#i have pulled all nighters to play videogames but that’s not the same
chamiryokuroi · 4 months
Quick question, I keep seeing tiktoks about college students doing this so I gotta ask
Personally I never pulled an all nighter when I was a student, I honestly thought it was a movie thing and not something students do.
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
Unorthodox Ship Dynamic Tag!
Rules: Come up with five unorthodox, overly specific, or niche dynamics for one of your ships. You can do all of them based on the same ship, or pick a different one for each, or somewhere in between.
I'll go with the main ships from Supernova Initiative!
Jack & Lyorna
His basic diet consists of the space equivalent of choccy milk and dino nuggets at 25 years old X Essentially the galaxy's health and wellness guru- thinks trail mix and granola bars are a valid dessert
Talks the most concerning, confusing gibberish in his sleep X Practically kickboxes while sleeping, moves far too much to be cuddled
Street urchin that hasn't met a Responsible Adult in the past fifteen years X Her Parents' Little Princess
Legitmatelly thinks fruit loops have color-coded tastes and for some reason likes soggy cereal X Has an uncanny resistance to caffeine - will fall asleep after chugging a whole mug of coffee
Deimos & Vesper
Chugs 3 bottles of energy drinks while pulling an all-nighter to play old videogames X Has surgical precision when it comes to going to sleep and waking up
Will implode at the mere thought of being imperfect at anything X Gives exactly 0 fucks what others think of her
'Self Love?' I never heard of it X Will stab a bitch if someone talks crap about her
Cassiopeia & Artemis
Hyperactive, genius teenager that cannot be left unsupervised without Chaos ensuing X Depressed Hot Topic wannabe
Will listen to Punk Rock or Pop Punk at 2AM on full blast X Has the music taste of a 90-year-old man
"Someone Will Die" X "- OF FUN!"
Refuses to buy new clothes unless forcibly dragged to the store X Impeccable style (indie/grunge, but make it outer space) + large collection of black nail polish and eyeliners
Gabi & Elysia
Deals with frustration just as well as a pressure cooker left on the stove for too long X Has never been anything other than the embodiment of chill
Essentially raised by the Space-Version of Joel from TLOU... or John Wick. X Has the most fucked up family but refuses to acknowledge it for her sanity
"I HAVE THE POWER OF MY FISTS AND ANIME ON MY SIDE" X Too done with life to give a damn, is amused though
Noctus & Aleks
Pragmatic rule-follower who just wanted one chill mission - X Is a Menace to Society who is effortlessly sassy and occasionally petty
Has not a single clue what a Sense of Humor is X Makes "deez nuts" level jokes and loves shitty puns
Regrets everything that led him to this situation X Regrets NOTHING and will do it all again if prompted
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star and OPEN TAG
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thatsbucknasty · 4 years
she used to be mine (iii) waitress au
summary: Inspired by the broadway musical. Y/N Beck is a pie baking force to be reckoned with. She’s pregnant with her lazy ass husband, Quentin Beck’s baby. As everything around her turns upside down, Doctor James Buchanan Barnes charms his way into her life.
pairing: Y/N x Bucky
tags are open c:
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chapter 3: when he sees me
“I read on the internet that if you boil the cutlery every night, you get rid of the germs that the soap alone couldn’t kill, plus it makes them extra shiny”. I enter the diner and meet Wanda’s voice, while she explains her late night research to Sam, he completely ignores her, but that’s good. Keeps him distracted from the fact that I’m-
“You’re late. You’re never late. What happened? Did Quentin pull an all nighter? I saw him at Phil’s Bar, you know? If you need me to talk to that piece of sh-” Sam has always been a little over protective of us girls.
“I’m fine, Sam. Sorry I’m late, the bus driver was falling asleep, and don’t worry, Quentin didn’t come home too late. There’s no need for you to talk to him cause he won’t listen anyway”.
“That’s right, he can’t hear a word I say cause his head has been stuck in his ass ever since that one hit wonder he wrote ten years ago played in the local radio station”. Sam says bitterly before he sips an equally bitter cup of black coffee.
“Hey! For your information, I helped write that song”. I smirk.
“Good morning to my ladies, and my ladies only”. Nat walks through the door, thirty minutes late. She must wanna get Sam angry on purpose at this point. She hugs Wanda and then me.
“No love for me?” Okay, I wasn’t expecting that. Yelling and cursing maybe, but not this.
“What is going on?” I ask Wanda but she shrugs, clueless.
Nat stops whatever truce she has with Sam, rolls her eyes at him and says something I can’t quite catch and asks.
“Sooo, Wands, did you do it?” 
“Do what?” I say.
“Call that mystery Jon Snow she met at the comic con last weekend! Come on! You said he was cute”.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe he’s not into me and he was just being polite giving me his number. He was cute indeed, but his costume was really bad, I think maybe I should call him and ask who made it for him, since I made my own and he liked it so much, maybe I could help him out next year”.
“Already planning your one year anniversary? Ambitious. But sure! That’s a great excuse to start a conversation. What’s his name again?” I beg for information, since I’ve been left out of the weekend catch up, apparently.
