#i have so many head canons for deaver man i love him
emmyrosee · 4 years
Here’s a fun random head canon list for my boys because I can and will have fun HA
Axel is the pied piper of kids. No matter who or what the situation is, Axel is just unfathomably good with kids. There is never a crying child when he is near, and babies?? As soon as they lay their eyes on him, it is like all is good in their world. 
Maybe it’s because he’s like, a human jungle gym. Who knows 😍
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Gordan is EXTREMELY flexible and (super secretly) a HUGE yoga buff. Like oh my god. He does yoga in the mornings to stretch out his bones and muscles, going especially hard on himself after a mission where he can be home and relax a few days.
One morning you came down to make him breakfast and you saw him in a complete backbend, breathing through his nose, the gaps in his ribs huge with the bend.
“You enjoying the show?” He hums calmly, smiling softly with his eyes still in a relaxed close. 
“Very much,” you tease, taking a seat on the couch. “Please, don’t let me stop you.” 🙈
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Henry Pearl is one of the most brave bills when it comes to doing daring things. He’s always the first one to go night swimming with you, always the first in line to go on that rollercoaster, and always the first to capture and remove the massive spiders in your house.
He says it’s because he’s doing something he loves and he wants to live after being sheltered so long but.. you don’t miss the opportunity to call him crazy😂❤
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Mark’s favorite guilty pleasure is McDonald’s, and he gets it typically when he has a long night of studying, a hungover friend or when he’s just had a really bad day; his favorite food in the world is a McRib and would kill one of his friends for an Oreo McFlurry most days 🙄❤
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Mateo has extremely vivid dreams, so much so that he’s been late to classes, meetings, lunches/breakfasts with you because in his dream he’s gotten up and done all of those things, while in reality, he is still very much asleep. 
Whenever he has something important for work, you’re sure to call him on his house phone to wake him up and get him moving so he’s not late, though this isn’t always fool proof. Because sometimes in his dream he answers it and completely misses the call, so an alarm clock across the room is what typically works😩
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Mickey is really bad at subtraction and division. Asking him about multiplication, easy, addition, no sweat, but as soon as you start asking him on the fly reducing, he has a full meltdown, trying to figure it out but ultimately just grumbles at you to use his phone 😂
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Roman has a very, VERY secret fear of turtles, as well as an irrational fear of crocodiles/alligators. No matter how hard Roman has searched, the little minute differences between these crocs/gators trip him up, and he can’t tell the difference between snapping turtles and fun turtles. 
In turn, he tries his hardest to avoid all these creatures all together HA
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(Subbing The Kid for) Henry Deaver can only eat Oreo’s- which are his favorite cookie- by first taking out the cream, soaking it in milk and eating it, followed by the cookies, one dry and one soaked. He also eats lucky charms by separating his marshmallows and cereal because “the cereal is my breakfast and the marshmallows are my dessert”
He so weird. Love him 😘
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Willard is a whistler. When he walks, when he’s bored, when he’s doing basic, mundane tasks, he whistles to pass the time and keep focus, as well as keep his senses heightened. He whistles at you when you walk by, he even whistles when he’s mad in order to bring himself down a notch. Occasionally he even whistles when he breathes- and you make sure to tease him for it every time 😍
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