#i have my degree in wizard yapology
spilledmilkfkdies · 3 months
Hello! I have a headcanon ask; how do you think the wizards are when they’re sick? (As in ‘having a cold’ sick, not ‘complete and total destabilisation of their powers and turning into a bat demon’ sick.)
Wdym "not 'complete destabilisation of their powers and turning into a bat demon' sick"?? 😔😔 that's my favourite type of sick!! Scurvy close second. But FINE, I guess we'll stick to a cold, perhaps a tummy ache if we dare-
Getting Duman out the way right off the hhhnnnggggg bat. I don't think he really gets sick. In a regular sense. The viruses and whatnot just don't really have anything solid to hold onto like that idk. If anything he is the disease, he carries so much shit in there it's unreal. Could probably give someone the worst rash of their life with just a touch if he really wanted to! Or the plague. Again.
Nah but actually!! If we imagine him to be close to something the average person might consider sick for a sec, for him that might be fatigue, general discomfort for whatever reason, things like that- This creature gets so incredibly moody, snaps at anyone and anything, wants to be left alone really bad. Also often experiences a change in appetite as well, so making sure he gets his fuel is a must, even if he's being a total bitch about it. If the change in appetite refers to him being hungrier though? Genuinely good luck with that. Either stock the fuck up or make peace with the fact he's gonna be out. Doing stuff. Where does he leave it all? Idk the void?? Duman’s insides are an abyss of their own, literally don't worry about it.
Gantlos!!!!! Gantlos strikes me as a very "As long as I can stand, I'm fine." *noticeably struggles to stand* "..As long as I can hold my head up-" type of guy. Doesn't get sick a lot, according to himself. But only because things like a common cold get ignored so insanely hard by him, except for the occasional nose blowing and expertly concealed coughs. If it doesn't leave him bedridden, he simply does not acknowledge that he's sick. He's not above popping a few aspirins though, maybe surprisingly? Healing spells are an absolute no though.
He just doesn't enjoy being "in the way" or a "nuisance", so nobody is allowed to take care off him or be bothered by the fact he's not 90% healthy- Except himself. Same applies to injury cases as well btw. It's not because he doesn't like the care itself, necessarily, it really just boils down to "Surely you could be spending this time doing something more important" but nuh uh. Gantlos get a grip smh. Massive hypocrite btw, literally if anyone else is sick he's the first person to get them whatever they need. How absolutely outrageous that anyone would DARE to try and do the same for him right-
Ogron absorbs all the germs. And I'm not fully confident in saying that; unlike with regular damage, it does nothing for his powers. Because imagine!! He sneezes and something just EXPLODES in the background? Now, does it make sense? Maybe not. But something about snobby, confident, put-together Ogron completely losing his grip does something for me. And I would very much like to explore it. Tbh illness affecting the wizards' powers as a whole is so fun to play around with.. The doors Duman has opened.. But rn I'm grabbing Ogron specifically, both because of the reason mentioned above, but again, the damage thing as well kinda. What's an illness if not your immune system taking a couple hits amirite ahaha- "Oh dude! You seem to be taking damage!! Not to worry though, I got ya covered." *proceeds to provide Ogron with enough magical energy to explode things with his eyeballs* ass immune system smh.
Beside the magic thing though? I bet sick Ogron is so incredibly annoying omg. Coughs once and slips into the role of a dying Victorian child. Take him to see the garden. One last time. Like literally just drink your water and take a nap, there's no need for all of that.
Then we once again have Anagan, our saving grace- In like the least boring way possible, he's pretty chill about it all. He doesn't usually stay sick for very long though, so maybe that plays a part. Just takes some rest, eats his fruits, knows his own limits pretty well and all that. Unless the illness sticks around for too long. Like maybe a day over his usual and he starts getting a bit whiny, but offer him any remedies, magical or not, and he'll refuse with a "Nah, it'll be over soon anyway." ??? Stfu then smh JKJK-
In his defense though, it does depend on what illness he's throwing hands with. He handles colds fairly well, but anything that makes any of his muscles start cramping up is his absolute worst enemy. AND STOMACH BUGS, those put him out of commission no matter how long they last fr. Speedster with a more sensitive stomach than usual? Going through a lot of motion? Nobody wants that. Anagan least of all, he despises being nauseous with his whole being. Who doesn't? Relatable king! What he'd really need then is some company. On the other side of the couch. Do NOT touch him. That's when the others can really tell Anagan is feeling under the weather, the noticeable lack of physical contact. Still can't fully distance himself though, he's just a very social individual like that.
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