“No, no. I don’t know girls. He might not like me. His name is Steve, by the way. But enough about me. How did it go with doctor Perkins?”
“It didn’t. She’s retired”.
“God bless her, we went to see her last year. Remember when Clint had the flu and he wouldn’t even eat? Doctor Perkins was there to see him cry when he got a shot on his bum. Poor woman”. Now that I see it, Nat never talks about her husband anymore. 
“And how’s Clint? I feel like I haven’t seen him in forever. Remind me to send some of my Couch Potato Pie to him, he always devoured it”.
“He’s busy all the time. I feel like I don’t see him that much either and we sleep in the same bed every night, isn’t that funny? But if Doctor Perkins is retired, then who saw you?” Nice deflect from the subject. Nat’s good at that.
“It’s a man, he’s new in town. A bit weird and awkward but he was nice”.
“Ooh a man, is he single? Might be good for Wanda”.
“Hehehe, no, no. I’m good, thanks”. The giggling mess of a girl leaves to get some more bottles of ketchup to clean.
“I think he mentioned a wife”.
“That’s too bad. Is he handsome though?”
“Nat, I just told you he has a wife”.
“Is he though? I’m just asking cause nothing happens in this town. If there’s a pretty new face out there I wanna look… respectfully”.
“Okay then”.
“Well? Is he pretty?”
“He is. Very. It’s distracting, I think I should look for another doctor”.
“Oh my god, Y/N don’t be dramatic, besides? What other doctor in town is gonna see you? Doctor Roberts? We all know he’s a perv. Take it easy, you’ve only been to one appointment. And you know, a little distraction is nice once in a while. If a nice looking doctor would want to do me a check-up I certainly wouldn’t mind!”
Well, she has a point.
I’m leaving late again tonight. It’s just that, ever since I got the official news of my pregnancy, I can’t seem to tolerate Quentin’s cologne mixed with his usual beer and peanuts scent. Just thinking about it makes me sick, and I can’t risk it. If he suspects something’s up I’ll have to tell him the truth, he always calls me out on my bullshit when I try to lie.
I like having this for myself for now. I’m starting to like the idea of having this baby. I know I wasn’t the most thrilled mother at the beginning but, a piece of myself is growing inside of me. I really hope they like to bake when they grow up, I could teach them all I know. It could be our thing.
“Guys!!! Guys, guys guys, guys. I texted Steve!” Wanda comes into the diner yelling and almost trips over the counter.
“Jesus, woman, breathe. Who is Steve?” Sam’s intrigued, but also annoyed.
“Oh I think you actually know him Sammy, it’s Steve!!! The blonde cutie with gorgeous eyes who owns the video store”.
“Oh yeah! We used to play videogames at his house back in High School cause he had all the good ones”.
“So? Did he respond? Do tell!!” I’m excited for Wanda, she’s only a couple years younger than me and Nat but she’s like our little sister. She started working at the diner four years ago and I’ve never seen her date anyone.
“Yes, yes! He said he wants to take me out. Oh my god, I think I might have a panic attack. I don’t think I should go, should I? What if he doesn’t like me? What if he gets to know me and he’s disappointed? I know I looked amazing at the Con last weekend but that’s because I was wearing that wig, you know, the pretty one with the celtic braids? But without my gorgeous Ygritte costume I’m just- me. What if when he sees me, he runs the other way?” She deflates on the booth she was cleaning and Nat and I silently decide it’s time to talk some sense into her. My turn first.
“Listen, sweetie. You’re a gorgeous woman, with and without those beautiful outfits you create and wigs, or even with this dirty apron, he would be stunned by your beauty. Plus, once he gets to know you, he won’t be disappointed!” 
“How do you know?! I don’t even know what I would say to him, you guys, should I make some flashcards?” She lives for the drama, but this time she really needs some reassurance. Nat goes now.
“You have an extensive knowledge of Game of Thrones, you can share that with him. He owns a video store and you love movies and videogames, you’ll never run out of things to say, and you are so funny and charming he’ll fall for you instantly!”
“Hear me out, Wanda. I’ll bake you a pie to bring him on your date. Nat will help you get all dolled up and you and Steve are gonna have a great time together, alright?” I say to her, getting up and already planning a recipe in my head.
“Oh Y/N, that’s very sweet of you, thank you! Whatchu gonna put in that pie, can I help?” 
“I’ll make it extra special with some spices that will enchant his belly and his heart! I’ll call it Falling in love chocolate mousse pie!”
If I can’t have my fairytale romance with the happy family and the white picket fence, I might as well make damn sure that Wanda gets hers.
And while I try to sort out whether I’m staying in my messy marriage and how I’m gonna cope with this unexpected pregnancy, I’ll just bake, bake, bake. It’s all I can do to keep myself and this little nugget inside of me afloat. In the meantime, staring at my cute obgyn won’t hurt anybody, will it?
chapter 4: it only takes a taste
pls reblog if you liked it c:
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Trigger Happy Persona AU
What do you do in the face of ultimate despair? You get freaking pissed off and awaken your persona! Play as Hajime [codename “Ace”] who seems average at first until he awakens his second persona and becomes Izuru [codename “Blackjack”]. But the game isn’t complete without the strength of bonds and so enter Chiaki [codename “Bonnie”] who seems aloof by nature until she rips off her mask and summons an 8-bit spaceship!
