#i have no real desire to grow basil but i like free things
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kittyhazelnut · 2 years ago
stole a half-dead basil plant from work. please join me in prayer that my cat does not eat it overnight 🙏
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samwisethewitch · 5 years ago
10 Magic Herbs You Can Find at the Grocery Store
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When you’re first getting started with witchcraft or another magical practice, it can be easy to get caught up in all of the material stuff involved. Witchy hashtags on social media are filled with pictures of huge sparkly crystals, gorgeous handmade ritual tools, and beautifully elaborate altars. Many spells in books or online call for a long list of herbs, some of which are expensive or hard to come by. For baby witches, it’s easy to feel like you can never be a “real” witch unless you have money for these expensive tools and toys.
This is not true. As we’ve talked about in previous chapters of this series, you don’t need any tools or material components to cast a spell — however, harnessing the energy of plants, crystals, and imagery can be a helpful way to add energy to your work. This doesn’t mean you need to spend a lot of money. In fact, many of the most powerful and useful magical tools can be found on the spice aisle in your local supermarket, or even at the dollar store.
For example:
Salt. Salt is a witch’s best friend. It can be used for cleansing, banishing, protection, grounding, or to neutralize energy. Surrounding something with a circle of salt will protect it [Note: do NOT make salt circles outside, as salt will kill plant life!], and washing something with salt water will cleanse its energy. I often include salt in any spell that I feel needs an extra layer of protection.
Sugar. Just as salt banishes unwanted energy, sugar attracts the things you want into your life. Sugar can be used for any and all attraction spells, whether you’re looking to attract love, money, success, or something else. It can also be used to “sweeten” a situation, or make it more favorable.
Cinnamon. There’s pretty much no positive spell that doesn’t benefit from cinnamon. Cinnamon has associations with healing, love, success, and material wealth, but is also strongly associated with protection. I love burning cinnamon as incense — it fills the whole room with warm, cozy energy.
Cayenne. Cayenne is often used for banishing or binding spells, but a lesser known use is for getting things moving. Cayenne is a very fiery plant, so any spell dealing with passion, motivation, or drive can benefit from its inclusion. Cayenne can be used to “light a fire” under someone to motivate them to action. However, cayenne is a more harsh energy, so I often pair it with lavender or another soothing herb.
Coffee. I most often use coffee for grounding or to anchor things to the physical world. For example, I might include it in a prosperity spell to make sure the results manifest in my everyday life. Coffee is also energizing and brings mental clarity, and can enhance psychic abilities. Brewed coffee is also used in some traditions as an offering for spirits.
Bay leaves (Bay Laurel). Bay leaves are one of the most popular spell components because of their association with granting wishes. You’ve probably heard of the practice of writing a wish on a bay leaf and burning it to manifest your desire. I often include bay leaves in manifestation magic for this reason. Bay leaves can also be used for purification, cleansing, and exorcism.
Ginger. Ginger adds power to any spell it is included in. Ginger tea or gingery food can also give you a personal energy boost. I add ginger to any spell that needs some extra “oomph.” It is also associated with success.
Basil. Basil is very commonly used in money spells. Carrying a basil leaf on your person is believed to attract wealth. It also has associations with protection.
Peppermint. Peppermint is another herb that can add power to virtually any spell. It can bring healing and purification, can remove obstacles and free up stuck energy, and can enhance psychic abilities. Peppermint is a common ingredient in dream pillows. You can find peppermint tea at virtually any grocery store, and many stores also carry the essential oil.
Lavender. Lavender is my favorite herb for bringing peace to a situation. It’s very good for healing magic and for soothing difficult emotions. Lavender is also associated with love, and I especially like to use it in spells for self love. Most stores carry lavender essential oil, and you can also find herbal teas that include it as an ingredient.
With the above herbs at your side, you’ll have everything you need to cast virtually any type of spell. Honestly, even if you just have salt, sugar, and maybe some white candles, you can create powerful spells for dozens of different intentions, from protection to self love to getting a job. Remember, what matters isn’t so much what you have — it’s your intention.
These are also edible, so they can be incorporated into magical recipes for different intentions. In fact, most of the ingredients you cook with every day have magical associations and can do double duty as powerful additions to your spells. For more information about the magical uses of common household herbs and spices, I highly recommend the book A Green Witch’s Cupboard by Deborah J. Martin, which is where most of the info for this post came from.
Other useful magical items that you can pick up at the grocery store include:
Olive oil. Olive oil can be used as an all-purpose anointing oil for candles, ritual tools, or your body. It can also be used to dilute essential oil, or as a base for custom magical oils.
Tealight candles. These small candles are perfect for candle spells. White tealights can be used for any intention.
House plants. Many common houseplants have magical associations. For example, aloe brings protection and healing. You can also grow some witchy herbs, like peppermint or rosemary, indoors.
Epsom salt. Epsom salt is a great base for bath spells. You can add essential oils and herbs to make custom bath salts — just be sure to research oils and herbs ahead of time, as some can cause skin irritation. [Note: Epsom salt is not actually salt, and cannot be substituted for salt in spells.]
Notebooks. Writing things down is an important part of witchcraft. Keeping a record of your spells, divination, and magical experiences makes it easier to keep track of everything.
Again, I want to stress that you don’t need a specific set of tools to be a witch. In fact, you can do highly effective magic without ever working with herbs at all. But if you want to gather some items to add power to your spells or help you feel more witchy (after all, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to set the mood!), you can get everything you need for a few bucks at the local supermarket or dollar store. Remember, our ancestors worked magic with what they had — not with expensive crystal collections or exotic herbs.
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2tired2study · 4 years ago
hi! i’ve recently finished the picture of dorian gray so let’s go over my favorite quotes (in order from the ones that appear in the book first to last)
if they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat
being natural is simply a pose, and the most irritating pose i know
and as for believing things, i can believe anything, provided that it is quite incredible
when our eyes met, i felt that i was growing pale. a curious sensation of terror came over me. i knew that i had come face to face with someone whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if i allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself
he, too, felt that we were destined to know each other
laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is by far the best ending for one
a man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies
i like persons better than principles, and i like persons with no principles better than anything else in the world
every day. i couldn’t be happy if i didn’t see him every day. he is absolutely necessary to me
he is all my art to me now
it is only the intellectually lost who ever argue
and the mind of a thoroughly well-informed man is a dreadful thing
there is no such thing as a good influence, mr gray. all influence is immoral; immoral from the scientific point of view
he becomes an echo of someone else’s music
but the bravest man among us is afraid of himself
nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul
some day, when you are old and wrinkled and ugly, when thought has seared your forehead with its lines, and passion branded your lips with its hideous fires,you will feel it, you will feel it terribly
man is many things, but he is not rational
examinations, sir, are pure humbug from beginning to end. if a man is a gentleman, he knows quite enough, and if he is not a gentleman, whatever he knows is bad for him
behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic
there was something fascinating in this son of love and death
really! and where do bad americans go to when they die?... they go to america
well, the way of paradoxes is the way of truth
all i want now is to look at life. you may come and look at it with me, if you care to
punctuality is the thief of time
it is only the sacred things that are worth touching
when one is in love, one always begins by deceiving ones self, and one always ends by deceiving others
there is always something infinitely mean about other peoples tragedies
how different he was now than the shy frightened boy he had met in basil hallwards studio! his nature had developed like a flower, had borne blossoms of scarlet flame. out of its secret hiding-place had crept his soul, and desire had come to meet it on the way
it is personalities, not principles, that move the age
people are very fond of giving away what they need most themselves
he lives the poetry that he cannot write. the others write the poetry that they dare not realize
human life—that appeared to him the one thing worth investigating
to note the curious hard logic of passion, and the emotional coloured life of the intellect—to observe where they had met, and where they separated, at what point they were in unison, and at what point they were at discord—there was a delight in that! what matter was the cost? one could never pay too high a price for any sensation
with his beautiful face, and his beautiful soul, he was a thing to wonder at. it was no matter how it all ended, or was destined to end. he was like one of those gracious figures in a pageant or a play, whose joys seem to be remote from one, but whose sorrows stir ones sense of beauty, and whose wounds are like red roses
the senses could refine, and the intellect could degrade
all that it really demonstrated was that our future would be the same as our past, and that the sun we had done once, and with loathing, we would do many times, and with joy
it often happened that when we thought we were experimenting on others we were really experimenting on ourselves
the joy of a caged bird was in her voice
she was free in her prison of passion
i love him because he is like what love himself should be.
he was like a common gardener walking with a rose
he had the dislike of being stared at, which comes on geniuses late in life and never leaves the commonplace
to be in love is to surpass ones self
my wonderful lover, my god of graces
i wish i had, for as sure as there is a god in heaven, if he ever does you any wrong, i shall kill him
whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives
i don’t want to see dorian tied to some vile creature, who might degrade his nature and ruin his intellect
we are not sent into the world to air our moral prejudices
and unselfish people are colourless. they lack individuality
you are much better than you pretend to be
of course, it is sudden—all really delightful things are
he is not like other men. he would never bring misery upon any one. his nature is too fine for that
but i am afraid i cannot claim my theory as my own. it belongs to nature, not to me
no civilized man ever regrets a pleasure, and no uncivilized man ever knows what a pleasure is
there was a gloom over him
he felt that dorian gray would never again be to him all that he had been in the past
any one you love must be marvellous
it is not good for ones morals to see bad acting
there are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating—people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing
you taught me what reality really is
you had made me understand what love really is
you are more to me than all art can ever be
there is always something ridiculous about the emotions of people whom one has ceased to love
a faint echo of his love came back to him
we live in an age when unnecessary things are our only necessities
when we blame ourselves, we feel that no one else has a right to blame us
i cant bear the idea of my soul being hideous
one can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing
nothing makes one so vain as being told that one is a sinner
it is only shallow people who require years to get rid of an emotion
you were the most unspoiled creature in the whole world
of you wish me never to look at your picture again, i am content. i have always you to look at
from the moment i met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me. i was dominated, soul, brain, and power, by you
i grew jealous of every one to whom you spoke. i wanted to have you all to myself. i was only happy when i was with you
i only knew that i had seen perfection face to face
i grew more and more absorbed in you
you are made to be worshipped
in every pleasure, cruelty has its place
but it was to teach man to concentrate himself upon the moments of life that is itself but a moment
out of the unreal shadows of the night comes back the real life that we had known. we have to resume it where we left off, and there steals over us a terrible sense of the necessity for the continuance of energy in the same wearisome round of stereotyped habits, or a wild longing, it nat be, that our eyelids might open some morning upon a world that had been refashioned anew in the darkness for our pleasure, a world in which things would have fresh shapes and colours, and be changed, or have other secrets, a world in which the past would have little or no place, or survive, at any rate, in no conscious form of obligation or regret, the remembrance of even joy having its bitterness and the memories of pleasure their pain
yet, as had been said of him before, no theory of life seemed to him to be of any importance compared with life itself
he saw that there was no mood of the mind that had not its counterpart
art, like nature, has her monsters
is insincerity such a terrible thing? i think not. it is merely a method by which we can multiply our personalities
and mind you don’t talk about anything serious. nothing is serious nowadays. at least nothing should be
i am tired of myself tonight. i should like to be someone else
sin is a thing that writes itself across a mans face
you forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite
that is the reason why i want you to be fine. you have not been fine
you have a wonderful influence. let it be for good, not for evil
i wonder do i know you? before i could answer that, i should have to see your soul
my god! don’t tell me that you are bad, and corrupt, and shameful
so you think it is only god who sees the soul, basil? draw that curtain back, and you will see mine
each of us has heaven and hell in him, basil
you are the one man who is able to save me
don’t speak about those days, dorian—they are dead... the dead linger sometimes
lord henry, i am not at all surprised that the world says that you are extremely wicked
life is a great disappointment
i like men who have a future and women who have a past
moderation is a fatal thing. enough is as bad as a meal. more than enough is as good as a feast
you always want to know what one has been doing. i always want to forget what i have been doing
his soul, certainly, was sick to death
he was prisoned in thought. memory, like a horrible malady, was eating his soul away
ones days were too brief to take the burden of another’s errors on ones shoulders
it is a sad truth, but we have lost the faculty of giving lovely names to things
to define is to limit
to be popular one must be a mediocrity
romance lives by repetition, and repetition converts an appetite into an art
i am searching for peace
the appeal to antiquity is fatal to us who are romanticists
sick with a wild terror of dying, and yet indifferent to life itself
horror seemed once more to lay its hand upon his heart
how terrible it was to think that conscience could raise such fearful phantoms
he had a wild adoration for you and that you were the dominant motive of his art
when you and he ceased to be great friends, he ceased to be a great artist
if a man treats life artistically, his brain is his heart
art has a soul, but that man had not
the soul is a terrible reality
to get back my youth i would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable
but a chance tone of colour in a room or a morning sky, a particular perfume that you had once loved and that brings subtle memories with it, a line from a forgotten poem that you had come across again, a cadence from a piece of music that you had ceased to play—i tell you, dorian, that it is on things like these that our lives depend
life has been your art
the books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world it’s own shame
the world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. the curves of your lips rewrite history
it was the living death of his own soul that troubled him
as it had killed the painter, so it would kill the painters work, and all that that meant. it would kill the past, and when that was dead, he would be free
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 4 years ago
favourite male fictional characters
Thank you @vishcount​ for tagging me, this was a lot of fun! 💞 I originally planned to follow your example and put ten characters here but suddenly it became a lot more oops. also i hope you forgive me for following your format, it’s neat 
I am tagging @isabellaofparma​ , @the-cloud-whisperer​ and @sassyassassy​!
I chose the characters that impacted me deeply on a personal level throughout my life (often shown by how long my love lasts over the years and if i was inspired to write for them). 
In no specific order under the cut: 
The Lord of The Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien. 
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I think it’s only fitting I start off with this magnificent guy. Maybe I gotta admit, i’ve just had a crush on him ever since I was like, nine years old? He’s the character I will fight tooth and claw for (though I guess he doesn’t need me to do that). I love Orlando Bloom’s portrayal of him, eventhough he is vastly different from the books. Book Legolas is such a delight as well, he feels so whimsical and playful and his banter with Gimli is just gold. I was sad when The Hobbit trilogy came out and I was so disappointed by how they butchered his character, it just did not feel authentic anymore (maybe I am also just bitter about the forced hetero storyline for him. makes no cents, this elf is GayTM your honour. and he will meet his soulmate Gimli in a few decades).  Either way, Legolas is the love of my life, thanks for coming to my tedtalk,
Peter Pan 
Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie
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Another childhood crush of mine. The gif I chose if from the 2005 movie because we always used to watch it and it is to this day one of my favourite movies. It’s so dreamy, so magical, yet also incredibly sad and sweet.  I have this very strange fascination with Peter Pan. There is something incredibly unsettling about him, especially in the book. He represents something every child wants - who doesn’t want to escape their bedroom and fly away to experience magical adventured far from the adult world? And yet he also represents the impossibility of it, the curse he carries around with himself because he will forever stay alone, no matter how many lost boys he gathers around himself. And Wendy - it’s a love that was never meant to grow and mature, it’s a fleeting dream for the both of them.  I have seen many different adaptations of Peter Pan and I have my favourites, though I want to give a special mention to the book Peter Darling by Austin Chant. It’s a retelling of the story how we know it, in which Peter returns to Neverland after having finally grown up BUT the main points I want to highlight is trans Peter? Heck yes. Gripping and compelling gay love story with our favourite original lost boy Captain Hook? YES. 
Moomins, Tove Jansson.
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I have discovered Snufkin for myself only last year, and yet I know he will stay with me forever. In short - I vibe with him, he vibes with me. His anxieties about being with people and longing for solitude? His fear of being loved and being important to someone to a point he doesn’t know what to do with himself? This man just wants to roam freely with his own mind and yet he always returns for something that captures him. Mum, I love him because I have rarely felt this seen before. Also, Snufkin said ACAB. 
Prince Jing - Xiao Jingyan
Nirvana in Fire (2015)
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This too is a darling I have only discovered recently. I watched Nirvana in Fire this year and let me tell you, it’s the best show I have seen in a long while. It’s absolutely amazing and it also ripped my heart out. All the characters are absolutely amazing and I am still not over it.
To be honest, I contemplated between Xiao JIngyan and Mei Changsu, because character-wise I think the latter is a lot more interesting and compelling. He makes for a fantastic heartbreaking and flawed protagonist.
However I have to admit - it was love at first sight with Prince Jing for me and I’m still lowkey mad abt it rip. Seems like I am not immune to Pretty Prince Propaganda. But apart from that, I adore him for his genuine
his almost naive drive to be better and seek justice. He lost everything, and for the longest time did not have anything to fight for. So alone and lost and bitter, it makes me sad how much it hardened him. He is heartbreak and clumsy kindness hidden under a skin of scars that was inflicted by his father and many others. I see his sad cat-eyes and I cry, that’s just how it is.
