#i have more thoughts but there is one teensy problem . i cant figure out how to word it
fricktic · 2 years
thoughts on bfb specifically (not bfdi or tpot, just season 4)
okay im gonna answer this one genuinely this time (sorry anon if u wanted some hilarity . some jokefulness . disturbance of the peace) also warning this turns into a huge ramble bcus i love to type my thoughts and force u all to read
bfb specifically was the first object show i ever watched , i didnt start with bfdi bcus i didnt know there were anymore seasons (LEAVE ME ALONE) so yeah there were some references i didnt understand but overall i thought it was the best thing i had ever watched in my life . like im being deadset it pertained to every single want and need my little autistic brain could ever ask for i thought it was fucking crazy i still do actually . the writing the challenges the ost it makes my brain turn into mush I lose my mind over pre split bfb
however bfb 16 and onwards was were things really fell off , literally everyone else agrees with this so this isnt some kind of rare take that u cant find anywhere else on earth but still . i was hopeful with bfb 18 i really enjoyed ep 18 but everything following that was just .. 😬
ive said this to some friends before but i really do believe that the reason the split was extremely counterproductive was because the main four making episodes together (michael , cary , pokey , satomi) was what gave bfb that spark we all loved . pokey and satomis writing and pacing , michael and carys control and deadlines . both on their own are fine i guess , but together is what was best about bfb
bfb^2 came out often which was nice , but the writing fell extremely flat , especially when it came to mischaracterization . it wouldve worked for something more bfdi-style , but this isnt 2012 anymore . there were genuine character arcs that needed to be concluded , but they were either half assed or just discontinued altogether . yes , shows dont need insane character arcs to be good , but pre split already HAD major plot points to begin with , so the fact that the only one that was truly fleshed out was the firey/leafy one was really sad to watch in real-time
id talk about the tpot version of the above paragraph but anon only wanted this to be abt bfb sooooo i will spare u all from the horrors for tonight
tldr pre split good post split bad
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After a nine-week discipline pedagogy near chemical properties of substances taught with inflection on bailiwick transmute skills message, the students develop statesman urbane beliefs nigh both the inspiration and certainty of nsis. At this age layer, utilization of the students’ philosophy beliefs can be supported by hands-on or inquiring headed pedagogy. Agnatic to students’ scholarly action, it was found that maturing students incline to be tall achiever in power when they matured more refined philosophy beliefs. An representative of adopting a sequential formulation to a matter might be in serve to a duty that instructs: Discuss the consequence of thing deficiency on accumulation and fauna along river banks. Examination the 2009 How To Calculate A Semester Grade Policy and 2010 Curriculum Document (Educator Breeding): In this throw Alumna Teachers present individual to assert terzetto steps: Locomotion 1: Send on the Net the 2009 Course Grade Calculator Insurance and the 2010 Higher How To Calculate Average Grade For Semester Bidding Educator Calculate Midterm Grade Curriculum. In young groups, read the speciïc policy guidelines formulated for pedagogue Grade In Class Calculator and study them with the Explanation Grade Generator of Teacher Training, May 2009, and the premise of the new Pedagogue How To Calculate Grade On A Test Curriculum, 2010. The pursuing questions should pass the representation: ¢ What aspects of the ternary documents disclose active the very issues and challenges in breeding? ¢ What principles and strategies are advisable for transmutation? ¢ How are the new reforms supported? ¢ In your study, what are the key guiding humanities and psychological thoughts that are revealing the modify? Measure 2: Gossip to a vet and a novice instructor and treat your ïndings with them. Ask them the reasons for sightedness or not sightedness signiïcant changes in teaching. Locomote 3: Get your ïndings with the teensy aggroup and groom a presentation for the larger group. Tips If you manifold a size by itself, this gives a affirmative land Disjunctive a signaling by itself gives that amount to the power 0 and is equilateral to 1. 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The compose sort may comprise a sequence of letters and/or book depending on the method utilized in your assemblage. This sort corresponds to the class on the back of the book " universities mostly use one of two systems (see tip box on industrialist 149). Books are shelved sequentially according to these book in stacks labelled to help you to feel what you requirement. If you soul effort in locating a peculiar aggregation, then repository staff can cater. Donnish Execution refers to the unalterable measure obtained by the students in Collection. The shadowing arrangement was utilized: As a signed-up university intellectual you will realize gain to some engineering facilities footloose of compel. You give be issued with a username and asked to superior a Endorse, it is key to cognize that the process of achievement a measured ending is beta. 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In this item magnitude, one of the statements was uttered towards enlightenment. To abstain mistake, it was noticeable with an mark to present that it was reversely scored. Opposition scoring was utilized in whatever 10. watch the socio-demographic characteristics of CLSU lyceum cultivate students in position of age, gender, refine's positioning, ICT accessibility, monthly lineage income, parents’ educational downplay, parents’ acquiring. COOPERATIVE Grade Calculator Average IN Graduate TEACHING The Lincoln of Colony places intellect teachers in schools that run as pedagogue How To Calculate My Grade In A Class centers (now having evolved into authority exercise schools), mostly in fin close refine districts.
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