**Please DO NOT edit, use, or repost any of these! Thank you!
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More AU concept art [thank you @likhangjosa] and info dump under the cut!!
Chiaki Nanami Codename: Usami or Bonnie Arcana: Star
Mask: Pink and covers the upper part of her face, with long bunny ears on top, down to a bunny nose with whiskers
Outfit: Sci-fi magical girl look with the color scheme of white, pink, and blue-grey. Wears a hoodie-cardigan (that has holes for the bunny ears to go through) and a Galaga ship (or Usami logo) embroidered on the chest. Sports a flowing translucent galaxy print circle skirt, knee-high boots with leggings and white gloves. Has a pink cat-like backpack where she stores her weapons and gaming consoles. The look is complete with a cottontail clipped on her belt.
Persona: Galaga (8-bit ship get wrekt) Skillset: Strong gun and bless attacks but weak to curse Weapons: Two-handed hammer and minigun
All-Out Attack Card: "Game Over" written in bit font and with videogame style background. Her catchphrase would be "New highscore!"
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Awakening Scene: Galaga: Is that the hope that you fight for? Doesn't it seem meaningless in the face of adversity? After all, what's the point if people just betray you in the end?
Chiaki: Even if I'm betrayed again, I still want to believe in everyone. No matter how many times I may be betrayed...I still want to believe in everyone!
Galaga: Despite the despair thrown in your face, you show unwavering faith. That trust is something that you'll need... as well as my blessing. I am thou, thou art I... A better future is waiting for you but in order to reach it you must trust that it is indeed possible.
Chiaki: As long as I believe, things will turn out okay! Let's show them, Galaga!
Quotes: "That was easy. Shall we get going Hajime?" "I could *yawn* go for a nap right now..." "Yosh, I leveled up!" “New skill unlocked! Let’s test it out ASAP!” "A treasure chest! *zelda sfx*" "Move! I've always wanted to open a treasure chest!" "A safe room. Let's take it easy and save first, alright?" “Dungeon crawling never gets old especially in RPGs.” "I feel like I can do a speedrun on this dungeon." “I don’t mind overdoing it a bit.” "Sorry, my stamina stat is running low." "There's a nearby enemy. Grind mode?" “*metal gear solid alert! sfx* We’ve been spotted!” or “Stealth mode blown!” "I felt the LVL gap in that." “Don’t worry, we’re already OP.” "I think we need more EXP to defeat that." “Better prepare so that we don’t get a BAD END.” “*yawn* Where’s Hard Mode?” “Victory! Isn’t this the part where we’re supposed to do a pose?”
*BATON PASS!* "Usami/Bonnie hopping in!" *PROTECT* "Ace! Look out!" *ENDURE* "I... don't want to die!" *PERSONA!* "Summoning reinforcement, Galaga!" *Follow Up* "How about a combo?" *Cover Fire* "Need some support?" *Harisen Recovery* "Don't give in!" or "You're stronger than this!" *low on health* "I'll be fine... probably." *healing someone* "Don't lose hope!" or "You've got this!" *getting healed* "Thanks for the heal!" *giving buffs* "This will make us stronger, I think." *physical attacks* "It's Hammer time!", "I'll smash you flat!", "Time to knock you out of the park!" *attacking* "We'll beat you for sure!" *attack misses* “Accuracy stats are… off?” *couldn't finish off enemy* "I believe you can do this!" *fainting* "I'm sorry... I wanted to protect everyone, no matter what the cost." *getting resurrected* “Thanks, I needed that extra life.”
*status ailment* "Maybe a quick nap can fix this..." Burn: "I'm overheating! Somebody turn on the AC!" Freeze: “Brrr, it’s too c-cold! Is the thermostat broken again?” Shock: "Need... to turn... the rumble off...!" Forget: "Am I a boy...? Or a girl...?" Charm: “Friendly fire mode on.” Rage: “I’ll button mash you to pieces!” Despair: "The difficulty level... it's too high...!" Hunger: "Did I forget to eat again...?" Dizzy: "My controls are all messed up...!" Sleep: “Zzz… Recharging batteries... zzz…” Silence: ... Mouse: "Squeak~!"
Mementos chats: "Ace is a really good driver. If only racing game skills could transfer to real life..." “Maybe I should start naming my combo attacks…” “Sometimes I wish this was one of those games with unlimited ammo.” “This accessory looks ridiculous but it lets me dodge my weakness so I’m not complaining.” “Games are fun but slaying shadows is fun in its own way too.” “Being a Dangan Thief is like a videogame fantasy… but in real life!” “Real life is the True Hard Mode because the stats are invisible. But that’s okay since we know it’s not Impossible Mode.”
Chiaki: What we’re doing feels like we’re in a videogame. Hajime: It’s a good thing that you’re the Ultimate Gamer then.
Chiaki: Do you ever stop to think if we’re all just trapped in some game? Hajime: No, next question.
