disco offers a special Mobile Disco service in Broomfield and surrounding areas. Venues that have been performed at or are available for your celebration:
The Huntsman & Horn, Broomfield Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club Herne Bay Catholic Social Club Herne Bay Ex-Servicemens Club Herne Bay Football Club Heron Angling Society Rodneys Sports Bar St Andrews Church Studd Hill Community Hall The First And Last The Heron The Plough Inn The Retreat (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart)
as well as your home, local favourite pub, club, hall or marquee.
Get A Quote For A Mobile Disco In Broomfield And A Great party!!
So if you like what we have to offer, including
a good experience reliable DJ
a neat and tidy disco set up
impressive disco lighting
provision of my Planner Pack to ensure you get exactly what you want for your special day and provide you with some guidance if you need it
the advantages of using a full time professional DJ service
telephone/email advice
providing PAT and PLI Certificates to venue
liaising with venue with regard to arrangements
discussing with you to fine tune arrangements and musical choices for the main part of the evenings entertainment
making announcements and introductions if required
providing a microphone for your speeches etc
setting up just before the performance
performing when required playing the music you and your guests will dance the night away to
Get in contact with us today for a quote.
We will require a small deposit to secure the booking date (and the firm fixed quoted price) – deductible from the overall cost – the balance to be paid by cheque or bank transfer at least 7 days before, by instalments leading up to the event to help with your budgeting or cash on the day before we press play!
As a thank you for your enquiry I will provide you with a copy of my Party Planner Tips with hints and tips to help you organise the party you want. When you book I will provide you with my detailed Party Planner Pack to help arrange the detailed programme of events and entertainment on the night – it’s your special celebration and the music and arrangements will be as you want them.
I hope this gives you a good idea of the great service I provide and I hope it meets your needs.
If you require any more information please ask – I’m here to help.
Check out other local areas and party venues we provide mobile discos in the Canterbury area here.
0 notes
jmfdisco · 7 years
Mobile DJs In Kent
Find Mobile DJs In Kent Here!
JMF Disco provides great, experienced, reliable mobile DJs in Kent for all types of parties.
So if you are planning a birthday party, wedding anniversary, wedding reception or children’s party get in contact with us today for a free, fast quote and explanation of how we can help and a great party.
Our aim is to provide you with your perfect party entertainment, providing you with all the help you need, from your initial enquiry to seeing you and your happy guests leaving after having enjoyed a wonderful night, dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes. with a good experienced DJ, with a neat and tidy disco set up and impressive disco lighting.
JMF Disco have been providing clients with experienced, reliable mobile DJs and discos at wonderful parties in Kent for many years.
As part of our comprehensive disco service we will provide you with a good experienced DJ, a neat and tidy looking disco set up and our special Party Planner Pack to help set out how we can help you to bring your party ideas to life, playing all your favourite tunes.
Having other DJs working with me also provides you with great assurance that no matter what happens, you and your guests will still be dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes – something that many other solo DJs cannot offer.
As well as providing you with a reliable, experienced party DJ with a wealth of knowledge gained over the years, who will ensure your evening will be a memorable occasion for you and your guests, I will help you with your arrangements from this initial enquiry until your guests leave singing and dancing out of the door at the end of your evening, suggesting ideas for you to consider to make your evening particularly special.
As part of our personalized mobile disco service I will provide you with our special Party Planner Pack.
Our Party Planner Pack (this is a document not a person!) helps to gather your thoughts on how you want your birthday party, wedding reception or children’s party to run, and gives a bit of help and guidance if you need it, it sets out a ‘timetable’ (a guideline really as timetable sounds too rigid) for your special evening.
Start and finish times, maybe our special surprise entrance, cake cutting, happy birthday sing along, speeches, opening of buffet, etc and any other ‘events’ you would like to happen at your event – you may have your friend singing a song with his guitar, you may be having a band as well, you might want us to run your raffle – whatever you want to happen at your party or event can be catered for. Your celebration can be as formal or as informal as you want to suit the party style you want. It’s your special day and I will ensure you get just that!
The initial Party Planner I send to you aims to get you thinking about your special evening – alter it as you want to and send it back to me and I will update it as many times as you want to provide you with the mobile disco party entertainment you want.
Within the Party Planner Pack you can list out the songs you want played during your party (and the songs you don’t want to hear!!), the artists you like, the styles of music you like etc. You party may have a theme – maybe a ska and reggae night, soul and Motown, a groovy 60’s feel, a Glam 70’s disco night, an 80’s party night, rewind to the 90’s, a noughties and now night – whatever you want we can bring it to life.
mobile djs in kent dancers image
You can have as much input on the music selection you want played on the night as you want – we will be playing the music you want – not what we want and it certainly won’t be the same as ‘last weeks’ wedding that some resident DJs churn out!
If you have a specific list of songs you want us to play that’s not a problem – it’s your party and we’ll play what you want us to!
When we have the Party Planner Pack in a nearly firm format, I’ll contact you both to discuss any refinements if required, discuss access, timings etc so there are no surprises on the day.
Nearer the day I will contact you again well before the special day just to make sure everything is going to plan and offer any advise you may need.
On the day we promise to turn up and be on time to set when required – I get phone calls all the time from people who have been let down by ‘cowboy’ discos (booked because they were a few quid cheaper) who have been phoned a few days before the event that the DJ can’t make it, they are double booked, their uncle has died again or they send their ‘roadie’ to cover for them while they take on another better paying job. I shouldn’t have to mention this but you hear these stories all the time – rest assured we will be there.
Your DJ will turn up appropriately dressed for your event – our standard outfit is a smart polo shirt, black trousers and black shoes or suit/tie/bow tie if required – you may not mind what we wear but we won’t be turning up wearing a scruffy T-shirt, ripped jeans and a baseball cap worn the wrong way round unless you want us in fancy dress…… You indicate the dress standard you want your DJ to wear in the Party Planner Pack.
We will provide a microphone for speeches/cake cutting/presentation of gifts, opening of buffet etc in the evening – if required.
We will make any necessary introductions, announcements, dedications etc acting as your MC for the evening.
It will be a fantastic evening – it’s a bit of a cliché but a night to remember.
A few photos of previous events can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/JMFDisco/photos_stream
We will provide copies of certificates for our Public Liability Insurance and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Certificate required by the venue management (Do not book a disco who does not have this insurance or PAT certificates the venue might not let them set up without it!).
Your booking will be confirmed in writing setting out performance and payment terms for your peace of mind and ours.
Some of the points above you may not of thought of or may not be bothered about but I like to provide my clients with that little bit more – I provide them with what they want, need and deserve for their parties – it is a special occasion and should be treated as such.
Doing it right first time with everything as you want it to be requires an experienced DJ with the right skills and resources that we will bring to your special day.
Map of the Kent Area
Information About Kent – The Garden Of England
We provide Mobile DJs across the whole of Kent including:
Tunbridge Wells
Get A Quote For  Mobile DJs In Kent And A Great party!!
