#i have kissed. 3 gals. over the course of my lifetime.
castle-dominion · 1 year
c5x24 finale
shirtless guy shirtless gal wait she is not dead nvm psycho? That is NOT hair dye, is it? wait lol there IS hair dye there just like that urban legend with the elevator game & the girl in the water tower
the washington monument? beckett is the president of the united states now /j girl that's what TRAINING is for or never in a lifetime I AM just a homicide cop right now! I need training to become what you want me to be!
castle lmao giant green lizard rewrite the book sfkjdhk dad, alexis is talking to you! castle she is a young woman she is making this decision oh, paris he loves her she has nightmares still? Oof, I'm glad that she still has trauma RC: No. But it sounds like someone has. BRO
greets ppl <3 Sito is great bc that is actually where his name is emphasized.
RC: Hey ‘sito. JE: Hey. RC: Where’s Beckett? JE: How the hell should I know? ((I love him)) Aren’t you two practically living together now? RC: Ah, well, she left me alone for a couple of days so I could finish Deadly Heat, which, by the way, is both deadly and hot, thank you very much for asking. JE: I didn’t. ((completely disinterested)) RC: Right. so like is she on call but only just got off the plane? (could clip the zito interaction ig)
hate the siren audio
Love em all in sunglasses which makes sense for actors bc hats would shade their faces too much but I love my hat on sunny days.
smoke on the roof lmao crystal sky? Hippie name. esposito my beloved "gonzalez every once in a while"
My man knows she had smth going on with her dad? they spoke? ah yes prostitute ofc.
Yeah if she was killed you DO need to know the truth
the most sus part of this is how the landlord actually heeded the tenants & their complaints abt bloody water place like this has a security cam in the elevator that actually WORKS?
Ooh I want to busk my way over europe
would she have told you? well she DID stay in a plave like that bro
RC: Straight A student, no history of trouble, on a dream European vacation, turns into a hooker in a ratty hotel. There is no way I’m letting Alexis go to Costa Rica now.
are you talking about yourself becks?
remember that case with the prof who took a hundred crappy jobs for a book he was writing & becks said "we need his manuscript" & the publisher was like "ain't got one"? yeah reminding me of that.
Remember s1e2? elevator times? Wrong floor? THIS REALLY IS LIKE THE GIRL IN THE WATER TANK PLAYING THE ELEVATOR GAME Stairs? & did the 80yo come back down? whipsers "it's expensive" nobody coming into her room yet she had those sounds? Cam girl?
Well could the water have washed it away? LP: Water has a great way of washing away things like trace DNA. Also dr parish a bit earlier: If she was a prostitute, she wasn’t very good at it. there’s no evidence of sexual activity.
Well he could still be doing illegal stuff even if he didn't murder "but of course I wasn't spying on her all night every night" is what I would say
laptop comp sci esposito's hair is nice I like & ryan's outfit is great wait is this going to be a plot episode with the senator & all this stuff
these two same brain uwu. Also beckett totally used to be "wow who knew I should look for evidence when I could make things up" but now she is same braining with castle & looks for evidence to support or disprove the story. & rysposito are watching caskett finish each others sentences fdkjskldjl
"she's all yours" XD
is she in trouble? for not telling your boss you are leaving? "you were supposed to be on call" Gates knows that people deserve to move on & turnover rate is real *flashforward to her hating the job in s6* don't say kill for it! You're a homicide cop! gates is so proud of beckett
Lanie my beloved also what is in her mug? She doesn't drink coffee calls it twelve-midnight
beckett pronounce your Ts depends on the opportunity! Castle & everyone else in your life! You can always decline the job say "moi" & kiss him thru the phone!!
rysposito great outfits, ellis great character really? Which ones SHUUP
BRINGS HER COFFEE DOESN'T EVEN MENTION IT JUST GIVES HER THE COFFEE I like castle in this more red outfit, beckett looks amazing. Ryan I already mentioned but again hhhh he's so good RC: which is why you need me KB: *considering leaving*
clipping the "thank you?"
my partner mitch bauer, nice, & noce how she asks him to double check for her. MB: Is she in custody? RC: Sort of. She's dead.
The way their faces look
most of them or all of them lol
RC: So without it we’re dead in the water. Much like Erika. RC+JE: Too soon
RYAN IS SO SMART-- I DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT, ABOUT WHERE THE CALL CAME FROM three? I thouhgt you said ONE of them popped but now u have three?
he dead the way they open the door too forcefully & ryan needs to push it open man's got a nice place tho hanging from an extrnsion cord. I like how at least this time the body is above them instead of on the ground, it gives variety to murder positions *taps ryan on the shoulder like that* like bro?? what was that? Also ryan's black suit jacket with the red squares is incredible & I love it sm
Every time, they see two lines & say not suicide but homicide ooh technically first! Why does it say ian blayock & anonymous user? I'd say "you" if Iwere a chat system KB: So this was sent by whoever killed him. He lured her out.
Esposito sittong on someone's desk way far from caskett rly the lawyer guy was doing drugs?
Most people say they would never drive drunk but then when they are tipsy they say "I'm only a little bit drunk, it won't be so bad I'll be careful" & being intoxicated, it limits their inhibitions & walls & drunk ppl always do stupid things like idk dancing on tables. Driving is just another stupid thing that you would not do while sober but you might while drunk. why didn't ryan say in the first place "friend from high school who interned but died a year later" why did he wait until beckett asked him? Ah driving in heels tho? Tru.
RC: A single car accident with no witnesses? Guys, this is a classic conspiracy cover up. Though only a lowly intern, Pam stumbles on to something the firm is doing, something big. Nefarious. She has to be silenced, only after the accident Blaylock can’t take the guilt. Or admit the truth. So his only bastion is to escape the sweet oblivion of drugs.
& I've mentioned this a million times I like ryan's vest & coat & outfit & how he has the fancy of the vest but the chill of going tie-less but also the jacket & vest MATCH I'm hiding that laptop!
Esposito looking at these two & their samebrain moment with not his "heheh these two" face but not an "ew gross these two" face it's more,,, suspicious.
INT – RESIDENTIAL HOTEL BOILER ROOM *KR pops up from the floor. It’s dark and they’re using flashlights to search the room.* KR: Man. This was Castle’s theory. How did we draw the short straw? JE: I don’t know. JE: Let me ask you something. *Turns off flashlight* You notice anything weird about Beckett? KR: What do you mean? *JE jumps on a heater unit to get closer to the ceiling* JE: Well, she’s- she’s different. *KR looks up at him* Something’s off. KR: What are you saying? Like she’s --pregnant? JE: !!?!!?!! ((love the music)) JE: What are you talking about? Where did that even come from? ((from YOU suggesting smth & ryan was wondering what you were implying. He thought you already had a theory)) KR: Well, you said she was acting different. They’re consenting adults–.. ((I mean yeah accidents happen, & non-accidents)) JE: (adamantly) Beckett is not pregnant. C’mon, man. *He goes back to running his hands along the top of the ductwork, which uses actual duct tape which is like sticky aluminum foil NOT DUCK TAPE WHICH IS BAD FOR DUCTS & NOT MEANT TO BE USED ON DUCTS* KR: What’s so wrong with being pregnant? JE: You know, I can’t even talk to you about this right now. ((about what? pregnancy? or beckett? also oh no dominoes u just got a fic idea)) KR: Okay. Well, um … try to get over it before Jenny tells you the news, okay? ((you haven't told him yet?)) *That surprises JE. KR grins.* JE: What? KR: *grins wider* JE: Are you serious? Wowwww! Congratulations, man. That’s great! KR: Thanks, brother. *There’s suddenly a happiness to their work.*
Gosh I went to write a crackfic but then got food, ate food, danced around a bit, listened to music, & scrolled on tumblr until I got to the end of my dash Which I Never Do anymore these days. & ofc wrote the crackfic. holy crap. it is now 15.00. I could have watched two castle episodes in this time if I was better at this! & if I woke up at 9 instead of 12 I would have been able to watch four! Except that I wanted to clip everything I needed to clip today.
Speaking of which, I'll clip that & then finish the ep.
Ooh they are at beckett's home oh he found the boarding pass & you didn't tell me? *implies he is upset* & then if I were him I'd say "I'm so proud of you! Let's open up the wine!" Except it is now a fight. Bro she chose not to bc y'all haven't had that talk. She didn't want to tell you bc if she didn't get the job then she wouldn't have to but then that is still hiding things in a relationship which is sus...
castle is probably going to talk to his mom
Wow s2 esposito outfit right there. Brings me back to the first time I opened up the dvd set with my family & binge watched some good content with em. "yep" she says & throws down her coat so angrily he cares abt her, he follows her to the break room, he loves her. I could clip this but I won't. I love especkett's relationship. They are so great. If caskett wasn't my otp, I'd totally ship these two. In fact I do, I just still have caskett as my otp. You know, I totally think especkett had something going on back before the series started. Even "esposito" & "ryan" said it themselves while they were "reviewing hidden camera footage" of the 2 cool for school case.
last summer? the intern? ryan weird outfit tbh, looks a little bit s3 vibes
the third? well it COULD have been fine to get into a car crash but then he staged it & now it is REALLY bad.
KR: Hey. What’s going on? Where’s Castle? JE: Don’t ask.
lawyer lady grabs a pen his face falls she looks like she knows what is going on
"& we're not in court" XD
Martha is right So Have The Talk
MR: I know you. You do not hold back. Except this thing with Katherine. It took you what, three years to tell her how you felt, another year to act on it, and now, at the first sign of trouble, you’re ready to run. Why?
ryan's hair is so short I dislike He'd get a close friend or trusted associate to hire someone
give her time to think maybe...?
she doesn't tell esposito where she is going, she doesn't tell him what her fight with castle was about, but she doesn't even tell ryan she is leaving or that there was a fight, poor esposito being left in the dark but poorer ryan
Is she at the airport rn? No way. Oh meeting her dad <3 <3 I love jim someone had better have this clip on youtube, probably that person who has all the other clips so talk You have been together for a year ish now, he took three years to tell her, another year until they got together
This job is what I want but I am afraid of losing him. Not: he is what I want but I'm afraid, unsure where I will go, so I will hide in work
how they really are hhhh this was insane
this room is too dark for the mirror to be functioning she is feeling nostalgic she's saying goodbye to the room, no longer leveraging it or that, maybe she is using it KB: So the question is, how many years of your own life are you going to sacrifice for someone else’s future?
Ooh nameplates for naming characters who are unnamed! detective turner sits across from det esposito, then Ryan is back-to-back with esposito, (& the coffee on his desk is the right mug, set design my beloved) couple uniformed officers chatting, rysposito walking up to her, first names they love her, they are concerned for her, (highkey s3 rysposito outfits)
caller ID much?
THE PARK THE PARK THE SWINGSET AT THE PARK he has a nice nose but I am getting in I am finding my way in because I love you. fshdfkjsdhfjshlakfjdshfjkh I know what's going to happen but I wish I was able to have seen this episode not knowing that they were going to get engaged or married.
houghton? srs? (that ring is huge & expensive af & seems like smth beckett would wear nowadays or even on outings in s1 but she is a cop, get her a ring with an inset gem not in a prong. Smth she can actually wear. Also, with her complexion u def need gold (or warm colours) not silver (or cool colours). Maybe s2-s3 beckett could have had silver.
Ok time to clip bonus features babes! it is 15.45! Totally not late lmao!
Maybe I can watch audio commentaries while prepping veg for supper or smth...
0 notes
banannabethchase · 2 years
3 Geniuses and Alex
Alex has been...focused on himself lately. Shock of his lifetime when he realizes that Nora and June are together.
Note: Silly little plot bunny that's hopping around my noggin. I'm trying to decide where to perchance go with this :)
Alex isn’t sure when he started not noticing.
It hits him one day while they’re planning the 2020 Young Americans Gala, while Henry snores on FaceTime and Alex sorts out invitations, because of the way June’s drooling on Nora’s shoulder. He’s not being metaphorical, either. Drool, actual drool, is oozing from June’s mouth onto Nora’s shoulder, and Nora hasn’t even responded. In fact, he notes, Nora presses a kiss to the top of Nora’s head and keeps on working.
Nora doesn’t even notice him. She’s typing something, god knew what, but it’s fast and its focused and – there it is again! She paused her work – paused her work!!! – to brush some hair from June’s face.
Alex tries to subtly clear his throat, but it comes out like a hacking cough.
Nora looks up at him. “Are you dying or something?”
He opens his mouth, then closes it. Then tilts his head to the side. “That?”
Nora snorts. “You’re gonna have to be more specific. This is why you’re the Alex in 3 Geniuses and Alex.”
He blinks. “Is – you and Nora?”
That’s when June sits up, blinking. “Hmm?”
He looks between June and Nora. “You – y’all’re…” he trails off. He’s never felt this bamboozled in his life. Devastated, yes. Startled or shocked or horrified, of course. But in this moment, he is truly bamboozled.