Chiaki: *stomach growls* Hajime: Were you so busy playing that you forgot to eat again?
Chiaki: *yawns* Wake me up when we run into a Shadow... or something. Hajime: Did you pull another all-nighter over videogames again?
Chiaki: I run out of money too fast. I had to pre-order another game last night on top of the ones I ordered just the other night. Hajime: Hey, I know we make a lot of money but please don’t spend it all on videogames.
Chiaki: It’s a disappointing that electronic devices don’t work in the cognitive world. Hajime: Don’t you already play enough videogames in real life?
Chiaki: All this Dangan Thieves stuff is cutting into my schedule. Thankfully I’ve compromised with my other priorities and my gaming hours are still untouched. Hajime: Is that why you’ve been dozing off more often? Please tell me you’re at least getting enough sleep because this can’t be healthy.
Hajime Hinata Codename(s): Ahoge  Ace, Blackjack, Dealer
*NOTE: Instead of having multiple personas, Hajime only has one and a second dormant persona. Consequently, whenever he changes persona, he also changes mask and outfit (and personality?) and codename. [e.g. Hajime accidentally summons Izuru, from Ace he becomes Blackjack.]
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Codename: Ace Arcana: Fool or Judgement Mask: White domino mask with card aesthetic. The suites displayed change according to the skill type used. [e.g. Spades for physical, Club for elemental, Diamonds for almighty, Hearts for healing and buffs, Joker for status ailment] Outfit: Simple black tailcoat, white inner shirt, matching black formal pants and monk strap shoes. Emerald necktie and gloves. Persona: [starting and only] ??? Skillset: Strong slash and (surprisingly) curse attacks and weak against bless All-Out Attack Card: “Royal Flush” written with a casino table in the background. Catchphrase is “Keep your cards close to your chest!”
Codename: Blackjack Arcana: Death Mask: Plague doctor mask and his red eyes glow through the glass lenses Outfit: Maroon steampunk trench coat with a spine designed on the back and black cuffs and fancy cravat. Inner shirt is black with a textile print and large buttons. Bright red gloves, black trousers and Cuban heeled boots. Persona: [dormant unlockable] Izuru Kamukura Skillset: Strong for all types of attacks except bless skills which is the only weakness. Null physical attacks. All-Out Attack Card: “Card Counter” written with a house of cards in the background. Catchphrase is “How boring…”
Codename: Dealer Arcana: The World Mask: Black bird-shaped mask but the sides of the frame look like wings Outfit: [He has the same spiky hair but white and his eyes are heterochromatic.] White long sleeves with red cuffs, red vest, black bow tie and slacks. Black wingtips for shoes and white gloves. Persona: [hidden ultimate fusion] Hinazuru Skillset: Master of all types attacks. Repel physical and null bless/curse skills All-Out Attack Card: “Wild Card” written with scattered cards and poker chips in the background. Catchphrase is “This is the future that we want!”
Weapons: Dual wield daggers and dual wield pistols
>>>Special thanks to @crazynoodles69 for being a tarot card master and divining Chiaki’s arcana. GIVE IT UP FOR MY SIS WHO WENT ALONG AND DREW AMAZING STUFF FOR THIS. The actual lore happened because @ponsay-de-leon and I had too much fun. Then because I am a monster who has no common sense of liking anything in moderation, this happened. 
Feel free to add on and have fun with this AU!
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Okay but Luiza, how would the clone boys respond to fatherhood, if the situation were ever to occur? I need to know... for science purposes.
AAAAAA I made a cut bc it’s HUGE.
Rex: It would be the best thing ever, and the worst too. He’d be so happy to be a father, but he would be terrified of raising a child in the war. He would teach his kid morals and respect and he would be an amazing and understanding dad.
Cody: (hey haven’t we had a whole thread on it lmao) Cody would be frightened by the idea of fatherhood. Having the shinies look up to him is something, but a kid of his own? He would see flaws in everything he’d do and he’d think, ah, great, some example I’m giving him. He only chills out when his kid brings him a drawing of Cody written “my hero” on it. He cries buckets and shows it to everyone at work.
Waxer: Remember Full Metal Alchemist’s Hughes? That’s Waxer, showing his baby pics to literally everyone in a two-mile radius. Tells everyone stories of his kid. Plays with them the whole night despite being tired after work and ends up falling asleep on the floor, surrounded by toys and with his child lying asleep on his stomach.
Boil: same but at least he asks people if they wanna see his baby pics before he starts showing them, it’s called being polite, Waxer.
Wolffe: He always felt insecure about his appearance (the whole scar deal does a lot to him despite him not letting it show), no matter how much his spouse sworn to think he’s beautiful. When his kid said to their little friends at the playground “my dad is the most beautiful man e-ver!” he just stood there as if someone had stunned him. Teaches his kid to always be pacient and kind, but if someone punches you, you punch back. Like this. Keep your guard up. There. Wanna spar a little with dad? I hope you’re not too strong for me, kiddo.
