#i have so many wips waiting lemme finish those and i’ll start posting
green-crocs12 · 5 months
really lazy quick sketches of luffy and his parents bc i haven’t posted in forever lol (yes i believe in the crocomom theory) i hc luffy actually looks a lot like crocodile so
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also i think dragon would have been a good father
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idontknowreallywhy · 17 hours
🍄 Describe your wip/one of your wips in the format of ____ + _____ = _______
“Small Enthusiastic Tracy + Uncle Virgil Getting Carried Away = Glitterpocalypse”  
💾 What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Hahaha “Final straight” - hilariously I titled it that when I thought the thing would be at least ten chapters less than it has turned out to be so I’ve been on that “Final Straight” since… um… May…
🤡 How many Wips are you actively working on?
Uhhhh *rubs back of neck* soooo it depends how you define “actively” but assuming we say it means I have at least half a plan for it and a decent chunk written (albeit not chronologically, let’s not kid ourselves here) … hmm lemme figure this out…
(Under the cut for rambling and links)
The big boys (2)
Resurface My Earth & Sky magnum opus (so so close to finishing this beastie now and I am so very proud of it)
Estera - my co-written mad sprawling razorfluff Scott-finds-a-friend-and-they-help-each-other-to-live universe… with parts for possibly two sequel fics which I may never use but I keep adding to them so… active… I’ll call it one WIP tho (at risk of @sofasurf locking me up because I keep trying to leap down plot rabbit holes). This one takes up a significant proportion of my brain in daily life, her back story, how that interweaves with Scott’s and their future story is vastly detailed now but will probably mostly not see the light of day. OC fics are never the best at getting engagement with people so I guess time would be better spent on others, maybe, but I’m inherently hopeless at writing the stuff I think I should be and so… yeah, I just love this story and how the two of them interact and the rest of the Tracys’ eyeview on it all (inc EOS, especially EOS) and I actually reread it a fair amount… your primary target audience is yourself, right?
Currently small but could easily get big:
Unnamed Wingman Ash story - so many notes and bits of prose and IDEAS. Constantly at the top of my “last updated” note files but other than posting some random snippets I haven’t actually worked out how to Start that one yet…
Octopus House - teeny adhd Scott at school
Red - the Alan & Havoc one
Shorter ones that should be easily finished off AND YET…
Play it Out - 3/4 just lacking that final chapter to fix what I broke
Sparkly cockroaches - a one-shot gift fic that I’ve been poking at for over a year 😏 whatever state it is in when I finally post it, it will not have been worth the wait but would be good to finish this at some point. Maybe before the second anniversary of the gift date 🙄
Fathers Day - 3/4 chapters done, 4th on its way slowly. Dad!Scott and the Tinies.
An Eyebrow-razing incident - 3/4 done, just gotta do the deed and raze those brows. Because I am a terrible, terrible human.
FishTanked-Up - 2/? I’ve got a morning-after chunk in draft but I have my doubts about them getting to the gallery. Also they might have accidentally adopted Juan… which could complicate things.
Music is Everything 4/? - my first ever TAG fic and although I haven’t made any progress on the finale in a while, I absolutely intend to finish it because it was my first. I might just have to rewrite half of it before that…
Misc insanity
A Very Silly Christmas Fic - the fic that confirmed I have no control over where a supposedly one-shot goes 🙄 Also ACTUAL ICELANDIC volcano erupted and made my crack Hrómundartinhurmindur fic a bit weird. Maybe I’ll finish it in time for this Christmas…
So… if we just count those and ignore the snippety / bullet points / too many exclamation marks plot bunnies then… twelve? That’s actually not as bad as I thought…
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jbarneswilson · 7 months
23, 25, 26
hope the doctors appointment goes well!!
hi nonnie! thank you so much for this ask! my doctor’s appointment went well, thank you 😊
23. Dialogue or description? Why is the other one so hard?
ooh that is a good question! in a smutty scene description tends to be a little more difficult to write because how many times can you write the word “thrust” before you start questioning your life choices? also, description in general can be hard because i feel like i always leave sobering out or forget some detail…
25. Is writing the whole thing beforehand better or worse than writing it as you go?
both are equally bad for me! if i post a wip i know people are less inclined to read it until it’s finished but the lack of comments/interaction is demotivating and makes me not want to finish it… then we have the whole “wait until you’ve finished writing the fic to post it in parts” which is complicated because i do not have a great track record with completing things lol. definitely a damned if you do situation for me either way!