So if you like what we have to offer, including
a good experience reliable DJ
a neat and tidy disco set up
impressive disco lighting
provision of my Planner Pack to ensure you get exactly what you want for your special day and provide you with some guidance if you need it
the advantages of using a full time professional DJ service
telephone/email advice
providing PAT and PLI Certificates to venue
liaising with venue with regard to arrangements
discussing with you to fine tune arrangements and musical choices for the main part of the evenings entertainment
making announcements and introductions if required
providing a microphone for your speeches etc
setting up just before the performance
performing when required playing the music you and your guests will dance the night away to
Get in contact with us today for a quote.
We will require a small deposit to secure the booking date (and the firm fixed quoted price) – deductible from the overall cost – the balance to be paid by cheque or bank transfer at least 7 days before, by instalments leading up to the event to help with your budgeting or cash on the day before we press play!
As a thank you for your enquiry I will provide you with a copy of my Party Planner Tips with hints and tips to help you organise the party you want. When you book I will provide you with my detailed Party Planner Pack to help arrange the detailed programme of events and entertainment on the night – it’s your special celebration and the music and arrangements will be as you want them.
I hope this gives you a good idea of the great service I provide and I hope it meets your needs.
If you require any more information please ask – I’m here to help.
Check out other local areas and party venues where we provide mobile discos in the Kent area here.
0 notes
jmfdisco · 7 years
Mobile Discos In Hastingleigh
Mobile Disco Wedding DJ Hire In Hastingleigh
JMF Disco provides great mobile discos in Hastingleigh and throughout the borough of Ashford.
If you are looking for:-
mobile disco Hastingleigh
djs for hire for parties
mobile disco hire
disco jockey
wedding dj for hire
djs for weddings
dj for hire cost birthday
hire djs
dj for my wedding
djs in Hastingleigh
wedding dj Hastingleigh
Hastingleigh disco mobile
party lighting Hastingleigh
Hastingleigh dj’s
dj services Hastingleigh
djs Hastingleigh
mobile disco
dj in Hastingleigh
professional wedding dj Hastingleigh
disco mobile sound system
or disco mobile in Hastingleigh then JMF Disco can help.
Our aim is to provide you with your perfect party entertainment, providing you with all the help you need, from your initial enquiry to seeing you and your happy guests leaving after having enjoyed a wonderful night, dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes. with a good experienced DJ, with a neat and tidy disco set up and impressive disco lighting.
JMF Disco have been providing clients with experienced, reliable mobile DJs and discos at wonderful parties in the Hastingleigh area for many years.
As part of our comprehensive disco service we will provide you with a good experienced DJ, a neat and tidy looking disco set up and our special Party Planner Pack to help set out how we can help you to bring your party ideas to life, playing all your favourite tunes.
Having other DJs working with me also provides you with great assurance that no matter what happens, you and your guests will still be dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes – something that many other solo DJs cannot offer.
As well as providing you with a reliable, experienced party DJ with a wealth of knowledge gained over the years, who will ensure your evening will be a memorable occasion for you and your guests, I will help you with your arrangements from this initial enquiry until your guests leave singing and dancing out of the door at the end of your evening, suggesting ideas for you to consider to make your evening particularly special.
As part of our personalized mobile disco service I will provide you with our special Party Planner Pack.
Our Party Planner Pack (this is a document not a person!) helps to gather your thoughts on how you want your birthday party, wedding reception or children’s party to run, and gives a bit of help and guidance if you need it, it sets out a ‘timetable’ (a guideline really as timetable sounds too rigid) for your special evening.
Start and finish times, maybe our special surprise entrance, cake cutting, happy birthday sing along, speeches, opening of buffet, etc and any other ‘events’ you would like to happen at your event – you may have your friend singing a song with his guitar, you may be having a band as well, you might want us to run your raffle – whatever you want to happen at your party or event can be catered for. Your celebration can be as formal or as informal as you want to suit the party style you want. It’s your special day and I will ensure you get just that!
The initial Party Planner I send to you aims to get you thinking about your special evening – alter it as you want to and send it back to me and I will update it as many times as you want to provide you with the mobile disco party entertainment you want.
Within the Party Planner Pack you can list out the songs you want played during your party (and the songs you don’t want to hear!!), the artists you like, the styles of music you like etc. You party may have a theme – maybe a ska and reggae night, soul and Motown, a groovy 60’s feel, a 70’s disco night, an 80’s party night, rewind to the 90’s, a noughties and now night – whatever you want we can bring it to life.
You can have as much input on the music selection you want played on the night as you want – we will be playing the music you want – not what we want and it certainly won’t be the same as ‘last weeks’ wedding that some resident DJs churn out!
If you have a specific list of songs you want us to play that’s not a problem – it’s your party and we’ll play what you want us to!
When we have the Party Planner Pack in a nearly firm format, I’ll contact you both to discuss any refinements if required, discuss access, timings etc so there are no surprises on the day.
Nearer the day I will contact you again well before the special day just to make sure everything is going to plan and offer any advise you may need.
On the day we promise to turn up and be on time to set when required – I get phone calls all the time from people who have been let down by ‘cowboy’ discos (booked because they were a few quid cheaper) who have been phoned a few days before the event that the DJ can’t make it, they are double booked, their uncle has died again or they send their ‘roadie’ to cover for them while they take on another better paying job. I shouldn’t have to mention this but you hear these stories all the time – rest assured we will be there.
Your DJ will turn up appropriately dressed for your event – our standard outfit is a smart polo shirt, black trousers and black shoes or suit/tie/bow tie if required – you may not mind what we wear but we won’t be turning up wearing a scruffy T-shirt, ripped jeans and a baseball cap worn the wrong way round unless you want us in fancy dress…… You indicate the dress standard you want your DJ to wear in the Party Planner Pack.
We will provide a microphone for speeches/cake cutting/presentation of gifts, opening of buffet etc in the evening – if required.
We will make any necessary introductions, announcements, dedications etc acting as your MC for the evening.
It will be a fantastic evening – it’s a bit of a cliché but a night to remember.
A few photos of previous events can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/JMFDisco/photos_stream
We will provide copies of certificates for our Public Liability Insurance and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Certificate required by the venue management (Do not book a disco who does not have this insurance or PAT certificates the venue might not let them set up without it!).
Your booking will be confirmed in writing setting out performance and payment terms for your peace of mind and ours.
Some of the points above you may not of thought of or may not be bothered about but I like to provide my clients with that little bit more – I provide them with what they want, need and deserve for their parties – it is a special occasion and should be treated as such.
Doing it right first time with everything as you want it to be requires an experienced DJ with the right skills and resources that we will bring to your special day.
Map of the Hastingleigh Area
Information About Hastingleigh, Kent
Party Venues In The Hastingleigh TN25 Area.
JMF Disco offers a special Mobile Disco service in Hastingleigh and surrounding areas. Venues that have been performed at or are available for your celebration:
Ashford Hockey Club Brabourne & Smeeth Village Hall Eastwell Manor Goat Lees Community Hall Hinxhill Estate Mersham Village Hall Sandyacres Sports & Social Club Sellindge Village Hall St Augustines Priory The Iron Room The Old Mill The Secret Garden
as well as your home, local favourite pub, club, hall or marquee.
