#i have so many PE horror stories. do you want to hear one
mariverses · 1 year
Speaking if PE I hate pe
They make me climb to 30 feet in the air and the harness hurts and being on a log at 30 feet is horrifying
?????? what ?????? that is like 9m. on a log. that's like. why though. headscratch
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lotusarchon · 1 month
rules for writing + lmk:
⋆ always like the rule page before making a request. you don't need to be off anon, but i need to know people are reading my rules before making any requests because some people are hard of hearing
⋆ i am a multifandom blog. i will write for things i'm interested in. currently, i am glued to the lego monkie kid fandom, and it will be subjected to change.
⋆ i write for any of the lego monkie kid characters, however, the only ones that i don't feel comfortable writing any nsfw/romantic scenarios with are; sandy, pigsy, lady bone demon's host (bai he), and yellowtusk. depending on if there's a season six, there'll be more characters added.
⋆ please be specific when requesting. remember i'm not a mind reader so if you ask for an x reader without specifying much i can't write it the way you want it. furthermore, don't write an entire plot in my requests. if you can think of a whole plot, you can write your own story. remember i am doing x readers, not an oc story for you.
⋆ my readers are poc inclusive. many fanfics aren't very poc inclusive, and as a poc myself i want to feel included. the same goes for fellow poc readers. i am writing with the idea of a poc person in mind!! be forewarned!!
⋆ i have no time for the nezha age business. if you find it uncomfortable i write nsfw for nezha even though he's an adult, you can leave.
⋆ be polite with requests, and don't expect an immediate response to them. don't repeat any requests either because they'll be deleted.
⋆ i write nsfw/smut, suggestive, romance, fluff, platonic, angst, yandere, etc. i'm a writer, i want to explore my writing, you can request anything, just do be mindful that i will not take requests for horror/dead dove esque themes. those are things i'll write on my own. otherwise everything else is on the table.
⋆ my readers are bottoms/subs. i don't feel comfortable writing for dominant readers nor do i like reading them just because i am a sub myself (aroace lesbian so idk how tf that counts). there are several writers i'm sure that writes for dominant readers, you can find them there.
⋆ i don't approve of certain topics that i write. some of them might be a bit kinky or whatever (yandere) but no, i don't approve of them. i don't find such behavior in real life as okay, and i also don't approve of anyone acting like it. it doesn't matter to me about your appearances, respect people's boundaries.
⋆ nsfw/smut wise, i guess anything is fine?? i'm not aware of much sex shit or kinks, so uh, i don't know what is what. don't make any requests about stepcest, incest, pe*ophilia, r*pe, um bodily fluids (?) kinks? idk what else there are so i'll update this when i can. but yeah, don't make any request about shit like this. it's gross and i'll punch you.
⋆ if you're a minor, i don't advise you staying on my account. furthermore, i'm not particularly sure i feel to comfortable with any minors making requests, even if it's strictly sfw. my acc is 18+ only so, nuh uh, go away, if i catch you, i'm blocking you, because i am not censoring myself for you. understand that i'm doing this for both of our comforts, and as an adult i don't feel comfortable with minors around my content.
⋆ i'm a human being like you. don't act like four fuck and six bitch and hide behind a server to talk shit about me. say it to my face, and i'm willing to see if i'm wrong or right.
⋆ i post oc x canon, self ships and the occasional canon x canon. if you don't like it, go.
⋆ i also rant about pet peeves. certain idiots couldn't handle it but i don't care. don't take them to heart, they're my pet peeves, not yours. and don't be like fuckface four lettered name, don't go bitching about it to your friends. you're an adult, act like it.
⋆ don't interact with me if you're a proshipper, stepcest liker (yeah, fuck you), pedo, racist, anti lgbtq, childish excuse for adults (you know what i'm referring to). i'll update this when i can.
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freshairforrabbits · 1 year
Hey! I finished reading "you circled me inside my room..." and still very excited about this work. The painful feelings it gave me???????? Not speaking about the horrors?????
Honestly I expected some mid ass porn with smudging blood and shit on walls, as a lot of ao3 folks like to write, BUT THIS?? MY EYES POPPING OUT????? ME FEELING REALLY BAD FOR SPIDER?? MYSELF?? UNDERSTANDING HIS TRAGEDY?????? AND THE OPEN ENDING???? MORE SHIT ABOUT TO HAPPEN WITH HIM??????????????
I really expect you to write a sequel, cuz all the chekhov's guns are still on the walls. Daddy's gun, Parker knowing what's going on, Spider's story about 'his friend and PE instructor'... And my pretty girl Kiri! I can really relate to situation when Spider pushes away the ones who care about him, while he is in damn danger. So it's interesting to know about their relationships further.
Thank you for this fic!
Thank you so much!! I am very glad the work had it's intended impact with the feelings, the emotions, the pain, the understanding, of the horrors and how easily they consume and remain unspoken, the way people witness shit and don't say a thing at all, the way everything falls onto the shoulders of the most helpless in the scenario; and everything we do to protect the people we love at costs that should never have been ours to endure, to take, and take, and give, and give, forced martyrdom to strip agency. To smear it right across someone's soul in the shape of guilt and shame that the perpetrator doesn't want to hold, refuses to touch in themselves, but will gladly sink their teeth into their victim to place it in them, over and over.
Something about power and powerlessness; how these are stories of pure survival and I am always happy when they resonate with people, when they turn from words on a page to the sort of quiet comfort of secrets no longer held so close, of warm palms pressed to skin but in the tender, soft ways they were always meant to be-- of walking hand in hand with a character through their darkest moments, casting sidelong glances at them, whether someone has experienced these things or not, whether they've circled over and over as fears in the back of minds, whether they plague you on walks in the dark, or as trauma that surrounds you in friends, family, or in intrusive thoughts and obsessions that refuse to quiet, it is for a moment as if both character and You are no longer alone.
And of course it is also porn DHDJSKSK and I will admit I do enjoy the blood and shit smeared on the walls so-called mid porn very much 😈 I think porn is simply a multifaceted thing, with many, many different depictions, so, so many tastes, and things that don't appeal to me certainly appeal to others.
"you circled me inside my room..." was a labor of love across 20 days and in it there was a lot of back and forth, love and hate, ice picks to the brain, lost time, and the long exhale that comes from standing on that exact mountain side Spider did, of a farmhouse and people who loved and are loved, and never know about the monsters that lurk behind the scenes. Of being like Kiri, having the gut instinct to know something is horribly wrong, but having the wool pulled over her eyes nonetheless, of the horrific misplaced guilt that comes from her inevitably learning what has happened in the future, of her wondering how she could have stopped it despite only being 13. Of being used as a threat against someone else, and being just like Spider in the same breath, of having your love used as a threat against you. Forcing, bending, curbing, god-like; Jake becomes larger than life, and Daddy larger than that.
It's a story like any other-- and I am fortunate to be able to share these words with people such as you, to hear what spoke to you, to know you want more, and I thank you deeply for these kind words ❤️
(And of course the gun is definitely a Chekov's Gun hanging in the air, and there's Parker, and Kiri, and Spider's half-confession putting red flags and doubt in Norm and Max's head alike, there's all that is to follow with every horror imaginable-- and if I ever nail down a solid plot for a sequel, I will definitely return!)
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rrasado · 3 years
Kinda random but what if MC/Yuu was one of Mother Miranda's children?
How would the first years react to MC not wanting to go home because of WTF is going in their world?
(i'm talking about Resident Evil 8 if you don't know who Mother Miranda is!)
Mother Loves You
First and foremost I’m with the first years here- nANI DAFU- second of all, I apologize in advance if I misinterpret the request since I don't watch nor play Resident Evil but the franchise is pretty cool in terms of art! So shall we see what it's like being a child of the catalyst of disaster in your world?
Tw: mentions of rebirth revival and world rune
When you're a child of Mother Miranda:
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You've been around for a while so it's both confusing and understandable to him when he saw your initial reaction to Crowley’s ginger confession of finally finding a way back home to your world.
Like hey you and him have been together the longest out of the gang in terms of knowing each other so- wait can you repeat that for him?
you don't want to go back to you world because it's already in a state of severe rune ravaged by mutations deceases and monsters? yeah understandable- YourMotherIsWHaT?!-
Trust me when I say he'll attempt to scoff and shrug it off like hey you two joke around all the time how is this any different- but he admits deep down that the expression on your face when you finally reveal the details is just, proving to ace how much he actually doesn't know about you.
"H-hey! If that's the damned case then don't go! What type of dumbass goes back to a hell hole willingly?"
Suffice it to say, the red head would absentmindedly be more mindful with what he jokes around you, especially relating to concepts of rebirth and revival, he's cruel but not heartless.
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It came across as off when you frantically shook your head in rejection of the headmaster's offer to personally escort you to the mirror chamber, he knew you made yourself home here but wouldn't you wanna go back to your true home?-
...Oh, OH- those few spurts of "Ruined" and "life crazed mother" garnered him to rethink his thoughts on your reaction, maybe even instinctively hold your shoulders because the way you trembled a bit was so familiar to him.
He may have been naïve with many things but he's pretty sure those words you said aren't what you'd associate with well- home sweet home.
So when he sat you down on a bench to ease your nervousness he didn't expect hearing the words revival and sacrifice in your sharing of your not exaggeratingly tragic backstory- wait does that mean you're a century old already?-
"Y...you don’t have to tell me anything right now...hey, wanna go grab something with ace and head to Heartslabyul?"
He takes the distraction approach but when the time comes you slowly explain everything? Let's just say he's already helping you with making settlements in Twisted Wonderland.
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It happened fast, one minute you and jack were on your merry way to PE class the next thing you knew he was carefully leading you somewhere that isn't near the mirror chambers
Recap, deadbeat bird principal jumped you two looking like a child in a candy store because he finally by the great seven's graces found a way back to your home.
Like Deuce he found it odd how you froze up in numbness rather than jittering in excitement, you've been here in twst long enough why dealing with mishaps and overblots so why-
you gingerly tell him along the way, and hand to the great seven he honestly didn't know whether to believe you at first or get annoyed for telling such level of theatrical like history, but your current state snapped him out of his mental debate deeming it that this was no theatrics but rather your reality which you were damned with.
"I've got you- I've got you here alright? those things won't reach you here..."
The urge to protect you grew ever since, and he'd personally silence those who dare convince you to go home without knowing any better- of course he won't reveal why since its not his place but he'll sure as hell shut them up.
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Epel unlike the others, found your refusal to go home as good news, you two can hang out more! He'll never admit it but things would be less lively without you-
Wait... you refused so why..do you look so distant? It took a bit of courage shamelessness from his end to ask because he knows how it feels to be asked about things you don't wanna speak of but he's worried-
...What-. The moment you even as so hint your true situation to him the pomefiore first year's joy relinquishes into horror, probably even have to grip the side of his seat.
But the way you told your lineage your story your world, just how much- no how long have you been keeping all this in?! How...are you sa calm?
"Y-yer not joking eh'...hey but really a-are ye..good?"
The context of the question dawned on him, you literally just explained your century conniving mother and he asks you- t-that's not what he meant! but in the end he'll make sure to give you the greatest friendship he can offer so you can forget that gorey past of yours!
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Actually, it was sebek who personally escorted you to the headmaster's office when a staff said Crowley requested your presence.
The half fae decided to tag along under the excuse of keeping the young master's friend safe but really he was kinda curious what the headmaster needed from you in the middle of class.
The moment Crowely announced the news the boy immediately beams a victorious grin, the milestone of a comrade is something to share right- human ..why are you stumbling!...?
You personally ushered yourselves out of the office which to-sebek found it disrespectful but what you tell next had him rethink many things especially regarding you. Heck, what you described was probably equal to the stories Lilia would tell first hand!
"H-...Human we should go, tardiness is not acceptable!"
But really he wanted to seek Lilia's guidance right away, which ultimately ended with him not so subtly changing his behavior with you I.E. how he refers to you since you aren't 100 percent human to his understanding but, he's willing to observe to the best of his abilities.
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 3 years
Who live next door? : Dragon next door (KSJ)
Author note : Finally, I’m back you guys. My uni decide to move my final exams schedule for the third time. Anyway, hope you enjoy my first os after break. 
Shout out : The plot belongs to Hybrid Prompts @Ungnyeo in wattpad. (I think you also have your blog here, but I forgot. Sorry.)
