#i have more stuff but its scattered around mu room
paperstreetlocal · 2 months
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do we fw the shrine
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
can you write headcanons about a type 1 diabetic reader and eddie munson?
love you<33
Love you honey honey! I'm clinically educated about this topic but not personally educated so I hope this is good enough!!
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I think that Eddie would be a really good boyfriend to someone who's disabled/chronically ill.
With Type 1 Diabetes, I think that he'd probably be more worried overall in your relationship compared to another issue just because it's so unpredictable.
He'd be the one to remember to check your sugar, to keep on eating things that can sustain you without hurting you and he's very aware of the protocol that needs to happen when different things happen.
If your sugar is low, he'd have snacks and candies scattered around his room, there would even be little snacks and stuff in his drug lunch box that he carries around everywhere.
He's kind of a control freak so I think that he would try his best to help you control everything you can; your environment, what you eat, what you drink and how often you have to use insulin or check your sugar.
He's just very careful and I think he has a bit of separation anxiety so the thought of something happening to you, especially something he could've help prevent, he'd like lose his mind and feel his throat closing up pretty immediately.
He would urge you to exercise when you want but to not go too hard out of fear you'd run out of energy pretty quick and not be in a position to give your body the much needed glucose that it runs on.
When the opportunity arises where your blood sugar is high, he'd encourage you to use your insulin and even offer to help in whatever way he can.
If you inject insulin, he would hand you all of the things you use like alcohol pads and he'd hold your hand through the injections.
If you use a machine, he would just be there to watch you press your buttons and give you a kind smile when you're done.
He's just the ultimate softy and I think that he'd be so gentle and attentive if he's with someone who's a bit medically complicated, he would just learn as much as he can and do as much as he can.
Nothing could ever make him look at you different and he genuinely likes to take care of you and help you, not only does it improve your overall communication but it makes him feel this sense of necessity in your life, like you need him.
He just feels really special and makes you feel the same.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht
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vannahfanfics · 5 years
How about Nami/Chopper/Robin?
Here you go, Anon! This was fun to write; I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Nami frowned deeply as she inspected her fingernails on both her hands. Just as she had feared, they had seen better days. Her arms extended to peruse the skin of her arms, finding them in a similar state of disrepair; all the salt and wind of being on the open sea had left them dry an unappealing. Surely her legs fared no better. Finally, she tugged at her twisting locks of tangerine hair. Split ends abounded, and the texture was more akin to rope than hair. Well, that was that.
Nami was in desperate need of a spa day.
She had been sitting on her bed the entire time, so she slung her legs off the side to hop up and stroll over to where Robin was sitting in her designated reading chair, poring over some history book or another. The dark-haired woman’s bright eyes flickered up to meet hers as she stopped in front of her, and she politely closed the book and set it on the small table next to her to properly address her.
“A spa day?” she inquired when Nami voiced her intentions.
“Mm-hmm! A girl requires a little pampering every now and then, you know. It would be no fun to do it all by myself, though,” she pouted slightly. The best part about spa days was having a girl friend to share it with, gossiping and trading personal care secrets. She clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture, brown eyes sparkling innocently. “Please, Robin? It’ll be so much fun! Once we’re all dolled up we can go upstairs and see who can make Sanji pass out from blood loss first!” she teased, appealing to the woman’s undeniable mischievous side. Robin smirked slightly and tapped at her chin with the pad of her index finger.
“I’m intrigued. Sure, let’s have a spa day together, Nami.”
“Oh, boy! Hold on, hold on, I gotta get prepared!” Nami squealed with delight and whirled in a quick pirouette of glee before zooming to the chest sitting at the end of her bed. She rattled off the various items required for a perfect spa day as she dragged them from the contents of the chest, occasionally jumping about to rifle through her nightstand or other various storage containers scattered about the room. As Nami was bursting through the door to their shared bedroom to carry her various articles to the bathroom down the hall, little Chopper came hopping down the steps leading to the upper deck.
“Hello, Nami, Robin!” he chirped happily. His little reindeer hooves clacked against the wooden floor as he approached them. “What is all that, Nami?” he asked curiously as he beheld the pile of stuff the navigator had crammed in her arms.
“We’re having a spa day,” Robin informed him matter-of-factly. He blinked up at them for a minute, and then his black eyes went wide and a big wondrous smile appeared on his furry face.
“A spa day? I’ve never had one of those… Can I have a spa day, too?” Nami and Robin looked at one another in surprise. Chopper hung around the boys a lot, so it was interesting that he desired to partake in something that was societally considered girlish. He was a boy, but Nami generally regarded him as more of a child than anything, and she had been naked in front of him before; he was a doctor, after all. Robin shrugged in indifference, leading Nami to look at Chopper with a nod.
“Of course, Chopper!” The little reindeer and exclaimed in glee, jumping up and down before hastily trotting after the two women as they headed to the bathroom. Nami dumped all of her necessary supplies on the tiled floor before she grabbed the large wooden tub that would hold their bathwater, dragging it over to the faucet and flipping the switch. Hot, steaming water burst from the metal apparatus, sending clouds of steam wisping before her face. Nami grabbed a bottle of her hand-crafted tangerine-scented shampoo and squeezed a little glob of it into the gushing stream; bubbles immediately began billowing up, coating the edge of the tub in the frothing white substance. Once the tub was filled high enough, she cut off the stream and lugged it over to where the two others were waiting. “Part one of Nami’s Spa Day Special- a bubble bath!” she squealed with delight and all but wrenched off her clothes.
She and Robin took seats on the small stools that were situated nearby and scoured themselves with soft, spongy loofas, while Chopper elected to climb into the little tub and sink down to his chin. It didn’t take long for him to start playing with the bubbles, and he had Robin and Nami in fits of laughter as he arranged different ridiculous hats and hairstyles on his head from the plentiful suds, and they joined in once Nami took out the shampoo and conditioner. Robin imitated Franky’s cockatiel-like hair, and it had them rolling around on the tiles giggling. Once he had frolicked to his heart’s content, the two of them scrubbed every square inch of his thick fur with shampoo and conditioner. He climbed out of the tub, standing awkwardly to the side a sopping mess, while Nami tipped the tub over to dump the leftover water out and allow it to drain. The air was filled with the fragrant aroma of citrus fruits, and it clung to their freshly-cleaned bodies. Nami quickly dabbed herself dry with the fluffy towel she had picked specifically for the occasion before gesturing Chopper over so she could dry his voluminous fur.
“Your shampoo and conditioner smells so good, Nami!” he chirped as Nami rubbed the strands of his fur between the cottony surface.
“Thank you, Chopper. Tangerine is a good scent on you!”
“You think so?” She confirmed it with a happy nod. Once Chopper’s hair was reduced to an acceptable level of damp, she set the towel aside and plugged up her hair dryer, sure to leave the cord far away from the puddles of water still glistening across the floor. She dried her hair first, spreading the dark orange waves apart as she ran the hair dryer up and down the strands, until they returned to their shiny, bright tangerine hue. Robin had already finished hers with a second hair dryer, and it shone like threads of obsidian over her slim shoulders. They set Chopper on a stool and each took a side to blow-dry his fur. He sat contented under the warm air and soft strokes of their brushes. “Ahh… This is so nice…”
“Isn’t it?” Nami mused. Between the two of them, the ladies were able to completely dry him from head to toe, and his reindeer fur took on a lovely sheen that it never had before. He kept running his hooves over the fur of his belly, appreciating the cozy softness.
“What are we gonna do now?” he asked Nami excitedly. She and Robin were currently rubbing some vanilla lotion into their skin (Nami thought that the scent would compliment the aroma of her tangerines, and she was right).
“Hold on just a second, Chopper! Once we finish this, we’re gonna do face masks next!”