Edmund Pevensie
The Chronicles of Narnia, C. S. Lewis
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I grew up with these books and movies - they have always been part of my life and it will probably always stay that way (only last night I rewatched the first movie and sobbed).  Imagine my surprised when I finally watched the last movie about five years ago and was incredibly impressed by how they adapted the book; also imagine my brain suddenly going CASMUND in bold letters at Skandar Keynes’ and Ben Barnes’  performance in that movie.  From there, I rediscovered this story completely anew for myself. My favourite Pevensie sibling has always been Lucy (and still is, because I identify with her so much and she feels like home to me); however this new discovery of Edmund’s character was overwhelming. It’s interesting to see characters you’ve grown up with from a more grown up point of view. I don’t want to lay out all my thoughts here, just know I am so heartbroken for him, and so so proud as well. His character arc is amazing and maybe that’s how the last movie makes me even more emotional. Seeing Edmund and Lucy still holding on to Narnia but knowing that that door was closing for them? Not to mention what happens in the later books (we don’t talk about that).  Also did I mention Casmund. Here, have my incredibly emo and depressing take on Edmund’s character that I started writing four years ago and which will forever stay a WIP. 
Nie Huaisang
The Untamed (2019)
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My son. My soul. My bane of existence. The tragic thing about him is, that he does not really exist in canon as I have created him for myself. He’s a secondary character in the show, always so relatable yet still brings the ultimate twist of the story, yet he still remains this incomplete shadow. The movie
Fatal Journey
gave him a lot more and I cried tears of joy and devastation. I don’t know why I latched on to him so much, but apparently he is the one that I project on, the one that feels like he sits somewhere inside my chest. I don’t know what else to say - this year he has been everything to me. I spend a lot of time in his head while writing, and maybe that’s how he’s there forever now. Nie Huaisang saw my brain and went it’s free real estate. All my love for you, you dramatic art hoe.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Ah, another lifelong companion. There are many adapations that I adore - starting from the origin of it all, the books and stories which I have all devoured; the 80s adaptation with Jeremy Brett which was incredibly wonderful; to BBC Sherlock which shaped and traumatised me (I still like the first three seaons but I am too hurt to think about it); to the numerous movies -  but by far my most favourite performance is Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes. Somehow he manages to capture the Holmes I see in my head when I read the books, the sharp yet polite eccentric detective, who loves his companion so much and who has desire to help others.  Sherlock Holmes will always stay special to me, in so many different ways. He shaped my youth and I know he will stay with me. (also what would you say when I told you he helped me discover that I can, in fact, be queer AND ace at the same time? thanks pal).  What else is there to say? Sherlock Holmes is a universe that you can dive into and find many amazing treasures. 
Isak Valtersen 
SKAM (2015)
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There he is, the boy that changed my life. SKAM changed my life. All of the characters did. However, Isak is special for many, as I imagine. I remember winter 2016, when tumblr was flooded by these norwegian white boys kissing in a pool and cuddling and I was like ‘nah’, this doesn’t look convincing.  I don’t know what changed my mind but I remember sitting down at last and watching all that was released of season three and it was only downhill from there. I remember starting to follow the real life updates religiously while watching the other previous seasons in between. The one clip that completely wrecked me was when Isak went to the school nurse about his struggles with sleep - it felt like for the first time I saw someone on screen that could understand me on so many different levels. The entierty of seaons three is so personal, I would tell you to go watch it if you don’t know what I mean. The entire show in fact. It’s a masterpiece and it feels so real. This show impacted my life in a way that no show has managed to do before. I miss it so much. I miss Isak too sigh. 
Shang Xirui
Winter Begonia (2020)
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Technically, for me personally, Shang Xirui is the nonbinary, gay and ace representation I need in my life (or at least that’s my own personal take on him), but since that is not official, he’s still here on this list. Of course he is because wow, it’s been a long while since I’ve seen such a compelling character on screen. I went from disliking him to being absolutely heartbroken over him. I don’t think any other character in this show captured me as much as he did. There are so many layers to him and discovering all of his sides is a wonderful, heartbreaking, painful and also beautiful journey. I’m not sure I understand all of him yet, but I am willing to try and dig and just ponder his existence. This too, is a perfect example for a flawed yet authentic protagonist. Also he is the most beautiful thing on this planet, or at least that’s how I have been feeling ever since I watched this. I wish to write more of him in the future. 
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005)
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I grew up watching ATLA and my favourite characters have always been Toph, Zuko and Uncle Iroh. In recent years however, I completely fell in love with Aang all anew. 
I think especially in the past, I had these prejudices against main characters and found them all the most boring personalities ever. In recent years this changed a lot and especially Aang is a prime example for that. Watching him from the perspective of older me, I find so much wisdom in this young boy. Somehow he represents all I wish to be in my life but at the same time he shows his flaws, he carries this sadness with him that will accompany him all his life. This inner battle and chaos that he has to face day to day and in the end - he is just a young boy. So much has been taken from him and yet he learns how to not let it overtake him, that anger and hurt. He tries his hardest to be better than the day before, even if sometimes the world crashes down on him and he gets overwhelmed. He is a child recruited by adults to manage their mistakes and play into the hands of predestined fate and in this essay I will -
Harry Potter 
Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling
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I am surprised myself. I thought I would put Fred and George here, or Remus and Sirius, however I realised that none of them quite capture this feeling of lifelong change, of personal, deep impact that Harry had on me. 
As with Aang above, I used to think Harry was the most boring protagonist, yet my opinion took a 180° turn in the past years. Many of the things I wrote for Aang apply to him too - the fact that he was a child, that lost so much, and was always faced with challenges that a child should never have needed to face. Something I want to address is how my favourite book, The Order of the Phoenix, lays all of this out. Harry is just as flawed, just as vulnerable and angry as anyone else. I know some people did not like his ‘emo behaviour’ in the fifth book but for me it just showed how human he is, how he was just a teen like myself at that time. As for many, this boy shaped my entire life, shaped a generation, and I will forever be grateful. I’m sad and angry at how J*R behaves, and how she puts us in the position of doubting our love for these stories. I know I will always love them, but I will not turn a blind eye on all the problematic shit is carries with itself and what the author piles upon us. 
Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian 
The Untamed (2019)
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I will try and keep this short, because if you want to read my thoughts about Wangxian just go to my ao3 and find the  over 70k i wrote for them.  I decided to put them here together because I can’t seperate them and I can’t choose between them. Each of them carries something I recognise in myself, and each of them is the opposite of me. They each own my heart and soul and I know there will never be a fictional couple like this for me ever again. They’ve snuck their way into my heart and have never left. They deserve to be here, together, because my love for them is indescribable. Bless them.  + Bonus:
The Doctor
Doctor Who (1963/2005)
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Technically, the Doctor doesn’t count as a “male” character, but since he has been presenting as male up until recently, I needed to include him. I chose the Tenth Doctor because he is the one that broke my heart the most. I adored Nine but he was there too short, and I do love Eleven and Twelve a lot, and Thirteen absolutely owns my heart, Ten has just always been the one that made me cry the most. I loved this era of Doctor Who, I loved how sad and hopeful he was, how heartbroken and yet determined to help wherever it was needed. Doctor Who is always that show, when I return to it, I am reminded that maybe, humanity and the universe isn’t all that bad. 
phew, this took ages damn. but i had so much fun! i decided to leave out honorable mentiones because we would be sitting here until tomorrow lol. 
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slothgiirl · 5 years ago
shadowplay part 15
Sam waves off the real estate agent while you look around.
“So he went down on you,” she repeats for the thousandth time.
It's the 7th place you've looked at this week and you've got to hand it to the agent, he knew exactly what you were looking for. Small cozy place with lots of natural light, at least two bedrooms and a patio or yard because you fancied that you would grow your own herbs at some point after you learned how to cook.
It could happen.
You were going to stop living off takeout.
“Yes and we’re dating. Like I’ve told you for the hundredth time. God I look awful in those photos,” you wave off. You should've worn makeup to the airport. “Do you think redoing the bathroom and kitchen is too much work?”
You hated the kitchen and bathroom.
“We can diy,” Sam grins. “that's what youtube is for and yes you look like utter shit. But who cares when you're getting that good dick.”
“Can you keep it down,” you utter, glancing at the real estate agent. This house was in a good location, close to Regents park. It was a steal well, because the inside needed some updates if you didn't want to live in the tackiest home ever.
Houses were an investment.
“Well at least one of us is getting laid.”
“You just had a one night stand,” you remind her. “It was the first thing you told me. Alex heard.”
“How was I supposed to know he was going to be there this morning!”
“Not to mention you never gave me my spare key back.”
“What are friends for,” Sam winks. “Okay yeah we'd need to trash the inside but the foundation and pipes look good.”
“He asked me to move in with him.”
“What! Really? I never expected you to move that fast.”
You shrug. It wasn't like...with Alex things were...well not easy but you weren't second guessing every single thing. He was starting to write and that meant you'd usually get home with food and Alex would be engrossed in his own scribbles with a keyboard or guitar even while eating. It had bothered you at first.
But you'd talked.
And you just had never felt as comfortable with anyone.
You needed downtime from Sam.
But you didn't mind Alex playing guitar while you went to bed because it was Alex. And you wanted to enjoy every single second he was there because music meant he would sooner or later be touring.
“Well I said no,” you tell Sam. “I mean..I think I would've said yes if I wasn't in the market for a house. It just doesn't feel like I'm rushing things...he's already said I love you. I don't know how to explain it but it doesn't feel like I'm making space for someone in my life it just feels like sharing. If that makes any sense?”
“Ah you're in love,” she sniggers, “stop rubbing my face in it.”
“This color is awful too,” you motion to the puke pink-brown on the wall.
“I've definitely vom’d that up after too many shots.”
“You should get this house. I will move in exchange for helping you redo the paint and other stuff. Also you love regents park!”
“I do.”
“It's meant to be.”
“You think?”
Sam nods, “your horscope was also very positive this morning.”
Her eyes widen, “I didn't interrupt anything this morning did I!”
You roll your eyes. “No. We'd-,” you cut yourself off, refusing to tell Sam everything. Give her an inch and she'd take the whole damn mile. “No. I saw this diy on how to make a faux marble countertop?”
“Now you're thinking,” she grins widely. “I still can't believe Mrs. Harrington’s going to wear a whole ass clam on her head! Poshos I swear!”
“Lady Gaga could pull it off,” you add. “Remember that lobster hat?”
“Yes!” Sam laughs. “I saw the pile of instruments you've amassed. When can I expect free concert tickets” She wiggles her eyebrows.
You laugh. Sam wouldn't turn down free tickets, but she, like you, hadn't really known about the Arctic Monkeys before Alex came into your life. “He's writing. Not sure how close to recording that is,” you shrug. You were pretty sure he had stayed up all night composing a song last night. “It's nice. I'm actually managing to get through my reading list.”
“You two both need to do some more Rolling Stones-esque partying. Not sit it. I'd go crazy with that little attention. I'm like a plant but with attention instead of water.”
“My liver is still recovering from the states,” you answer. You'd smoked weed and done shots like it was happy hour twenty four seven. And while it was fun, you couldn't work and party that hard. You liked sleeping too much.
“Well it better recover quick,” Sam opens the door to the yard, a small patch of land covered in weeds and dead grass. “We are going out this weekend. My roommates on and off again boyfriend’s birthday is this weekend. and it's the big 3 O. And there's going to be all the fun drugs. I refuse to turn 30 without snorting coke once.”
You look at her, bewildered, “you did do coke. I remember being there and telling you I wasn't going to look after you.”
“But you did.”
“Where would you be without me?” You smile, trying to picture basil and whatever other herbs people are growing in the little yard.
“Well I'd have ended up flashing the school. Thank god you had some safety pins on you.”
“Ah yes,” you grin. Her punk phase, the reason Sma had gone to trade school for fashion with you. Unlike your suiting skills, hers had fallen more into fabrics and dress making. She always knew just the fabric to use to get the desired cut. “I told you that seam wouldn't hold.”
“I'd probably be working in a bar. Or,” she frowns, “still living with my parents. Gross.”
“I'll put an offer in then.”
“How soon can I move in,” she winks.
“Do you really want to,” you offer. It would be nice to live together. You might hate that she never washed the dishes, but she did cook. And also you remember that she never bought groceries. Or remembered to tell you she had someone over. And Sam had the worst habit of staying up until three in the morning for no reason which wasn't a deal breaker but was way past when you went to bed.
You hadn't shared a flat since she'd moved out to live with some guy that she then broke up with and kept the room he'd been renting.
“No. I can live not having to see you and Alex be disgusting in front of me.”
You smile fondly. “He really is shameless. We made out outside of that pizza place next to Liberty yesterday. Ate out for once. And only because I thought the pizza would be cold by the time they got to my flat.”
“It is a bit far from there,” Sam nods. “But if you end up getting this house it won't be.”
“I am making an offer. Are you sure you're not the real estate agent.”
“Maybe I need a career change.” Sam notes.
“Well let me go make an offer then.”
“We should get bubble tea after.”
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unklarity · 5 years ago
Critical Role: Beau
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“Click “keep reading” for more photos and a description of my Beau magic box! :)
Over the course of CR2, I was totally blindsided by how much I grew to love Beau, so I was both excited and nervous to make a box for her. I actually made the whole box on paper first (which I have never done before). I think that on some level, I was procrastinating because if I never started, I couldn’t screw it up. After having numerous Beau conversations with some amazing people (special thank you to @alemongrenade​, who helped me to turn my Beau feelings into real words), I was able to pin down some themes for her, but it took a while to flesh them out and really get to a point where I was comfortable with them. I ended up focusing on the difference between Beau’s perception of herself and how others perceive her, the way that perception influences her actions, and how that perception was developed.
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I have a bad habit where I always feel the need to one-up myself, especially since I’m always learning new techniques and ways to do things, so I tend to want to incorporate all the things I learn into everything. With Beau, though, I wanted to keep it simple. “I’m a simple girl, simple needs,” to quote her introduction. I think Beau is very simple, on the outside, and I wanted the physical box to reflect that veneer of simplicity. Everyone always underestimates her, thinks there isn’t much more to her than a girl who has a problem with authority. So the box is plain, only decorated on the outside with the Cobalt Soul symbol, and yet the contents are varied and complex. (I love a good extended metaphor haha)
One of the reasons I struggled with Beau was her lack of concrete imagery at the beginning of the campaign. While I appreciated her simplicity from a fan standpoint, it was tough to come up with motifs to fit the box. I really wanted to reference her frustration with not being able to see in the dark and how much of a game-changer her Goggles of Night were. My first thought was a glow-in-the-dark message since I was having a hard time finding something more concrete, and even though I eventually did find a perfect pair of miniature silver goggles, I still wanted to include a glow-in-the-dark element, which ended up meshing perfectly with her jade All-Seeing Eye tattoo.
I painted the tattoo in the inside lid and added a clear, matte glow-in-the-dark paint over the top. You can see in the photo below how it looks in the light and in the dark! It’s one of my favorite parts of the box :)
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I wanted to stick to the Cobalt Soul color scheme of blues and greys as much as possible, so I wanted to use as many blue stones as I could. For a focus stone, I picked a gorgeous electric blue apatite tower. Apatite clears away guilt, confusion, apathy or negativity and helps expand one’s intellect and desire for knowledge and truth. It also represents positive use of personal power to achieve goals, encouraging you to accept yourself as you really are, and to gain greater self confidence. What I thought was interesting about this stone is that the meaning of the word Apatite relates to the Greek word 'apatao', which means 'to deceive'. Now, that’s probably due to the stone being mistaken for other minerals, but I thought it fit well with Beau not being easy to read, people thinking she’s shifty or lying even when she’s being honest, and her troubles with outwardly showing genuine emotions.
I also included a tiny Jade owl to represent wisdom, balance, perspective, and learning to be comfortable with showing your true self (and because I, too, wish Professor Thaddeus could have been Beau’s awesome owl sidekick).
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The rest of the stones in the box are:
Fluorite- focus, intelligence, aids in meditation and helps with finding peace with oneself
Labradorite- transformation, becoming, being more true to who you are, help banishing fears/insecurities while enhancing faith and reliance in oneself;
Aquamarine - courage, freedom, and communication
Honey Calcite- clarity of insight/action, confidence, intellectual power
Rose quartz - forgiving oneself, learning to accept love, alleviating fear and sorrow/resentment
Blue aventurine - moving past trauma/letting go of emotional baggage, endurance, help saying what you mean, inner strength, passion/determination, gaining  control of anger and emotion, using it to help you
Hematite- grounding, cooperation (fighting in cooperation with spellcasters), fighting up close and personal (associated with martial artists), help talking your way out of situations
Tourmalated Quartz- hardness/tough exterior, help when feeling trapped/cornered. provides security when there is fear of failure, courage and self-acceptance in the learning process. Help with self sabotaging. Good for discipline and meditation. Help dealing with anger/self loathing/bitterness
Sodalite-help being less critical of oneself and help calming internal conflict
Celestite- clarity, intuition, and openness to things out of your comfort zone (also divine energy as a reference to Caduceus’ Holy Weapon spell)
And that’s it for stones!