Get A Quote For A Mobile Disco In Hastingleigh And A Great party!!
So if you like what we have to offer, including
a good experience reliable DJ
a neat and tidy disco set up
impressive disco lighting
provision of my Planner Pack to ensure you get exactly what you want for your special day and provide you with some guidance if you need it
the advantages of using a full time professional DJ service
telephone/email advice
providing PAT and PLI Certificates to venue
liaising with venue with regard to arrangements
discussing with you to fine tune arrangements and musical choices for the main part of the evenings entertainment
making announcements and introductions if required
providing a microphone for your speeches etc
setting up just before the performance
performing when required playing the music you and your guests will dance the night away to
Get in contact with us today for a quote.
We will require a small deposit to secure the booking date (and the firm fixed quoted price) – deductible from the overall cost – the balance to be paid by cheque or bank transfer at least 7 days before, by instalments leading up to the event to help with your budgeting or cash on the day before we press play!
As a thank you for your enquiry I will provide you with a copy of my Party Planner Tips with hints and tips to help you organise the party you want. When you book I will provide you with my detailed Party Planner Pack to help arrange the detailed programme of events and entertainment on the night – it’s your special celebration and the music and arrangements will be as you want them.
I hope this gives you a good idea of the great service I provide and I hope it meets your needs.
If you require any more information please ask – I’m here to help.
Check out other local areas and party venues we provide mobile discos in the Ashford area here.
0 notes
jmfdisco · 7 years
Mobile Discos In Wittersham
Mobile Disco Wedding DJ Hire In Wittersham
JMF Disco provides great mobile discos in Wittersham and throughout the borough of Ashford.
If you are looking for:-
mobile disco Wittersham
djs for hire for parties
mobile disco hire
disco jockey
wedding dj for hire
djs for weddings
dj for hire cost birthday
hire djs
dj for my wedding
djs in Wittersham
wedding dj Wittersham
Frant disco mobile
party lighting Wittersham
Wittersham dj’s
dj services Wittersham
djs Wittersham
mobile disco
dj in Wittersham
professional wedding dj Wittersham
disco mobile sound system
or disco mobile in Wittersham then JMF Disco can help.
Our aim is to provide you with your perfect party entertainment, providing you with all the help you need, from your initial enquiry to seeing you and your happy guests leaving after having enjoyed a wonderful night, dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes. with a good experienced DJ, with a neat and tidy disco set up and impressive disco lighting.
JMF Disco have been providing clients with experienced, reliable mobile DJs and discos at wonderful parties in the Wittersham area for many years.
As part of our comprehensive disco service we will provide you with a good experienced DJ, a neat and tidy looking disco set up and our special Party Planner Pack to help set out how we can help you to bring your party ideas to life, playing all your favourite tunes.
Having other DJs working with me also provides you with great assurance that no matter what happens, you and your guests will still be dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes – something that many other solo DJs cannot offer.
As well as providing you with a reliable, experienced party DJ with a wealth of knowledge gained over the years, who will ensure your evening will be a memorable occasion for you and your guests, I will help you with your arrangements from this initial enquiry until your guests leave singing and dancing out of the door at the end of your evening, suggesting ideas for you to consider to make your evening particularly special.
As part of our personalized mobile disco service I will provide you with our special Party Planner Pack.
Our Party Planner Pack (this is a document not a person!) helps to gather your thoughts on how you want your birthday party, wedding reception or children’s party to run, and gives a bit of help and guidance if you need it, it sets out a ‘timetable’ (a guideline really as timetable sounds too rigid) for your special evening.
Start and finish times, maybe our special surprise entrance, cake cutting, happy birthday sing along, speeches, opening of buffet, etc and any other ‘events’ you would like to happen at your event – you may have your friend singing a song with his guitar, you may be having a band as well, you might want us to run your raffle – whatever you want to happen at your party or event can be catered for. Your celebration can be as formal or as informal as you want to suit the party style you want. It’s your special day and I will ensure you get just that!
The initial Party Planner I send to you aims to get you thinking about your special evening – alter it as you want to and send it back to me and I will update it as many times as you want to provide you with the mobile disco party entertainment you want.
Within the Party Planner Pack you can list out the songs you want played during your party (and the songs you don’t want to hear!!), the artists you like, the styles of music you like etc. You party may have a theme – maybe a ska and reggae night, soul and Motown, a groovy 60’s feel, a 70’s disco night, an 80’s party night, rewind to the 90’s, a noughties and now night – whatever you want we can bring it to life.
You can have as much input on the music selection you want played on the night as you want – we will be playing the music you want – not what we want and it certainly won’t be the same as ‘last weeks’ wedding that some resident DJs churn out!
If you have a specific list of songs you want us to play that’s not a problem – it’s your party and we’ll play what you want us to!
When we have the Party Planner Pack in a nearly firm format, I’ll contact you both to discuss any refinements if required, discuss access, timings etc so there are no surprises on the day.
Nearer the day I will contact you again well before the special day just to make sure everything is going to plan and offer any advise you may need.
On the day we promise to turn up and be on time to set when required – I get phone calls all the time from people who have been let down by ‘cowboy’ discos (booked because they were a few quid cheaper) who have been phoned a few days before the event that the DJ can’t make it, they are double booked, their uncle has died again or they send their ‘roadie’ to cover for them while they take on another better paying job. I shouldn’t have to mention this but you hear these stories all the time – rest assured we will be there.
Your DJ will turn up appropriately dressed for your event – our standard outfit is a smart polo shirt, black trousers and black shoes or suit/tie/bow tie if required – you may not mind what we wear but we won’t be turning up wearing a scruffy T-shirt, ripped jeans and a baseball cap worn the wrong way round unless you want us in fancy dress…… You indicate the dress standard you want your DJ to wear in the Party Planner Pack.
We will provide a microphone for speeches/cake cutting/presentation of gifts, opening of buffet etc in the evening – if required.
We will make any necessary introductions, announcements, dedications etc acting as your MC for the evening.
It will be a fantastic evening – it’s a bit of a cliché but a night to remember.
A few photos of previous events can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/JMFDisco/photos_stream
We will provide copies of certificates for our Public Liability Insurance and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Certificate required by the venue management (Do not book a disco who does not have this insurance or PAT certificates the venue might not let them set up without it!).
Your booking will be confirmed in writing setting out performance and payment terms for your peace of mind and ours.
Some of the points above you may not of thought of or may not be bothered about but I like to provide my clients with that little bit more – I provide them with what they want, need and deserve for their parties – it is a special occasion and should be treated as such.
Doing it right first time with everything as you want it to be requires an experienced DJ with the right skills and resources that we will bring to your special day.
Map of the Wittersham Area
Information About Wittersham, Kent
Party Venues In The Wittersham TN30 Area.
