#i have perished thanks to his black leather on black leather outfit
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lynaiss · 9 months ago
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The Crow 🗡️
This character is consuming my brain, hey Bioware, respectfully, what the heck is up with all the eye motifs and the wings???
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burningwerewolfnight · 8 months ago
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dcnatural · 5 years ago
The Knight In Shining Armor
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Word Count: 3123
Pairing: Reader x Arkham Knight!Jason Todd
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: When Scarecrow unleashed his terror in Gotham City, you decide to protect the defenseless, but soon find yourself in the hands of the Arkham Knight.
The moment the city wide alert was emitted, you knew it didn't include you. No one would care to evacuate an orphaned girl. So you watched from the window of the abandoned building you called home as the busses were filled with citizens and then disappeared into the horizon, heading towards safety. 
As the night fell onto Gotham, you shivered, knowing what was to come. There was no way you would make it out of this alive. A sob escaped your lips as the realization sunk in. You had survived alone in the streets of the most dangerous city in the world, and now it would all be over with a chemical cloud.
But as you listened to the radio, the news anchor announcing with a trembling voice the explosion in Ace's Chemicals, you decided that if you were going down,  you would go down fighting. The Batsignal illuminated the sky, a shining symbol of hope, reminding the poor unfortunate souls that hadn't been able to escape the city in time that perhaps it wasn't the end. And that hope inspired you to leave the relative safety that your home offered to venture into the dark streets, sure that you could also make a difference.
You knew you weren't the only upright citizen remaining, it was virtually impossible to empty a city as huge as Gotham in a matter of hours. And so, while Batman fought to stop Scarecrow and whichever other masked freak that decided to terrorize the town, you would protect the innocents from the commun thugs. 
Ducking behind trash bins, you waited until the group of soldiers that patrolled the alley walked past before you raced through the smashed display window of a costumes store. You didn't know where the soldiers had come from, but from the look of their equipment and weapons, you could only assume they were being handsomely rewarded by their services.
You tried not to think about what you would be facing as you rummaged the shop's inventory in search of what you had come for. If you were to fight the bad guys, you would need a costume. As a little kid, Batgirl had been your favorite hero. She showed the world that girls were as capable as men. You had cried when she disappeared. You knew that the only reason why someone like her would drop her career as a vigilante was death, and so you mourned her in silence.
But as you pulled a Batgirl outfit from a pile of trashed clothing on the floor, your grief gave way to courage. Even if it was just a cheap Halloween costume, you would don her legacy and make her proud. Whoever she had been, you were certain she would be smiling in heaven, happy that someone kept spreading her message.
The cheap spandex dug into your body, sweat making it stick uncomfortably to your skin. But that was only a minor inconvenience and you wouldn't let it stop you. You smiled at your reflection in the mirror. The yellow cape hung behind you, framing your purple clad figure. Your own black military boots stood out from the rest of the outfit, but since the costume didn't come with footwear, they would have to do. 
You didn't have batarangs, only your old and reliable crowbar; nor did you possess a grappling hook, but you had enough experience climbing into places you shouldn't to be positive that you would be fine without one. 
The patrolling soldiers entered your line of sight once more, and you hid behind the store's counter while you waited for them to turn the corner and disappear. It wasn't them you planned to fight.
Your small body passed unnoticed by the streets as you headed to the docks, where you knew most low lifes would be. Everything smelled of urine and old beer, and you grimaced as the nauseous scent filled your nostrils. A party of criminals hang around a lit barrel that served as a makeshift fireplace. A gagged police officer was tied up to a streetlamp in the center of the group, and they laughed as they took turns punching the defenceless man.
You forced yourself to relax before you sprung into the scene, kicking down the closest thug before they even noticed your presence. With a swing of your weapon you brought down another, and then jumped out of sight as they opened fire against you. 
Throwing a rock at the lit barrel, you caused it to collapse, engulfing the wooden floor in fire and making the three remaining criminals stumble away disoriented, more worried about not burning alive than killing you. A second too late you realized that unless you were quick enough, the cop would perish in the fire you started. You cursed loudly. Perhaps being a hero wasn't that easy after all. 
You held your breath to avoid inhaling smoke and rushed past the ablaze inferno separating you from the officer. Taking a knife that had been dropped on the floor, you cut off the restraints, freeing the man. The metal was hot against your palm, but you ignored the pain.
"Thank you, Batgirl", the cop said as you helped him onto his feet. "Go get them", he added, pressing his gun to your hand.
You nodded and took the weapon, trusting him to get to safety on his own. Somewhere close by, the thugs started shooting again, but you dodged every bullet. The heat was uncomfortable, the flames licked against your suit as you raced between hiding spots. The fire now covered the better half of the pier, making it unavoidable. 
Before you had a chance to ready your pistol, gunshots filled the air, followed by three damp thuds of limp bodies crashing to the ground. You crooked your neck to see who was your mysterious helper, but you couldn't see anyone in the darkness.
Suddenly, gloved hands wrapped around you, one covered your mouth to silence you and another keeping you close against your assailant's chest. Your grip on the gun faltered and it fell to the floor leaving you unprotected.
"What do we have here?", a modulated voice whispered close to your ear. You felt something hard pressing against the side of your neck and you froze. "Move and I will kill you, do you understand?"
You nodded immediately, terrified of the man holding you hostage. This definitely hadn't gone the way you had expected it to. The hand muzzling you moved away and the man chuckled as pleas that he let you go fell from your lips. Pathetic whines begging for mercy and you knew that he would only make fun of. But your desire to live was bigger than your pride.
He dragged you away from the burning pier and into a waiting car, shoving you inside before holstering back his gun. From outside, the vehicle resembled a military tank but the inside could very well belong to a fancy limousine, another demonstration of the wealth of this militia.
The leather seat was soft beneath your body and you ran your hands over the luxurious fabric, certain that it must have cost more than everything you had ever owned. 
Your captor settled in the seat in front of you and you took a good look at him. He didn't wear the same red and black uniform as the others, but rather a glassy gray suit with a stylized "A" on the chest. 
"The Arkham logo", you whispered and he hummed in agreement.
His face was hidden by a mirrored helmet and you noticed how badly destroyed your costume was. Red crept into your cheeks as you became self conscious of just how the tear in your cleavage exposed your breasts.
The car began to move, rumbling down the streets and you saw the abandoned streets passing by in a blur though the window.
“So, you are Batgirl ?”, he asked, the name sounding like a curse.
You tilted your chin up, glaring to where you supposed his eyes would be underneath the mask. “That’s right.” Your unsteady voice betrayed the brave facade you were putting forth. “And you are?”
“I don’t think you are in the position to ask questions here.”
You huffed. “What are you going to do? Kill me?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. When he didn’t respond you laughed and shook your head. “Fine, I’ll just call you The Knight In Shining Armor, since it appears that’s the look you were going for.”
Even though you couldn’t see his face, you could have sworn he smirked. “Close enough. It’s Arkham Knight, if you must know.”
You stayed quiet for the rest of the trip. He busied himself giving orders and shouting at the communicator in his armor while you fiddled with your cape absently minded. While you had dropped the gun in the pier, you still had the crowbar fastened to your utility belt. If you could smack him with enough strength to leave him disoriented and give you time to escape. The only problem was that you were trapped in a military grade vehicle. You sighed, it was hopeless.
“We arrived”, he announced unceremoniously. 
You bit your inner cheek and glanced outside. Instead of the dilapidated warehouses you were used to seeing, tall skyscrapers rose like spirals on the horizon. The mirrored glass windows reflected the moonlight and sniper lasers, creating an infinite amount of sparkling red beams. Your jaw dropped in awe.  
“Get out”, he commanded, grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the car. Your whole body shook as he led you inside the front entrance of what seemed to be a department store. You sheepishly crossed your arms over your chest, trying to hide your exposed skin. 
Mannequins littered the floor, expensive clothing draped all over the place like they were nothing, fancy jewelry tossed to the side to make way for the hyper technological equipment that you couldn’t begin to comprehend. Soldiers roamed all over the place, carrying boxes of ammunition or typing on tablets. Whoever these people were, they weren’t amateurs.
The Knight pressed the button and the elevator doors opened, revealing the golden inside of the cab. He nudged you forward and you entered, clutching onto the guardrails for support, since your legs had decided to stop working properly. The doors closed and the cabin jolted before starting to move upwards, causing you to yelp.
“Are you okay?” he asked, an edge of mockery in his tone.
You squinted and sucked in a deep breath. “Just not used to elevators”, you replied as you supressed the urge to throw up. 
The doors cracked open and you glanced at the screen on the top of the control panel, where the number 35 shone in green light. You shivered, you had never been in a building so tall.
When you didn’t step outside immediately, the Knight let out another low chuckle. “What? You are afraid of heights?”
“No!”, you quickly replied, hugging yourself tighter. Not wanting to let him think you were scared, you stepped outside.
Panoramic windows covered the circular shaped room, giving you a clear view of Gotham’s skyline. Right in front of you there was a bar counter, a tall shelf filled with liquors standing behind it. To your left, you noticed a large bed, sheets tossed all over the floor along with books and guns cartridges.
“You live here?”, you asked the Knight, who had already moved, reaching the bar and pouring two glasses of a caramel colored liquid.
“Just crashing”, he said. “Pretty nice, thought, isn’t it?”
You nodded along and sat in one of the tall silvery stools that lined the front of the bar. “So, when are you putting that bullet through my brain?”, you asked as you sipped your cup. The liquor burned your throat as it made its way down. 
He laughed. His hands reached behind his head and he removed his cowl, revealing a far younger face than you had expected. He couldn’t be much older than you. And he was the most handsome man you had ever had the pleasure of laying your eyes upon. 
His jet black hair was messy, wild locks sticking up in different directions and his blue eyes seemed to pierce deep into your soul. His face seemed to have been sculpted into perfection, from the sharp jawline to the curve of his nose. His lips were curved into a crooked smile and you wondered how it would be like to kiss them. His left cheek had a ‘J’ shaped scar in it but the rest of his skin was flawless.
“Wanna take a picture?”, he joked and you blushed, realizing that you had been staring.
You shifted your gaze to the floor. “Sorry.”
“No need to be”, he said as he jumped over the counter. “Make yourself at home. There’s a bathroom, but no shower. I have already asked someone to bring up some clothing. The good thing about setting base in a department store is that there’s no shortage of options to choose from.”
As he walked, you eyed his thick tights and sighed. Maybe a picture wasn’t a bad idea after all. He sat in front of a desk and began to type in the keyboard, analyzing data from the many monitors before shouting out orders.
You finished your drink and walked over to the window. Helicopters patrolled the sky and you could see the distinct forms of two airships. Looking down, the cars weren’t more than pebbles. 
“What the hell?”, you screamed and jumped backwards. A large winged creature flew by, it’s screeching sound echoing in the night.
“That again?”, the Knight said right behind you, his hot breath brushing against your neck. You hadn’t heard him getting up. “It’s harmless, although I have no idea of what ‘it’ is.”
“Why-- why are you keeping me here?”, you stuttered, suddenly terrified of what fate waited for you.
“Just thought it would be more comfortable than out in the streets,” he answered. “You were only going to get yourself killed.”
  “Oh”, the sound escaped your lips. You pivoted on your heels to face him. “I suppose that does make you my knight in shining armor. Thank you, I guess.”
“Anytime, princess”, he replied with a smirk. 
This close, it was impossible to ignore your desire to kiss him, and so, tiptoeing to reach his height, you pressed your lips against his. He went stiff and you pulled away, shame creeping into your face once more.
“Why?”, he asked before you could apologize.
“Why what?”
“Why did you kiss me just now?”
“Because I wanted to?”, you answered, unsure if it’s an acceptable response. “And I thought you want to.”
He snickered. “You don’t even know me.”
“I don’t. But you don’t know me either. And yet you saved me. Even though it seemed more like a kidnapping than a rescue. Besides, you are really good looking.”
“So are you.”
You weren't used to people giving you compliments, especially not when you were covered in smoke and wearing thorn out clothes. "You really think so?"
"I do."
"Can I kiss you again?", you asked shyly.
"You sure about that?"
You rolled your eyes and kissed him, not bothering with a reply. 
He wasted no time shoving you against the glass wall, gloved fingers pushing aside what remained of your outfit, tossing your belt aside. His tongue darted into your mouth and you moaned in response. He broke the kiss only to remove his suit before returning, with even more passion than before. It fell awkwardly to the floor, landing with a crashing sound that reverberated deep in your skull. His briefs went down next, releasing his erection and you almost choked at the sight of his bulging cock. He chuckled at your reaction.
You grabbed his shoulders, pulling him closer, and running your hands over the hard muscles of his chest. You traced his abs while he unhooked your bra, freeing your boobs. Taking a nipple between his fingers, he twisted and pinched it, earning panted cries from you. With the other hand he tugged down your panties, causing them to pool around your ankles. 
The cold window at your back was a sharp contrast to the warm body pressed against your front and goosebumps erupted on your skin. You swung your legs around his waist, feeling his hard-on brushing against your slick folds. His fingers dug into your asscheeks, supporting your weight. His lips sucked gently at your collarbone and you craned your neck to give him more room. You wrapped a hand around the base of his shaft and guided it to your entrance. The head was smeared with pre-come, and added with your own wetness, it slid inside with ease. 
Obscene moans filled the room as your body stretched to accommodate his enormous length. Your nails carved into his back as he began to move his hips back and forth, pumping into you at a fast but steady pace. With every thrust, your body was shoved against the glass and you feared that it would give in and shatter.
He grunted as your walls tightened around him, burying his face in the crook of your neck and biting hard. You felt the skin break and smelled the faint metallic scent of blood. The thought of the marks he would leave only made you clench harder and he throbbed inside you.