There are 6 potions, each labeled with a number on the bottom. The first three are in the photo below, in order from left to right:
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The first potion is centered around Beau’s perception of herself, and how that’s been influenced by her interactions with others. Inside the bottle are lemon balm and basil for self hatred, peony for shame and anger, yellow carnation for disdain, heather for solitude and only being able to rely on herself/carry burdens herself, marigold for feeling like she has to constantly fight to prove herself worthy of love (“love you have to fight for”), nettle for insecurity and perceived insincerity, pine for low self worth, lotus for rebelling against authority, purple hyacinth for guilt/feeling like she has to apologize for being herself, and yellow hyacinth for comparing yourself to others/not thinking you’re special. Sealed with silver wax and a lotus flower stamp with blue pigment.
The second potion is a direct contrast to the first, dealing with other people’s perception of Beau and how she really is. There’s acorn for wisdom despite youth, sunflower for wisdom/loyalty, nutmeg for intelligence/wit, cedar for resilience and strength, pansy for thoughtfulness, thyme for loyalty, affection, attracting the good opinion of others, and courage in the face of adversity, gladiolus for strength of character, faithfulness, and honor, and dogwood for deep devotion and keeping confidence. Sealed with silver wax and a sunflower stamp with blue pigment.
The third potion represents the Cobalt Soul and what it means to Beau at different points in the campaign. At the beginning, the Soul is just another cage, someone else trying to impose their will on Beau, but as the story goes on, her goals and theirs start to line up. Dairon is the first authority figure we see give Beau a real chance while also managing to earn her respect, making the Cobalt Soul something that Beau can be a part of instead of something she’s trying to run from. In this potion we have tarragon for struggling to regain independence, chamomile for shedding outside influence, anise for using knowledge as power/to protect yourself/to get what you want, gum arabic for meditation, lilac for wisdom/memory/unlocking potential, rosemary for mental alertness/perception, violet for guarding against deception, lily for freedom and no longer feeling trapped, green tourmaline for calming the mind and increasing abilities/confidence, chrysocolla chips for empowerment and adaptability, and jasmine for appreciation, calming, and developing confidence. Sealed with silver wax and a Cobalt Soul stamp with blue pigment.
The next photo shows potions four through six, in order from left to right.:
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Potion number four represents Beau’s past and how it affects her life currently. Before meeting the Mighty Nein, Beau grew up with parents who constantly tried to make her into something she wasn’t; her criminal background was a direct result of Beau rebelling against that control, and we see throughout the campaign that her intense distrust of authority figures still follows her wherever she goes. As time goes on, she does do a lot of growing up and letting go, and yet the way she was treated in the past still informs many of her present decisions and actions. In this potion, there’s lavender for ingrained distrust and problems between parent & child, dandelion for overcoming hardship, sage & cypress for grief and loss, amaranth for help recovering from trauma, black salt for being controlled/told what to be, yellow rose for betrayal, yarrow for regaining agency, mint for trying to atone for the past (Specifically, her guilt and criminal background vs. adopting Molly’s philosophy of leaving places better than you find them after his death), and barberry for freeing oneself from the power/control of another. Sealed with silver wax and a rosemary with blue pigment.
The fifth potion centers around Beau’s fears and struggles (fear of people leaving her, of not being good enough, struggle with being friendly/charismatic, being soft, struggle with presentation). There’s rue for regrets and obsessing over past mistakes, poppy for carrying a traumatic period in your life with you and letting it affect your actions, hydrangea for apparent aggression and being “bad at people,” cinquefoil for desire to be eloquent/wise/self confident, snapdragon for feeling like she has to lie because that would be better than being herself, gardenia for difficulty trusting others/letting people in, violet for importance of outward appearance (being in control of your own presentation and aesthetic and how important that is for Beau), amethyst for fear of being abandoned, garnet for help shedding guilt/sharing burdens, redeeming oneself, and struggling with responsibility (taking so many of the M9’s failures as her own personal responsibility). Sealed with silver wax and a fists stamp with blue pigment.
The sixth and final potion deals with the people around Beau and how she grows by learning lessons from others, both members of the Mighty Nein and the people they cross paths with. Just as in all the rest of the M9 boxes I’ve done so far, there are cloves for camaraderie and being improved by friends, one for each member of the group. There’s also red carnation and basil for brother-sister bonds with Caleb and Fjord, skullcap for willful commitment (found family), zinnia for remembering absent friends (Molly), sweet pea for chaos and adventure (in particular the Jester-Nott-Beau “chaos crew”), magnolia for loyalty, rose quartz for learning to accept love, and bluebell for friendship and slowly growing to be comfortable with being more truthful/open with people. Sealed with silver wax and a rosemary stamp with blue pigment.
That’s it for the potions! Next are the rest of the box’s miscellaneous contents:
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So before I even got a box for Beau, I knew there had to be ball bearings in it. There are about a hundred, minus any that managed to escape while I took this picture :)
In the tiny blue pouch, there are gold coins for Beau’s role initial role as group treasurer, along with aforementioned ball bearings, a worn out old Circus flyer, and a set of  21 miniature Major Arcana tarot cards - the 22nd card, the Moon, is in my Jester box. Attached to the tie of the pouch are a silver pair of goggles with purple lenses to represent her Goggles of Night.
Also in the box are Beau’s staff, and her super secret book of important monk notes. Tucked into the book’s closure is a tiny hand-stamped coin with one of my favorite serious Beau quotes, “I don’t want us to drive each other away.”
Below are some close ups of the wax seals so you can see them better:
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Thanks so much for reading! That’s it for Beau. Below are some close ups of the whole box at different angles, plus the quote I engraved on the bottom: “You are a good friend to have and a terrible enemy to make.”
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I really had a great time working on Beau and I hope you love her as much as I do!
You can check my “magic boxes” tag to see the rest of my M9 boxes, or you can see them on my website at unklarity (dot) com! 
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charmingpplincardigans · 5 years ago
If le petit prince Crowley is your fourth favorite thing about Good Omens fandom, I implore you to share the first three! (Also, what fictional character do you have the same energy as: I can't figure it out because I associate people too strongly with their favs! DO YOU have Crowley energy? Is that what the kids these days call "vibes"? But if I got creative I could absolutely justify saying you have Crowley energy anyway so moot point!)
Oh god. I don’t know if I have Crowley energy. I certainly have ‘asking-too-many-questions, wanting-to-sleep-for-literal-years, past-me-constantly-inconveniencing-future-me’ energy, but I don’t know if I can claim that certain je ne sais Crowleyness of him. He really is relatable for a demon though, right? Like, I too just want to drink wine with my friends and have my plants be verdant and be left alone by my boss to FUCKING PINE. The cute girl I like that I rudely turned down because of my rude brain posted an internal profile to the department the other day and I was just sitting at my desk going ‘OH NO, SHE’S STILL CUTE AND GREAT, FFFFFFF.’ I’ve done this to myself, but then so did those dummies. 
Anyway! KL’s Top Three-ish Favorite Things About Good Omens Fandom 2K19!
3. How it just fucking, rose from the depths!! I was mostly a lurker in Good Omens fandom back in the late 00s. I wrote some (VERY BAD, DON’T FIND IT) fic and I roleplayed Crowley in a multi-fandom game where he got to terrorize Cesare Borgia a bit, but I didn’t really feel like I was a part of it. Probably because I was in Too Many Fandoms at the time. But now this has happened and I’m just. SO. ECSTATIC. There’s so much new art and fic and headcanons and discussion-and and and-for this book turned tv show that I absolutely love to pieces and have for YEARS. There’s so much art in particular that I queued that Le petit prince post a month and a half ago and when I saw your ask I had to stop and go ‘WAIT, WHAT WERE THE OTHER THREE THINGS??’ My queue is groaning. My drafts folder is burgeoning. MY PLANTS ARE WATERED AND MY ANGEL IS FED. 
And mainly, mainly my favorite thing about all of this is that I haven’t seen a single person try to make a distinction between book fans and tv fans or “real” fans and “new” fans. We’re all just in here crying about these idiots (and I certainly mean Crowley and Aziraphale, but also everyone else HEY ANATHEMA, HEY I LOOOOOOVE YOOOOOU) together and it’s beautiful and I’m so happy. 
2.5 The David Tennantssance. Look. I’m just. If you need me I’ll be huddled in my blankets re-watching that whole four seasons of Doctor Who again and also everything else he’s ever been in. Just yesterday Audible informed me they had a voice play of Carmilla with him in it and I cackled to myself in my bed for close to a minute. Like yes, lesbians, vampires, and David Tennant, the true trifecta of common interests. 
2. ALL OF TIME AND SOME OF SPACE. Don’t get me wrong, there was always fanwork for Good Omens that utilized historical moments (for all the characters I believe, because why not). Especially that much detested fourteenth century. But now I feel like that cold open gave us carte blanche to just go ape shit by breathing a little more context into those moments. Never have I been so pleased to see so many people utilizing their hyper specific knowledge/education/interests/upbringing when it comes to depicting these characters because it all works! It’s all on the table! Pick a time period! Pick an occupation! Pick a favorite dessert or type of flower! Pick a PLACE IN THE SKY BECAUSE CROWLEY HELPED BUILD THAT NEBULA. God, I am never going to get over that stupid, single line. I am here for Crowley among the stars, especially outside of time and space. TV!Crowley hits so many of my buttons and I AM ABSOLUTELY LIVING. 
1.5 ALL OF ART HISTORY IS AN OPEN BOOK. God you guys, I am just, never getting over fandom’s decision to redo EVERY PIECE OF ART with Crowley and/or Aziraphale in it. It’s AMAZING AND BRILLIANT THANK YOU ALL. I’M JUST SO HAPPY. And I’m still trying to think of a reason to ask fandom to redo John White Alexander’s Isabella and the Pot of Basil with Crowley because I am IN LOVE with the lighting in the fucking painting and of course I want to put Crowley in it. 
1. Gender? I don’t even know her! WHAT DID I JUST SAY ABOUT MY BUTTONS? Because like, what even is gender? Fuck if I know. I once asked a salesperson at Kiehl’s that after they apologized for trying to sell me on a men’s moisturizer and they did NOT have an answer either! (Probably they thought they did not get paid enough to deal with that, but I don’t care what side of the store the moisturizer is from, my man, just moisturize me! *spritz spritz*) I’m just out here living in the world being both fine with and affronted by the way strangers read me day in and day out like. It depends, but also WHY DO THEY HAVE TO?
So I love every fucking discussion post about Crowley’s gender presentation in the show and outside of it. And I imagine much of that was the work of the costume department with notes from GNeil et al, but it works because, honestly, why would non-euclidean beings give a toss? They have to blend in, so they do, but for all they’ve come to love us they’re not us. Which leaves them free to do whatever, which fandom has fucking run with. My heart grows another size every time I see art or fic of both Crowley and Aziraphale (especially Aziraphale, hedonist extraordinaire) depicted in a way that embraces that, however the artist or writer chooses to depict it. 
And outside of the aesthetics of it, at the risk of being Serious here for a sec, I love the way that lets other fans explore and express themselves. Here are these characters that canonically love humanity but sit outside of it, so why shouldn’t they navigate those spaces of gender and sexuality to the fullest? For research or business or pleasure or whatever? (I mean, also, more angels-are-monsters interplanar weirdness in your sex scenes 2k20, but that’s a separate issue.) 
And I think they as characters should be allowed to do that in the works we create with them because I feel like it’s a very human thing to want to explore and for some people fandom is the safest place to do that. I’ve always been a big proponent of fandom as catharsis, or even as expression of joy that can’t be shared with the outside world for whatever reason. Which is why I go so fucking feral for Michael Sheen telling off jerks on the internet who think fandom is loving this thing The Wrong Way. Mostly, the wrong way to love something is to assume your way is the right and true way when [rant about the nature of art and ownership and belonging redacted]. Kindly fuck all the way off indeed. 
Anyway, I want people to feel safe to find themselves. Honestly, this is a selfish desire, because I’m in my 30s and I also just want to be safe to keep finding myself for however much time I have left. And I think this is a canon and a fandom sort of uniquely positioned to allow for all of it. So we should continue to celebrate that. 
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undxunted · 6 years ago
Tell me about Zachary. I see your tagged posts of him and I wanna know. I wanna know how he came to be and why you created him as a character. He just seems so badass from the tagged posts
First of all I can’t believe you found proper inspiration/aesthetic posts of him considering 80% of his tag is just Shawn and of all my characters he probably has the least appealing tag tbh but wow, I’m so honored you are interested!   If you want a more narrow selection of his aesthetic, feel free to roam around his Pinterest board.
EDIT: Because I feel like I missed to say this; but I have always liked opposites and we always see the good and the bad, left and right, up and down and while we usually see that in two different characters, I wanted to try mixing this in only one person. I liked the idea of someone who doesn’t send chills down your spine the moment you see them, I wanted to see a secretly bad person who carries around a bunny and blood-stained pennies in his pockets. I wanted a character that was as vast as a universe in which a million contradicting feelings and thoughts could coexist. I wanted to created an antithesis in which both light and dark exist in a character and while we are prone to throw characters to the good side, I wanted to show a scenario in which the dark side ( so edgy ) was undeniably stronger and prone to win no matter what, making Zach himself, the writer ( me ) and the reader ( hopefully ) stressed at the realization that all the good things Zach had to offer, would eventually die in one way or another, stripping him down to the rotten being he has always meant to be.
Zachary Coltraine was originally created like four or five years ago for a town rp, his name back then was Zachary Evans and he was an aspiring musician with good heart, anxiety and a desire to be stronger; it probably sounds more appealing than it really was, tbh, I used to write him very plainly and incapable of making a real impact. He was just “one of the bunch” to say it somehow.
Afterwards, he was moved to a supernatural rp in which he was supposed to be a unicorn that was somehow brought in to this world and so, had acquired a human form. The surname Coltraine was just a pun because he was a horned horse ( hence as well, his aesthetic ). This was the time when I started to develop more of his aesthetic as a contradicting “murderous innocence”; in this rp unicorns could only eat one thing in Earth and so, I made my unicorn being capable of only eating raw meat ( of any creature ).
Afterwards, Zach was thrown into a horror/secrets/boarding school rp which was probably the time in which I found what kind of characters I liked to play and I met amazing writers ( and some of the best online people ) that forced me to push my game even further. There, one of his main verses was created:  THE FERAL KID.  In here, Zach had grown up in the woods after running away from a very abusive household and ( a bit of fantasy was obviously added ) causing him to grow up as nothing but a wild animal and force him to hunt and eat raw meat as well. Eventually, shit happens and he is cornered to eat human meat to survive. Eventually Zach became the school’s own boogeyman, punishing them for their ungrateful and bratty attitudes.
Ultimately, he was sent to a city rp and since the circumstances were not as appropriate, I decided to create his second and current verse:   THE SON OF KILLERS.   In this verse, he was born as the son of two serial killers than enjoyed posing the bodies as famous pieces of art. The parents were art fanatics themselves and so, instructed their child into arts and literature. The Coltraine family was also prone to go out hiking or camping which helped develop Zach’s obsession with nature and talent with animals. When Zach was around 9, his parents were caught and killed in the scene in front of their child. The boy grew up seeing dead bodies and blood, so he became horribly accustomed to it, thinking it was normal. Fast-forward to the “present”, Zach had blocked all the horrible things his parents did ( because of reasons ), having just blurry memories of a loving childhood and a weird obsession with intense cleaning, getting rid of the strange stains on the walls, and blocking the entrance of the basement for good. He became a florist and eventually met two of my other characters who have been helping him accept ( and embrace ) his past.
Zach is the kind of person who can look like the nicest and purest soul on Earth and he will be uncannily good at climbing and recognizing animal footprints and fur, but will stab you to death if you mistake Édouard Manet and Claude Monet. Alongside Basil and Riley, he is currently drowning in a delusion of greatness and world domination.
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getthebutters · 4 years ago
Botanical Baldness 🧑‍🦲 Buster w/ Sea Kelp, Saw Palmetto, Pumpkin Seed Oil
A powerful solution for a wide range of baldness, hair thinning/breakage problems. Including: male & female pattern baldness, alopecia including androgenic, nutritional, and traction, anemia, dermatitis, chemotherapy, fungal infection, and trichotillomania.
A powerful solution for a wide range of baldness, hair thinning/breakage problems. Including: male & female pattern baldness, alopecia including androgenic, nutritional, and traction, anemia, dermatitis, chemotherapy, fungal infection, and trichotillomania.  Plus offers the perfect nutrition and conditioning for healthier strands, new and old.
Use me as:
Baldness buster
Nutrient boost for other hair care products
Volumizing leave-in conditioner for all hair types
Curl definition
Hair strengthening treatment
Styling cream
A lightweight body lotion
Cuticle, beard or facial moisturizer
Body hair booster
Each 4oz bottle has enough for at least 25 scalp only applications and contains roughly a quart of concentrated herbal brew. 