JMF Disco offers a special Mobile Disco service in Wittersham and surrounding areas. Venues that have been performed at or are available for your celebration:
Wittersham Village Hall
Glebe Hall (Tenterden TN30) Little Silver Country Hotel (Tenterden TN30) Oxney Gourmet Pie and Burger Bar (Wittersham TN30) Ratsbury Barn (Tenterden TN30) Smallhythe Place (Tenterden TN30) Tenterden Scout Hut (Tenterden TN30) Tenterden (Working Mens) Club (Tenterden TN30) The Woolpack (The Barn) (Tenterden TN30) White Lion (Tenterden TN30)
as well as your home, local favourite pub, club, hall or marquee.
Get A Quote For A Mobile Disco In Wittersham And A Great party!!
So if you like what we have to offer, including
a good experience reliable DJ
a neat and tidy disco set up
impressive disco lighting
provision of my Planner Pack to ensure you get exactly what you want for your special day and provide you with some guidance if you need it
the advantages of using a full time professional DJ service
telephone/email advice
providing PAT and PLI Certificates to venue
liaising with venue with regard to arrangements
discussing with you to fine tune arrangements and musical choices for the main part of the evenings entertainment
making announcements and introductions if required
providing a microphone for your speeches etc
setting up just before the performance
performing when required playing the music you and your guests will dance the night away to
Get in contact with us today for a quote.
We will require a small deposit to secure the booking date (and the firm fixed quoted price) – deductible from the overall cost – the balance to be paid by cheque or bank transfer at least 7 days before, by instalments leading up to the event to help with your budgeting or cash on the day before we press play!
As a thank you for your enquiry I will provide you with a copy of my Party Planner Tips with hints and tips to help you organise the party you want. When you book I will provide you with my detailed Party Planner Pack to help arrange the detailed programme of events and entertainment on the night – it’s your special celebration and the music and arrangements will be as you want them.
I hope this gives you a good idea of the great service I provide and I hope it meets your needs.
If you require any more information please ask – I’m here to help.
Check out other local areas and party venues we provide mobile discos in the Ashford area here.
0 notes
jmfdisco · 7 years
Mobile Discos In Frant
Mobile Disco DJ Hire In Frant
JMF Disco provides great mobile discos in Frant and throughout the Tunbridge Wells area.
If you are looking for:-
mobile disco Frant
djs for hire for parties
mobile disco hire
disco jockey
wedding dj for hire
djs for weddings
dj for hire cost birthday
hire djs
dj for my wedding
djs in Frant
wedding dj Frant
Frant disco mobile
party lighting Frant
Frant dj’s
dj services Frant
djs Frant
mobile disco
dj in Frant
professional wedding dj Frant
disco mobile sound system
or disco mobile in Frant then JMF Disco can help.
Our aim is to provide you with your perfect party entertainment, providing you with all the help you need, from your initial enquiry to seeing you and your happy guests leaving after having enjoyed a wonderful night, dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes. with a good experienced DJ, with a neat and tidy disco set up and impressive disco lighting.
JMF Disco have been providing clients with experienced, reliable mobile DJs and discos at wonderful parties in the Frant area for many years.
As part of our comprehensive disco service we will provide you with a good experienced DJ, a neat and tidy looking disco set up and our special Party Planner Pack to help set out how we can help you to bring your party ideas to life, playing all your favourite tunes.
Having other DJs working with me also provides you with great assurance that no matter what happens, you and your guests will still be dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes – something that many other solo DJs cannot offer.
As well as providing you with a reliable, experienced party DJ with a wealth of knowledge gained over the years, who will ensure your evening will be a memorable occasion for you and your guests, I will help you with your arrangements from this initial enquiry until your guests leave singing and dancing out of the door at the end of your evening, suggesting ideas for you to consider to make your evening particularly special.
As part of our personalized mobile disco service I will provide you with our special Party Planner Pack.
Our Party Planner Pack (this is a document not a person!) helps to gather your thoughts on how you want your birthday party, wedding reception or children’s party to run, and gives a bit of help and guidance if you need it, it sets out a ‘timetable’ (a guideline really as timetable sounds too rigid) for your special evening.
Start and finish times, maybe our special surprise entrance, cake cutting, happy birthday sing along, speeches, opening of buffet, etc and any other ‘events’ you would like to happen at your event – you may have your friend singing a song with his guitar, you may be having a band as well, you might want us to run your raffle – whatever you want to happen at your party or event can be catered for. Your celebration can be as formal or as informal as you want to suit the party style you want. It’s your special day and I will ensure you get just that!
The initial Party Planner I send to you aims to get you thinking about your special evening – alter it as you want to and send it back to me and I will update it as many times as you want to provide you with the mobile disco party entertainment you want.
Within the Party Planner Pack you can list out the songs you want played during your party (and the songs you don’t want to hear!!), the artists you like, the styles of music you like etc. You party may have a theme – maybe a ska and reggae night, soul and Motown, a groovy 60’s feel, a 70’s disco night, an 80’s party night, rewind to the 90’s, a noughties and now night – whatever you want we can bring it to life.
You can have as much input on the music selection you want played on the night as you want – we will be playing the music you want – not what we want and it certainly won’t be the same as ‘last weeks’ wedding that some resident DJs churn out!
If you have a specific list of songs you want us to play that’s not a problem – it’s your party and we’ll play what you want us to!
When we have the Party Planner Pack in a nearly firm format, I’ll contact you both to discuss any refinements if required, discuss access, timings etc so there are no surprises on the day.
Nearer the day I will contact you again well before the special day just to make sure everything is going to plan and offer any advise you may need.
On the day we promise to turn up and be on time to set when required – I get phone calls all the time from people who have been let down by ‘cowboy’ discos (booked because they were a few quid cheaper) who have been phoned a few days before the event that the DJ can’t make it, they are double booked, their uncle has died again or they send their ‘roadie’ to cover for them while they take on another better paying job. I shouldn’t have to mention this but you hear these stories all the time – rest assured we will be there.
Your DJ will turn up appropriately dressed for your event – our standard outfit is a smart polo shirt, black trousers and black shoes or suit/tie/bow tie if required – you may not mind what we wear but we won’t be turning up wearing a scruffy T-shirt, ripped jeans and a baseball cap worn the wrong way round unless you want us in fancy dress…… You indicate the dress standard you want your DJ to wear in the Party Planner Pack.
We will provide a microphone for speeches/cake cutting/presentation of gifts, opening of buffet etc in the evening – if required.
We will make any necessary introductions, announcements, dedications etc acting as your MC for the evening.
It will be a fantastic evening – it’s a bit of a cliché but a night to remember.
A few photos of previous events can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/JMFDisco/photos_stream
We will provide copies of certificates for our Public Liability Insurance and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Certificate required by the venue management (Do not book a disco who does not have this insurance or PAT certificates the venue might not let them set up without it!).
Your booking will be confirmed in writing setting out performance and payment terms for your peace of mind and ours.
Some of the points above you may not of thought of or may not be bothered about but I like to provide my clients with that little bit more – I provide them with what they want, need and deserve for their parties – it is a special occasion and should be treated as such.