June’s face splits into a shit eating grin. “Holy shit, did he finally figure it out?”
“You couldn’t have been stupid for three more weeks?” Nora asks, exasperated. “I would have won the bragging rights of the century.” She pouts. “I bet it would take you a full year to figure it out.”
“I’m sorry, a year?!” Alex exclaims. “You – when did you two – the last Gala?!” He makes some sort of noise he couldn’t recreate if his life depended on it. “When – when me and Henry…” He stares at them. “How dare you two have a moment and not tell me!”
“You were very wrapped up in your Henry problems, you sweet, foolish dumbass.” June says. “Yes, since last Gala. Where do you think the two of us and Pez ended up? A staff meeting?”
Alex closes his laptop, because no amount of organization could distract him right now. “You guys are FUCKING?!”
There’s a distinctly British sound of startle from the phone. “Who’s fucking, love?” Henry asks, bleary eyed. “Turn me. I can’t see anything but your jaw on the floor.”
Alex turns him to June and Nora. “They!”
“They what?”
“They – they are DOING things!”
To his horror, Henry just cackles. “Oh, wow.” He looks annoyingly good as he shifts and runs his fingers through his hair. Dick. “Took you long enough.”
Alex turns the camera back to himself. “YOU knew?!”
“Of course I knew,” he replies, clipped accent sounding all the more infuriating. “They were all over each other in Texas, when we did karaoke.”
“They were not!”
Nora, who had been strangely silent, pulls up one of the photos they took in Texas. It’s June, draped over Nora’s lap, with her hand in Nora’s bathing suit top. Nora’s face is gleeful, laughing, and her hand is on June’s ass. “You took this picture, you goddamn shit for brains.”
He blinks. He did take the picture, but he thought they were just – “Oh, fuck, I gal pal’ed you two!”
Henry laughs. “Yeah, that’s the day I asked them if it was the real thing or not. It’s one of the reasons I panicked that day, you know? Seeing them so casually in love made me have one of my moments.”
“And you didn’t tell me?!” Alex makes what he hopes is comparable to Henry’s distressed British noise, but Texan. “Why?”
Henry shrugs. “I wanted in on the bet.”
Alex slumps against the chair, making some sort of involuntary whimpering sound. “You’ve kept this from me for a year, though?”
“Did you think all our bedsharing was platonic?” Nora laughs. “No, babes, you and Princey are the fanfiction stereotypes.” Her grin goes a little dirty. “Unlike you two, when I know what I want, I go for it.”
Alex recoils. “Oh, god. Oh, no. No, I don’t like this line of conversation at all.” He looks to June, who is putting her hair back into a ponytail with a look of victory. “You! You are sleeping with my best friend!”
“Okay, first, our best friend,” she corrects, not even giving him the dignity of pausing her hair, “second, dating. Girlfriends with. And, you know,” she returns Nora’s dirty grin, “sleeping with. Fucking. Banging.”
Alex whimpers. “But – but I did first.”
“Alexander Dumbfuckery Claremont Diaz,” Nora says, her voice dangerous, “if you are insinuating that I am your sloppy seconds, you will die tonight, and no one will find your body.”
He shakes his head. “I just…” He stares blankly into the distance.
“Ladies, I think you’ve broken him,” Henry says, and, in Alex’s opinion, sounding far more pleased than appropriate.
“Wait until he finds out about the Pez part.”
Alex sets his phone down and scrubs his face. “There – there’s a Pez part? I’m gonna need so much alcohol for this.” He reaches out to June briefly, then snatches his hand back, horrified.
“Oh, I’m not gross like you, I wash my hands after,” June says firmly, and she stands up. “Plus, we showered, like, four hours ago.”
“Yeah, but it wasn’t a clean shower,” Nora says, and the way she says it, while typing away at god knows what, without even looking at Alex, breaks him again.
“Do I want the story?” he asks, feeling like the world is crumbling around him but also hitting him with one of those toy mallets.
“You’re getting it whether you like it or not, darling,” Henry says. “Plug in your phone. I’ve got to be here for this.”
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bisluthq · 4 years
Kaylor Rises?
We’ll never know the mechanics or reasons for Joshlie going on a break (or even if they just decided to be more casual for a bit). Maybe it was Taylor related, maybe it was all the stuff with his family, maybe it was the spectre of differing religions, maybe it was the age gap, maybe he started to agree that a ‘lingerie model’ was unsuitable in the long run… But one fact we do know, from investigative journalism done on the Kushners and also from looking at contemporaneous gossip blogs is: Joshlie have taken breaks. We don’t know exactly exactly how many, or why. But we know that they did. Again, this is one of the biggest pieces of ‘evidence’ that they’re real because why bother faking problems and breaks? Why not present yourselves as head-over-heels? It doesn’t make sense, but it’s what happened. And it also opens the door to some romantic!Kaylor. And in March 2014, Josh disappears from the picture and Taylor is suddenly a massive presence - way beyond the fun, highkey promotion we saw up till now. 
1 March 2014 - We see Kaylor both attend a Pre-Oscar Party. I think a Joshlie break was what led Karlie to go to LA and stay with Taylor. At this stage, they’d known each other publicly for about five months but, if we factor in possible negotiations, they might have known each other for much longer. I really do think they were good friends by this stage, because Taylor is a terrible actress and they clearly really enjoyed each other’s company. It was as good a place as any for Karlie to go and lick wounds. 
2 March 2014 - Kaylor attend the Vanity Fair Oscar Party and the Vogue profile talks about this being where they connected and decided to do the road trip: “A few months later they saw each other again at an Oscars after-party, and Kloss suggested they do something spontaneous. “I’d been to Big Sur once before, and I was like, ‘We should just do it,’ ” says Swift.” I suspect this story is a bit of a lie - but I do think it is true that they hooked up around this time, and decided to take a road trip to Big Sur. Taylor had been there once before, with Jake Gyllenhaal. Karlie had never been. It’s interesting that for Taylor it was already a “romantic” place, at the very least publicly, and it’s where she decided to go with Karlie at this point. 
Also, in terms of the “lie” factor - they’re saying this is where they reconnected but they were partying together the literal night before. So they’re obviously blurring reality a bit in the interview. Which is okay, maybe they misremembered or misspoke. But when factored into a pattern, it seems an odd thing to get confused about. 
The road trip itself is ICONIC. Taylor allegedly plays Karlie the whole of 1989. They take a million gorgeous photos. The daisy thing happens. 
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts the ‘Karlie loves Taylor’ sand pic. Taylor likes.
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts the ‘best road trip ever’ daisy pic.
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts the ‘adventure of a lifetime with my girl’ cheek kiss selfie.
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts a pic of her and Taylor with the caption, ‘woah, what a view huh?’
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts the pic of her hugging Taylor from behind.
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts a picture of herself apparently taken by Taylor.
5 March 2014 - Karlie posts a picture of her and Taylor jumping with the caption ‘❤️’
5 March 2014 - Taylor posts a picture of them and captions it ‘On the Way Home’ - possibly a reference to YAIL. 
When they return, things still seem very, very good in Kaylor Land.
12 March 2014 - Karlie attends the Art Production Fund’s White Glove Gala without Josh.
24 March 2014 - Taylor diaries that she’s moved into her Tribeca apartment in the “last few weeks” which means they are in the same city and that, when Karlie was in LA, Tay was still permanently based there. 
1 April 2014 - Karlie attends The New Museum annual Spring Gala without Josh.
1 April 2014 - Josh attends a New York Observer event without Karlie. His family is out in full force - again, this is their family business. It’s actually really odd that he is there on his own. Oh, and by the way - Mikey Hess isn’t there either lmao. 
3 April 2014 - Kaylor go to the gym and then out for lunch at the Butcher’s Daughter (which, for the record, is very close to Josh’s apartment but since he and Karlie have not interacted publicly in well over a month that seems irrelevant). They are papped continuously on both halves of the date. 
14 April 2014 - Kaylor are papped in NYC.
21 April 2014 - Taylor is papped with Cara and the articles that follow are all about “gal pals”. I do not think Cara and Taylor were together at this point but it’s vital to see the rollout of the “Girl Squad” PR strategy. It was not just about Karlie. Karlie was meant to be the ‘main’ Squad girl, but there were others.
26 April 2014 - Kaylor are papped in NYC
2 May 2014 - Karlie brings Derek as her +1 to the memorial service for L’Wren Scott.
4 May 2014 - Karlie posts a photo of herself with Taylor and Kate Bosworth at The Jane Hotel for Harry Josh’s party.
5 May 2014 - Kaylor get ready together and then attend the Met together. Josh is also there with his brother and Ivanka. Kaylor interact with the Kushners because this photo gets taken. We also get this pic (peep Tay’s dress in the background). Karlie sits at a table with Josh, and Taylor sits very, very far away. (Here is a pic of them seated). Now, it’s possible the tickets were booked and the seating arrangements made well before Joshlie went on a break. Or it’s possible going there was just a stunt and Karlie and Josh were very much together.
If Josh was a beard contract, this would’ve been reversed. Karlie would have showed up and walked the red carpet with Josh and sat with Taylor once inside. Instead, Karlie was papped with Taylor on the outside, and sat in the cheap seats with Josh, on the other side of the room from Taylor, once inside. If Josh and Karlie both needed a beard, why would they allow Karlie to show up and walk the red carpet with her girlfriend when they both attended the event?
And here’s what’s interesting: Taylor references this evening extensively at the end of the Wildest Dreams MV. She closely replicates the outfits - Karlie’s, Josh’s and her own - and casts herself as the “other woman”. It’s a telling video because that twist in the end is not necessary for the song to make sense (at all), Tay’s character is hurt and surprised by the MV love interest having a partner, and in the end the love interest’s feelings seem genuine as he runs after her - but she’s already gone. It’s a pretty loud scene in all and I’m not sure how else to interpret it, really. It’s also interesting that Tay’s character in the video falls in love with her ‘onscreen’ partner - kind of how Kaylor probably started as somewhat scripted ‘Famous Friends’ but possibly grew feelings.
Taylor also references this evening in LWYMMD when a 2014 Met Taylor appears several times. A zombie Taylor wearing the dress she wore in the OOTW MV buries a Taylor wearing this 2014 Met Gala dress and later she appears again. Considering all the other “Taylors” are extremely iconic (for example Kanye interrupting dress), I’m not sure why 2014 Met Gala Tay is here. It’s not the best example of one of her princess dresses… It’s not indicative of an ‘era’...
Unless the evening was important to Taylor herself, and the most logical reason for that would be Joshlie. It seems that this was the night that Tay, like her character in the MV, found herself cast in the unfortunate role of “other woman” - a part she would have struggled with ever since. So, with that in mind, here are some photos of Kaylor from that night where Taylor looks miserable: x x x
12 May 2014 - Karlie attends the American Ballet Theatre Opening Night Spring Gala alone.
15 May 2014 - An article with People comes out where Taylor makes getting ready with Karlie sound like a fun pre-prom time, proving the earlier point that them showing up together was part of their PR relationship.
Early May 2014 - Kaylor go for dinner at Toni Garrn’s, further debunking Korlie rumors.
22 May 2014 - Karlie attends amfAR’s 21st Cinema Against AIDS Gala alone.
CONCLUSION: From late February/early March it seemed as though Kaylor were together and possibly exclusive or at least getting somewhat serious. However, in early May Josh and Karlie reconnected around the time of the Met Gala - that’s what the Wildest Dreams MV seems to suggest at least. The fact that they interacted and sat together despite not apparently going ‘together’ is very loud. 
However, Joshlie were not fully back together at this Met Gala stage. I believe they reunited proper only at the end of May, at which point the Kaylor dynamic shifted gears.
However… the contract for the publicity deal was still in place and they had to carry on carrying on. It’s telling that their respective close friends didn’t exactly warm up to one another - their personal friend groups never really meshed. This contradicts the het narrative of them being just extremely great friends. If they really were, why wouldn’t they be hanging out with each other’s main people (in very simple terms, people like Derek and Abigail)? And before you @me, a few likes are not great evidence of hangouts - Josh also liked a bunch of Tay’s posts, and it’s pretty clear they were never friends.
More likely, Karlie and Taylor hooked up… And, of course, Karlie was an important part of this era’s publicity rollout. And that’s where things got messy.
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the-winter-smoulder · 4 years
What The Hell...
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Series Word Count: 884
Warnings: Language! Mentions of Death, Panic Attack, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Angsty Goodness
Seriously... What the HELL?!
Since the defeat of Thanos, nothing has really been the same, especially not for Sam and Bucky.
Read Chapter 2 Here
Tumblr media
Chapter 3: Who The Hell Is Jimmy?
As Bruce closed the door to Y/n’s room, Bucky took one look in her window to see she was asleep again.
“I gave her a sedative. What did you say to her? She was hysterical after you left!”