Summary : Your ancestor was a well known dragon hunter. However, now is 21st century and you decided not to continue training. You moved out from your hometown and started a new life in a city. What you didn’t expect was your handsome neighbor/love at first sight will turn out to be a dragon. Not to mention that he is a sassy one.
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Author pov.
“Be safe, dear.”
“Don’t forget to visit us, y/n.” Those were the last sentence from your parents before you left the house. Inhaling the fresh air for the last time and mumbling a goodbye for the last time, you jumped onto the bus.
You tried to calm your nervous self down by plugin the earphone into your ear and listen to music. Gazing out the window, you sighed. Many thoughts ran in your head.
Is your decision correct?
Will you have friends there?
Will your neighbor like you?
Train of thought lost you from reality. You didn’t realize yourself until a voice calling you.
“Miss, can I sit here?” You just nodded and moved a little for that someone to take a seat.
“You seem nervous. Perhaps, are you from out of the city?” Now you looked up and find a guy sat beside you. The beauty of his face made you quickly looked down and flushed. What a handsome guy.
“Did I startle you? I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s..I...nervous.” Your stutter made him chuckle.
He seemed to use lots of effort to strike a conversation with you. However, thanks to your stutter, it made things awkward. Still, he continued talking to you and ensured that you were doing great.
“And here we are, our stop.” 
“Oh, I forgot to mention it. Your address is next to mine.” He scratched his nape and glanced at your house. He then jogged toward his house and turned around.
“Welcome, new neighbor.” Giving you the last wave, he entered his house.
There my heart, shaking as if it wanted to come out. You think you have a crush on him.
A week later everything seemed to be good. You found a job at a local bookstore. The owner was so kind and gave you the job without any interview. Saying that it isn’t common for someone in the town to want a job here.
“Namjoon-ah where should I put this box?” You stood still at your spot. Waiting for the boy to give you an order. 
“Oh over here.” He ran toward you and picked the box out of your grip. 
This boy was the grandchild of the owner. He was as sweet as his grandpa. Having you as the employee, he didn’t let you work much. All you need to do was the cashier work. He became your friend here in no time besides.
Your neighbor, Seokjin, which you got to know his name three days after your first encounter, was great. He was really helpful and always walked with you downtown.
Despite his warmhearted persona and stunning face, you noticed some odd things about him. First, he always wore a beanie or a hat when he hanged out with you. Secondly, no matter how hot the weather was, he would always wear a jacket or some days layer it all. 
Finally, his body temperature seemed to be warmer than usual. You once joked around with him and clung around his arm. However, you felt hot so you suddenly ask whether he has a cold or not. He said that it was normal.
Another week later you guys plan to have a movie marathon and sleepover. Honestly, you tried to convince yourself to act normal and not to imagine that this was an indirect date. 
Ring... Ring...
“Oh you ar...rive” You glanced at pillows in his embrace. You didn’t mean to look as if you were judging him. Counting the number, he carried 4 pillows from his house.
“You don’t need to carry them here since I have mine.” Now Jin was panic. He forgot that you didn’t know his secret yet and it was the reason behind his weird act.
“Ummm I just don’t want to use your belong that much since I always see you do laundry 3-4 times a week.” 
‘Wow, he notices?’ You impressed and got distracted a bit.
“Can I go in?”
“Oh sure.”
Watching a movie wouldn’t be fun if there was no Jin. He could turn every serious moment into jokes, even if it was a scene in a horror movie. Both of you now cuddled on the sofa. The pillow he brought become useful since they all fluffy. It made the place fluffier and more comfortable.
“Tired?” Jin asked. Notice your body that busied cuddling with him and wiggled in his embrace to get sleep. Your eyes were half open and seemed to not focus on the screen anymore.
“hmmm,” You only hummed with a nod.
“Good night then, blossom.” He bent down and kissed your forehead to you who already drifted to dreamland.
Next morning
You woke up because you heard a growl and mumbled of someone. The realization then hit you. Looking around. you were in Jin’s embrace. All the growl and mumbled sounds came from him. 
“Mine...” Your eyes widen when you got to hear those sounds. Every question started answering on its own in your head. Connecting all dots, you got the final answer.
He is a dragon.
“No!” You got out of his embrace by pushing him. Seokjin was awake and looked at you with eyes full of confusion.
“What happen blossom? Did I do something wrong?” He asked with a sleepy voice.
“You...you are a dragon.” Now he was fully awake from his beauty sleep. All of sudden he felt his heartbeat drop.
“Uhhh I can explain i-”
“You tried to fool me, did you?”
“No, I di-”
“I am very disappointed in you, Kim Seokjin. I thought we were a friend and it turns out you fool me. Perhaps, you want to kill me? Why yo-”
“Stop! If you are going to accuse me then stop. Ok, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I trust you, y/n, but I also know you were a hunter. What do you expect me to when I meet you the first time and find out that my mate is also the dragon hunter?”
Now it was your turn to be shocked. First, you fired your anger toward him. Second, you accused him without thinking straight. Now, knowing a piece of new info that you were his mate.
“Seokjin, I a-”
“Save it, I know this will happen. Sorry for bothering you all this time and I won’t do it again. Have a good day.”
And he left.
2 weeks later
“Namjoon I fuck up.” 
“For the hundred of time, when will you stop saying this to me? I suggest you go to his house and apologize to him.”
“No, it isn’t that easy. You know I...” You told Namjoon the full story without missing any detail. You trusted him when it comes to advise.
“Now I know. I’m not surprised that hyung feels upset. I will all feel upset if that happens to me as well. We only have one mate in a life time s-”
“Wait right there, what do you mean we?” Namjoon then chuckles with your reaction.
“I thought you know about this city.”
“I have no idea.”
“Y/N-ah This is a dragon city. Most people here aren’t just human. The ones who look like normal humans are mostly not human either. You are one of a few citizens here that are pure human.”
Namjoon then explained more about the town and promised to bring you and meet his friends. 
“Now go to him and apologize to your man.”
Ring... Ring...
“Who dares to interrupt my bea- huh?”
“Is Jin here?” You asked the guy who opens the door. You assumed that this must be one of his friends. He nodded and let you inside.
“Upstairs, turn right.” You bowed as a thank you before went to the room according to the direction.
You gathered all your courage together and knocked on the door. Waiting there for a while, there was no answer. You dropped all the manner and entered Seokjin’s room.
“Yoongi, I swear I’m not hu- oh it’s you. What brings a little missy here?”
“Jin, we need to talk.” You spoke and tried to be calm.
“And what do you want to talk about? How I will kill you? How you will kill me?”
“No Jin it is no-”
“So what is it then? I didn’t pay for the grocery bill last time that we hang out? Oh no, I brought some of my food too. Let me think again. I parked the car too close to your entrance?”
“Jin stop, I come here to apologize, ok? I fucked it up, yes. I will admit that. I just want to correct things between us. I know I said those words and you are upset. I want to apologize for that. I didn’t know why I got so angry when I found out you were a dragon. I shouldn’t do that. Hell, I should be happy because I am your mate and you are my crush from the first day I arrived here. You might not forgive me and that’s fine. At least, remember that I am sorry for everything.”
Jin froze in his place. He didn’t know how to act, what to say, or even what is his feeling right now. He felt the guilt eating him because of his attitude toward you minutes ago yet his heart full of delight when he heard that he was your crush.
The moment of silence made you upset little by little. His face showed no emotion. You assumed that you were too late.
“I’ll go now and sorry again.”
The moment you opened the door, it closed immediately. The door slammed shut and then your body toward it. Jin towered your body and stared deep into your eyes. You felt like he was searching for your soul.
“I love you blossom.”
“I...” You didn’t get the chance to reply when his lips connected with yours. The kiss was heat and rough yet passionate. He continued to savor the sweet taste of your lips without caring that you were now out of breathing. 
Your hand tried to push his check as a signal. His lips left yours with a string of saliva. Your face was flushed. Your heartbeat echoed in the room. Jin then grinned widely before carried you to his bed.
“Wh..what are you doing?”
“Cuddle.” He answered and placed you on the mattress. Kissing your forehead, he wrapped his arm tightly around your figure. Making you feel secure.
“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow then”
“Hmmm just sleep for now blossom, I’m tired. Besides, you have your whole life with me anyway.”
“Nah, you didn’t ask me out yet, Seokjin.”
“Very well, then be mine?” You turned around and faced him. You decided to tease him a little by peck him before answered.
“I’m yours.”
“Bold and eager are you?” He flipped then hovered you. 
Guess what? No nap time for both of you.
Author note 2.0 : I hope you enjoy this one. I’ll see you next story(not sure whether it’s going to be in this series, but will write something soon). Thanks a lot and take care of yourself.
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 01.12.20 lb
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ishani like this grubby-pawed bitch took control of the whole place the second you were gone, but dadi’s like okkkkkkk hold your horses, that’s not the whole truth. she did what she was supposed to. what you would have done if you were here.
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V looking left-right like he’s watching a tennis match, listening to the devil and angel on his shoulders lol.
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hein???? maut ke 40th day? i thought he said 16 days in the last ep???? 16 days for the ghaav to fill and what not in that convo kabir and him had....... HOW LONG HAVE Y’ALL BEEN STANDING HERE HAVING THIS SCENE???????????????
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anyway, bhai is really calling her out for getting all ready to become suhaagan again not 40 days after he went missing. body tak nahi mili thi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dadi again coming to her defense again. thank god. warna madam toh mooh nahi kholti, aur khadi khadi beizzati sehti rehti, from a dude who as far as she knows isn’t even her real husband.
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shoulder devil is back to add some more mirch masala to story.
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lol kabir’s bhaiyya waale feelings for ishani are long-dead and gone. he’s like “isse chhodke bohut badi galti kardi. current mein jhulas ke marr gayi hoti toh aaj itna mooh nahi phaadti” hahahahahahaha. little sisters, huh, kabir???? a real pain, amirite?????
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riddhima is very happy to hear ishani proclaim from danke ki chottttt pe ki meraaaaa vansh bhaiiiiiii, iss ghar ka asli haqqdaaar waapas aa gaya hai!!!!!
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lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo chachi is like oh god ishani agli class humari lagayegiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. LORDDDDDD I WISH.
but nope, she’s on her fave topic “we hate riddhima” so she’s gonna be on this soapbox for a while now.
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ishani said riddhima has a “sharp brain” and lmao ok. yeah sure, her brain as sharp as a fucking bowling ball. i’ve seen pillows and goldfish bowls that are sharper than riddhima’s fucking brain. she’s a member of the rare and exclusive smooth brain club. no thoughts, this bitch empty, yeeeeeeeeeeeet.
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ishani continues to bitch bitch bitch and V ka paara bad raha haiiiiii. death glare getting more and more intense.
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oh dang!!!!!!!!!!!
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the bloodlust in riddhima’s eyes is a biggggggg mood, lol. i too would like to see these two fight again. preferably shirtless. 
damnit kabir decided to be the bigger man and throw the stick back into the havan kund.
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blah blah he’s like sautela hi sahi, you’re still my brother. i don’t want you to misunderstand me. i left no stone unturned looking for your body. and i was gonna leave the city. but riddhima thought i should take on the responsibilities of this house.
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riddhima and V’s reactions to this bs, lmao.
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anyway, he’s like now you’re back, it’s best i leave. i’m going to take something that’s precious to me, it’s my right.
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lol pls. he’d murder this Mummy in a fucking heartbeat for a hissa of this riyaasat.
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Mummy like kabir tfffff you doing, this is not our plan!!!!!! aunty, learn to cut your losses. honestly. this is why y’all don’t win.
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manhooson ka reaction.
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“tumhe nahi lagta ki tum mujhse bohut hi keemti cheez cheen ke lee jaa rahe ho???”
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Mummy like yesssssss, my time to shine, time for Mamta Overload Acting.
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lol riddhima and ishani’s reactions, while dadi is closing her eyes in horror at his bad manners.
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“thank you. jo mera hai, woh mera hi rahega.”
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bwahahahahahahahahahahaha ghazabbbbbb beizzati.
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riddhima has never been this turned on in her lifeeeeee.
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V ka baahari face is:
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but his internal face is:
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same as wifey and sis, lol.
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ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dadi’s laying on the emotional blackmail thickkkkkkk ki are you really my vansh, my vansh always kept his relationships close no matter how much tension blah blah. fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk.