26. What would you describe as OOC?
i’ll start with my love, sarah wilson. what we saw of her in tfatws indicates she is passionate and fierce (the bank scene in particular, when sam is like “lemme handle this” once the banker starts pissing sarah off, tells us she does not hesitate to tell someone when they have her fucked up), she loves her family and her community and takes care of both no matter what, delacroix is her world and anything outside that is unimportant… so anything where she’s not living up to those traits is always going to get the side eye from me because those are core parts of her character.
with bucky, to me it seems a lot of people use their own perceptions of the actor who plays him to inform how they write the character and that’s always going to be ooc for him
send me a writing ask :)
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Which would you say are your favorite fanfics ever? (Levihan ofc)
Okay, I don’t think I’m the best judge of what’s quality or not quality cause I ain’t no writing authority so I cannot vouch for whether you will like these fics or not. But I am a firm believer that good writing makes readers feel things and leaves a lasting impression. 
So lemme rephrase the question… What fics left a lasting impression?
So brace yourself for one hell of a ride while I talk about fanworks that just fucked me up in the following ways: 
Caused me to irrationally hate one random character
Made me forget something isn’t canon
Made me completely rearrange my day because I completely f-ed myself up.
Made me feel guilty for fucking up the view count because I keep going back there.
Makes me remember the fic as an aesthetic, not as actual words. Like literally I will imagine the setting almost perfectly in my head and like when I try to remember what happened, I don’t really remember the writing style or anything, but I could probably create a sim house about how exactly I imagined the house to look like or the yard to look like.
Changed the way I approach fic reading.
I don’t wanna spoil these fics because I’m assuming people are gonna read it so as much as I wanna make a long ass detailed review about why I love each of them, I won’t. I’ll probably just mention what the hell I was doing when I read the fic and how I completely fucked myself over. 
I probably will miss some since I’m just listing these out from the top of my head. So here goes…And I’m only posting completed fics because I’m just that way. 
Second chance by @fanmoose12
This is my comfort fic. The first time I read this fic, it was like 4am or 5am in the morning and I remember after reading it once, I read it like 5 more times that day. 
This is literally the fic I just randomly open on my computer at work on some incognito tab when I’m just tired from all the shit they make us do at work and this is the random fic that I just open up when I feel like reading. And this is one of the fics I plan on showing my children one day when I explain to them what love is. 
This isn’t depressing so I guess it doesn’t fall in the ‘fucked me over’ category but definitely one of the fics I read too many times to count that I remember it scene by scene like some simp. 
Partners by fanmoose12
Woops, one exception for WIPs. I just had to post this here because it definitely left a lasting impression. 
This was the first AU I have ever read and been invested in and I have been reading fanfiction since before I could remember and I have always stuck to canonverse fics until I got into Levihan. 
This fic got me into the AU genre and I have never read AUs in my life before this so I think that says a lot about how much this fic means to me. 
Somewhere Only We Know by @someonestolemyshoes
It’s not completely posted in ao3 yet. But since I beta-ed the fic, I finished it long before SSMS posted it but this fic. It started slow so it took me a week of on and off work to get through  but I got through the second part of the fic, the last 30,000 words  incredibly fast. I vividly remembered reading those last final scenes over breakfast completely in shock while my whole family was there. I literally had to leave the room and take my dog out for a second walk . 
I remember the aesthetic of the overall story vividly enough to actually make a moodboard of it and spend a good 1 hour going through country side pics after finishing it. . 
