#i have been watching alot of slay the Princess
askroddcreeper · 5 months
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{unfortunately your words were not heard, just clucks and whines before a sharp pain is felt as his teeth dig deep in. Your body begins to give up and with a loud church of your bones, you start to fade away.}
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song-of-storms162 · 5 years
Warrior’s letter
After a talk with Princess Zelda, Warriors receives something he didn’t expect to see in Wild’s timeline. Originally for the prompt Warriors week but I wasn’t able to finish it within the time alotted and the new prompt already came out so i thought i’d kill two birds with one stone. Prompts: this week’s ‘Unlikely Friendship’ and last week’s ‘Warriors’
They were all in the great library of the newly rebuilt Hyrule castle. The sounds of gently rustling papers filling the air, the tall towering bookshelves dominating the room with their presence , the handfuls of people milling about...
It was hard to believe that no one dared go near this place, what with the calamity so throughly infested here.
But, Warriors supposed, that things could change. And Hyrule castle of Wild’s timeline was one of the most contrasting changes he had seen. And after his years in the service, Warriors had seen a number of things change.
He himself included.
How a soldier would cope with loss, how power had changed people he thought he knew, how death would perch on the chimney of one’s soul and suck the life and happiness out of a person. Warriors had walked on bloody battlefields and seen flowers and plants grow from the ashes and tainted dirt.
And Hyrule Castle, at least this Hyrule Castle, would’ve been the beginning of numerous changes in Wild’s Hyrule. Good ones for sure.
Blood moons were happening less frequently, and Wild’s Zelda had set up a team of astronomers to keep track of the moon’s phases. So far they were accurate, Wild would lead soldiers into rooms and corridors he remembered which were full of monsters.
But after a while, it had become mostly nine of them going against the monsters. Wild had said his Hyrule had no standing army, the population wasn’t enough for that and like the self-sacrificing heroes they were, they had graciously offered their own solution.
They themselves would take down the monsters.
Princess Zelda had protested against this but Wild told her to reconsider.
They had no army.
Their population was scarce enough.
And the heroes who held the triforce of courage were more than capable to handle a number of monsters.
And besides, the level of monsters they were facing was decreasing as well. Warriors remembered Wild talking about a Lynel, a silver one at that, being in one of the rooms. But as the blood moons came and went, the Lynel’s level dropped significantly. It became a blue Lynel after the first blood moon that appeared then the level of difficulty got lower and lower.
But aside from slaying monsters, the Links had other jobs. Wild was the unofficial head chef of Hyrule Castle: while there were cooks and a growing number of servants in the building, Wild would be found in the kitchens cooking something all while being surrounded by the castle chefs, the latter watching his every move.
Twilight and Time would be found in the stables, talking with the hands on different ways the horses could be comfortable. Four worked on smithing, making weapons, cutlery and other items for the ever growing staff. Sky would be with him at times, carving on a piece of wood, and if not, he would be found in the library; bent over a piece of parchment with a quill in his hand, trying his best to write down history from memory. The latter being something that all the heroes did, translating and writing history texts.
Today Warriors was free, usually he’d be in the barracks, training the newbie soldiers and making formations and drills. But today well yesterday actually, they had improved significantly and Warriors had told them to take today off. So he had strolled around, told Time he was going to wander and Wild that he would keep an eye out for any monsters. So far he had encountered none and now he was nearing one of the castle towers.
The view from up here truly was amazing, the thought passed through his mind as he paused on the elevated walkway. One could see the planes of Hyrule field, the lazy clouds that billowed by and casted shadows on the roads that looked like ribbons of gold from so far.
Warriors neared the railing, before draping his arms across the metal rail and propping his chin atop his palm. He closed his eyes, the passing breeze tickling his blonde hair and eyelashes, relief washing upon him. This was nice.
“Sir Warriors?”
Blinking out of his thoughts, the lone captain turns and finds himself standing few feet away from Princess Zelda. The Zelda of of Wild’s Hyrule.
Cheeks slightly flushed and no accompanying knight or sevant to be seen, it almost seemed that the Princess had run a few miles before meeting him. Princess Zelda smiles at him before nodding. “Your Highness,” the soldier bows after stepping away from the view. This elicits a chuckle from the princess.
“I have told you all that formalities are one thing we can do without,” says the Princess before her eyes take in what Warriors was enraptured by. “The view up here is beautiful is it not?”