Fives: An absolute dork, loves to make his kid laugh. Pretends to be tackled down when they jump on him, plays the kid’s videogame almost as much as the kid themselves, makes sure to always make it clear that the insecurities people point out at him are what make them unique. Big nose,they said? Hell yeah. That’s daddy’s nose. I love that nose. Don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re ugly, or that the things you like are stupid, or anything like that, okay? You are perfect, just the way you are.
Echo: Having a kid was the one thing this dude needed to relax. He knows how having all that pressure he put on himself gave him an unrelenting anxiety that he wishes for nobody, much less his kid. The teacher gave you a B minus? That’s good enough, that’s great actually! let’s go out for ice cream then? What do you wanna be when you grow up? You know that you can do anything you want, right? Doodles on the walls? He cleans them off, no problem. He just want his kid to feel safe and welcome. He lets them learn things on their own, but he’s completely opposed to the idea of “the world is a shitty place, you gotta let your kid suffer so he’ll learn”. Fuck no. I’ll raise my kid with all the love and you shut the kriff up.
Hardcase: Who is really playing, Hardcase or his kid? Swordfights! Videogames! X-Wing-shaped drones! Fireball! “What’s fireball, sweetie?” his spouse asks, only to then see Hardcase emerge of the living room with blackened cheeks and an unharmed kid that can’t stop laughing in his arms. That was fireball. Did you really like that curtain in the living room? bc it was torched into nothingness.
Dogma: Same then Echo, having a kid opened his eyes to a life without so many rules. He loves to sing them to sleep with Mandalorian lullabies and fairytails. His kid’s love to poke the dots that compose the tattoo on his face. Loves to comb and groom his kid’s hair and helping them tie their little shoes.
I know there are more bois but it’s 2AM and I pulled an all-nighter last night. I’ll try to make the others tomorrow. Do you like it? :)
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psyprick · 7 years
❣ - hands
his hands are very slender. they’re extremely nimble, and his motions are always very precise. exacting as they are, they’re capable of tiny movements, of constructing expansive structures with amazingly focused attention to detail. his hands work with intricacies that release roadblocks in his mind, and they’re nearly always in motion for him to think best.
ø - eyes
they do, i’ve decided, reflect a lack of melatonin; his lashes follow suit with his hair and eyebrows, a striking white, and his eyes are a murky mix between ice and steel. they remain unclouded almost always, though they never seem to focus on anything living. he has a preference of directing attention towards what’s in his hands; it does him no good to make eye contact, when conversations require his thought, and thus, his hands in motion.
✮ - sleeping habits
near has difficulty sleeping. he averages 0-5 hours, unless dealing with a vision (which isn’t, necessarily, restful, and takes a toll on his physical self more than one would think, for his being ‘unconscious’ is more of a trancelike state he can’t break out of). he pulls all-nighters or goes several days without rest. he doesn’t like sleeping on beds; commander rester insisted he have a mattress in his room, which was put directly on the floor in the hopes of being more tempting, but near continues to prefer sleeping on the ground with a blanket and his sleeptime robot. how he finds comfort in holding a sharp-edged toy, we’ll never know. in his sleep, he needs to have something to hold onto; he’s notorious for Not Letting Go of it. if said thing also happens to be warm, he’ll gravitate towards it subconsciously. good luck getting out of his grasp. sleeping next to someone living has a profound increase on the duration of his rest, but rarely does he have that opportunity, nor would he ask for it.
✿ - laugh
near’s laugh is, truly, a rarity. more often, he scoffs-- snickers-- gives one of his patented shit-eating grins when he pulls one over on an unsuspecting party-- to hear him laugh would be like witnessing a cryptid in the flesh. it’s gone soon, leaving behind only a faint memory of the airy qualities it possessed. if he somehow really gets going, i imagine it’d be well defined-- he rarely loses control, and he would still make each sound punctuated, a clear end and a beginning to each soft chuckle.
✪ - favourite food/eating habits
near needs a LOT of food to keep going, because his psychic powers are incredibly draining both physically and mentally. to combat the headaches and the weakness, he eats to replace what was lost; his body, as mentioned earlier, falls prey to the insane amount of energy seeing into the future tends to eat up. even his passive talents, like precognition, take their toll. not to mention that within a certain range, his consciousness will funnel in the thoughts of all the people around him into his own. because of all these uncontrolled factors, he requires much more food than someone of his stature would conceivably be able to load into his stomach. 
as for favorite foods, he doesn’t really have any. he’s not picky about what he eats, knowing that he needs to eat so much and so often, he would consider it detrimental to develop any real preferences. as such, he’ll eat? pretty much anything. HOWEVER, he’s not a big fan of sweets. particularly because he wants to snub L, who is a huge fan of sweets. at the same time, mello gave him a piece of chocolate and he ate it without saying anything. it stands to reason that as long as you aren’t trying to fuck with him, he’ll eat whatever is put in front of him (so long as the intentions are good) without mentioning it, even if it’s sweet.
also, he really fuckin likes milk. which is hilarious considering the anons from before.