Managing to hold you up with one arm, he used his thumb to draw circles on your clit, flicking his expert fingers on the bundle of nerves and adding to your pleasure. You began to rock your hips to meet his rhythm, eager for more friction. Each stroke of his cock managed to hit the perfect spot and a growing wave of warmth began to take over your body. Lost in pure ecstasy, you reached your peak, your muscles contracting to keep him close. His cock twitched shooting thick spurts of cum into you. You didn’t move until you felt him go soft and pull out with a wet pop .  
Your body felt weak and when you untangled your legs from his body you wobbled backwards, slumping against the wall. You threw your head back in laughter and he joined you on the ground, crouching by your side.
“Fuck”, you exclaimaed, running a hand along your hair.
“Yeah, we just did.”
You rolled your eyes and rested your head on his shoulder, eyelids fluttering shut. He picked up your body with ease and carried you to bed, laying you onto the mattress and shielded you from the cold air with a blanket.
“Rest now,” he said softly. “I’ll be back when Batman’s dead.”
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bittybattybunny · 4 years ago
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Me writing an Au of my original character’s story cuz I had a “what if” moment
This drawing is also a partial ‘redraw’ of an old Kaya picture
I used one of her older outfit designs for this cuz I wanted to. it’s simple but yeah I hope ya like.
Um but here’s the ficlet (this is a short oneshot AU based on my original story “Nightmare’s Dream” this is an Alternate Universe where her human dad isn’t dead and it’s modern age not ancient like her actual storyline):
“Sir, Miss, this way.”
She turned confused as she heard her father being called. She trailed after, doing her best to keep hunched over as they stepped over the barricade into the crime scene. Her nose burned and she reached to cover it disgusted. 
The area was a disaster. Rust colored splothces covered the concrete and pavement. She frowned as she narrowed her eyes as she looked around. Something was bothering her but her dad kept chatting with the police officer. 
Gabriel laughed as he tapped his cigarette package and put one in his mouth, lighting the end with magic. His silver hair was slicked back in a thick braid with many smaller braids interwoven. His brown eyes moved to look at the young woman as she was busy looking around. He chuckled.
She kept her hand over her nose as she wrinkled her nose. It was astringent smelling. She could smell blood, urine, feces, metal, rust. It was giving her a headache. There was also now her father’s smoke. She hated the cigarettes he smoked. It made her head fuzzy. She knew he did ti for his safety but it made her eyes spin. She grabbed the man’s sleeve as she frowned.
“Dad… it smells bad… really bad… it’s sharp and stingy,” she stated quietly as she tugged on his sleeve. She chewed her lip with pointed fangs as her gold eyes darted about the rubble. She gripped his sleeve tighter, “There’s a lot of iron and… dad it smells---” she whined as he didn’t respond. He was busy taking notes down. She made a whine in her throat as she put her chin on his shoulder, “Dad--”
“Kaya dear, just put your mask on if it bothers you that much,” Gabriel stated finally. Reaching into the pocket on his long grey coat, he pulled out a black fabric mask. He held the black fabric up to her and she sighed as she hooked it behind her ears, the smell of lavender overpowering her nose. It made her head dizzy but it was better than the bodily fluids and sharp smoke she was smelling. She looked around, her golden eyes wide open as she surveyed the scene. Her eyes flickered to slits momentarily.
The building had exploded from the left side. The sidewalk was littered in broken bodies broken stonework. Even though it was nighttime there weren’t even gawkers or passerbys. She listened and heard no cars and she frowned as she looked at the sky and narrowed her eyes. As she continued to look around something was annoying her and she couldn’t figure it out at first. Something wasn’t sitting right. This whole scene seemed off to her and she was having issues figuring exactly what it was. Was it the smells, was it the lack of noise, was it her father trying to make small talk with the officer? No. Something felt like eyes. Watching. She knew it wasn’t the normal paranoia she dealt with. This was something else. But where? Where was it coming from? She chewed her lip beneath the mask.
Her eyes paused near one piece of carnage. A large block that’d fallen when the building erupted. That was it! She felt a smile on her lips as she jumped past her father to the shock of the police officer who’d been leading them and made use of her large stature to get over the rocks and cement. The belts and buckles on her outfit created a clink and a clank as she moved. Slowling to a stop before the stone she shook her head to center herself. She put her hand to the stone and scowled, furrowing her brow as she growled. This was what was making her annoyed. She knew it. She looked around at the rubble trying to figure what was different. She pulled her mask down and sniffed at it. She retched slightly.
“Dad.” she stood back up looking over at the older gentleman and pointed. She looked back at the stone as her eyes glinted.
“What did you find? Is it something nice?” Gabriel asked as he took the cigarette from his mouth. He tapped the ash from the end with a small smirk on his face. He watched as she raised a gloved hand and large circles lit up, creating a gust of wind, sending her black hair fluttering. The officer gasped at the sight of the young woman using magic.
“I open at the close, the one who seeks my name shall perish in the blinding lights of my unjust rage. That which began will cease and begin once the time clicks forward.” she recited as the wind and circles faded. She frowned under her mask and pulled it down under her chin. She stuck her tongue out while she started to cough. She turned back towards her father and the shocked officer. Bright red markings dripped on her cheeks like jagged slices. The whites of her eyes appeared a greyer color, darkening as she stood there.
“Was it creature, beast, caster, or spoiled?” her father asked as she frowned. He looked at his notes as she stared at him. The officer looked confused as the others surveying the scene turned towards the commotion she was causing.
“Yes.” was her only response before she looked back at it confused. She raised her hand once more and pulled the glove off. Dark claws and darkened skin blurred together as she placed it on the large block. She began to scrawl on it. Symbols. She worked quickly as she carved line after line into the stone. It started to erode. She sided stepped as a skeleton fell out onto the street. When it clattered to the ground, coins fell out with it as well as a book and some pages. She picked the book up and tucked the loose pages inside. She flipped through it before she tucked it away into her coat with a huff. She would deal with THAT back at the office.
“Oh. a vessel.” Gabriel watched the officer vomit and sighed before laughing at the other man, “Good work sweetie. Is that why it smelt stingy?” he asked as he scribbled in his book.
“Mmhm. Kinda. Partially. Not really. This is more…. It was making me really uneasy? Like how people describe being around me. How I always feel the eyes of the moon staring.” she pulled her mask back up over her nose and knelt down poking the skull with her claws. She sighed heavily before she stood up, the various chains on her outfit ringing. She stretched as the slits in the back of her shirt showed her pale flesh and the dark markings on it and she took a deep breath.
“R I S E.”
Her voice was strong and had an echo that caused a shudder to run through the air as the bones began to shift. Shimmering black threads wrapped the brittle yellowed remains together as it slowly stood up. Its skull clacked and teeth dropped. It clicked and chittered as it shifted with the threads holding it together. A light behind the eye sockets glimmering.
“That’s new.” Gabriel whistled, “who taught you that?” he raised a brow as he watched, “that wasn’t your normal work.”
“Miss Holmes in the necromancy department.” she stated as her father walked over, “she said voice of authority should work for a limited time if the corpse was magic respondent.” she explained as she looked at him. Turning back towards the skeleton, she narrowed her eyes, “Who buried you in the block?” she asked it with a stern tone. It had a similar echo to when she rose it from the ground.
It stared at her. It clattered. It tried to point but it’s arm was limp and it couldn’t fully raise it.
“Hrm. I don’t think this will work sweetheart.” her father patted her back but her eyes were staring firmly at the skeleton. “Sweetheart?” he chewed his cigarette.
“The one who buried me sleeps in the earth but the descendants crave destruction of the barriers,” she stated in a hollow tone. “They knew not that I would rise and that I rested here. The child brings sanctuary.” Her gold eyes were blank as she spoke. Her pupils returned as cat like slits as she snarled some.
“That’s no good.” Gabriel sighed, rubbing his neck tiredly. “I’ve worked hard on barriers after all.” he chuckled lowly, “I would prefer them to not be destoryed.” 
The man turned to the officers, “it seems this is very much a case for our office. I’m going to let my daughter loose to have a little look. It’ll cut on cleanup and casualties.” he laughed as he stomped on his cigarette and looked at Kaya once more, “Ready, sweetheart?”
She whined some as she bent down. He reached to undo the leather choker she wore. He gently unclipped the belts from her arms and legs. There was a sickening feeling in the air. It became heavy. The sensation of being watched. The air was thick and oppressive as he continued to remove the belts.
 She stood up straight for the first time that night. Her stature towering over those deployed. Despite her height she was thin and wispy. Her face was hardened into a steely glare as the man held a black mask up. It had two small horns. 4 white slits decorated the dark surface.
“Here you are.” Gabriel chuckled as he handed it to her.
“Thanks…” she lifted it to her face and set it on. At once four eyes opened on the inky surface before a jagged grin spread. She yawned and the mask moved with her motions.
“Find the one causing this mess and bring them back. If they prove difficult. Eat them.” he ordered her. She gave a nod and in a flash was gone leaving a crater in the pavement. The skeleton wobbled and collapsed into dust on the ground. Gabriel sighed.
“Well that’s not helpful.” he scribbled a note as he looked at the remains. He took his cigarette packet out.
“S-sir… what exactly….” the officer whipped his mouth in shock.
Gabriel smirked as he lit another cigarette, “that’s my wonderful baby girl! She’s a special one for sure!” he chuckled as he blew the smoke through his teeth, “a wonderful girl ever since I found her asleep in the lost woods. My sweet little Kaya.” he chuckled, “she’s our best agent you know.”
She jumped from building to building. Her head was throbbing from the release of her seals. She stood on the church steeple and looked around. She raised an arm as the shadows squirmed and formed crows and bats and tore off into the sky. The moon shifted as eyes opened and the night seemed darker. She looked around as she closed her eyes and focused on the shadows that flew around searching for magic traces. For the one who exploded the grim’s holding.
They ran through alleys. They spied in windows. They flew through buildings that whistled with openings. Her eyes snapped open.
“Found you.” she jumped from the building and vanished into the shadows.
“Should we help her?” the officer asked as Gabriel sat down to pull a not book out. He rolled the belts up as he looked up.
“No, we’ll only get in her way. This is training for her you see.” he chuckled, “do you know who we are?”
“I know you work for Prometheus…” he frowned.
“Correction, I own Prometheus.” Gabriel chuckled as he took a pen to write. He scrawled the message his daughter had recited and frowned, “Someone is messing with the barriers my ancestors laid down to keep the other side from interacting with humans. Kaya is a key to maintaining those barriers.”
She jumped from shadow to shadow, the tendrils clinging as she ran through the city. She stopped as she arrived back on the scene and the officer jumped.
“Welcome back sweetheart.” he hummed, “did you find it?”
“Mmhm.” she pulled her mask off revealing she had four eyes below it. All four trained on the officer. The whites of her eyes were the same inky tone of her hair and claws. Her gold eyes glowed in the night air. The officer backed up. He shook as she kept her stare on him. Like a mouse cornered by a cat he was starting to have issues with his heart. Something wasn’t right.
“Isn’t it fascinating?” Gabriel continued, “how the very people who protect the common folk happen to keep others on their side?” he kept scrawling without looking up. The officer swallowed their spit as the young woman kept her multi-eyed gaze on him. Gabriel chuckled some. “The real way to keep the peace is to play togehter sometimes.”
She moved to open her mouth revealing larger fangs. A dark mist left mouth as she gave a low growl deep in her throat. A second mouth opened along her jawline creating the illusion of her face being a mask. It clicked aggressively as she open and closed it.
“I said it smelt bad,” she spoke in a grumbly tone from both mouths. An echo of her own words. “So bad. The moment I got here. Bad magic. ROTTEN magic. Festered, old, wrong.” she hissed word by word.
“I open at the close.” Gabriel recited from his notes. He snapped his book shut and tucked it away into the inner pocket of his coat, “Sweetheart what does that mean typically?”
“It’s where it started,” Kaya answered him as she dropped her shoulders, her claws seemed larger and her limbs longer. She moved closer to the trembling officer. Four large black wings spread from her back as an unease filled the air. She stepped closer as Horns lifted her hair like inky tendrils and she hissed another cloud of smoke. The air grew heavier.
“Do you know what it means to make thine enemy your friend?” Gabriel asked as he stood up. He dusted his coat off with a chuckle as he looked at his daughter. “It helps you immensely in the long run to not make enemies of those who dwell in magic. Officer.”
Kaya cackled as eyes opened on the wings and the officer fell over foaming at the mouth. She straightened up and sighed as she relaxed now. Her horns vanished like mist as she seemed to return to how she had appeared earlier in the evening.
Gabriel clicked her belts back on and the air returned to the normal calm evening chill. She stood up and shook her head as she shut her lower eyes and mouth. She let her father put the belts back on as the wings faded back to the shadows and she grimaced. She took her choker and strapped it on, the silver cross on it jingling as she did.
He pulled a bottle of cola from his jacket and gave it to her which she eagerly sipped on. She took a large gulp before she groaned and stuck her tongue out.
“What’s the point of making me run around if he was the one?” she frowned, “My mouth tastes so gross now.” she shuddered, “Dad. you said this was a simple thing. I ran all around the city.” she whined as she sipped the soda, “In the end it’s just bad smelling and now my head hurts because you removed so many seals at once!” she leaned on him tiredly as she complained about the evening. She gave a large yawn. Her forked tongue flicked as she shut her eyes tiredly. “It’s rotten and icky and bluh.”
“I had a suspicion. I mean this is nothing but a dummy scene.” Gabriel chuckled as he lifted the round stone from around his neck and peeked through the hole. “You noticed I’m sure. It’s far too quite for a thursday even if it is midnight. He would have done better to stage this during the day, but I feel he wanted to wait for less real victims.”
“Of course I did.” she pouted as she moved to grab the officer’s shirt. The shadows swirled and she threw him through it with a shudder. “I see everything.” she opened her lower eyes as the fog began to lift, “That’s why you bring me, isn’t it?”