“I honestly didn’t say anything, Bruce. It’s like she can’t look at me, but she wants to. I feel like I know her, but I’ve never met her. I think she feels it too. I must remind her of someone, but not me.”
“I’d say so.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? And who the hell is Jimmy?”
“Honestly, Bucky... it would be better coming from her.”
“Well, I can't ask her now, can I?!”
“I know. I’m sorry. She wants to tell you herself. Just go back to your room and try to get some sleep. She’s going to be out for a while, Bucky. She needs it.”
Bruce walked away, leaving Bucky to make his decision – go back to his room, or wait for Y/n to wake up. As he looked through the window at her sleeping form, he knew what he had to do. He sighed heavily, opened the door quietly, and stepped through the threshold, ready to take his place back in “his” chair by her side.
Hours later, Y/n rolled over and opened her eyes to see Bucky asleep on the chair to her left. A smile crept across her face as she heard the faint sound of a snore push past his lips.
Oh – those lips... those perfect pink lips like an island in a sea of stubble. She loved those lips; that stubble. And those perfect blue eyes surrounded by those long, dark lashes. His eyes!
“Oh, shit!” she whispered.
“See something you like, sweetheart?”
Y/n laughed, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just that you look so much like him.”
“Jimmy?” he asked, sitting up, cracking his neck.
“Yes,” she replied sadly, “I know you’re not him.”
“Y/n, I hate to ask, but who is Jimmy?”
“Was,” she started, “Who was Jimmy.”
“Sorry, I know it may be painful, but...”
“You talked to Clint? You know about Vormir?”
“Then you know I loved him... more than anything or anyone,” she hung her head low.
“He was my fiancé. His name was James Buchanan Barnes III,” she locked eyes with Bucky, “He was... your grandson.”
Bucky’s heart stopped. He didn’t know what to say or do. He shook his head slightly, and tilted it to the side, saying, “What? How?”
“In my timeline, you came back from the war, unscathed,” she said, eyes flitting over his metal arm. “You never fell from the train. You came home, married a beautiful red-head named Dot. You had a family – lived your dream life right next door to your best friend and his best gal. A story I heard from you over a dozen times in my lifetime.”
Bucky stared at Y/n, eyes narrowed and beginning to brim with tears. “You’ve lost everything, haven’t you?” he asked.
“How did it happen? How did he...” Bucky trailed off.
“Are you sure you want to know?” Y/n asked.
“If you’re willing to tell me, yes.”
Y/n sighed, wiping the tears from her cheeks. She’s cried enough for a lifetime, what’s a few more tears?
“It happened six months ago. When Tony realized what was happening with Hydra, we made a plan to find and scatter as many stones as we could.”
“You worked with Tony?”
“I am an Avenger. ‘Earth’s mightiest heroes’ as he called us.”
“You have powers?”
“I’m enhanced. Jimmy was too. You still got the serum in Germany. It got passed on genetically.”
“I see,” Bucky said quietly, feeling guilty for something he technically didn’t do.
“Anyway, Gamora knew where the soul stone was. Not knowing much about it, other than the fact that it’s the most difficult to get to, we decided to go after it. The plan was to get the stone, and get it to another timeline, figuring it would be impossible for Hydra or Thanos to track it.
“Jimmy and I volunteered, figuring it would be a simple extraction. Never have we been so wrong in our lives. When we realized what had to be done, we talked it out. We could leave without it, after all, it would be impossible for them to get it. We would leave it where it was, and go after a different stone,” Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose, squeezing her eyes closed.
“Jimmy agreed. He said, ‘of course, my love. I could never live without you. I love you too much.’ He looked deep into my eyes – I could see his soul, Bucky. Before I could do anything, he kissed me, threw me to the ground, and ran into the belly of the beast. He... he just... jumped...”
Bucky was sitting on the bed at this point. He grabbed Y/n’s hand and wiped the tears from her cheek.
“I saw his soul... then it was gone. He was gone,” Y/n cried.
“He was stupid,” Bucky whispered.
“He was brave,” Y/n replied, “And a little stupid. That’s why I loved him. His courage, his arrogance, all of him,” she sobbed. “He was... my home.”
Bucky held her as they cried, mourning the loss that cut so deep.
Chapter 4
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moody-cowdaddy · 5 years
Can't Hardly Wait
Low Honor!Dominant!Arthur Morgan x Reader | Oneshot/Drabble #1
Summary: You and Arthur have had an unsuccessful hunting trip, but you decide to spice things up.
Category: SMUT. SMUT. SMUT.
A/N: I love writing lovey dovey fluff, but I'm ready to write some hot cowboy smut. I've written a lot of it in my day, and I think this is in the top 3 of the raunchiest. Again, I apologize this doesn't have a 'KEEP READING', if anyone knows how to add it while on mobile, PLEASE let me know.
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You and Arthur had been walking for what felt like hours now, with not a deer, rabbit, squirrel, or even a grizzly bear in sight. The two of you had been out hunting for well over two hours without any luck, and it didn't look like it was gonna change anytime soon. The longer you walked, looking around and finding absolutely nothing, the more that Arthur got agitated.
"Goddamnit." You could hear him hiss under his breathe as he slung his rifle over his shoulder.
"Maybe we'll have more luck tomorrow," You said, trying to stay positive, but mostly trying to sway him to leave.
"Yeah, an' if go back empty-handed, I'm gonna have'ta hear Pearson pesterin' me for the rest'a the night about a goddamn deer, darlin'. An' I might shoot him this time," He snapped in that gravelly tone.
Most people got very concerned, even fearful of their own life when Arthur got mad. I mean, that usually was when people died in his precense. But, you were the least bit nervous, seeing him get like this never failed to get you going, and it almost always led to him fucking your brains clear outta your skull. It had been a few days since you and he had any real alone time, and that's really all you wanted at the moment, the deer and squirrels, or anyone else be damned, for that moment.
"Pearson nags regardless, Arthur," you said, giving him a look.
He sighed, "It'll be worse if I don't bring food."
You, beginning to get fed up with the situation yourself, grabbed his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.
"What, what is it?" He asked, seeming to get just a slight bit more annoyed.
"Well, If we're gonna be stuck here for time bein', why don't we occupy ourselves, cowboy?" You said in the most seductive tone you could muster as you pressed your hands against his firm chest.
Arthur shifted his stance, huffing as he looked down at you sternly, "Ya know we gotta get this shit done, gal."
You hummed up at him, dropping your gun to the ground beside you. "Honey, are you really turnin' me away?"
He smirked, reaching out to grab you by the chin, keeping your head firmly in place as he stared down at you. "Ya know damn well that I ain't. I wanna git ya outta them clothes fast as I can, but we ain't got the time right now."
"Shit, Arthur," you whined. "I ain't askin' ya to romance me right now. Just give it to me quick."
He squeezed your chin a little harder, "You tryna tell me what'ta do?"
You chewed on your lip feverishly, squeezing your legs together tightly as you looked up at him wantonly, aching and desperate for him.
"What if I ask nicely?" You pursed your lips.
He seemed to soften up just the slightest bit with the way you were looking up at him. Even a man that was as much of a hardass as he was at times got a little weak when a woman was standing in from of him begging to get fucked.
"Three days is far too long, Arthur. You know it, an' I know it," you spoke again.
He let out a growling sigh, knowing you were right. "'Course it is. But we gotta get back'ta them horses."
He tried to pull away, but you held his shoulders tight, giving him a slight push. Your hand shot down between the two of you as you grabbed his crotch, feeling how hard he already was for you. You looked up at him with a knowing smile. He wanted it just as bad as you did, and you already knew he wasn't going anywhere until this was finished. He knew that just as well, if not better, than you did.
"Why do that when you can ride me?" You purred, pulling up one of your legs to grip his while you gave his hard cock a squeeze. "Please, Daddy."
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He stood there for a moment, his lips parting slightly as he stared at you. Things took a sudden change as you watched as an all too familiar dangerous expression appeared on his face. His eyes had gone dark, clouded completely with intent and lust; his hand instantly reached out, grabbing you by your throat as he backed you against a nearby tree, almost stumbling over your own feet at the sudden movement. You gave a whimper as his other hand reach down to grab a handful of your ass, then bringing it down to your thigh to lift that leg up, pressing his erection down into your clothed sex.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest now. Whenever Arthur got like this, you were always sure to get the fucking of a lifetime.
With his hand still gripping firmly around your neck, he pressed his face against yours, kissing you hard. You moaned softly, feeling the stubble of his face against your soft skin, and the woodsy scent on him. That combination was enough to drive you crazy all on it's own. He released your neck, bringing both hands to your chest as he got a grip on your shirt, ripping it open to reveal your supple breats to him. He made a small, satisfied grunt at the sight of them as he ducked his head down, planting hard, wet kisses along them, stopping short only to drag his tongue over one of your nipples. You moaned a little louder, gripping his shoulder as you pressed your hips up into him.
"Arthur." That was all that you could say.
He pulled back, looking down at you with a demanding, sultry gaze. "Get them pants off, girl. Now," he growled at you in that delicious tone of voice.
You nodded, obeying his command as your hands automatically reached down, fumbling nervously as you tried to undo the buckle on your gunbelt and pants all at once. He observed you carefully as you took it off, slowly unbuckling his own gunbelt and pants, pawing at his cock through his work pants as he waited. But you were clearly taking too long for his liking. He pulled your hands out of the way as he curled his long, thick fingers through the top of your pants, ripping them down to your ankles to leave you exposed to him.
He grabbed a handful of your hair, bringing you down to the forest floor with him, until you were on all fours. He lowered himself to his knees, positioning himself right behind you. You stifled back another moan, digging your fingertips into the earth when you felt the head of his length brush against your wet entrance. He didn't give you much time to adjust before he pushed himself inside of you.
You gasped for breathe as you felt his member stretching you open. Sometimes his size could be a lot to try to handle all at once, but it still felt so damn good. He gave your hair a hard tug, forcing you to lift your body up until his lips were brushing against your ear.
"This what ya wanted, darlin', huh?" He whispered gruffly into you ear, thrusting his hips roughly against yours once. "You want me'ta fuck ya like'a bitch in heat, right here, right now. That what ya want?"
You moaned heavily, even more turned on by the way he was talking to you right now. You nodded your head in several rapid successions. "Oh God, yes. Fuck me, Arthur."
A groan reverberated within his chest as he then push you back down to the ground, with his hand still entwined with your hair while he shoved the side of your face to the ground, forcing you to arch your back for him; he kept a tight, firm grip on your hair as he began to work on you relentlessly with his hips. He slammed them into you, repeatedly, the sound of skin slapping against skin growing louder by the minute.
He groaned, cursing under his breath as he gave your ass a hard slap with his free hand, making you cry out for him. It was pain mixed with pleasure, but you could already tell that you were gonna be sore as shit after this little adventure.
You gritted your teeth together, hard. Your moans slowly began turning into desperate whimpers as you could feel his cock stretching your core open every time he thrust himself deeper inside of you. Arthur leaned down, biting and leaving heated kisses against the skin of your back, his beard roughly scratching the delicate skin.
He only slowed up his pace momentarily, so he could pull his cock out of you, leaving you dripping with arousal and begging him for more. He pushed himself forcefully back inside you once more. God, you loved him when he was like this. In this moment, he was completely unhinged as he fucked you with the ferocity and demeanor of a wild animal.
You screamed out, doing your best to try to remain somewhat composed before anyone in a nearby area heard you screaming bloody murder. Arthur snaked his hand around your body, running his finger through your slick folds until he found that small bundle of nerves. This only ensured that you'd be screaming even louder for him. You pushed yourself back against his cock, gyrating your hips as he rubbed circles around your clit.
"Arthur," you panted. You had dug your nails into the ground so hard that they were now knuckle deep in the earth as you held on for dear life. "I can't take it."
You both knew that was a total lie, and you could hear him grunt and chuckle behind you. He pulled you up by your hair again, until your back was pressed against his body. He had unbuttoned his shirt at some point, so now your skin was pressed against his.
"Yeah, ya can. You take my cock so goddamn good." He groaned gruffly into your ear before pressing a long kiss onto your neck. He brought his head back up to your ear, "I ain't stoppin' 'til you cum for me, girl."
You moaned, nodding your head furiously as he whispered in your ear. You pulled both of your hands up to wrap them around the back of his head, running your fingers through his shoulder length hair. You could feel the sweat and heat on him while he continued rubbing rhythmic circles around your clit - biting, kissing, licking, and sucking along your neck and shoulder.
You were just about give out now, and you could feel your orgasm running up on you like a stampede of wild horses, your legs began to shake with such an intensity that you knew you'd fall over if Arthur wasn't holding you up now.
"Oh goddamnit, Arthur. I'm gonna cum," you whimpered.
Your breathing became shallow and labored as you felt your climax welling up in the pit of your stomach, like a tight knot that had finally been untied. Arthur groaned, pressing his head against the back of yours as he tried keeping up his own pace once he felt your walls tighten around his sizeable cock.