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“dushmani bohut nibhaa li. ab rishtey nibhaatey hain.”
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ok fine a hug will do too.
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aslkjdlaskjdlaskjdlaskjdlaksjdlkjasldkjlaskdjlaskjdlsakdlaskldjlas time for kabir to get an angre of his own (mishra?????) coz V is fully threatening to destroyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy him where he stands.
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bwahahahahahaha that sweet as pie smile. butter wouldn’t melt in this mouth.
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riddhima like ugh, ok anyway, time to carry out predetermined maafi kaaryakram.
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lmao she’s telling vihaan ki mere vansh ka dil bohutttttt bada tha, aur woh hota toh mujhe maaf kar deta, and his face hahahahahahahaha:
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‘yeah, not anymore, b. that was before you betrayed me and made me jump off a cliff, all for that chomu ex of yours.’
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hahahahahahahahahahahaha he’s gone off-script. going super duper hard on the dhokaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
omggggggggggggg he’s going into details ki dadi just told you to marry him secure your future, she wouldn’t have expected you to say yes AND THIS IDIOT GIRL IS LIKE HAS VIHAAN BEING WATCHING THE HOUSE FROM BEFORE????????? THE THOUGHT THAT HE’S VANSH STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HASN’T CROSSED HER PEA SIZED BRAIN. HONESTLY I CANNOT WITH HER ANYMORE.
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lol she’s hissing “yeh kyaaaaa naatak laga rakha hai????” par bhai toh apne alag hi trip par hain. character mein ghussnaa isse hi kehte hain, riddhima. good thing daniel day-lewis has already retired, coz this one reallllllly coming for his spot with the intenseeeee method acting.
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dadi is like beta plssssssssssssss, but ishani and chachi are piling on riddhima. love them messy bitches.
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“i want a divorce.”
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even kabir is scandalized at the turn of events!!!!!!!!!!!
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but lmao, ishani’s reaction is best, as usual.
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“jab tak divorce nahi ho jaata, tum outhouse mein rahogi.”
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inke liye toh diwali waapas aa gayi saal mein doosri baar.
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dadi is trying to intervene and lmao ishani is emotionally blackmailing her saying don’t increase bhai ka darddddddd by opposing him this time.
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“kabhi nahi socha tha ki tum aisa kuch karoge. apni maa ki kasam khaayi thi tumne.”
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lmao waise bhi maa toh already marr chuki hai, jhoooti kasam khaane se kaunsa dobara marr jaati?
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trollololololololololol ghar se get outhouse kar diyaaaa (only my fellow mallus gonna get this joke.)
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nanad is here to help. “itna haq toh mera bhi banta haina!”
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elroymeg · 3 years
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the warranty on the engine. You warned me, Varamyr thought, but it was you who showed me Eastwatch too. During his brief acquaintance with Ichmenyev he soon perceived the kind of man he had to deal with, and realized that he must be won in a warm and friendly way, that his heart must be conquered, and that, without that, money would do little with him. Only in his second test, Chase has taken a 5 fer to deny India big runs and then comes back and scores a century to deny India a sniff at the victory. The only thing we would say to her was "are you really allowed to wear that to school?" Grace was unique and one of a kind. Cute ballerina shoes or ankle length boots can be perfect companions when you plan on achieving casual dress look in winters. Grade one: Principal's award Hannah Wagner, Kobe Bosely, Cameron Bratton, and Trenton Middleton; Citizenship Eliza Jackowski, Anthony Pratt, Kara Lashbaugh, Amy Hall, Amy Alderton, Hannah Wagner, Kobe Bosley, Camren Bush, Garrett Bird, Cameron Bratton, Colton Brown, Kirby Butler, Josh Clem, Michelle Marken, Megan Lewis, Michael Spataro and Gracie Twigg. duci alkalmi ruha I just love to dig in the dirt in our backyard. We need to take this season day to day, week to week and game to game. And yet my father was considered j s authentic vans tibetan red true white one of the best of masters. But it's an okay movie, but I wished they made it better.. The room was large and airy, with great beams of dark oak supporting the high ceiling. Nike is trading at forward price to earnings of 22.6 times while the footwear sector is trading at a forward price to earnings of 26.1 times and Under Armour is trading at forward PE of 45.3x. Such horror has seized me, lest I might not hear the first shrill call, that I have often in dreams fancied I heard that llantas 4x4 online unwelcome voice, and have leaped from my couch and walked through the house and out of it before I awoke. Junior Anchor Contests WBIR at 60 More Deals Smoky Mountain Air Show 10 About Town Your Stories HomeGrown Positively Schwall Moments The Voice Legal Lowdown Star Wars Vote Buddy Check 10 Real Men Wear Gowns Holiday Gifts ACM Awards Hometown Spotlight Oscars Grammys 10Pets 30 Years of Dollywood Santa Tracker 10Listens And Finally redirect TD Jakes Ways to Save Thankful Holiday Lights NORAD Santa Tracker Wildfire 10 Rising Hearts Medical Minute Eclipse About Contact Us Meet the Team Programming Guide Advertise With Us Jobs Internships More. And play pool," Rios said. The earth is given form and void and the first day from God's perspective of time, in our universe, has begun.. Many fear that the expanding crack is a sign that Larsen C has begun a long decline that will inevitably end in its total collapse. But I pushed it. Dear Sir: As regards the first query, which relates to the “rights and duties of the slave,” chaussettes bon marché I do not know how extensive a view of this branch of the subject is contemplated. This being the institution, let any one conjecture what its abuses must be; for we are gravely told, by learned clergymen, that they do not feel called upon to interfere with the system, but only with its abuses. Throw in his long strides and it's a lethal combination.. The silver wheelset not only looks lighter, but it also stands out among the hordes of wheels that have copied Mavic's geci de fas dama scurteblack color scheme. Recently allowed the Strategic Engagement Group to provide on dangers of Islam for his employees and officers of the Murfreesboro, Smyrna and La Vergne police departments. Go over to ward three, I'll do your eyelids tomorrow at 10 o'clock'.. Cobb, of Jones County, that two negro-slaves belonging to him, named Ben (commonly known by the name of Ben Fox) and Rigdon, have absented themselves from their said master’s service, and are lurking about in the Counties of Lenoir and Jones, committing acts of felony; these are, in the name of the state, to command the said slaves forthwith to surrender themselves, and turn home to their said master. He then jumped New York City and in fairly short order in the past year landed a sequence of jobs something so many aspire to and so few achieve.. TIME is running out for people to give their views on the proposed changes to flighpaths over Suffolk. "I have had the shriekiest morning of my life," said Dunham, as she arrived on set to shoot the second season of "Girls."
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skvaderarts · 5 years
I need to get this off of my chest because it's been bothering me since I saw Brightburn at the movie theater yesterday.
You know what? I actually liked Brightburn as a whole. It wasn't the most amazing movie I've ever seen, and I won't be purchasing it, but it had some neat twists and was an interesting mixture of a horror film and an antihero film and it told a diffirent kind of story than that of what I normally see in a film. But there is one part of the movie that REALLY pissed me off. Like, it sent me into an irrational boiling rage. I'm not sure if that's a testament to the movie or a fault.
Ok, so let me explain. Spoilers below, of course. I'm on mobile, so I can't seem to put this under a read more. IDK what I'm doing wrong here.
Ok, so the main character, a 12-year-old boy named Brandon has what I won't even dare call a crush on a young girl in his class. For the life of me can't remember her name. After his well-meaning father talks to him about puberty and how he shouldn't be ashamed to act on any sexual urges he has (He probably should have explained the concept of what urges are okay to act on, but I digress) he decides that the nice girl that sits in front of him in class is the objects of his fascinations. This wouldn't be an issue if he didn't have an uncomfortable fixation with the female reproductive system that comes of as really serial killer like and wasn't a superpowered little budding psychopath. He even likes to female murder animals and cut their reproductive systems out.
Ok, so it starts with him sneaking away from his parents while camping to stand in the window if this young girl to watch her very menacingly from her window and use his powers to mess with things in her bedroom, scaring her half to death. She catches him and tells her mom, but she can't prove it. She does, however, become noticeably uncomfortable around him. Fair enough. I would be too.
But this is where shit gets totally awful and makes me sick.
So right after this the PE class at school is doing one of those dumb "catch me" trust exercises that no one should ever make kids do because bullies are a thing and when they push Brandon very hard towards the young girl, she steps out of the way and he hits the ground. The teacher immediately tells her to help him up like this is somehow her problem and not the kid who just basically tossed him. She says she doesn't want to because he scares her and she thinks he's a pervert. She's actually right and clearly very uncomfortable, but I digress.
The teacher, being a total asshole, tells her that is she doesn't help him up, he will fail her for the whole class which forces her to have to touch him. As a result, Brandon gets pissed off at what he interpreted as her rejecting him (like he's not literally stalking her) and he grabs her had and squeezes it so hard that he shatters basically bone in her entire hand and probably her wrist while the teacher just tells him to stop and doesn't step in to stop this despite it taking him a good 10-15 seconds for this to happen and him being about two feet away.
Her arm literally folds in on its self and basically explodes.
Naturally, the parents get called, the mother of the young girl is more than a little pissed, and says she wants to press charges against him for basically disabling her child and the police officer present says "well that's not your choice." The school then suspends him for TWO DAYS and makes him talk to a counselor who happens to be his aunt (that isn't unbiased at all) while the parents take him home and don't punish him in any way for his brutal behavior towards this young girl. They don't even say sorry to her mother or offer to pay for her care. Nothing. They even get mad at the mom for talking badly to them about Brandon and tell her that she's an awful person for feeling that way about a child.
To be honest, Brandon's mom is the main issue. The dad is pretty sensible.
He then shows up at the girl's house where she is laying in bed with her hand wrapped up and she's unable to do anything to defend herself and scares her half to death. He does this just to tell her that he plans to "take care" of her mother and then he will be back for her after she begs him to just leave her alone because she is scared of him after what he did to her. After he leaves her crying in fear, he goes to her mother's job, kidnaps her, and brutally murders her, leaving her dead body in his family's barn with her reproductive system cut out. We never see or hear from her again after that.
OK WTF Brightburn?!
There are so many things wrong with this and I won't insult your intelligence by elaborating on it too much. Why is she threatened with a worse punishment for not helping him up than he gets for crushing her whole lower arm? Why isn't it within the power of her family to press charges? Why is this kid so damn predatory towards this poor little girl? Is this how he handles rejection? At several points during the film, I would have been sure he was going to sexually assault this little girl if they weren't in middle school and that would have been too inappropriate to depict in a film. I know we're not supposed to like him by the end of the film, but the things he does to that little girl and the way that every adult handles the situation pisses me off to a degree that is probably unhealthy.
He literally murders hundreds of people by the end of the movie, but this was the only part of this "horror" film that actually scared me. The idea that this little 11 year old girl gets assaulted after being preyed on and is powerless against her attacker because basically everyone is working in her attacker's favor despite even his therapist noting that he shows absolutely no remorse for his actions and thinks of her as less than him (He says and I quote "Sometimes bad things happen to people for good reasons" when asked if he is sorry he feels bad about hurting her) is so goddamn awful that I can't even put it into words. And what he does to her mother is just so damn depraved and needless that it makes you wonder how a 12-year-old could ever do something so awful. I just can't.
The kid who plays Brandon is a great actor though.
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vandorens-archive · 5 years
ten questions tag | i was tagged by: @mshelleys, @emdrabbles, @pe-ersona, @evergrcen and @septemberliterature. thank you so much, and i’m so sorry i’m getting to this so late!
everything is under the cut!
i. if you could change the genre of one of your wips, what would you change it to and how would the story/characters change?
So, trahison already features a ghost and a brief stay at a manor. have i considered turning it into a full fledged horror because of that? perhaps.
ii. do you think of your characters as actors playing a part in a movie or as people in history actually doing things that effect the future?
i think of them as actors playing in one long, crazy, unpredictable play. 
iii. role swap your protagonist and antagonist but keep their personalities the same; how different would your story be?
honestly, not different at all, because when it comes to it, the subject of trahison’s antagonist (s) is pretty complex. 
iv. are any of your characters based on you, family, friends, or someone else you know?
oh, absolutely. my characters range between self inserts, to characters i wish i was more like, to characters that are essentially walking, talking, breathing love letters to the people i care about.  
v. how long have you had your main protagonist(s) of your wip(s)?