“No, I bring you because you’re my daughter and you need to learn to manage this.” He looked at her with a small glare on his wrinkled face. “What will you do when I can’t be your handler?” he asked seriously, “I’m not going to be around forever young lady. You’re already 37. I’m hitting 80 next month. You may look like a teenager but you need to learn this faster.” he chided her.
She sighed and looked away from her father ashamed. She continued to grumble, “you don’t even know that. You found me as a toddler...ish.” she sipped her drink as she pulled her fabric mask back out to cover her face.
“Yes, but you’ve been in my care at least 36 years, and you’re still my baby girl. Now. clean the area up, eat the remains.” he instructed as he checked his notes, “that vessel is the only concerning thing.” he scowled as he looked at what he’d written, “the idiot mage I expected but not an actual vessel to be here.”
“It’s a grim. Not a vessel.” she corrected him as bright circles and symbols lit up. The rubble began to rise into the air. She waved her arms as black threads danced and tied the building back together and stitched them whole once more. She looked at the bodies and whined, “can we please call a clean up instead?”
“Kaya.” her father sighed with a firm tone. He stared at her with faded brown eyes.
“Ugh.” she frowned as shadows shifted and covered the bodies. She shuddered violently and started to retch and cough. She held back the urge to vomit as she continued to remove them and crumpled to her knees gripping her stomach. She wiped the black sludge tears from her eyes.
“The magic tastes so BAD it’s so out of order! Messy! Old! Miscasted! Yuck!” she whined as she bit back tears, “I hate it! Hate it!”
“I know sweetheart but you need to consume the fear they produce.” he rubbed her back as she hiccuped and groaned. “I’ll get you burgers on the way home okay? We can even get some sunflower seeds for your bird.”
“I just hate it!” she stood up and wiped her eyes, “this is the worst.” she looked at him as she sniffled.
“I know sweetheart.” he sighed as he looked at the street. He frowned as he raised a hand, “Oh powers which guide the night into the light I call upon your strength of fate. Return that which has wronged and repel that which is sight.”
There was a haze that quickly faded and the sound of cars was heard as people chattered.
Kaya looked at the city and leaned on her dad with a sigh.
“Let’s go home,” she stated as she stood back up and started to walk.
“We should get your mother a cake.” he laughed as they headed down the street into the crowd. A three-eyed crow taking flight.
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canid-slashclaw · 5 years ago
The Outliers - A Guildwars Love Story
This story is dedicated to my wife.
Chapter 1
So many of my comrades had perished at the paws of those savage beasts! He had mused to himself.   "Father, I'm here.  Are you okay?" The old man looked at his son with a somewhat surprised look then handed him the lantern.   "I'm fine.  It's nothin'.  Just help me get these fence posts back in their notches so we can tie 'em off."   Kaleb swung the lantern around searching for one of the fallen fence railings. Once he had located the post both he and his father worked in unison to get them reset. "Have you checked to see if Gerty decided to make a bolt for it?"  Kaleb asked.   His father laughed. "That ole' girl wouldn't move if she were being attacked by an army of ettins.  She's right where she's always been... face firmly planted in the feeding trough." In spite of the misery of the cold rain, both father and son managed to mend the damaged fence well before sunrise.  After their tasked had been completed, they promptly headed towards the back kitchen door. "Not one step further you two." Shirley Grimwald, or "Mamma" Shirley as her husband liked to call her, raised her hand in a gesture for both men to stop.  She pointed towards the floor as a signal to remind them to take off their wet boots and parkas before entering the house.   "Yes ma'am.  I guess the rain chased me in and I lost my head for a bit," the elder Grimwald chuckled.   "It's okay, dear. The next time, I'll chase you out sans overcoat and muddy boots." She smiled in return.
"Once the two of you are dried - I left some fresh towels at the edge of the table right next to the door - you can have some hot coffee and cakes." Mamma Grimwald was slight in build but strong in her faith.  As a devoted follower of the Six, she piously offered prayers whenever a situation demanded them.  With the serving of food came the traditional supplication to their god, Dwayna, for blessings upon their family.   Kaleb tried his best to dry out the locks of his dark shoulder-length hair.  But even with his judicious efforts, his head still looked like a frazzled soppy wet mess.  The chair he sat on felt small and rickety under the weight of his broad, six-foot, four-inch frame.  Being mindful of the damp towel, he discreetly folded it into a compact square then placed it upon his lap.  
"Thank you, boys, for fixing that fence.  It seems every time there's a puff of wind, that thing keeps getting blown down," Shirley said as she poured both men some coffee.   "Are the girls still asleep?  That thunder makes enough racket to wake the dead." Kaleb looked at his father and said with a laugh.  "C'mon, father.  Katie can sleep through a volcano eruption.  And Rachel is probably hiding under the pillow crying like a newborn with her butt stuck in the air." "Liar!" Came a shout from the other side of the door adjoining the kitchen and hallway.  Rachel leaned out from the door frame just enough so her green eyes and auburn hair was visible.
"And miss snoop gets foiled again.  Yer way too predictable, sis.  Now go to bed!" "Why should I?  I can't even sleep and Katie snores like a cave troll." "If the big bad thunderstorm is too much for you, then you can always sleep in my closet." "Oh, just shut up Kal!   I hope you catch pneumonia and die so then I can have the best room in the house." "Rachel Grimwald!  I will hear no further talk like that from you young lady. Since you can't seem sleep during foul weather or be nice to anyone... I guess you'll just have to sleep in our room... on the floor!" Rachel said nothing as Kaleb gave her a wide-eared grin. "Fine! I'm going back to bed... in my room!" Rachel said as she stomped off making every attempt to make her footsteps as loud as possible. Kaleb then turned to his parents and commented.  "Yanno.  I would sure feel sorry for the unlucky soul who has dubious honor of wanting to marry her."
"She's just going through that phase, son.  Girls eventually get over it and blossom into beautiful women," Daniel said while taking an extra sip of his coffee. "Speaking of marriage.  How are things going between you and Trish?  You haven't talked about her much for awhile."  Mrs. Grimwald asked her son.   Kaleb averted his gaze for a moment before responding.  "She's been really busy trying to earn some brownie points with the nobles and such.  We really don't get to see each other that much anymore." "She would make a fine wife for you, son.  I know her family is well connected.  Shoot, if you ever had to serve on a battlefront, I'm sure her folks would find a way of having you stationed in a place that far from any fighting," his mother said with a smile. "Shirley.  That's not how the Seraph operates.  Only the spoiled rich brats get to serve far from the front lines.  Us common folks, on the other hand, aren't as lucky."   The elder Grimwald then looked at his son and asked, "speaking of the Seraph, when are you supposed to report for duty?" "I'm to report in within three days.  According to my commanding officer, I am to be stationed not too far from Claypool." Father Grimwald poured himself another cup of coffee then began arranging the pieces of silverware in a triangle pattern.  
"So, after your stint in the army, what are your plans then?" Kaleb knew where the conversation was going.  "Honestly, I'm not really sure.  Maybe I'll go to Divinity's Reach and join the carnival.  I heard they are always having openings.  I think part of that comes from the fact that some of the performers wind up getting eaten by the ferocious animals they train." "You're like the pot that keeps callin' the kettle black, son.  You are much worse than your sister as far as that smart mouth of yers goes and if I were a woman I would have smacked ya upside the head, silly," Daniel said tersely.   "Then I guess I'm lucky in that there's no woman who's got a witty mouth quite like mine.  Not that I'm thinking too highly of myself or anything, mind you... just stating the obvious, that's all."
His father stood up from the kitchen table then spoke to Kaleb in a passive-aggressive tone.  "Well, sooner or later you will have to face the facts.  As the elder son of this family, the burden will fall to you when the time comes to take over the business.  If I had my way, I would rather you remain here than be sent off to fight in some godsforsaken far off piece of Tyria." "Hey. I'm not keen on dying either, father.  But since the treaty, Kryta is no longer under threat and even your outfit, the Ebonguard, has had to pull back from charr-held lands.  And who knows?  If I'm lucky, I may even get into the hobby of mounting centaur heads in my trophy room,"  Kaleb said with a half-smile. His mother also rose up from the table to give her son a hug.  "Well, I for one am proud that you are serving in the queen's army.  Your father had a distinguished career as a soldier and I have no doubt that you will as well.  Of course I'll be worried sick about you, but at least you are making yourself part of a noble cause." "Ha! Mamma, there's one skill you've taught me that I can utilize while being a soldier - and that is being an excellent cook.  After all, an army moves on its stomach and whenever I'm around I'll make sure my comrades enjoy feasts that are worthy of norn legends." Daniel shook his head.  "War is nothing to get excited over.  Anyway, do you honestly believe this treaty will even hold?  The ink is not even dry yet and our people are already fighting along side those brutes."   "It doesn't matter.  Besides, the chances of me encountering a charr are about as likely as someone being killed by a ghost," Kaleb quipped as he helped his parents clean off the table.  "Speaking of non-human peoples... I still gotta say my farewells to Ulfgar.  That old norn would never let me hear the end of it if I just up and left without saying goodbye." "Dodging the question again, son?  No matter.  Sooner or later you will have to come to a decision on whether or not you want to take over the family business.  I'm getting too old to be lifting things I shouldn't be lifting and managing things I should no longer be managing; at some point that responsibility will have to fall upon someone else.  Namely, my son." His father angled his reply just as he started heading towards the hallway.  
"Love ya, father.  Try not to let the coffee keep you and ma up too long."
Shirley gave her son another hug before heading out of the kitchen and to her bedroom.  As she passed her husband, his father turned back towards Kaleb and commented.  "No worries, son.  Coffee is more like a sedative to me anymore."
"Oh. And one other thing..." Kaleb looked up waiting for his father to finish his response. "I have seen people killed by ghosts back when I fought in Ascalon."
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eyebright-iris · 6 years ago
Review: Met Gala 2019
Good morning to girls and gays only.  Straight men can perish.
Well, the Met Gala has rolled around once again and all I can say is: I’m so glad I’m a lesbian. The theme for this year was ‘Camp: Notes on Fashion’ and my GOD did some men decide that this was the perfect opportunity to come in a bland black tux or worse.
Some of the biggest disappointments of the night for me have to be Rami Malek and Taron Egerton, who, having both just played some of the most iconic men in recent history who lived, breathed and ate the essence of camp, saw fit to turn up in black tuxes.  Taron’s was kinda sparkly though and I still respect the dude for his general lack of typical masculinity elsewhere (more men commenting “phwoar” on their mates’ Instagram, please).  Shout out to Frank Ocean who showed up looking like any bouncer you might find outside one of my local clubs on a Saturday night.  He collaborated with James Charles to prove that while some gays showed their best, others certainly did not.  The theme was CAMP, James Charles, and you still couldn’t deliver.
I appreciated the change in pace from Darren Criss and Harry Styles, but to be honest, Harry’s had camper looks in concert and Darren Criss…well, I loved his look, but it also took me a solid ten minutes to work out that it was him and not just Brendon Urie in his regular concert gear.  Glittery jackets and statement eyeliner do not a camp icon make, I’m afraid, though you certainly did better than so many others.
Kim Kardashian was certainly…there.  I’m impressed with the way she managed to make herself look like she’s just stepped out of the ocean butt-naked and dripping wet, but girl.  You’re rich as fuck.  There’s more than bodycon dresses out there.  Also please smack your husband, he’s a dick and he’s wearing a black tracksuit.  Kendall and Kylie were a little more flamboyant but honestly, they were single-colour knockoffs of things I would say you could find at a Rio street festival, except that would be an insult to Brazil and all the ways Rio festivals embody everything the Jenner looks were not.  And to be real with you?  For all the colour that was there, they were boring.  What is it with these women and being afraid to be #Iconique? It’s sad that all they seem to know how to do is emphasise their boobs and hips in dresses with very little fabric to try and be daring.  If they weren’t so rich and influential no one would pay them any mind because you can see the same look on anyone else.
While I don’t like Cardi B, I can appreciate her attempt to get into the spirit of the Met Gala, which she pulled off so well last year.  I only wish her skirt hadn’t ended up looking like rows of theatre seating.  Katy Perry was there as both a chandelier and a hamburger, which, while a step up from the Jenner-Kardashian contributions, leads me to wonder if she knows what ‘camp’ means, or if her foray into queer culture stopped once she was done appropriating sapphic sexuality for male consumption in 2008.  Special mention must go to Benedict Cumberbatch who saw fit to show up dressed like some bizarre visiting cousin of Colonel Sanders who maybe definitely owned a plantation.  It wasn’t a black tux but somehow I just wish it had been.
To get to the real stars of the night, I think it’s only fair to start off by saying this Met Gala was once again, Black Excellence.  I cannot BREATHE for the number of incredible, powerful black icons taking to the pink carpet in works of art.  Let’s begin, shall we?
Billy Porter showed up (and showed everyone else up) with six hot half naked slave dudes decked out in gold carrying him in on a black-and-gold chaise-lounge like a modern-day Cleopatra and, once he had both feet firmly on the floor, threw up the massive golden wings of Isis and owned the entire space around him.  The crown.  The wings. The copious gold sparkly shit. The gold bedazzled stuff on his face. Every other man should be ashamed of his failure to measure up to the king. Also every man in a tux found DEAD by the side of the road thanks to our Lord and Saviour Billy Porter.
If Billy Porter is the king, then surely, there are too many queens to choose from.  From Laverne Cox’s strikingly shaped black dress with her brilliant blue-white hair and statement makeup, to Lupita Nyong’o showing up in the full neon spectrum of the rainbow, black women showed up to take the crown every single time last night.  Janelle Monáe’s stunning artsy dress blew me away, from the Picasso-like features to the multitude of hats that I have no idea how she balanced, she’s a masterpiece.  Lizzo stepped out looking like the Empress of Flamingos and I am absolutely here for every second of it.  The colours are loud, bold, and the outfit is as large-as-life as Lizzo herself.  Her hair was so stunning, I swear I thought it was a crown at first.