Yellow by @ariadneamare​
God, this fic. I read this over a day of work. Like breakfast, first few thousand words, Lunch next few thousand words. And I finished the rest before bed and oh god, this is the type of fic that builds a great aesthetic, some lightness and just to fuck you over in the end. 
I like to compare it to a longer and AU version of Pristine in terms of how it strings emotions along. I know they’re two completely different fics but the energy of the fic, the stream of emotions on how it strings you along is fairly similar. 
This is literally one of those fics where I’m just having a good day, and my mind goes ‘remember that one fic’ and I just wrinkle my nose like ‘yeah THAT FIC’ 
Pristine by @mannatea​
I’m sure everyone has read this, it’s practically a classic and I cannot count the number of people who told me it was depressing and I do not know why I did not believe them. I read this while waiting in line for milk tea. I lost my place in line around the time I finished that last part and just gave up on buying milk tea.
It has this build up, this incredibly fluffy build up which won’t make you think it will end the way it did. 
Well. you know a fic is good when you know it’s gonna end a certain way but you allow yourself to get strung along anyway. 
A Simple Choice by just-quintessentially-me
This is one of those fics for me that double as an aesthetic piece and a plot piece. I remember INCREDIBLY WELL, the road I was imagining that they were walking through and it satisfied my hurt comfort feels as well. Definitely one of my favorite 115-126 fics and one of the first ones I read in the fandom for sure. 
So those are the english fics, I have to Japanese fics that fall in that category. 
(For anyone who knows Japanese I guess but I personally think they’re worth a google translate.)
熱に浮く(Feverish Dream)
Classic canon compliant. Hange takes care of Levi when he’s sick fic but there are misunderstandings here, they contemplate their relationship and they are incredibly emotionally constipated here. Definitely one of the classics imo and it feeds my need for hurt/comfort.
前世なんてクソだと言う女と 全て忘れた男 
(A girl who thinks past lives are not real and a boy who forgot everything)
Hange is a teacher, Levi is a janitor. Hange remembers stuff and Levi doesn’t and just really cute stuff. 
I’m pretty sure you guys are tired of me rambling about how much this fic means to me but really, I wrote a Tale of Two Slaves (Which is just brushing 100k words already) because this was just so beautiful it got me into the reincarnation genre.
(The girl inside me and the boy inside you) 
Levi and Hange are exes/childhood friends and they meet again in a matchmaking party. This is just the greatest balance between emotional constipation and love. The premise was just perfect for the type of build up 
Closest thing I’m gonna drop to smut here. Will leave my smut recs for another post but I’m low key really still thinking whether or not I should expose myself by dropping my favorite Levihan smut pieces hahaha.
Filo Socmed AUs
A lot of these probably aren’t google translatable since Tagalog google translate sucks but if anyone is interested, most Filo Socmed AUs have a fair amount of English so it’s coherent. I guess? I completely forget though how much is in English and how much is in Tagalog but these are the Filo Socmed AUs I REALLY remember and really go back to. 
Vividly Remembered 
This one got me blowing my days worth of salary on some meal in a restaurant because I didn’t wanna go back home to my house yet so I remember just crying over a meal while finishing up this fanfiction instead of going home. 
Basically a fic where Levi and Hange were together already and were about to get married already but shit happened. I irrationally hate Nanaba because of this Socmed AU. Like everytime I see Nanaba, i think of this Socmed AU and I just hate her again. 
Levi and Hange are part of the photography club and shit happens. I remember being behind on work because I decided to take a three hour lunch break to finish this AU. This satisfied my sick Levi craving in so many ways (especially after reading Yellow)
Wherein Levi doesn’t have social media accounts and Hange is the class beadle
This last one just has the overall aesthetic of my own university so it really stuck tbh. And the premise of the build up is just incredibly cute. 
These are the ones I can remember from the top of my head so I’m sure these are among my favorites. I’ll definitely update this as I read more.