I’ve been working with marin, nate and ruby for years, long before they were even called that and were a part of a dystopian crime novel (don’t ask). antoine joined them soon after, followed a while later by beth and isadora, and miles was invented during the plotting stage. 
vi. do you prefer to write chronologically or just make a bunch of scenes and order them after they’re written?
it depends on what i’m working on and how serious i am about it, but if we’re only talking about trahison, then chronologically!
vii. imagine the problem in your wip is sorted out, how would the protagonist recount the story to their children if they asked?
with a far away look in his eyes and an uncharacteristic fondness in his voice, marin would turn to his children, and tell them how extraordinary his friends were during his university years—their zeal, their inquisitiveness, and conveniently leaving out the uncomfortable loyalty they all had towards each other, until time and life’s commands separated them. 
viii. favorite (non-spoilery) line(s) of your current wip(s)?
This small bit of description, albeit a little purple prose-y, is one that i’m very, very proud of.
“ The morning rain had made its grave in the dirt, the bittersweet smell—like exotic black tea—rising into the air. It was the night pluviophiles came to dance. If I think hard, I can still taste the ghost of the raindrops on my tongue and sense Beth’s radiating warmth beside me; its own ghost ” - trahison, chapter three
ix. if your wip was a movie, could you see it be done in the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, or 2010s? why that decade in particular?
so, fun fact, i hadn’t decided when to set trahison (see: the big question mark in my plotting notebook) but i have recently made up my mind and decided to set it in the seventies! if it was a film, then i could see it being made in seventies france! very a la the dreamers.
x. are you able to just make up a story on the spot, or do you need help (plot generators or other outside influences)?
sometimes i’ll take the help of prompts or media, but otherwise i just come up with things on my own!
i. what do the names of your main characters mean? did you pick them for the meaning or another reason?
i picked the trahison characters’ names based on two things: how much it related to the character’s backstory or personality, and how pleasing it sounded out loud. here are the meanings of their names:
marin — of the sea
ruby — deep red; precious stone; behold a son
elizabeth — god is my oath
nathaniel — gift from god
antoine — priceless one; beyond praise
isadora — gift of Isis
ii. what book are you currently reading?
I’m currently reading the time machine by h.g wells!
iii. last sentence written?
“ When the end of the world comes — I’ll film it ” — copycat, or the one where i predict the future. 
iv. who are some of your faceclaims?
i usually don’t use faceclaims, but if i had to choose:
marin van doren (trahison) — timor simakov
eloi hill (psychophantia) — maxence danet fauvel
cass parker (penny lane) — monica tomas
v. gimme some worldbuilding facts!!
alright, here’s one: in the world of psychophantia, not only is the magic system and your powers controlled by your morals, but so is your social ranking, your education, and any future you may have—to an extent. 
vi. do you outline? if so, do you have a specific method?
i’m a plotter and only really work well with a solid outline, however, my outlines range from a series of messy, incoherent bullet points to meticulous scene-by-scene planning based around the three act structure. this post is my go to for plotting assistance! 
vii. favourite author?
Like every tumblr user ever, i love donna tartt and maggie stiefvater, but i’m also a huge fan of f.scott fitzgerald, agatha christie and vera caspary!
viii. what is your oldest wip?
trahison! It went through many, many changes — from changes in genre to changes in character names, and there’s still a possibility that it could change even further. 
ix. what is your favourite wip?
every wip i reblog under my #others. tag! You all are so damn talented!
x. where do you get your inspiration from?
everywhere around me! from conversations i have with people, from films and books i consume, from the music on the radio — i like that anything and everything can inspire me to create.
i. in one sentence, explain your current wip!
a group of secretive students attempt to become immortal, only to uncover the worst parts of themselves — and each other — as they do. 
ii. was writing your main interest or did you have other interests?
although writing is my main interest (see: my social media bio on every platform ever), i also like to journal, sew, cook and make videos! my interests usually do have to do with the intention of creation. 
iii. what’s your favorite genre to write? to read?
I love writing horror and mysteries. those are my favourite genres, but i also love reading a good contemporary romance!
iv. what is one goal you have for your wip this year? how’s that goal going?
to finish the first draft! so far, not so bad, though i do wish i could write more, but unfortunately, time constraints plus school restrict me from doing so. 
v. how old is your wip? or when did you start writing your wip?
trahison is nearly three years old, but i only started writing the current version of it a year ago. 
vii. what scene made you cry or laugh or both?
these lines made me laugh out loud the first time i wrote them:
“ Up the stairs stumbled Miles, my slovenly genius roommate. He grinned at the giggles and winked at the exasperated stares. 
The gall of him! 
I wanted to be him. 
He managed to find his balance enough to reach our dorm. I immediately stepped back to let him in, and to make sure I was in no association with his uncomposed state. Nate gave a disapproving look at his back as he staggered in. 
I took another step back, raised a pointed eyebrow, and closed the door ” — trahison, chapter three
vii. how many ocs does your wip have? who’s your favourite?
my main wip, trahison, has six main characters. out of the main six, my favourite has to be nathaniel. he is very much the epitome of pure, and sometimes i wonder how he ended up in the middle of such a dark plot. 
vii. you have a brand new idea for a wip, what do you do? 
brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm. scribble down whatever the hell pops up in my brain, attempt to link it together by a thin string of yarn, cross my fingers and hope for the best.
ix. you are having your first book-signing, where are you?
i’m in a small bookstore, nestled in a corner near the storage room. almost no one knows about this town, so the line is small but chatty, fans exchanging theories and analysing certain paragraphs. the sight of them makes me feel warm inside. 
x. you have the ability to live in any book, publishing or not, what would it be?
would it be too cliche to say the harry potter universe? other than that, other worlds i would love to be a part of is the world in my novel penny lane, or in midst of a detective story.
@evergrcen / @septemberliterature
i. how did you come up with your wip’s title? what does it mean in relation to the story?
okay, so i discovered the word ‘trahison’ after hearing my french teacher say it, and immediately knew i had to use it for something. ‘trahison’ means betrayal or treason in french, which is one of the main themes in the novel. 
ii. do you title your chapters? if so, what’s your favourite?
I don’t, but I would love to!!
iii. what’s a recent line you really like?
Not a very dramatic or noteworthy line, but here’s one from a poem i’m writing:
“ So the two of you get in the car, proceeding to have an argument with the radio ” — examples of easy solutions, or the one where the internet has no answers. 
iv. are there any writing-related quotes you really like?
“i think a lot of art is trying to make someone love you” — keaton henson
v. do you have an idea for a cover design for your story?
A black background with serif text, that’s it. It’s simple. It’s mysterious. It’s the type of vibe I want to exude. 
vi. what sort of au can you imagine your story being?
...dark academia au anyone?
just kidding. in all seriousness, though, i can see a royalty/political au for trahison, or a medieval fantasy au!
vii. which oc would be the most angry with you as the writer?
eloi. i really need to give that poor boy a break. 
viii. if you had to tell the story from a different pov, which character would you choose?
ruby! she’s the token enigma of trahison, so i think her point of view would be very interesting to see. 
ix. what would be your oc’s taste in music if they lived in our world?
OKAY let’s see:
marin — classic rock, so the who, queen, def leppard.etc
ruby — that one person who you’re pretty sure only listens to classical music, but is actually very attuned to modern day music. she would mostly listen to female singer-songwriters, so take lorde, marina, lana del rey, and other such artists. 
beth — take one look at her playlist, and you’ll see that ninety five percent of it is mitski, while the other five percent is bedroom pop. she would like very tender, calm, cry to in bed music. 
Antoine — same as marin, but add other modern day music artists with eclectic sounds, such as twenty one pilots, arctic monkeys, that sort of thing.
nathaniel — classical music, instrumentals, and film soundtracks make up his playlist. if it has sung words, he won’t listen to it. has little to no understanding of modern day music and is too scared to find out more about it.
isadora — 2000’s diva pop plays in the background of her life. rihanna is her go to whenever she gets to control the party. Don’t be surprised if ‘rich girl’ by gwen stefani starts playing in your head at the sight of her. 
x. what’s one personal goal you want to achieve by the end of the story?
finishing it with pride!
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oneemofungirl · 5 years
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~Chan’s Top 5 Lies~
So~I recently answered an ask and in one of the answers I wrote that I have a lot of stories of me faking stuff and thank you @virtuallytakenby for being curious about it. Feel free to pause and come back to it because I know this is long af XD Also remember that I don’t do these anymore, lying for your own benefit is bad! and I do not condone lying! So please do not follow my behavior but anyways I hope you find some entertainment in these stories. <3
LIE #1 I Have A Punctured Heart💘
- Probably the biggest thing I’ve faked is telling people that I have a punctured heart. I remember when I was in fifth grade I used to get chest pain a lot and for some reason it led me to believe that I had some sort of heart disease(lol). One day, I guess I was reaaaally deprived of attention that I began telling people stuff like “Hey, I have a heart disease.” and I remember everyone being like “Omygosh really? No wonder I always see you clutching at your chest and having difficulty breathing.”. But the truth was that I had planned all of that beforehand, making sure to fake having difficulty in breathing every half an hour at school. Then when I went into high school, I was reaaally lazy and I hated PE so I continued the lie and I was exempt from literally all the running competitions I used to participate in. Now I do participate in PE and I make sure to get active every now and then.
LIE #2 I Have A Rich Fiancé💍
- Okay. This one is stupid, no joke. Also in fifth grade, everyone had boyfriends and girlfriends and I felt really left out. So I made up this elaborate story that my mom had a friend who was really rich and really liked me so she wanted me to marry her son so we were in an arranged marriage or some shit. And omfg as a kid I was so dumb that I fabricated sooo many text messages in WhatsApp of us. My dumbass even faked being cheated on by him not once! But three frikin times! I used my cousin’s photo as my fake fiance and bought a few stuff to show people and tell them that my ‘fiance’ bought them for me. I continued this lie until my first year in high school. I even frikin told my real boyfriend that I was cheated on. Everyone believed me, and I still feel really bad. So please guys even if y’all don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend, don’t be going around lying and stuff, it really doesn’t even help one bit. If anything it makes being single even worse!
LIE #3 My Lesson Is Over 🎸
- I was a little devil omg. For this one, I was in fourth grade(crazy I know) and I had guitar lessons. But back then I hated playing the guitar(so stupid i know) and I really didn’t want to go to my classes anymore. So, what I did was flip this round clock I had in my living room(it had roman numbers so I could flip it and people wouldn’t know it was flipped). My dad was supposed to leave to work about a half an hour after my class, so I flipped it to show that my dad was late and he noticed and told my mom about it. My dad went to work and I stayed home because they thought I missed my lesson lmao. I ended up telling my mom I didn’t want to have guitar lessons anymore and stopped but my mom still had to pay for that day’s class even if I didn’t attend and I’m pretty sure my teacher was waiting for me because I didn’t leave a notice earlier. My lesson from this is that you guys should tell the truth if you don’t want something, lying only affects you and others.
LIE #4 My Friends Don’t Want To Watch This 📽
- For this one, I think I was in second year of high school. This one isn’t that extreme but I still faked it really well. I was out hanging out with one of my old friends and we wanted to see this horror movie together. But~ turns out that it was only for 18 & above so the ticket seller recommended another movie for us and I think we were both dazed or something so we agreed. Of course after that we regretted buying the tickets because they were so expensive.The tickets were non-refundable so we proceeded to make up a story and tell the ticket seller that we would be coming back at night to watch another movie with a few other friends. It took some convincing and at one point the manager actually came and got involved lol. In the end we got the tickets refunded and spent it on our equally as expensive lunch. But of course the lesson from this is please listen to what people are telling you, even more so when someone is trying to sell something to you. You might not even realize you spent your money until you regret it.
- This one isn��t that bad because everyone had a laugh after this XD. This one is more recent(actually happened 4 days ago lol). I was in Melaka for a busking event(I sang but no one cares) and I had to share rooms with 6 other girls. Honestly was the first time I had a sleepover with other strangers. We bonded that night and stayed up super late. I had an idea at first, it was to scare them and tell them that ghosts would roam at 3:00AM(Bloody Mary lol). They got scared but didn’t sleep when it was 3:00AM. So naturally, as the evil person I am, I felt daring enough to scare them with a few ghosts stories(some of them were real tho) and I went in and out of our room and made it feel like there were ghostly things happening (At one point I actually saw a light flashing but we’re here to talk bout lies, my people). Then one thing led to another and I had this funny idea to scare them further. I told them that I could get possessed and that something was making me feel daring enough to expose them to ghosts. One of them was a kid, and she brought like amulets? with her, and she made me wear two of them. I scared them so much that we ended up sleeping late past 4:00AM. Don’t regret it though because we had so much fun XD and don’t worry I didn’t really spook them to the point where they’d be scarred for life, making sure to keep it fun.
