#i have come bearing a bad mood to be obtuse on purpose
colchiste · 4 years
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         ❛   Aren’t you a little young to be a bartender ?   ❜
             EVEN   in a bar supposedly exclusive to villains, Caster can — and will — find someone to heckle. Purple nails tap rhythmically on the counter, an equally-purple grin being the only defining feature beneath her hood. It seemed downright foolish to not wear her cloak, exclusive clientele or not. 
         ❛   Well, no matter. Here’s hoping you can make the strongest drink available, little girl.   ❜
@antagonyaist​​​ ———  s.c.
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sonderlivra · 7 years
Jeankasa... Mikasa asking him out or trying
This is an AMAZING ask, thank you so much, anon!!! This one was pretty quick, hope you like it!
Warning: Strong language ahead.
“Oh my god. Dude.” Jean reached over and grabbed his friend’s arm so tightly Marco actually winced.
“What is it, Jean?”
“She’s here. Fuck. Holy fuck-shit. What the hell am I going to do?” Jean whispered frantically.
“‘She’?” Marco raised an eyebrow and followed Jean’s gaze until he saw the black-haired girl leaning against a wall, clearly​ bored.
“Well you don’t have to do anything,” Marco said soothingly. “Unless you want to talk to her?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Jean hissed. “After I made such a fool of myself? Fuck, man, I like her and all, but I also like breathing.”
Marco laughed. “Oh come on, Jean. It wasn’t that bad.”
Jean swigged the rest of his drink, his eyes watering from the sheer potency of it. “Not that bad,” he repeated shakily. “Sure. Fucking embarrassed her in front of the whole school. Jaeger’s given me bloody death threats. Not so bad, huh.” He looked into his empty plastic cup morosely. “Whatever this shit is, I need more of it.”
Marco put a comforting arm around his shoulder. “Come on. Punch is in the kitchen.”
Jean let himself be steered into Krista Lenz’s well-stocked kitchen, managing to avoid the really rowdy party goers. The blaring music was starting to give him a headache, despite the fact that it was much more muted inside the house. Marco went to get refills and to amuse himself, Jean watched several high school kids divebomb into the pool outside. He wished he could join those dudes. They looked like they were having fun, and if it hadn’t been for his recent public humiliation, he would’ve been out there, tipping a screaming Sasha into the pool.
“Hey,” said a loud shrill voice behind him, and he turned to see a girl with pale wavy hair blinking up at him.
“Hey,” he said cautiously. He had seen this girl around at school, but didn’t know her name.
“I’m Hitch,” she slurred, swaying slightly. “Aren’t you the guy that confessed your love to Ackerman on the P.A. system?”
Jean winced. “It was an accident,” he mumbled. “I didn’t know the mic was on. And I didn’t confess to her.”
“Totally sounded like it,” she grinned, placing her hand on her hip.
“Look I just said that she was… beautiful, okay?” He huffed. Why was he trying to explain himself to this random chick anyway?
“You forget I heard it myself,” Hitch’s grin grew. “Didn’t you say that she has a great ass?”
“I think the word he used was ‘fabulous’.”
Jean jumped so violently he stepped on Hitch’s foot, making her squeak. He didn’t have to turn around to see who it was; he’d know that voice anywhere.
Hitch’s eyes widened, and she seemed too stunned to speak. Jean screamed a silent prayer in his mind, and turned around.
“U-um, hey, Mikasa! H-hi!”
“Hello.” Weirdly enough, Mikasa’s beautiful grey eyes were fixed on Hitch. The look on her face, even when not directed at him, made his knees go weak and his heart race, in equal parts smitten and scared.
What the hell was this girl?
“Are you done?” She asked Hitch quietly.
Hitch simply shrugged and backed away, muttering something about “fricking Annie 2.0…”.
That left him alone with her. With Mikasa freaking Ackerman. Goosebumps rose on his flesh and yet he felt himself sweating nervously.
“Was she bothering you?” Mikasa asked him, and that question was so ludicrous coming from her that Jean had a mad urge to laugh.
It came out as a high-pitched giggle. “Ha! No… uh, n-no, not really.”
“Good.” She narrowed her eyes. “I don’t know how Leonhardt bears her company.”
“Well, there’s no accounting for taste, sometimes,” Jean said easily.
“True.” Wait, was she smiling? What the fuck? Although… if she truly was in a good mood, then Jean had to take this chance to apologize to her. He had to.
“Hey, listen,” he mumbled and Mikasa’s eyes met his again. “I -er, I just wanted to say I'm… sorry. For the other day. Like, that was a dick move on my part and I didn’t mean for you to get -well. You know. So, yeah, I’m really, really sorry.”
Great, Jean. He snarled mentally at himself. How eloquent.
Mikasa looked at him for a long moment that felt like eternity to Jean. “You didn’t do it on purpose,” she said finally. “It’s fine.”
She shrugged. He felt relief ballooning in his chest, until her next words deflated him completely.
“It’s just… the whole school’s been talking about it.”
He wanted to sink into the earth and stay there. “Right.” He scratched the back of his head sadly. “Shit. If only there was something I could do…”
She looked at him speculatively. “Well…”
“You… you have something in mind? Jean’s brain was in overdrive. Did she mean to make an example of him by tearing him into pieces? Did she have something far more embarrassing for him to do?
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Do you like old horror movies?”
Huh? “Huh?” He asked her.
Her gaze flickered away -and was she blushing? “There’s a repeat screening of Bride of Frankenstein at the 7th avenue place.”
Jean blinked, suddenly feeling very obtuse. “… Right.”
There was a split second of silence. Then Mikasa looked up at him, cheeks flushed, grey eyes glimmering. “Would you like to go watch it sometime?”
Hooooly fuck.
Jean felt like his brain was broken. “Uh,” he intoned.
She took a deep breath. “It’s just -these rumours are gonna run wild anyway, after the… incident. Might as well go out together and shut their gossiping little mouths.” She glanced at him and bit her lower lip. “I mean, it’s not just that. I -I want to go on a -date, with… you…” Her voice trailed away. “Jean?”
He blinked rapidly, realised his mouth hung open, and closed it with a loud clack of his teeth. “Um. Ah. Date.” He managed to say.
The corners of her mouth twitched again. “Is that a yes?”
Still at a loss for words, he nodded.
“Thursday sound good?”
Another nod.
“Good. Until Thursday, then.” She was positively smiling now and holy shit she was stunning?? How? Was she even real? Like, how?
“See you around, Jean,” she said, leaning forward, kissed him gently on the cheek, and vanished into the crowd.
His one coherent thought as he watched her retreating back was that she did indeed have a fabulous ass.
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