"That's my girl. Just like'at," he whispered gruffly at you, guiding your hips with his free hand.
That in itself was enough to push you over the edge. You could feel the first few shockwaves of your orgasm as it came trickling out little by little, until the dam that was holding everything back finally burst. You could feel it washing over you wave by wave by wave. You were pretty sure you had gone delirious, forgetting where you even were at that moment in time.
Arthur moaned a little louder, "Ah, that's it, darlin'. Get my cock wet."
"Shit, daddy. You feel so good," you whimpered. Actual tears welled up in your eyes at the overwhelming sensation.
You tightened your grip on his hair as you bounced your hips against his, riding out your orgasm that seemed to be neverending at this point. Arthur's moans increased as he held onto you, the rhythm of his hips becoming even more erratic as you grinding yourself against his cock, intent on making him cum just as hard as you did.
"Ride it, girl. Don't fuckin' stop," he growled at you.
He reached up to put one hand on your throat again, and the other on one of your breasts as he groaned into your ear, enjoying himself as you squeezed and moved yourself along his cock. You could tell he was getting close when his breathing became labored, and all you could hear out of him anymore was a symphony of animalistic grunts.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. Goddamn." Was all that you could hear, or understand, him grunt out as he slammed his hips into roughly one last time before he quickly pulled himself out of you.
You moaned, pressing yourself against him harder as you felt him pull his cock out of you, feeling the first few hot spurts of his release while he used his hand to stroke himself, leaving a stream of cum running down the inside of your wet folds and thigh.
He gave you another spine chilling kiss on your neck before he finally released you from his grip. You let yourself drop back down to the ground, rolling over onto your back as you look up at Arthur. He smirked down at you, he was a sweaty mess, with his long hair hanging down into his face. He buttoned his pants back up as he lowered himself on top of you, cupping the side of your face. His dark eyes that were filled with so much lust a moment ago had gone back to those beautiful, crystal blue/green eyes that you loved so.
"You satisfied now, woman?" He drawled in in that familiar southern accent.
You nodded, almost too tired to even speak, "Very. I think it's time to pack up now."
"Ehh, maybe so," He finally agreed. He shifted his attention down to your thighs, momentarily, admiring his work before meeting your eyes again. "I'm tempted to make ya wear it like that without cleanin' off." He gave you wicked smirk.
You hummed, biting your lip at him. "You are a bad man, Arthur Morgan," you said jokingly.
"Don't I know it, darlin'," he chuckled, leaning down to kiss you once more.
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seenashblog · 5 years
Nash Watches & Rates Cheesy Hallmark & Lifetime Winter Movies So You Don’t Have To
a.k.a. -  Nash Records Her Viewings Of Hallmark & Lifetime Winter Movies, which are fanfic in visual form & are gold. And yes, it’s a apparently a legit sub-genre. Best I can tell, if it’s not Christmas or Valentines, and there’s snow, then it goes. Spoilers abound.)
Note: This adventure has been moved to here from my main blog @seenashwrite, so my SPN peeps can rest assured they’ll not be exposed to this any longer - I have a feeling I’ll not be done purging my soul for a while yet #bless my heart
As per last time during the Christmas round-ups, 4 and 5 stars mean the best of the lot, 3 stars means it’s not necessarily a waste of your time, 2 stars is up to your discretion, and 1 star means it is time you will never get back.
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Winter's Dream (Kristy Hot Damn Swanson, Dean Mothafukkin' Cain - Hallmark)
With it packing this level of stardom, how can it go wrong? Understand that I can take or leave Dean Cain, but Kristy Swanson is the shit. 
The official summary/another summary from somewhere:
When a former ski champion re-enters the competitive world after a 16-year-old downhill racer asks for help, she finds a new love and reawakens an old passion.
Former pro skier, Kat, is asked to coach a younger skier, named Anna, and finds love with the girl's widowed father, Ty.
These are both kinda garbage summaries - I mean, they're accurate, but it doesn't paint the whole picture. There's nothing really to spoil, and though it hits a couple things on a winter bingo (still forthcoming), they're more the Hallmark staples, such as the kid (in this case, a really great teen gal who's a good actress) who brings people together, and that the lodge/the resort is in danger of being lost, and somebody teaches somebody else how to skate, and that shit, but the bottom line is it's a fine watch. It's not spectacular, but it's not dipped in cheese, and there's some really pretty shots of the skiing (especially something they do at the end), plus kudos for the body doubles (the ones doing the actual skiing) were spot-on, and the teen actress did an impressive end-of-run stop at one point, you know it's her because she immediately whips off her mask.
Bottom line, this movie woulda been ass if not for Swanson and Cain, who didn't have greeeeat chemistry, though they made it work. In any event, the script was solid - like I say, not a great deal of cheese and any lines that were aren't sticking out to me because they were delivered so well - so I'm actually gonna rate this one decently high.
4/5 stars
Love on the Sidelines (this dude who's been in three movies I've seen so far, John Reardon, and some basic blonde chick who is vaguely familiar - Hallmark)
This isn’t technically a winter one, I don’t think, but it’s on, so it counts.
So they try to throw you from the get-go with "Is injured dude gonna be the love interest which is totally inappropriate since he's her boss and clearly got about 12 years on her and has made multiple patronizing comments to her, about how physically strong she is and about her classic car and about her abilities in general, or is it the other dude on the team who took an immediate interest in her and has thus far been polite and respectful and friendly and flirty?"
(By the way, main dude has cock-blocked his friend, but he has a model girlfriend [who is styled to be a stereotype from extensions to heels] and it's also shown he has no idea about stuff she likes/is into, such as her favorite flowers - but chick knew because she had 'em out for their romantic dinner. That's right, it's part of her assistant duties - and she's supposed to be helping him with activities of daily living stuff - is to prep his bone zones.)
If they make dude #2 turn out to be a douche and that main dude is somehow awesome underneath all his shit----- what am I saying, of course they are. The latter, that is. You know I'm right. Hundred percent.
People are like losing their chickens over this jersey she's tailored to be a "girl fit" - you know what I mean, it's not a box with sleeves, there's tailoring to it, so the sleeves aren't so ginormous and it's tapered on the sides. This jersey's been the topic of about three interactions thus far and we're only 40 minutes (so 30 mins airtime) in. They're all "Wow!" and "This is so creative!" and "My wife would love that, where'd you get it!"  Y'all, google for this, that type of jersey, I mean. [pause] Nevermind, here:
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I put in the mystical combo of "women's NFL football jersey".
Hey, and heh-heh.... quick bonus....
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But hey, how else would we know that fashion design is her passion? Scriptin' be hard, yo. Speaking of her clothes skillz - "I think there's more to him," she says to BFF, whose wedding dress she's fitting. First, *eyeroll*. Second, if your friend is trying to watch a football game and learn the basics, don't let them fit you for your farging wedding at the same time. Which is what is happening.
There's twinkly magical music when his hand runs over hers when they're both searching under the couch, feeling around for his dropped cell phone.
*more eyeroll*
I do like the car, it's a red Mustang.... early 70s, maybe?.... but I can say I don't care for the shade of red, it's a little too cherry popsicle or hooker scarlet lipstick.
(My dream car is probs a Mustang muscle in black, but as far as zoom-zooms go, I tell ya, a friend of mine had a Porsche Boxster, and What. A. Ride., and he'd offered to teach me how to drive stick on it - not a euphemism, I swear, I was 16, my dad was his mentor, he's like the child my father never had - I'M A HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT OKAY - so like my big brother, and anyhow, it was so beautiful I gasped at the very thought. But sweet babby jeebus, those suckers are smooth rides. None of this matters.)
Anyway, she keeps having trouble starting it, and I can tell by the sound it isn't the alternator, nor is it the battery, nor is it a belt, nor is she flooding the engine. I know fuck-all about cars as a general rule, but I know those sounds because I've experienced all of them. It has now gone to commercial, as he's just looked under the hood and announced after 3.8 seconds "Yup, I think I see your problem."  He must have x-ray vision. I am on pins-and-needles, shivering with anticipation.
Back from commercial, he's shutting the hood and she's saying "Wow you did it!" and wiping grease from his face. He's got an absolutely wrecked calf/ankle/foot (and straight up, they've done a good job making it all seem legit, props to... well, props... and make-up), but you're telling me he was standing and bent over long enough to get all greasy, and he's supposed to be - most of the time - either sitting or standing with that bitch elevated. This was stupid. This was a stupid, wholly unnecessary scene. Oh except we find out - because it's visible in the back seat - that she's read his children's book.
That's right. He's written a children's book.
Dude's mom: "I think he's dating the wrong type of women". Subtle, screenwriters, subtle. Now he's sneaking and working out. I really hope they show his ankle buckling out at a wicked angle. I'm gross like that. Twinkly music plays as she waits for him in the locker room while he's in with the sports trainer because he shouldn't have been working out.
Forgot to mention there's an awesome dog, this really beautiful Dane, and of course it loves her and hates Stereotype, because reasons for him to go ga-ga. She's honestly not bad, I have zero issue with the actress, nor with this actor, they're actually both good, but between the music and this script, I'm fighting over what rating to give it. (Checks clock) Welp, the next 45 minutes should tell me. It's dragging ass, I'll tell you that, though.
Like, nothing's happened. Nothing. He has an injury, she's his new personal assistant. I can list traits they each have. I've seen groups of moments. I don't know what the story is. Is it just "they get closer and fall in lurve"? That's... not a story. That's a series of facts. People meet their partners/spouses via the workplace all the time. What's the plot? What's the conflict? The obstacles? The tension? The OOMPH, I'd call it, is missing. This is what kills me about most fanfic - they just tell me stuff, they aren't showing me a new perspective or a twist or a unique take or differing interpretation that's still supported by canon, or an inventive plot that or what-the-hell-ever. Dean and Whyenne were in the bunker and they researched and they cooked and they talked about Cas and Sam, and they argued about her going on a hunt, then they kissed, the end! That's not a story, that's a daydream. I've digressed.
Now he's texted her "the emergency code" while she's at her best friend's wedding, and turns out it's because he's cranky because his sister said he's got to learn how to not be the center of attention. And she - I am proud to say - lets. Him. Have. It.  Part of what she says is - Can you do *anything* for yourself?!  And he goes - This!  And he kisses her, and it takes her off guard, but then they go for it, and I am actually happy for them.
Shit. I still hate that this isn't a story, but holy hell the difference when some conflict is introduced. Ahhhhhmazeballs. Conflict, however minor, is what shows us who these people we're watching/reading really are - and no, conflict does not mean angst, nor does it mean some sort of heart-breaking, can't-take-it-back fight, nor does it mean life-and-death, just divergent paths or opinions is all it takes. I've digressed again.
My interest is piqued because we have a half-hour to go, and typically this is how Hallmark blows their wad in the last fifteen.
[time passes]
Okay, a couple things turned out decent. Y'all will *love* what the best friend pulls at the end, and she and her hubby have been great throughout, but this one particular thing was clutch. And everybody had chemistry, family and friends and romance alike. It just can't help the lack of story, and I really detest the manner in which they made lead dude a jerk - there's other ways to do that besides going the lazy route, a.k.a. being sexist. It's not as bad as a two (a.k.a. - this is a matter of taste), because there's some objectively good stuff.... on the other hand, my lord is dragged. So I'm going with a three, because it's a toss-up as to whether you're gonna really like it, or think "Meh".
3/5 Stars
One Winter Weekend / One Winter Proposal (Taylor Cole, some other people - Hallmark)
So the former was in last year's winter line-up, the latter in this one. Taylor Cole played Sarah Blake on SPN. I see she's also on deck for some detective thing on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.
And.... that's all I got to say about that.
I genuinely tried to watch these. They played them back-to-back, and speaking of backs, mine was acting up so I was laid out, and I thought - all right, this'll kill some time. And I fell asleep at 6 p.m., y'all. I took ibuprofen, I was not getting liquored up, I slept plenty the night before, and I fell the fuck to sleep. These movies are boring as fuck. 
I saw no sparks, and there were two couples from which to divine said spark. The co-lead chick was incredibly annoying, she plays everything too perky, and it's really evident in scenes with her romantic interest, who is a good actor and came off completely naturally. Actually, he should've been the main-main male lead, I bet he'd have had great chemistry with Cole, who's a better actor than the dude they had her paired with, but I say all that to say, the script was... meh. The pacing of both movies was weird, and the conflicts that were in them (see above for discussion on what conflict in stories actually is) were nothingburgers. It was stupid. Don't waste your time, seriously.
1/5 stars
We interject for a non-review that needs to be mentioned. Oh, Lifetime. Holy shitsnacks.
Double Mommy (I... I don't know... people... - Lifetime)
This is the synopsis:
Ryan discovers his friend Bryce is the father of one of his girlfriend's twin babies and that he date raped her at a party over the summer. With college looming over Bryce's head, he will stop at nothing to make sure that he clears his name.
Because the guys' feelz are what's important, here.