Doing it right first time with everything as you want it to be requires an experienced DJ with the right skills and resources that we will bring to your special day.
Map of the Frant Area
Information About Frant, Kent
Party Venues In The Frant TN3 Area.
JMF Disco offers a special Mobile Disco service in Frant and surrounding areas. Venues that have been performed at or are available for your celebration:
Frant Village Hall
Beacon Hotel (Tunbridge Wells TN3) Bidborough Village Hall (Tunbridge Wells TN3) Eridge Village Hall (Tunbridge Wells TN3) Lamberhurst Village Hall (Tunbridge Wells TN3) Langton Green Village Hall (Tunbridge Wells TN3)
as well as your home, local favourite pub, club, hall or marquee.
Get A Quote For A Mobile Disco In Frant And A Great party!!
So if you like what we have to offer, including
a good experience reliable DJ
a neat and tidy disco set up
impressive disco lighting
provision of my Planner Pack to ensure you get exactly what you want for your special day and provide you with some guidance if you need it
the advantages of using a full time professional DJ service
telephone/email advice
providing PAT and PLI Certificates to venue
liaising with venue with regard to arrangements
discussing with you to fine tune arrangements and musical choices for the main part of the evenings entertainment
making announcements and introductions if required
providing a microphone for your speeches etc
setting up just before the performance
performing when required playing the music you and your guests will dance the night away to
Get in contact with us today for a quote.
We will require a deposit to secure the booking date (and the firm fixed quoted price) – deductible from the overall cost – the balance to be paid by cheque or bank transfer at least 7 days before, by instalments leading up to the event to help with your budgeting or cash on the day before we press play!
As a thank you for your enquiry I will provide you with a copy of my Party Planner Tips with hints and tips to help you organise the party you want. When you book I will provide you with my detailed Party Planner Pack to help arrange the detailed programme of events and entertainment on the night – it’s your special celebration and the music and arrangements will be as you want them.
I hope this gives you a good idea of the great service I provide and I hope it meets your needs.
If you require any more information please ask – I’m here to help.
Check out other local areas and party venues we provide mobile discos in the Tunbridge Wells area here.
0 notes
jmfdisco · 7 years
Mobile Discos In Sundridge
Mobile Disco DJ Hire In Sundridge
JMF Disco provides great mobile discos in Sundridge and throughout the Sevenoaks area.
If you are looking for:-
mobile disco Sundridge
djs for hire for parties
mobile disco hire
disco jockey
wedding dj for hire
djs for weddings
dj for hire cost birthday
hire djs
dj for my wedding
djs in Sundridge
wedding dj Sundridge
Sundridge disco mobile
party lighting Sundridge
Sundridge dj’s
dj services Sundridge
djs Sundridge
mobile disco
dj in Sundridge
professional wedding dj Sundridge
disco mobile sound system
or disco mobile in Sundridge then JMF Disco can help.
Our aim is to provide you with your perfect party entertainment, providing you with all the help you need, from your initial enquiry to seeing you and your happy guests leaving after having enjoyed a wonderful night, dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes. with a good experienced DJ, with a neat and tidy disco set up and impressive disco lighting.
JMF Disco have been providing clients with experienced, reliable mobile DJs and discos at wonderful parties in the Sundridge area for many years.
As part of our comprehensive disco service we will provide you with a good experienced DJ, a neat and tidy looking disco set up and our special Party Planner Pack to help set out how we can help you to bring your party ideas to life, playing all your favourite tunes.
Having other DJs working with me also provides you with great assurance that no matter what happens, you and your guests will still be dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes – something that many other solo DJs cannot offer.
As well as providing you with a reliable, experienced party DJ with a wealth of knowledge gained over the years, who will ensure your evening will be a memorable occasion for you and your guests, I will help you with your arrangements from this initial enquiry until your guests leave singing and dancing out of the door at the end of your evening, suggesting ideas for you to consider to make your evening particularly special.
As part of our personalized mobile disco service I will provide you with our special Party Planner Pack.
Our Party Planner Pack (this is a document not a person!) helps to gather your thoughts on how you want your birthday party, wedding reception or children’s party to run, and gives a bit of help and guidance if you need it, it sets out a ‘timetable’ (a guideline really as timetable sounds too rigid) for your special evening.
Start and finish times, maybe our special surprise entrance, cake cutting, happy birthday sing along, speeches, opening of buffet, etc and any other ‘events’ you would like to happen at your event – you may have your friend singing a song with his guitar, you may be having a band as well, you might want us to run your raffle – whatever you want to happen at your party or event can be catered for. Your celebration can be as formal or as informal as you want to suit the party style you want. It’s your special day and I will ensure you get just that!
The initial Party Planner I send to you aims to get you thinking about your special evening – alter it as you want to and send it back to me and I will update it as many times as you want to provide you with the mobile disco party entertainment you want.
Within the Party Planner Pack you can list out the songs you want played during your party (and the songs you don’t want to hear!!), the artists you like, the styles of music you like etc. You party may have a theme – maybe a ska and reggae night, soul and Motown, a groovy 60’s feel, a 70’s disco night, an 80’s party night, rewind to the 90’s, a noughties and now night – whatever you want we can bring it to life.
You can have as much input on the music selection you want played on the night as you want – we will be playing the music you want – not what we want and it certainly won’t be the same as ‘last weeks’ wedding that some resident DJs churn out!
If you have a specific list of songs you want us to play that’s not a problem – it’s your party and we’ll play what you want us to!
When we have the Party Planner Pack in a nearly firm format, I’ll contact you both to discuss any refinements if required, discuss access, timings etc so there are no surprises on the day.
Nearer the day I will contact you again well before the special day just to make sure everything is going to plan and offer any advise you may need.
On the day we promise to turn up and be on time to set when required – I get phone calls all the time from people who have been let down by ‘cowboy’ discos (booked because they were a few quid cheaper) who have been phoned a few days before the event that the DJ can’t make it, they are double booked, their uncle has died again or they send their ‘roadie’ to cover for them while they take on another better paying job. I shouldn’t have to mention this but you hear these stories all the time – rest assured we will be there.
Your DJ will turn up appropriately dressed for your event – our standard outfit is a smart polo shirt, black trousers and black shoes or suit/tie/bow tie if required – you may not mind what we wear but we won’t be turning up wearing a scruffy T-shirt, ripped jeans and a baseball cap worn the wrong way round unless you want us in fancy dress…… You indicate the dress standard you want your DJ to wear in the Party Planner Pack.
We will provide a microphone for speeches/cake cutting/presentation of gifts, opening of buffet etc in the evening – if required.
We will make any necessary introductions, announcements, dedications etc acting as your MC for the evening.
It will be a fantastic evening – it’s a bit of a cliché but a night to remember.
A few photos of previous events can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/JMFDisco/photos_stream
We will provide copies of certificates for our Public Liability Insurance and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Certificate required by the venue management (Do not book a disco who does not have this insurance or PAT certificates the venue might not let them set up without it!).