Whoo! This was fun another post of me oversharing lmao hope you guys learnt something from this. For the record I'm not proud of any of these maybe the last one Anyways~ if you guys wanna do something like this too go ahead! I'm honestly intrigued to hear some of your crazy stories~ That's it for this though XD babaiiii 👋👋👋
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geek-gem · 5 years
Basically made this on DeviantArt first and my friend @whovian45810 told me of the extras thing and it's on here. Pretty long post, just a warning and some what of a review and reaction whatever in a way.
Pasted it and adjusted it. My honest thoughts on the film.
Well after long while of anticipation I finally saw Brightburn.
I didn't make this immediately because walked over here to this McDonald that's near my theater or theatre whatever. Especially was texting some friends and the internet wasn't up or something.
I'll just get it over with but I thought it was excellent. I liked the film but I feel like my anticipation might of got me a bit. Yet not in a very negative way. Yet I feel my friend Whovian told me about when she saw the movie last night.
I don't wanna make this very long but I wanna say some stuff. Again I liked it, but I feel after watching the trailers a lot and I guess yeah theorising about the film might of actually got me to see how the movie goes.
Yet I was pleasantly surprised still. Mainly by some directions they took with the film. But I'll be honest while my legs felt weird(but also because of personal reasons) like out of fear. But I wasn't horrified a lot because I think because of watching the trailers I kind of guessed what happened.
But I appreciate what the film was doing. Especially the promotions using the word, "Bold" as a way to describe the film I agree.
While it is undeniably a horror film. Including there were moments I was shocked by(mostly of how they were played out and other things) some moments where I had my arms almost over my mouth.
I weirdly view this film as some sort of tragedy in a way. Because the way it's played out, it's literally a super villain origin film. But with a horror twist. Especially it being heavily inspired by Superman because it is using Superman as the basis and his origin in a way. But I do view even though I view it as some sort of tragedy. Our main antagonist and in a way protagonist Brandon Breyer what he does in the film is basically unjustified. I think it was the way the film with of how he became what he was that makes me feel sad of how everything went. Because it feels like what happens to Brandon could of been dealt with but like I read on Wikipedia even before the movie came out. It's the Superman origin story but it takes a terrible left turn or something. Someone said that somewhere but it's not quoted by someone.
Especially to me I think what made it work was the cast. I feel the standouts were I hoped were Elizabeth Banks, and David Denman as Tori and Kyle Breyer. They were the strongest of the cast to me. Everyone else did a nice job but I just loved Elizabeth and David with what they were given. Including throughout the movie as things get worse.
But also the other stand out is Jackson A Dunn who appeared in Avengers Endgame as well as Brandon Breyer or the title Brightburn. He does a good job of playing a pre teen kid especially as he turns into the monster the promotions keep seeing.
Again it's what I thought what the movie might be. While it's a horror film yes, but it's weirdly this tragic tale that to me is kind of sad.
In fact I felt like I wanted to cry a bit but it sounds ridiculous. Because again I don't defend what Brandon does in the film. Including I don't wanna compare this to something like Jason Voorhees because they are two completely different characters.
But it feels like the film to me was a horror film mixed with tragedy. I could be stupid or what the hell.
Including to me personally while I don't wanna spoil anything. While Brandon is menacing when he needs to be. It wasn't all Michael Myers as I heard some folks talked about or what I had thought. Again he was great in the role, more emotional than what I was expecting which is good in a weird way.
Let me tell you this. Especially I read from Twitter and a guy's review I retweeted I saw someone mention, "Mortal Kombat style fatalities" or something like that. Yeah their is some gore and the film does not hold back on it.
Including I'm not gonna spoil any deaths or any gruesome stuff. But during the PE school scene, and the trick scene. I heard a guy I think the same guy go, "UGH" or, "OH" I think most likely during those two moments. Because they are just shocking to see how they play out and I wondered as well. Including other scenes it's just shocking.
To me personally because while yes evil Superman has been dealt with in other media. Yes I know in Superman 3 from what I know their is a evil Superman. But I'm talking about a being with Superman like powers doing this stuff in a R rated fashion and it's brutal. So just a warning about that if you plan on seeing it. Because I even thought if I recall they didn't hold back. Especially even said that to the guy on his Twitter review.
Also it felt short I've read someone said that too. Yet the movie did it's job but it didn't reveal everything. Including I feel in some weird way the ending seemed rushed. But it didn't anger me but it was short. Mainly the last part of the last act or whatever.
Now the ending and this is what people were complaining about and hated. Especially I was spoiled in a way by a thumbnail. The ending of the movie before the very ending. In a weird way I expected that final scene to be something like shot by Zack Snyder like it's weirdly beautiful but tragic. Because it's like this moment where Brandon's arc as a antagonist and his transformation as Brightburn is complete in a way.
I think the best way to say the film ends well, grim might be the best word. I've remember the guy from that Twitter review even say it's not for everyone if they can't handle the doom or gloom stuff whatever he said.
But I don't know if I should say depressing. Because it really does leave the idea of, "What happens next" and fits into what I said, it's basically a super villain origin story, it's about Brandon and his arc to become what could be the most terrifying force on the planet. Unless they do more films in the universe of Brightburn because I'll talk about that.
Again basically what Bruce and Lex talked about in BVS. Including like I said the dark reflection of what Clark Kent could of been. Including I'm gonna mention this I'm a guy who loves Man Of Steel and Batman V Superman. It truly is the what Amanda Weller said in Suicide Squad if another Superman came around and wasn't like Clark. Yet I still haven't seen Suicide Squad.
Gonna say again I'm not spoiling anything. I had hoped for a scene where Kyle says shit like, "Stop expecting him to save the world, fighting super villains, or saving cats from trees!" As a call back to Superman in a way or what I thought Tori would think Brandon might become. But the film deals with Brandon's origin in a different way. Because again it still surprised me. Also it would probably make the transformation of Brandon into a super villain even more sad if something like that was said.
Now the well....Whovian told me this...theirs a mid credits scene yes. I stayed for the whole movie after the credits hoping for the scene or an extra one in case, because I'm weird like that.
It's a little spoiler but I don't wanna spoil anything major. The mid credits to me goes quick and if you weren't told about the mid credits scene you wouldn't think it was. I was expecting one after it but their wasn't any.
Yet it does set up some stuff if this franchise is continued. Because to me a little spoiler.
I swear I feel one of the pictures had a little Spider-Man reference to what could be the Brightburn version of what Spider-Man could be like. It was mainly the eyes but I'd rather have you guys see it.
Yet I didn't look fully at the others but it was that one picture that really got my interest. Because I'm wondering if we will get more films like this of, "What if this popular superhero but not the same character instead became a super villain or some killer" while I worry it might get lazy because I think of my ideas. Also the audience might get tired of it. Yet I do wanna see more films like this.
Anyway I should close this up. I wanna mention my theater/theatre wasn't really packed at all. Only a few people but seriously I was in seat G1 funny Transformers reference I thought when I got the seat. But really maybe 10 or 9 just I wasn't sure 8 or 7 or 9 I don't know and wanna be honest with myself
But I'm grateful no kids were in there during the showing. Because hearing stories of kids being taken to films like Deadpool weirdly bothers me. I feel the films promotions really got the message out that this isn't a horror film. But what it's called a super hero horror film. Especially I don't want any kids seeing this film holy shit.
Again I liked the film. It wasn't as amazing as I thought it was. But it was good and I hope to see more like it. I recommend it if you want something different instead of the MCU or other comic book related stuff. Despite the film is mainly it's own original work not really based upon anything but uses Superman as a basis. Or if your a DCEU fan you might like this.
But be warned it's brutal and it doesn't hold back on what it does. It can be scary and tense at times it depends. Just don't get over hyped maybe.
On a more sillier note to end on. If we get a sequel or have a cinematic universe for Brightburn and even before I saw the movie I'm concerned this movie might do well since not many people saw it when I was there. I mean Aladdin came out today too.
But again if we get a cinematic universe and well a sequel, bring on the Brightburn version of Lex Luthor. But most importantly bring the Brighburn version of Doomsday please! I want to see that immortal friendly giant that would take on Brandon aka Brightburn please. But also other Brightburn versions of popular comic book characters so they can fight to the death in a weird way similar to Freddy Vs Jason but with superpowers and other stuff.
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ktaebwi · 7 years
[TRANS] non-no Magazine 2018 Jan Issue - 100 Answers w/ BTS
JPN - KRN © 전정국 DC갤러리, 뷔 DC갤러리, ha_ru_man, BTSR_613 KRN - ENG © ktaebwi
Q1. Your dream job when you were a child? A badminton player when I was in elementary school. After that my parents bought me a computer so I got into gaming and wanted to do a job about gaming. Q2. How did the members celebrate your birthday in 2017? We were all practicing singing and dancing and the lights suddenly went off, then the door was opened and Jimin-san and V-san came in holding a cake. Q3. When do you feel like you have become an adult! I turned 20 in Japanese age in September! But actually I'm still a kid at heart, so truthfully I don't really feel like I have become an adult. Q4. In which moment do you feel like you're still a kid? For example, when I watch and think about a video or an interview. When I read people's comments, I feel like even with the same question, they think from a much bigger point of view than me. That's when I feel like maybe I'm still lacking in depth. Q5. A work that touched you recently? "Love, Rosie". It made me touched because it's a sweet but sad love story. Q6. The kind of song you're planning to compose? Song of styles like future base and chillstep which I enjoy and listen to a lot. Q7. Favorite dessert? The Japanese snack kinako mochi. I like that it melts in my mouth because it's just so fluffy! Also I ate cheesecake before the photoshoot for <non-no>. That one was delicious too♡ Q8. How do you take care of your beautiful voice? I don't pay particular attention to it... Like I just sing with my original voice I've had since I was born... Q9. Any habit? Covering my nose when I yawn. Not mouth but nose somehow. (laughs) And I pull the baby hair on my face unconsciously. I know about these things because fans told me.
Q10. The most exciting song of BTS? The uptempo "Wings". And the original Japanese song "Crystal Snow" which will be released in December! When I first heard it I felt like it matched my current emotion quite well. Q11. If you were to go out on a personal trip with the members? If I have time, I want to travel to Japan. I want to tour around the streets of Tokyo leisurely. Q12. Something you're into the most right now! As always, composing! Q13. A skill that you can say "Actually I'm good at this too"? Are you asking "I can do this too", not "I can't do this"? (laughs) From now on I want to be good at composing, Japanese and learning. I want to speak Japanese a little more fluently! Q14. If you were Santa Claus, what present would you give to each member? For Rap Monster-san, J-hope-san, Jimin-san, V-san, I want to choose clothes that match them well. Maybe composing equipment would be great for Suga-san. And for Jin-san who's raising cute sugar gliders, pet supplies!