✄ - nervous habits
god, absolutely twirling his hair. touching his hair, feeling someone else touch his hair (another rarity) is a comfort to him; he’ll do it to occupy his hands and think, he’ll do it when he’s nervous (to think), he’ll do it when he doesn’t know what to say (to think-- seeing the trend?). he’ll toy with his hair whenever he needs to, and it’s a very obvious habit that he does all the time. if you really get used to him, you might be able to differentiate between the different ways he plays with the strands.
☂ - sadness
near deals with sadness by... not dealing with sadness. rather than be sad, he mourns. mourns the death of someone close, mourns the injury of a friend, mourns the learning of a hard lesson (still, for others-- he rarely feels sad for himself). and in his mourning, he does small things-- to remember the time that is now gone. eventually, when he believes mello and matt to be dead due to a vision, he picks up their habits, adds them onto his own. to remember mello, he eats that chocolate he himself dislikes, he grows his hair, he lights candles, flicks lighters; to remember matt, he dons goggles, plays videogames, places cigarettes between his teeth, unlighted and bitter. he carries on legacies, for that’s all he knows how to do; and so he becomes this mashup of quirks belonging to others. when he dies, himself, the others will truly be gone, but until then he doesn’t need to confront the loss.
❈ - ideal birthday
he doesn’t really like attention being focused on him; he gets enough of that. it’s best to avoid eye contact, give him time in private to open up gifts on his own. give him a glass of milk, a pat on the head and something thoughtful (a toy he likes or is missing, art supplies, something of that nature) which he’ll never throw away. he still has that mcdonald’s watch mello got him when they were kids after his stopped working.
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Warm Bodies
Check out my other works on my AO3 Here: artobsessed_writes 
Bakugou walked through the door of his dorm and dropped his book bag on the floor with a loud thud. He was exhausted with having to deal with idiots like Deku and Kaminari all day while also trying to study for the upcoming exam. He just wanted a hot shower and to sit on the couch and play videogames until the sun came up considering today was Friday.
Making his way into his dorm he went to the bathroom to shower and change into a fresh pair of clothes. Needless to say he felt a lot better once he was done with changing. It wasn’t often that he got the dorm to himself since Todoroki doesn’t seem to go out much unless Deku makes him. Thankfully it’s date night or whatever for them today so Bakugou is all alone ‘til tomorrow, which he couldn’t be more grateful for. He grabs a glass of milk from the fridge and heads over the couch to set up for the obvious all nighter.
He nearly breaks the glass in his hand with the new rush of rage when he sees the sleeping figure on the couch. Of course the nit wit is here. The world would never let anything go Bakugou’s way, it might explode if it did. The red headed figure made a soft sound and smiled in his sleep.
“Probably thinking about fish or something stupid.” Bakugo mutters to himself. He kicks the couch hard enough to nearly tip it over.
“Oi! Shitty hair! Get the fuck off my couch right now before I fucking crush you skull in!”
The redhead squealed as he woke up and leapt off the couch and onto the coffee table with grace and precision no human being could possibly possess. He blinks and tilts his head as he pouts, the bell that is around his neck ringing as he does so. Bakugou hates that stupid bell, if it wasn’t for that bell he wouldn’t have this damn fox spirit following him around everywhere.
“Katsuki.” The red head whined, “That was mean.”
Bakugou just scowled as he sat down on the couch. “Like I care Shittyshima. You aren’t even supposed to be here so you really have no room to complain.”
He leans his head back on the couch and closes his eyes for a second trying to calm his anger when he suddenly hears that retched bell and when he opens his eyes he has a lap full of the fox spirit. “Kirishima. My name is Eijirou Kirishima. Haven’t I told you that already?” The most annoying part of that question was that it was completely genuine. The stupid fox didn’t really understand names and the uses of the them so he sometimes forgets to introduce himself when he meets new people or so Bakugou has been told many times.
“Of course you have already told me that. Why else would I have used that fucking nickname? Honestly sometimes I just think you are slow in the head or something.” Being this close to Kirishima was starting to really grate his nerves.
“Then how come you never use it? I call you by your name.” That ticks Bakugou off even more.
“I know you fucking do and I hate it. I’ve told you before that I hate it when you call me by my first name.”
This conversation was going nowhere Bakugou wanted it to go so he shoved Kirishima off his lap and made him sit on the couch. “Stay here.”
The red head happily obliged and Bakugou went to the cabinet under the TV to grab two game controllers and puts in a Black Ops game. He needed to vent some aggression. Sitting back on the couch he hands a control to Kirishima. “Here.” Kirishima fumbles with it and looks at all the colorful buttons. He has seen things like this before while watching kids play against each other on handheld devices. But normally there is a screen in the middle yet there isn’t one on this controller. He flips it over, still nothing.
“Uh, how do you use this?” His long nails made hitting the buttons kind of hard. “You basically mash the buttons when you are angry and you try to kill the people on the screen.” Bakugou points to the TV screen where a match has already started. “Oh, okay.” That sounded simple enough. Kirishima mashed the buttons like he was told to do and an hour and a half later he had won most of the matches. He pumps his fist in the air when the last match ends and the text says ‘Player 2 Won’ on it again.
“That was awesome! I’ve never played something like that before. Do you have any more games?” The fox spirit asked in utter glee. Bakugou on the other hand was probably more irritated that he was before. The game had meant to relieve stress not add to it but of course he had to be competitive when it came to playing against Kirishima and he had lost.