Your booking will be confirmed in writing setting out performance and payment terms for your peace of mind and ours.
Some of the points above you may not of thought of or may not be bothered about but I like to provide my clients with that little bit more – I provide them with what they want, need and deserve for their parties – it is a special occasion and should be treated as such.
Doing it right first time with everything as you want it to be requires an experienced DJ with the right skills and resources that we will bring to your special day.
Map of the Sundridge Area
Information About Sundridge, Kent
Party Venues In The Sundridge TN14 Area.
JMF Disco offers a special Mobile Disco service in Sundridge and surrounding areas. Venues that have been performed at or are available for your celebration:
Sundridge Village Hall
7 Hotel Diner (Sevenoaks TN14) Badgers Mount Memorial Hall (Sevenoaks TN14) Broke Hill Golf Club (Sevenoaks TN14) Combe Bank (Sevenoaks TN14) Emmetts Garden – Events (Sevenoaks TN14) Halstead Village Hall (Sevenoaks TN14) Ide Hill Village Hall (Sevenoaks TN14) Otford Village Memorial Hall (Sevenoaks TN14) Pratts Bottom Village Hall (Orpington TN14) The Woodman (Sevenoaks TN14)
as well as your home, local favourite pub, club, hall or marquee.
Get A Quote For A Mobile Disco In Sundridge And A Great party!!
So if you like what we have to offer, including
a good experience reliable DJ
a neat and tidy disco set up
impressive disco lighting
provision of my Planner Pack to ensure you get exactly what you want for your special day and provide you with some guidance if you need it
the advantages of using a full time professional DJ service
telephone/email advice
providing PAT and PLI Certificates to venue
liaising with venue with regard to arrangements
discussing with you to fine tune arrangements and musical choices for the main part of the evenings entertainment
making announcements and introductions if required
providing a microphone for your speeches etc
setting up just before the performance
performing when required playing the music you and your guests will dance the night away to
Get in contact with us today for a quote.
We will require a deposit to secure the booking date (and the firm fixed quoted price) – deductible from the overall cost – the balance to be paid by cheque or bank transfer at least 7 days before, by instalments leading up to the event to help with your budgeting or cash on the day before we press play!
As a thank you for your enquiry I will provide you with a copy of my Party Planner Tips with hints and tips to help you organise the party you want. When you book I will provide you with my detailed Party Planner Pack to help arrange the detailed programme of events and entertainment on the night – it’s your special celebration and the music and arrangements will be as you want them.
I hope this gives you a good idea of the great service I provide and I hope it meets your needs.
If you require any more information please ask – I’m here to help.
Check out other local areas and party venues we provide mobile discos in the Sevenoaks area here.
0 notes
jmfdisco · 7 years
Mobile Discos In West Peckham
Mobile Disco DJ Hire In West Peckham
JMF Disco has a great reputation for providing the best mobile discos in West Peckham and throughout the Tonbridge area.
Our aim is to provide you with your perfect party entertainment, providing you with all the help you need, from your initial enquiry to seeing you and your happy guests leaving after having enjoyed a wonderful night, dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes. with a good experienced DJ, with a neat and tidy disco set up and impressive disco lighting.
JMF Disco have been providing clients with experienced, reliable mobile DJs and discos at wonderful parties in the West Peckham area for many years.
As part of our comprehensive disco service we will provide you with a good experienced DJ, a neat and tidy looking disco set up and our special Party Planner Pack to help set out how we can help you to bring your party ideas to life, playing all your favourite tunes.
Having other DJs working with me also provides you with great assurance that no matter what happens, you and your guests will still be dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes – something that many other solo DJs cannot offer.
As well as providing you with a reliable, experienced party DJ with a wealth of knowledge gained over the years, who will ensure your evening will be a memorable occasion for you and your guests, I will help you with your arrangements from this initial enquiry until your guests leave singing and dancing out of the door at the end of your evening, suggesting ideas for you to consider to make your evening particularly special.
As part of our personalized mobile disco service I will provide you with our special Party Planner Pack.
Our Party Planner Pack (this is a document not a person!) helps to gather your thoughts on how you want your birthday party, wedding reception or children’s party to run, and gives a bit of help and guidance if you need it, it sets out a ‘timetable’ (a guideline really as timetable sounds too rigid) for your special evening.
Start and finish times, maybe our special surprise entrance, cake cutting, happy birthday sing along, speeches, opening of buffet, etc and any other ‘events’ you would like to happen at your event – you may have your friend singing a song with his guitar, you may be having a band as well, you might want us to run your raffle – whatever you want to happen at your party or event can be catered for. Your celebration can be as formal or as informal as you want to suit the party style you want. It’s your special day and I will ensure you get just that!
The initial Party Planner I send to you aims to get you thinking about your special evening – alter it as you want to and send it back to me and I will update it as many times as you want to provide you with the mobile disco party entertainment you want.
Within the Party Planner Pack you can list out the songs you want played during your party (and the songs you don’t want to hear!!), the artists you like, the styles of music you like etc. You party may have a theme – maybe a ska and reggae night, soul and Motown, a groovy 60’s feel, a 70’s disco night, an 80’s party night, rewind to the 90’s, a noughties and now night – whatever you want we can bring it to life.
You can have as much input on the music selection you want played on the night as you want – we will be playing the music you want – not what we want and it certainly won’t be the same as ‘last weeks’ wedding that some resident DJs churn out!
If you have a specific list of songs you want us to play that’s not a problem – it’s your party and we’ll play what you want us to!
When we have the Party Planner Pack in a nearly firm format, I’ll contact you both to discuss any refinements if required, discuss access, timings etc so there are no surprises on the day.
Nearer the day I will contact you again well before the special day just to make sure everything is going to plan and offer any advise you may need.
On the day we promise to turn up and be on time to set when required – I get phone calls all the time from people who have been let down by ‘cowboy’ discos (booked because they were a few quid cheaper) who have been phoned a few days before the event that the DJ can’t make it, they are double booked, their uncle has died again or they send their ‘roadie’ to cover for them while they take on another better paying job. I shouldn’t have to mention this but you hear these stories all the time – rest assured we will be there.
Your DJ will turn up appropriately dressed for your event – our standard outfit is a smart polo shirt, black trousers and black shoes or suit/tie/bow tie if required – you may not mind what we wear but we won’t be turning up wearing a scruffy T-shirt, ripped jeans and a baseball cap worn the wrong way round unless you want us in fancy dress…… You indicate the dress standard you want your DJ to wear in the Party Planner Pack.
We will provide a microphone for speeches/cake cutting/presentation of gifts, opening of buffet etc in the evening – if required.
We will make any necessary introductions, announcements, dedications etc acting as your MC for the evening.
It will be a fantastic evening – it’s a bit of a cliché but a night to remember.
A few photos of previous events can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/JMFDisco/photos_stream
We will provide copies of certificates for our Public Liability Insurance and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Certificate required by the venue management (Do not book a disco who does not have this insurance or PAT certificates the venue might not let them set up without it!).
Your booking will be confirmed in writing setting out performance and payment terms for your peace of mind and ours.