Q15. Favorite number? 85. The song 'DNA' we released in Korea in September ranked No.85 on Billboard Hot 100 Chart. From that day on it's my favorite number. Q16. Favorite drink? Lemon lime flavored soft drink. It's a must when I'm eating or taking a break. I can't drink coffee and alcohol well. Q17. Favorite movie genre? Every genre except for horror movie! A movie I enjoyed watching recently is "Midnight Runners". Q18. Something that made you feel the most excited recently? Actually I'm planning to give my parents a car as a surprise present. Just thinking of it gets me excited already. Q19. Saddest song of BTS? The hidden track "Sea" from "Love Yourself 承 'Her'". The lyrics are like the path we walked on, so my heart aches whenever I listen to it. Q20. A photo you took recently? Landscape photos. I like putting my thoughts into my photos. I have been saving all the photos I took until now so hope one day I can show it to you guys in any form. Q21. If you were to become a photographer, what kind of photobook would you want to make? Landscape of course. I would make a photobook of landscape photos with 2 versions, colored and B&W. Personally I like B&W photos but I think color photos have a fascinating power of touching the heart, so hopefully it'll double the delight. Q22. Something you must do for beauty care? I put on facial mask and skin lotion 10 minutes before I sleep every night. For hands I just use hand cream? Q23. How do you get your mood up when you feel down? When I think of 그므시라꼬 (lit: What is it / It's not a big deal), one of the things my father told me before, my mood's recharged! Q24. A person you want to meet right now? The aunt of the protagonist from "The Full-time Wife Escapist". Ishida Yuriko's acting is extremely skilled and charming. Q25. A birthday episode that made you deeply moved? When my family and relatives gathered to celebrate my birthday before I went to elementary school. I'm still keeping the photo we took together that time. Q26. Favorite event during a year? The birthday of my father who's been raising me up. I'm living away from him now so I can't celebrate it properly, but I want to invite him to Seoul one day and throw a big party for him! Q27. Tips for learning Japanese? I tried to remember words or commonly used sentences only before, but now I watch Japanese dramas and movies and if there's any word I don't know, I would pause the video and look up for its meaning. A movie I watched recently is "Drowning Love". Q28. Something the members told you recently that made you happy? "Handsome." This is embarrassing but it makes me happy (laughs)
Q29. The most exciting song of BTS? "Fire". The melody and lyrics bring a nice feeling and can lift the mood up, and many people knew about BTS thanks to this song too. It changed our lives so whenever I hear it, I get heated thinking about that time! Q30. A song you played with guitar recently. My skill's still lacking, but I wanted to play the BGM of a game that I happened to hear on a guitar practicing video so I'm working hard on it right now. Q31. The first image that comes to your mind when it comes to "winter"? I think of the snow-clad area from an RPG game I used to like when I was a kid. Q32. Something you do every day without skipping? Feeding Odeng and Eomuk. Sugar gliders are small and cute! By the way Odeng is "odeng" and Eomuk is "odeng" in Korean♡ Q33. A food you can cook well? Mixed seasoned whelk (whelk salad) and a soup with rice cake (rice cake soup). I made it for the members on New Year's Day and they loved it, they thanked me for making it because they can't go home often. I'm really kind, aren't I? (laughs) Q34. A Japanese food that made you touched? Grilled eel rice, it has dashi stock so it was delicious! Q35. Must-have item in your fridge? Chili pepper paste, ssamjang (dipping sauce for meat), kimchi. I mainly eat meat at home so there must be condiments for meat. Q36. Favorite space in your room? I like the room itself so it's hard to choose one. I feel happy when I play with my pets, play games or just idle around. Q37. The member who you talk to about your worries? I don't have that many worries. I tend to resolve the cause on my own before my thoughts becomes a worry. Q38. In which moment do you think you shine the most? My existence itself is shining so it should be "always", not just "moment"! (laughs) Q39. Memories about '2017 Billboard Music Awards'? When we arrived at the venue in Las Vegas there was a panel that said "Billboard", I and the members went "So this is Billboard" and we were so touched, we couldn't believe it... Q40. A recent private surprise? I gifted Odeng and Eomuk to myself! And we celebrated Jungkook's birthday in September with a surprise event. Q41. A member that you depend on lately? Jimin. When we went on a variety show he left it to me when I spoke, and stepped up when it’s his turn to speak, he was reliable.
Q42. A goal you want to achieve in 2017? Getting closer to Odeng and Eomuk and make them come to me without having to do anything. I’m practicing for them to climb on my arms when I put yogurt on my hand, but not long ago they bit my finger along with the yogurt... I think it’ll take some time. (laughs)
Q43. Favorite season? I like the feeling of winter, since I was born in Busan and there’s not much snow there. When I was around 6, may 7 years old, there was abnormally heavy snow in the winter, the snow scene I saw outside of my window was extremely memorable. I remember playing outside with my family and friends.
Q44. Something you want to have the most right now? Time to travel. To Japan! I heard that Halloween in Japan is really big, I want to disguise myself so that no one would recognize me and join in.
Q45. A subject you were good at at school? PE, Arts, Science, Math. I especially liked ball game in PE.
Q46. Something you pay attention to when you build up your body? I only adjust my meal portion depending on the time. I don’t really work out. Even I myself feel like I’m thin when I put on clothes. So sad... (laughs)
Q47. Favorite street in Korea? Gangnam. It’s the place where I met the members after going to Seoul from another region and also the place where I go for bowling or billiards and play with my friends. Gangnam indeed!
Q48. A fashion item you want to try wearing this winter? I’m planning to go shopping and think about my winter fashion starting from now. I’m looking forward to see if I’ll meet cool coats or cute knitwears.
Q49. What did you do before sleeping yesterday? As soon as I came home and lied down on my bed after coming back from a variety show filming, I fell asleep right away. (laughs)
Q50. What did you dream of last night? I was continuing with the variety show filming in my dream last night. (laughs) If I can choose my dream as how I want, I want to fly to the sky!
Q51. Something that made you laugh the most recently? Jin-san said something lame so I laughed really hard. But since it was too lame, unfortunately I don’t remember what it is. (laughs)
Q52. A hairstyle you want to try? A hairstyle with impact... I don’t know if I suit it or not but maybe like, slicked-back hair!
Q53. If time machine exists? I used to think it would be fun to go back in time and start over, or to secretly go meet myself in the future. But now I don’t want to go anywhere. Because I had determined to not let go of what I saw at the time, live and cherish every moment.
Q54. Favorite words? “Thank you”, just hearing this gives me strength.
Q55. Memories about 2017 Japan arena tour? The tour made me once again feel how fun it is to do concerts! As we headed towards the end of the tour, my gratitude for the members grew stronger and I think this was a valuable chance for me to look back at myself.
Q56. In which moment do you feel like the members are cool? J-hope-san’s dances are really awesome! Especially his performance in “MIC Drop”, one of the songs from our 8th single released in December, so please pay a lot of attention to him.
Q57. If you were to compare yourself to a color? Blue. I liked it since a long time ago and I think it suits me too. And It makes people feel bright and purified so I want to be the color blue.
Q58. When you contact, do you call or text? I don’t really like calling so I don’t call much. I think I only call for 10 minutes a month. I just go simple with texting.
Q59. Do you eat what you like first or do you save it for later? I have never thought when I eat. (laughs) Maybe not right from the beginning but a little later?
Q66. The first song you made? I composed for the first time by self-learning when I was 13, I think it was a hip hop track. Q67. Favorite time of the day? When I fall asleep. I feel at ease and my heart flutters a bit before I climb on my bed to sleep. Q68. How do you refresh yourself when making music? I play computer games, play with my phone or drink my favorite coffee~ Q69. Do you have your own way of drinking coffee? I don't like sweet stuff that much so first of all, I won't put sugar in. And since I like the smell of coffee beans, I go with black, putting nothing extra in. I especially like drinking coffee in my studio. (laughs) Oh and doesn't it feel unusual and fun to drink coffee after brushing your teeth? (laughs) Q70. The hairstyle you like the most among the ones you have tried so far? Speaking of colors, I think... I like black the most... (laughs) I like my natural hair color. Q71. Favorite lyrics in BTS songs? I relate to the "It's okay to lose" part. (in "Fire") Q72. Your own treasure? The equipment for making music in my studio. And the watch I'm wearing right now. It’s what I planned to buy in elementary school, that I would work hard on the music path and buy it later, so I must wear this when I make music to remind myself of my initial mindset. Q73. The most recent time you cried? I don't cry because I'm emotional but.. Uhm.. I yawned 10 minutes ago and the tears came out! (laughs) Q74. If you have a day for yourself in Japan? I want to visit a whiskey distillery! I heard my favorite author, Murakami Haruki, likes whiskey and even wrote a travelogue with the theme of whiskey, so I became interested in it. Q75. In which moment do you feel your friendship with the members? When we gather and play games during the time we have no schedule. I'm not good at games so I like playing with many people. Q76. The member that you feel like is cute lately? Jungkook. I find it cute how he's the youngest but he's slowly becoming an adult. When I first met Jungkook he was in middle school, he used to not be able to organize what he wanted to say during interviews, but seeing how well he answers now feels cool to me.
Q60. BTS song that has the best choreography? “Save Me” and “DNA”. The house steps in “Save Me” dance break is really cool and my sister also said “That dance is the best”. (laughs) For “DNA” I think it’s one of the few perfect choreographies even for BTS.
Q61. What do you pay attention to during a performance? Face expression, the dynamic of the movement. Sticking to details to express the vibe of the song.
Q62. A song that makes you want to dance along? Post Malone ft. 21 Savage’s “Rockstar”.
Q88. A place you want to travel to again? Sapporo, I have been there a few times to perform, but my dream is to one day travel there on a personal trip and go into the hot spring surrounded by the snow scenery!
Q89. How do you spend time while moving? Sometimes I just sleep, sometimes I watch movies, it depends. When I went back and forth between Korean and Japan from May to July,, I wrote songs or lyrics in the plane.
Q90. Must-eat food when you come to Japan? Ramen and meat. And I like grilled eel rice the most!
Q91. Secret to your amazing smile? Hearing that makes me embarrassed. (laughs) Basically the best is to enjoy and be positive. I believe that when we smile we’ll become happier so maybe that shows on my face.
Q92. Favorite shoes at the moment? I like shoes so I bought several pairs of sneakers recently. Among them there were one pair made from several materials and colors, I fell in love with it from first sight!
Q93. Favorite fragrance recently? Fresh scent, I’m currently using mint hand soap.
Q94. A member that you think is cool? RM and V who have special interest for fashion. But the other members also have their own styles so they’re cool as well.
Q95. Favorite sports? Tennis which I played from 4th year to 6th year of elementary school. The reason I started playing tennis was a little bit special... When the teacher stood in front of the class and asked “Anyone who wants to play tennis?”, I happened to be stretching with both arms out. The teacher mistook it as me signing up so I got in. (laughs) I started playing tennis again this summer and it’s refreshing and fun!
Q96. Personal goal in 2018? Releasing the mixtape which I’m preparing. And becoming more skilled at Japanese.
Q97. If you could experience another job for one day? Tennis player. I couldn’t do well even when I practiced in elementary school, so I consider entering the Wimbledon championship is a dream of dream. (laughs)
Q98. A member that you feel like has especially grown up lately? Jungkook’s face has become more evident ever since he turned 20. When I first saw the music video of “DNA” released in Korea, he was so cool that I was shocked!
Q63. A place you have never been to that you want to travel too? I want to go to Kyoto! A friend of mine who traveled to Japan invited me to go there. Q64. Must-have item that you carry along for relaxing purpose when you go overseas? Pilates practice DVD. I watch and stretch before I sleep inside the hotel room.
Q65. Speaking habit? “Actually~. I think I say it to make time for myself to arrange thoughts. It’s like “Ano” (That~) in Japanese?
Q77. A recent trivial worry or doubt? The webtoons are too good that I end up staying up all night with my phone on one hand. And doubts for Jungkook and V! Jungkook changes his hobby every month. V’s selection of words are a little peculiar, it’s amazing. Sometimes he surprises me with his use of new expressions. (laughs)
Q78. A subject you were bad at at school? Math and English. The only subjects I had to go to cram schools for outside class were these two. I slowly got more familiar with English but I didn’t have any progress with Math until the end. (laughs)
Q79. Something personal that made you happy recently? I rode a bike along the Han river on a nice day. I felt very happy enjoying the wind and riding bike.
Q80. Food you eat the most often when eating out? Meat! I mean meat-nim! (laughs) I like meat sliced really thin like it’s shaved and then grilled.
Q81. A Japanese word you learned recently and want to use? 木漏れ日 (sunshine beaming through the trees). I think it’s cool how it’s light from the sun, but i doesn’t shine fiercely but rather friendly.
Q82. Something you want to learn at the moment? Acoustic guitar! Given how it creates raw sound, it’s a straight and honest instrument.
Q83. If you can only bring one thing to a deserted island? V. He's not dependable but... What should I say... If V's there I definitely won't be bored (laughs) And flip-flops (bi-san = beach sandals/flip-flops or V-san, similar pronunciation) are great too, since the sandy beach will be hot.
Q84. A person you respect? My father. I have never seen my father and mother fighting in front of me. When I told them I want to make music, they supported me and told me go for it.
Q85. Birthday memories of 2017? We were invited as guests to the Seoul concert of The Chainsmokers who we collaborated with in the song “Best Of Me”. I was surrounded by people I cherish so it felt like the biggest birthday party in my life?