Black hair certainly had a starring role on the red carpet as well, from Tessa Thompson’s insanely long braid (she was carrying a WHIP to complete her outfit RIP all wlw) to Lupita’s impressive afro with its many golden combs.  I adored Danai Gurira’s hair and especially loved her Oscar Wilde-inspired outfit: here is a woman who understands her brief and works from it to great effect, and I loved Keiynan Lonsdale’s gorgeous hair and butterfly gown – seeing him embracing his queerness with both arms since Love, Simon led him to come out has made my heart big.
I can’t move on from the black dominance and excellence of the night without mention of two of my favourite looks: Zendaya and Lena Waithe.  If Billy Porter is the king and there are too many queens to count, then Zendaya stands out yet again as the living, breathing princess of the lot of them. I can hear the white tears over black girl magic Cinderella from here.  She arrived in a whole Cinderella dress that expanded and glows from within, a pumpkin-carriage purse and her own fairy godmother to transform her with a little bibbity-bobbity-boo?  She even lost her damn glass slipper on the stairs. A true artist.  As they say in the LGBT+ community: um, wig.
Speaking of which: Lena Waithe.  The lesbian icon herself, who showed up to last year’s Catholic-themed Met Gala in a pride flag cape, and who went hell for leather this year as well, putting every man in a tux to shame by not only out-classing them in how fantastic she looked in her lilac suit, but also paying homage to the origins of camp, with the back of her jacket boldly stating “Black Drag Queens Invented Camp” and the pinstripes on the suit actually being cleverly displayed lyrics to iconic drag queen songs.  She really Did That yet again and I’m knocked dead.
This review is already long as hell and it’s about to get longer because there are more looks that I want to mention.
First of all: Lady. Fucking. Gaga.  My girl did four outfits on the pink carpet in the space of 15 minutes and holy shit did she kill it.  Starting out in a voluminous hot pink ballgown, followed by a more sedate but still impressive black one with a matching umbrella, then down to a slim hot-pink number, huge sunglasses, and statement telephone, and finally ending up in an iconic mesh and underwear set, all while sporting the most gorgeous gold false eyelashes that made the whole thing pop.  The creativity and flair of everything Gaga does has made her iconic throughout the years and this event was no exception.
Ezra Miller FUCKED IT UP. Pinstripe suit with the sweeping train, glittering cage corset on top and a myriad of imitation eyes all over his face, carrying an eerie mask of himself on a stick?  Phenomenal.  The confidence in his walk as he moved and the way he displayed his look was so striking and seeing him own it so much made my night.
I loved Jordan Roth’s take on Billy Porter’s wings, allowing him to show up as a literal whole theatre. I loved Ryan Murphy’s sparkling pink champagne tux and high-collared cape.  Florence Welch absolutely slayed in her glittering wing-collared cloak.
However, one of the standout looks for the night was Hamish Bowles.  The embodiment of camp, with that magnificent fur-trimmed patterned cape. The look is absolutely dominating even when he’s standing still, and when he moves, the whole thing comes alive. Watching some of the dynamic shots taken of him having fun with his outfit, I felt like I was watching a bullfighter in a lion’s mane – and all of that is good.  I can’t quite put my finger on why I felt he looked like a fabulous Mrs Doubtfire (maybe it’s the shoes) but the outfit was one of the best and definitely set a bar that so many men fell short of.
Final Words:
Can someone please tell cishet men to step their game up?  Or men in general (I see you Frank Ocean and James Charles letting the damn side down)?  They can stay boring if they want, however.  The rest of us will be having far more fun without them, and the plain black tuxes certainly are no talking point of the evening.
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sayofchains88 · 4 years ago
Chapter Thirteen: The big show finale by OrangeLetters88~
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Second night in captivity Alex hasn't woken, the nurse comes early handing a daily rationing for the rest of day for blood. "He has caught a fever, but there is an event the nurses must attend today so I have to cut this short. If anything goes wrong please use this buzzer to contact me please. I don't want your friend to perish." She responds passionately. She curls the device in Clarence's hands.
"Thank you, I will just watch him it seems." He replies despondently. When she leaves, he sits Alex up lightly tapping his face. He turns his head slightly. "You got drink both of these vials. I will be okay."
Too sick to argue he slowly inhales them both back to back. Clarence sleeps on and off the whole time biding their time.
Day three the nurses are back, a large man calls Alex and Clarence out of the cell. Clarence has to pick Alex up supporting most of his weight to carry him over. They demand both in attention. Alex can't seem to open his eyes yet, he strains to open them on and off.  
"Samuel demands those helped Alan to be helping hands to set up the event in a couple days, might as well put you to work on the set to make sure things go smoothly." He explains.
"Alex still is hurt, there is no way he can even stand on his own let alone work a stupid event!" Clarence argues while trying his best to hold Alex up in his arms.
"Then do your best to revive him. All hands on deck no matter what condition he is in. I don't care what you have to say." He raves in anger almost slapping Clarence, Alex catches the man's hand despite not fully able to see. "Trying to protect him doesn't help you!"
He smacks Alex onto the ground, he no longer moves. The man loads his gun pointing it directly at Alex. Clarence Gets in front of the man trying to defend Alex, he looks back to look right in this man's eyes face to face.
"Please don't...we will do anything you say." Clarence responds defeated.
"Good, no more fuss, but also you get nothing for this scene." He replies giving the gun to the nurse. The nurse escorts them back to the jail cell allowing Clarence him enough time to pick Alex up from the ground.
Much later into the night, all you can hear is crickets. Alex sits up looking ahead. He is wrapped in a tinfoil blanket. "I am more shocked you are sitting up." Clarence states.
"I am worried about my clan, but at least they will be there with Dr. Carol...this time feels like the end." Alex says rubbing his arms.  
"What will happen to vampire kind if Samuel takes it?" Clarence notes. Alex grabs a hold of the bars to lift himself up. He wobbles unsteady. His head droops forward. Clarence walks over to have Alex collapse in his arms. "We'll figure something out."
Alex sits down with his legs crossed staring out around the compound after Clarence helps him sit up. "I can feel the wounds finally closing. It throbs like hell though."
"Is that why you are finally up? You can feel it only now?" Clarence questions. "We need to get out of here soon as possible..."
"My legs always get the most messed up when I go all fours. It can put me out the most, but you are right." Alex says with a heavy sigh.
"You really hurt yourself by not being social for a long time. I just can't imagine it sometimes I wonder how your clan leader didn't force you just learn your surroundings. Now you are forced to come out of this awkward shell you allowed yourself to be in for so long..." Clarence points out. Alex puts his finger up at him.
"Shhh...I hear footsteps..." Alex replies sticking his ear closer. "Keys..."
Alex attempts to stand again. Shaking hard against the bars he manages to lean in. "Edwin! Is that you?"
Joseph shows his face first scaring Alex, he falls backward no longer having able to plant his legs firmly. Clarence gently grabs Alex.
"Love, how did you know it was us?" Joseph curiously asks.
"Seriously, you have the gull to ask me this?" Alex shouts fuming.
"I saw the CCTV, you almost got a bullet from someone who wanted to string you up and beat you. His name is Marty; I came to check on you out of concern. The CCTV is live still so I can't get you out yet, but shit is about to go down soon so hopefully then I can do something." Edwin expresses humbly.
"Why are you guys here?" Clarence asks confused.
"We were employed for temporarily from Samuel, but mainly was doing small stuff for him. Including intruders, I was rather shocked when I realized it was you. You called us for a favor, but I couldn't get a hold of you...now I know why." Edwin replies blushing.
"I am guessing those cell phones down stairs are yours." Joseph responds smiling.
"What is wrong with your legs?" Edwin asks Alex who plops on the ground.
"We were surrounded and shot. I am not sure what else you think? Things went awry fast." Alex says as he folds them trying to balance.
"So that's what happened with Alan? You want to know where he is and why Marty isn't here." Joseph explains.
"Don't tell me he is being tortured?" Clarence replies feeling sick. "No, I am not going through that again Joseph. We need out now!"
"Then we will all end up in the dungeon. You need to be a little more patient Clarence." Joseph insists.
Marty comes upstairs seeing Edwin and Joseph congregating with Alex and Clarence. "I thought you were supposed to be watching CCTV?"
"We got bored. At least we have someone to talk too, anyways Alan coming around to you yet?" Edwin inquires.
"Naw man, he passed out again. We don't know anything from him. He might not know anything it seems." Marty confirms. "His brother doesn't want him dead before the event so I got to chill."
Marty's black shirt stained with blood and sweat. "Anyways I am hitting the showers then probably going to bed. Catch you both later."
They all wait till Marty is out of sight. "Alan is being tortured! We have to get him out!" Alex shouts.
"Shhh, you both are idiots if you think you will get there so easily." Edwin chides them. "They even took his book. It's not like you clowns brought yours either."
"I am not a clan leader and I am also not interested in a book." Clarence challenges. "Everything is literally timing, but my suit is all wrinkled from being here too long."
"Your wrinkled suit can be ironed later. We have more pressing matters Clarence." Alex justifies.
"I am going to kill you Alex, I am sorry my outfit isn't just all black!"
"We need to go for now guys. We will be back soon okay?" Edwin declares grabbing Joseph's hand leaving the room.
"Great...this guy is a real sadist. If we don't play it cool we could be next." Clarence says desperate to get out.
"Are we going to make it out alive this time?" Alex replies discouraged. Another set of footsteps are heard in the distance, but fade out.
Day four an early wakeup call requests their presence to set up a large stadium downstairs. They have chains on arm's length hands and legs. Alex sighs. "At least I am not housed up this time I guess..."
"You are wobbling a little less today at least. It could be worse?" Clarence laughs.
"But were in these ugly get ups they provided."
"Don't remind me Alex..." Clarence mourns looking down at the full dark green mechanic suit. They work the whole day setting up large lights, banners, decorations and tables meant to food to be set up later.
They haul in a large cage with a steel chair inside chains are latched to each end with hand cuffs for the wearer. Many representatives come and go checking the set ups.
"This stadium can hold up to three thousand apparently." Alex announces.  
"Just what is this man up too...?"
Marty comes out with a whip in hand. Once again covered in blood and sweat, Alex and Clarence feel intimidated. A woman in dark brown latex suit comes up next. Her gloves covered in blood tosses them on the ground next to Alex.
"Looks like you both are working hard today. I think everything is all set up though. You can return to the cells now." Marty says happily.
They are left in the cell in what they worked in, no one came the claim their chains. "Again...seriously?" Alex starts to bang the bars. Smashing against them violently with everything he got. "I am not playing this anymore!"
"Alex calm down. What if we are uhhh..." Clarence points. Marty opens the cell to whip Alex, each stroke harder than the last till he is knocked unconscious flat on his face. He slowly progresses near Clarence who backs away. "Dear sir, I was warning him earlier. Please let us off this time. I beg you, I beseech you."
Marty backs off slamming the door locking it. Clarence kneels down to lay Alex properly on the ground. He was cut several times in the face from the leather. They are wearing plain tee shirts under the work suits. He carefully peels the top half of the suit laying him on it.
Tapping his face a couple times, he realizes how badly hit he was hit with the whip. "Alex...how do we plan to even get Alan out if we are stuck like this...?"
Clarence can hear people crowd in not so far from them into the stadium. All the workers start crowding up the stairs including Marty who wants to enjoy the show. Edwin dashes into the prison cell with keys.  
Clarence runs up to Edwin. "You need to get out of here while you can." He proclaims opening the cell door. Clarence sits Alex up so he can position himself so he is able to piggyback Alex. Edwin unlocks the chains allowing them to drop the ground.
"What about Alan? Where is he?"
"He is upstairs. Get to your clan. I saw Alice, Christian and Steel already."
"Thank you Edwin...this means a lot." Clarence replies with tears in his eyes.
"No this is to make us equal. I know if something happened to us you would help us too...I will catch you above."
Clarence darts up the steps going through the crowd fast as he can. He spots Steel in time. The surround system goes off. "WELCOME TO EVENT OF A LIFE TIME! MY NAME IS SAMUEL!" The loud speakers all blasted. You could feel the ground shake to dub step music playing the back.
Clarence holds his ears. Dr. Carol stands the tallest of them all walking into Clarence's view first. "What the hell happened to you two?"
Alice sprints over seeing Alex knocked out with gashes on his face. "Clarence, were you both held captive?"
Christian walks over gathering Alex from his back. "Did he go stir crazy? There is nothing else I can think of here."
"More importantly I sabotaged Samuel's plan silently. He was selling pills activated with blood in them next to the vampire starter itself in it. A vampire taking it would not be affected, but a human taking it may undergo the whole process. " Dr.Carol explains boastful.
"He worked super hard calling hospitals and checking in with places to help make others aware." Alice chimes.
Mars comes from behind Christian with ear plugs in.
Clarence spins Steel around before they embrace. "I never thought I would see you again!" Steel cried.
"Nothing can stop me Steel. You know that. I could never leave you...Steel marry me..."
Steel stops for a moment frozen. Everyone watches her become flustered. "Yes...and never leave me again! I do Clarence! Please never again please! I tossed and turned for three days worried sick..." She hugs more tightly.
Clarence notices Alex's eyes opening from his position. "Alex, hey man. Were free already thanks to Edwin..."
"Where is Alan?" Alex asks weakly.
Alan is pushed on stage first. Almost naked bloody, beaten to the point his face is swollen black and blue, his hair a mess. Deep gashes into his legs to the point he is hardly able to stand let alone walk. He is arranged in the cage sitting on the stage locked in place.
A very beautiful woman is brought into the stage. She is about twenty seven months pregnant. Alex hops off Christians back running to the stage like an animal on all fours. "Alex! What the fuck!"
Samuel looks down viewing Alex get on the stage with no trouble. Dr. Carol chases after Alex, but ends up on the same stage with them all. Clarence face palms. "Well if it isn't the trouble maker. It looks like someone helped you escape the cell."