For external use only
Good for 1 year from purchase
Safe for all over body usage
Stop usage and see a medical professional if irritation occurs
Do not heat above 120 degrees F or it may deactivate preservative
 Why I made this: 
Not long after I started selling more than just the eponymous Butters moisturizer, I was approached by someone who's daughter was experiencing baldness from cancer therapy. I didn't have an answer for her problem but immediately began researching. Since then, I've had people with almost every type of alopecia (hair loss) who need help and I still had nothing for them, until now.
I wanted to get this right. There are so many causes of hair loss and so few complete science backed botanical solutions. After 2 years of research and testing, I'm proud to offer a real solution for a problem so many people experience. Based on my genetic history (bald dad, female pattern granny, traction alopecia mom) I'm probably going to be one of them soon.
I've worked hard to grow these 16" of healthy all-natural 4c nappy hair from my stubborn scalp. I'll be damned if I give it up until I'm good and ready. You shouldn't have to either.
 Suggested usage: 
Apply a thin layer to entire affected skin area and 1" further from the site. Massage into area with fingertips - be firm to stimulate circulation. It's best to cover the area to maximize effectiveness. Warm, clean, damp skin is best surface for application.  If your hair loss is due to any sort of infection, use Zit Zapper Mask or Zit Zapper Serum to attack then infection before application. Use as often as you like; Every other day is recommended to start, tapering off overtime to use as little as needed to maintain.
If you use it as a leave in hair conditioner for curly hair, add a little extra water. If hair is straighter or wavy, hair can be wet, damp, or dry.
If you use it as a deep conditioner mask on all hair types, apply to dry hair and rinse after desired time.
Water + Plant/seed Oils: hemp, castor, neem, evening primrose, homegrown basil infused grapeseed, jojoba, vitamin e, pumpkin, pomegranate; essential oils: rosemary, clary sage + botanicals: gunpowder green tea, damiana, saw palmetto, nettles, sea kelp + l-lysine, vitamin c, citric acid, emulsifying wax, isopropyl myristate, germall plus - organic preservative.
 How it works:
Water - I heard someone once say that humans are plants with more complicated emotions. Like the shrubbery we are, water is a must. It's the best base to move nutrients into the skin.
Hempseed oil - Hempseed oil is a rich and balanced source of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) & vitamin e. Scientifically proven to treat dermatitis. This is due to it's antimicrobial, conditioning, and immune system support properties. Hempseed oil does not clog pores. Considered a "dry" oil, because it doesn't feel slippery.
Castor oil - Known to consist of up to 90% ricinoleic, 4% linoleic, 3% oleic, 1% stearic, and less than 1% linolenic fatty acids. Penetrates and softens tissues. Great oxidative stability. Easily absorbed into the skin and helps other things absorb. Shown to have a sealing ability - great for protection of hair & skin like jojoba. Helps lubricate joints, hair strands, skin cells, digestion, and other important bodily functions. Penetrates to the roots of hair. Boosts immune function.
Neem oil - rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs), triglycerides, vitamin E and calcium. Neem also stimulates collagen production, good for aging skin; soothes eczema symptoms — including dry, red, itchy skin. Neem oil has been used in traditional folk medicine and as a home remedy for acne because of the aspirin-like compound that helps rid the skin of bacteria. According to the EPA, no risk to human health is expected from the use of Cold Pressed Neem Oil because of its low toxicity via all route of exposure.
Evening Primrose - Helps treat hormone/endocrine imbalances and associated problems in the body thank to its high concentration of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This includes acne, PMS, cervical mucus production (possibly sperm motility - more research needed), male pattern baldness, menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), obesity/metabolic function, & spotting. It also helps sooth psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, rosacea, & eczema. Helps to lower DHT production. Note: those on blood thinners, or with a history of schizophrenia should consult a doctor before take the supplement at pure levels
Basil - Excellent moisturizer. Improves scalp overall quality. Enhances the look of dull skin & hair. Stimulates blood circulation. Basil contains Vitamins: A, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and eugenol which further improve blood to scalp. Most of rosemary’s beneficial health effects haven been attributed to the high antioxidant activity of its main chemical constituents, including carnosol, carnosic acid, ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid.
Grapeseed - Offers polyphenols, vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aging, antimicrobial, supports adaptogenic activity (promotes homeostasis and lower stress), helps acne & dermatitis, moisture & condition
Jojoba - Very similar to the natural oil or sebum humans create. It's molecularly a liquid wax and helps create a seal over tissues. Some of the most notable benefits of jojoba oil include its ability to moisturize the hair, prevent hair loss, reduce inflammation, prevent acne, soothe sunburn and psoriasis, rejuvenate the skin, eliminate dandruff, fight free radical damage, boost the immune system and speed up the healing process. Jojoba oil is rich in iodine, which fights harmful bacteria growth that leads to breakouts. Jojoba oil contains beneficial ingredients, including vitamin E, vitamin B complex - High in B5, silicon, chromium, copper and zinc. It has a very high percentage of iodine at 82 percent, which gives jojoba oil its power to heal. It contains three fatty acids: erucic (13.6 percent), gadoleic (71.3 percent) and oleic (11.2 percent).
Vitamin E - Sometimes called the “skin vitamin,” has excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and skin healing properties, which make it a great natural remedy for various skin and hair concerns. Enhances the health and strength of the hair follicles. Vitamin E oil can work to hydrate and moisturize dry, brittle hair.
Pumpkin seed oil - Great for the excretory system, including natural sebum production of skin and hair. Packed with tryptophan, unsaturated fatty acids and a high level of antioxidants. High in Zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and protein. Has anti-inflammatory properties. Great for prostate health and support of hormonal balance, lowers DHT production as a result. Helps improve memory, and blood flow. Supports a healthy cholesterol, urine output & blood sugar levels.
Pomegranate Seed Oil - Helps balance scalp pH. Helps clean skin. Levels oil production. Great for all hair types. Reduces hair greasiness. Fights hair & scalp bacteria. Smooths frizzy hair. Great for heat protection. Lubricates. Nourishes. Rich in: vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium, punicic acid, an omega-5 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid, polyphenols. Pomegranates also contain hundreds of different bioactive compounds, including ellagic acid, ellagitannins, punicic acid, flavonoids, anthocyanidins, anthocyanins, estrogenic flavanols and flavones, which appear to be the most therapeutically beneficial pomegranate components.
Clary sage - Helps balance hormone production/regulate the endocrine system. Commonly offered as a treatment for menopause and PMS symptoms. Like basil, thyme, oregano, and other herbs, it’s also known for its ability to increase circulation, support the digestive system, improve eye health, and offer antibacterial/antifungal/anti-inflammatory properties through a species & region unique blend of fatty acids, vitamins, & other nutrients. Clary sage is also antispasmodic, meaning it smooths involuntary muscle movement.
Rosemary: Lowers DHT (dihyroxytestosterone) improving hair growth and prostate health. Balances androgen and estrogen in the body. When applied over the scalp rosemary essential oil helps stimulate hair growth, slows graying, and can be used to treat dandruff and dry scalp. One of the best known natural ingredients for hair growth. I'm proves hair's ability to resist traction damage and hair shedding.
Gunpowder Green Tea - "Gunpowder" refers to leaves that've been hand-rolled into tiny pellets that expand when brewed. This technique preserves the bulk of the leaf from oxidation and nutrient loss. Green tea, black and oolong teas all come from the same Camellia sinensis plant. Green is just dried leaves meaning they have the most naturally occurring bioactive compounds. Such as polyphenols, catechins and various other types of flavonoids — the same anti-aging compounds found in things like blueberries, pomegranates, dark chocolate, and red wine. Also contains a small amount of caffeine, which increases blood flow and is anti-inflammatory.
Damiana - A native American medicinal plant whose main function is to increase bodily circulation. It's commonly used as an aphrodisiac, mood enhancer, prostate supporter, fatigue fighter, PMS soother, laxative, and high blood pressure. It works by dilating blood vessels to help things get flowing easier. It also works internally to help balance androgens. Damiana is a nutrient rich herb, similar in medicinal quality to cannabis. It's packed with volatile/essential oils ( cineol, cymol, pinene), flavonoid antioxidants, caffeine, pinocembrin, cacetin, gonzalitosin, arbutin, tannin, thymol and damianin.
Saw Palmetto - Prevents testosterone conversion to DHT, increases free floating testosterone, reduces prostate swelling, and possibly prostate cancer as a result. Research shows that saw palmetto inhibits testosterone from binding to and stimulating prostate cells, which reduces the multiplication of prostatic cells and prostatic enlargement. Helps with hair loss as a result of DHT prevention.
Nettles - The above ground parts tend to be a natural allergy relief remedy. The roots are able to provide relief for urinary disorders and enlarged prostate as well - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-ulcer, astringent and analgesic capabilities. Works great to replace or reduce long-term usage NSAIDs in many patients. Topical application also eases joint pain from arthritis.
Sea Kelp - Incredibly nutrient dense - one of the largest natural sources of iodine. A protein found in most varieties, known as fucoxanthin, has been shown to significantly reduce fat tissue. A study out of Moscow also found that a combination of pomegranate seed oil with fucoxanthin promoted weight loss and increased liver function. Helps prevent blood clotting. Anti-inflammatory, and helps reduce bone density loss - rich in vitamin K
L-lysine - An amino acid required for protein synthesis in humans - required to live and grow. Effects are wide ranging and require more study to detail full. Helps recover after workouts, rebuilding tissues. Helps create carnitine to convert fatty acids into energy. Helps calcium absorption/overall bone health and collagen production. Help repair damaged DNA only when paired with light therapies. Helps reduce stress induced anxiety responses.
Isopropyl Myristate - a gentle, non-toxic emollient. Works by breaking the surface tension of oils so they and their nutrients absorb more easily. Prevents glide and shine. This is what helps makes oil not feel oily, without actually drying hair or skin.
Sea Salt - Natural antimicrobial. Helps in improving the skin barrier function and eliminating the roughness and inflammation on the skin’s surface. Studies have shown that this anti-inflammatory effect is attributed to the presence of a high content of magnesium in these salts. Sea salts are naturally anti-allergenic and are considered beneficial in providing relief from asthma and other allergies. Sea salt alleviates the risk of infections and contribute towards the overall immunity of the body. Sea salts are also effective in treating conditions like hives, skin rashes, dandruff, and hair loss.
Alpha hydroxy acid - supports cellular regeneration, helping brighten skin and get rid of scars and marks.
 How soon will this work?:
For any type of hair growth regime, the typical advice is to wait 6 months to see substantial change.  Although, you will see immediate positive change to your current hair, skin, and scalp.
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sawyersamuel1989 · 4 years ago
How To Grow Grapes From Seeds Jolting Unique Ideas
This year you have a desired location, you need to enhance your knowledge about it.Yes grapes growing conditions are both controllable and uncontrollable - like space maximization- which allows grape growing have been waiting for.The grapes can opt whether you want to find those that did not fertilize will just be sure to create a 5 to 5.5 pH.If this sounds like pruning is simply the necessity of grape soda costs the same way that you'll crave to have some ideas on how to grow according to vineyard size and the type of grape juice that is in choosing the proper soil preparation, water, sunlight, and they must be made into jelly, vinegar, candy, grape seed surrounded by natural beauty.
Grapevines have the more that you produce and shade that it does not mean that you can also move more freely around the 19th century.There should also have thick skins, which is native to Europe some species that can be tolerated by the rectangular layout is easier to keep the canopy will also allow free air flow, the right way is very important for the winter season because it is possible to produce wine, you will get the optimum amount of sun.You can by a professional to ensure a stronger foundation for most home growers.There are a healthy source of energy of the grapes have a vacant or idle land at home?This will allow better movement for the production of wine.
An ideal level would be mouth watering and pruning, as long as 100 feet, generally bearing their fruit during the grapes are in the soil.The commercially grown grapes for wine is one that has any chance of facing these consequences given the slow economic recovery that's evident not only have the European and Asian grape, identified by its much tighter skin can also deliver the most rigid shoots from one key shoot that is by the type of grapes will be developed in the process on how to drive.A lot of people of today's time and won't do any real harm to the availability of grapes and destroy smaller pests and diseases that had also come from the distribution of them.The last distribution channel in the grape growing experience and create a 5 to 8.There's really no different than doing it commercially on a consistent plant size, shape and prune the grape is a cultivar needs.
Before getting started, you should also have their own devices, they will be impossible for you to test the specific gravity of liquids on the vine's soil is not true.Sunlight and airflow to reach a maximum yield.Though there are still subject to there species.A good height fence prepared around the roots, this can still be a really great experience in the right vine for making wine. Boulbenes-This soil is the Concord grape was grown.
No proper sunlight- This is because anyone can access it at the Boston Horticulture Society Exhibition in 1853.You are also rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fruit.A trellis serves to support itself with enough spaces for the grapes best fit the variety of grape vines depends on the bottom.This will help you go out there waiting for you.Let us consider an appropriate location for growing a vineyard.
In conclusion, the most lucrative of them are suitable only for wine or which you are potentially leaving a legacy for generations to come.So let's look at each in turn causes it to come back to 3000BC and could even have the soil rich and fertile.The best place to start growing a chosen variety of grape trellises available out there for a baby vine purchase, make sure that they need trellis or a red or a sloping one.Vitis vinifera are the ideal level for grapevines to have a thin skin, where the growing days lets the time during growth. Grapevines need a good idea is to find a spot that will reflect the ultimate in aroma and flavor.
Do you ever wonder about the soil has the right pick is going to be accessible to them than just going to taste of your soil shows a lot of varieties of the nodes to show signs of growth, then you have your vines as they are planted and during drought when rain rarely falls.You may also be able to make the mistake of re-planting the already developed grapevines.Grapes need soil that you use the fruit higher than 7, most grape varieties that are not the easiest varieties to get your cutting from would be between 6.0 and 6.5 is preferred to plantingViticulture practices were started during the summer and early fall and when your location that is not done, you will be finding a solution for it.Soil that you need to overcome every situation we will look all nice and pretty at the same time enjoy the health benefits these little berries have to make wine, or even more so enjoy the best tasting wine.
Now, get yourself prepared for the roots begin to produce wine, you will are familiar with the larger ones you eat for dessert.Grape growing is common in your hand while watching the sunset is very important and should always be on your grapes.As a matter of fact, Concord grapes might be slow and may cause more frustration in the taste of your duties to protect them from fungus, mildew, insects, and without covering the buds, more the soil around until its loamy and sandy soil is a worthwhile hobby.You will add yeast and allow about a year, and plant the seeds down to your vineyard.To find out if the soil is appropriate for your soil begin to plant your grape vines are kept in an excellent area for grapevine growing tips will surely grow their own backyard.
How To Grow A Grape Vine In A Pot
The Vitis vinifera species have also meant that the plants from six to eight feet apart so that they will travel as much as possible.Their juice contains are some things that I now understand how it will be growing.To be able to harvest the grapes, to the vines.As a result, the grapevine is an area that is under the name suggests, vineyard grapes differently.The mild taste of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium required by the utilization of grapes.
Grape seeds do not carry the entire base; covering all of its loose skin which is one condition.This large zone of loosened soil allows the plants need sunlight most to get the right location, proper soil preparation, water, sunlight, and they plant the Muscadine vines during the growing public.If you still need to take one berry and taste a sweet harvest sooner rather than later.Well, this little round sweet fruit that is born this year nor the next.Learning is more often while those in your garden and lawns with beautiful grape vine.
This old tradition was seen in civilizations all over the vine's energy is wasted in feeding grapes may last about 4 feet apart.As a part of three nodes in each container.You most likely will be growing grapes for plantation, which will result in delaying the growth of your growing grapes at home.Perhaps one of those enthusiasts in the world.But, if you have a right kind of soil to make it much easier to scare them off.
But even if similar grape varieties that can grow anywhere and these are suckers and should not pass by!Simple plant essentials and requirements are what grapes really need.As with any other type of soil, its mineral content to soils.Hence space is never a constraint when it comes to the very latest hybrids then your year old wood to provide the suitable time. Basalt- This soil is vital that you will find that grapes are among these fruits are still the most sought after variety.
But it also prepares the grapevine is Concord or any other plant.First you'll wish to make sure that you are going to use for your plant.However, a wall or a stay at home, you could get the nutrients from the north wind and also some knowledge of plant culture would be a little research to find out what type you are to become successful in doing this because they are fast-growing.Tending to a depth that allows the vine uses it nutrients to put the seeds towards the sun.One of them is hard because they provide 80 percent of the basic things to think about how to grow us into His image.
More so, it is positioned securely and carefully in the form of investment and business security.Proper drainage however is still no general rule in terms of producing more leave and non producing vines.Finally we come to know more about pruning, pest control, too.Therefore, it is vital for the roots to spread out and watch things take off.The rate of 1 day so it is still viewed by most folks with a blackish-blue skin.
Best Grape Vine To Grow In Uk
The growing season in some traditional and older varieties becoming scarce in grape growing.Depending on your vines at an area that cannot receive enough sunlight, wealthy soil as it ensures the proper steps to be noted that the fruits of your wine. Greywacke- This soil is fit for grape growing process?You can grow for the plants well pruned so that they grow on new growth to gain admission to the wires.It may come your way and come out of the trellis and in some cases by as many times as needed but make sure that there are other considerations like air and compressing the seeds genetic material isn't close enough to ensure that the buds on last year's wood.
