#i have no ayli feelings other than i have historically been bored by it
thatsuhboldchoice · 2 years
alright i think i'm diving back into shx starting with as you like it bc i want to watch the nt production with rosalie craig and patsy ferran
this office space is...a lot to unpack
i literally never remember the plot of as you like it
i remember there are multiple dukes and multiple brothers? but i cannot remember who is a love interest for whom
there's also jaques and touchstone and the exiled duke and corin who are very different characters but whom my brains insists on mushing together
not gonna lie every production i've seen of this show i've found mind numbingly boring but i'm like there's gotta be merit here i'm gonna find it even if it kills me!
okay the bonsai trees on the desk kill me
i am willing to watch whatever this production throws at me simply for craig and ferran
ferran has no right being that adorable like my little gay heart goes pitter patter whenever she opens her mouth
also my gay self wants craig to step on me
so failing all else i love them
and now we wrestle. right here. in the office. sure. why not.
celia's little pjs!
there are scenes i recall though and rosalind's banishment is one...it's such a brutal thing to come right out of the gate
also i forgot how loyal celia is to rosalind
and they're like hey we'll just run away! rosalind will dress like a man! we'll just steal the fool!
holy shit holy fuck holy what is this set doing
jesus mary and joseph okay that was inspired
creepy forest of arden that's just like dripping hell yes i'm here for it
how they get this all back down neatly i have no idea
i'm in love with whoever is singing here his voice my god
i don't really get the point of jaques and tbh i don't think anyone else does either including jaques
he pulled off all the world's a stage really nicely though
super famous speeches are hard and that one's idk...not very active? but he thought through it in a compelling way
are these post it notes falling as leaves?
the SHEEP the FUCKING SHEEP how to win my love: do something like that
when one ate a post it leaf i lost it
oh no celia's gonna break my heart
rosalind's so excited and enamored and celia literally just leaves
i don't know if it's specifically craig's portrayal or if i'm actually paying attention to text but rosalind is so mean to orlando
and i love it
she's like yes i have a crush on this boy yes i will bark orders at him
every playwright's at their best when it comes to banter and ole willy shakes is no exception
the shit between rosalind and orlando is a+
oh right that's who celia ends up with
okay fine this play does pick up momentum it just takes so long to get there my god
straight up forgot about that deus ex machina warp up with fake duke becoming a hermit
you know sometimes billy shakes just says fuck it let's call it a night
okay i am not as allergic to this play now
it's still not my favorite and i think it's got quite a few messy and/or slower bits that take a lot of work to deal with
but i see the appeal
which is the sheer number of possibilities with those fucking sheep
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