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emilyelizabethfowl · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
I have been tagged by @jajalala (...a loooong time ago. like july kind of long time ago. but i'm finally getting around to it!) Thank you for the tag! <3
Name(s): I'm fairly consistent, using Emily (Elizabeth) Fowl or variations for pretty much every account ever
Fandom(s): Boku No Hero Academia, Avatar the Last Airbender, Harry Potter (i know. but there is a few fanfics i love too much to give up)
Where you post: Strictly AO3. I have an old fanfiction.net account, but I don't have any works posted there.
Most popular one-shot (by kudoes): [my secret agenda for the delay: waiting until I posted this one xD] "The Right Thing to Do" - this is, technically, the second BNHA fanfiction I have started this year, iirc. I had it finished even before the Fic Fight ever happened, but I wanted to wait until July to post it, to have it be closer to Izuku's birthday.
Most popular multi-chap (also by kudoes): sighs to my eternal consternation, "Sorry Aunt Petunia". Hopefully one of the BNHA longfics I have planned will overtake it. I do not enjoy having it dominate my stats page
Favourite story you've written so far: Without a doubt, "the Right Thing to Do". Though, "Dozen Ways of Parenting Midoriya Izuku" and my Purge: the Stain Zine piece (free zine being released on halloween!) certainly come close. (Honorary mention for "Vaulting the Vaulter", which is a series I love in its entirety)
Fic you were nervous to post: I... Don't recall one. I'm sure there had to be one- OH I remember! "Hear the Bells Ring"! I was a little nervous about this one, because it's a "Shirakumo Oboro did not die but transition, becoming Fukukado Emi" fic. But the reception had been pretty positive, so.
How do you chose your titles? More often than not, it's just the first thing that pops into my head. With the volume of fics produced for the Fic Fight and Writer's Month, I did not have the luxury to sit around and ruminate on titles.
Do you outline? Depends on what fic I am writing! If it's a short one (like most of the challenge ones), I don't outline. If I start outlining, it's not gonna stay within 10k, lemme tell you that much.
Complete: Technically, all of my fics are currently complete. The thing is, with the format of Fic Fight, I have quite a number of open series. Most notably, "Overhauling the System" (14 works) and "Quirkless Hero? Hop to it!" (4 works). [OtS has a long fic in the planning stages 👀]
In progress: cries in WIP ,,, comes back the next day I have kind of went to take a look at what WIPs I had going before the Fics War and Writer's Month absolutely wrecked my g.docs landing page, and then I got distracted making a spreadsheet of them.... Let me just say: A LOT
Coming soon: There is that one work (Shimura Tenko-centric) which I have been writing for a long time now... And by that I mean April this year. BUT the thing is: the last BNHA work I have written before it were the Uravity Bang entries in 2018... It wasn't even meant to be BNHA at first, just a random Original Fiction to get my writing juices flowing, and then- not only did Tenko insert himself in place of the nameless protagonist, he also stretched the fic out to 27-bleeding-k.
Recently, I have finally managed to finish it, so now I'm just letting it marinate before throwing it at beta edit and unleashing it upon the world soonish. Or i'll wait until his birthday (4th April). I hadn't decided yet :3
Not started: so, so many. I'm very enthusiastically planning three longfics, however: "Prince of Aldera", as a follow-up of Overhauling the System series, the sequel to "Of Dragons and Quirks" (which I'm almost regretting dropping for the ficfight, considering it got immediately drowned out) and a "Hero Class Civil War"-style (linked to the RogueDruid's classic) fic with an unhealthy amount of hand-related puns.
Prompts?: Do I do prompts xD Approximately 80% of my current works count (i do not have the energy to do a proper math) (actually-) (it's 77%) is based on prompts. I'm usually using the NWA prompts, when it's not related to an event (reverse bang or a week etc) but my ask box is always open for prompts! I'm just reserving the right not to write it if it doesn't spark joy, but I doubt that would happen often.
Upcoming work you're most excited about: Well, definitely my Stain Zine piece (31st October), but do keep an eye out for the Hawks Big Bang!