“Oooh! Face masks!” he squealed elatedly. Once she was finished, Nami rubbed the excess lotion from her hands with her towel and then wrapped the fluffy textile around her body. The rest of her spa kit was piled on her bed back in their bedroom, and so they took the party there. They dressed themselves in a matching set of pajamas that Nami had gotten them one girl’s night out; they were a plaid set of short-shorts and a tank top, Nami’s a summer yellow and Robin’s a soothing lavender. So Chopper didn’t feel left out, she managed to find a graphic tee that would fit him with a bunch of purple and yellow flowers on it, so he matched them, too. The three of them then piled onto Nami’s bed to partake in the face masks.
“Now, Chopper, face masks are for skin, so these won’t really work for you,” Nami told him. Chopper’s little ears flattened to his head as he slumped miserably into the mattress. He instantly perked up when she continued, “But, while Robin and I have these, we’re gonna do something special for your hooves, okay?” She took a buffing pad and threw it to Robin, then procured herself one. “They’re gonna be so shiny and smooth! But you have to be still, okay?”
“Okay!” he beamed brightly. They put the facemasks on before they set to buffing Chopper’s hooves, busying themselves while the creamy concoctions hardened on the sensitive skin of their faces. Chopper obediently remained very still as the two of them smoothed out the chipped, scratched keratin of his dark brown hooves, but his little eyes kept flicking back and forth to watch them, obviously very excited. Nami had estimated the time perfectly; at the moment they finished polishing his hooves, the face masks had finished their work. It clung to Nami’s skin insistently as she peeled it off, and she made a point not to look at all the nastiness that had adhered to its sticky surface. She tossed it in the trash before looking down at Chopper.
“Would you like to paint your hooves?”
“Uh-huh! Can you paint them to match my PJ’s?”
“Of course!” Nami grinned and pulled out her box of nail polish. She had quite the collection; after all, she needed shades for all her outfits! She perused the numerous shades before she found a pair titled Daffodil Days and Lavender Sunrise. “We’ll all have matching nails, right, Robin?”
“Naturally,” she confirmed with a smile. Chopper bounced up and down on the mattress in excitement until Nami tutted at him to be still, lest she smear the paint. She applied the daffodil color as the base, and while it dried on the tips of Chopper’s hooves, she and Robin applied it to both their fingernails and toenails (after buffing their own nails, of course). Once they started waving their hands above to dry them faster, Chopper copied the motion, laughing with glee. Once they were sufficiently dry, Nami added a bit of floral flair by dabbing dots on each one to make something reminiscent of lavender blossoms. She added a touch of white on the ends to make them pop. Chopper’s eyes went big as he stared at his decorated hooves in wonder.
“Wow, Nami! You’re so talented!” he cooed. Nami chuckled, but not too much because she didn’t want to blur the paint she was dabbing onto Robin’s toenails.
“I’m not the best nail artist, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve.”
The girls waited for their nails to dry before adding a coat of sealing polish for gloss, and then their spa routine was complete. “So, Chopper, what did you think of our spa day?”
“It was so much fun!” he squealed, painted hooves waving about in the air. She and Robin chuckled light-heartedly. “Can we do it again sometime?”
“We’d love to, Chopper.” His smile practically radiated sunshine, and Nami was again struck by how absolutely adorable their little doctor was. It was almost like having a child to dote on. Based on the motherly smile Robin gave him as she patted the top of his head, Robin agreed. The smile then fell from his face, and his little shoulders slumped dejectedly. “What is it, Chopper?”
“I’m sad because it’s over now…”
“Don’t be sad!” Nami grinned, and he looked up at her with wide eyes. “Don’t you know what comes after spa days? Sleepovers!”
“Oh boy, oh boy!” he cried, instantly elated again. He jumped down from Nami’s bed to scurry over to the door and throw it open. “I’m gonna go get a pillow and blanket! And ask Sanji for popcorn! And show everyone my pretty hooves! Oh boy, oh boy, I can’t wait!” he howled as he ran down the hall. Nami giggled at his boundless energy and leaned back into her pillows, looking at her now neatly manicured and painted nails.
Reindeers need pampering every now and then too, I guess!
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Tag List: @searchfortheonepiece
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simsfanaticguy · 4 years
The Brainiac Outcast - The Sim Story of Laura Faunst:
When Laura came out of her pod, she looked around. It was her and complete darkness!
"Wh... Where am I?" She thought out loud to herself. Next thing she knew, light after light came on in the room. "Ugh now it's too bright!!!" She said as she shielded her eyes.
Next thing she knew, she heard some voices that came into the room and came closer to her! Semi feared for her life, she closed her eyes was shivering. That same feeling when she was left out in the cold pouring rain.
Then a voice, several voices began to speak. A language that Laura had never heard before:
"Pe Pe Nou... Lo nou be?"
She open her eyes very slowly, letting her curiosity got the best of her...
"Na!!! Lo kou ne mo mu sa!"
"What are they saying???" She was thinking to herself. "Speak proper english!!!!"
"Mahhh Deehhh...!"
Next thing she witnessed was these human type people scattering and hiding in different areas of the room...
"Can... Anyone... Help me... Please?!!" She said in a loud echoed voice, that lightly shook the scientific equipment all around her.
Seconds later, a mysterious person came through the same door those human-type people initially came through...
"Laura.... Laura Faunst, is it?" The mysterious person said.
"Yes, that's right," she said in a more calming tone. "Who... Who are you?"
"Me?" The man said. "Why I'm the one person that will help you on your journey! A journey into the unknown (no, not that movie), a journey that will change your life forever!"
"What's your name?" Laura said. Most importantly, "Where am I?"
The person gave a chuckle, cleared his throat and said, "Laura, my name is Dr. Samuel Robertson, and I will be assisted by Ms. Lauren Reynolds and as to where you are? Maybe this will shed some light to that very question!
At that moment, she saw a coin a golden coin being tossed from his hand into the air and into her hand. Observe what you just received he said. Does it look familiar to you?
She was studying the coin which read, "Simoleon."
"It does look and sound familiar," she said. "But no..."
"My dear!" He said. "You are in the central hub of The Sims!"
At that moment monitors came on with original gameplay and with the theme song to the very first Sims! Then it hit her like a bolt of lightning!
"Sims? THE Sims?" She exclaimed. "That people simulator from way back when?!"
"Welcome! Or should I say 'Sul sul?'" He said, as he showed her the central hub in its magnificent glory!
Still in awe, Laura was still wanting to know more.
"So, what happens next?" Laura said.
"Well... That's totally up to you!" Samuel said. "Who do YOU want to be?"
"Well," Laura said. "I remember what my family wanted me to be and I failed to live up to their expectations. Next thing I knew, I was thrown into the street, in the pouring rain and shivering cold, only because I didn't follow in their "brainiac" footsteps and became an outcast, due to being a college dropout."
"My dear, I'm so sorry to hear that," he said. "So, how did you make it here?"
"Well," she said, "I remember a guy, looked like an adult, carry me to a science lab and the only thing I remember him saying was 'You'll be in good hands!" And then he ran off in the distance. I have to say, I'm still a bit shaken up but I'm starting to feel more like myself."
Next thing she witnessed was Dr. Samuel, tilting back in his desk chair, arms crossed and gave Laura a concerned look and sighed.
"What?" She said. "There's gonna be more scientific stuff?"
"Well," he said. "Short answer, yes."
"Long answer? Well, going from a humanistic form to a sim form, there's the factors of DNA altering and well, if you choose to go through with this, there's a very strong possibility that you may not make it back to the real/human world..."
"Samuel..." She said. "That's a lot to take in and process... Can I think about it?"
He gave her a slight smile and said: "Take all the time you need." He then handed her something:
"What is this? What are all these measurements and info?"
"This is a high-tech form you'll need to fill out... If you are to become a sim. We will need to know the basics... Your name, eye and hair color, skin tone, even how big you want your bust and bum to be! Finally, your aspirations and 3 personality traits... Do not omit those!"
She saw him walk off with the door closing behind him and thought to herself as she looked at the form:
"Hmmm... What should I do?" As she looked at the sims world and then back at the pod she came in...
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tastes-like-ciel · 6 years
17 for firestorm please :3
This was fun tbh lol
17. “Stop it! It tickles!”