Some of the points above you may not of thought of or may not be bothered about but I like to provide my clients with that little bit more – I provide them with what they want, need and deserve for their parties – it is a special occasion and should be treated as such.
Doing it right first time with everything as you want it to be requires an experienced DJ with the right skills and resources that we will bring to your special day.
Traditional Celebrations in West Peckham
JMF Disco services in the West Peckham area
wedding first dance
DJ Hire For Weddings In West Peckham
Our disco for hire in Kent service is the ideal solution for your wedding disco – check out our Wedding DJ page for more details of our expert wedding service.
Wedding Anniversary Parties In West Peckham
Anniversaries are important dates to celebrate, a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday and a time to look forward to the joys of the future.
So whether you are celebrating a 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50, or 60th wedding anniversary – typical landmark dates or any other, JMF Disco can help you host a great party, providing your with our special Wedding Anniversary Planner Pack to help plan how you want your celebration to run and play all your favourite tunes that you and your family and friends will dance the night away to.
DJ Hire For Birthdays In West Peckham
If you are celebrating a 16th, 18th, 21st, 30th, 40th or even an 80th birthday we can provide you with a great DJ to play all your favourite tunes – check out our Mobile Disco page for more details
Childrens Discos In West Peckham
JMF Disco can help you arrange the best children’s party ever! As well as a good mobile DJ and amazing mobile disco, we will provide you with our party planner to choose the music and games you want us to run for you – we take the stress away from organising your kids party – well most of it! – check out our kids disco page for more details
DJ Hire For Corporate Events In West Peckham
Our experienced DJs have performed at a wide variety of corporate and similar events ranging from black tie balls to football club presentations in the Swale area – check out our Disco Services page for our specialist event services
School Disco or School Proms In West Peckham
School Proms are big news at the moment, an idea that has been ‘imported’ from America where they have been popular for many years.
Proms are a formal party to celebrate an important date at school such as leaving primary school to go onto secondary education, or completing school at 16 or 18 years old.
If you sending of your pupils in style, get in contact with JMF Disco to find out how we can help you organise a great school prom that they will remember forever!
All the latest tunes, party dances and favourite party classics that the kids want to dance the night away to!
Christening or Naming Ceremonies in West Peckham
If you are planning to have your baby christened or have a naming ceremony to celebrate your child’s birth, there is no better way to bring family and friends together than having a party – a few drinks, some food, maybe some games to keep the kids occupied (big kids can join in as well!) and a bit of music to bring it all together – get in contact with us today to see how we can help to bring this all together for you.
Christmas Parties In West Peckham
JMF Disco can provide the perfect entertainment package for your Christmas party.
Christmas parties are a great way to bring people together over the festive period, whether it is for family and friends, maybe a good fund-raiser for your club or an end of year works celebration.
With our Christmas Party Planner Pack we provide you with you, can set out how you want your evening to run – may be some background music during your meal, provision of a wireless microphone for any speeches, presentation, raffles, secret Santa events and let us know all your favourite Christmas tunes you want us to play to add to the festive atmosphere – book now as Christmas dates get filled up very quickly.
We can provide a comprehensive service to hotels at great rates for Christmas residencies.
Map of the West Peckham Area
Information About West Peckham
Party Venues In The West Peckham ME18 Area.
JMF Disco offers a special Mobile Disco service in West Peckham and surrounding areas. Venues that have been performed at or are available for your celebration:
West Peckham Village Hall
Nettlestead Place
Nettlestead Village Hall
Teston Village Hall
Wateringbury Working Mens Club, 210 Tonbridge Road, Wateringbury, Maidstone ME18 5NU Phone: 01622 812167
Yalding Village Hall, Lyngs Close, Yalding, Maidstone ME18 6JS Phone: 01622 814163
as well as your home, local favourite pub, club, hall or marquee.
Get A Quote For A Mobile Disco In West Peckham And A Great party!!
So if you like what we have to offer, including
a good experience reliable DJ
a neat and tidy disco set up
impressive disco lighting
provision of my Planner Pack to ensure you get exactly what you want for your special day and provide you with some guidance if you need it
the advantages of using a full time professional DJ service
telephone/email advice
providing PAT and PLI Certificates to venue
liaising with venue with regard to arrangements
discussing with you to fine tune arrangements and musical choices for the main part of the evenings entertainment
making announcements and introductions if required
providing a microphone for your speeches etc
setting up just before the performance
performing when required playing the music you and your guests will dance the night away to
Get in contact with us today for a quote.
We will require a deposit to secure the booking date (and the firm fixed quoted price) – deductible from the overall cost – the balance to be paid by cheque or bank transfer at least 7 days before, by instalments leading up to the event to help with your budgeting or cash on the day before we press play!
As a thank you for your enquiry I will provide you with a copy of my Party Planner Tips with hints and tips to help you organise the party you want. When you book I will provide you with my detailed Party Planner Pack to help arrange the detailed programme of events and entertainment on the night – it’s your special celebration and the music and arrangements will be as you want them.
I hope this gives you a good idea of the great service I provide and I hope it meets your needs.
If you require any more information please ask – I’m here to help.
Check out other local areas and party venues we provide mobile discos in the Tonbridge area here.
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jmfdisco · 7 years
Disco Hire Crawley
Looking For Disco Hire Crawley?
If you are looking for disco hire Crawley, JMF disco can provide you with a good experienced DJ, a neat a tidy looking disco set up with wonderful sound and lights and a fabulous party as well!
Our aim is to provide you with your perfect party entertainment, providing you with all the help you need, from your initial enquiry to seeing you and your happy guests leaving after having enjoyed a wonderful night, dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes. with a good experienced DJ, with a neat and tidy disco set up and impressive disco lighting.
JMF Disco have been providing clients with experienced, reliable mobile DJs and discos at wonderful parties in the Crawley area for many years.
As part of our comprehensive disco service we will provide you with a good experienced DJ, a neat and tidy looking disco set up and our special Party Planner Pack to help set out how we can help you to bring your party ideas to life, playing all your favourite tunes.
Having other DJs working with me also provides you with great assurance that no matter what happens, you and your guests will still be dancing the night away to all your favourite tunes – something that many other solo DJs cannot offer.
As well as providing you with a reliable, experienced party DJ with a wealth of knowledge gained over the years, who will ensure your evening will be a memorable occasion for you and your guests, I will help you with your arrangements from this initial enquiry until your guests leave singing and dancing out of the door at the end of your evening, suggesting ideas for you to consider to make your evening particularly special.
As part of our personalized mobile disco service I will provide you with our special Party Planner Pack.
Our Party Planner Pack (this is a document not a person!) helps to gather your thoughts on how you want your birthday party, wedding reception or children’s party to run, and gives a bit of help and guidance if you need it, it sets out a ‘timetable’ (a guideline really as timetable sounds too rigid) for your special evening.