No pressure tags: I had to rummage around my notes and following count for those xD @dreamofmysteries @aphrodaisyacs @gentrychild @a-witch-in-endor @pocketramblr @cyber-phobia @ombreoscura @pikachuketchup1207 @hami-is-chill @orkestrations @draphrawrites @blackholeca (yes i did go through the list naming every single tumblr i could remember belonging to a writer, why do you ask)
Feel free to ignore this ping at your leisure! <3
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riskeith · 4 years
hi bb!
oh rip... the ol’ laptop fan situation. it must sound like a plane when you play genshin right? yes, we’re more prepared now. i remember the first few years there were so many fires and stuff to the point where they even made bbq illegal. such a mess, but it took away a fire hazard which is good. i believe aus had the same situation right?
awwww sounds so cute! pokémon go? no i don’t! i dropped it after that summer sjsksjdk. do you play while you’re walking that’s so adorable. wait bakudeku zine??? you’ve peeked my interest.
ooh that makes sense! i thought about the gold seelie too actually! the babie might bring you mora which is always good to have. also there’s fanart of the gold seelie being aether and those are sooo cute. have you seen any?
help i hope xiao knows how lucky he is to have such a devoted fan as yourself!! you’re really pulling all the strings for him i applaud your patience and determination. dude albedo is like... easily one of the prettiest animated character i’ve seen! he’s gorgeous! also i like his elevator move that could be so handy. and for the dancing videos, just search on yt baron bunny dancin or something hehe.
WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WHAT THE FUCK? wait are you serious? venti’s jpn va is HINATA? I HAD NO IDEA WTF???? god..,. that’s it i’m switching to jpn dub that’s insane... i was actually gonna ask you once if you could apply haikyuu characters to the game who would they be and the only one i was sure about was that hinata would be venti.... 😭 you’re so talented for knowing that hehe.. also you can say that you’re studying when you’re gaming then lmao. study smart not hard. god i’m still in shock over venti. this made my morning ngl.
i have no idea how fic collabs work either. i had a friend that did it once and she said they each wrote a chapter but i feel like that might be confusing if the writers use different writing styles..? idk it seems fun but kind of scary too..
ilytttttt little blushing girl.. <3
it always goes back to dragonspine does it not... 😶 but damn it’s been about a month and you’ve saved 12k that’s super solid. since xiao will be coming around feb that means you’ll have another month-ish to save up as well... so girl you’re def getting him sjdksjdk.. <3 and so much other goodies as well. unless you don’t pull him on the first try you might get some other great characters and weapons/artifacts as well. you need to force me to start saving up too bc if venti is really coming back.. i /have/ to get him esp now that i know about the va..
they’re adorable! i don’t know much about their story but i think they’re best friends, right? which makes it even more adorable. and there’s so much fanart of them as well. dude speaking of, genshin stans make the BEST fanart. i spend hours just looking at them and it’s perfect. i imagine there’s so much on twitter too, right?
god. remember shiro and adam. dreamworks would def not do that.. lmao...
your bravery for even considering posting wip. i’m taking my hat off for you. also, one writer to another; how does your writing process usually go? i’m always interested in seeing how other fic writers work bc it varies so much.
oh!! i was all over the place but i really liked sm groups. and loona! you don’t like slow songs? like even slow indie? aksjjdhdkdhf im gonna keep asking to find a middle group bc right now i’m super lost help...
i don’t really like sleeping in so it’s fine HEHE it’s 9 am now and i woke up about an hour ago which was perfect. 10 hour sleep? immaculate. not yikes. sleeping is always good never stress about it shjdhdjd, think about when you go back to school and have to pull all nighters etc.
kiss <3
yeah HAHAAH it gets so hot omg.. and my laptop is supposed to have pretty good specs so i can’t imagine what it would’ve been like if i tried to play on my old one yikes 😬 oh shoot! yeah we have a fire danger rating too, the second lowest one is “high” and it goes beyond “extreme” to “code red”/“catastrophic” lollll. and we’ve regularly got fire bans in the summer to try and prevent anything! 