“No, shut up. Your fucking annoying voice is giving me a headache.” He throws the controller on the coffee table in a huff of anger. Kirishima’s excitement dampens a little at the news but then he takes in his owner's attitude. He’s been like this since he got home. Normally Bakugou is moody and angry but it passes after a while. His tail swishes back and forth and his ears twitch as he thinks of a way to calm Bakugou down. Suddenly an idea pops into his head and Kirishima lights up again. “Katsuki, I want to try something. Will you let me?” He jumps onto the coffee table so he is in front of the volatile blonde. Bakugou huffs and glares at him. “What is it?” Most the the time the stupid fox’s ideas were just plain dumb but Kirishima seems to be practically buzzing with excitement so if Bakugou wanted the damn spirit to sleep tonight so he could at least get some shut eye he might as well humor him a little. Kirishima takes his response as a yes and stands up. He grabs his wrist and pulls the blonde up off the couch.
“You’ll like it, I promise.” He says with a big smile and leads him over the bed and makes him sit which Bakugou does reluctantly. He crosses his arms as the fox gets behind him. “What on earth are you doing shittyshima?” There is anger in his voice but it also has a touch of curiosity. “Nothing bad, I swear. Uncross your arms.” Bakugou sighs but does as he is told. Kaminari likes to point out that Kirishima is probably the only person that Bakugou will listen to and as much as he hates the idea he has to agree with him. It probably has to do with Kirishima being the first person to actually talk to him like a normal person rather than a ticking time bomb that is trying to keep from going off. As Bakugou is lost in thought he suddenly feels hands on his back. He stiffens, knowing that whatever Kirishima is trying to do will only end up with him scratching him like he always does. “Relax.” The red head’s voice comes from behind him and after awhile with no scratches Bakugou does start to relax. That’s when he notices what Kirishima is doing. He is massaging his back and rubbing out all the tension and soreness that is in his muscles from today and every day up until today. Despite his nails being sharp enough to cut steel, the pads on his fingers on smooth. Bakugou’s shoulders sag a little more as he lets his eyes fall close. All irritation from before seems to just seep out of him as Kirishima works over his muscles.
When he gets to a particularly sore spot Bakugou hisses and flinches but Kirishima just whispers reassurances to him. It’s not often that Bakugou is so mild mannered and subdued but when Kirishima is done with his massage and Bakugou is lying on the bed on his back, he can’t even work up the energy to get upset when the stupid fox climbs over and straddles him.
“Seems that the massage really worked hmm?” Kirishima smiles down at him and Bakugou just avoids eye contact rather than give him a response. That is until he felt those same fingers under his chin as they tilt his head back to look at Kirishima.
“Don’t be mean, shouldn’t I get at least a thanks. Maybe a kiss? “ he says hopefully. Bakugou will never understand this damn fox. He is ruthless when he comes to fighting and has no problem getting his hands dirty with the blood of his prey but he is the sappiest and most considerate person Bakugou has ever met when he isn’t fighting or scavenging for food.
“Fine.” As if he could say no to his face anyway. Lifting his arm, he tangles it in Kirishima’s red lock and pulls him down for a kiss. Nothing about Bakugou is gentle, not his attitude, his voice or his approach to things, but something about this stupid fox makes him want to be gentle. His soft lips against Bakugou’s chapped ones, his fingers tangling in his hair, being extremely careful of his nails. That damn red head was just too considerate and kind for his own good and it was starting to rub off on Bakugou as much as he hated to admit it.
Kirishima broke the kiss to start trailing butterfly kisses down the blonde’s neck. If anyone ever asked him who was the one that melted under a simple touch like this he was instructed to say it was him but he knew the truth. Since all Bakugou’s irritation and anger was gone and it was just the two of them nothing was stopping him from letting soft little sounds leave his lips as Kirishima pushed his shirt up to kiss his chest.
The fox had an obsession with Bakugou’s body much to Bakugou’s usual irritation. The blonde liked fucking. Just using it as something to take out aggression enough so that he can make it through the rest of the day without exploding. Kirishima on the other had liked love making, cherishing his partner and taking his time when it came to appreciating everything about them. It was endearing in a way, a way that Bakugou would never admit out loud but it was at the forefront of his thoughts as he thread his fingers through Kirishima’s hair.
Kirishima looked at him with those bright red eyes and smiles. He leans back up and captures Bakugou’s lips again in a kiss. This time it was less sweet and innocent. It was hot and heavy and it left Bakugo panting for air when Kirishima pulled away.
A smirk graced the fox’s lips. He took pride in being the only one that can make Bakugou a complete mess like this. Something starts to poke him and he grinds down on it lightly drawing a soft moan from the blonde underneath him.
“Are you getting hard Katsuki?” As much as Bakugou wants to yell at him, his voice is like a soft and smooth purr that sends a shiver up his spine and he is right about Bakugou being hard.
“So what if I fucking am huh? Don't look so smug about it- ah!” Before he could barely finish his sentence Kirishima ground down hard on his hips and all Bakugou could do was glare at him.