Yusaku presses a hand against his side and doubles over, wincing, as he tries to steady himself against the wall with his other hand. His school bag is slumped over onto the ground and all its contents (his dummy deck, some pamphlets from the Duel Club, and his school tablet) are scattered across the classroom floor. It’s a mess and he can’t even try to pretend his side doesn’t hurt something awful.
Upon class ending, Yusaku had stood up and began gathering his things so he could leave before anyone could stop him. He planned on meeting up with Takeru somewhere so they could have lunch together, but while attempting to step away from his desk, Shima Naoki (a troublesome classmate of his and the one he was trying to distance himself from to begin with) tried to barrel his way past, only to end up accidentally shoving Yusaku straight into the sharp edge of a desk.
He just knows there’s going to be an ugly bruise there by the end of the day.
“Oh fu–hey, Fujiki? You okay?”
Yusaku opens his eyes to stare up at Shima’s guilty face. With them still narrowed in pain, his look comes off as a rather fierce glare and Shima instinctually shrinks away from it. Yusaku doesn’t bother trying to clarify.
“Shit, man, I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to run into you!”
Yusaku knows that. Shima can be somewhat of a pain at times (especially when it concerns Playmaker or Duel Club activities), but he doesn’t go around throwing people into desks because he wants to. If there’s any points in Shima’s favor, it’s that he’s not a bully. At least not intentionally.
“I’m…fine.” Yusaku says, voice tight and not very convincing. His side aches and he very much would like to just curl up and lie down for a while. “I’ll, I’ll be fine. Just–”
Yusaku blinks up at the sound of his name and sees Takeru rushing through the doorway, a frown on his lips and worry shining in his eyes. He must have come to meet him in the hallway, like he usually does. How long has Yusaku been leaning against the wall exactly?
Takeru rushes to his side and lets his own bag drop to the floor. Then his hands hover over Yusaku, uncertainty apparent, and he bites down on his lip and makes some little noise as his gaze falls to where Yusaku’s hand is gripping his side.
“What happened?” he asks, voice a bit panicked. He settles for placing his hands atop Yusaku’s shoulders and lets one tentatively trail down Yusaku’s arm and to the hand clutching his side. “Did someone–”
“I didn’t mean to, I swear!” Shima defends.
Takeru turns his head Shima’s way, a confused look on his face but suspicion evident. His eyes narrow a bit and then his mouth starts to open–
“It was an accident.” Yusaku says, defusing the situation before it can even begin. Takeru is kind, but he has quite the temper and is the type to hit first and ask questions later. Shima owes him now. “I just hit a desk.”
“Yikes.” Takeru turns back to him and rubs his shoulder gently. His voice dips into something a little softer. “I’ll take you to see the nurse. Can you walk? I can–”
No. No. They weren’t about to do this.
“Don’t you dare carry me through this school or I’ll disown you.”
Takeru snorts and offers Yusaku a too-bright smile and a little shoulder squeeze. “Yeah, yeah, I know. But I can still escort you there and, you know, make sure you don’t faint? Come on. Let’s go while everyone is busy with lunch. I’ll come back for our stuff later.”
Honestly, Yusaku thinks he’ll be fine (aside from having a nasty bruise form), but he really would like to lie down. The infirmary tends to be nice and quiet during all hours of the day. If nothing else, maybe he can have a decent nap, so long as Takeru remains nearby. So he merely nods and Takeru moves to hold a hand at his back to keep him steady. His other, he uses to wave at Shima.
“I got this. See you later.”
When they reach the infirmary, it’s blissfully empty, which Yusaku is very grateful for. The nurse must be out to lunch. That’ll save him an explanation as to why he had to be escorted here, at least.
“Looks like we have the room to ourselves.” Takeru muses and offers Yusaku a grin when their eyes meet. “Guess this means I get to be your nurse?”
Yusaku hits his shoulder with a weak slap and earns a laugh in return.
“I’ll be fine.” he insists and winces again when he shifts on his feet. “I’d…just like to lie down for a few minutes.”
He spots a secluded bed near the corner of the room and makes a beeline for it, careful not to hit anything else on his way there. Takeru follows along after him, smile still on his lips but eyebrows knit in concern.
“At least let me look at it.” Takeru says and although he’s trying not to sound worried, he does. A lot. Enough to make Yusaku feel guilty. “I promise I won’t poke you or anything. I’ll be super gentle. Promise!”
Yusaku takes a seat on the side of the bed and eyes Takeru quietly, weighing his options. On one hand, he knows he’ll be fine, eventually. He’s had far worse done to him in the past. A bruised side is nothing in comparison to months of torture and starvation and what feels like a lifetime of loneliness. But on the other, he knows Takeru will be upset with him for not taking care of it and in the grand scheme of things, Takeru being upset wins out over Yusaku’s disinterest in his own health.
So he sighs and carefully starts to remove his school blazer.
“Alright, but this really isn’t necessary…”
Takeru takes a seat beside him, eyes softening and grin widening. “I know, but thanks.”
Yusaku shakes his head, lips twitching, almost turning up into something fond. “I should be the one thanking you honestly…”
When the blazer is off and a few buttons to Yusaku’s dress shirt are undone, Takeru holds up part of the shirt and inspects Yusaku’s side with a pinch to his expression and a twist to his lips.
“Yikes.” he says with a hiss. He reaches out to trail his fingers over Yusaku’s side as gently as he can. “This is going to be a really nasty bruise. You sure you didn’t crack a rib or something?”
Fingers brush over his ribs and Yusaku jumps and makes an odd face but manages to shake his head.
“I-I…no. It’s fine.”
His voice sounds odd too and Takeru raises an eyebrow at him.
“You okay? You sound a little weird.” Takeru’s gaze returns to his side and his fingers move again, making Yusaku squirm. “Did I touch something I shouldn’t have? It shouldn’t hurt. Don’t squirm so mu–”
“I’m fine.” Yusaku’s answer comes a little higher and more forcefully than he intends and he swats Takeru’s hands away with a huff. “It’s–I’ll be fine. Don’t worry so much.”
Takeru squints at him, takes a moment to think, and then blinks, eyes glossy with realization.
“Ooohh, I get it! You’re ti–”
“Shut up.”
Takeru chuckles good naturedly. “Yusaku, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Lots of people are. It’s normal!”
“I’m not having this conversation with you.” Yusaku turns away from him and starts buttoning up his shirt. He probably wouldn’t mind so much with Takeru, but if he can help it, he’d rather just not. “It’s si–hey!”
Takeru sneakily pokes his fingers into Yusaku’s other side, near his hip, and keeps them there with a few wiggles. A mischievous smile replaces his grin and Yusaku tries but he can’t really get away.
“Takeru, s-stop it! That–” Something that sounds suspiciously like a tiny giggle slips out his mouth and Takeru is fascinated by it. “T-Takeru, if you don’t sto–”
Yusaku manages to grab hold of a pillow and promptly whacks Takeru with it. Multiple times.
“Aaahh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Takeru sounds nothing of the sort. In fact, he’s laughing. The jerk. “Mercy! I give!, I give!”
Yusaku huffs at him and almost tries to hit him again when arms circle his waist. Takeru doesn’t try anything again and he’s also mindful not to mash into his bruise. A little kiss is pressed to his temple in apology.
“Forgive me?”
…maybe. Takeru meant no harm. He’s just the playful sort. So, he supposes he can do that, just this once.
“No.” he says anyway and Takeru whines.
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osmw1 · 6 years
Poison-Wielding Fugitive   Chapter 21
The bulletin board area in the town square feels too calm today. It seems like there are far fewer adventurers taking up quests. For some reason, the weather’s been getting more oppressive day by day. You could say it’s even driving people out of this village. The inn’s proprietress is in a poorer state than ever and her cough getting worse.
‘Aye, certainly… there is a remarkably smaller presence of adventurers.’
Veno agrees with me. So it wasn’t just me then.
‘Moreover, there are more people coughing too.’