"It's true...you became a vampire..." Alex says to himself out loud. He laughs in his face. Everyone around them laughs with him. "What's so funny you asshole."
Alex turns when he becomes aware Alan has passed out. "I will get Alan." Dr. Carol states cautiously walking toward him.
"It's funny because you act like some hot shot hero coming up here to help traitors. Just like Elijah..." Samuel explains pacing around Alex in circles. A light spotlight is put on Alex's small group. "I was going to do this later, but seems you want to play into my hands now."
"What are you blabbing about old man?" Alex replies gritting his teeth. Men come from the back holding knives, swords and guns behind Alice, Christian, Mars, Steel, and Clarence. "I see..."
"This is my clan, I decided if I have to embrace being a vampire I would literally make it the best kind, but not without fucking his kindred's up. You see I knew from the beginning who took his place, but last I checked Edwin now has possession of them."
"I don't care for a group of rowdy dolts who don't care for me...Edwin can have them" Alex shouts.
"You been kept as a pet and was afraid to drink blood. What kind of vampire clan leader are you?" Samuel ridicules Alex.
"I assume you picked these thugs off the streets, it's not easy finding people, but also not everyone is destined to be a vampire. Samuel you got this all wrong, but I have also been wrong..."
"I mean anyone can become a vampire, you parade it like some special title, but now anyone can be one." Samuel yells. The screen displaying commercials for his pill on the huge screen in front of them, people getting free samples, but also sold in local shops. "And the world can be whatever they want. My patented vampire pills will revolutionize the world! Vampires will no longer be a minority!"
"You are mad Samuel!" Dr. Carol calls out. "What will this accomplish?"
"It means I am fit to lead the world of vampires. You don't think I didn't think this one out?"
"This makes you a hypocrite!" Clarence screams. "The forgotten war was just you being a religious bitch!"
"I was a different person during the forgotten war. How dare you even bring that up." Samuel growls under his breathe. Alex jumps up to acrobat between the beams kicking Samuel in the back of his head.
"It makes you a bitch Samuel." Alex smiles with his tongue out.
"How dare you!" Samuel yells back from the ground. He smiles back. Alex jumps back down. Samuel's phone rings. "What is going on? The numbers are decreasing? How? Increase free samples then! You need to figure this out right now!"
Dr. Carol starts to laugh hard. "I sent the hospitals guidebooks and police how to handle this, but only in the direct area's for now. You can shove that up your ass Samuel. I sat up all day and night till your festivities to make sure this was handled properly. Not everyone is cut out to be vampire. You would dare turn a child??"
"Looks like I found the traitors that let Clarence and Alex out Samuel..." Joshua replies leading Edwin and Joseph on stage.
"I guess we shouldn't be so shocked..."Samuel mutters. Joshua tosses Christian his tire jack. "Wait!"
"Do you like tricks Samuel? Cause I was built for them..." Colleen replies handing Alex his book.
Joshua comes running out disheveled. Samuel grabs Alex by the throat choking him, his book drops on the ground opening. "You are going to be visiting your dear clan leader."
Alex tries to pull his hands off his neck; he could feel his face flush hot. He could hear the crowd screaming for his death. He is hit with things like paper balls, food. His vision starts to blur as his grip tightens.
Christian slings his tire jack hard as he can at Samuel's hand, he drops Alex. "Who the fuck do you think you are by touching Alex this way, he is a million times better then you and your crew of rejects." Christian argues walking through the crowd of hooligans.
Joshua knifes Christian in the back. The crowd makes a circle around the scene. "And that is what I think of your loyalty."
"CHRISTIAN!" Alice screams. Steel holds her back. "CHRISTIAN PLEASE!"
Joshua keeps stabbing till his eyes are tinted red. Alex looks forward in shock. "You have no way out of this Alex! Not anymore!"
Joshua stands up putting his leg up on Christian who is bleeding out on the ground. Alex slowly puts his hands on the pages of the book. Feeling each page without looking at them, the air starts to feel different.
Alex's hair starts to be pushed back by strong winds. He gets up dropping the book. Steel dashes up toward Christian when she realizes he activated the hardest part of the book. "ALEX CALM DOWN!"
Clarence takes Alice's hand making their way to try to Alex.  
Samuel aghast brings his book out. "Are you trying to kill everyone here over someone getting a scrape?"
Alex no longer is his presence alone bodily. "Talk is cheap from you Samuel. I had enough of this, you hurt my kin. Time for play is over."
Vepar's image doubled over Alex's. "Great duke of the sea, I call forth your swift punishments of this heathen. I seek hell's divine hand!"
"Wait Alex!" Samuel shouts. Alex stands firm as water carries away most of Samuel's men with bullets of water except for Joshua and Samuel himself.
"The sea is a harsh place, even harsher for those who seek to harm others for plain power." Alex explains picking Samuel by the collar making gun fingers against his chest, but decides to aim at Joshua first.
Joshua is hit by the water bullet multiple times before he is on his knees. "How does it feel? To be beaten finally. Sad you became some celebrity fuck boy like this."
"Alex, maybe we can work something out?" Joshua says scared.
"But Christian didn't get a say?"
Vepar's tail goes for Joshua wrapping him tightly, squeezing every ounce of energy out of his body.
"Alex, please snap out of it...Christian is breathing. He is fine." Steel yells. Alex releases Joshua who has long passed out. The book falls to the ground.
Alice darts to stage with quickness, he falls into her arms. "Samuel disappeared..." Clarence mutters under his breathe. Steel gets up beside Alice.
"I can't see anything..." Alex whispers, his eyes are almost solid gray.
"You will be okay Alex...right now you are adjusting. You are not supposed to be tranced this long. You both share different dimensions..." Steel assures him.
"I just wanted to protect my friends Steel because over this whole time they became my family..."
"And you did, they are alright Alex...I hope you never have to use Vepar again like this." Steel whispers.
Alex closes his eyes slowly. "I don't want to die yet Steel..."
"And you won't I promise..."
                                   "Let me tell you a story...
                                                        Once upon a time a little girl thought she could take on the world with just her fairy. One day she met her match was defeated and she was proven she was not strong as she could be, but then she met people who wanted her live and rise meet her ability to rise. It was only her beginning...don't give up Alex...this is only your beginning."
https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/269037735/write/1072684902 Please support my works on wattpad if you like please~
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overwatchimaginations · 8 years ago
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For @its-the-fates-squad for winning my competition! I had so much fun writing this, and want to give a huge thank you for everyone that supports this blog, whether it’s liking, reblogging or reading my works. It means so much.
“Honey, are you ready?” You met your eyes in the mirror above the mantlepiece, spotting a stray hair and swiftly tucking it behind your ear. You pursed your lips, running the balm over them for protection against the humid air outside. You clicked the lid back on top and stuffed it into your jacket pocket.
“Yeah, sweet pea. Jus’ comin’.”
You sighed with content, twisting your body this way and that, happy with how you looked. You ears perked at the sound of footsteps heading from bedroom. You couldn’t help but glance in his direction. Instead of his usual leather trousers, brown shirt and serape, he donned an immaculate charcoal three piece suit with a white shirt, no tie in sight but the top three buttons were casually undone. Your breath hitched at the sight of how well he scrubbed up. He had trimmed his scraggly beard into something presentable and his chocolate locks were brushed, resting neatly just below his ears. He stood there with his hands in his trouser pockets, eyebrows raised expectantly at you.
Gosh damn, you got lucky.
“What d'ya think?”
You opened your mouth to say something. Anything. You literally couldn’t. There might as well have been a golden light backdrop with a choir of angels singing.
“Doll?” “Hmm?”
He shrugged slightly as to prompt you, a half smile on his lips showing off his pearly whites.
“I- erm. Yep. Great. Really good. Where’s my boyfriend and what have you done with him?”
A hearty chuckle rumbled from Jesse, him now walking over to you to place his lips on your forehead, reluctantly pulling away to roam his eyes up and down your outfit.
“You look like an angel.”
You inwardly smiled to yourself, reminiscing about your earlier thought about Jesse. You tiptoed up to peck his lips with yours as a thank you.
“The taxi should be here in about ten minutes or so. Should we have a quick drink?”
Your shoes tapped over the floor towards the open kitchen, head turned back towards Jesse as you asked the question.
“That’d be mighty fine.”
You stifled a giggle at his over-exerted accent and the cheeky wink he threw you, knowing exactly the reaction it would have on you.
You opened the cabinet door and removed two glass tumblers down from the shelves before gently pushing it shut. Placing the glasses on the worktop, you reached over to the back of the counter to grab the dark brown bottle of whiskey you kept only for special occasions. Twisting the cap off, you meticulously poured a drabble into each glass before placing the lid on and sliding the bottle back to the corner. You opened the door of the freezer to remove the bag of ice cubes, plopping two into each glass and closing the door with your hip.
Jesse hadn’t been able to take his eyes off of you the entire time. He had both arms leaning on the countertop, his posture making it so his derriére was slightly pushed out. His cinnamon gaze sparkled as you handed him the drink, his tanned fingers brushing over yours and ice cubes clinking.
You both tapped your glasses together before taking a sip, savouring the mottled, alcoholic taste before letting it slide down your throat.
“Happy anniversary, Jesse.”
“Happy anniversary, doll.”
He took another swig.
“How many years has’t been now?”
He looked thoughtfully up to ceiling, eyes not meeting yours, his elbow resting on the worktop and his chin resting on his fist. You gasped dramatically, leaning over and playfully slapping him on the arm which earned you a cheeky grin.
“Too damn long, apparently.”
You raised your eyebrows as you took a sip, locking your orbs onto his face as it was his turn to act shocked. You smiled slightly, placing your near-empty glass next to his.
“Five years is a long time to be together, Jesse.” “Mmhm.”
He downed the rest of his drink, crunching away at the ice you think he was actually supposed to leave in the glass. His hand covered yours, his palm cool from holding his drink. The corners of your lips turned up, eyes creasing as you smiled at your love.
A simultaneous beep and buzz from your phone brought you out of your trance.
You slid the phone out of your jacket pocket, glancing at the screen.
“Taxi’s here.”
Jesse curled his fingers around your hand, lifting it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles, never taking his eyes off of yours. You took your hand back when he let go, cheeks warm and fuzzy from the gesture.
“C'mon, they’ll be waiting for us.”
You nodded, following Jesse to the front door,  taking your keys from the bowl to add to your collection in your pocket. He opened the door for you, shutting it once you were by his side. The air was warm, only a slight breeze passing through. The epitome of a gentleman, he opened the car door for so you could gracefully slide in. You said hello to the driver, and as Jesse made his way around to the other side of the taxi you began making small chit-chat.
You zipped the seatbelt over your body and clicked it in place. Just like earlier, Jesse took your hand in his own and moved it to the space inbetween you, clasping it tight.
Orange street lights blurred as the taxi whizzed past, the glow lighting up the interior of the taxi. You had booked reservations at your favourite restaurant, one that you only went to to celebrate something big because it wasn’t exactly cheap. You squeezed your boyfriend’s hand, excited to be able to spend this special night with him.
“I am so full.” “But it was so good, doll.”
You leant back in your chair, hands clasped over your stomach. Your left foot was idly stroking Jesse’s leg, your other foot planted firmly on the floor. Empty dishes sat in front of you on the cloth covered table, waiting to be taken away.
“We’ve still got the sweets t'come yet, sugar.” “Yer the only sweet I need.”
Your poor impersonation of your boyfriend made you erupt in giggles, the cowboy opposite you failing miserably to hold back a grin.
“M'sorry. That wasn’t good.” “Nope. Makes me remember why I love ya’, though.”
You couldn’t help but smile. He tells you everyday that he loves you, but it never fails to cause butterflies. You adjusted yourself in your seat as the waiter came round to collect the plates, thanking them. He also handed you dessert menus to look at before he left. Jesse leant forwards in his chair, placing his menu flat on the table so he could look at you, you copying him. His hand reached across the neatly seat table, meeting yours in the middle.
“(Y/N)..” “Jesse?”
Your brows furrowed slightly, head tilting to the side.
“(Y/N). I love you.” “I love you too.” “Well.. I- er..”
Jesse brought his other hand, curled into a fist, to try and mask his cough. You squeezed his hand in reassurance. What was going on with him?
“Will you do th’ honor..”
He released his hand from yours, digging it into his trouser pocket and sliding from his chair onto the floor on one knee. He used both hands to prop open the black velvet box, a beautiful ring perched on top of a satin cushion.
“Of becoming my life long part'ner?”
The warm glow from the dinner candle on the table made the diamonds in the ring sparkle, the flicker from the flame recreated in Jesse’s eyes. Your lips were slightly parted, eyebrows raised in shock and hands hung limply in your lap. Time seemed to slow. The room had gone quiet in anticipation but you didn’t notice. This moment, this beautiful moment, was shared between you and Jesse only. His gaze looked at you expectantly, a nervous smile etched upon his lips.
“Yes.” You managed to whisper. Your throat had closed from emotion, the word coming out hoarse. “Yes, yes a thousand times, yes.”
Jesse sprung himself upon you, strong arms wrapping around you, your eyes welling up with unshed emotion. You hugged him fiercely, burying your face into the crook of his neck. When he began to lean back only did you let go. The roar of applause met your ears from around the restaurant, but your eyes were still on Jesse. You shakily held out your left hand for him to twist the ring onto your finger. Your gaze flitted to the jewellery to him, vaguely wondering how he obtained your size but because of how perfect it looked.
“Thank you, (Y/N).”
Still holding your left hand, he brought it up to his lips to brush his fingers over the new addition of jewellery. You felt your face warming up, your head finally coming down from where it had been floating. You looked around, meeting strangers eyes and acknowledging them with a small wave with your other hand.
Jesse stood up and sat back in his chair, not letting go of your hand. You took in a deep breath, only shuddering slightly. You gazed over the restaurant, noting that everyone had gone back to enjoying their meals after the commotion.