Q86. The most memorable song of BTS? “Danger” which we released in Korea in 2014. It was when we were desperately trying as group. It has really cool dances so please watch it!
Q87. Something you cherish the most as a leader? Memories with the members. Because we made it through the hardship together, so we can still think of each other and move forward even now.
Q99. Memorable Christmas memory?
RM: I remember when I was 6, I heard that our family would travel on Christmas and I asked “Will Santa grandpa be able to come?” Since we were travelling to the country, I was worried. (laughs) SUGA: When I was small, our family would gather and have a meal together. After I started living away from them, it began to feel like a wonderful memory. JIN: When I went to the ski resort with my parents and brother. It was our regular Christmas trip when I was in elementary school. J-HOPE: There was a year when it snowed a lot on Christmas. The white Christmas I wished for! I remember making snowman with my family and laughing and chatting. JIMIN: I want to spend a memorable Christmas in the future. The snow is memorable! It’s the best to play at the ski resort and finish by watching the night scenery. V: I think many people spend Christmas as couples but I’m always alone ever since I was born. (laughs) When I was in school, I would go to the PC room with my usual friends and play games or eat noodles. I pretended to be tough like “PC room for Christmas!”. (laughs) JUNGKOOK: One year I was sleeping with my brother and when I opened my eyes slightly, I saw a grandpa with white beard! I thought “Santa really came” and went to sleep with a very happy mood.
Q100. What do you want to achieve, to try as BTS in 2018?
RM: Performing at the biggest venue in each country! SUGA: We have achieved many of our goals so far and thankfully there isn’t anything we haven’t achieved. But we won’t dwell on our achievement next year and hopefully we can enjoy our favorite music and have a good time with our fans. JIN: I want to make a song that anyone would love. Personally, I want to play and have fun with fireworks with the members. (laughs) J-HOPE: My goal and dream is to stand on a worldwide stage and present a performance that will blow everyone’s mind. JIMIN: I’m not persistent for records. Because our fans made them happen. But whenever they set new records for us I feel very thankful and grateful. I wish 2018 would become a year where we get to spend more time with our fans. V: I see a lot of beautiful sceneries in the countryside when I watch Japanese movies. I want to perform in other cities, not just big ones, and see those sceneries with my own eyes. I want to go meet more fans! JUNGKOOK: Making songs by myself that can be put into BTS albums! I’ll continue to try to make it happen.
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panda-noosh · 7 years
The Paladins as Teachers {Headcanon}
   Enjoy! I love doing AU’s, so please send some in if you have any ideas. :))
   Shiro's the type of teacher who has been working at the school for so long that they no longer give a shit.
   he's a science teacher, and everybody calls him Dr Shirogane, even though his qualifications don't go as far as him being an actual doctor of science.
   he's the teacher who never leaves his classroom, and he always had a mysterious clear looking liquid sat on the end of his desk.
   whenever anybody asks him what it is he just says, “Head down, Junior.”
   he's actually a really good teacher.
   BBC Bitesize is his life.
   “If the Bunsen burner sets your blazer on fire, it's not my fault.”
   the principal never tells him off for showing up late to work, because Shiro was at that damn school way before the principal was. like, Shiro has seen so many principals come and go in that school that he genuinely feels like one himself.
   he's never been seen without a suit on.
   he lets the sixth formers call him Shiro.
   makes disgusted faces whenever first years try and act cool.
   he's probably the English teacher and he hates it.
   I can imagine him starting out as a student teacher but then he actually gets a job at the school and he's confused and disappointed because he never actually wanted to work there, he just needed the work experience.
   but now he needs the coin, so he took the job and he hasn't left since.
   even though he's been working at the school, in the same damn classroom, for a number of years, he still has no idea where anything is.
   “paper? I - I don't – damn it!”
   he always brings ten million massive binder folders into school but his lessons always consist of just discussions.
   but they're discussions amongst the students. he genuinely tells them to discuss Shakespeare and then he just sits back and listens.
   he takes no shit, either.
    “i'm not being funny, Kevin, I've just hand fed you the fucking structure of the essay. if you don't pass and you make me look bad, so help me god-”
   he acts so nice whenever female teachers enter his classroom.
   “yes, we're just studying for the next winter exams before we're going out to help some first years with their reading lists!”
   cut to ten minutes earlier where his sixth form class was playing a game of Heads Down Thumbs Up.
   Mr McClain, the PE teacher that every girl wants.
   and every boy hates.
   okay, that's a lie. everybody loves him, but he's that teacher.
   he's so enthusiastic about everything, so people who have him in the morning can get a little pissed off.
   but it wares off after a while because nobody can stay mad at him.
   he bloody loves his job, okay? he loves it.
   king of the Overenthusiastic Thumbs Up.
   he's also probably a form teacher for first years. he finds it really fun to get the newcomers on their feet.
    unlike the other PE teachers, Lance actually runs with you during cross country or basketball or something. like, he hears the other kids saying the usual things like “I'd love to see them try and run around this track four times,” and he doesn't want them saying that to him, so he joins in with a random group of people and runs with them every time.
   cheers them on very loudly.
  remembers every single students name.
    probably has a secret hand shake for every student that he memorizes.
   he's also best friends with every single parent.
    actual Home Economics teacher Hunk.
   Mr Garrett, yes.
   he's the Paladin that actually takes his job mildly seriously, even though he might not particularly enjoy it.
   don't get me wrong, he loves cooking and he loves that he got the chance to do it for a living, but he just finds his co workers so annoying.
   because they're all so negative. they sit in the staff room and just complain about students and Hunk just sits and listens to them, trying not to shake his head.
   he remembers what it was like to be a student, so he never, ever says a bad word against the students, because he knows most of their tempers are brought on by the stress of being a high school kid.
   as for students, he gets along really well with them all.
   if one student wasn't clicking with him, he would get really upset because he wants all of his students to feel happy and safe in his class, not anxious and awkward.
    gets really flustered whenever he can't remember a kids name.
   will apologise for forgetting at least 70 times in that 45 minute lesson.
   has set the fire alarm off many, many times.
   but he's a good cook and a good teacher, so he never faces any consequences..
   the art teacher, Miss Gunderson.
   everyone knows her name isn't really Miss Gunderson, it's Miss Holt (since her older brother works as the secretary and everybody knows they're siblings) but Pidge still insists they all call her Gunderson.
   she genuinely won't reply if somebody calls her Miss Holt. that includes other teachers.
   has a flash of coffee with her during every lesson, but she still always seems exhausted.
   “what are we drawing today? i'll put something up on Google Images and we'll see what we can do with it.”
   her most common answer to any question she gets asked if a sly sip of her coffee, a click of her fingers and a quick, “Bring me your book.”
   queen of pencil discourse.
   “how can you even draw if it's not with a 2B pencil?”
   sometimes, when the class is silent and everybody is in the zone with their work, Pidge will just stand up and say, “so did you guys see the newest episode of American Horror Story?” and then her and her class will just have a discussion about AHS.
   exam season is the worst for her. she gets put in such a bad mood whenever she's stressed.
   like, if you pull your chair out too quick, she will scream at you because she's stressed out.
   but then at the end of exam season, she gives her students all gifts to say sorry for being a bitch.
  “you all probably deserved it, though. I marked a 4% the other day.”
   high fives the first years.
   her and Matt have coffee in the play ground every day.
   she once tried to play football with the second years and ended up giving a kid a bloody nose. she has not since played football with the second years.
    salty af to other teachers. I feel like she hates every other teacher except Matt.
   “oh, a person from my class was knocking on your window? that must be the most attention you've had in months.”
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catsandtruecrime · 4 years
Why True Crime?
“Isn’t that kind of…dark?”
“Doesn’t that make you nervous?”
“I could never be interested in that, I’d have too much anxiety!”
To address these concerns…yes it is, yes it does, and I already do. Anytime I tell someone I’m interested in true crime, these are the responses I tend to get; and that’s also a lie. I’m not interested. I’m OBSESSED. Maybe this obsession began with too many episodes of CSI as a child, or maybe it was seeing cases like those of Caylee Anthony, Laci Peterson, and Natalee Holloway play out in real time during my most formative years.
Whatever the reason, I’ve been obsessed with learning as much as I can about true crime. When I was younger, my (somewhat concerning) interest in serial killers, combined with my love for the show, Criminal Minds, had me wanting to be an FBI profiler for a loooooooong time. I was ready to major in criminology and be the next Emily Prentiss or JJ Jareau as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, my activity induced asthma and ability (or lack thereof) to perform any sort of activity requiring physical endurance had other plans. When I couldn’t get PE out of my high school course schedule fast enough, it dawned on me that maybe I wouldn’t be the best FBI agent.
After reconsidering this career path and deciding maybe it wasn’t the one for me, I was forced to mentally move my “True Crime Obsession” file to the “Casual Hobbies” filing cabinet in my brain. Once there, it joined the likes of “Art,” “Social Justice,” and “Dolphin Training” where it remains to this day.
While art, social justice, and all things animals are also obsessions of mine, my thirst for true crime is one that can never be fully quenched. There are new crimes happening every day, and while crimes continue to occur, I’ll keep wanting to know everything there is to know about as many of them as possible.
I read once that true crime fanatics tend to be women, to an overwhelming extent. It was explained that the reason for this is that women are also overwhelmingly the victims in “true crime” incidents. As a result, true crime fanatics find a sort of comfort in learning about crimes committed against other women.
As counterintuitive as that sounds, stay with me here. Without even realizing it, we tend to start victim blaming to make ourselves feel better, and it actually makes us feel safer.
“This is sad, but I would never pull over for someone I don’t know!”
“I can’t believe she actually met up with that guy she found on some dating site! I know better than that!”
“Who would go hiking alone in the woods?! Not me!”
“Wow her friends are awful, mine would never leave me alone like that!”
We eventually convince ourselves that “I’m safe because I know not to do XYZ that led to this woman being attacked and murdered.” The more we know about how crimes occur, the better we’re able to avoid being the next victim.
Of course this isn’t a conscious thing and I don’t even remember where I read that now, but it’s an interesting theory nonetheless. For me, I definitely think this is part of it whether I want to admit it or not. If I’m obsessed with learning about these crimes, I’ll know all of the things not to do and voila…I’m not going to be the next one dead in a ditch or tossed in a river somewhere.
Clearly this isn’t rational or true at all, but when you spend your entire life being taught to watch your drink at the bar, never leave your friend alone, hold your keys between your fingers just in case you need to stab someone, never walk alone in secluded areas, keep your pepper spray accessible at all times, never walk alone in the dark, always be aware of your surroundings, and maybe just…never walk alone ever…you spend your young adult years anticipating being kidnapped at any moment. Sometimes you just need an excuse to not be terrified for a second.
Whether this is beneficial in the long run is debatable to say the least. When you spend your days listening to true crime podcasts and watching true crime documentaries, the smallest noise in the other room becomes the Zodiac killer (because he’s still out there, you know! That wouldn’t match his MO you say? That’s what he would want you to think…) or the latest guy that you weren’t completely nice to, coming to seek revenge.
Aside from creating the illusion that I’m teaching myself what not to do, I also feel that in learning about true crime, we’re giving victims their voices back. It gets complicated when it comes to serial killers, because it’s easier to remember one guy’s name than the names of his 10+ victims, but in many cases the story being told is truly about the victim. Take true crime podcasts, for example. The ones I listen to anyway. Episode titles are overwhelmingly names of victims such as Jessica Heeringa (Crime Junkie, February 24, 2020), Amy Allwine (Casefile, Case 86, June 9, 2018). These podcasts are my preference, because they tend to focus on the victims rather than the killers.
By putting our attention on the victims and remembering them and their stories, the killer doesn’t win. We remember their names, rather than the name of the person who wanted to end their story.  It almost feels like poetic justice in a way, to continue telling their stories and allowing them to live on through the retelling.
As much as I want to focus on the victims, it can be hard to do that when it comes to serial killers. Aside from it being easier to remember one name than many, someone who killed multiple people is more intriguing than a person who only killed one, as horrible as that is to say. In cases with one victim, a motive is generally easier to pin down, no matter how much sense it makes to us. A scorned lover, a jealous spouse, or a fit of rage is easy to imagine; none of these motives are new to us and have been reasons behind countless murders throughout history.  