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The Birthday Wish (Jessy Schram, who only acts one way and that is coked-up squirrel with blonde barrel curls - Hallmark)
This is the official summary, and it should let you know how pleased I was to watch this:
On her birthday, a woman who desperately wants her boyfriend to propose to her wishes for the opportunity to see into the future, with surprising results.
'Cause I love seeing "desperate" and "woman" in the same sentence about my main character! This was precisely what you think based on the summary - though I will say Schram doesn't play it "desperate" so that was kind've a weird word for them to use - she somehow has these premonitions (it's never explained) and the boyfriend's a dick and she ends up with her co-worker who's a great guy. The end.
1/5 stars
Once Upon A Prince (Megan Park, who is familiar though I don't know how, and a quite charming British fellow who isn't really, he's actually from Canada by way of New York but sounds really damn convincing - Hallmark)
Also unsure this is “winter”, but it’s worth talking about. Seriously. Still, let's get the shite - and it's minor! - out of the way.
First complaint: they blew their wad in the title. Not that we don't get the scoop fairly quickly, but... welp, no we don't, the beans aren't spilled for a while - they *easily* could've skirted it, and they HAVE, it's very nicely and smoothly done, I mean, you can divine it but it's not plot anvil'd, his situation unfolds gradually across the first act, which is so refreshing. Whoever titled it was the screw-up. I'm looking at you, Hallmark execs. All their titles spoil.
Second complaint... despite the adept nature they handled main dude's backstory, there's a really bad clunker of an anvil in that first bit - we know exactly how he's gonna propose to her in the end because they shoe-horned in really abrupt and almost non-sequitur dialogue for her wherein she tells him her dream proposal not terribly long after meeting him. It was weird and awkward. I mean, the fuck. I get she was still rattled as her longtime boyfriend with whom she had both business and personal futures planned out breaking up with her in the prior scene(s), but shit. They do recover a bit by having our dude - and damn, I love him, I genuinely do - comment something to the effect of "Well oftentimes it's easier to tell a stranger things we can't tell the ones to whom we're close". My point is, they knew it was a dog of a line, but I thought of three options to get the topic out there over the course of them getting to know each other just while I’ve sat here typing this recap - hell, they revisit the damn location later, when they are friends vs. strangers! It was bad writing.
Third complaint... y'all know by now: I hate the fake made-up countries. And this one is (wait for it) Cambria. Google Cambria. Go ahead. I'll wait. [pause] Nevermind, I'll just tell you, and this isn't because I have some bizarre encyclopedic knowledge of the way-back-when in Jolly Ol', it's because - well - I'm a reformed dinosaur nerd, and that overlaps with having an understanding of geology, because fossils. There, I said it. There were charts and sketches and stuff of the various periods of dino development from National Geographics on bedroom walls. I had it bad. For the record, I loved the book Jurassic Park, and the first movie was great, and the rest are good for laughs. The last two are good for mocking. I probably would've been a paleontologist, except for when my Christian father, who at the time  I thought was the smartest man in the world (and he is objectively intelligent in many ways) told me God put the dinosaurs in the earth, that there's no way the earth is as old as science proves. (I say proves, he said claims.) 'Cause, y'know, an almighty being is totes into pranks. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Funsies. I've digressed.
The quick-and-dirty is that the Cambrian is the geologic period that's from around 550 million years ago. (Okay this part I'll look up, because I'm so nerdy.... yup, I see it's 542-488 mil.) Anyhow, the dude that coined the name found the goods, the exemplars that proved this stage in earth history/backed up earth's age in Wales. And the area now known as Wales used to be called Cambria a way long time ago. Not millions time ago, of course. Trilobites and whatever can't speak... THAT WE KNOW OF. So I don't know if somebody was just like "Oh, that sounds like it could be a country" or somebody was being cute, thinking Cambria wasn't real, like it was something akin to Camelot, I've no idea. Who cares, it's stupid.
Guys.... y'all.... my peeps.... um.... this'n is a keeper, so I'm not going to break it down and spoil it. It is very much worth watching, if you're into these types of movies, because it differs in a huge, very positive manner. Here's why this movie is above average for Hellmark: there's legitimate conflict (see above, re: what that means), and - most importantly - they are friends. They are buddies. They genuinely like each other. This isn't just about romantic love, this is about two people who care about what happens to each other. They care that the other person is living a life in  which they are happy.
There's also some realism here, not because it's an identical situation (it is not, trust) but in the broad strokes, I think of the Prince Harry-Meghan Markle situation. Middleton is uppercrust Brit stock, if memory serves (I'm not looking it up) with some sort of pseudo-distant-whatever royal line connection. She was gold for William, she's a good option for a queen (I mean, I'm sure there's duchesses out there, but that ain't who Wills loved). Now, Markle? So far from what would be called uppercrust. So, so very far. And yeah, yeah, I get that it's not as big a deal since he's not direct but more adjacent in line to the throne, but c'mon. It was a big deal. And you know all the ways why, I won't go through them here. My dude broke about a bazillion years' worth of tradition, and good on him.
And at the end of the day, that's what this movie is about - making your own way, creating your own traditions, adapting the old traditions, having confidence to do the things you're good at, the things you believe you're meant to do, and doing them the way you think is best. Is this a deep movie? No, it's fucking Hallmark, haven't you been paying attention? You think they let us escape without a super-rushed, wrap-it-up-in-the-last-five-minutes ending? You know better. I'll tell you this, though - it may not be deep, but it ain't shallow. And it's the best royal movie we've had so far, despite the too much haste with information-giving in the beginning and with the title and, as you'll find out, a really bleh last line... and of course with him being king of Fossilville. (I'm not letting that go.)
You're going to love him, he's a doll and classy and darling the entire time. You're going to love her, she's self-assured and fun and mature and hard-working. And you're really going to love John the valet. We find ourselves at ratings time and, somewhat shockingly:
5/5 stars
Past entries below
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Winter Castle (people you’ve never heard of - Hallmark)
Holy shit, cliché on parade and nobody can act?! Jack-friggin’-pot. Zero chemistry amongst anyone, from family to friendship to romance?! Hot damn.
So they’re all at this place for a destination wedding (a.k.a, Selfish And Life-Disrupting And Huge Expense For Guests Thing And Oh Here’s Our Registry Too, come at me brah), and everyone is staying in a hotel. HA! KIDDING! They’re all in this giant faux igloo, and by “faux” I mean there are these church-esque doors in what is, I guess, a specially-flown-in iceberg on land. Google tells me it’s an actual place.
Anyway, through the doors you’ll find hallways (that have people carved into them, not creepy at all) which are lined with rooms. Suites? I never saw a bathroom door, doesn’t damn matter, nobody poos in Hallmark’s world. Oh, also, for lighting, we have Target pillar candles, then everything’s backlit in ‘80s neon:
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Are they shitting me?
But that’s beside the point. Point is, it may be pretty to look at but in execution, it’s stupid. No way people haven’t had to peace out and find a new joint to stay in because of near or actual hypothermia. Based on the warm, cozy, wood-floored, windowed, staircase-and-balcony-having rehearsal dinner area in a large building with stone wall exterior, this hotel actually has some, y'know, hotel to it. Lodge? Who cares, but I bring it up because of the standard precocious child who is there to bring everybody together whilst turning into a popsicle.
The poor kid is bundled within an inch of her life, dumb bunny-eared toboggan to puffy jacket, and is burrito’d in a sleeping bag, with a quilt on this bed that looks to be carved out of ice, as well, and I say “as well” because our leading lady is shown frequently perched on what looks to be a chair carved out of ice (fur puffy thing for ass protection) with her laptop on a table carved out of ice when she’s face-timing her Not Gay Male Best Friend in a bow-tie and sweater vest back home, and - bonus! - he doubles as The One Person Of Color. Now, if memory serves, legit igloos made by actual First Nation(s) folks (meaning both Canadian and American - specifically, Alaskan - and probs any groups that found themselves in the way-way-North in the way-back-when and had to come up with this genius or, you know, die) are actually pretty damn warm once the fire gets cranking. Not to say you don’t keep some fierce socks and gloves on, that’s plain smart, but enclosed space with heat is enclosed space with heat - just don’t lick the walls. That’s good advice, igloo or otherwise.
On that topic, via the article linked above, says one of the actresses:
“It’s like an igloo,” Mullen told the Standard. “The further you go into the hotel, it gets colder and colder. As you walk down the hallway into the different rooms, it’s just getting into your bones.” She said every time they called “Cut!,” everyone would put on jackets to warm up.
She’s incorrect - that’s not like an igloo. It’s too big, that’s why it doesn’t stay warm. I have *zero* desire to go to this place. That sounds like Dante’s Frosty The Snowman circle of hell. I digress.
I say all that to say, this movie is straight dumb because the script is basic bitch, they were leaning on the location and hard. It gets a star because they tried in the sense that they did use a unique setting, but the rest was neglected (the story and the casting). Everything else was so blaaaaaand, and the acting was so stilted and unnatural, and they cast the mother with someone who looks the exact same age as the lead gal/her sister (the bride), and then there’s this one chick character who was so pathetically desperate, and the leading man was such a pussy who wouldn’t make a fucking decision, and they had our leading lady be all *sniffle* and tolerating that shit AND SHE JUST MET HIM BY THE WAY, and I just…. ugh.
1/5 stars
Royal Matchmaker (Bethany Joy Lenz - Hallmark)
This isn’t an “official” Winter '19 jam, google tells me it’s from the '18 spring movies, but everybody’s bundled up, so I’m calling bullshit. It ain’t half-bad, despite the fact that it’s a “royal” one, who’d-a-thunk? There was one over Christmas that got a 4 (see link up top), and I never would’ve predicted it. But that was an oldie-goldie, this is now. This one has the traditional royal romance beats and, no shit, the sidekick is the same one from another “royal”, the absolutely horrid “Christmas At The Palace”, from Christmas ‘18. I cannot reiterate how bad that movie was - not ”My Christmas Love“ bad, but bad.
All right, so - she’s a matchmaker from NYC, which is at least a new take on what’s coming next - and you guessed it, a prince HAS to get married or some reason, even though it’s mentioned they are under a Parliamentary system and not a monarchy, but he still has to because it’s the 17th century, oh wait no it’s not. The king, who is from a random made-up locale (*sigh*) has hired her (and said partner) to find a suitable wife for his son, who’s presented as the typical eligible rich bachelor, and “presented as” is the key phrase. It’s one of the things I like about this plot, but it doesn’t outweigh the bleeeccchhh.
For one, it wears me out, the making-up of countries. It’s distracting. If you’re gonna do royalty, the right move is to have the royal not be a king/prince but make it a duke/duchess jam, refer to the locale vaguely as a duchy in England or Ireland or Scotland or Sweden or Norway or whatever Americans will fall for, 'cause as a rule, Americans aren’t typically hip to other countries’ jams. Hell, say someone is a prince/princess, but it’s more in inherited title only - that’s what the 4 from the Christmas list did right. Nobody called him “Prince Whatever”, he wasn’t presented as this hot commodity, it was a nothing burger, we didn’t even find out that he had the title til near the end of the movie. I’ve digressed, back to this flick.
I detest the royal garb they’ve got lead dude in at the conclusion, it looks like you or I waltzed into Party City and slapped down $30 and walked back to the set. It’s ill-tailored and in too-bright colors and is, again, something utterly distracting that could’ve been avoided, and same with the king’s, too-small jacket to too-long length of slacks. All the women, including our main gal, are in prom dresses straight off the rack from Sears and J.C. Penney’s. This is not praise. The men are all in identical rented tuxedos with clip bow-ties. Thanks, I hate it.
I mean, and I hate that there’s a ball at the end at all, but it goes hand-in-hand with the core premise, which is that they’re on a tight schedule - ol’ Bethany has 4 weeks. They, of course, fall in love with one another, and props to casting because these two look good together and have decent chemistry, but that could be because Lenz knocks these movies out of the park - this is the third… maybe the fourth… that I’ve seen with her - she elevates everything she’s in. When I mentioned her to a friend, I was told she also elevated some shitty TV show that I never watched, so perhaps you are already familiar with her.
Anyhow, once again there’s too much filler and the ending draaaaaaags and then BOOM it’s done in the last three minutes, which is standard for these movies (both Lifetime and Hallmark), I’d say, about 95% of the time. The story was good in that the prince wasn’t a typical playboy and he kept his philanthropic side a secret because he didn’t want press invading these small villages and whatever he was helping rebuild - he genuinely likes getting his hands dirty and he actually knows how to do shit, he fixes a radiator at a community center at one point. Eh. I dunno. It had such potential in the front half, then just shit the bed in the back half, so it was half of a waste of my time. But you may dig it. It’s far from the worst of Hallmark’s offerings but, again, I think it’s because of Lenz, she’s the only thing getting it up from a 1/5.