Hmm… maybe they’ve all gone to a faraway dungeon or something. I go check the bulletin board, but there’s still quite a few requests up. There really are fewer adventurers out and about…
The apothecary hasn’t posted anything on the board for the past few days either. When I went over to be nosy, I found Arleaf’s dad in the back of the store, making some kind of potion. Perhaps he got all the ingredients he needed from me.
I know Arleaf just got back too. Maybe her dad sent her away again to harvest herbs. If not, I would’ve liked to invite her to come adventuring with me. I wonder what she’d think of Muu.
‘I am not impressed with you showing off Muu.’
I didn’t say I was gonna show it off. I just wanted them to get along is all. I mean, I came to this fantasy world and was told that I had people after my head. Arleaf’s just a breath of fresh air. But I’ll admit, it’s every guy’s dream to see a cute girl play with their pets.
‘Honestly… I am appalled and speechless.’ “I could be worse!” “Muu?”
Well…  this village wasn’t really lively and there weren’t that many quests to begin with. Guess there are off days too, eh? Since I had the time, I replenished my poison stock and made more varieties. I even hunted for a bit before I went home and chilled. Night fell. Muu and I were tending to our weapons when there was a knock at the door.
Is that the proprietress? I answer the door. There Arleaf stands with a troubled expression on her face.
“Arleaf? What’s wrong?” “Sorry for visiting so late, Yukihisa.”
I invite her in.
“Something you need to talk to me about? My room’s a bit barebones but come in if you’d like.” “Oh. Thanks.” “Mu?”
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Upon seeing Arleaf, Muu nods to greet her.
“Good evening.” “Mu.” “I have heard from my father. This must be the homunculus that you have created, Yukihisa.” “Oh, uhh, yeah. Its name is Muu.”
News of Muu spread quick. Arleaf looks at Muu in the eyes, sits down in front of it, and holds her hand out.
“My name is Arleaf. I’m an acquaintance of Yukihisa’s.”
Oof. Hearing “acquaintance” hurts a little. Yeah. We’re just acquaintances. I get it. Well… it’s not like we got to know each other well. We’ve only chatted for a bit on my first day here, so we’re only at this stage.
“Arleaf, you were out trading with nearby villages, right?” “That is right. I was out delivering medicines my father had made… and I was also purchasing ingredients needed to make them too.” “What’s up then?”
Objectively, her and I are just acquaintances. I’m quite a bit older than her too. She doesn’t really have much of a reason to visit me in my room. If she had a request for me, she could tell the proprietress to pass on the message. But to visit me in person? I can’t think of any reason for her to.
“Right… the truth is that I have something I need to ask.”
Something you need to ask? What’s that?
‘Perhaps she has found out our true identities. We must take care of her and escape at once.’
You’re jumping to conclusions. Veno begins detecting presence of anyone possibly nearby. As he does that, he pings and highlights every single person close to us. Cut that out already.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a poisonous herb called Red Deathfire on you, would you? An urgent need for it arose… I have heard from my father that you venture deep into the swamplands and so I dropped by unannounced.”
Arleaf has a sullen expression on her face.
Red Deathfire? Do I have any of that?
‘Aye, you do have Red Deathfire. It is the herb that you found in the dungeon, is it not?’ “I do have some, but…” “I-In that case, please sell it to me! However much money you ask for!” “Uhh… it’s a pretty dangerous plant, you know? Could you at least tell me how you’ll use it?”
In any case, it’s always the apothecary buying up and using these shady herbs. No matter how much of a good person Arleaf may seem to be, I can’t just hand over these toxic herbs over so easily. If it’s my fault that anything bad happens, we’ll be in a world of hurt.
“As you adventurers know already, the villages around here are afflicted by an epidemic and the disease is only growing.” “Huh?!”
Now that you mention it, the proprietress has been hacking her lungs up for a couple of days now. I thought it was a cold, but… I guess even the adventurers are trying to run away from it. That’s why it was so quiet today.
“We have been trying our best to make enough medicine, but we have run out of the necessary materials… and… my mother, she’s…”
Arleaf’s hands are clenched tight, trembling. She was merely putting on a brave face earlier. It sounds like her mom came down with the epidemic. Her dad is frantically compounding more medicine, but I guess he doesn’t have enough ingredients. Is that why she went out to buy and sell with the other villages? Perhaps she needed to urgently buy medicine to fight this disease.
“Even though she looked fine three days ago…” “She suddenly got worse…” “I assume the proprietress of this inn caught the same disease?”
… the proprietress did get sicker recently. It was so bad for her, she even needed Muu to help out around the inn.
“… yes. This area is usually often plagued by illnesses, but rarely is it this bad.”
“I understand. I’ll provide you with some Red Deathfire, but is that going to save everyone?”
Her expression doesn’t get any better after hearing my question.
“I’m afraid that wouldn’t be possible. My father says people will get better when they do. The most they can do is to leave it up to the gods.”
She answers worriedly. Veno, Red Deathfire really can be made into medicine, right?
‘Ahh, it may be a dangerous herb, but if properly handled, it can be turned into potions. Nothing the girl said is wrong.’
That’s a relief. Then I have no good reason to say no to her.
“I might have other herbs you may need as well. Can I lend a hand?”
Even with everything I said about being ready to leave, I’ve made this village my base of operations for a while now. Not that I have a particular attachment to it or anything, but everybody so far has been nice to me. I hope that none of them succumb to this disease. Arleaf’s dad is able to make the medicine as long as he’s got the ingredients, so I’ll just hang around in case he needs anything else from me. Or maybe I should go out and harvest some more.
“But…” “Besides getting me a good rate for this room, you’ve helped me out lots already. Can’t I?” “… okay.”
I get up from my seat and get ready to head out.
“Right now’s a good time, right?” “Yes. Then please come with me. I’ll try asking my father.” “Mu!”
We made our way to Arleaf’s home posthaste.
It’s the same store as usual, but… it’s eerily quiet. I don’t hear the sounds of Arleaf’s dad making medicine. Taking a break maybe? Arleaf puts a frown on her face and hurries to the back of the store.
I follow behind Arleaf to find her dad collapsed on the ground face-up. Various ingredients lie scattered, including the marphina I’ve brought over.
‘He was saying he would prepare himself for the sickness… I see. Certainly, marphina would serve well in this compound. It should soothe even particularly bad symptoms.’ “Father! Are you alright?!”
Arleaf rushes over to carry him up.
“Ah, ahh… that you, Arleaf? Cough, cough. I d-didn’t expect the illness to get to me. Sorry, but could you get me up? I’ve gotta hurry and mix more medicine.” “B-But…” “If the doctor goes down first, there’ll be no one to save the village. Cough…”
His wheezy breathing seems to aggravate his cough, but he returns to work with a determined look on his face. He finally notices me and looks up.
“Ahh, Cohgray.” “I might have some ingredients that would be of use to you, so I invited myself along.” “That right? Thanks for that. Arleaf’s still fine, so I’ll get her to pay you afterwards, if that’s fine with you.” “Th-That’s fine. Here, I heard you needed this.”
I brought out the Red Deathfire wrapped in cloth and handed it over to Arleaf’s dad.
“Ahh… with this, I can make the medicine. It… should be effective… on Bloodflower.” ‘… Bloodflower?’
Hearing the name, Veno responded. You know something about it?
‘All humans are susceptible to this infamous contagious disease. Once acquired, the patient will develop a flower-like bruise on their chest. The petals on the flower will disappear one by one. And when all petals go, so too shall the patient. This Blossomfall, as some may call it, has a high-mortality rate.’
Whoa, hey. Contagious? This ain’t a joke! Having been born and raised in Japan, I’ve never faced any major infectious diseases, but I know I’m in a real dangerous situation right now.
‘Aye, its infection rate is high, although it takes quite some time to succumb to Bloodflower. Only until one develop any visible symptoms is it painful and hard to treat. Some say it is a flower of blood that tells your death.’
So, it doesn’t visibly appear until the disease really gets to you.
‘This is, after all, a village near a swamp where miasma often hazes over. It is not unusual to have a few infected. With the right medicine, one can recover surprisingly quickly from it. You need not worry.’