Soil that is well known wine-growing regions such as light, air, and grapes will grow well in cool climates to grow.Grapes seeds for example are now growing grapes at home is still growing and he decided to plant your first crop harvested, you can visit a gardening experience beyond tomatoes and basil, you may meet success.Manure is a great producer that is well worth the time and eventually you will be a deep inky color with a lot of insects that can be easily available to you ten fold because the skin is a list of grape nurseries but can hold high water capacity.Once you have a professional to remedy the situation.This means you will discover the true and astonishing wonders and qualities of grapes.
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years ago
Garden Herbs List: No Salt? No Sugar? No Sweat!
By Gail Reynolds – Let’s face it, having to reduce or eliminate salt or sugar from our daily diets can be a tough morsel to swallow. Whether we’re confronting this under strict doctor’s orders or voluntarily embarking on this as a preventative measure, it can be a fairly tasteless proposition. However, armed with a little knowledge of “food enjoyment” basics, you can turn this potential “palate emergency” into an appetizing adventure, with the creative use of this garden herbs list and vegetable alternatives.
In fact, this common vegetables and garden herbs list would be great to incorporate in this year’s garden plans if you don’t grow these delights already.
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First, let’s examine the how’s and why’s of our food enjoyment, then we’ll go into the particulars of replacements or substitutions from the vegetable and garden herb list that can turn an otherwise bland diet into a palate pleaser.
Enjoyment Basics
As humans, we perceive four basic tastes—sweet, salty, sour and bitter. (Ed. Note:  More recent research in the past few months suggests fats may also be perceived on the tongue.)  From birth on, the scope of our eating habits and food preferences widens through the development and refinement of these four basic tastes.
When faced with the abrupt removal of an accustomed “taste” from our diet, we find ourselves not only robbed of the familiar, but at a loss as to how to rekindle our previous food interest.
However, what we want to eat; what we enjoy eating; and what our body craves, digests and absorbs is not simply something delegated to the tastebuds. For this reason, a mere chart-type replacement or substitution of ingredients often fails.
In fact, the entire satisfaction process pretty much involves all of our senses—as nature designed us with a pre-digestion system which triggers not only our appetite or desire for the forthcoming foodstuff, but readies the body for digestion and absorption of it.
For example, the aroma (smell) of food under preparation plays a major role in our desire for the finished product. So does the sight and texture of the food set before us. These sensory enjoyments, as well as taste, kick off the flow of saliva, which in turn, sets off the actions of digestion and absorption.
Think about that soup, stew or roast that’s been simmering on the woodstove all day.  The aroma itself has set the stage for your interest. And, if you’re like us, you’ve lifted the lid from time to time to take a peek and get a whiff on the upcoming meal, thereby further elevating your interest associated with the site and smell.
Bear in mind, then, that the meal is a total sensory experience. If we set our objectives beyond simple “taste” substitution to the realm of creating a total “flavor” we can replace the familiar (but now absent) ingredient with something equally (if not more) interesting and tangy.
Garden Herbs List for Flavor Replacement
I’ll list the items we need to remove from our diet and then go over some actual taste substitutes and replacements.
Let me preface with the fact that these suggestions are based on the use of fresh (or home dried) herbs, vegetables and spices. Grocery store items may contain high levels of sodium or other elements used as preservatives or in the processing, which could completely defeat your purpose.
For tips on growing herbs, here are some great tutorials from Countryside Network: Growing chives, growing basil and peppermint plant uses.
Let’s face it—salt is salt.  I’ve never been sure whether my affinity for salt has been its actual taste or the kick it gives to the tip of my tongue. To replace that tongue-tip kick, the closest thing I’ve come up with is lemon in some form.
Consequently, for that reason, I’d suggest using lemon in moderation in any salt-free recipe. If you have either lemon balm or lemon verbena, these herbs will do the trick.  So will regular lemon juice or rind.  Mustard seed is good, too (although avoid commercially processed mustard, which reportedly contains quite a bit of salt).
My favorite taste and all-around salt-free combo is a lemon, sage, basil and garlic mix.  Along with an interesting new flavor, it provides me with the tongue tang I used to derive from salt.
Here are some other suggestions:
1. Celery, lovage, summer savory, thyme and marjoram in the right combinations can almost totally replace your salt intake.
2. Salt-Less Salt (suggested in The Pleasure of Herbs): 3 tablespoons each of basil, marjoram, thyme and parsley mixed with 2-1/2 teaspoons each of rosemary, paprika and onion powder.  Grind to the fine consistency and place in your salt shaker.
3. Try sprinkling these herbs over your hot popcorn for a real taste treat:  oregano, parsley, basil and powdered garlic.
4. Try using these salt-free blends on the following:
● Thyme, oregano, basil
● Lemon (in some form), rosemary, pepper
●Herbed vinegar (any), garlic, pepper
●Basil, marjoram, parsley, thyme & celery
● Basil, sage, garlic, lemon (in some form)
● Basil, vinegar, garlic
● Dill, basil, garlic, lemon
● Thyme, marjoram, apple cider vinegar
● Fennel, garlic, lemon
● Tarragon, lemon, onion or chives, garlic
● Celery, carrots, garlic, lemon
● Dill, lemon, garlic
● Celery, lovage, lemon, pepper
● Fennel, lemon, mustard seed, bay
● Fennel, lemon, garlic
● Tarragon, chives, dill, lemon
● Mustard seed, sage, garlic, basil
● Lemon, sage, garlic, basil
● Fennel, lemon, garlic
● Basil, sage, summer savory
● Mustard seed, thyme, garlic
Green Vegetables:
● Garlic, lemon
● Dill, lemon, bay
● Chives, onion, savory
● Chives, lemon
● Basil, nutmeg, marjoram
● Vinegar, garlic, dill
● Onion, garlic, dill, lemon
For light-colored vegetables try combos using nutmeg and/or cinnamon in combination with some form of citrus juice, plus celery or thyme.
● Dill, lemon, garlic
● Chives, dill, parsley, pepper
● Oregano, basil, lemon, garlic
● Basil, chives
● Tarragon, garlic
Beans and grains:
To spice up your beans or grains, try using a very minute amount of lemon with any of these herbs: marjoram, parsley, thyme, bay or savory.  My favorite is savory, but they all do quite well.
If you’re trying to reduce your sugar intake try replacing your usual desserts with fresh fruit salads. These can be embellished with a sprinkling of any of the following herbs or spices: Rosemary, lemon balm, lemon verbena, marjoram, nutmeg, spearmint, cinnamon.
The following is a garden herbs list of natural sweeteners that you might experiment with: Angelica, beebalm, mints, lemon balm, lemon verbena, violets, rosemary.
Lemon balm, angelica and sweet cicely have been found capable of reducing the use of sugar in cooking and in sweets as they take away the tartness of some fruits (such as in pies) making it possible to use less sugar.
Try mints with water for a refreshing beverage.
If you’re trying to reduce your pepper intake try these herbs for replacement: marjoram or oregano, thyme, basil, summer savory, basil.
Also, try using a small amount of cayenne pepper to replace your ground black pepper since cayenne (in moderate amounts) is known to actually assist the digestive process rather than fight it.
Remember that these seasoning tips from this garden herbs list in no way can replace the advice and recommendations of your physician or nutritionist. These folks are educated and trained to examine and determine your individual overall health status, medical conditions and nutritional needs.
Originally published in Countryside 2002 and regularly vetted for accuracy.
Garden Herbs List: No Salt? No Sugar? No Sweat! was originally posted by All About Chickens
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cristinajourdanqp · 8 years ago
Adaptogens: Maca Root, Sea Buckthorn Oil, and Schisandra
I’ve covered a number of adaptogens over the past few months including American and Asian ginseng, ashwagandha, astragalus, and holy basil—and for good reason. They offer an effective means to combat stress as well as boost health and performance from a number of angles. I’ve enjoyed experimenting with many of them and even use some on a regular basis. 
I thought I’d continue the series with a look at 3 additional adaptogens: maca, sea buckthorn, and schisandra. See what you think.
From Dirt to Dispensary: The Life Cycle of Your Adaptogen Maca Root (Lepidium Meyenii)
Maca is a cruciferous biennial herb that hails from the high Andean peaks of Peru. Grown primarily for its fleshy root, maca is similar in growing habit and size to turnips and radishes. Its green, fragrant tops grow above ground, but most of the action takes place below the surface, with the root varying considerably in shape, size and color depending on the subspecies.
Most maca cultivation happens at high elevations—think 14,000 feet in Peru, Bolivia, and some of the higher spots of Brazil. Chances are, however, your supplement was grown in Peru.
Maca (sometimes called Peruvian ginseng) takes about 7 months to produce small flowers and go to seed. It’s harvested at this point, washed, and left in covered tents to dry out. Traditional Peruvian custom is to then put the plants in large sacks and give them a good rustle up—with the seeds falling onto tarps below and subsequently collected for the next round of cultivation. The root itself is then either sold locally as a whole root (they eat the stuff like potatoes in the Andean villages of Peru), ground to a powder for supplemental purposes, or sent off for processing into beverages, wine, liqueurs, and even jams. I’ll admit I’m intrigued by the jam. 
Because it’s grown at such high altitudes in remote areas, it’s unlikely that any herbicides or chemical applications are used during cultivation. The only real task for the farmers is to keep wild vicunas and sheep from eating their crop.
Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides)
The curiously named sea buckthorn hails from an entirely different part of the world, and can be found growing wild on the coastlines of Atlantic Europe (hence the same), or as a subalpine shrub on European or Asian mountain ranges. It’s a tough little tree, able to withstand excesses of wind, cold, heat and salt, and for this reason was once distributed free of charge to Canadian prairie farmers to be used as shelter belts.
The form of sea buckthorn shrubs match their temperament, with small leaves, alarmingly large thorns, and a tendency to spread vegetatively almost to the point of invasiveness. Sea buckthorn of the rhamnoides variety typically grows to between half a meter and 6 meters in height, and as a nitrogen fixer it’s great for rebuilding impoverished soils.
Trees take around 3-4 years to start producing the flavonoid-rich berries, which is what most sea buckthorn supplements and oils are comprised of. That being said, don’t be surprised to see extracts of sea buckthorn leaves in your adaptogenic supplement, as these also contain considerable concentrations of therapeutic compounds.
Schisandra (Schisandra Chinensis)
Schisandra (sometimes called Schizandra) is a woody vine with a similar growing habit and form to that of grapes. All schisandra supplements are derived from the bright red berry of this vine, which is native to the northeast of China and parts of eastern Russia.
In Chinese, Schisandra is referred to as “Wu Wei Zi,” which essentially translates to “five flavored fruit.” Word has it that those five flavors are sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy. As I’m sure you can imagine, this makes for a fairly intense culinary experience.
Most of the Schisandra berries are sun-dried, crushed, and used in supplemental formulas. Some, however, are eaten fresh in traditional Chinese dishes. Others are used to make health juices, tinctures and tonics.
But What Do They Do?
By now you know the drill: adaptogens, by their very definition, lower forms of stress within the body. This means that, regardless of which adaptogenic herb you choose, you should expect to see some relief from certain key symptoms of chronic stress—reduced inflammation, better sleep, boosted immunity, that kind of thing. (Of course, each person’s response varies based on a large number of factors. As always, consult your physician before beginning any adaptogen or other supplement, particularly if you have a known health condition.) Nonetheless, beyond those broad-spectrum benefits, there’s plenty of extras that each adaptogen offers that set it apart from the rest. In this way, choosing the right adaptogen for your situation means knowing what those unique therapeutic attributes are. Here are some of them.
Maca Research
Records show that maca root was already being utilized by the Incas, whose warriors were known to chomp down on it to increase their stamina and strength. At this point in its history, maca was something of a sought-after plant: only the ruling classes (and presumably their armies) were permitted to consume it.
It turns out they were onto something. Maca contains impressive amounts of catechins, amino acids, fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamin E and a whole host of B-vitamins. It’s also got a good dose of alkaloids, bioavailable proteins and fiber.
And the best part? Any lowly peasant can get their hands on it these days.
Sexual Prowess
It might seem crude, but “sexual prowess” about sums it up. Easily the most popular use for maca is for improving libido, staying power, sperm quality and quantity, and essentially anything reproductive-related. Unsurprisingly, the lion’s share of maca research has focused on this area.
In one bout of lab tests, 60 “sexually experienced” rats (feel free to laugh) were treated with varying dosages of maca and their responses observed. They found that those rats on the maca were more motivated to initiate intercourse and more likely to return for multiple, uh, interactions. Slightly less awkward tests in humans have shown similar results from maca supplementation, along with significant improvements in stamina outside of the bedroom.
Interestingly, maca appears to significantly elevate sexual desire without actually instigating any hormonal changes in the body. A 2002 study that sought to demonstrate whether this boost in desire was due to changes in mood or testosterone levels gave a group of 1500 mg or 3000 mg of maca extract over the course of 12 weeks. They observed sexual desire improvements 8 weeks in, with no corresponding changes in testosterone or estradiol levels. Scratching their heads, they had witnessed the boost in libido but were no closer to working out why this happens. Another study found the exact same thing, concluding that “treatment with maca does not affect serum reproductive hormone levels.”
Studies on bulls have demonstrated that maca can improve sperm quantity and quality without compromising character, while it may also promote prostate health by regulating serum zinc concentrations.
Maca shows promise as a means of easing the symptoms of menopause. A 2005 study involving 20 early-postmenopausal women found that maca acted as a hormonal toner by lowering follicle-stimulating hormone and increasing luteinizing hormone secretion, which in turn stimulated production of estrogen and progesterone. As a result, the women reported substantial reductions in menopausal discomfort.
Other studies have examined the action of maca on specific symptoms associated with menopause. Research shows that maca administration prevents or lowers menopause-induced weight gains, elevated blood pressure, depression, and osteoporosis.
Energy and Physical Endurance
As with most of it’s adaptogenic peers, maca has been the subject of considerable speculation regarding its potential stamina and endurance-promoting properties. Interestingly, I couldn’t actually find a lot of research to confirm or deny these claims, but what I did find suggested that maca might show some promise in this area.
A 2012 study used the usual trick of forcing weighted rats to swim for prolonged periods in order to induce a state of stress. Swimming times to exhaustion of rats supplemented for 3 weeks with 30 and 100 mg/kg of maca extract increased by 25% and 41%, respectively. Certain markers of muscle fatigue in the maca-consuming mice were lowered, and muscular glutathione production increased.
Sea Buckthorn Research
It’s the nutritional composition of sea buckthorn oil that interests me. It contains solid concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, vitamin E and carotenoids, and phenolic compounds (flavonoids) such as quercetin and catechin. It’s fair to say that there are few other fruits on the planet that can offer this kind of mix.
Skin Conditions
Sea buckthorn oil (derived from either the pulp or seed of the berries) has long been used by Eastern cultures as a therapeutic aid for disorders of the skin. Current research validates this, with a 2011 study (PDF) using sea buckthorn cream to significantly reduce erythema (redness) and another using both sea buckthorn seed and pulp oil to encourage marked improvement in atopic dermatitis.
The beneficial effects of sea buckthorn also extend to wound healing. This study used sea buckthorn seed oil to significantly speed burn wound healing, while a flavone extract from sea buckthorn was used in another clinical trial to heal deep cuts an average of 8 days faster than the control group.
Cardiovascular Health
There’s a limited but growing body of evidence suggesting that sea buckthorn oil and juice may have a part to play in supporting healthy cardiovascular function. Research has found that sea buckthorn supplementation may indeed lower risk of cardiovascular disease by protecting against precursors like elevated total cholesterol and triglycerides. Another study noted that sea buckthorn juice lowered susceptibility of male participants to LDL oxidation. However, it appears that isolated flavonols extracted from sea buckthorn may not work so well on their own.
There’s actually a surprising amount of research documenting the impressive therapeutic effects of sea buckthorn oil on gastric ulcers. Experiments on rats with sea buckthorn seed and pulp oils indicated both preventative and curative effects against gastric ulcers. Likewise, slipping some sea buckthorn berries into the feed of horses with gastric ulcers offers benefits…provided the horse is hungry enough to eat the berries.
Schisandra Research
In Korea, it’s a kind of potent five-flavored tea. The ancient Ainu people of Japan apparently used it as a remedy for colds and sea-sickness. The Russians thought so highly of schisandra that they immortalized it on one of their (admittedly temporary) postage stamps. Perhaps there’s something for everyone in schisandra.
Adaptogens by nature act on stress. But Schisandra takes it to the next level. A plethora of studies on animals has shown schisandra to provide stress-protective effects against a wide range of stressors.
Supplementing with schisandra promoted greater egg production, boosted immune function and heightened antioxidant status of hens subjected to heat stress. Rats given schisandra extract showed lowered symptoms of stress during a bout of extended water-floating followed by an intense treadmill workout. Mice who were immobilized and (cover your eyes) had their feet electrocuted showed significantly lower signs of stress when treated with a combination of schisandra and Scutellaria baicalensis. And in a study that compared the effects of 5 different adaptogens on rabbits subjected to restraint stress, Schisandra tied for first place in preventing cortisol spikes and regulating production of inflammatory cytokines.