“So.. Dessert?” Jesse asked, a lopsided smile on his bright face.
You burst out into laughter - this was who you were going to be spending the rest of your life with, and you knew you were going to love every minute of it.
“Jesus- I can’t.”
“Yes you can. Straighten up, breath out and-"
Your eyes bulged as the air was pushed out of you, Your fingers grasped onto the wooden table in front of you, nails leaving indentations on the surface. You only relented the pressure once the zip on the back of your outfit had managed to close all the way and was securely fastened. You hoped Jesse was suffering as much as you to look good. Your body shuddered slightly, from lack of air but also from nerves.
Today was the day.
Today was the day you took Jesse’s last name and legally became partners.
Today was the day you got married.
It was only a few months ago that Jesse had humorously proposed to you at your favourite restaurant, but you had decided ‘why wait’? Money wasn’t an issue. The majority of your family had unfortunately perished in the Omnic crisis, save for a few second cousins that you hadn’t spoken to since before the war. Jesse was your home and there was no point in planning a full-on elaborate wedding. Plus, since the proposal you had both received a signal in regards to re-calling Overwatch, albeit illegally.
You saw no harm in re-joining. It would of course mean that you would have to move to the watchpoint in Gibraltar, but for you that meant a beach wedding! Old faces and new greeted and congratulated you both, quickly settling into your new home.
Currently, Angela was helping you into your wedding clothes, her face glowing with excitement.
“I remember back in ze old days, when Jesse was so.. Boisterous. You seemed to have tamed him.”
You laughed at her remark. It was true. It wasn’t entirely down to you, but you feel you had a helping hand in managing to calm down the wannabe cowboy. Now you were settling down with him in the hopes of having a joyous future ahead of you. Tears prickled at the corners of your eyes with the thought, quickly dabbing them away with a slight touch of the finger.
Angela placed her delicate hand on your elbow, a gesture of re-assurance.
“I think I’m ready.”
You glanced at yourself in the full length mirror, taking in a breath.
“I’ll go and let them know.”
Angela left the room, clicking the door behind her, leaving you to your imagination.
It was finally happening.
Bells chimed, the chatter of your friends dying down as the music grew louder, signalling your entrance. Beside you walked Jack, or now commonly known as ‘Soldier 76’. There were only a few people that were entrusted with his identity, you counting yourself lucky to be one of those select few. He kept his visor on for this sake, plus he said it also acted as kind of a shield against the glaring sun, which you giggled at.
Your hand rested in the crook of his elbow. It looked courteous, but you were actually leaning on him for support as he guided you down the aisle. Said ‘aisle’ being a white hessian carpet thrown on top of the sweltering sand. Your steps were shaky, but your smile said otherwise. You were in awe of the floral decorations, white daisies and roses entwined with forest green vines. You caught Jesse’s eye at the other end of the aisle, a perfect replica of what you imagined the day he proposed to you. The sun was high in the sky, but the angles and positioning created a golden aura around him, the background music only adding to the heavenly experience. He was an angel.
Your grip tightened on 76’s arm, only for him to give a small squeeze back. Positive murmers rippled across the people standing either side of the walkway, along with a few 'oohs’, but all of your attention was on Jesse. Despite the heat, he was wearing a long sleeved white shirt, secured with a dark coloured tie and a matching jacket perched on top of his shoulders. The shirt was tucked into his suit trousers, the old 'bamf’ buckle on his leather belt making a comeback. He had actually asked your permission to wear it, thinking it would add a touch of humour and you surprisingly agreed.
You had finally reached the end, you glancing and smiling up to 76 as a thank you before he walked to his own seat.
You reached your hand out to Jesse, who took it and brought it up to his lips; something that had become a favourite of his to do. A chorus of 'awhs’, and you raised the back of your free hand to your mouth to stifle a giggle. You clasped his hand properly and brought it down to hang inbetween you two.
The minister stood inbetween you two, gazing welcomingly over you two and your friends who had now taken their seats.
“Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness…”
You zoned out as they introduced the ceremony, only able to focus on Jesse’s loving gaze. His pools of cinnamon drifted from your eyes down to your plump lips, towards the curve of your exposed collarbone which you could only imagine looked delicious in the warm glow of the sun. His eyes snapped back up to meet yours, a light dusting of pink across his cheeks when he realised his thoughts and that you had been studying him closely the entire time.
You could tell from his actions and the blush on his face that definitely wasn’t from the heat that he was thinking about rather inappropriate things. You bit down on your bottom lip, a vain attempt to stop your mouth from breaking out into a grin.
Your ears twitched when you heard your full name, the officiant just stating the importance of your vows. You were both never creative when it came to expressing your love via words, it was always actions, so you had made the joint decision for the minister to lead you with the traditional vows.
First was Jesse, repeating the lines after the officiate with no problem. Your heart swelled. Hearing him say those special words and knowing they were true made you choke up a bit. Lena was there in a second, pressing a clean handkerchief into your hand so tears wouldn’t spill down your face.
You had to cough before it was your turn, knowing your voice would be slightly croaky from the sudden overload of emotion. There were no hiccups during your part, apart from the odd sniffle which was always followed by a light squeeze on your hand from the cowboy.
It was all happening so fast, a blur of words and an exchange of rings and then you were married.
“I now pronounce you husband and-”
Before the officiate could even finish, Jesse had pulled you forwards and pressed his lips against yours his arm snaking around your waist and- oh!
Whoops and cheers filled the air as Jesse dipped your torso, still passionately kissing you. His tongue cheekily entered past your lips, the sweet taste of him now filling your mouth. You placed a hand on his toned chest to help steady yourself as he brought you back up to stand. When he pulled away, you were faced with the most devilish grin. You couldn’t help but laugh which in turn made him chuckle.
You weren’t laughing just at him. You laughed for joy. For how unexpectedly things had turned out. Surrounded by your friends- no. Your family, and your love. If someone had told you 6 years ago that you would be in this position, feeling as happy and as loved as you were, you would have slapped them silly.
You were so looking forward to spending the rest of your life with the one and only Jesse McCree.
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sodo-mojo · 7 years ago
A Winter’s Tale Part 1: Crossroads
Alcyine, a crossroads town that probably sums me up right now. I have been traveling for several days on my own for the first time. Never truly alone, as I always have my father’s training…
My swords shift on my back, almost always on cue whenever I think about my father. It’s been almost two weeks since I left home. Well, not my real home, but more like my parents. On my own for the first time! My father was weary of letting me go on my own, likely wanting to continue to sharpen me like his beloved swords. My father can get a little meticulous when he is focused on a task, and if he thinks that it’s not perfect he’ll keep working on it until it is. Days of relentless sword fighting with him towering over me, explaining how my enemy can take advantage of a foot slightly out of place. Surviving in the woods, figuring out what’s safe to eat, what’s not safe to eat, and how to not accidentally come across predators. It’s one of his quirks that my mother admires about him.
I look down at my dusty traveling cloak whenever I think of my mother. I often wonder how long she had it prepared for me. I guess since it is fairly plain that she made it after we left home. My father’s cloaks, while always practical, often had embellishments depending on who he was meeting with, where he was going, or sometimes his mood. It was one peice of his outfit he was allowed to customize. He often boasted about Mother’s abilities and said that it reminded him to come home, else he faced her wrath in the afterlife. Given her uncanny ability to always know when I was up to no good, I tend to believe him. But when I decided to set out on my own, she was adamant that I get out and stretch my wings, and when she handed me the cloak I guess it was like she knew that day would come. Father, of course, had me covered when it came to armor and weapons. Nothing too fancy, like his chain mail and stylized swords. Finely polished leather armor with our house sigil pressed above the left breast. Mother’s audible tsk as she quickly patched over it, well enough to hide from glances but they urged me to keep my cloak covering it as best as I could, a mixture of paranoia and concern. It seems even though my father did not want to let me go, he was prepared for it all the same.
They handed me a bag of supplies and let me be on my way, my father calling out reminders as I trekked into the horizon. I am eager to keep traveling, but the Festival of Summer calls to me. It was always an exciting time for me growing up, and even out here I know the celebration will be grand. Usually in my home there would be a huge fireworks display, though I do not know if Alcyine’s display will be nearly as big as I’m used to.
Alcyine’s denizens are running back and forth. Some are admiring the decorations, while others hustle to fulfill whatever task they are assigned. The mid-day sun was beaming high on this cloudless day as I meander through the city. I knew that there would be a market filled with merchants with good timing and cityfolk showing off their labors to travelers. I eventually follow a throng of people to the center of town, a fountain greeting all those in the town square. Of course, I scold myself, the stalls would be in the town center. The blacksmith is a thought, but with no heat in the forge means that they are probably more keen to sell what they have in stock. Probably nothing close to the grade of what I have, so I stop at the first stall that catches my eye. There are displays of embroidery at the stall, pillows and blankets with intricate stitchings. I lament my current predicament, and turn away from the stall. Many of these pieces would look nice in my room, only I don’t have one of those any more. The owner of the stall sees me consider her wares and calls out to me. She’s an older woman, with that hawk-like gaze that mothers have, always making sure that their children are staying out of trouble. I make small talk with her, feeling somewhat guilty for not seeing anything that immediately catches my eye. After our short conversation, the feeling of guilt is somewhat dispelled by her welcoming attitude and warm demeanor. However, I am quick to part ways with her to not take up too much of her time. With a deep sigh I trek to the other stalls. Nothing seems to stand out to me. I mean, the jewelry stall has many fine pieces, but I think the necklace my father got for me is the only jewelry I care to own right now. Traveling makes maintaining fine things like jewelry difficult. It might be a good idea to stock up on rations, but perishable fruits or sweets do not help right now, so I pass on those stalls. Maybe I might grab a sweet roll later to enjoy the fireworks, but for right now it’s not high on my priority list. Soon, my lack of enthusiasm for the wares on the other stalls leads me in a circle around the town square and back to the first stall that I came across.
The owner greets me warmly once again, the feeling of welcome washing over me once again. I look at her small wares and see a number of sigil patches. I know that the flimsy piece of cloth over the sigil on my armor is not going to fool anyone for long. “One day you’ll be able to wear it with pride.” My father’s words echoed in my mind, “But, until that day comes, try to find something worth fighting for.” Cantor’s sigil, a golden sun on a red background, was unsurprisingly on display. Probably an attempt to get tourists like me interested in a purchase. I admired the needlework, comparing it to what I remember my mother taught me to look for. This woman is no slouch, but I still think Mother’s stitchings were better. Next to it was a blue patch. It displayed a white dove grasping a black snake in its claws. I did not immediately recognize it, so I asked the stall owner. She tells me that it’s Alcyine’s sigil, based off the story of a snake who was attempting to climb a tree to get to some eggs at the top. Along the way the snake would lie to various animals about his intentions and climb further up. Nearing his goal, the snake came across a dove, and after a lengthy conversation, snared the snake and flew him back to the ground. I thank her for the story and buy the Alcyine patch, adding a few extra gold pieces in thanks for the story.
I turn and look around the plaza again. Even though the backsmith doesn’t have the forge on, maybe I dismissed them too easily? Though, I’m pretty tired after my journey, it would be good to sit and have a warm meal. There could also be another stall that I overlooked. Too many decisions leave me standing there for a few seconds considering my options. Movement over at the alehouse catches my eye and I notice a girl with red hair leaning up against the wall just outside. She looks into the alehouse but quickly turns away, and I notice her face turn a deep crimson underneath her freckles. Curious, I start walking towards her.
Her emerald eyes regard me as I approach, probably wondering a million different things as I close the gap between us. I take no time inviting her to have dinner with me, as well as attempting to find out what was the cause of her blush. She accepts my dinner invitation and walks in with me, but is somewhat dodgy on the blush question. As we enter the alehouse I scan around, looking for empty seats first, before looking for any seats. The alehouse is pretty full, no doubt plenty of people looking to enjoy some drinks and a nice meal before the fireworks truly begin.
There are a couple of large men at the bar, egging someone on. There is also a group of people gambling, but I note to myself that it’s difficult to gamble, rest, and stay inconspicuous with how loud some of the reactions to the dice rolling is getting.There is also a woman standing up against a wall with a large glaive. Pole weapons aren’t my favorite, but I do know that they require a lot of skill and training to wield effectively. She would probably make a good sparring partner. I notice that there are no open tables, but just as I’m about to suggest we sit next to a pair of gentlemen cloaked in shadows, a table conveniently and unexpectedly open up for us, and I lead my guest to the table. As I walk us to the table, I notice a man in the corner, and his face jogs my memory. He is unmistakably Cantorian, his face and clothes worn by travel. I know this man as Talion, because he was a noble trained by my father before being exiled by Cantor. He was always nice to me when I would watch him spar with Father, and I know that he was exiled because of his kind heart. I knew that Father praised him, and it did eventually lead us to leave Cantor ourselves, though the exact details aren’t known to me. I attempt to subtly turn away from him, not wanting to draw his attention to me. It has been a long time since he last saw me, and I hope that he doesn’t recognize me. A family friend would normally be a welcome sight, but I’m not going to take any chances. We sit down at a booth in between three men talking loudly and two men who appear to be actively watching the room. I note them as I sit down, and also notice Talion walk over from the corner and sit down at the table with the large group.
Before I can really become worried by him, we are approached by a waitress and I’m able to gather myself. The waitress sees the girl and scolds her for coming in to work on her day off. I learn her name is Isla, and I come to the defense of my new acquaintance, noting that I had invited her in for dinner. The waitress does not look amused, but accepts my order anyway. I attempt to get Isla to order something but she politely turns me down, even through insistence. I share my name with her, since hers was spoiled to me somewhat, while Talion introduces himself to the group he had just sat down with. I note that he is not attempting to hide his identity, maybe he thinks his exile is close to ending? He is quick to tell tales of his travels, and I feel bad for leaving silence hanging in the air between myself and Isla, though that thought is quickly chased away when a wall of odor hits me like a rampaging Cheg.
