#i have no qualms of cutting my hair I’ve given hairdressers bigger heart attacks seeing how much I cut off without hesitation
insomnianoctem · 4 days
I want to cut my hair so baaaaaad
But it looks so cuuuuuute
But I unfortunately read online that bacteria clings easily to hair and I have germaphobia so if I leave my house or enter a bathroom that isn’t my own personal bathroom and I want to tear it out by the roots or grab some scissors and just start chopping
So I go to book my haircut and I’m caught between “my hair looks cute long and the loss of baby fat really makes me eyes pop” and “hey this is a sneaky way to try out a boy-ish haircut or the Ramona Flowers” because I got bangs a few months ago and didn’t realize just how much it would limit SHORT hairstyles .-.
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