2/5 stars
Oh… oh mah… what the… we interrupt the winter fare for what looks like a rando that’s snuck in and christ on a cracker, no. No. No. NO. The summary:
A woman begins an online relationship with a famous photographer, not realizing that she is actually communicating with the man’s young son.
This caught my ear because as I was sitting here writing up the last movie, it came on, and I hear this woman’s voice, her typing (so it’s her voice in her mind), then a man’s voice (as she’s reading), and I looked up when the man’s voice started switching to a kid’s (boy’s) voice back and forth every sentence or so - and then I looked at that summary, and….
"Chance at Romance”, it’s called –> 0/5 stars, I don’t even need to watch it, what a stupid garbage fucking premise, and it’s gross, and I hope that shit kid gets punished, like as in, no computer til he’s old enough to own his own home and pay for his own internet, because scumbag kid. If he has the balls to pull this catfishing shitstorm on a fucking adult and gets away with it, what the fuck will he do to manipulate girls his own age? Gross. IT’S A GROSS PREMISE YOU GREETING CARD FUCKTARDS
Love On Ice (Andrew Walker, who’s in every fourth movie, and  the lead chick’s familiar her name is Julie Berman - Hallmark)
Former pro skater, now teaching - don’t worry, it’s not the aforementioned “Christmas At The Palace”, despite the similar M.O. - and decides to go for one last run at regionals because the new coach in town who’s teaching the next big thing is like “You used to be the next big thing, why don’t you undo eight years of not training aggressively in, like, a couple weeks and compete against the girl I’ve been hired to make a winner, and I’ll coach you both, because I have a boner for you and your shitty blonde extensions! No, that’s not what he says, but that’s the deal, yo. The next-big-thing’s got an overbearing mother and, once his boner gets found out, here comes a new coach that used to be the former-next-big-thing’s coach, and she’s a horrible actress, she can’t play sneaky-evil to save her life. I liked the two leads, and they did a better job than the other ice skating scenes/movies with concealing the real skater actors, but overall this was as boring as watching paint dry, I just wanted it to be over.
1/5 stars
The Perfect Catch (Nikki DeLoach and… shock of all shocks, no not really… our old buddy, Andrew Walker - Hallmark)
I swear, I don’t know if Andrew Walker is on some mission from god, or being punished by him. I’m in the same boat, so I empathize. At least I’m not contracted. I can’t speak for him, but I remain happy for DHJ, that he’s escaped this purgatory, and is safe on the shore… at least, at present.
In any event, this one doesn’t seem like a "Winter official”, but there were jackets and no definite spring or fall standards (pastels or orange leaves), and it’s airing now, so here we are. It seems to be baseball season, so I know they mean for it to be spring, but they are wearing coat-coats, not it’s-still-kinda-chilly light jackets. I don’t fucking care, I watched it, so I’m reporting on it.
It ticks many boxes on the Winter Fanfic Bingo card (forthcoming), specifically the ones that are carryovers from Christmas and will be carried over to all the Hallmark/Lifetime movies regardless of time of year. Because being formulaic, when playing the long game, is cheap and efficient, and in the restaurant business, or products made on a factory line, or in healthcare standards, things of that ilk, you want streamlined coupled with the trieds-and-trues. In writing? Not-so-much. It’s lazy.
And speaking of restaurants, that’s the first box that got ticked - our leading lady owns a restaurant and, next box, it’s in danger of being lost. Other boxes include: our leading man is famous; he’s the character that comes back home, leaves/might leave, then changes mine/comes back, and it’s to stay!; adorable child who ideally will bring everyone together; a character’s parents are dead. Blah-blah. Blah-blah-blah. Blah-blaaaaah-blah-bleh. <—- that had more variety than this flick. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with this movie. It’s vanilla. It’s white bread. It’s mashed potatoes with no salt or a touch of sour cream mixed in, no loading with shredded sharp cheese and crumbled brown sugar-and-cracked-pepper bacon and the barest touch of chives. I’m hungry, shut up.
It doesn’t just get 1 star because it’s not bottom barrel - everyone’s competent in their acting, there’s nothing outlandishly stupid about the script, it’s not shellacked in Velveeta. I will say that they pull a little teensy, micro-twist with how they resolve his balancing a primo offer that in no way should he pass on career-wise fairly realistically. The very last scene is, of course, stupid and embarrassing.
2/5 stars
The next movie has palm trees, so officially not Winter. But oof…. it’s got Kelly Rutherford and Cameron Mathison, both of whom are ringers. Hmmm. Yeah, I still ain’t subjecting myself to more than needed for this adventure. Oh, and they continue to play the basic-basic-BAAAAASIC-boring “Hope At Christmas” on Hallmark Movies and Mysteries", if you’re interested. It is a mystery to me as to why they continue to do so. Anyhow, there’s apparently 3 or 4 more brand spanking new offerings from Hallmark for the next several weeks.
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More to come. I’ll reblog this with every new entry added to the top, so you can always just keep this post URL bookmarked if you think you missed it. Send an ask if you want to be tagged.
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Student Loans, Part 3
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Modern Sugar!Daddy AU
Leonard McCoy x Reader
A/N: Commission series for the amazing @captain-princess-smash !
Summary: You are a single gal, trying to pay your way through medical school. Working a side job at Kirk’s, a local pub, as a bartender and most nights, fight referee. Your boss, Jim, is an all around good guy and always gives you extra shifts when you need it. During one of your shifts, Jim’s long time friend, Leonard McCoy aka Hot Doctor, pops in and Jim introduces you to him. Instantly, the two of you hit it off and after spending the rest of the night chit chatting, Leonard gives you a proposal. A very sweet proposal: He wants to be your Sugar Daddy, he wants you to be his companion on demand. In exchange, he would pay your way through medical school, along with anything else you might need.
You, of course, told him he was crazy, that there was no way you’d be someone’s Sugar Baby!
Right? Right?
Except, you did need help paying for school and the doctor was awfully attractive and smart and kind..
Maybe…it wouldn’t be such a bad idea..
One month, it had been exactly one month since you agreed on the little deal with Leonard Mccoy and things were going strangely normal. The two of you had eased into a flow of texts, quick stops by the bar while you were on shift, and a few late lunches within the span of four weeks, but besides that first kiss you had initiated, there wasn’t much physical contact. Not that you wanted it, that's what your cute little red vibrator was for - at least that’s what you told yourselves. So when Leonard had called in between seeing patients about reservations at some fancy steakhouse, you were happy to say yes - again, not that you had any choice, right?
You stared into the abyss that was your closet and remembered Leonard mentioning something about the color black being classic. So you pulled out a cute black number, nothing extravagant, but it hugged all your right places. Moving away from the closet, you eyed the Amex card sitting on your desk and took a deep breath - no, no, no.
You had tried your best to not use the card, besides the muffin spree, because the main reason you were doing this was for the student loans.
The student loans.
That’s all you wanted to focus on, the reason you were even getting dressed in the first place to go eat some overpriced steak, so you took another deep breath and got ready.
“Wow,” you exhaled, walking into the dimly lighted restaurant, looking over your shoulder to Leonard - who was wearing a dark blue suit and a warm smile. “This is very fancy.”
He laughed and caught up to you, placing a hand on the small of your back. “It’s overpriced steak, darlin’, nothing to write home about.”
You watched with slight amusement, eyes glued to the back of Leonard’s neck as he walked up to the hostess, giving his name for the reservation. His neck looked soft, peeking under a bit of dark hair. Thoughts drifted to the feel of his skin, wondering if it was warm, it probably was, you were sure it was.
“Sweetheart,” he turned around, his neck disappearing from your sight, replaced by a steady face and a bright smile. “You ready?”
You weren’t, not really.
As you sat there smack dab in the sea of well off folks and a low stream of voices, classical music in the background and a slight buzz from some French wine - you were anything, but ready. In fact, you were downright uncomfortable, lodged into a small chair and small table, only redeeming factor was your company. Leonard, looking handsomely at ease, asked if you were alright.
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” you smiled, taking another sip from the wine.
He studied you carefully, eyes calculating your facial expression and then he abruptly scooted out his chair from the table and stood up. You gazed up at him with a confused, bewildered smile and asked what he was doing.
“We’re getting out of here, let’s go,” he explained, moving to your chair, his hands firm on the back of it. He dipped his head down to yours and his lips nearly grazed your ear. “Let’s get out of here, these stiffs are giving me a headache.”
“But the food,” you replied, turning your head slightly to him. “We can’t just..”
“Like hell we can’t,” he scoffed, pulling your chair out. “I’ll pay for the drinks, I know a better place to get food, less crowded, less expensive.”
“My favorite things when looking for a meal,” you mused, getting up and grabbing your coat, he laughed and offered up his hand. “So where’s this place?”
It was his place.
A beautiful downtown loft, with a romantic view of the city and the night life.
You stood there in front of the large window, hand resting on the glass as you took in the lights and cars and people down below. Footsteps approached you from behind and a second later, Leonard’s reflection appeared in the window.
“Dinner’s almost ready. Pork chops, asparagus, and garlic mash potatoes sound good?”
“Do they ever,” you smiled, turning to face him. “More wine?”
“You got it,” he smirked and you watched him walk back to the open kitchen, following him, but stopping at the couch to grab something out of your purse.
Leonard moved around the kitchen as you plopped on one of the island stools, unfolding a stack of papers and laying them on the counter. You thanked the doctor when he placed a glass of wine in front of you and when he took a look at what you had, he laughed.
“Studying on our date?”
You looked up from the notes. “Is that not allowed?”
He chuckled, wiping his hands with the kitchen towel on his shoulder. “Believe me, I use to study my ass off whenever and wherever I could, drove Jim nuts. You know what drove me nuts? That man didn’t study a damn day in his life, passed all his business classes with flying colors.”
“Sounds about right,” you laughed, resting your elbow on the counter. “It’s practically a full time job, plus the bar, group projects, and the never ending internship search. I mean, can I just help some sick kids already?”
“You sound just like I did,” Leonard smiled, reaching into a top cabinet for plates. “Listen, the hospital has a few internships each year, I head two of them, why don’t you take one? You’ll get the one on one experience, you’ll be able to follow me around, ask all the questions. Plus, we’d get to spend more time together.”
You smiled at the prospect of spending more time with Leonard, but the whole Sugar Daddy paying for student loans thing was enough. “That sounds wonderful, but I’d have to decline. I want to earn my internship, not be handed it. Plus, conflict of interest, don’t you think?”
Finishing up the plating, Leonard walked over to the kitchen island and placed two plates down - the food looking far more appetizing than any fancy steak.  “I respect that. Just know, the offer is always on the table, no matter what.”
Eyes locking with his, you felt a pulsing in your chest, but you just smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Bones.”
“Ah, come on,” he sighed, moving around the counter to take a seat next to you.
Laughing, you nudged him playfully and thanked for dinner.
“Anytime,” he grinned, holding up his wine glass. “Cheers to student loans.”
“And a fantastic dinner,” you added, clinking your glass against his.
And what a dinner it was.
The two of you flowed through conversation like old friends, laughing, sometimes a little too loudly and almost forgetting about the delicious dinner in front of you. It was like a real date, it felt like a real date and you forgot it wasn’t, letting your true self slip in between words.
“And I bustled right up to the jackass, poked him right in the chest and told him if he couldn’t behave like a grown ass adult, he’d have to leave the bar.”
“He left, yeah?”
You stared at Leonard for ten seconds straight and he laughed, holding up his hands in surround, until you broke. “Of course, he did! And Jim hired me right on the spot that night.”
“You can say whatever about that man, but he’s a really good judge of character,” Leonard explained, pushing his plate away. “Hate to admit it, but he’s gotten me out of a couple of jams in my lifetime.”
“Do tell,” you urged, but the doctor shook his head, looking down at his watch.
“Don’t you have class tomorrow morning?”
You groaned and hung your head low. “I do.”
“Well, I can send for a cab, we’ve both been drinking.” He scratched the back of his head and glanced over at you. You didn’t want to leave, but didn’t really know where the boundaries lied, so you shrugged ever so lightly. “Or you can take the guest room. I can drop you off at your apartment in the morning.”
Your chest fluttered with the thought of seeing him in the morning and you nodded. “The guest room sounds perfect.”
“Then it’s settled,” he said, motioning for you to leave the plates. “Let me show you to the room, it has a connecting bathroom.”
Getting off the stool, you snorted when you stumbled and Leonard reached out for your arm. “I think I had too much wine.”
“I think so,” he teased, leading you toward the hallway.
His fingers rested against your arm and it was warm, it made you feel warm and all you wanted to do was feel him against you.
But..but..that was too much and maybe a little over your pay grade, right?
Was there a fine line between sugar baby and sex worker?
Not that either was wrong, because as Leonard lead you to the guest room, opening the door and smiling at you - it didn’t feel wrong.
“Here you go, do you want some pj’s? I think I have an extra pair.”
“No, I’ll be fine,” you assured him, moving toward the bed. You touched the soft duvet cover and smiled over at Leonard, who kept his distance at the door. “Thank you for tonight, it was nice.”