How about dragons?
‘So what if I catch this?’
Guess you’ll be fine. Well, since you’re a Poison Dragon, this kinda stuff can’t really affect you, right?
‘It is not out of the realm of possibility for me to fall ill, but I do not acquire diseases. Truth be told, I am quite interested whether you will or not. It is a question of life or death, after all.’
Luckily, I don’t show any signs of having Bloodflower yet. Maybe I haven’t even caught it yet. Even if I do have it, I have no choice but to hope Poison Absorption to work.
‘In that case, it would not be possible for you to acquire this disease.’
…? How do you know?
‘That is because—’
As Veno was just about to explain it to me, Muu calls out in a worried tone.
This must be an urgent matter. Muu looks up towards me.
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eliashiebert · 6 years
Instrumental Soul
Rolled by: Me For: A., J., D. and the rest Late Summer 2018 TRT: 1h19m21s
There are a few instrumentals I’ve been putting on evry tape for years…Bar-Kays’ “Knucklehead”, Kool & The Gang’s “Street Corner Symphony” and Ike Turner’s “Funky Mule”.  For awhile I’ve been thinking about a mixtape of all instrumentals.  Normally I like making tapes that go off in all directions.  I don’t usually do themes, altho I think of a lot of them.  I have almost never done a tape of tunes from mostly just one genre.  I like this one a lot tho.  Maybe I’ll do more.  Settle down a bit, stop childishly trying to impress you with my hard lefts & flying leaps. 
Once I finally started, this tape came together super-quick.  It wasnt hard to find another hour of funky jazzy soul-ey instrumental toons.  I assumed, as you might, confronted with a mix calld Instrumental Soul, I’d eventually get around to some Booker T. and the M.G.’s.  Somehow, tho, they are not here…but their influence is defnilly present. 
I usually try to make my mixes fit on an old-school 74-minute ceedee…you know, just like the 9th Symphony.  I like to use the most restrictive definition, even tho I’ll ultimately be dumping it onto an 80-minute CDR.  Or, these days I’d as soon keep it as file, but my friends they all still like getting the “physical” disk, don’t ask me why.  Anyway, this is all to say I broke that rule this time around.  I already weeded out a bunch of stuff I wanted to put in to get it under the 80 minute mark (yes I’m already planning a Part 2), and I didnt want to lose any more. 
Another thing I did different with this one is give the songs some room to breathe with a couple seconds of silence between each one instead of running them all together like I usually do. 
Here we go…. 
Roger & the Gypsies “Pass The Hatchet Pt. 1” Seven B 7001 (1966)
Happy hypnotic groover from New Orleans funkmaster Eddie Bo, a dude with really excellent hair.  Like a lot of what’s on here, he came to my attention originally thru Funky16Corners.  The original 45 costs mad cheddar but it’s on lotsa collections…various little indie N.O. funk comps and even the Desperado soundtrack.  I took it from Mojo’s “Southern Soul” disc.  I don’t think it’s on any of the main Eddie Bo collections, Funky Delicacies’ Funky Funky New Orleans or Vampisoul’s In The Pocket with Eddie Bo or etc.  It’d be nice if there were something truly comprehensive out there, but ya know. 
The J.B.’s “Pass The Peas” From Food For Thought (People 1972)
Maybe part of the reason the JB’s have been looped so often is that they sound like a loop to begin with.  No one can lock like they could.  Long solo from leader Fred Wesley…I love a good trombone solo, but the player has to have a fabulous tone and mad technique, both which of course the legendary Fred Wesley has by the bucketful.  What he doesnt have is the vocabulary of a jazz player—it’s pure funksoul; it stays inside its box.  You might find that a little repetitious after some 36 bars but I don’t care I don’t care.  Some organ in the background from the Creator himself.  I playfully referred to the instrument as the “pipes,” as in, “Is that James Brown on the pipes?” and Jen would not have it.  “It’s a Hammond organ!” she yelled, “There’s no pipes!!” 
Some of my sources for this tape are vintage elpees and some, like this one, are slightly suspect vinyl re-issues.  They look good but questions like Are they properly licensed? and Were they mastered from the original tapes or some inferior copy? are anyone’s guess.  I don’t know, it sounds good to me.  That’s how a lot of this type of material is available these days.  Many of these albums never got any official re-issues, digital or analog.  You can’t be too picky unless you want to lay out for first pressings. 
Dizzy Gillespie “Matrix” From The Real Thing (Perception 1970)
The jazz legend (is legend a strong enuf word?) ’s soul-flavord The Real Thing album gets my highest recommendation.  A heat rock if ever there was one.  You wanna hear Dizzy Gillespie and his fine collaborators blow over hard beats from a funky rhythm section?  Yes you do. 
Eddie Harris “Listen Here” From The Electrifying Eddie Harris (Atlantic 1968)
Some cool elevator jazz from the electric saxophonist once referenced in a Beastie Boys hit.  Is it fair to call it elevator music?  Does that term even mean anything other than an offhand dis?  When I say it, I’m talking about something specific, at least in my own head.  Elevator music, like disco, is something I wasnt supposed to like but which I now have a growing appreciation for.  Maybe I shud make a tape of all elevator music, like the stuff I used to hear at Kohl’s when I was a kid.  Maybe I’ll make it for my friend J. who likes to listen to the smooth jazz station when he’s hungover. 
This tune evokes a train moving underground, and it might inject some joy in yer commute if you put it in your headphones. 
J. C. Davis “A New Day (Is Here At Last)” New Day 1373 (1969), remixed and re-issued on A New Day! The Complete Mus-I-Col Recordings Of J. C. Davis (Cali-Tex 2005)
My brother A. put me on to this dude.  The saxophonist and bandleader (not to be confused with the other J. C. Davis who played guitar with Hank Ballard and the Midnighters) backed James Brown in the early 60s and around ’69 released a few singles on his own label.  Around ’05, Josh Davis AKA DJ Shadow went back to the studio in Columbus, Ohio, where those records were made and he remixed them “on the original mix board” because he’s the king of the nerds.  That irresistible smooth, slightly edgy sax sound crooning over haaard mutherfuckin drums begging to be sampled—and they have been!—with that cool 60s chickenwing funk guitar & organ. 
Tom Scott and the L.A. Express “Sneakin’ In The Back” Originally from their self-titled album (Ode/Epic 1974), later appearing on volume whatever of the Ultimate Breaks ’n’ beats (Street Beat 1990)
A little misterioso now.  This smoothie I got from my bootleg version of Lenny Roberts & Lou Flores’ collection of evry essential breakbeat ever.  No doubt Tom Scott & the L.A. Express would find their way to my elevator music tape too. 
Willie Bobo and the Bo-Gents “Do What You Want to Do” From Do What You Want To Do… (Sussex 1971)
Of course it was Larry who first introduced me to this album.  Try to be unhappy listnin to this sawng.  Try.  Classic example of that East Side salsa n soul I love. 
Freddie Hubbard “Backlash” From Backlash (Atlantic 1967)
Again, a great jazz artist doin’ a record in a funksoul-influenced style.  Freddie Hubbard is one of my favorite trumpet players, and this tune scorches. 
Bar-Kays “Knucklehead” The flip side of “Soul Finger”, Volt 168 (1967)
I bought the Soul Finger album (yet another suspect re-issue) becuz the title track is essential, but this hard hitter is my faverit tune on it.  The B side wins again! 
Dizzy Gillespie “Soul Kiss” From The Real Thing (Perception 1970)
Another tune from The Real Thing, a more frantic one, with kissy noises from the trumpet.  By the way, if you sound like this when you kiss, I’m pretty sure you arnt doing it right. 
The Mohawks “The Champ” Pama PM 719 (1968)
It’s called “Champ” but it sounds more like “tramp” a la Carla Thomas.  The band is doin’ the Booker T., and that screamin organ riff by Alan Hawkshaw (sampled many, many times of course) over top of it is un dee nigh uh bull. 