The Princess steps closer to the railing and just as Warriors had done, her eyes take in the view of Hyrule and a light breeze sweeps past her golden hair. Warriors joins her in gazing at the land before replying softly. “Yes it truly is.”
“Do you ever miss home?” The princess’s eyes turn to him as Warriors shrugs. “Missing home comes with all the traveling your highness. Even more so with the numerous timelines now.”
“I am sorry.”
Warriors starts and his expression changes into one of surprise. “Whatever for, Your Higness?”
Princess Zelda sweeps her hand across the view. “Your family, maybe your descendants could’ve been living here. And sometimes I wonder, would Hyrule have not changed if my power came quicker?”
Warriors goes silent, wooing women was one thing but comforting them on such a subject?
“Li-Wild doesn’t remember much, and he only recovered his memory of Castle Town after another journey. And even then, it showed a vague image of the land.”
“In what way was it vague, Your Highness?”
Though he and the princess stand mere feet from each other, Warriors watches the princess’s eyes and thoughts sweep back to over a century. “The kingdom was happy, that was all really.”
“Your Higness,” Warriors speaks up and Princess Zelda turns to face him, her green eyes unreadable. “Hyrule here is changing. There is good change and there is bad change but trust me when i say that this Hyrule is merely beginning a journey of good change.”
A soft smile reaches the Princess’s lips and she nods. “I see, thank you for your words, sir Warriors.”
“Anytime your highness.”
Warriors bows once more, not seeing the princess’s expression change into steely determination.
“Sir Warriors, i have a task for you.”
“A task, Your Highness?” Confusion slips into his tone, and Warriors wonders what the Princess would need him for. “And what might this task be?”
The Princess brings out a piece of parchment from the pocket of her dress. “I require your assistance in translating this.”
Warriors cocks his head to the side as his hands take the parchment. “My assistance? Of course, your highness. I’m assuming it’s written in my Hylian?”
“Yes it is.” Princess Zelda bites down on her lip, her eyes not meeting Captain’s. “I was translating some of it but the rest of the words were too hard to decipher.”
“I see,” replies Warriors as Princess Zelda hands him. Another piece of parchment, the part she had translated. “In that case, I’ll pick up where you left off, your highness.”
That evening after dinner, Warriors sat down with the parchments he received from Princess Zelda. Opening a bottle of ink and readying a quill, Warriors took out Princess Zelda’s translation.
Usually he’d check the princess’s translation first before looking at the original work. He found it easier to find mistakes this way. The princess’s penmanship was fine from what he could see as Warriors began reading. But his heart nearly stopped when he saw his name.
Brows furrowing, Warriors continued to read the Princess’s words. And when the words abruptly stopped, he grabbed the other parchment that was in his own Hylian. Word after word, Warriors felt his heart thunder as realization sank in.
This was a letter from her.
Warriors checked the date, it was after her last letter to him, one he remembered all too well. Harsh words and pleading and fear was is that now second to last letter but this one...Her last letter to him, had somehow found its way to Wild’s timeline.
Her handwriting, her letters that he kept and read before a battle, the words that he always heard in her voice, her smile, her lilting laugh.
This was a letter from his lover.
Not the string of ladies he chatted up at inns or bars nor were it the women who pined after the affection of the captain of the guard. This was his best friend, his confidante, the woman he bantered like siblings with.
This was his lover.
The woman who would quite literally flip the world around if he were to ever go missing. This woman who pined after him wholly, scars and triforce and all. Unlike the other women in his travels, he would always always protect her while knowing she had his back and would go against tooth and nail to defend him. All while keeping up with his antics and pulling his ear if he got too far.
The princess, Warriors realises with a start, she read this letter and gave it to him after deeming it ‘too hard to translate’.
Warriors chuckled at that, ‘too hard’? He should’ve known what Wild’s Zelda was up to. The princess knew words in his Hylian that he didn’t know existed. Warriors traced the words at the end of the letter.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
He could hear her voice, that loving tone, and a smile unfurled on the strategist’s face. Tomorrow, he would ask Wild what his Princess preferred as a gift.
He needed to thank her after all.