He grinned knowingly and his hand went to the door knob. “Anytime. Go to bed, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Sleep tight,” you offered and he returned the gesture before he closed the door and the disappointment rushed to your head.
What were you expecting?
Another goodnight kiss?
A romp in the sack?”
Who the hell says that anymore?
“Don’t be stupid,” you scolded yourself, walking into the guest bathroom. “It’s a job. Just a job.”
That was that, you concluded in the mirror, staring at yourself sternly. “A means to an end.”
Your eyes glared at you in the reflection and you groaned, flipping up the water faucet knob and splashing your face with cold realization. Leaving the bathroom, you walked over to the door and opened it ever so gently, listening to the sounds of the loft.
Running water, Leonard was doing the dishes.
God, he’s good.
Then everything went silent for a moment, then footsteps and you closed the door just before Leonard walked past it - another door opened then closed. You were sure he was getting ready for bed, so you walked over to yours and sat on the edge, collapsing on your back. Staring up at the ceiling, your brain started to deflect all the warning signs - don’t pass go, don’t collect 200 dollars, don’t fall for Leonard.
Don’t, don’t, don’t.
So why were you getting up from the bed, why were you walking to the door and opening it. And why, god why, were your legs taking you down the hall to the master bedroom - to Leonard’s bedroom.
There you were, in a black dress, fist held up against the door.
To knock or not to knock, that was the fateful question.
Did this go over the rules and regulations of being a sugar baby?
Someone should really write a handbook, maybe you should.
Taking a deep breath, you decided not to knock, but reach for the knob and turn it.
The room was dark, but you could make out Leonard’s figure on the king sized bed, under the covers and you slowly walked around the other side of the bed. His back was facing you and he didn’t stir as you lifted the covers up.
Slipping onto the bed, you took a deep breathe and scooted your body right up against his. You could feel that he was only wearing boxers and a shirt, and when you slowly moved your hand around his waist, you realized how warm he was.
Moving closer, you dipped your forehead against his neck and smiled, because it was indeed warm too.
Finally relaxing, you closed your eyes and before you could drift off to slumber, Leonard moved a little, his hand coming down over yours that rested on his chest.
“Goodnight, darlin’.”
“Night, Bones.”
Student Loans tags: @capty-cp @kawaiiusagichansan @silenceofmidnite @outside-the-government @lurkch @kystoro @anyakinamidala @land-of-the-forgotten@boldlywritingtrek @likethatkidoverthere @mundane-cup-noodles@taylorjacksonandtheolympians @bookcaseninja @jefferson-in-the-tardis@chook007@sebtheromanianprince @blackloveangel13 @mrskokitztelford@dwarvenbunnyears @clockscountingbackwards @texasblue @tomhiddlesmom @tardistrash@yourtropegirl @pheonix16 @arrowsshootyouforwards @running-outta-time @angelicstormz@thinkwritexpress-official  @one-to-beam-up @miridarling @theonlyparadox @reading-in-moonlight @superromijn @thedaydreamerrrrr @bsotstory @thevampiredolphin @magnetosgirl @galaxycharmed @polkadottedpillowcase @for-the-love-of-bagginshield @startled-seastar @randomvanishinglies @shadowhunter7 @the-the-sound-of-the-bees-blog
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Those in bold can not be tagged.
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Honey Stars: 4.8/5
Brief Summary:
The story revolves around three characters—Seo Hwi Young (Yoo Ah In), Ryu Su Hyeon (Im Soo Jung) and Shin Yul (Go Kyung Po) who lived in the 1930s era of Joseon and is reincarnated as Han Se Ju, and Jeon Seol. Shin Yul, on the other hand is trapped inside a typewriter for 80 years as a ghost and met the reincarnated selves of his friends whom he seeks help to cast light upon his death and what happened to the era he lived. Together, the trio uncovers the mysteries of their past lives as while trying to fit everything together for the benefit of their present lives.
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 This is the first time I’ve watched the main characters in a drama, hence, there was no feeling prejudice or biases on my part when I started it. The only goal I have was that I was holding onto the premise of having a hero as a writer—which always appeals to me given my job.
However, after one episode, I was convinced that I am not just staying because of the character or the story, rather because my interest was greatly piqued by Han Se Ju / Seo Hwi Young—or more appropriately, Yoo Ah In.
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Ahhh, I never thought I will be so smitten with Yoo Ah In to the point that during the course of watching the drama, I was able to watch two of his latest movies because I just couldn’t get enough of him. More research has already made me swoon for him more because of the “real” character he has in his personal life: Artist , rebel and a passionate man in one! :D (and yes, if you’re thinking if i was caught because of my weakness of men with glasses, you are right.)
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Im Soo Jung is such a sweetheart. And this small screen comeback for her after thirteen years was, for me a success given that she played the role of Su Hyeon and Jeon Seol very well. I would love to see her more so I’m hoping for another role soon!
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Go Kyung Pyo!!!  Oh, I wouldn’t really mind having a ghost around me if it is as warm as Yoo Jin oh. Though, there was a very subtle second lead syndrome with his characters, I wasn’t focused on it, rather I was more touched with his relationship with both Su Hyeon and Hwi Young.  I really love how his character—both Shin Yul and Yoo Jin oh exhibited loyalty towards his friends which was actually evident for 80 years of wait for an apology. He was the character my heart sunk for towards the end and I know you’d probably feel the same way too once you’d get to it.
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I like how the drama clearly drew the line between the two time lines. Hence, you wouldn’t get confused of the past and present lives of the protagonists, rather it would make you yearn to dig deeper into it and how these affected each of the characters.
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I also like how these two timelines have two different stories. 1930s era gave us a glimpse of what costs the Korean freedom of the present, while the present characters were motivational relatable on both causes.  And while the story is busy plotting the time lines, we are also given a clear sketches of our characters which will, apparently play a crucial role in the as we progress on the story.  
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There were, however slow phases of the story especially during the early episodes when the story was just building up. It is a slow and steady build-up of characters that you will find too dragging at times, but I guess it will be paid off when the story starts to unfold before you—which actually happened to me during the my ride on the show.
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And that ride, I might say goes steadily up. Just when you thought you knew everything, it would pull up for another twist and have you riveting for more. It’s a roller coaster ride that goes nothing but up and brings forth tears down on your cheeks on towards the end.
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 Now that we mentioned it, an external conflict towards the end was little bit far off the story for me. Meaning, it felt like it wasn’t the perfect puzzle piece towards the ending we are aiming for. The sister of the stalker fan of Han Se Ju who killed himself on the earlier episode suddenly became a huge role and we should have been warned. But no, there was a very little clues towards that conflict—until she worked with Se Ju’s half-brother (or was it?) Tae Min.
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 Speaking of Tae Min, I guess we should’ve shed more light into his story. Apparently, he was responsible for the fall out of Joseon Youth Alliance back in 1930s, and maybe it would’ve have been better then to give him another huge role in the present time aside from being bitter and a stealer of Han Se Ju’s work.
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 Moreover, though I really hated how the ending of 1930s era turned out—I cannot help but love it as well. It was, ruthless but full of heart; heart breaking but fills you a myriad of emotions all at once. And I might say that there was no better closure for that story other than that.
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Loyalty and love of friendship shone brightly until the very end.  I guess this is what we mainly need to pick up from the story for it is rare in a lifetime that you will find people who will stand beside you, hold on to you and protect you until the very end…or until the next reincarnation of their life.
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I strongly feel that the romance is just a second overall element of the plot—friendship coming up at the first place. However, there was no lack of it throughout the series. And though Han Se Ju and Jeon Seol have their own love story to tell, I was a lot more invested with Seo Hwi Young and Rye Su Hyeon’s story.
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There was a lot of tension between the two which was guised very nicely in their constant bickering. But the lingering stares, stolen glances and a little mix of odd concern here and there between the two made me soft ball of melting heart throughout the story. 
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But falling in love is out of the question if you have a country you are fighting for to be liberated. And more than anyone else, Hwi Young and Su Hyeon’ knew that. That’s why I almost broke down crying as they give their promises to each other the night before their operation. And that grazing of their hands has too much tension and it was ENOUGH to make you heart burst---no kisses, just a graze and it made a very huge impact for the characters. This easily is my favorite scene of these two.
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And of course, above the love story, we will have a good glimpse of a strong game of bromance--courtesy mainly by Se Ju and Yoo Jin Oh. 
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Though it might be obvious that Han Se Ju is my favorite character for the series, I really love Ma Bang Jin as well. I feel that there can more of her character in the near future if we can only have it longer hehe.
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Also, can I just mention Miss Kang and Gal Ji Suk (The dancing secretary in Goblin). They were amazing side characters for the series as they add a little bit of fun into our main characters. 
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Signal is my favorite drama that isn’t a romance genre because it gave a dose of feels I couldn’t exactly forget easily—and this is what Chicago Typewriter gave me. I am sure that it won’t be easy for me to get over this drama. Though the show didn’t get much attention when it premiered in Korea because of other competing on going dramas, I daresay it deserves a lot other than being underrated.
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I mentioned on the first part that I came for the drama because it has a writer for a protagonist. And though I might have put that thought in to the sideline towards the middle of the series (i was getting more and more drowned with the story rather than the character), I have my own ‘writer learning’ from the characters: 
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by Paul Batters
It’s a real thrill to be acknowledged by a fellow blogger whose work you respect and enjoy. We rarely receive that acknowledgement and to be nominated by by Zoe K at Hollywood Genes is certainly thrilling! I cannot thank you enough for your kindness, Zoe!
As Zoe pointed out in her acceptance, it’s a great deal of fun to receive the award because the questions allow for introspection that we rarely give to ourselves.  So without further ado, let’s get into the conditions for the Sunshine Blogger Award.
The Rules
Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Answer the eleven questions from the blogger who nominated you.
Nominate eleven bloggers.
Create eleven new questions for your nominees to answer.
Here are my answers to Zoe’s questions:
The Questions
1). Whose biography would you want to write and why would you pick that person?
James Murray. I became fascinated by his story when I read ‘Hollywood Babylon’ as a kid (which I know is heavy with inaccuracies) but was even more fascinated after finally watching ‘The Crowd’ which is one of my favourite films and an exceptional artwork. There are myths regarding James Murray’s life that need to be cleared up and indeed there’s a lot we don’t know either. There’s something tragic about his story and so many themes to examine that I think it would be challenging and very interesting to research and find out more about the man.
2). What is a film that people would be shocked to find out you haven’t seen?
I’ve avoided many of the Marvel and DC films, particularly the most recent ones. I’m so tired of ‘over-the-top’ CGI nonsense and noise. And for the record I was a huge Marvel comic fan from the 70s onwards (and still am!). But if I had a free ticket to go, I wouldn’t nor couldn’t be bothered to see any of those films. Not judging anyone who likes them – it’s just my taste.
3). Which favorite book of yours has never been made (or made properly) into a movie? If it were, who would you cast in the lead roles?
Definitely Budd Schulberg’s book ‘What Makes Sammy Run?’ – not because it’s a favourite per se as many books I love have been made into films but because it’s a powerful book and should be made. I know and understand the stories behind why it’s never been made as a film, as it is a terrifyingly cynical view of the film industry. In terms of casting, it’s very difficult which might also explain why it was never made. But I’ll take my best shot, using actors from the classic era.
Al Mannheim: Dana Andrews Sammy Glick: Frank Sinatra Cathy ‘Kit’ Sargent: Teresa Wright Sidney Fineman: James Gleason ‘Sheik’: Anthony Quinn Laurette Harrington: Martha Hyer Carter Judd: Jeffrey Hunter Rosalie Goldblaum: Cathy O’Donnell
4). Which blog post did you spend the most time researching and/or writing and what was it about? 
It would have to be ‘Fatalism And Futility In Film Noir’. It’s over 4,000 words and I really focused on it a great deal. Of course I re-watched the films I discussed a number of times, as well as read some critical work and reviews to immerse myself in the essence of what I wanted to write. I think it came out ok!
Here’s the link: Fatalism And Futility In Film Noir
5). When and why did you start blogging?
I began in 2016 for a few reasons; I have always loved classic film and wanted to write about it. The advice that kept popping up in my face was quite simple – just DO IT. It was also an avenue to developing an idea for a book (which I am still working on) nI finally took on the challenge and whilst I have been disillusioned and disheartened at times, I’ve tried to remember why I started writing in the first place and I am starting to get my mojo back.
It’s also a desire to keep alive an appreciation of classic cinema, at a time when it is slowly being eroded away and diminished by so many factors. Researching and writing about classic cinema is also a fantastic way of learning more and I wanted that to be a key part of the reason I started blogging.
The key with writing is simple yet difficult at the same time – just WRITE. Even if they come out terrible, the process is still cathartic as well as being a learning opportunity.
6). You’re hosting a themed Halloween party. Which book or film would you use as the theme and in what ways?
