#i have one exam tomorrow and two huge ones on friday and i still can't focus and i didn't read anything all day
vesrin · 2 years
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phoenixriaartemis · 4 months
Quick annoucement and poll
So tomorrow it will be my last exam so I will be having more free time. By this I want to say three things:
One is that once I'm done with the exam there will be a huge drop of sims coaches that were done back in April or to say in another words the last coaches that I made during that time and they need to see the light so I will post All of them. It will be a total of seven sims exactly(yeah I think I made too much ._.)
The second one it's about the ending of the event of Night Swan event so for Saturday I Will do a post of the coaches from the event(Not posting on Friday tho because that day I'm Going to knock out myself) also because I didn't done them yet
The third one is related to the event but it's more Exclusive towards the wanderrose shippers.Since the event end and the whole secret sibling is still on think Air(for anybody that says it's actually confirmed, as far as we know the only information that we have is that Traveler and Night Swan were in a relationship and Night Swan was so deeply in love with the Traveler but we only know that,they didn't explícitly Saíd that Traveler is Jack Rosé father, he is an option along side the Other four from that post they made. Even it can't Be those four and it just only a New character that we haven't met yet) (kinda have a small theory about It tho)
So because of that I thought to made a poll to whereas I should post pictures that I have of this two or not as a way of short celebration until further news
Once the votes are complete I will post them. It will be my last post of picture from mines.Request ones will be out eventually
Side Note:Some pictures were made since January meaning that some clothes might be difference as to how are they now. There's also a possibility that in some photos Wander has a scar.Reason?debating how to make the Night Dancers were the first thought was to make them as separeted outfits instead of separated characters
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nathank77 · 6 months
8:48 p.m Updated/Edited/Slightly Added to 9:16 p.m
I took the 1MG and passed out rapidly. I slept for about 5 hours. I needed to pee and I couldn't fall back to sleep bc of it so I took a Benadryl... and slept until 4:45 p.m.
So my doctor sent me the paperwork to get my hsv2 test. I scheduled it for Friday.
My endo called me today when I was sleeping and he wants me to try the Atorvastatin again and stop if I get muscles spasms again. He said my thyroid ultrasound went well. Yet there are two nodules so I'm confused. Are they talking about my 3 year inflamed lymph node they always scan and the original nodule on my thyroid?
Also they said nothing about my eye exam... Maybe that means call the eye doctor cause he already did it? I'm going to call the eye doctor tomorrow.
Anyways I woke up at 4:30 p.m. My new Ray-Bans will be here tomorrow, as well as all my boxers/socks and my new shoes. The nerdy rimless are still in, "the works." EVGA received my package and idk if they shipped another.... the RMA is, "complete." But I don't see tracking and never got another product. I'm going to call them tomorrow.
I decided I needed to go grocery shopping as the weather today sucked but will be the same tomorrow. I had therapy at 7 p.m. There is a huge puddle around my car and my engine has been ticking, so I had to put oil in it. Idk if it resolved it bc of the hail and shitty weather. I used the whole bottle and didn't see anything on the dipstick... I'm sure there is enough. I know I haven't done an oil change or filled it in a while and my car has 7 oil leaks. It usually needs oil once every 2 months or so. I will find out if it fixed the ticking on Friday when it isn't a fucking monsoon and I can hear my car.
The puddle was so bad that it was taller than my shoes plastic bottom. Water sunk into my sneakers and soaked my socks all the way up to the top of my feet. So I had to go to Walmart and stop and shop like that.
I only grabbed the necessities. I need a decent amount of stuff still but I'll be good until Friday. I'll go to Quest, then grocery shopping and then cvs for my Xanax.
I got home changed my socks and shoes and attended therapy. Mike was saying my report isn't formated correctly.. I'm going to read the thing he sent me but I have put a lot of work into it. He was like you don't need a notary, ummm yes you do I called and talked directly to the office and I need to have a notary so the people I listed can release information.... I'll read what he sent me but I'm pretty sure I did everything right. He said I need bullet points and headlines... I don't think that's true...
Either way it was a generally ineffective therapy session. Not the worst one. I'm not mad but he said you got to make sure you do it right otherwise they won't even read it.....I'm pretty sure I am doing it right.