It was a surprise to see Warriors and the Princess get closer. To the point where Wild drew his sword at the older’s face but Zelda had quickly calmed her attendant down. It was common to see Warriors helping the Princess with make up, or the former attempting to make the Princess her favorite cake after a particular day of researching. Warriors would be seen with the princess if Wild wasn’t around, accompanying her on strategic meetings. Wild was thankful for an extra hand in accompanying and took the extra free time to make the group’s favorite meals, particularly the Princess’s and Warriors’. Now not only did Zelda have one accompanying knight with a glare that could kill, she had two. And the Princess promised she would find more.
More letters from his lover, from his family and comrades and deliver them all. To not just him but to the rest of them.
And thus was the beginning of an unlikely yet beautiful friendship.
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holy-mountaineering · 7 years
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This spread is for https://sordhent.tumblr.com/ Thanks for the donation! Tonight you’re getting the full Qabalistic Tree of Life Spread that I do. What I’m going to do is go through and briefly explain each card and it’s position on the Tree and then once I do that I’ll give you a summary/synopsis. Think of this spread as a sort of quantum map that you’re moving “through” but you are also simultaneously everywhere at once. For the sake of this specific experiment, think of this as a map. Where we’re starting the journey from is Kether, the monad, the first sign of creation. We’ll call this your hometown, since it is where you’re from originally. Here we have the Princess of Cups, the earthy part of Water. This is the canyon wall being ground down over the millennia by moving water. The nutrients and minerals in the earth are transported down river to the fertile delta. This is the natural, “following your feelings” within your daily life. Try not to fool yourself, follow your intuition, not just passing whims. Feel, don’t necessarily react immediately. Go with what you feel and intuit, let yourself go with the flow, if you will. Allow your situation to move with your emotions and be patient with your progress. In Chokmah, which is like your freeway getting you out onto the road out of your hometown is the Prince of Swords, the airy part of Air. This is pure mind, “reason run amok.” The entire card is made up of strange and fragmenting geometric shapes like the prince’s world is coming apart at the seams. The humanoid creatures pulling his chariot have no fucking idea what they’re doing and the prince himself is in an awkward pose. Don’t think yourself into discord. Sometimes when you look too deep at unnecessary or mundane details you’ll fucking lose your shit. Furtherly, focus on doing one thing, stay with that single thing until it is done. I suggest breath work and controlling breathing specifically. In Binah, which is ruled by Saturn and for the sake of this reading we will call the first stop on your roadtrip. You haven’t really arrived anywhere but you’re stopping and getting a chance to repack your car in a more efficient way. Sitting in Binah is the 10 of Swords (mental and communicative) Ruin. Astrologically, this is Sol the Sun or your center being split by the duality of Gemini or duplicity. This is like making a decision by not making one. Your intellect is collapsing in on itself due to building duality or otherness conflicting with how you think of you. This is being “of two minds” but they duo doesn’t seem to work together very well. The good news is that they’re damn near done working together at all. 10s are the highest number card or as intense as it gets. Try to integrate your splitting and increasingly destructive thinking and/or communicating, make meaning out of this chaos. And hey, don’t worry, it’s peaked and now you have to slide down the mountain of crazy you just climbed. In Chesed which is ruled by Jupiter and again for the sake of this experiment we’ll say involves your influence and benevolence in your current trip is the 7 of Wands, Valour. This card is the smashing of the order of the 6 of Wands by violent and chaotic energy. Crowley calls this “the soldier’s battle” and as usual, Al nails it. Think of when (white) people used to start battles by lining up facing each other and marching forward. This was generally a really shit way of fighting wars and the orderly ideas the generals had would go away the second people stopped being in straight lines.. Here it is stated that the lines are broken, the generals are dead, the chain of command is gone, and now if you want to survive you’re going to need to charge screaming at the enemy and without noticeable help. In this chaos watch out for friendly fire, shit is confusing right now. Keep your head down, march on, break the normal ordered way that you do things. Stagnation is your enemy, slay your enemy. Across the Tree in Geburah, which is Mars Town, where you find your drive and what you’re trying to accomplish/conquer is XIX The Sun, Resh, Sol. The Sun is The Lord of Light and Life, the center of our little Solar System. Everything in the fairly large gravitational pull of the Sun is affected by it which pulls everything to it. This more or less self sufficient little nuclear reactor in space gives life and light but also pulls small things which cannot maintain an orbit around it in for the final burn. bright and full of life and light but deal not with bullshit trifles. Center yourself but be aware of what you effect and how. In Tiphareth, the Sun and center of gravity holding all this in place, the heart pumping the blood through this, your heart is the 10 of Disks, Wealth. This card is intelligence (Mercury) in fertile possibility (Virgo). This is the peak material situation, a good situation, a situation you really want to be in.