Start and finish times, maybe our special surprise entrance,  cake cutting, happy birthday sing along, speeches, opening of buffet, etc and any other ‘events’ you would like to happen at your event – you may have your friend singing a song with his guitar, you may be having a band as well, you might want us to run your raffle – what ever you want to happen at your party or event can be catered for. Your celebration can be as formal or as informal as you want to suit the party style you want. It’s your special day and I will ensure you get just that!
The initial Party Planner I send to you aims to get you thinking about your special evening – alter it as you want to and send it back to me and I will update it as many times as you want to provide you with the mobile disco party entertainment you want.
Within the Party Planner Pack you can list out the songs you want played during your party (and the songs you don’t want to hear!!), the artists you like, the styles of music you like etc. You party may have a theme – maybe a ska and reggae night, soul and Motown, a groovy 60’s feel, a 70’s disco night, an 80’s party night, rewind to the 90’s, a noughties and now night – whatever you want we can bring it to life.
You can have as much input on the music selection you want played on the night as you want – we will be playing the music you want – not what we want and it certainly won’t be the same as ‘last weeks’ wedding that some resident DJs churn out!
If you have a specific list of songs you want us to play that’s not a problem – it’s your party and we’ll play what you want us to!
When we have the Party Planner Pack in a nearly firm format, I’ll contact you both to discuss any refinements if required, discuss access, timings etc so there are no surprises on the day.
Nearer the day I will contact you again well before the special day just to make sure everything is going to plan and offer any advise you may need.
On the day we promise to turn up and be on time to set when required – I get phone calls all the time from people who have been let down by ‘cowboy’ discos (booked because they were a few quid cheaper) who have been phoned a few days before the event that the DJ cant make it, they are double booked, their uncle has died again or they send their ‘roadie’ to cover for them while they take on another better paying job. I shouldn’t have to mention this but you hear these stories all the time – rest assured we will be there.
Your DJ will turn up appropriately dressed for your event – our standard outfit is a smart polo shirt, black trousers and black shoes or suit/tie/bow tie if required – you may not mind what we wear but we won’t be turning up wearing a scruffy T-shirt, ripped jeans and a baseball cap worn the wrong way round unless you want us in fancy dress…… You indicate the dress standard you want your DJ to wear in the Party Planner Pack.
We will provide a microphone for speeches/cake cutting/presentation of gifts, opening of buffet etc in the evening – if required.
We will make any necessary introductions, announcements, dedications etc acting as your MC for the evening.
It will be a fantastic evening – it’s a bit of a cliché but a night to remember.
A few photos of previous events can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/JMFDisco/photos_stream
We will provide copies of certificates for our Public Liability Insurance and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Certificate required by the venue management (Do not book a disco who does not have this insurance or PAT certificates the venue might not let them set up without it!).
Your booking will be confirmed in writing setting out performance and payment terms for your peace of mind and ours.
JMF Disco services in the Crawley area
DJ Hire For Weddings In Crawley
Our disco for hire in Kent service is the ideal solution for your wedding disco – check out our Wedding DJ page for more details of our expert wedding service.
Wedding Anniversary Parties In Crawley
Anniversaries are important dates to celebrate, a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday and a time to look forward to the joys of the future.
So whether you are celebrating a 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50, or 60th wedding anniversary – typical landmark dates or any other, JMF Disco can help you host a great party, providing your with our special Wedding Anniversary Planner Pack to help plan how you want your celebration to run and play all your favourite tunes that you and your family and friends will dance the night away to.
DJ Hire For Birthdays In Crawley
If you are celebrating a 16th, 18th, 21st, 30th, 40th or even an 80th birthday we can provide you with a great DJ to play all your favourite tunes – check out our Mobile Disco page for more details
Children’s Discos In Crawley
JMF Disco can help you arrange the best children’s party ever! As well as a good mobile DJ and amazing mobile disco, we will provide you with our party planner to choose the music and games you want us to run for you – we take the stress away from organising your kids party – well most of it! – check out our kids disco page for more details
DJ Hire For Corporate Events In Crawley
Our experienced DJs have performed at a wide variety of corporate and similar events ranging from black tie balls to football club presentations in Chilham – check out our Disco Services page for our specialist event services
School Disco or School Proms In Crawley
School Proms are big news at the moment, an idea that has been ‘imported’ from America where they have been popular for many years.
Proms are a formal party to celebrate an important date at school such as leaving primary school to go onto secondary education, or completing school at 16 or 18 years old.
If you sending of your pupils in style, get in contact with JMF Disco to find out how we can help you organise a great school prom that they will remember forever!
All the latest tunes, party dances and favourite party classics that the kids want to dance the night away to!
Christening or Naming Ceremonies in Crawley
If you are planning to have your baby christened or have a naming ceremony to celebrate your child’s birth, there is no better way to bring family and friends together than having a party – a few drinks, some food, maybe some games to keep the kids occupied (big kids can join in as well!) and a bit of music to bring it all together – get in contact with us today to see how we can help to bring this all together for you.
Christmas Parties In Crawley
JMF Disco can provide the perfect entertainment package for your Christmas party.
Christmas parties are a great way to bring people together over the festive period, whether it is for family and friends, maybe a good fund-raiser for your club or an end of year works celebration.
With our Christmas Party Planner Pack we provide you with you, can set out how you want your evening to run – may be some background music during your meal, provision of a wireless microphone for any speeches, presentation, raffles, secret Santa events and let us know all your favourite Christmas tunes you want us to play to add to the festive atmosphere – book now as Christmas dates get filled up very quickly.
We can provide a comprehensive service to hotels at great rates for Christmas residencies.
Find Out How We Can Help You Today
Some of the points above you may not of thought of or may not be bothered about but I like to provide my clients with that little bit more – I provide them with what they want, need and deserve for their parties – it is a special occasion and should be treated as such.
Doing it right first time with everything as you want it to be requires an experienced DJ with the right skills and resources that we will bring to your special day.
If you like what I have to offer, including
a good experience reliable DJ
a neat and tidy disco set up
impressive disco lighting
provision of my  Planner Pack to ensure you get exactly what you want for your special day and provide you with some guidance if you need it
the advantages of using a full time professional DJ service
telephone/email advice
providing PAT and PLI Certificates to venue
liaising with venue with regard to arrangements
discussing with you to fine tune arrangements and musical choices for the main part of the evenings entertainment
making announcements and introductions if required
providing a microphone for your speeches etc
setting up just before the performance
performing when required playing the music you and your guests will dance the night away to
Get in contact with us today for a quote.
We will require a deposit to secure the booking date (and the firm fixed quoted price) – deductible from the overall cost – the balance to be paid by cheque or bank transfer at least 7 days before, by instalments leading up to the event to help with your budgeting or cash on the day before we press play!
As a thank you for your enquiry I will provide you with a copy of my Party Planner Tips with hints and tips to help you organise the party you want. When you book I will provide you with my detailed Party Planner Pack to help arrange the detailed programme of events and entertainment on the night – it’s your special celebration and the music and arrangements will be as you want them.
I hope this gives you a good idea of the great service I provide and I hope it meets your needs.
If you require any more information please ask – I’m here to help.
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