Beyond that he said something concerning, once I report her it will be available publicly... Idk how true that is but if it is, I mean I still need to do it for my internal peace and suffering... I'm concerned about that.... but I can't let her live her beautiful life and potentially endanger another client... she truly is negligent...
He also said benzodiazepines are going to get phased out in 10 years like quludes... like bro please stop giving me anxiety. They are the only reason I fucking sleep.
I feel like the first 35 minutes was the Mike show. I can't wait to leave. I'm going to give him maybe a month, I need him to read the report so he knows what I said. I'll still read the website he sent me but I'm 90% sure I did everything right.............
Anyways now that I've had a little time to go over my test results I took pictures of everything concerning. I'm the most concerned about my Alkaline phosphate jumping so high within like 15 days... I'm concerned about a few other things but I got to do my research. It's funny cause I'm on less Methimazole than I was before. So in theory it's likely not the Methimazole or maybe I'm going into remission and I need to stop it idk....
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ssatoritendou · 4 years
Skating Into Your Heart
Pairing: Todoroki /reader
Shoto Todoroki 
Word count: 1.5k
+ summary: Todoroki wants to get you something amazing for Valentines Day. You had absolutely nothing to get for him. Luckily your friends are there to help you both out. 
Genre: fluff
Warning: none 
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"Todoroki is something on your mind?" Midoriya said to the icy hero during lunch. "It's nothing Midoriya. I don't know what to get ____ for Valentine's Day. She is so great at giving presents. Is it wrong to be jealous?" "Not at all Todoroki," Uraraka reassured him. "Maybe you could plan a date for the two of you," Midoriya suggested. "You can take her to the ice skating rink. They are having a Valentine's Day special. My dad is helping set it up. The rink is supposed to be set up as a heart. Maybe I can ask my dad if he could arrange for just you two. He friends with the owner," Uraraka smiled at him. "You could do that?" "Yes, Todoroki. We are friends." "Thanks, I owe you one. Just let me know the details. I'll set up the dinner." "Hey, guys what are we talking about?" You said from behind them before sitting down. "N-Nothing really important!" Midoriya yelled at you.
"Um, ok. I'm sorry that I asked." You said lowly. "I'm s-sorry I raised my voice." Midoriya tried to regain control of his voice. "It's fine Izuku." "We were talking about the hero license exams," Uraraka said. "Oh, ok. I'm kind of nervous about them. Mr. Aizawa and All Might are pushing us really hard to do our best. But I fear that I won't earn my licenses like the rest of you guys." "____ of all people in our class you are definitely going to get your license. You are smart, kind, tough, strong, and powerful. There's no way you won't pass." Todoroki placed a light kiss on your cheek. He noticed your cheeks turn a little pink."S-Shoto you really didn't have to say those things." "Of course I did. I love you." Now your face was all red. "I-I love you too Shoto." You said under your breath.
"Todoroki! Here is the address of the ice skating rink and the extra key to the rink. You guys can go on Friday before they take it down." "Friday? But that is the day after Valentine's Day?" "I know Todoroki but she'll like it. Would you rather go when there are a bunch of people there?" "No. I want it to be nice and intimate. Hopefully, she won't be disappointed." He said rubbing his head. "Thank you again." He walked towards your room to ask you if you could do your Valentine's Day on Friday. "Hey ____ I was wondering-" "Shoto knock before entering. I have your Valentine's Day present in here." "Sorry, Sweetie." He covered his eyes. He heard you shuffling in the room. "Is it safe now?" "Yeah. What is it Shoto?" "Well, since Valentine's Day falls on a weekday and we have all of our school work, I was think we could move our plans to Friday." "Yes of course! Now leave so I can finish your present!” You rushed him out of your room. He smiled at you. "Bye Sho." You hopped up and kissed his cheek.
