#i have included yoo tube links 4 ur listening enjoyment :-)
throwingmuses · 2 months
saw @verifiedaccount doing this nd decided to hop on the band wagon cuz i am bored but also i realized i havnt done one o these fun lil thangs in like yearsssssssss???!!! or somethng like that i have no idea actually but a long ass time Regardless. ok nowww with all of that shit being said and all that shit And stuff...
a song for each letter of my url:
t: tar kissers - throwing muses
h: human cannonball - butthole surfers
r: rhiannon - fleetwood mac ( u knoooow i gotta throw my namesake in theeeere :P )
o: on the strip - sonic youth
w: working for vacation - cibo matto
i: i hate myself and want to die - nirvana
n: normal - screaming females
g: green - throwing muses (we love a tanya donelly moment!!!!)
m: mississippi kite - kristin hersh
u: uncle mother's - protomartyr
s: solaris - failure
e: eau d' bedroom dancing - le tigre
s: songs of innocence - space team electra (NOT STUPID U2 this song is COMPLETELY UNRELATED to STUPID ASS U2 and this song here is actually good and enjoyable .)
i tag @rustedskyprisms + @freakoutgirl + @zodiacular + anybody else who wants to do this plz feel free to tag me cuz id love to see it!!!!
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