Zap-Pow “Soul Revival” Jaywax 45 (1974?). Also on the album Revolutionary (Roosevelt 1976?), but most likely to be found on the compilation Funky Kingston: Reggae Dance Floor Grooves 1968–74 (Trojan 2002)
Another gem brought to my attn by Funky16Corners.  Heard it on the blog and had to run out right away and buy the comp just for one song.  Probably the tightest record on here next to the JB’s.  Usually filed as reggae due to its place of origin, but this is str8 funksoul. 
Kool & The Gang “Street Corner Symphony” From Light Of Worlds (De-Lite 1974)
I love it when Kool & The Gang does their fake jazz thing.  Got soul-jazz from both sides of the fence on here.  At the end the sax quotes “My Favorite Things” (a nod to Trane I assume) which always cracks me up. 
Ike Turner & the Kings Of Rhythm “Funky Mule” From A Black Man’s Soul (Pompeii 1969)
Ike & Tina Turner made a lot of really cool records and a lot of mediocre ones (and I wish I knew which was which), and these days they are scattered across a hundred seedy bargain compilation ceedees.  The act has never been anthologized properly, maybe due to Ike’s reputation (which I’m sure is well-deserved…recent attempts to rehabilitate him kind of piss me off…tho also irritating is the popular image of him as a cartoonish monster, mostly due to the movie, which even Tina said didnt happen like that.  Evrybody does good and bad things in their life.  The good things don’t take away the bad things and vice versa, and you can dig music with eyes open to the fact that some of the ones who made it were not cool people).  I pickt up one such random comp choosing it mostly for the title: I Smell Trouble!!! (yes with three exclamation points !).  It included this hard funk instrumental that cracked my head open wit a axe.  It’s one of those songs where they just crammd in evry badass riff they could think of.  Again, hard, hard muthafuckin drums, driving horns growling and belching smoke, funkee geetar, a busy bassline dancing underneath it all.  Wish I knew who the players were but no credits given. 
Dr. Octagon “Bear Witness” From Dr. Octagonecologyst (Bulk 1996)
Dr Octagonecologyst is a goofball boom-bap classic.  I remember hearing Blue Flowers on AMP.  For a while that was the best or one of the only good things on MTV, and it turnd me on to a lot of cool stuff.  This instrumental showcases DJ Q-Bert’s scratching and a bevy of funky breaks.  The sampled battlecry, “Creating rap music ’cause I never dug disco” sure sounds like Chuck D (thanks to some processing) but it’s actually an obsure MC from the 80s called 4-Ever Fresh.  Automator and a supercrew of DJ/producers including Prince Paul & Shadow would revisit this track a few years later on Handsome Boy Modeling School’s equally classic first album. 
James Brown “Spinning Wheel” From Sex Machine (King 1970)
James Brown’s mellow organ version of Blood, Sweat & Tears’ Spinnin Wheel is an unsung classic. 
Bill Doggett “Honky Tonk Pt. 2” King 4950 (1956)
Long ago, my former coworker K. turnd me on to Bill Doggett and this much-coverd happy, handclapping, sax-driven early rocknroll hit.  I took it from this comp. 
Doc Bagby “Crazy Chemistry” Okeh 4-7098 (1958)
My good, good friend M. once gave me, for my birthday maybe, when I was like 20, a big stack of 45s from his own collection.  I still prize them to this day.  This was one.  Demented carnival music with Wurlitzer organ and bouncy guitar. 
The 45 King “Get Funky” On The Lost Breakbeats Volume 1 & 2 (The Yellow Album) (45 King Records 1983)
Super duper beat maker the 45 King.  Lotsa gems on this collection, which I got on bootleg download. 
Hugh Masekela “Grazing In The Grass” From The Promise of a Future (Universal City 1968)
It’s a gas.  The original, instrumental version by South African trumpet player Hugh Masekela.  Only 2 anna half minutes.  Supposedly recorded just to fill time on the album.  Huge hit.  Gotta have more cowbell, more overdriven brass, more POP! 
The Meters “Sophisticated Cissy” Josie 1001 (1968), the band’s first single I think. Also on The Meters
Aww, such a badass slow groove, makes you say “UH!”  KRS-One and Scott LaRock sampled this on “Essays On BDP-ism”, a very cool record made just before Scott LaRock’s death in 1987 and unreleased until 2000.  I’m surpised it hasnt been sampled more.  Great way to come in for the close. 
Ray Charles “Doodlin’” From The Great Ray Charles
Ray Charles and his associates do a sweet version of the Horace Silver tune, with a muted trumpet by John Hunt and tenor sax David Newman.  I was first introduced to Ray Charles’s jazz material and this tune in particular via a tape in my brother’s car he was way into around, oh, twenty years ago.  A tape he got from his friend G. probably.  Ray Charles made a couplefew jazz albums.  Highlights from them appear on this odd artifact, with its yellow cover and monochrome portrait that looks like a zeerox.  With a title like The Best of Ray Charles, you might expect material like “What’d I Say” and “Georgia” rather than 6 instrumental jazz tunes.  Nevertheless it is highly recommended. 
0 notes
udaipur - city palace, monsoon, boatrides, lake pichola, fatehsagar
The traffic policemen at the crossing whistled to his lung’s capacity in order to stop the traffic turning right and signaled the vehicles coming from the diagonal to start moving. The sun was shining too harsh on the people on two wheelers, which was remarkably clear from closed windows of our SUV. The huge statue of Chetak – the horse of Maharana Pratap at the crossing, brings alive the historical significance of this five centuries old city.
 Once we reached hotel, my cousins and I relaxed for an hour, and after freshening up, I could not wait any longer to explore the city. I left to tour the city, with the one thing I can’t live without, my DSLR. The first destination was a stone’s throw away from my hotel, the icon of this city- the City palace. As I pass through the curves of the streets, asking the locals for the way, to the fort. I suddenly turned to one sharp right and a breathtaking palace come alive, right in front of my eyes. The palace is magnificent and stunning, it looks too young for its age, and it is more than 4 centuries old.
 Built on the hilltop to get the panoramic view of the city, perhaps was a smart move by the king as, Rajput dynasty had always been the prime reason of jealousy for the Mughals in Delhi. As you move through the wide arches and the huge gateways, of this enormous structure, it seems like a walk through the heritage and history of Udaipur.
 The architecture clearly reflects the glimpse of Mewar grandeur, and the domes, huge arches and windows seems inspired from the Mughal architecture. It was built by the clan of Maharaja Udai singh, from where the city got its name. The palace is spread over many acres of land and is next to the Lake Pichola, once you climb to the top, the breathtaking views of the lake and the city are mesmerizing and worth the pain of climbing those narrow and suffocating staircases, which are scattered in the entire palace, sometime confusingly taking you to the same place again if you are busy clicking the views like me. Wherever you look in the palace, be it the marble floors or the royal courtyard or the fountain at the Badi mahal, the grandeur of the place will surprise you. It seems the trust which works for the maintenance of the palace has spent millions on its restoration and making it comfortable for the tourists. The interiors include the delicate mirror work, marble and granite flooring, Some balconies have stunning colorful murals and wall paintings.
 The entire exercise to cover the length and breadth of the palace took good four hours, but it was worth it. Coming back to the main entrance out of breath, the only thing one would look for is food, as eatables are not allowed inside. More than food, I was desperate to get something to drink. Thankfully, there is a fine dining restaurant, in the premises, where we enjoyed some mouthwatering thin crust pizzas, and pasta, along with some refreshing cocktails, enjoying the scenic and splendid views of the fort. The sun was slowly moving towards the western coast and orange and red hue of sky looked magical. The Gulmohar trees planted in the lush green lawns outside, adds to the charm. I was cursing the sun as I started sweating the moment we were out of restaurant. Summers are hotter in this state then the rest of the country. But when our guide told me that you would not have  enjoyed the views if you would not have came, during this off season as the city is too crowded from August till January. Everyone is pushing and pulling you out of their frames to get the perfect shot, and the hotels you are staying in would have cost you 4 times more. Deep in my heart, after listening to all these facts, I thanked my luck.