In serial killer cases, though, a motive is often much more difficult, if not impossible to determine. What makes someone so depraved that they feel compelled to murder countless women? What “breaks” in a man’s brain that makes him kidnap teenage boys, torture them, and cannibalize their corpses? It’s nothing any of us can imagine in our wildest nightmares, but it’s real and it happens, and we want to know WHY.
I think this desire to know WHY serial killers do what they do comes back to our desire to avoid encountering something so heinous again in the future. For decades, researchers have studied serial killers and their brains in an effort to help crack the code and figure out what building blocks make a serial killer; what happens to these people that makes them do the things they do?
The final reason for my obsession with true crime is the hardest to explain, and it’s just a pure morbid curiosity. There’s no better way to explain this one; it’s just interesting to me to hear about real life monsters and the normal people who are victims of their depravity. It’s like watching a horror movie, except it’s even scarier because it’s real.
All in all, true crime has always been a big part of my life; my morbid curiosity started at a (probably concerningly) young age and has evolved as I’ve grown and learned more and more about true stories of crimes against other people. Whether it’s to make myself feel better, to remember the victims, or to try and crack the code, fulfilling my desire to be an FBI profiler on my own time, I don’t see my obsession ending anytime soon.
Amongst more lighthearted topics, I plan to discuss some of the cases that haunt me the most, cases I’d somehow never heard about until recently, and things that I’ve learned throughout my research and deep dives into the world of true crime. Buckle up, and stay tuned.
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dawnfelagund · 7 years
10 Questions M-Thing
I got tagged by @nimium-amatrix-ingenii-sui! Whee!
1. When/how did you start making yourself “at home” on the webs?
Getting involved with Tolkien fandom really gave me the kick in the pants to become more than just a casual Internet user. Before that point--we’re talking the early 2000s here--I was pretty ignorant user. (Almost everyone was!) I could email ... but I also forwarded hoax emails about Congress imposing a 5 cent tax on every email sent and thought I was Fighting the Good Fight. (Embarrassing!)
I remember getting involved in Tolkien fandom and setting up my LiveJournal (because everyone had one) and then frantically emailing my sister to teach me some super-simple HTML because the LJ rich-text editor was completely whack. Over the next few months, I learned LJ, mailing lists, instant messenger, and basic HTML, then moved on to full HTML and CSS and eFiction and eventually built my own website. Now I’m learning intermediate-level Drupal and always threatening to learn PHP and finally take over the world.
2. What current (or past) hype leaves you completely cold?
I really am monofandom (Tolkien). I see the occasional thing slip past on my dash for another fandom that is moderately interesting, but one of the reasons I feel like a square peg here is because I’m so boringly monofandom.
3. If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be? Why? What would you like to talk about?
Maedhros. I find him one of the most fascinating characters in anything I’ve ever read.
I’d love to hear his side of the story and how he regards “Pengolodh’s Silmarillion.” I’d love to hear what his youth in Valinor was like. I’d love to know what was truth, what was exaggeration, what was propaganda. I’d want to know what his mother, father, and brothers were like. I’d want to know a whole bunch of stuff about Elven culture.
I’d probably need to take him to dinner again to fit it all in! :D
4. What’s your favourite holiday/ holiday tradition?
My favorite holiday is Halloween/Samhain. I love the secular Halloween traditions because I like creepy, scary things, and it gives Mr. Felagund and me the flimsy excuse to do nothing but watch horror movies all October. (Right now, we’re watching only Christmas movies, which I like much less and am honestly sick of with still a week and several more to go.)
From the perspective of spiritual practice, Samhain is the day when we honor those who have departed before us. We set an empty place at the table that night to remember those we’ve lost. I feel especially close to them on that night.
5. You’ve got the chance to be involved with a TV adaptation of The Silmarillion! Which role would you like to take?
Screenwriter or consultant. My biggest fear of any adaptation of The Silmarillion is that it will lack nuance and will favor a good-evil interpretation of the characters.
6. If you could have one language magically uploaded into your brain so you can speak and read it fluently, which one would you choose? Why?
Old English. It would make my research so much easier. (I’ve taken an Old English course but still suck at it. I did all of my own translations for my MA thesis, which was akin to rolling boulders up a steep hill.)
7. Favourite time in history (to read about, not necessarily to live in)?
Anglo-Saxon England. I wrote my MA thesis on oral theory and Beowulf.
8. Favourite sport (either to watch or to practice yourself)?
Freestyle rollerskating. I used to be quite good when I was younger and had regular access to a rink, but even now, skating feels like flying. My first skating teacher also did a lot to heal the damage that had been done to me after five years being bullied by my elementary PE teacher.
I also love kayaking and cross-country skiing. Any team sports can buzz off. The aforementioned elementary PE teacher ruined me forever on anything where I could be humiliated in front of or let down my teammates.
9. What was your dream job as a kid? How do you feel about that job now?
I wanted to be an entomologist! Throughout third grade, I signed all of my papers “Insect Walls.” I remember my mom getting mad at me for bringing home permission slips that said, “I give permission for Insect Walls to attend the field trip to Washington, DC.” She’d erase the “Insect” and replace it with “Dawn.” No fun! (My third grade teacher was supportive of my name change. She was the best teacher I ever had.) And my sole elementary school friend once forgot to make an anniversary gift for her parents, so I gave her an essay I’d written on flies, and she gave it to them as a gift.
Herein lies why I was so unpopular until I divested myself of my childhood classmates by choosing a high school where almost none of them went.
But honestly? I still love insects and spiders and would go back to school in an instant and study entomology just for the fun of it.
10. You’ve got one year to travel the world, spending each month in a different location. Which 12 places would you choose?
Oh man! This one’s hard ... One month in Ireland and the UK to visit the places I’ve missed and do research. One month in Denmark to visit @hrymfaxe and do more research. (I’m apparently still the type of person who will give an essay on flies as an anniversary gift!) One month in India. One month in Egypt, followed by a month in southern Africa. One month in Australia and/or New Zealand. One month in Thailand, then a month in Japan. One month to visit the Amazon. (It was my dream as a young, fly-essay-writing, wannabe entomologist to work in the Amazon studying ants.) One month to live in an indigenous village in Central America or Mexico. One month in Antarctica. Then finish up in the Western U.S. to visit my sister and SIL, see California, and visit the Southwest.
Then back to Vermont. :)
11. What’s the next creative project you’ve got planned?
I really need to finish the Tamlin novel I started for last year’s NaNoWriMo.
But as far as fresh stuff, I’ve been mentally developing a new novel for several years now. The tentative title is The Goddess of Unloved Things. I have so much in my head for it and absolutely nothing written down. I hope I don’t die before I do something with it ... not like it will be a loss to anyone but me and I won’t exactly be in a position to care! I am loosely constructing it based on the imagery that seeps into my brain when I listen to the Smashing Pumpkins’ album Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. It’s in the Midhavens universe, not like many people are still around who remember when I was futzing with that.
I got tagged for this by @independence1776 as well, so I’ll submit my questions and tag people when I post the answers to that one!
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ashleylikeshorror · 5 years
2020 Horror Movie Trailers | From Wack to WHAAAAT!
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This post is going to be a LONG one, and I’d be lying if I said it covered every single horror release from the upcoming new year. This post is literally nothing more than a Sunday wherein’ I stayed in bed and jotted down notes on my Note 10+ while streaming several YouTube playlists that had 2020 horror trailers.  Just like everything else on this blog, this too is an opinion piece. (Duhhh) Meaning, this is how I feel about these movies.
I’ll be going over all the trailers I watched and discussing either how fuckin’ wack they are, or how I’m going to be all up in that cinema on release day like white on fucking rice. Of course, there’s those trailers that didn’t make me feel one way or another too. Because of how many movies are coming out, this post will more than likely be a three part ordeal.
Once again, this post is going to be a long one, so let’s get started. 
2020′s WACK HORROR FLICKS: AKA The “don’t waste your money or AMC gift cards on it” list. (AKA The “lmao I’m prolly just going to watch it after home release bootlegs begin to stream if I remember about it by then” list) 
(In no specific order of wackness, wackthenticity, or wacktivity) 1. The Grudge [IMDB] [YT TRAILER] I know, I know. It seems like everyone is excited for this. I haven’t really seen anyone either hardcore shitting on it or showing any fragment of disinterest. Then there’s me.
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Looking at the trailer for what it is, not focusing on the fact it’s another Grudge movie, it just looks OK. ‾\_(ツ)_/‾ It looks like something we’ve already seen before (other than The Grudge). What disappoints me about that is because the film itself isn’t a rehashing of the Grudge series, but rather a film that takes place during the first two films. [*1] In other words, when you’re going to sit down to see a film from a universe (if you will) that you enjoy, you want to be hype for what new experiences are to come. You don’t want to watch the trailer and see the same visuals as you have time and time before that have been nothing more than modernized. It’s just super disappointing, IMO. But by all means, ya’ll keep loving it, and fill those theater seats up on Jan 3rd. Hopefully, I’m just being a little too harsh, and this film turns out to be an absolute banger. Sam Raimi is producing it, so who knows? 
2. Fantasy Island  [IMDB] [YT TRAILER]
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I don’t even know where to start with this one. I genuinely don’t. 
I really enjoy Michael Peña - the dude’s hilarious - but if we’re being blunt here, he’s not necessarily well known for being in good movies. I mean, yeah, there’s Ant-Man, but even then it depends on who you’d ask if it was good or not. 
Secondly, seeing Jeff Wadlow as director is a motivating factor to just stay at home. He’s by far a better producer than director, and the things he has directed were a smidgen boring. 
Wrapping this up, nothing caught my eye in this trailer outside of Peña. If one were to describe the trailer in one sentence it’d be something along the lines of: “this looks like a shitty extreme rehash of the title’s series meets Cabin in the Woods.” 
It hits the screens on Valentine’s Day 2020. 
3. Saw: The Organ Donor (aka Saw IX) [IMDB] [YT TRAILER]
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We don’t really know too much about this movie beyond the director, the release date, and the cast. I’ve read a lot of back and forth that it is a re-imagining of the original Saw movie, and that it isn’t a re-imagination but a continuation. I don’t think I’ve read anything that’s really reliable though. All of the trailers and “previews” I’ve seen look fan made, and I’m not sure if that was intended or if they really were fan made. It’s the confusion in all of this, plus the fact it’s like the ninth installation, and I, like many other fans, am just exhausted now. That exhaustion makes me not give a single shit about this movie. 
What I can say I do like is that the cast has some pretty interesting people in regards to a Saw movie. Sam Jackson, Chris Rock, Zoie Palmer. There’s word that Tobin Bell doesn’t have any involvement, but because new information for The Organ Donor is still slowly dripping, drop by drop, I’m sure we’ll know for sure at least shortly after the new year begins. Lastly, another thing I’m pretty enthused to see is that Darren Lynn Bousman is taking the reigns once again as director as he has for a handful of other Saw films in the franchise.  This has been bouncing back and forth between “I don’t care” and “well, maybe” in my mind. For now, the thoughts shouting “fuhget about it” will triumph, but maybe once more information is released (or a fucking legit trailer) I’ll be more about it. All that being said, how many Saw movies are they going to give us before they realize they’ve burnt the story out? 
4. Terrifier 2 [IMDB] [YT TRAILER] 
Not much to say on this one. I wasn’t a fan of the original, so why would I care about the sequel? With this being announced for 2020 I might hop on Netflix, and give the first another sit through to see if anything has changed for me. Until that time comes though my feelings are the same as written in my phone upon hearing about it: * insert fart noise here * 
5. Killer Therapy [IMDB] [YT TRAILER]
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I read about this a short while before the trailer was released, and was super hype because of P.J. Soles, Thom Matthews, Adrienne King, and a few other amazing actors giving this film a cast to die for. When I saw the trailer though, it showed a performance that seemed so horrendously forced, melodramatic, and over the top that all interest just bled out of me.  While, yeah, I still want to see those mentioned above, as well as Daeg Faerch, I just can’t get past how this trailer underwhelmed me. I’m not the only one either as even in the trailer’s comment section people are noting the extreme, over-exaggerated show that Michael Qeliqi puts on calling him “The Joker” and the movie itself “The Killing Joke.” 
I hope this winds out being better than what the trailer leads us all to believe it will be. Much like Brian’s (Queliqi’s character) antics in the preview we’ve been given, the trailer seems as though it’s a cry for help for the film itself. 
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