 Be swift and mindful of your material task at hand and your everyday experience, it is nearing its end and you stand to profit. Put your smarts and your communication skills in the most fertile possibilities and cash in before things start to come down from this peak opportune time. In Netzach, Venus town, where you have the realization about how this is going to change you as a person with a personality is the Queen of Disks, the watery part of Earth or how you feel about what is going on in your material world of normal life stuff. This Queen is above the landscape observing the river create life in the desert. The Queen of Disks is meditative and calm. She sees creation and is a part of it without getting her hands dirty. This card shows what you feel about what is happening in your everyday “real world” life. The ideal here is to get out of the messy bullshit of “normal” stuff, get higher beyond mundanity, and look back down with new and more complete perspective. Get above your situation so you can see more of the landscape. In Mercury Town Hod-ville, where all the Universities are and everyone has real intellectual shit going on is the 6 of Cups, Pleasure. For reasons I call this the plumbing card. The water is not flowing freely as though it is pouring, it has been pumped through a series of tubes intricately woven together to fill the cups placed in the shape of a hexagram. Emotion and connectedness to life are intentionally being directed by unseen but invited forces. Someone who wasn’t looking closely could see nothing but knots and chaos and even wonder how the damn thing worked in the first place. Those people are squares and should be avoided at all costs. Do what gives you pleasure that also instills clarity. Center on the best you can feel even if onlookers can’t appreciate what you’re doing connoisseurs (and you) will dig it. On the Moon in Yesod, the receptive and reflective place that is alot about the feelings that you’re picking up from all this is the 7 of Cups Debauch. This is Venus (beauty, personal growth) in Scorpio, the dark water where things growing aren’t seen so clearly. This is emotional composting so let things rot out to fertilize future emotional growth. But like a compost pile, you must turn it, give it Sun, and make sure that it doesn’t get rancid. Emotionally things might seem rotten, but it’s just trying to become wonderful fertilizer for greater emotional maturity and better future relationships. Down here in Malkuth-istan, the everyday life mundane, waking up pooping, and going to work world is everybody’s favorite XIII Death, Nun, Scorpio. Death is the best allegory we have for real fundamental change. Death is being in the process of changing from one form to another. I see Scorpio as the murky waters, which things are not clearly seen, Death is not known to those who haven’t died. Death is feared for the loss of control but when most people go, they get real peaceful and accepting. Death is avoided because of the loss of the current form that you’ve grown so comfortable with. Stagnation is a real killer but Death is a great refresher. Things might not be clear now but that’s ‘cause you’re right in the middle of some higher order change. You’ll come out the other side a new person or thing entirely. So, up top, we’ve got a “going with the flow” attitude leading you to weird overthink-y shit and ultimately a overwhelming of the mental faculties. There needs to be a focusing in higher realms to avoid such fuckery. Coming down a bit we have a need to break from certain behavior patterns, that while once ordered and structured your growth to great success don’t really cut the mustard as much as the cheese these days. Change it up, move around and try new ways to go about expanding, here in these Universes. And back to focusing, it’s time to recenter what you’re doing on who you are now, because you’ve got some fucking physical financial material world “rewards” for your planning and labor headed at your ass and that is also about to change who ya are and how you’re doing shit. For your growth and how you see yourself, this is a good time for you to reflect and, if you can, remove yourself from your responsibilities and everyday bs and feel around about what is happening. Remember, this is about recentering on you. Communication (which is just a really weird form of magick anyway) wise, you need to do what makes you happy BUT also fucking works and benefits this whole refocus/centering thing. Don’t worry about how you look, it’s about how you FEEEEEEEEELLLLL, man. You’re taking in some change, shit’s moving around and you’re finding old, dead things. Shit is lurking that you thought was either unimportant or dealt with, emotionally. Like an emotional compost pile, give it some Sun, turn that turd so it breaks down. I feel like it’s important for some reason to say “TALK TO THEM, DEAL WITH IT YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO” right now like in an automatic writing way. And speaking of dead things… In your everyday life shit is about to get real goddamn weird. Change feels funny, no control, not sure what’s up or down. This is what you’re centering for. Know your newer self before this big shit goes down, trust me, it’s crucial. Uh, usually here is where I say TA DA! And tell you to send me a message if you have any questions, comments, concerns, inquiries, etc. This is all reasonably heavy and seriously don’t hesitate to hit me up. -FR. N0ught
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[FN] Slayin' itTwin style
This was based on alot of my personal shower thoughts (not the subreddit) and my blatant (and shaky) love for Journalism/ interviews. This is about the type of character named slayers in Dauntless (the game)
Feel free to suggest a better Title
Characters: Mikala+Ozvald Kabelum
Twins who slay together and slay hard
(with some Bumps in their relationship)
Interviewer: Well now, bring them in.