hfsdkjfhs summer 2016? god i remember that time so clearly... iconic 😩 i do play sometimes! normally if there are any mystic gyms around me to join, otherwise i’m kinda lazy about actually catching the pokemon HAHA oops. https://twitter.com/kotatsutomikan1 here!! does that mean 👀 you main bkdk 👀👀👀
oooo i thought the seelies were actually just there for decoration? AHAH. yessss I saw one with a whole lineup! https://twitter.com/icedkappe/status/1347555831831699457 look how cute 🥺 ugh but that reminds me of something i was thinking of earlier today, i hope they’ll introduce skins or something later down the line? fshdk like think of the potential. it always upsets me when i click the hanger icon and it only lets me change their glider fhsjfskfjsdjkf
god when i saw albedo’s hair... <3333333 and also his eyes??? um chief alchemist? more like PRETTIEST alchemist. yesss i’ve been doing plunge attacks a lot more recently (preparing for xiao?) and honestly ugh if i had albedo.. I LOOKED THOSE VIDEOS UP!!! THEY ARE SO FUCKING ADORABLE WHAT EHE FSUCJK!!!!!!  my god. fancam for characters who? ? from now on only fancams of baron bunny are allowed 😤😤😤
AHAHAH YEAH HE IS!!!! wait have you finished the world quest with him tho?? either way i’m sure you’ll be able to find clips of it in japanese dub online... his ‘ehe’ is so cute my god.. study smart not hard my motto!!!! <3 
yeah I feel like chapters is confusing which is why separating by POV might work better? definitely scary tho lol .... such uncharted territory for me
IM DEF GETTING HIM!!! xiao i am patiently waiting for you to come home 👐🙇‍♀️ yes!! i really hope the four stars on his banner are good bc i’m def gonna be pulling it a lot AHAHHA i hope hm.... i wanna get xingqiu to match with chongyun but beido seems so cool too 😩 tho i already have so many claymore users fsdhfksdfhsjd. oh that also reminds me venti’s elemental burst dialogue ‘kaze da!’ is so cute... like his voice is so melodic??? omg.... WAIT lemme send you this interview i found https://youtu.be/g3floaU41Uc !! AND START SAVE UP MARRIAGE ANON!!!!! tho i think he’s like 5 banners away so you still have time if you do wanna pull now... fhdsfkjds
they are!!! chongyun has this line in his story profile “Who could he possibly trust, if not his fine friend Xingqiu?” 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭 how cute is he i love him so much :((((((((((((( yeah there are so many on twitter!! i don’t see much on tumblr tbh bc i don’t look at my dash too often AHHAHA but it’s all over my twitter timeline~ 
my writing process depends!! but typically i type out the outline of a fic/write out certain scenes, then fill in everything around that ahaha. usually my ideas come from a line i thought up that i really like or just a concept. i usually also type out my plans in all caps LOL. i hope that makes sense lmaooo how about you? do you just go for it or plan everything out first?
ooo yeah sm have some really nice stuff... and nice! i never gave loona a shot FJKDHFKSJ. i don’t think so?? the slow songs i do like are usually exceptions rather than the rule LMAO but i like hozier’s stuff even tho they’re slow (but who doesn’t? AHAH) honestly i couldn’t even give you examples bc i can’t think of any FHSDKFJS like i guess for example, lovely by billie eilish and khalid, i like the song but on a normal day if it came up on shuffle i’d skip it? FHSFKSD im so sorry legit i am no help at all fhskdfhsjdfjsdkfhsdhkfhk but what are some artists you listen to often?
i never pull all-nighters!! it’s kinda like my rule, even if i’m absolutely fucked i’ll deal with it later rather than not sleep fhskjfsdf. (or maybe i just haven’t reached that stage yet... i hope not!). also wait a second i just registered what you wrote.. YOU WOKE UP AT 8AM????????? my goodness... legit i don’t think i did that a single time in 2020. there was a week i woke up at 8:30 every day but very quickly i started sleeping in again omg... that energy! i’m also gonna try start waking up early but it’s hard when i go to bed then read fic 😩
kisses!!! hope your day has been swell so far xoxo
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