 Back in our hotel after 10 minutes walk, I changed and had a cup of coffee .After I freshened, I was ready for the next event. I do not want to miss the sound and light show, in the evening in the city palace which narrates the history of the city. As I guided back from the same lanes, which now seems familiar. When I reached back at the same counter, the person at counter was amused at my excitement, and said, “you want to cover all in 1 day?”. I said, “I can’t wait till tomorrow. We watched the show, it was amazing and more like a history class in school, but the music kept us hooked up. The story was more of wars and bravery, but it was interesting.
 Everyone in the group was tired to death, as it was half past eight in the evening, when we reached the hotel, passing through the market that has come alive, buzzing with activity. The fragrance of local cuisines hit my taste buds pleasantly. Back in my hotel, I went straight to the balcony of my lake view room, the cool breeze passed through my face, whipping off the tiredness of the day. The scented aroma of the roses and the bougainvillea in the balcony refreshed the soul, and made me feel relaxed. In the comfort of my room, I relaxed looking at the sparkling lake Pichola, the same lake adjoining the fort. I got ready for my dinner. The dinner was planned in Jagat Niwas Palace- a heritage hotel adjoining the lake, as most properties in the city are. The food was amazing, the rabri and gulab jamun, in dessert more so. Once we were done with dinner, we sat there for half an hour enjoying the night view of the lake, it was almost midnight when we left the place to go back to our hotel- UdaiVilas, an another luxury heritage hotel.
 Once back in my room, I was almost dead, so took a shower, and went direct to the bed. Sleeping in luxury is the best thing; the luxury hotels spoil you to extreme. Got up late and called the brunch in my room, and made plans with others for the day. Next stop was Monsoon palace, a palace around 30 miles from the hotel, located on a hilltop. The best part is you can take you own car after buying the ticket, at the entry down. All dressed and ready with my camera, we left the hotel, it was late afternoon, the previous day was hectic, so we started late, of course we do not directly went to the monsoon palace as it is hot in afternoon, and going on top of a hill would not be a wise decision, both in terms of logic and photography constraints. So we took the decision to hang around in local markets, getting the feel. For breakfast, we went to JMB, one of the very famous snack joint in city. The pyaaz kachori, one of their speciality; was appetizing. Deep fried with a green chili and some spicy stuff inside, It was served piping hot, along with coriander puree. The sweet jalebis served as perfect balance to end the meal. The one thing noticeable of the state is, whatever you eat here is distinct, and irrespective of how many times you have ate the cuisine earlier, in different cities. The more you walk in town, the more you come to know about it. I don’t want to tell anyone, ‘I went to Udaipur, I want to say – I lived in Udaipur’.
 The markets are colorful, with lot of Indian fabrics and handicrafts. I did some shopping and it took 3 hours by the time we were done. We went for our lunch at another famous restaurant by the name- Savage garden. The entire restaurant was painted blue, which was soothing an dtake you a different world. It is owned by a German guy, obvious enough, the menu was filled with western cuisines. We ordered the pasta and some roasted chicken along with beer. It was delectable and pleasant.  I can’t thank the reviewers on Google enough, as I came to know about this restaurant from internet. By the time , we had our lunch; it was almost four in the afternoon.
 The most important thing you can’t miss in this city is to ride a boat in the lake. We went boating late afternoon, it was cloudy, but acceptable.  We could not postpone, because once back from Monsoon palace, it would be closed, and I can’t afford that. I must admit; boating was the most surreal experience. The views are nothing less than fantasy, with Taj Lake Palace– a heritage hotel in middle of the lake on one side, the sky filled with clouds and chirpy birds above, water beneath you. The cool breeze surpasses me, as the motorboat gains speed. In short the experience was fantastic, beyond words can describe.
 We were back at the shore, in 45 minutes. Sat in our SUV, and went to the Monsoon palace, as it was already half past 5, it took good one hour to reach at the hilltop, where the palace is located. The views were breathtaking, and heavenly. As it was off peak season, it was not crowded. There was calmness and serenity in the air, we got panoramic views of the city as well as some nice shots of the palace with white marble all over. This palace is nothing in front of the magnificent city palace, neither in terms of size and  architecture nor grandeur. The palace was built as a temporary summer resort for the queens. After taking hundreds of pictures and millions of memories, we returned back to our hotel, late in the evening. After having my dinner at the hotel, I went straight to bed.
 The next day, there were some other attractions like Jag mandir, a vintage car collection, Jagdish temple, and some gardens. All of those are worth a visit. We get back to our hotel at late afternoon, I relaxed for the rest of the day at hotel, and as this was the last evening in the city of lakes. We ditched dinner at our hotel, and went to very famous fine dining restaurant by the name of Ambrai, for dinner. Again it was located at the edge of the Lake, but it was on the other end of the lake, we preferred to take local transport- an autorickshaw, which was a crazy ride, through narrow lanes of the city. The speed of the driver, not only gave me goosebumps but also panic attacks, the driver did not give any heed to my request to slow down. Ambrai, I believe is a must visit, if you are a foodie, it is an open air restaurant, and according to me, the only one in the city, all others are roof top. We had a candlelight dinner, literally at the edge of river. Local musicians playing folk music in the background, the city came alive. The dinner was amazingly delicious. We were there till almost midnight. Once out of hotel, I called the SUV. The driver seemed inspired from the autorickshaw driver, we hired the previous day to go to Ambrai. His speed scared the hell out of me, but this time , I was busy capturing the city in my heart, instead of my lens. The land of lakes- Udaipur has fascinated the traveler in me to an extent that I left the place yearning to return once again.
 The next morning , I left to explore the next destination – ahmedabad.
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osmw1 · 6 years
Poison-Wielding Fugitive   Chapter 16
What should I do about this? Should I wash it first? And then disinfect it… with poison? Veno? Do you know how to make laundry detergent? I know how to make soap, but will that do? I’m not gonna destroy it if I don’t wash it a certain way, will I?
‘Calm down. After doing that, check your status. Another option has appeared.’
Huh? Being told to, I check my status. … oh? There’s a skill named Call Fungus. Was it there before I got back to the inn?
‘It was there when you finished hunting and were returning home this afternoon.’
I don’t want to dig deeper and ask when he checked my status, but it was already there then? Call Fungus… to take it literally, I would summon a mushroom? … hmm? There’s another layer to that menu. The second option is Call. As soon as I activate it, it blips, and yet another option pops up. At the same time, my moldy robe starts… squirming around. One of the mushrooms growing on it starts to expand.
I shrieked out unconsciously and I back away from my robe. Come on, that’s scary. What’s seemingly like just a shiitake is plumping up.
A monster? Did I just find a parasitic monster on my robe? And now that it’s been found, the mushroom is showing its true form and gonna attack me? Before long, the mushroom that was on my robe grew to the height of where my hip is. Its cap is at an angle and its stem is slightly bent backwards. Blinking in surprise, I feel like our eyes met.
It raises one of the slight protrusions from its stem—its hands?—to greet me. I gotta take a closer look at this thing. It’s got two big round eyes attached to its stem portion with a cartoonish mouth underneath them. And below that are its hands, one from either side… at the base of it are two feet-like protuberances. It has another mouth on its cap and from it a tongue sticks out. Its outward experience is both cute and gross at the same time…
‘Myconid or fungus is what one would call this monster.’
Veno explains it to me. Hmm…? Fungus? Its name is –… it’s blank.
‘It is because it is a servant you have summoned, is it not? Look, it shows on your status screen.’
“Huh?” “Muu?”
– Mutated Myconid Fungus Level 1 Acquired skills: Spore Scatter, Self-Regeneration, Stamina Recovery Rate Increase (Weak)
I can thoroughly check its status, but the part where the name should be is just a dash. Is it alright that no name’s been registered?
“Jump.” “Muu.”
I commanded it to jump and it did.
“Spin around three times and make a sound.” “Mu… mu!”