As soon as he left you, you slammed the door you were panicking. "Shit! Shit! He probably got an amazing gift and I have nothing." You sat down and huffed at your desk. "Perfect gift? Maybe if I call Fuyumi." You dialed his sister. "Hey, Fuyumi it's ___.” "Hey! What's up with you?" "I have no idea what to get Shoto and it's driving me insane." "I was going through some of our old photos to bring to our mom tomorrow and he was always carrying around this All Might action figure. But I think our father took it away. But I'll send you a picture maybe you can find one." "That would be so great thank you Fuyumi! You are a lifesaver!" She sent the picture. And you knew who to go to for the action figure. "Hey, Izuku." "____ is something wrong? It's kind of late." "Sort of. Listen I know you are huge All Might fan and I was wondering if you might have this action figure?" He grabbed your phone and examined the action figure in young Shoto's hand. "Uh yeah. I have like 4 of them." "Would it be too much to ask for one?" You asked nervously. Knowing that Izuku had an attachment to them. "It's for Shoto. I don't know what to get him for Valentine's Day. And by the look in Shoto's eyes, he has something special planned." "____ don't worry about it. I have like 5 more of these at home." He laughed. "Izuku thank you! I owe you one." You hurried back to your room and wrapped his present. You couldn't wait to see Shoto's face.
You got dressed in a pretty dress and put on the earrings Shoto got for you on your birthday. You walked down the stairs to see Shoto waiting for you. He held your coat out for you. "You look beautiful." "Thank you. So what are our plans for tonight?" "I'm going to take you to a nice restaurant and then I have a surprise for you." He said with a smile. You left the campus and went into the city. He took you to a very nice restaurant. You sat and talked about school and your plans for the weekend. "We can visit your Mom tomorrow? It's been a long time since I've seen her." "She does ask about you a lot. She has a picture of us in her room." "That is so sweet." "Yeah, she does love you. Like a second daughter." "Well, I'm glad one of your parents loves me." "Let's not talk about him." "I'm sorry." "You don't have to apologize. It doesn't matter what he thinks because I plan to marry you one day." "You what?" "I know that we are only in our first-year but I plan to marry you. I plan to love you forever." He grabbed your hand and pulled it into a kiss. "I love you too Shoto." He smiled. We finished dinner and left the restaurant. "So where are we going now?" "It is a surprise." "Well, I hope it's inside again. I'm cold." He pulled you into his chest. "It's not even that cold." "Of course you would say that. You are half cold and half hot. You can't get cold." "I'm sorry. It's outside but tonight we can cuddle all night. Now close your eyes." You lightly closed your eyes. He lead you to your next destination. "Open." He whispered into your ear. You opened to see the skating rink-shaped as a heart. "Oh my god, Shoto." "Uraraka's dad helped set it up and he was able to get the key for us. We can use it for the next 2 hours." "Shoto this-this is amazing. This is the best present. I can see you put a lot of thought into this." "I wanted to make up for the past presents that haven't compared to yours. Now let's start skating." "I have to be honest I'm not that good at skating. I haven't skated since I was a kid." "That's ok. I'll just hold onto to you." The both of you laced up the skates and he pulled you onto the ice. "You look so pretty." "Thank you again, Shoto." You kissed him. It was one of your sweeter kisses. You were wearing his favorite lip gloss. He swiped his tongue across your bottom lip asking for entrance. You gladly obliged. Once You pulled away from the tender kiss he had this look in his eye. "What?" "You remind me of something my mom used to say to me." "Oh, really what's that?" "After the rain falls there's always a rainbow. You are my rainbow ____. All my suffering has to lead me to you." "You really think that much of me?" "Yes and so much more." He smiled. You skated for a couple of hours You fell once. Shoto thought you hurt yourself but you started laughing and then he smirked. You put away the skates and left the rink and went back to the dorms. "Ok, now it's time for your present. Now, this was last minute it's not like my other gifts." "I'm sure it will still be great." You sat next to him on your bed and watched him open it. You watched as his gleam in excitement when he saw the All Might action figure that was familiar to the one he had as a child. "____ where did you get this? This must have been so expensive. It is an old doll from when we were kids-" "Shoto I got it from down the hall. Izuku has like 8 of them. He gave it to me." "We owe both Uraraka and Midoriya." "Hey, they like each other right? Maybe we can set them up on a date." "Hmm maybe. Come let's get some sleep." He pulled down the blankets and you got in and cuddle with him.
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