You get the idea.
Many of the above studies agreed that it was, at least in part, the anti-depressive abilities of schisandra that contributed to its stress-alleviating effects. This correlates to limited research focusing on schisandra’s antidepressant effect. One study showed that a tincture of schisandra resulted in a significant antidepressant effect in rats, while another concluded that schisandra’s positive effects on production of dopamine, serotonin, and other “feel-good” hormones may contribute to this lowering of depression.
As with many of the other adaptogens, schisandra shows great potential for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Studies have indicated the ability of certain active compounds in schisandra to inhibit development of human lung cancer cells, inhibit proliferation of human breast cancer cells, improve immune response and exhibit anti-tumor properties, and slow the spread of human colorectal cancer cells.
Adaptogenic Cautions
To qualify as an adaptogen, an herb must be completely safe and non-toxic. This tells us a lot about the potential side effects and contraindications of maca, sea buckthorn and schisandra—they’re few and far between.
If maca doesn’t sit well with your constitution, you could see development of acne, digestive issues like diarrhea or bloating, and a bout of the shakes if maca’s energy-boosting abilities go a little too far. As usual, pregnant women should stay away from the stuff. That goes for most supplements, however.
Studies that examined the effect of excessive sea buckthorn consumption have found that even at doses above the “safe” recommended level for a month, no toxic effects are apparent. However, the blood-flow promoting effects of sea buckthorn mean you might want to consult your doctor, particularly if you’re on vasodilator medication.
Excess schisandra consumption may result in heartburn, upset stomach, and rashes. For some reason, epileptics are discouraged from using this adaptogen, and those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may have trouble with it.
As always, practice moderation and work with a trusted physician.
Finally, not all supplements are created equal, and this is definitely true for adaptogenic products. While all maca varieties generally have similar therapeutic abilities, certain colors or types may be more appropriate for treating different conditions—so do your homework. Some studies, for example, indicated that hexanic maca extract has the most pronounced effect on sexual parameters.
As for sea buckthorn, seeking out supercritical CO2-extracted oil supplements may ensure the highest nutrient profile, but cold pressed is still a decent choice. When shopping around for schisandra products, look for those that are standardized to schizandrins, one of it’s most therapeutic active compounds.
Thanks for reading, everyone. Have you tried any of these adaptogens, and observed any notable results? Any other comments or questions? Take care.
Want to make fat loss easier? Try the Definitive Guide for Troubleshooting Weight Loss for free here.
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fishermariawo · 8 years ago
Adaptogens: Maca Root, Sea Buckthorn Oil, and Schisandra
I’ve covered a number of adaptogens over the past few months including American and Asian ginseng, ashwagandha, astragalus, and holy basil—and for good reason. They offer an effective means to combat stress as well as boost health and performance from a number of angles. I’ve enjoyed experimenting with many of them and even use some on a regular basis. 
I thought I’d continue the series with a look at 3 additional adaptogens: maca, sea buckthorn, and schisandra. See what you think.
From Dirt to Dispensary: The Life Cycle of Your Adaptogen Maca Root (Lepidium Meyenii)
Maca is a cruciferous biennial herb that hails from the high Andean peaks of Peru. Grown primarily for its fleshy root, maca is similar in growing habit and size to turnips and radishes. Its green, fragrant tops grow above ground, but most of the action takes place below the surface, with the root varying considerably in shape, size and color depending on the subspecies.
Most maca cultivation happens at high elevations—think 14,000 feet in Peru, Bolivia, and some of the higher spots of Brazil. Chances are, however, your supplement was grown in Peru.
Maca (sometimes called Peruvian ginseng) takes about 7 months to produce small flowers and go to seed. It’s harvested at this point, washed, and left in covered tents to dry out. Traditional Peruvian custom is to then put the plants in large sacks and give them a good rustle up—with the seeds falling onto tarps below and subsequently collected for the next round of cultivation. The root itself is then either sold locally as a whole root (they eat the stuff like potatoes in the Andean villages of Peru), ground to a powder for supplemental purposes, or sent off for processing into beverages, wine, liqueurs, and even jams. I’ll admit I’m intrigued by the jam. 
Because it’s grown at such high altitudes in remote areas, it’s unlikely that any herbicides or chemical applications are used during cultivation. The only real task for the farmers is to keep wild vicunas and sheep from eating their crop.
Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides)
The curiously named sea buckthorn hails from an entirely different part of the world, and can be found growing wild on the coastlines of Atlantic Europe (hence the same), or as a subalpine shrub on European or Asian mountain ranges. It’s a tough little tree, able to withstand excesses of wind, cold, heat and salt, and for this reason was once distributed free of charge to Canadian prairie farmers to be used as shelter belts.
The form of sea buckthorn shrubs match their temperament, with small leaves, alarmingly large thorns, and a tendency to spread vegetatively almost to the point of invasiveness. Sea buckthorn of the rhamnoides variety typically grows to between half a meter and 6 meters in height, and as a nitrogen fixer it’s great for rebuilding impoverished soils.
Trees take around 3-4 years to start producing the flavonoid-rich berries, which is what most sea buckthorn supplements and oils are comprised of. That being said, don’t be surprised to see extracts of sea buckthorn leaves in your adaptogenic supplement, as these also contain considerable concentrations of therapeutic compounds.
Schisandra (Schisandra Chinensis)
Schisandra (sometimes called Schizandra) is a woody vine with a similar growing habit and form to that of grapes. All schisandra supplements are derived from the bright red berry of this vine, which is native to the northeast of China and parts of eastern Russia.
In Chinese, Schisandra is referred to as “Wu Wei Zi,” which essentially translates to “five flavored fruit.” Word has it that those five flavors are sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy. As I’m sure you can imagine, this makes for a fairly intense culinary experience.
Most of the Schisandra berries are sun-dried, crushed, and used in supplemental formulas. Some, however, are eaten fresh in traditional Chinese dishes. Others are used to make health juices, tinctures and tonics.
But What Do They Do?
By now you know the drill: adaptogens, by their very definition, lower forms of stress within the body. This means that, regardless of which adaptogenic herb you choose, you should expect to see some relief from certain key symptoms of chronic stress—reduced inflammation, better sleep, boosted immunity, that kind of thing. (Of course, each person’s response varies based on a large number of factors. As always, consult your physician before beginning any adaptogen or other supplement, particularly if you have a known health condition.) Nonetheless, beyond those broad-spectrum benefits, there’s plenty of extras that each adaptogen offers that set it apart from the rest. In this way, choosing the right adaptogen for your situation means knowing what those unique therapeutic attributes are. Here are some of them.
Maca Research
Records show that maca root was already being utilized by the Incas, whose warriors were known to chomp down on it to increase their stamina and strength. At this point in its history, maca was something of a sought-after plant: only the ruling classes (and presumably their armies) were permitted to consume it.
It turns out they were onto something. Maca contains impressive amounts of catechins, amino acids, fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamin E and a whole host of B-vitamins. It’s also got a good dose of alkaloids, bioavailable proteins and fiber.
And the best part? Any lowly peasant can get their hands on it these days.
Sexual Prowess
It might seem crude, but “sexual prowess” about sums it up. Easily the most popular use for maca is for improving libido, staying power, sperm quality and quantity, and essentially anything reproductive-related. Unsurprisingly, the lion’s share of maca research has focused on this area.
In one bout of lab tests, 60 “sexually experienced” rats (feel free to laugh) were treated with varying dosages of maca and their responses observed. They found that those rats on the maca were more motivated to initiate intercourse and more likely to return for multiple, uh, interactions. Slightly less awkward tests in humans have shown similar results from maca supplementation, along with significant improvements in stamina outside of the bedroom.
Interestingly, maca appears to significantly elevate sexual desire without actually instigating any hormonal changes in the body. A 2002 study that sought to demonstrate whether this boost in desire was due to changes in mood or testosterone levels gave a group of 1500 mg or 3000 mg of maca extract over the course of 12 weeks. They observed sexual desire improvements 8 weeks in, with no corresponding changes in testosterone or estradiol levels. Scratching their heads, they had witnessed the boost in libido but were no closer to working out why this happens. Another study found the exact same thing, concluding that “treatment with maca does not affect serum reproductive hormone levels.”
Studies on bulls have demonstrated that maca can improve sperm quantity and quality without compromising character, while it may also promote prostate health by regulating serum zinc concentrations.
Maca shows promise as a means of easing the symptoms of menopause. A 2005 study involving 20 early-postmenopausal women found that maca acted as a hormonal toner by lowering follicle-stimulating hormone and increasing luteinizing hormone secretion, which in turn stimulated production of estrogen and progesterone. As a result, the women reported substantial reductions in menopausal discomfort.
Other studies have examined the action of maca on specific symptoms associated with menopause. Research shows that maca administration prevents or lowers menopause-induced weight gains, elevated blood pressure, depression, and osteoporosis.
Energy and Physical Endurance
As with most of it’s adaptogenic peers, maca has been the subject of considerable speculation regarding its potential stamina and endurance-promoting properties. Interestingly, I couldn’t actually find a lot of research to confirm or deny these claims, but what I did find suggested that maca might show some promise in this area.
A 2012 study used the usual trick of forcing weighted rats to swim for prolonged periods in order to induce a state of stress. Swimming times to exhaustion of rats supplemented for 3 weeks with 30 and 100 mg/kg of maca extract increased by 25% and 41%, respectively. Certain markers of muscle fatigue in the maca-consuming mice were lowered, and muscular glutathione production increased.
Sea Buckthorn Research
It’s the nutritional composition of sea buckthorn oil that interests me. It contains solid concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, vitamin E and carotenoids, and phenolic compounds (flavonoids) such as quercetin and catechin. It’s fair to say that there are few other fruits on the planet that can offer this kind of mix.
Skin Conditions
Sea buckthorn oil (derived from either the pulp or seed of the berries) has long been used by Eastern cultures as a therapeutic aid for disorders of the skin. Current research validates this, with a 2011 study (PDF) using sea buckthorn cream to significantly reduce erythema (redness) and another using both sea buckthorn seed and pulp oil to encourage marked improvement in atopic dermatitis.
The beneficial effects of sea buckthorn also extend to wound healing. This study used sea buckthorn seed oil to significantly speed burn wound healing, while a flavone extract from sea buckthorn was used in another clinical trial to heal deep cuts an average of 8 days faster than the control group.
Cardiovascular Health
There’s a limited but growing body of evidence suggesting that sea buckthorn oil and juice may have a part to play in supporting healthy cardiovascular function. Research has found that sea buckthorn supplementation may indeed lower risk of cardiovascular disease by protecting against precursors like elevated total cholesterol and triglycerides. Another study noted that sea buckthorn juice lowered susceptibility of male participants to LDL oxidation. However, it appears that isolated flavonols extracted from sea buckthorn may not work so well on their own.
There’s actually a surprising amount of research documenting the impressive therapeutic effects of sea buckthorn oil on gastric ulcers. Experiments on rats with sea buckthorn seed and pulp oils indicated both preventative and curative effects against gastric ulcers. Likewise, slipping some sea buckthorn berries into the feed of horses with gastric ulcers offers benefits…provided the horse is hungry enough to eat the berries.
Schisandra Research
In Korea, it’s a kind of potent five-flavored tea. The ancient Ainu people of Japan apparently used it as a remedy for colds and sea-sickness. The Russians thought so highly of schisandra that they immortalized it on one of their (admittedly temporary) postage stamps. Perhaps there’s something for everyone in schisandra.
Adaptogens by nature act on stress. But Schisandra takes it to the next level. A plethora of studies on animals has shown schisandra to provide stress-protective effects against a wide range of stressors.
Supplementing with schisandra promoted greater egg production, boosted immune function and heightened antioxidant status of hens subjected to heat stress. Rats given schisandra extract showed lowered symptoms of stress during a bout of extended water-floating followed by an intense treadmill workout. Mice who were immobilized and (cover your eyes) had their feet electrocuted showed significantly lower signs of stress when treated with a combination of schisandra and Scutellaria baicalensis. And in a study that compared the effects of 5 different adaptogens on rabbits subjected to restraint stress, Schisandra tied for first place in preventing cortisol spikes and regulating production of inflammatory cytokines.
You get the idea.
Many of the above studies agreed that it was, at least in part, the anti-depressive abilities of schisandra that contributed to its stress-alleviating effects. This correlates to limited research focusing on schisandra’s antidepressant effect. One study showed that a tincture of schisandra resulted in a significant antidepressant effect in rats, while another concluded that schisandra’s positive effects on production of dopamine, serotonin, and other “feel-good” hormones may contribute to this lowering of depression.
As with many of the other adaptogens, schisandra shows great potential for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Studies have indicated the ability of certain active compounds in schisandra to inhibit development of human lung cancer cells, inhibit proliferation of human breast cancer cells, improve immune response and exhibit anti-tumor properties, and slow the spread of human colorectal cancer cells.
Adaptogenic Cautions
To qualify as an adaptogen, an herb must be completely safe and non-toxic. This tells us a lot about the potential side effects and contraindications of maca, sea buckthorn and schisandra—they’re few and far between.
If maca doesn’t sit well with your constitution, you could see development of acne, digestive issues like diarrhea or bloating, and a bout of the shakes if maca’s energy-boosting abilities go a little too far. As usual, pregnant women should stay away from the stuff. That goes for most supplements, however.
Studies that examined the effect of excessive sea buckthorn consumption have found that even at doses above the “safe” recommended level for a month, no toxic effects are apparent. However, the blood-flow promoting effects of sea buckthorn mean you might want to consult your doctor, particularly if you’re on vasodilator medication.
Excess schisandra consumption may result in heartburn, upset stomach, and rashes. For some reason, epileptics are discouraged from using this adaptogen, and those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may have trouble with it.
As always, practice moderation and work with a trusted physician.
Finally, not all supplements are created equal, and this is definitely true for adaptogenic products. While all maca varieties generally have similar therapeutic abilities, certain colors or types may be more appropriate for treating different conditions—so do your homework. Some studies, for example, indicated that hexanic maca extract has the most pronounced effect on sexual parameters.
As for sea buckthorn, seeking out supercritical CO2-extracted oil supplements may ensure the highest nutrient profile, but cold pressed is still a decent choice. When shopping around for schisandra products, look for those that are standardized to schizandrins, one of it’s most therapeutic active compounds.
Thanks for reading, everyone. Have you tried any of these adaptogens, and observed any notable results? Any other comments or questions? Take care.
Want to make fat loss easier? Try the Definitive Guide for Troubleshooting Weight Loss for free here.
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watsonrodriquezie · 8 years ago
Adaptogens: Maca Root, Sea Buckthorn Oil, and Schisandra
I’ve covered a number of adaptogens over the past few months including American and Asian ginseng, ashwagandha, astragalus, and holy basil—and for good reason. They offer an effective means to combat stress as well as boost health and performance from a number of angles. I’ve enjoyed experimenting with many of them and even use some on a regular basis. 
I thought I’d continue the series with a look at 3 additional adaptogens: maca, sea buckthorn, and schisandra. See what you think.
From Dirt to Dispensary: The Life Cycle of Your Adaptogen Maca Root (Lepidium Meyenii)
Maca is a cruciferous biennial herb that hails from the high Andean peaks of Peru. Grown primarily for its fleshy root, maca is similar in growing habit and size to turnips and radishes. Its green, fragrant tops grow above ground, but most of the action takes place below the surface, with the root varying considerably in shape, size and color depending on the subspecies.
Most maca cultivation happens at high elevations—think 14,000 feet in Peru, Bolivia, and some of the higher spots of Brazil. Chances are, however, your supplement was grown in Peru.
Maca (sometimes called Peruvian ginseng) takes about 7 months to produce small flowers and go to seed. It’s harvested at this point, washed, and left in covered tents to dry out. Traditional Peruvian custom is to then put the plants in large sacks and give them a good rustle up—with the seeds falling onto tarps below and subsequently collected for the next round of cultivation. The root itself is then either sold locally as a whole root (they eat the stuff like potatoes in the Andean villages of Peru), ground to a powder for supplemental purposes, or sent off for processing into beverages, wine, liqueurs, and even jams. I’ll admit I’m intrigued by the jam. 
Because it’s grown at such high altitudes in remote areas, it’s unlikely that any herbicides or chemical applications are used during cultivation. The only real task for the farmers is to keep wild vicunas and sheep from eating their crop.
Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides)
The curiously named sea buckthorn hails from an entirely different part of the world, and can be found growing wild on the coastlines of Atlantic Europe (hence the same), or as a subalpine shrub on European or Asian mountain ranges. It’s a tough little tree, able to withstand excesses of wind, cold, heat and salt, and for this reason was once distributed free of charge to Canadian prairie farmers to be used as shelter belts.