( they walk in slowly, Bickering)
Ozvald: ... Are we here again?
Mikala: Because you’re always saying (in high falsetto) “WE’RE NEVER RECOGNIZED AS HEROES.”
O: (grumbling) I don’t sound like that .
M: So sorry about that, sometimes he doesn't know what he’s saying
I: It’s Ok . Have a seat. We have much to discuss. Now, I'm going to ask each of you the same questions. You will answer them independently. Ok?
M: Ok
O: Just get on with it (visibly distraught)
O:(walks out)
I: First Q. Mika, tell us a bit about yourself.
M: well, I’m-as you may know-a Slayer. I keep the balance between the behemoths and the rest of people. We both do
I: Hmm...Tell us, what’s your favorite weapon?
M: I versed in a fair few. But I prefer myself to the Aether strikers.
(Hands of Dawn Fly on)
I: OOOOOOHHH. Interesting. And why is that?
M:I prefer the grace and skill and grace involved in their use. Anyone can go in weapons drawn but never feel elegant. Plus they feel super comfortable to use.
I; And might I ask: Who are you wearing?
M: Well, the Hands of Dawn are fairly obvious. As for the rest, I'm wearing the Light’s crown and virtue, Grasp of thorns and the Malkarion’s march.
O: (Shouting) You’re even more of a prick with those on than you are normally.
M:( Flustered) Don’t mind him
I: Not at all. What’s the inspiration for your armor?
M: I’ve never had this question but I'm gonna say….mmm… Pointy Valkyrie.
I: Unorthodox…. I like it.
M: Will that be all?
I; Yes. Please get your brother, will You. And It’s been a pleasure to have you
M: Of course. Likewise to you
O:(Walks in)
I: Hi, How are You?
O: just get it over with.
I: (ticked off) Ok then. Ozvald tells us about yourself
O:(sighing) I’m a slayer, A hero and a winner. I slay what needs slayin’.What else is there to know?
I: Ok. What's your favorite weapon to slay them with?
O:(condescendingly points at hands of night) WHatta you think?
I: And why did you choose them?
O: I like to get in close and personal with these babies. The way I see it, If i’m fighting this thing, I wanna make sure it’s done on my terms. And these have never let me down.
I: (hmmph)And what is your load out?
O: (brashly) Dark marrow, Brow of Ice, Togadoro brawn and the dance of the swarm to top it off. All in black naturally. (smirking while leaning in chair)
M:(Shouting from outside) Moody!
O: (caught by surprise) SHUT UPPPP!
I: Will you please go get your sister.
O: Oh, all right. (gets up)
M:(teasingly) What’s up. Can't behave, can you?
O: (Furrowing eyebrows.)
I: OOOOOK then now for the second part. I want to ask you two-since you hunt as a duo-how that feels. Mika?
M: it feels good having someone to-(interrupted)
O: She keeps telling me to “be careful” Yeah thanks mo-(smacked upside the head) OWWWWW.
M: You know damn well that she would do this too if she were still here.
O: (rubbing head)Ok,jeez. Still, why?
M: So sorry about it. Honestly he sometimes is denser than a skarn’s arse to talk to. (mutters) Also smells like one too.
O:(indignantly) OOOH! ( Hands of Night fly on) You wanna go Princess. I’ll show you how dense I can be…
M: (wide-eyed-Oh-no-u-just-didn’t-bitch stare at him)(hands of dawn glow) PRINCESS. I’LL SHOW YOU JUST HOW MUCH OF A PRINCESS I AM! (Hands of dawn Glow brighter)
( Settled down after about a minute.