“Do you need a little help with this problem?” the smirk hasn't vanished yet and Kirishima slips his hand inside his pants and starts to palm him through his underwear. Bakugou’s face is flushed now and hips buck, looking for more friction. Kirishima leans down to whisper in his ear.
“I think you do. I want to hear it from you though. Tell me you want me to help, that you want me.”
Bakugou rolls his eyes, which is a little hard since staying focused on anything is a monumental mental task. Threads his fingers through Kirishima hair.
“Of course I want you. Why do I have to say it every fucking time we do this?” It was the only thing Kirishima seemed to need to hear over and over. From what Bakugou could gather Kirishima wasn’t used to someone wanting him. He was a forgotten spirit that roamed the forest by night and watched humans live their lives by day. All while staying high in a tree branch so he couldn’t be seen. He knew humans didn’t want him anymore and as much as he laughed it off and said it didn’t bother him, just from this one habit Bakugou knew that it meant a lot to him. “Cause I like hearing you say it.” Kirishima’s bright voice shakes the blonde from his thoughts. His hand pushes Bakugou’s pants down and throws them haphazardly on the floor and his underwear follows as well. Moving down so he can have a better view of Bakugou’s dick, Kirishima carefully wraps his fingers around the base. He is much better at this then when they first did this and he is aware of his claws at all times now, so when he starts to move his hand up and down Bakugou doesn’t really worry about having his dick shredded to pieces. He is also to lost in pleasure to even care if that happened right now.
Kirishima moves his head down and runs his tongue along the underside of Bakugou’s dick. It sent shivers up the blonde;s spine and a long drawn out moan was pulled from his throat when Kirishima takes him fully into his mouth. Bobbing his head up and down the redhead makes sure that he locks eyes with Bakugou. He knows how much Bakugou loves watching him when he is giving him a blow job. Bakugou starts to buck his hips up into Kirishima’s mouth and Kirishima relaxes his throat so he can take it. It doesn’t take long to bring Bakugou to the edge and his moans are higher and louder as he gets closer and closer to his orgasm.
Before he can have any release though Kirishima pulls off of him and climbs back up his body to straddle him. A whine comes from Bakugou before he can stop it, but he makes up for it with a glare as he bares his teeth at the fox.
“What the fuck?! Why the fuck did you stop you stupid fox?” Kirishima only smirked at him which just made his anger escalate. “I don’t want you to cum yet.” Kirishima says as he takes off his pants, his tail swishing lazily back and forth as he positions himself over Bakugou’s dick.
“I want to feel you inside me.” He lowers himself onto the blonde’s dick, feeling the stretch and burn of being filled up so much, so suddenly. The moans that fall from his lips are sounds that Bakugou never wants to forget. They are as clear as the bell around his neck and so angelic that it should be a sin for a spirit like him to sound like that. Kirishima’s tight heat wraps around him as he sits fully on his dick. It was enough to make him cum right then and there but Bakugou had his pride to think of and no way he was letting Kirishima have the satisfaction of seeing him cum from just entering him.
As soon as Kirishima is finished sinking onto him he starts to move. Bracing his hands against Bakugou’s chest, he lifts his hips up and brings the back down. The way he is biting his lip and the moans that escape even though he is trying to keep them back break all of Bakugou’s mental control and he puts his hands on Kirishima’s hips and starts to thrust into him. Kirishima’s moans start to get loud as Bakugou watches his face become overcome with pleasure. He leans over and presses their chests to gether so Bakugou can have a better angle. With a few thrusts Kirishima is nearly screaming with pleasure as Bakugou hits his sweet spot. “Ah…..Katsuki, Katsuki. So good…..it feels so good.” Normally he hates hearing his first name but the way Kirishima says it with a voice that sounds completely blissed out makes him moan hard. He turns his head and captures Kirishima’s lips in a searing kiss. It’s messy and uncoordinated but still perfect. He swallows all the noises and moans Kirishima makes and with a hard thrust to his sweet spot the redhead is moaning into his mouth as he cums. Bakugou keeps thrusting into him and breaks the kiss to breathe. Kirishima is whimpering from the oversensitivity but the looks on his face is what sends Bakugou over the edge as he cums deep inside Kirishima. He slows and stops, letting Kirishima laying on his chest as they both catch their breath.
“Did that help ease your mood?” Kirishima asks after awhile of just listening to the blond breathe. “Yeah Eijirou, it did.” He wasn’t lying. For how annoying the fox can be he seems to always know how to relax Bakugou and make him forget about the bad day he was having. Kirishima’s ears perk up, the large red earrings in them swaying with the motion.
“You used my name.” The underrated joy in his voice was impossible to ignore and Bakugou just sighed and wrapped his arms around the boy on top of him. “Yes you stupid fox, I used your name. Happy?” Kirisma just grinned and snuggles closer into Bakugou. He yawns, showing off all his sharp canine teeth and closes his eyes. “Yeah, that makes me really happy.”
Bakugou runs his fingers through Kirishima’s hair as he falls asleep with a slight smile on his lips. “Whatever you say you stupid fox.”
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