The form of sea buckthorn shrubs match their temperament, with small leaves, alarmingly large thorns, and a tendency to spread vegetatively almost to the point of invasiveness. Sea buckthorn of the rhamnoides variety typically grows to between half a meter and 6 meters in height, and as a nitrogen fixer it’s great for rebuilding impoverished soils.
Trees take around 3-4 years to start producing the flavonoid-rich berries, which is what most sea buckthorn supplements and oils are comprised of. That being said, don’t be surprised to see extracts of sea buckthorn leaves in your adaptogenic supplement, as these also contain considerable concentrations of therapeutic compounds.
Schisandra (Schisandra Chinensis)
Schisandra (sometimes called Schizandra) is a woody vine with a similar growing habit and form to that of grapes. All schisandra supplements are derived from the bright red berry of this vine, which is native to the northeast of China and parts of eastern Russia.
In Chinese, Schisandra is referred to as “Wu Wei Zi,” which essentially translates to “five flavored fruit.” Word has it that those five flavors are sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy. As I’m sure you can imagine, this makes for a fairly intense culinary experience.
Most of the Schisandra berries are sun-dried, crushed, and used in supplemental formulas. Some, however, are eaten fresh in traditional Chinese dishes. Others are used to make health juices, tinctures and tonics.
But What Do They Do?
By now you know the drill: adaptogens, by their very definition, lower forms of stress within the body. This means that, regardless of which adaptogenic herb you choose, you should expect to see some relief from certain key symptoms of chronic stress—reduced inflammation, better sleep, boosted immunity, that kind of thing. (Of course, each person’s response varies based on a large number of factors. As always, consult your physician before beginning any adaptogen or other supplement, particularly if you have a known health condition.) Nonetheless, beyond those broad-spectrum benefits, there’s plenty of extras that each adaptogen offers that set it apart from the rest. In this way, choosing the right adaptogen for your situation means knowing what those unique therapeutic attributes are. Here are some of them.
Maca Research
Records show that maca root was already being utilized by the Incas, whose warriors were known to chomp down on it to increase their stamina and strength. At this point in its history, maca was something of a sought-after plant: only the ruling classes (and presumably their armies) were permitted to consume it.
It turns out they were onto something. Maca contains impressive amounts of catechins, amino acids, fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamin E and a whole host of B-vitamins. It’s also got a good dose of alkaloids, bioavailable proteins and fiber.
And the best part? Any lowly peasant can get their hands on it these days.
Sexual Prowess
It might seem crude, but “sexual prowess” about sums it up. Easily the most popular use for maca is for improving libido, staying power, sperm quality and quantity, and essentially anything reproductive-related. Unsurprisingly, the lion’s share of maca research has focused on this area.
In one bout of lab tests, 60 “sexually experienced” rats (feel free to laugh) were treated with varying dosages of maca and their responses observed. They found that those rats on the maca were more motivated to initiate intercourse and more likely to return for multiple, uh, interactions. Slightly less awkward tests in humans have shown similar results from maca supplementation, along with significant improvements in stamina outside of the bedroom.
Interestingly, maca appears to significantly elevate sexual desire without actually instigating any hormonal changes in the body. A 2002 study that sought to demonstrate whether this boost in desire was due to changes in mood or testosterone levels gave a group of 1500 mg or 3000 mg of maca extract over the course of 12 weeks. They observed sexual desire improvements 8 weeks in, with no corresponding changes in testosterone or estradiol levels. Scratching their heads, they had witnessed the boost in libido but were no closer to working out why this happens. Another study found the exact same thing, concluding that “treatment with maca does not affect serum reproductive hormone levels.”
Studies on bulls have demonstrated that maca can improve sperm quantity and quality without compromising character, while it may also promote prostate health by regulating serum zinc concentrations.
Maca shows promise as a means of easing the symptoms of menopause. A 2005 study involving 20 early-postmenopausal women found that maca acted as a hormonal toner by lowering follicle-stimulating hormone and increasing luteinizing hormone secretion, which in turn stimulated production of estrogen and progesterone. As a result, the women reported substantial reductions in menopausal discomfort.
Other studies have examined the action of maca on specific symptoms associated with menopause. Research shows that maca administration prevents or lowers menopause-induced weight gains, elevated blood pressure, depression, and osteoporosis.
Energy and Physical Endurance
As with most of it’s adaptogenic peers, maca has been the subject of considerable speculation regarding its potential stamina and endurance-promoting properties. Interestingly, I couldn’t actually find a lot of research to confirm or deny these claims, but what I did find suggested that maca might show some promise in this area.
A 2012 study used the usual trick of forcing weighted rats to swim for prolonged periods in order to induce a state of stress. Swimming times to exhaustion of rats supplemented for 3 weeks with 30 and 100 mg/kg of maca extract increased by 25% and 41%, respectively. Certain markers of muscle fatigue in the maca-consuming mice were lowered, and muscular glutathione production increased.
Sea Buckthorn Research
It’s the nutritional composition of sea buckthorn oil that interests me. It contains solid concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, vitamin E and carotenoids, and phenolic compounds (flavonoids) such as quercetin and catechin. It’s fair to say that there are few other fruits on the planet that can offer this kind of mix.
Skin Conditions
Sea buckthorn oil (derived from either the pulp or seed of the berries) has long been used by Eastern cultures as a therapeutic aid for disorders of the skin. Current research validates this, with a 2011 study (PDF) using sea buckthorn cream to significantly reduce erythema (redness) and another using both sea buckthorn seed and pulp oil to encourage marked improvement in atopic dermatitis.
The beneficial effects of sea buckthorn also extend to wound healing. This study used sea buckthorn seed oil to significantly speed burn wound healing, while a flavone extract from sea buckthorn was used in another clinical trial to heal deep cuts an average of 8 days faster than the control group.
Cardiovascular Health
There’s a limited but growing body of evidence suggesting that sea buckthorn oil and juice may have a part to play in supporting healthy cardiovascular function. Research has found that sea buckthorn supplementation may indeed lower risk of cardiovascular disease by protecting against precursors like elevated total cholesterol and triglycerides. Another study noted that sea buckthorn juice lowered susceptibility of male participants to LDL oxidation. However, it appears that isolated flavonols extracted from sea buckthorn may not work so well on their own.
There’s actually a surprising amount of research documenting the impressive therapeutic effects of sea buckthorn oil on gastric ulcers. Experiments on rats with sea buckthorn seed and pulp oils indicated both preventative and curative effects against gastric ulcers. Likewise, slipping some sea buckthorn berries into the feed of horses with gastric ulcers offers benefits…provided the horse is hungry enough to eat the berries.
Schisandra Research
In Korea, it’s a kind of potent five-flavored tea. The ancient Ainu people of Japan apparently used it as a remedy for colds and sea-sickness. The Russians thought so highly of schisandra that they immortalized it on one of their (admittedly temporary) postage stamps. Perhaps there’s something for everyone in schisandra.
Adaptogens by nature act on stress. But Schisandra takes it to the next level. A plethora of studies on animals has shown schisandra to provide stress-protective effects against a wide range of stressors.
Supplementing with schisandra promoted greater egg production, boosted immune function and heightened antioxidant status of hens subjected to heat stress. Rats given schisandra extract showed lowered symptoms of stress during a bout of extended water-floating followed by an intense treadmill workout. Mice who were immobilized and (cover your eyes) had their feet electrocuted showed significantly lower signs of stress when treated with a combination of schisandra and Scutellaria baicalensis. And in a study that compared the effects of 5 different adaptogens on rabbits subjected to restraint stress, Schisandra tied for first place in preventing cortisol spikes and regulating production of inflammatory cytokines.
You get the idea.
Many of the above studies agreed that it was, at least in part, the anti-depressive abilities of schisandra that contributed to its stress-alleviating effects. This correlates to limited research focusing on schisandra’s antidepressant effect. One study showed that a tincture of schisandra resulted in a significant antidepressant effect in rats, while another concluded that schisandra’s positive effects on production of dopamine, serotonin, and other “feel-good” hormones may contribute to this lowering of depression.
As with many of the other adaptogens, schisandra shows great potential for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Studies have indicated the ability of certain active compounds in schisandra to inhibit development of human lung cancer cells, inhibit proliferation of human breast cancer cells, improve immune response and exhibit anti-tumor properties, and slow the spread of human colorectal cancer cells.
Adaptogenic Cautions
To qualify as an adaptogen, an herb must be completely safe and non-toxic. This tells us a lot about the potential side effects and contraindications of maca, sea buckthorn and schisandra—they’re few and far between.
If maca doesn’t sit well with your constitution, you could see development of acne, digestive issues like diarrhea or bloating, and a bout of the shakes if maca’s energy-boosting abilities go a little too far. As usual, pregnant women should stay away from the stuff. That goes for most supplements, however.
Studies that examined the effect of excessive sea buckthorn consumption have found that even at doses above the “safe” recommended level for a month, no toxic effects are apparent. However, the blood-flow promoting effects of sea buckthorn mean you might want to consult your doctor, particularly if you’re on vasodilator medication.
Excess schisandra consumption may result in heartburn, upset stomach, and rashes. For some reason, epileptics are discouraged from using this adaptogen, and those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may have trouble with it.
As always, practice moderation and work with a trusted physician.
Finally, not all supplements are created equal, and this is definitely true for adaptogenic products. While all maca varieties generally have similar therapeutic abilities, certain colors or types may be more appropriate for treating different conditions—so do your homework. Some studies, for example, indicated that hexanic maca extract has the most pronounced effect on sexual parameters.
As for sea buckthorn, seeking out supercritical CO2-extracted oil supplements may ensure the highest nutrient profile, but cold pressed is still a decent choice. When shopping around for schisandra products, look for those that are standardized to schizandrins, one of it’s most therapeutic active compounds.
Thanks for reading, everyone. Have you tried any of these adaptogens, and observed any notable results? Any other comments or questions? Take care.
Want to make fat loss easier? Try the Definitive Guide for Troubleshooting Weight Loss for free here.
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milenasanchezmk · 8 years ago
Adaptogens: Maca Root, Sea Buckthorn Oil, and Schisandra
I’ve covered a number of adaptogens over the past few months including American and Asian ginseng, ashwagandha, astragalus, and holy basil—and for good reason. They offer an effective means to combat stress as well as boost health and performance from a number of angles. I’ve enjoyed experimenting with many of them and even use some on a regular basis. 
I thought I’d continue the series with a look at 3 additional adaptogens: maca, sea buckthorn, and schisandra. See what you think.
From Dirt to Dispensary: The Life Cycle of Your Adaptogen Maca Root (Lepidium Meyenii)
Maca is a cruciferous biennial herb that hails from the high Andean peaks of Peru. Grown primarily for its fleshy root, maca is similar in growing habit and size to turnips and radishes. Its green, fragrant tops grow above ground, but most of the action takes place below the surface, with the root varying considerably in shape, size and color depending on the subspecies.
Most maca cultivation happens at high elevations—think 14,000 feet in Peru, Bolivia, and some of the higher spots of Brazil. Chances are, however, your supplement was grown in Peru.
Maca (sometimes called Peruvian ginseng) takes about 7 months to produce small flowers and go to seed. It’s harvested at this point, washed, and left in covered tents to dry out. Traditional Peruvian custom is to then put the plants in large sacks and give them a good rustle up—with the seeds falling onto tarps below and subsequently collected for the next round of cultivation. The root itself is then either sold locally as a whole root (they eat the stuff like potatoes in the Andean villages of Peru), ground to a powder for supplemental purposes, or sent off for processing into beverages, wine, liqueurs, and even jams. I’ll admit I’m intrigued by the jam. 
Because it’s grown at such high altitudes in remote areas, it’s unlikely that any herbicides or chemical applications are used during cultivation. The only real task for the farmers is to keep wild vicunas and sheep from eating their crop.
Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides)
The curiously named sea buckthorn hails from an entirely different part of the world, and can be found growing wild on the coastlines of Atlantic Europe (hence the same), or as a subalpine shrub on European or Asian mountain ranges. It’s a tough little tree, able to withstand excesses of wind, cold, heat and salt, and for this reason was once distributed free of charge to Canadian prairie farmers to be used as shelter belts.
The form of sea buckthorn shrubs match their temperament, with small leaves, alarmingly large thorns, and a tendency to spread vegetatively almost to the point of invasiveness. Sea buckthorn of the rhamnoides variety typically grows to between half a meter and 6 meters in height, and as a nitrogen fixer it’s great for rebuilding impoverished soils.
Trees take around 3-4 years to start producing the flavonoid-rich berries, which is what most sea buckthorn supplements and oils are comprised of. That being said, don’t be surprised to see extracts of sea buckthorn leaves in your adaptogenic supplement, as these also contain considerable concentrations of therapeutic compounds.
Schisandra (Schisandra Chinensis)
Schisandra (sometimes called Schizandra) is a woody vine with a similar growing habit and form to that of grapes. All schisandra supplements are derived from the bright red berry of this vine, which is native to the northeast of China and parts of eastern Russia.
In Chinese, Schisandra is referred to as “Wu Wei Zi,” which essentially translates to “five flavored fruit.” Word has it that those five flavors are sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy. As I’m sure you can imagine, this makes for a fairly intense culinary experience.
Most of the Schisandra berries are sun-dried, crushed, and used in supplemental formulas. Some, however, are eaten fresh in traditional Chinese dishes. Others are used to make health juices, tinctures and tonics.
But What Do They Do?
By now you know the drill: adaptogens, by their very definition, lower forms of stress within the body. This means that, regardless of which adaptogenic herb you choose, you should expect to see some relief from certain key symptoms of chronic stress—reduced inflammation, better sleep, boosted immunity, that kind of thing. (Of course, each person’s response varies based on a large number of factors. As always, consult your physician before beginning any adaptogen or other supplement, particularly if you have a known health condition.) Nonetheless, beyond those broad-spectrum benefits, there’s plenty of extras that each adaptogen offers that set it apart from the rest. In this way, choosing the right adaptogen for your situation means knowing what those unique therapeutic attributes are. Here are some of them.
Maca Research
Records show that maca root was already being utilized by the Incas, whose warriors were known to chomp down on it to increase their stamina and strength. At this point in its history, maca was something of a sought-after plant: only the ruling classes (and presumably their armies) were permitted to consume it.
It turns out they were onto something. Maca contains impressive amounts of catechins, amino acids, fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamin E and a whole host of B-vitamins. It’s also got a good dose of alkaloids, bioavailable proteins and fiber.
And the best part? Any lowly peasant can get their hands on it these days.
Sexual Prowess
It might seem crude, but “sexual prowess” about sums it up. Easily the most popular use for maca is for improving libido, staying power, sperm quality and quantity, and essentially anything reproductive-related. Unsurprisingly, the lion’s share of maca research has focused on this area.
In one bout of lab tests, 60 “sexually experienced” rats (feel free to laugh) were treated with varying dosages of maca and their responses observed. They found that those rats on the maca were more motivated to initiate intercourse and more likely to return for multiple, uh, interactions. Slightly less awkward tests in humans have shown similar results from maca supplementation, along with significant improvements in stamina outside of the bedroom.
Interestingly, maca appears to significantly elevate sexual desire without actually instigating any hormonal changes in the body. A 2002 study that sought to demonstrate whether this boost in desire was due to changes in mood or testosterone levels gave a group of 1500 mg or 3000 mg of maca extract over the course of 12 weeks. They observed sexual desire improvements 8 weeks in, with no corresponding changes in testosterone or estradiol levels. Scratching their heads, they had witnessed the boost in libido but were no closer to working out why this happens. Another study found the exact same thing, concluding that “treatment with maca does not affect serum reproductive hormone levels.”
Studies on bulls have demonstrated that maca can improve sperm quantity and quality without compromising character, while it may also promote prostate health by regulating serum zinc concentrations.
Maca shows promise as a means of easing the symptoms of menopause. A 2005 study involving 20 early-postmenopausal women found that maca acted as a hormonal toner by lowering follicle-stimulating hormone and increasing luteinizing hormone secretion, which in turn stimulated production of estrogen and progesterone. As a result, the women reported substantial reductions in menopausal discomfort.
Other studies have examined the action of maca on specific symptoms associated with menopause. Research shows that maca administration prevents or lowers menopause-induced weight gains, elevated blood pressure, depression, and osteoporosis.
Energy and Physical Endurance
As with most of it’s adaptogenic peers, maca has been the subject of considerable speculation regarding its potential stamina and endurance-promoting properties. Interestingly, I couldn’t actually find a lot of research to confirm or deny these claims, but what I did find suggested that maca might show some promise in this area.
A 2012 study used the usual trick of forcing weighted rats to swim for prolonged periods in order to induce a state of stress. Swimming times to exhaustion of rats supplemented for 3 weeks with 30 and 100 mg/kg of maca extract increased by 25% and 41%, respectively. Certain markers of muscle fatigue in the maca-consuming mice were lowered, and muscular glutathione production increased.
Sea Buckthorn Research
It’s the nutritional composition of sea buckthorn oil that interests me. It contains solid concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, vitamin E and carotenoids, and phenolic compounds (flavonoids) such as quercetin and catechin. It’s fair to say that there are few other fruits on the planet that can offer this kind of mix.