I: OK. now that we chilled, can we move on? When did you both take up slaying? Why?
O: That would be THE DAY.
M: For once, He’s right. That was the day we took up slaying.
I: (intrigued as to raise an eyebrow) Care to share?
M: Well, as far as our life goes,we’ve always known Slaying as a part of it.
O: (nodding) Our parents were slayers by trade and we knew. But they were about the same as day and night.
M: Yea. Mom was always planning things out to the last detail. She never let herself be convinced that chance was going to play fair. As for dad….he was well, headstrong to say the least. He always charged at the problem at hand and left chance-and caution-to the wind.
O: And that worked out surprisingly well as a family. Dad kept us in line and in turn Mother kept him in line.
I: I see that you took after either of them...respectively speaking of course.
O: They each trained us to not just think with our brains, but our instincts as well.
M: Well, at least I did… you just run in headfirst, just like dad.(shaking her head)
O: Don’t pin this on me sis. You were always our mother's favorite.
O: What about dad? Or did you forget how she shunned him too.
O: (stunned to silence)
I: (awkwardly breaks the silence) Well then…. Care to continue?
O: As I was saying, that day came with a lot of heartache. She lost dad that day 9 years ago then. She was out of character.Reckless and distant. She took on more and more hunts without pause. We barely saw her. When we did, we barely recognized her. She kept doing more and more until that day.
M:(mumbling audibly, sad) Reckless. Bad idea. (sniffle)
O: (hugging her) The years dragged on and she pushed everyone, including us harder and further each time. We could handle ourselves fine with behemoths by that time. But she kept pushing us on and on until she gave up. But we didn’t worry about ourselves. We worried about her.How she was taking it.
M:(In low tones, hushed) Only a shell.
O: The further she drifted, the more erratic her hunting style. The turning point was a (sarcasm-induced) “Family trip.”
I: Hmmm…. And how did this trip go?
M: (gathering strength)This wasn’t the first time she brought us along for an excursion. Mainly small stuff. But then she picked a new bounty. Bright Shadows or something like that. I told her that was a bad idea. SHe just smirked and went on.
M:(tauntingly) WAtCh ThIs. (buries head further into knees.)
O: She hauled us to the islands in a frantic search across the skies. Days and days on end she searched for them.One day, she was gone. SHe must have left and parked us mid-night because we only saw a letter reading:
Stay Here
O: I woke M in a hurry. We geared up and went out to look for her.
M: (now more composed) We couldn’t let her do this to us. We ventured further and further until we saw it. To this day, I’m still not sure if it has the flash of radiance or the prevailing darkness that finished her.
O: When we came to, she had just enough life to muter the word:
(together in melancolic reverence) Stay together. Slay together.
O: For a moment we had (tearing up) our mom back.
M: And we did just that. We buried her on that spot, paid our respects and set off. We had a vendetta to settle (smirking).
O:( gathering strength) We first after the rezakiri. Made short work of that.
M: Ya know, you weren’t too bad with that pike of yours.
O: (Under his breath) your sword play ain't half-bad either.
M: (smiling) What?
O: (playing dumb) What? Oh right the shrowd. He gave us a little bit more trouble than anticipated. But Tall, Dark And Brooding soon turned into Stabbed, burned and Wounded. It felt GUUUUUUD.
I: (reveling in wide-eyed fascination) Wow. Just WOW. Now that’s an origin story. Nay story. NAY an epic. That is an Origin LEGEND! Now I see what makes you slayers.
I: But how did you feel after that day.
M: Solidified.
O: Vindicated.
I: Beautiful. Leave it to the Kabelum twins to find something like this and in turn only use it to further strengthen their bond. You two are prime examples of slayer working in unison to each other’s strengths.
M: Why thank you.
O: Yeah, thanks.
I: As your closing statements, what would you say to any aspiring Slayers and the Slayer community as a whole to really lift their spirits higher than these islands?
(Both Mikala and Ozvald grin at each other) (Their Aether strikers fly on with renewed power) We say to them: STAY TOGETHER. SLAY TOGETHER. (As they say together, they bump fists with the aether strikers)(a bright flash occurs,quickly followed by an ensuing darkness.)
O: (sheepishly) Sorry ‘bout that FIN
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