The mushroom splendidly twirled around and called out. Yup… there’s no doubt about whether or not he’s following my orders.
“Why is this mushroom getting tamed by me?”
In an MMORPG, you’d have to tame a monster for them to be your pet. Others might use a different word, but I like “taming.” It’s affectionate.
‘It is likely due to the influences of Hunting Sense. Or perhaps it one of the fruits of your labor, your training as a Poison-Wielder.’
You’re saying it’s not due to our Spirit Link?
‘It is not so that I am unable to create subordinates of my own, but it would be difficult for me to do so in my current state. I do not even have the mana to do so.’ “Muu!”
The mushroom points at the robe of which where he grew from, at me, the compounding machine, and at the direction of the swamp. Then after that, he points vaguely behind me… hey, cut that shit out. Are you trying to saying there are spirits here?
‘Is it not so that he is pointing at me?’ “Muu.”
It nodded in agreement and bowed to Veno. It can hear him?!
“Muu muu.” ‘Aye, indeed… somehow, the spores drifting in the air in the swamp clung on to the robe… the combination of the poison you release, the toxin of the swamp, and the miasma, along with the mixing of pharmaceuticals, and my powers all got mixed together, giving life to this mutated being. And now, it wishes you to be its master as you are the one who had sublimated it. That is my guess at what it wishes to say.’ “Muu!”
The mushroom nods in agreement at what Veno had said. Still, this is a lot to take in.
“So, what you’re saying… umm, the spores that were stuck onto the robe interacted with stuff like my poison and suddenly mutated… and the result is that it wants to follow me?” “Muu muu!”
If you keep nodding that hard, your head might come off loose. More importantly… I don’t get what the mushroom saying at all.
‘Even with my Seal of Solomon, it is not translating its words. It was no more than from its body language that I got my understanding.’ “Muu.”
Aren’t you a little too good at guessing? It’s probably because you’re both monsters, right?
‘Were you not wishing for comrades? Here is your chance, is it not? This solves at least one of our problems.’
You’re not wrong… but is it really okay? To take a monster into our group so casually? And not only that, how do people treat monsters working under them in this world?
“Am I to simply summon it when no one’s around?” ‘There exists a tool for this. A collar is used on low-ranking monsters or slaves by their masters. To imitate that, we could use a belt instead to signify that it is no threat to others. We can always buy the proper collar and have it wear it at a later date.’
You don’t have one on hand, Veno?
‘I do have one back at my lair. Unfortunately, I have none with me at the moment.’
‘How about trying to craft a belt out of tanned hide? Aye, do it yourself.’
Alright, alright. Because of that, I cut the leather with my sword and shaped it into a belt. I tie it around the mushroom’s… waist? The part between its hand-like protrusions and its feet.
The mushroom seems happy. But some time later, I should switch it out for a master-servant relationship-signifying collar, right?
‘For the mean time… that would be right. You should claim it to be a homunculus made through magic and pharmaceutics. Cohgray of the Swamps.’
Was it better to use my nickname there? What sort of position am I in right now?
‘Well, now… we must face the situation at hand. What shall you do about this creature’s name? It is necessary part of the process.’ “Hmm…”
While gazing at the mushroom hopping around for joy, I ponder on a name for it.
“Since it’s always crying out ‘Muu muu,’ how’s Muu?”
Honestly, it’s a total chore to think of a name. At least it’s better than names like Kinoko, or Matango, or Eringi.
‘That is considerably an awful list of names… and to say that it is the best of all of them…’ “Muu!”
It seems happy to be named Muu. There’s a certain charm to it, don’tcha think? Anyway, it’s not good to only telepathically speak to Veno.
“We’ll treat Muu like a fellow party member, but Veno, do you know what its growth is like? “Mu?” ‘I was just checking on that. It seems like it possesses both monster and human traits.’ “Ah, between Mutated Myconid and Fungus?” ‘That is correct. Normally, the former should be its race, but it is now its profession. As well, contradicting that, Fungus is also its profession. I have yet to come to a complete understanding.’
Two classes… or maybe not? Would it be right to call him a mushroom person? It’d probably be easier to confirm that just by levelling it up.
Muu’s showing me his fighting spirit by shadowboxing. Oh, maybe it’s like that. It’s instinctual for him to battle.
‘Perhaps it is trying to say that it wishes to be the vanguard.’ “Is that right… well, that’d definitely help me out a lot, but will you be okay?” “Mu!”
Well, for now, we should go hunt to try and see. What kind of weapon would be good for it?
‘As it is still level 1, it would be fine for him to use your old sword, like a hand-me-down.’
Although I still carry it around, I only use it in case of emergency as a personal defense weapon. Since I have my crossbow now. If I’m in a pickle, I can use Poison Release and throw venom at the enemy. I give Muu the Flyiron sword. I don’t really understand how Muu holds a sword, but he does, and he swings it around a little.
He doesn’t seem too satisfied with it. Maybe swords aren’t appropriate for mushrooms?
‘It is uneasy due to the sword being so light. However, the sword is rather sharp. If you wish for a heavy weapon, gain a few levels and prove your might.’ “Mu!”
Its right hand swished in the air and landed at his head to salute me. I wonder where he learned that. He’s less than complete happy about it… but oh, well. With that, I head to the swamp again. I leave my room and the inn, but not before passing by the front desk.
Unsurprisingly, the proprietress fixates her sight on Muu who’s behind me.
“Ahh, that’s my underling who I created with medicine and magic. I believe you’ll be seeing it more from now on. If it’s better for you, I can borrow a shed to put it in.” “Mu!”
Muu bows to the proprietress. “Wow, how well-behaved. You’re well-versed in alchemy too, hey, Cohgray of the Swamps?”
The proprietress who gave me that nickname speaks with admiration. Ahh, she thinks I’m remarkable with only that much.
“No wonder you don’t need any adventuring allies with you. I see, I see.”
No, actually, I really would like some buddies. People to share the good times and the bad. You know, all I have right now are a my way or the highway dragon who can’t read the mood but yet I talk to in my head and, as well, a mystery of a mushroom. It’s hollow and I get real sad over it, okay?
‘The truth comes out. Nay, it comes pouring out. How terrible of you. It is not that I wish to be involved with you. Anyway, regardless of that you are a spineless coward, you are still awful.’
Gah… I have no comebacks for that.
“I’mma head out to try this new underling out!” “Alrighty. Take care out there. When you get back, I’d like for him to stay in the shed.” “Understood.” “Mu!”
Muu innocently gets close up to the proprietress and gives her the ol’ puppy eyes.
He tilts over to her to be patted on the cap. The proprietress timidly touches and pets it on the cap.
“Muu… muuuu… muuuuu.” “Oh, what a cutie. You’re a good boy, aren’t you? If you don’t get the room dirty… oh, what should we do about you?”
It’s nice to be cute. Muu’s acting cute enough for her to question her decision to have it stay in the shed.
“Just to try it out, I’ll… give permission for him to stay in your room. But be tidy, okay?!” “Muu!”
Muu bows to thank her. Oh, you’re good. This is what you call a pet, huh?
“O-Okay, we’ll head out now.” “Get home safe. Be careful out there… if anything comes up, call for me with this here bell and I’ll come help you.”
You, uhh, don’t look so good, you know? You’ve got a stubborn cold. With her permission, we set out for the swamp.
By the way, this happens some time later, but Muu begins to help out the proprietress with stuff like wood-splitting and cleaning. It seems like she’s taken quite a liking to Muu. Thanks to that, Muu’s boarding fee is only 500 lag, making the grand total 2,000 lag per day. She’s clever to charge per head and so our expenses increase too. I’ve got some qualms about that, but since she’s letting us stay for so cheap, I can’t really complain.
previously: /ch001/ /ch002/ /ch003/ /ch004/ /ch005/ /ch006/ /ch007/ /ch008/ /ch009/ /ch010/ /ch011/ /ch012/ /ch013/ /ch014/ /ch015/ /ch016/ /next/ (full list of translated chapters) (discussion thread) (support me on Patreon or Paypal)
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