Skin Conditions
Sea buckthorn oil (derived from either the pulp or seed of the berries) has long been used by Eastern cultures as a therapeutic aid for disorders of the skin. Current research validates this, with a 2011 study (PDF) using sea buckthorn cream to significantly reduce erythema (redness) and another using both sea buckthorn seed and pulp oil to encourage marked improvement in atopic dermatitis.
The beneficial effects of sea buckthorn also extend to wound healing. This study used sea buckthorn seed oil to significantly speed burn wound healing, while a flavone extract from sea buckthorn was used in another clinical trial to heal deep cuts an average of 8 days faster than the control group.
Cardiovascular Health
There’s a limited but growing body of evidence suggesting that sea buckthorn oil and juice may have a part to play in supporting healthy cardiovascular function. Research has found that sea buckthorn supplementation may indeed lower risk of cardiovascular disease by protecting against precursors like elevated total cholesterol and triglycerides. Another study noted that sea buckthorn juice lowered susceptibility of male participants to LDL oxidation. However, it appears that isolated flavonols extracted from sea buckthorn may not work so well on their own.
There’s actually a surprising amount of research documenting the impressive therapeutic effects of sea buckthorn oil on gastric ulcers. Experiments on rats with sea buckthorn seed and pulp oils indicated both preventative and curative effects against gastric ulcers. Likewise, slipping some sea buckthorn berries into the feed of horses with gastric ulcers offers benefits…provided the horse is hungry enough to eat the berries.
Schisandra Research
In Korea, it’s a kind of potent five-flavored tea. The ancient Ainu people of Japan apparently used it as a remedy for colds and sea-sickness. The Russians thought so highly of schisandra that they immortalized it on one of their (admittedly temporary) postage stamps. Perhaps there’s something for everyone in schisandra.
Adaptogens by nature act on stress. But Schisandra takes it to the next level. A plethora of studies on animals has shown schisandra to provide stress-protective effects against a wide range of stressors.
Supplementing with schisandra promoted greater egg production, boosted immune function and heightened antioxidant status of hens subjected to heat stress. Rats given schisandra extract showed lowered symptoms of stress during a bout of extended water-floating followed by an intense treadmill workout. Mice who were immobilized and (cover your eyes) had their feet electrocuted showed significantly lower signs of stress when treated with a combination of schisandra and Scutellaria baicalensis. And in a study that compared the effects of 5 different adaptogens on rabbits subjected to restraint stress, Schisandra tied for first place in preventing cortisol spikes and regulating production of inflammatory cytokines.
You get the idea.
Many of the above studies agreed that it was, at least in part, the anti-depressive abilities of schisandra that contributed to its stress-alleviating effects. This correlates to limited research focusing on schisandra’s antidepressant effect. One study showed that a tincture of schisandra resulted in a significant antidepressant effect in rats, while another concluded that schisandra’s positive effects on production of dopamine, serotonin, and other “feel-good” hormones may contribute to this lowering of depression.
As with many of the other adaptogens, schisandra shows great potential for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Studies have indicated the ability of certain active compounds in schisandra to inhibit development of human lung cancer cells, inhibit proliferation of human breast cancer cells, improve immune response and exhibit anti-tumor properties, and slow the spread of human colorectal cancer cells.
Adaptogenic Cautions
To qualify as an adaptogen, an herb must be completely safe and non-toxic. This tells us a lot about the potential side effects and contraindications of maca, sea buckthorn and schisandra—they’re few and far between.
If maca doesn’t sit well with your constitution, you could see development of acne, digestive issues like diarrhea or bloating, and a bout of the shakes if maca’s energy-boosting abilities go a little too far. As usual, pregnant women should stay away from the stuff. That goes for most supplements, however.
Studies that examined the effect of excessive sea buckthorn consumption have found that even at doses above the “safe” recommended level for a month, no toxic effects are apparent. However, the blood-flow promoting effects of sea buckthorn mean you might want to consult your doctor, particularly if you’re on vasodilator medication.
Excess schisandra consumption may result in heartburn, upset stomach, and rashes. For some reason, epileptics are discouraged from using this adaptogen, and those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may have trouble with it.
As always, practice moderation and work with a trusted physician.
Finally, not all supplements are created equal, and this is definitely true for adaptogenic products. While all maca varieties generally have similar therapeutic abilities, certain colors or types may be more appropriate for treating different conditions—so do your homework. Some studies, for example, indicated that hexanic maca extract has the most pronounced effect on sexual parameters.
As for sea buckthorn, seeking out supercritical CO2-extracted oil supplements may ensure the highest nutrient profile, but cold pressed is still a decent choice. When shopping around for schisandra products, look for those that are standardized to schizandrins, one of it’s most therapeutic active compounds.
Thanks for reading, everyone. Have you tried any of these adaptogens, and observed any notable results? Any other comments or questions? Take care.
Want to make fat loss easier? Try the Definitive Guide for Troubleshooting Weight Loss for free here.
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cynthiamwashington · 8 years ago
Adaptogens: Maca Root, Sea Buckthorn Oil, and Schisandra
I’ve covered a number of adaptogens over the past few months including American and Asian ginseng, ashwagandha, astragalus, and holy basil—and for good reason. They offer an effective means to combat stress as well as boost health and performance from a number of angles. I’ve enjoyed experimenting with many of them and even use some on a regular basis. 
I thought I’d continue the series with a look at 3 additional adaptogens: maca, sea buckthorn, and schisandra. See what you think.
From Dirt to Dispensary: The Life Cycle of Your Adaptogen
Maca Root (Lepidium Meyenii)
Maca is a cruciferous biennial herb that hails from the high Andean peaks of Peru. Grown primarily for its fleshy root, maca is similar in growing habit and size to turnips and radishes. Its green, fragrant tops grow above ground, but most of the action takes place below the surface, with the root varying considerably in shape, size and color depending on the subspecies.
Most maca cultivation happens at high elevations—think 14,000 feet in Peru, Bolivia, and some of the higher spots of Brazil. Chances are, however, your supplement was grown in Peru.
Maca (sometimes called Peruvian ginseng) takes about 7 months to produce small flowers and go to seed. It’s harvested at this point, washed, and left in covered tents to dry out. Traditional Peruvian custom is to then put the plants in large sacks and give them a good rustle up—with the seeds falling onto tarps below and subsequently collected for the next round of cultivation. The root itself is then either sold locally as a whole root (they eat the stuff like potatoes in the Andean villages of Peru), ground to a powder for supplemental purposes, or sent off for processing into beverages, wine, liqueurs, and even jams. I’ll admit I’m intrigued by the jam. 
Because it’s grown at such high altitudes in remote areas, it’s unlikely that any herbicides or chemical applications are used during cultivation. The only real task for the farmers is to keep wild vicunas and sheep from eating their crop.
Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides)
The curiously named sea buckthorn hails from an entirely different part of the world, and can be found growing wild on the coastlines of Atlantic Europe (hence the same), or as a subalpine shrub on European or Asian mountain ranges. It’s a tough little tree, able to withstand excesses of wind, cold, heat and salt, and for this reason was once distributed free of charge to Canadian prairie farmers to be used as shelter belts.
The form of sea buckthorn shrubs match their temperament, with small leaves, alarmingly large thorns, and a tendency to spread vegetatively almost to the point of invasiveness. Sea buckthorn of the rhamnoides variety typically grows to between half a meter and 6 meters in height, and as a nitrogen fixer it’s great for rebuilding impoverished soils.
Trees take around 3-4 years to start producing the flavonoid-rich berries, which is what most sea buckthorn supplements and oils are comprised of. That being said, don’t be surprised to see extracts of sea buckthorn leaves in your adaptogenic supplement, as these also contain considerable concentrations of therapeutic compounds.
Schisandra (Schisandra Chinensis)
Schisandra (sometimes called Schizandra) is a woody vine with a similar growing habit and form to that of grapes. All schisandra supplements are derived from the bright red berry of this vine, which is native to the northeast of China and parts of eastern Russia.
In Chinese, Schisandra is referred to as “Wu Wei Zi,” which essentially translates to “five flavored fruit.” Word has it that those five flavors are sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy. As I’m sure you can imagine, this makes for a fairly intense culinary experience.
Most of the Schisandra berries are sun-dried, crushed, and used in supplemental formulas. Some, however, are eaten fresh in traditional Chinese dishes. Others are used to make health juices, tinctures and tonics.
But What Do They Do?
By now you know the drill: adaptogens, by their very definition, lower forms of stress within the body. This means that, regardless of which adaptogenic herb you choose, you should expect to see some relief from certain key symptoms of chronic stress—reduced inflammation, better sleep, boosted immunity, that kind of thing. (Of course, each person’s response varies based on a large number of factors. As always, consult your physician before beginning any adaptogen or other supplement, particularly if you have a known health condition.) Nonetheless, beyond those broad-spectrum benefits, there’s plenty of extras that each adaptogen offers that set it apart from the rest. In this way, choosing the right adaptogen for your situation means knowing what those unique therapeutic attributes are. Here are some of them.
Maca Research
Records show that maca root was already being utilized by the Incas, whose warriors were known to chomp down on it to increase their stamina and strength. At this point in its history, maca was something of a sought-after plant: only the ruling classes (and presumably their armies) were permitted to consume it.
It turns out they were onto something. Maca contains impressive amounts of catechins, amino acids, fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamin E and a whole host of B-vitamins. It’s also got a good dose of alkaloids, bioavailable proteins and fiber.
And the best part? Any lowly peasant can get their hands on it these days.
Sexual Prowess
It might seem crude, but “sexual prowess” about sums it up. Easily the most popular use for maca is for improving libido, staying power, sperm quality and quantity, and essentially anything reproductive-related. Unsurprisingly, the lion’s share of maca research has focused on this area.
In one bout of lab tests, 60 “sexually experienced” rats (feel free to laugh) were treated with varying dosages of maca and their responses observed. They found that those rats on the maca were more motivated to initiate intercourse and more likely to return for multiple, uh, interactions. Slightly less awkward tests in humans have shown similar results from maca supplementation, along with significant improvements in stamina outside of the bedroom.
Interestingly, maca appears to significantly elevate sexual desire without actually instigating any hormonal changes in the body. A 2002 study that sought to demonstrate whether this boost in desire was due to changes in mood or testosterone levels gave a group of 1500 mg or 3000 mg of maca extract over the course of 12 weeks. They observed sexual desire improvements 8 weeks in, with no corresponding changes in testosterone or estradiol levels. Scratching their heads, they had witnessed the boost in libido but were no closer to working out why this happens. Another study found the exact same thing, concluding that “treatment with maca does not affect serum reproductive hormone levels.”
Studies on bulls have demonstrated that maca can improve sperm quantity and quality without compromising character, while it may also promote prostate health by regulating serum zinc concentrations.
Maca shows promise as a means of easing the symptoms of menopause. A 2005 study involving 20 early-postmenopausal women found that maca acted as a hormonal toner by lowering follicle-stimulating hormone and increasing luteinizing hormone secretion, which in turn stimulated production of estrogen and progesterone. As a result, the women reported substantial reductions in menopausal discomfort.
Other studies have examined the action of maca on specific symptoms associated with menopause. Research shows that maca administration prevents or lowers menopause-induced weight gains, elevated blood pressure, depression, and osteoporosis.
Energy and Physical Endurance
As with most of it’s adaptogenic peers, maca has been the subject of considerable speculation regarding its potential stamina and endurance-promoting properties. Interestingly, I couldn’t actually find a lot of research to confirm or deny these claims, but what I did find suggested that maca might show some promise in this area.
A 2012 study used the usual trick of forcing weighted rats to swim for prolonged periods in order to induce a state of stress. Swimming times to exhaustion of rats supplemented for 3 weeks with 30 and 100 mg/kg of maca extract increased by 25% and 41%, respectively. Certain markers of muscle fatigue in the maca-consuming mice were lowered, and muscular glutathione production increased.
Sea Buckthorn Research
It’s the nutritional composition of sea buckthorn oil that interests me. It contains solid concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, vitamin E and carotenoids, and phenolic compounds (flavonoids) such as quercetin and catechin. It’s fair to say that there are few other fruits on the planet that can offer this kind of mix.
Skin Conditions
Sea buckthorn oil (derived from either the pulp or seed of the berries) has long been used by Eastern cultures as a therapeutic aid for disorders of the skin. Current research validates this, with a 2011 study (PDF) using sea buckthorn cream to significantly reduce erythema (redness) and another using both sea buckthorn seed and pulp oil to encourage marked improvement in atopic dermatitis.
The beneficial effects of sea buckthorn also extend to wound healing. This study used sea buckthorn seed oil to significantly speed burn wound healing, while a flavone extract from sea buckthorn was used in another clinical trial to heal deep cuts an average of 8 days faster than the control group.
Cardiovascular Health
There’s a limited but growing body of evidence suggesting that sea buckthorn oil and juice may have a part to play in supporting healthy cardiovascular function. Research has found that sea buckthorn supplementation may indeed lower risk of cardiovascular disease by protecting against precursors like elevated total cholesterol and triglycerides. Another study noted that sea buckthorn juice lowered susceptibility of male participants to LDL oxidation. However, it appears that isolated flavonols extracted from sea buckthorn may not work so well on their own.
There’s actually a surprising amount of research documenting the impressive therapeutic effects of sea buckthorn oil on gastric ulcers. Experiments on rats with sea buckthorn seed and pulp oils indicated both preventative and curative effects against gastric ulcers. Likewise, slipping some sea buckthorn berries into the feed of horses with gastric ulcers offers benefits…provided the horse is hungry enough to eat the berries.
Schisandra Research
In Korea, it’s a kind of potent five-flavored tea. The ancient Ainu people of Japan apparently used it as a remedy for colds and sea-sickness. The Russians thought so highly of schisandra that they immortalized it on one of their (admittedly temporary) postage stamps. Perhaps there’s something for everyone in schisandra.
Adaptogens by nature act on stress. But Schisandra takes it to the next level. A plethora of studies on animals has shown schisandra to provide stress-protective effects against a wide range of stressors.
Supplementing with schisandra promoted greater egg production, boosted immune function and heightened antioxidant status of hens subjected to heat stress. Rats given schisandra extract showed lowered symptoms of stress during a bout of extended water-floating followed by an intense treadmill workout. Mice who were immobilized and (cover your eyes) had their feet electrocuted showed significantly lower signs of stress when treated with a combination of schisandra and Scutellaria baicalensis. And in a study that compared the effects of 5 different adaptogens on rabbits subjected to restraint stress, Schisandra tied for first place in preventing cortisol spikes and regulating production of inflammatory cytokines.
You get the idea.
Many of the above studies agreed that it was, at least in part, the anti-depressive abilities of schisandra that contributed to its stress-alleviating effects. This correlates to limited research focusing on schisandra’s antidepressant effect. One study showed that a tincture of schisandra resulted in a significant antidepressant effect in rats, while another concluded that schisandra’s positive effects on production of dopamine, serotonin, and other “feel-good” hormones may contribute to this lowering of depression.
As with many of the other adaptogens, schisandra shows great potential for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Studies have indicated the ability of certain active compounds in schisandra to inhibit development of human lung cancer cells, inhibit proliferation of human breast cancer cells, improve immune response and exhibit anti-tumor properties, and slow the spread of human colorectal cancer cells.
Adaptogenic Cautions
To qualify as an adaptogen, an herb must be completely safe and non-toxic. This tells us a lot about the potential side effects and contraindications of maca, sea buckthorn and schisandra—they’re few and far between.
If maca doesn’t sit well with your constitution, you could see development of acne, digestive issues like diarrhea or bloating, and a bout of the shakes if maca’s energy-boosting abilities go a little too far. As usual, pregnant women should stay away from the stuff. That goes for most supplements, however.
Studies that examined the effect of excessive sea buckthorn consumption have found that even at doses above the “safe” recommended level for a month, no toxic effects are apparent. However, the blood-flow promoting effects of sea buckthorn mean you might want to consult your doctor, particularly if you’re on vasodilator medication.
Excess schisandra consumption may result in heartburn, upset stomach, and rashes. For some reason, epileptics are discouraged from using this adaptogen, and those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may have trouble with it.
As always, practice moderation and work with a trusted physician.
Finally, not all supplements are created equal, and this is definitely true for adaptogenic products. While all maca varieties generally have similar therapeutic abilities, certain colors or types may be more appropriate for treating different conditions—so do your homework. Some studies, for example, indicated that hexanic maca extract has the most pronounced effect on sexual parameters.
As for sea buckthorn, seeking out supercritical CO2-extracted oil supplements may ensure the highest nutrient profile, but cold pressed is still a decent choice. When shopping around for schisandra products, look for those that are standardized to schizandrins, one of it’s most therapeutic active compounds.
Thanks for reading, everyone. Have you tried any of these adaptogens, and observed any notable results? Any other comments or questions? Take care.
Want to make fat loss easier? Try the Definitive Guide for Troubleshooting Weight Loss for free here.
The post Adaptogens: Maca Root, Sea Buckthorn Oil, and Schisandra appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Article source here:Marks’s Daily Apple
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