Shaking off the smell coming from the newcomer at Talion’s table, I turn my attention back to Isla and ask her about herself and the town. She tells me that she grew up in Alcyine but has few friends. We get interrupted by the waitress with my food, and I overhear a short conversation between a performer and one of the alehouse workers. It seems there will be a show soon, probably having to do with the festival. I take a sip of my drink as one of the shadowy gentlemen get out of their seat and slams a drink in front of a patron at the bar. The patron refuses the drink, but the shadowy gentleman is egging him on. Soon the bartender steps in to diffuse the situation, or at least delivering an ultimatum, and the shadowy gentleman returns to his seat. The performer takes center stage, quieting the alehouse. He begins to spin a tale I’ve heard a thousand times or so. The story of Summer and Winter. They battle fiercely, as a brother or sister would, and Summer emerges victorious. Yet the damage had been done, and our land was shut off from the world with big walls of ice. It’s a rousing enactment and applause erupts from everyone. With a bow and a flourish, the performer jumps off of the table and everyone returns to what they are doing. My food had cooled off so I dug in, even through the returning stench as apparently the smelly guy had left for a moment. I also watch one of the large men at the bar, who on closer inspection was completely bald, sulk off shortly after the song was finished. I guess there was someone who didn’t like the song. Talion continued spinning his own tails, though at this point they sounded like fisherman’s stories than things he had actually accomplished. His table was enamored though, and I certainly didn’t want to call him out on it. Isla returns the questions I asked her, and I try to tell her most of the truth. I tell her I’m from out of town and that I don’t have a township to call my own, not wanting to show my hand. I also tell her that my parents made me leave, though I didn’t have a say in the matter. Which I regret and attempt to cure the awkwardness by eating my food, a whole roasted chicken! As I’m fighting with a drumstick, the shadowy gentlemen get up from their seats and head up stairs. Talion comes to a natural pause and excuses himself, swiftly leaving as well. I breathe a small sigh of relief and dig further into my chicken. I slowly realise that my answers painted my parents in a negative light, which I didn’t want to do. Funny how tones and inflections can change simple meanings. I correct myself and explain that I was younger and still in their care, as if that wasn’t something that changed two weeks ago. Isla asked where I am from, but I told her I’d rather not say. Sensing another awkward pause, I did the only thing I could think of, eating more chicken. A loud explosion from outside alerted the alehouse, and most everyone ran outside. I knew it was the fireworks and that they could wait a second or two, but Isla’s face is drenched in concern. I told her that they were fireworks, in which she promptly asks if I’d like to go see them. An offer I couldn’t refuse! We head outside and push our way into the plaza to witness the display light up the sky. Someone in the crowd points to a fireball that seems particularly close. It arches overhead and slams into a nearby building.
Shouting fills the square as more fireballs rain down around us. What was once a casual joyful occasion is now a war zone. I remove my cloak and backpack, handing them to Isla who I tell to get to safety in the alehouse. She nods and gets up from the wall she was trying to hide herself on. Silently, I hope that a fireball doesn’t end up striking the building as I draw my swords with a flourish and begin to assemble a battle plan. The large, bald man who left after the performance emerges from the alehouse and asks who’s in charge. I go to claim leadership but stop myself, not wanting to draw too much attention to myself. My hesitation goes unnoticed as Cantori soldiers rush into the square, blocking the main roads out. I curse under my breath at the fact that my countrymen are behind this attack. Anger wells up inside me and I charge the closest group as an arrow goes whizzing by and nails a soldier in the groin. I smirk, my father would’ve prepared these men better.
The large bald man and I both sink our weapons into our foes, dispatching them quickly. The woman with the glave from earlier effortlessly dispatches her opponent and searches for more. I hear another arrow strike true, and one of the shadowy gentlemen come down from the second floor of the ale house to throw his daggers at a foe. The battlefield turns into a bunch of flashing steel and angushing screams as we slowly move through the Cantori line. However, the reinforcements are coming just as fast, and I call out to retreat back to the alehouse to give ourselves a more defensible position. I move between the building and the oncoming soldiers, readying to slash any who attempt to run past me. Everyone retreats back, but not before killing a few more soldiers to thin the onslaught.
0 notes
anotherramblingfangirl · 8 years ago
The Griffin and the Crow
“King Alistair is very abruptly invited to come to Antiva to visit the royal family and negotiate some trade matters.
With Antiva's reputation with its birds being well known, and them being overdue to reunite with a very particular bird, the Warden-Commander ends up accompanying their friend along as head bodyguard.
This includes, of course, them also having to attend the ensuing ball which is thrown in honour of the Fereldan King, where more than a little bit of bird watching occurs.”
My second entry for the ZevWarden week (by @zevranology). This one’s for day 3: Fancy dress!
Pairing: Zevran X Elf Warden
Note: Some murder/dirty talk but SFW. Also turned out a lot longer than expected.
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11656104
 The palace was beautiful.
The dance floor was surrounded by delicately carved statues and colourful paintings, with alcoves about it where laughter of spectators floated downwards from having masterfully carved banisters.
And that's not even getting into the chandeliers above it all, with their gems glittering in the flickering candlelight.
But the Warden-Commander was not paying attention to any of that.
They were not here to admire beauty.
Nor were they here to join in with the dance, glorious as it would have been to watch the Shem nobles try not to turn up their noses at having to treat a knife-ear like not just a person, but an equal.
No. This was Antiva and the Fereldan king, or as they knew him: Alistair, a man who had somehow managed to become like a brother to the Warden, had been suddenly invited under circumstances that just reeked of suspicion.
So they were bird watching.
They'd already tried slipping off to scout the palace, as much as was possible without someone noticing their absence and as subtly as possible in this obscenely fancy outfit they were apparently required to wear.
As for now, now were back in the ballroom, spectating, waiting, preparing in case any Crows were idiots enough to show themselves.
...Although, there is one Crow they wouldn't mind seeing. It had been far too long. They'd tried to send a letter, but with how rushed everything had been they couldn't help but wonder if he'd seen it in time.
They hoped so.
But those thoughts on any sort of reunion were disrupted when they spotted something odd.
The Warden had been watching everyone and everything that went in and out of the room. They knew who was supposed to be there, including the servants who were honestly much better to talk to than the nobles.
Which is why they took great notice when one came in that they didn't recognise.
A dark-haired elven boy had just come in the room, with a covered platter, which was already unusual as most of the ones who came in with the platters had been female, because of course some of the perverted shem lords liked to ogle at the pretty lady elves.
The alleged servant didn't look nervous, he didn't look scared and he didn't look smug either, no tells in that regard.
But from what they'd been told the birds were very well trained in how to hide that.
It was enough to warrant closer investigating.
"Come boy." They patted the mabari sat at their side, who gave an excited bark and trotted along as their master tried to traverse across the ballroom, taking care to try avoid stepping on any outfits or having their own stepped on. They couldn't cause any scene or alert the servant to their approach, not quite yet.
If he really was an assassin, then that might cause him to bolt and the Warden didn't want to take their chances having to try run in this garb.
Their suspicions were only growing by the moment too. For a man supposedly having entered to serve food, he had now walked right past the table that presented it.
It was the then that their hound turned around started bouncing around and bumping into the Warden, obviously trying to get their attention as quietly as possible.
The hilt of a before concealed knife had dropped to their hand in an instant as they  prepared for an attack, whipping around to-
Sheath it again in an instant.
They knew who that was approaching, recognised the adorned figure in an instant.
A beaming smile and racing heart came in an instant along with the buzz at the realisation that he'd gotten the letter!
And they'd nearly stabbed him...that would have been...unfortunate.
Quickly they wound up closing the final steps to him, their hound trotting happily by their side. They'd still have to deal with the possible assassin, but surely there was no harm in giving this assassin just a moment? It had been so long...
"So you are the great Hero of Fereldan? Truly, the rumours do not do you justice. Your beauty is far, far greater than what they suggest." Zevran bowed as the Warden reached him, causing the cape he was wearing to swoosh.
It was moments like these that reminded them how much they loved their melodramatic Antivan.
But the Warden still, in turn, tilted their head slightly at the display. Funny and endearing as it may be, if he was pretending to be someone else and to not know them, then perhaps his disguise could have been chosen better.
But they'd play along.
"Thanks. You're a very handsome man yourself. And I Love the outfit, crow theme, I see?" His outfit was all black, from the fine materials to the leather and of course the feathers which adorned the cape. If that hadn't made the theme obvious enough, the beaked mask he was wearing certainly did.
But they had to admit, they did appreciate the humour in the irony of the choice, and it certainly did suit him.
A chuckle. "Indeed, specially made for this evening, in fact. To enchance my natural, dashing good looks."
"Aiming to impress?"
"Is it working?"
"Of course."
"In that case, m-" Whatever Zevran was about to say was abruptly cut off when the dog decided he had been ignored by him too long for his satisfaction and let off a bark to make sure he knew that.
"Ah yes, how could I forget you, my dear furry compatriot?" And then he'd dropped down onto his knees to pet the hound. "Ah, ah, ah- not the face!" Quickly came as the dog proceeded to almost knock the elf over in a slobbering frenzy."
"Come, boy." The Warden laughed at the sight. "You can say hello to the crow man later." A pause and a lowered voice, too quiet for any Shem to hear over the music, but loud enough for a mabari. "Go keep an eye on our friend for me."  
There was a little whine at that which made them feel slightly bad, but alas the hound bounded off anyway to fulfill the task.
A now standing Zevran had a clearly quizzical look on his face at what had just been said.
Loud enough for a mabari. Or another elf.
"Bird watching." They gave as their reply, shooting a pointed glance at the suspicious servant, now joined by a few other similarly suspicious servants, so he knew exactly who they were talking about. "Seen any yourself?"
"No, no I'm afraid I have not. Well, except one, but alas, there was a terrible accident." Zevran's eyes had narrowed as he watched the alleged servants, before his head turned back to fully face his lover.
"Fancy a dance, my dear Warden?" The bow returned, this time with his hand outstretched.
His...gloved hand.
He's wearing it, the Warden realised. Even now, at a fancy ball with fancy outfits and it being worn and covered in stitches, he was still wearing the gloves they'd given him.
Before they knew it, one of their own hands way halfway up to their ear, to touching the golden glittering earring that adorned it, before they noticed and redirected it to Zev's hand, firmly grasping it.
"We can try."
And in a moment, the Warden was pulled in close into position and they were off.
They weren't a ballroom dancer, especially not in fancy dress, not generally liking occasions that required such as this as a rule.
But for a chance to actually get this close to their loved after all their time apart, close enough to actually discretely talk even, they'd happily make an exception.
And that opportunity, as they danced their way towards the possible assassins, was quickly taken advantage off.
"I missed you, mi amore." Came words said softly into their ear. "How was your journey?"
"I missed you too Zev." They gripped him that little bit tighter as they fought the urge to pull the man into a kiss right there an then.  
"And tiring, a couple of assassination attempts and an attempted boarding by pirates, but we got here. Yours? I hope it wasn't too difficult"
"Some minor clothing delays and a bloodbath or two, but when I got your request, well, how could I say no and leave you to face the noble masses without me? Perish the thought!" He gasped in horror.
"It was a nightmare, I'm glad you could make it! Though...I am looking forward to getting you alone. We've got a lot of catching up to do." They admitted. Once this ball was over and any and all assassination attempts thwarted...well...they couldn't wait.
Their little bird was going to be so happy to see him again too...
"Indeed we do! A reunification after so many terrible months apart? I believe that is cause for quite some celebration, no?" A daring grin their, as he pulled his lover into a tight spin, taking care so as not to inadvertently have them trip over.
"Quite!" The warden happily aggred. "But first, little bird's got a present they want to give you. Made it all by themself!" The pride they felt as they spoke of their child was very visible in the Warden's face.
"Of course! I'm sure that it is a masterpiece fit to rival the work of all other children!" As Zev spoke, it seemed that the pride had proven contagious. "Speaking of...where are they? Here? I cannot see them, I'm afraid." He asked, turning away to try spot them, brow furrowing.
"Right at the front at that crowd. Uncle Alistair's made them royalty for the day so he's the favourite now." The Warden laughed before quickly motioning over, remembering their little face when they'd been told.
Eventually, after a few more moments straining over to see, the little bird surfaced at the forefront of the crowd, dancing happily and followed by a cheering Alistair.
Zev smiled fondly at this.
"And to think, here I was buying gifts of fancy things and there they are, already nearly as fashionable as their stunning father." He shook his head, tutting, but the smile was still there.
"And their other, utterly dashing parent too, of course." He added with a wink.
"You say that now, but they threw a fit in the morning when it was time to put it on." The Warden mused, remembering the display.
"And dashing as we may be we're also trying to do a bit of stealth right now and we're not exactly the picture of subtlety. We're being watched." More and more nobles were starting to notice how the great Hero of Fereldan was now dancing with some man dressed like a crow, and the muttering a and whispering a were increasing with the hero's nerves.
"And why wouldn't we be? Look at us! Who wouldn't want to admire such beauty? The Crow and the...griffin, I believe?"
"Yes." The Warden sighed glancing with a frown at the multi-layered outfit they were wearing. "Not at all practical but the seamstress said she wanted to make my status apparent."
"And that it does! I have to say, not many could pull off that look but you, my dear warden, certainly have! And do not worry about the practicality of it! You and I both know you could kill a man with your arms- and legs- tied!"
"Now wouldn't that be a challenge for us to liven up the day?" The frown turned quickly back into a smile at both the compliment and thought and-
-And it seemed that throughout the conversation, the two lovebirds had been leaning in closer and closer towards each other's faces, a fact that they became abruptly aware of when their beaked masks collided with each other's with a distinct clack.
The two started laughing at that, adjusting their masks before preparing to restart their dance towards the alleged servants, now only a meter or two away from them at most.