It would be Roman Polanski’s film The Fearless Vampire Killers – simply because it would give everyone a chance to become a creature of the night. Everyone of course would be dressed in period piece, the party would be held in a beautiful old ballroom for everyone to dance the night away and the hired staff (suitably attired) would be on duty to provide everyone with enough food and beverages and keep them satisfied. For those who are interested, there would be viewing rooms with different classic and not so classic horror films playing – and of course the decorations would be appropriate to the evening.
7). What was the last film you saw that really blew you away and why?
The Irishman. Not only were there incredible performances from De Niro and Pacino, but there was also the reminder of why I miss Joe Pesci so much on the big screen. Ray Romano was no slouch and perfectly cast. A tour de force of a film!
8). Marry, Kiss, or Kill: Which film character would you marry, which would you share a hot, pre-code kiss with, and which would you kill like a noir anti-hero or villain(ess) with a score to settle? (And why did you pick these 3?)
Marry: Nora Charles (Myrna Loy). That is assuming Nick was deceased and she was available. (I know that sounds awful but…it is Myrna Loy after all! To spend a lifetime with such a gorgeous gal would be heaven!)
Kiss: Marian Martin (Joan Crawford). Locking lips with a hell of a sexy pre-code dame like Joan Crawford would send the temperature soaring!
Kill: Tommy Udo (Richard Widmark). He’s a sadistic, mad dog and dangerous as hell!
9). Which film character’s closet would you love to raid?
Why any character being played by Cary Grant of course!
10). Recast Star Wars using early Hollywood (silent to 1940s) actors and actresses then recast Casablanca with modern actors and actresses (1990s to today).
I’ve also placed the original players next to the recast actors and actresses.
Star Wars  Luke – Jackie Cooper
circa 1942: Promotional headshot portrait of American actor Jackie Cooper tilting his head forward and looking straight ahead, for director A Edward Sutherland’s film, ‘The Navy Comes Through’. He is wearing a pinstriped blazer with a tie. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Han – Clark Gable
Leia – Olivia de Havilland
Obi-wan Kenobi – Sir Cedric Hardwicke
Darth Vader – Claude Rains (Voice)
ca. 1940s — Actor Claude Rains — Image by © John Springer Collection/CORBIS
Grand Moff Tarkin – Boris Karloff
Casablanca Rick – George Clooney
Ilsa – Monica Bellucci
Victor – Christoph Waltz
Sam – Jamie Foxx
Captain Renault – Jean Dujardin
Major Strasser – Mads Mikkelsen
Signor Ferrari – Anthony Hopkins
Ugarte – Steve Buscemi
  11). You were working in the lab, late one night, when your eyes beheld an eerie sight. What was it and what did you do?
The hour was beyond the clock, as I looked dazedly upon my work. Was it finished? Was it complete? Was what lay before me everything that I had sweated, ached and poured my heart out for? Or was there more to do?How long had I toiled and found myself lost in the seemingly infinite depths of trying to perfect my creation! Yet at every turn there were obstacles; some I had placed there, the rest beyond my control – or so I told myself. The distinction between perseverance and madness had long blurred and I could not remember the last time I had spoken to someone about the weather or sat at the table to eat. Indeed, what was finally driving me to complete my work was something I could not ascertain, even when I deigned to find some moments of peace in disturbed sleep. Even then the only reason I closed my eyes was a justification to allow myself to recover to continue my work. And so at that point, I slumped in my seat and felt my arms fall lifelessly by my side. It was enough. There was no more that I could do. Yet something compelled me to turn to my right, as if a presence was watching me. Finding myself torn between daring to look and pretending there was nothing there, I nonetheless apprehensively turned slowly towards an apparition beyond my wildest nightmares. Staring at me was a figure so grotesque that I could not scream. As I opened my mouth in silent horror, the figure did the same, as if it were mocking my terror and laughing inside at my frozen fear. Its eyes were large and dark, sunken in what appeared to be the hollows of a long dead oak, with hair hanging down bedraggled over its’ face. Its pale face was fixated on me like a predator eyeing its’ prey and as I instinctively raised my hand in some pathetic attempt to fend it off, I saw it too raise its’ fiendish arm as if ready to strike. Rising slowly out of my chair, the figure also stood and I knew that at any moment, it may rush at me and inflict violence upon me. Determined to defend myself, I saw its’ face contort into a horrific mask of contemptuous violence. My fists clenched into red knuckled balls of fury. And waited. Bracing myself for the attack to come. But then I noticed a change in my tormentor’s face, as it looked at me questioningly. I, too, found myself staring back, realising that I knew who it was and the realisation hit me like a thousand thunderbolts all at once… I touched the mirror with the tips of my fingers before turning back to my creation and hitting the ‘Publish’ button on the screen. Sleep beckoned…
The 11 Nominees For The Sunshine Blogger Award
Down These Mean Streets – Musings Of A Noir Dame
Four Star Film Fan
Wolffian Classic Movies Digest
B Noir Detour
Queen Of The Lot Blog
Diary Of A Movie Maniac
Cinema Essentials
The Classic Movie Muse
Moon In Gemini
Once Upon A Screen
The Questions
My questions are a mixed bag of my own and others that Zoe.K was given so I hope you find them interesting!
1. Which actor or actress who hasn’t received an Oscar do you think deserves one? And for what film?
2. Who is your favourite child actor and name a film they were in which you love.
3. If a biopic was made of you during the classic film era (1920s to 1960s), who would you like to play you and why?
4. Which famous starry couple (of any time and place) would you want as neighbours?
5. Of all the classic monsters, which one do you feel associated with and why?
6. Is there a classic era actor/actress that you have a crush on?
7. If there was ONE actor or actress (living or deceased) whom you could interview for your blog, who would it be and why would you choose that person?
8. Which film character’s closet would you love to raid?
9. Marry, Kiss, or Kill: Which film character would you marry, which would you share a hot, pre-code kiss with, and which would you kill like a noir anti-rhero or villain(ess) with a score to settle? (And why did you pick these 3?)
10. Of all the classic film studios, which is your favourite and why?
11. Choose a film where you would love to change the ending. Explain what that change would be and why you would do it.
Well, I hope you take part and of course totally understand if you cannot or would prefer not to. However, I thoroughly recommend it as it’s a great deal of fun and certainly is a pleasure and honour to be nominated. Happy blogging everyone! And I’m looking forward to reading your responses.
Paul Batters teaches secondary school History in the Illawarra region and also lectures at the University Of Wollongong. In a previous life, he was involved in community radio and independent publications. Looking to a career in writing, Paul also has a passion for film history.
  The Sunshine Blogger Award – Brightening Up A Blog! by Paul Batters It's a real thrill to be acknowledged by a fellow blogger whose work you respect and enjoy.
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s3venpounds · 5 years
1-64. 65 What is the worst thing you have ever done to a friend?
65 questionsssssssssss yeeeeeeeeee boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii letsss fucking goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thanks for the ask btw! also sorry for late reply
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
honestly sometimes, the whole “ life is a simulation” got me kinda scared ya never know
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
1. because im not afraid of the dark im afraid of what can be in it that im not aware of
3. The person you would never want to meet?
idk. cuz if i say someone i hate then i can’t physically meet them to punch them
4. What is your favorite word?
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
idk whichever lives for millions of years i wanna be like those giant ass trees that you see in animes that are like whole cities wide
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
should i finally cut my hair? or do i perservere
7. What shirt are you wearing?
my ed sheeran concert shirt
8. What do you label yourself as?
someone with the capacity of good but chooses to be an asshole
9. Bright room or dark room?
bright room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
seeing if my new friends were playing games so i can join
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
12. Who told you they loved you last?
off the top of my head? my mom pretty sure. 
13. Your worst enemy?
myself, my fears, hesitation and past mistakes?
14. What is your current desktop picture?
its a picture of hinata shoyo from Haikyuu!! doing a spike with wings on his back!
15. Do you like someone?
16. The last song you listened to?
Jacob Lee Slip
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
trump. and i want like brass knuckles when i punch. 
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
probably a volleyball coach/ trainer or a professional volleyball player to just drill basics into me and make me a better player. (that or just gal gadot to like help me clean up my life and give me life advice)
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
i guess my energy? its a fucking mess though cuz sometimes i get tired after like 4 minutes of activity but then sometimes i get like a second wind and i just go for hours 
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
i mean there was that snapchat trend of every guy making a female version of themselves so i guess theres that. i would definitely try anything i could. periods, cramps, catcalls, masturbating anything i could so i truly understand what women have to go through every day of their lives
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
im a very open person so most of my obscure talents are known but i am kinda proud of how i can name pokemon by just hearing their cries limited to like the first 3 generations tho lmao
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
what happens after we die
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
i wanna make the most bougie sandwich in the world. I want abelone, puffin, black truffle, caviar, just all that super high end shit
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
save it. im going on a trip somewhere out of the city and i could use the extra pocket money
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
venice italy. no question.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
oh shit booze! i love me some booze! i guess it would have to be like smirnoff kissed caramel vodka, or this one whiskey i saw a video of irish people drinking american whiskeys
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? 
dont be a fucking dickhead idk. i can’t make concrete rules cuz theres loopholes
29. What is your favorite expletive?
definitely fuck just because i say it more than actual normal words
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
haha “loved ones” lmao. oh uhhh my letters from D.O when we were kids. that or my journal
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
my dads abuse. oh wait no then thats free forgiveness for him lmao no uhhh one of my past relationships. it was a mess and i still struggle a little with it
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Venice italy. that or greece or rome idk. i really like their aesthetic with small white houses, small walkways and all that
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
Steve irwin or Robin williams. or just to make a couple people near me happy, Kyle Fundytus
34. What was your last dream about?
uhhh I kissed the person I’m currently interested in. not just a normal dream too I felt everything. it was crazy. Felt, their hands, warmth, lips, body against mine and even their skin it was just magical.
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
boyfriend? honestly? idk. i’d like to think that i am but from what I know apparently im not
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
yes and no? i guess? i had one of those shots you give to enfants when their family is moving to a new country and i still have the scar so possibly? i mean technically any baby born in a hospital has been admitted to one lmao
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
YES AND SOME OLDER KIDS BROKE IT DOWN AND USED IT AS A BENCH . I fought them and got sent tot he principals office
38. What is the color of your socks?
im not wearing any.... but i do have a favourite pair of green ones that have a print of pringles sour cream n onion on it!
39. What type of music do you like?
Jazz, big band, kpop, RNB, rap, rock, swing music, electro...? sort of?
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
i can’t choose, I love both and have fond memories of both
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
Vanilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa maybe some caramel in it
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
uhh i dont know much about football but i can say i would support my local team edmonton eskimos
43. Do you have any scars?
a ton! i love em! its like the sentimental stuff i keep in my closet but on my body and i always trace my finger over them whenever im just in the mood to reminisce
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
im not currently taking the courses i need to get my dream job but i’d love to be a power ranger either the stunt double or the cheesy actor. that or a school councilor
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
how dependant i am on others. i hate it. if i was alone i dont think i’d survive. i need other people
46. Are you reliable?
I like to think that i am though again, you’d have to ask my friends
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Did you find her?
48. Do you hold grudges?
hell.yes. if you couldnt tell i reallllllllllly hate my dad. like really.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
whatever animals it takes to make dragons a thing again
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
I would have to say when this random stranger came up to me to complain about the transit system because the one in vancouver was so much better apparently. dude went on a 20 minute rant and i just drowned him out with music and pretended to “pause” my music while nodding like i understood
51. Are you a good liar?
not sure. I think i am considering my parents dont know half the shit i did AHEHEHEHE
52. How long could you go without talking?
couple days. long as i got my music.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
god there was this one christmas where my parents gave me like a stereotypical suburban kid hair cut where the whole head is like flattened with hair gel the at the forehead its just a tall wall of spiked hair. BUT HERES THE KICKER. they dyed half the wall red and half green for christmas. god it was awful
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
does cheesecake cupcakes count?
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
ive been told i can do a good russian one, chinese too
56. What do you like on your toast?
nutella omg. fresh toast with gooey nutella? god its so good
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
uhmmm some secret stuff for a friends personal project
58. What would be you dream car?
Dodge Viper
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I love singing in the shower when no ones home. I can only sing when no ones home cuz the walls in this house are thin AS FUCK. 
60. Do you believe in aliens?
i believe we’re not the only ones out here but due to how we’re literally killing our own kind and planet for no good reason they choose to ignore us
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
yep! all the time! whenever i get my hands on the local paper i read my horoscope while i wait on the train or if theres a horoscope thing on tumblr!
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
X idk x is just cool
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
dragons are you kidding me? dragons are dinosaurs that can fly. AND BREATHE FIRE
64. What do you think about babies?
I dont think im a good father figure but spending time with kids is a pretty okay time for me long as its not long term lmao 
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
What is the worst thing you have ever done to a friend?
I punched them full force in the stomach for calling me emo. it was a bad day but lo and behold that person became my best friend loooooooooooool
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