Or rather, they would have prepare to dance, had they not simultaneously spotted one of the servant's unsheathing a weapon, as another's hands took on the familiar glow that signalled when mana was being drawn to the surface.
So instead the pair swore and were forced to quickly move their plan forward, now having to actively shove their way through the crowd as they unsheathed some of their own concealed weaponry. The time for discretion had passed now that weapons were drawn, the assassins needed to be taken care of now, before they got any closer to Alistair and their child.
Which is why the very moment they had a clear shot, there were knives flung and embedded in the unfortunate closest assassins.
Yet another was then quickly felled by the Warden's mabari, who had been watching as commanded and was now launching himself into the fray like his masters, teeth and claws tearing.
It seemed like the griffin and the crow would have to pick up from where they were at later.
Because now they were in for a fight.
And, with growing, almost wicked grins on their faces as they saw how quickly the assassins were falling, they got a feeling that even with all the impractical fancy dress...
That this was going to be an easy one.
0 notes
jadewriters · 8 years ago
The Wall
              A utopian society is a society where everything is perfect. That was supposedly the society that I lived in.      I thought that it was in the society that I lived in. And up until three days ago, I believed that through and through. But after what I found… I’m not so sure anymore.
A few hundred years back we had a disease that no one really thought much of, I mean, everyone was getting sick but the symptoms were similar to the common cold. When no one started getting better and simple things that were normally dismissed as allergies started getting worse, scientists tried to figure out what was really going on. Eventually, they discovered that the disease was eating through their insides until they were immobile and couldn’t do much until they eventually died. But, I am not a scientist and honestly I didn’t really pay attention in history class enough to really know the story and all the scientific terms about the disease. All I know is that everyone pretty much perished, except for a small group of 200 people, who are now the founding fathers to our society.
              We live within a wall, which was originally built when the disease got to be too much for everyone. The survivors needed a sanitary place to stay away from the contamination of the sick, and now we have been living within these walls for three hundred years.  Sure, scientists or whatever could have focused on getting a cure, or testing out random food combinations to see what could have triggered a disease this horrible in a world like ours. We were perfectly healthy, the majority of us I mean.
Sure people got sick, but everyone gets sick. Sure we had diseases but we always had diseases. So when we had a disease that no one could really escape from, well I guess the leaders of the world got scared.
              So I live within a wall.
              I am not allowed to leave it, and from what I heard I don’t want to leave it. Apparently nothing is outside the wall. The environment with regards to the disease is unsustainable to leave in even today with all of our technology. If anyone lived out there, they would have all perished two hundred years ago, there isn’t any food or any clean water. Inside the wall, we have been working on our sustainability for the past two hundred years.
              I thought I was perfectly happy living inside here, Until I saw what it was like out there.
              I walked down the hallway of the head building, with my black stiletto high heels clicking against the dark hardwood floor, and a bunch of miscellaneous paper in my arms. I was making my way towards Klaus’ office, he needed some random papers from the back room, and me being his intern, was sent to get the papers for him. It was a very slow day, and rather than sitting around waiting for a head of council to ask for a cup of coffee, I jumped at the chance to walk around and stretch my legs that felt as though they were going to fall off if I sat for any longer.
              Klaus Smith is the leader of our community, and his father before him and his father’s father was before him. Basically a long line of Smiths have been in control of our society for a long time. It was his job to keep the peace within the society and so far he has done a pretty good job at that. Our crime rate was low, I think in total we only had like 12 lawyers or some number like that and no one really killed each other, and there wasn’t a need to.
              I opened the door to Klaus’ office and put the papers down on his long desk, next to the stack I had got him the previous day. He turned around on his tan leather chair, quickly switching whatever was on his computer off.
              “These are all the pages you asked for from Mr. Henry” I said quietly to him, not looking him in the eyes.
He had very intimidating eyes. I use to think of his eyes of that like a snake. He could see into your soul and know every single thing you are thinking of. Of course he couldn’t actually look into your soul, he just made you think that he could, maybe that’s why it was always so hard to keep secrets from him.
              “Thank you Valerie.” Klaus said immediately picking up the top piece of paper and quickly scanning it over.  “Please take all of these papers over to Mr. Walsh, you know where his office is, and once you are done with that you may go.” He pointed to the stack I had gotten him the previous day, which I knew he didn’t look at, and just wanted someone else to do his job for him. I nodded and picked up the papers and walked back outside his office.
              The way to Mr. Walsh’s office was down the hall, down three stories and then six doors to the right; I made that walk pretty much every day.
I walked through the hallway briefly stopping at the control room, where all the security for our society was set up, but today instead of the normal parts of the society, there was a land that looked like slums almost. Buildings were falling; people were walking around looking as though they were starving or in pain.
“Are they planning something?” I heard a deep male voice ask
“No, they don’t have the means to do that.” a woman’s voice said
“How do you know what they have?” the first voice said again “You’ve never been outside of the wall before, unless you have, then please enlighten us on what the population of people that miraculously survived for the last three hundred years has.”
“I don’t know what they have.” She said back to him “All I know is that they wouldn’t be able to take us if they tried.”
“But what if they tried?” he asked once more. The lady looked up and saw that I was standing at the door, I smiled at her, but my mind was running a million miles an hour.
The door was shut firmly in my face, but I stood there for a couple of minutes. What were they hiding from us?
I continued my walk to Mr. Walsh’s office, when I got there, someone was leaving, so they held the door open for me.
“This is from Klaus, he asked me to bring these to you.” I said smiling at the aging man sitting in front of me.
“Are you ok Val?” he asked me, showing what I could only assume to be concern.
“Of course, just tired, it’s been a long day.” I laughed.
Mr. Walsh was a man in his early sixty’s, he had four kids, three girls one boy, and a wife who passed away many years ago. He was in charge of personal security, whatever the hell that meant, to be honest he only really got the job because his father had it before him, but he got pretty good at it and before you knew it, we actually had someone semi-nice working in the government. He smiled and nodded before dismissing me.
I walked outside and all the way home not stopping at the coffee shop on the corner like I normally would. It was considerably early, so I thought I would just go home and spend some time by myself to think about this before my parents and brother got home.
I stepped inside my blindingly white house, throwing my bag off to the side and running upstairs to my room. I changed out of the outfit I wore to work, and changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before throwing my hair into a pony tail and sitting on my bed. I looked at my window, which showed the wall, not much of a view, but it worked well enough. I looked at it a little longer than normal today and that is when I saw it.
A hatch.
I ran downstairs skipping steps and running out the door making sure to close it securely before making my way to the back of my house.
No one was there. It was silent, I actually have never been here before in my life and I live in the building beside it. I got to the hatch and saw a lock on it that required a key.
A key that I unfortunately did not have access to, being a 21 year old intern.
I know surprising that I don’t have security clearance.
I then thought of the stupidest idea in the entire world, to use a bobby pin to open the lock.
Yes Val, a bobby pin is going to be able to get you outside this wall, great idea. But, Hey, it’s worth a shot.
I removed the pin from my head, leaving pieces of my blonde bangs to fall over my blue eyes. I moved my hair out of my face, quickly checked to see that no one was looking, and tried to open it.
It took my six minutes, to open a damn lock with a bobby pin.
Maybe movies actually did teach me something and I should watch more of them.
I pushed open the hatch to be met with dirt. Dirt as far as I could see.
I scanned my surroundings again before staring at the threshold.
Should I stay or should I go?
If I stay in here, I am not sure if I could live knowing that someone or something could be out there. But if I go outside, then there is no turning back, my life could change forever.
Its moments like this that I think define the kind of person you really are. All my life I had played by the rules. I was always nice to everyone, even people who didn’t deserve my niceness. I shared everything, my food my home, my love, I always took care of others before myself. I listened when my teachers said to be quiet and listen. I obeyed the rules set out for us as a society, I never stole, I never hurt anyone intentionally, and hell I barely even speed when driving.
I have gone through my life for far too long playing by the rules of someone else’s game.
I made the courageous decision, and I step across the border.
I looked to my right and saw absolutely nothing.
I looked to my left and saw absolutely nothing.
My face was met by a cold breeze, it almost felt like an air conditioner, but I didn’t think that the world could create something like that, only technology. Also there was no sound anywhere aroun
I then felt a drop of water on my head, I thought that something must be leaking, but then more started to fall in different places, all over the place from the sky. What the heck? They were cold, and ruining my clothes, probably not the best day to decide to wear a white shirt. I stuck my tongue out, and it was met with a salty taste, that I was not to fond of. The sound bounced off the ground making it sound like horses were charging at me, but no it was just water falling from the sky. It smelled damp, like when you take your clothes out of the washing machine to transfer them into the dryer that was the scent of whatever the hell was going on here.
              I decided, well I better test my luck and pick a direction, I am out here now, I might as well try to look for whatever it was they were talking about. I turned to the left and started making my way through the miraculous water droplets that fell out of the sky. I didn’t know what I was looking for, so I stayed close to the wall, so I would not get lost.
After about fifteen minutes, I had found what was shown on the screens in the security room; I just prayed to God they turned the channel, as they might recognize me.
They probably wouldn’t recognize me, but you know what, they might.
I walked closer and closer until eventually I was inside the slum area. The walls were practically falling down, the floors were dirt, so can you really even call them floors? No probably not, but I am going to call them floors.
I walked through the narrow hallways, passing by children running; they all seemed to be children. I then bumped into someone; I looked up and was met by a set of piercing green eyes.
He had very intimidating eyes. Not like Klaus’s eyes that made you feel uncomfortable, no his eyes were eyes that were intimidating because they looked like they could make me feel something within minutes. I looked at the persons face and realized that it was a boy around my age. His clothes were tattered, holes everywhere on his jeans, his shirt was covered in stains that honestly I couldn’t tell you how long they had been there for. He looked like he was some low life who honestly didn’t care about much. But then you looked at his eyes. He was scared. He was a 21 year old boy who was scared.
I completely get it, I have been outside the wall for half an hour at most and I am already feeling my insides quiver at the idea of spending the night out here. Just think of how many night he has spent out here.
“Hi.” He said uneasy, I guess I had been staring too long.
“Hello.” I said back to him, also uneasy.
“you uh, you made me drop my money, I was supposed to use it to buy dinner, but now seeing as it is wet and falling apart, I can’t really do that.” he said looking down “Don’t worry, it wouldn’t be the first time.” I wonder how many times this boy went to bed hungry.
Me? I never went to be hungry, and if I did I could always get up and walked downstairs for a granola bar or something like that.
“I am so sorry, here let me give you some money and you could use that to buy your dinner.” I said pulling out my wallet, fumbling through it until I found a twenty dollar bill.
“This bill isn’t usable.” He said with a straight face.
“It's more usable then yours.” I laughed
“No this… this money isn’t ours.” He said looking up, realization hitting his face. “You’re from inside.” He said. My eyes widened and before I knew it, he grabbed a hold of my arm and started pulling me towards where he was walking from, I tried to dig my shoes into the ground, but it was no use, he was stronger than me.
Maybe I should have listened to my brother when he told me to work out.
He started to pull me through rooms, people were sitting and eating and enjoying whatever precious moments they could. I stopped fighting when he reached a closed door that he started to knock on.
“What?” I grumpy old man said opening the door with a beer in his hand.
“I found someone.” The boy said pushing me into the room full of older men. “She’s from inside the wall.”
I then got twenty pairs of eyes looking at me, Each one pair looked tired and run down.
“That can’t be.” One said “Kaspar, there is no way in hell that someone form in there got out here.”
“No, really, she had the money, not our money, but different money.” The boy, Kaspar said tossing the twenty dollar bill at him. He stared in disbelief before taking a look at me.
“Please take a seat Mrs…”
“Val.” I said
“Mrs. Val please take a seat.” He said pulling out a chair “Kaspar, you may go.”
“No, I found her, I am staying, and I want to help.”
“Fine.” The man said “Val, my name is Nixon.”
“Hello.” I said rather warily.
“I can tell you are a little nervous, but, we aren’t here to harm you in any way.” Nixon said “can you please tell me, what they told you about the influenza that occurred three hundred years ago?”
“I um- they told me that we were the ones that survived so in order to keep the human race alive, they put us within a wall so we wouldn’t get contaminated.” I said
“Anything else?” another man asked “Like anything about us?”
“No, up until two hours ago I thought nothing was out here. They told us that if anyone was living here they would already have died, that you wouldn’t have survived here without clean water or food. How do you have food by the way? All I could see for miles was dirt, unless you use the random water that somehow falls out of the sky.” I said
“You mean rain?” Kaspar laughed “you don’t know what rain is?”
“Kaspar, she’s been in a bubble her entire life, of course she doesn’t know what rain is, they control that, like they control everything else.” Nixon said “We get out water from a stream that comes out of the wall; people get paid to retrieve the water and bring it back, it’s already purified because you guys took care of that.”
“So, what really happened?”  I asked looking down.
“For three hundred years we have been trapped outside the wall. When Donaldson was elected president, he wanted a country with only the strongest people, so he had a lab develop and release a disease called the ‘Blue jay disease’ and said that blue jays spread it. Once he saw who wasn’t affected by the disease, he put them all inside the wall. 6.99 billion People died. Two hundred and seven people -including him and the government officials- were not affected, and were forced to repopulate society. The rest of us, however, were forced to live out here, which had to uncontaminated food, no safe water, no adequate housing, and the list goes on and on. But, we are now immune to the disease, our alleles evolved and we should be allowed to rejoin your society. In all honesty sweetheart, we aren’t that different. Sure we live in slums, don’t have any forms of birth control, don’t have a million resources at our disposal, but we are human beings. So willingly or not, you are out here and you need to help us survive. We’ve lived in a state of anarchy for way too long, and Klaus God damned Smith is going to help the entire nation survive, not just who he sees fit.” Nixon said “So, willingly or not?”
There was my dilemma, Choices.
Honestly. I don’t know how to choose.
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