#i have an oc who is a sort of deity/goddess of love and she speaks in a similar way!!
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telestoapologist · 1 year ago
wait ok hang on i wanna say something observant and not horny about xivu's voice!!!
xivu's the god of war, war and death is love to the hive, she's the god of love. she speaks with passion, but also in this kind of gentle, joyous and sweet sort of way, too. like something you WOULD hear from an aphrodite sort of being if she craved tribute and affection through violence alone. it's such a great little detail aaa...
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kerra-and-company · 2 years ago
tosses these ✨💗 for the meme (4 whomever really speaks to u)
catches them :D Sounds like a plan!! Random thing generator has given me Chieko, and I really like that choice, so we're going with her!
✨ If your OC were a deity of some kind, what would they represent? What do they look like? How are they worshiped and what offerings would they expect? What are their places of worship like? Their followers? Their teachings?
I had to think on this one for a sec, but I did indeed settle on something! Chieko would be a nature goddess, but a very specific variant of one. Her domain would be trees/forests, and a little bit time as well--she's the goddess of plants that can live for years and years, and she's the goddess of both the old ones and the young ones. She'd be decently well-known but also perhaps one of the easier gods to ignore if you're too deeply entrenched in city areas--not a wise choice to make, to ignore her, but ye. She wouldn't particularly require offerings of any kind, but she would demand respect when in her domain or at a dedicated shrine to her, and would look favorably on those who planted trees (especially those who did so in her name). As for those who don't respect her, they might not get immediate consequences for it, but someday it'll come back to bite them in the ass. People who follow her and are specifically dedicated to her worship tend to, unsurprisingly, be those who spend a lot of time in the areas she oversees, but she has followers in other areas of the world as well.
💗 Relationships? Who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? What sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? Is there anything that’d ruin a friendship for them?
Oh this is a fun one--since I don't talk about Chieko enough, most of this info is going to be entirely new! :D For friends, her closest ones would be Dahlia, Petra, Faren, Ayumi, and Ever. Dahlia's the same as the NPC by that name in Siren's Landing. Petra is from DR and the human personal story, but the reason Chieko knows her isn't actually from that, since that's not her story path--Chieko('s family) became the benefactor/patron for Petra's family tavern in 1325. Faren, of course, is well-known, and Chieko (as someone noble-born) very much knew him growing up. Ayumi's the tengu from EoD who helps out the Commander and does her best to be in charge of things in Arborstone; she and Chieko become friends while Chieko's in Cantha doing research afterwards. Ever is a kiddo who I've just created when character slots were on sale and it doesn't have a lot of lore/background yet, but it's part of Chieko's search-and-rescue squad with the Pact!
Family-wise, Chieko has her parents, both of whom are still alive and love her very much, although they have some trouble understanding the path she takes. They definitely have some thoughts on her romantic choices when she (after EoD) starts dating Valeria zu Heltzer. And as for foes? She doesn't really make a whole lot of enemies, and the people she had strong enough personal issues with to make that list (Scarlet, Balthazar, and Joko, to name some bigger names) are either dead or no longer a problem. (On a more minor level, maybe a couple of the tengu in Arborstone who won't stop complaining about Ayumi.)
Chieko doesn't care for people who pull status often and stand on self-importance. It bugs her, considering how hard she's tried to quit doing that and how irritated she knows it makes other people. For personalities she likes, anyone who's not incredibly abrasive (and not a jerk) could eventually make friends with her if they spent enough time together. Is there anything that'd ruin a friendship for her? Someone trying to use her, because of her position or because of anything else. Instant nope.
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yamayuandadu · 3 years ago
For the OC meme, Inanna and Ninshubur (hcs for each of them and also ship hcs)
Under the cut due to length!
Inanna: 1. my idea to reconcile the fact Ereshkigal is referred to as Inanna's "older sister" in Inanna's Descent with the fact multiple sources call Inanna the firstborn daughter of her parents is to make her actually firstborn but Ereshkigal is adopted and technically older than Inanna physically. 2. As you may I remember I find the weird politically motivated attempt at making Ninisina Inanna-like funny; I wanted to vaguely reference it in some way in my stories but all I ultimately came up with is that Ninisina (the surgeon goddess) is Inanna's best friend (she was also Inanna's first crush but politely declined and suggested to be friends instead) 3. since irl Inanna's father Nanna was sometimes treated as the king of gods in his own right but this belief was uncommon, in my version he's sort of like a frustrated nuveau riche who can't really figure out how to insert himself and his family into the top echelons of the pantheon, which mostly consist out of gods with extensive lists of equally grand ancestors, like Anu, Enlil or Nisaba (I actually found a unique Nisaba genealogy!). This is in part what's responsible for Inanna's disregard for authority. 4. she enjoys high stakes gambling. Can you gamble in the royal game of Ur? Not sure, but I hope people will enjoy this addition to the myth about Inanna obtaining her main temple. 5. much like in real myths, Inanna has a positive relationship with her twin brother Utu, even though they have very different goals in life and value system. 6. while this isn't exactly the case in the irl material my version of Inanna is bi but leans towards women 7. hence, in direct relation to 6, well attested associations with other love goddesses - Ishara and Nanaya - were actually relationships in my timeline. Neither worked particularly well, though. I won't skip Dumuzi either though, worry not - I actually really like some of the love poems. 8. her mood swings a lot; while i see inanna as the best "protagonist" of mesopotamian mythology, she has a couple of antagonistic roles too, or just myths where she comes across as careless or otherwise unsympathetic, and i didn't want to fully ignore that. The Gilgamesh venture and the descent narrative will be part of a particularly low period in her life, with the former event being what gets Ninshubur assigned to her by the divine assembly. 9. she has a bucket list of major gods she has yet to steal from; you may note there is no myth about Inanna stealing from Enlil, but luckily I found the perfect thing to present in such a role, so I will actually cover that 10. this is somewhat of a plot point but "Inanna" is her actual name, "Ishtar" is merely a title which she comes to share with other deities; there are multiple "Ishtars" in my setting but there is only one Inanna. Ninshubur: 1. The most literary translation of the name possible is "lady of Subartu," Subartu being the Sumerian term for lands inhabited by the Hurrians, so my version of Ninshubur is, so to speak, Hurrian rather than Mesopotamian by origin. Her precise origin won't be explained but I figured that making her a "foreigner" who was raised in a Mesopotamian environment is a half decent way to explain why no real source ever explained who her parents were. 2. Ninshubur grew up as a foundling in the household of Anu, raised by his elderly former sukkal Kakka, but due to lack of family connections didn't get particularly far there - or at the very least not as far as someone with this level of self discilpline and dedication would if they also had a prestigious genealogy. 3. Prior to meeting Inanna, Ninshubur was convinced she is incapable of forming personal attachments. The twist is naturally that she was just very deeply in the closet. 4. Since Ninshubur is outright described as "appeasing" or "calming" Inanna and since she was also sporadically associated with Nergal my rough idea is that in the beginning of her involvement in the story she'd be essentially the divine version of a probation officer. 5. While Ninshubur's standing in the pantheon is low,
she is tremendously popular with various low class minor deities like Lamma goddesses who see her as an aspirational example. I figured it would be a cute way to interpret her Lamma-related epithets. 6. Ninshubur was technically first in line to become Anu's sukkal, but was overshadowed by Papsukkal; in the beginning of the story she instead serves as an "universal" sukkal which in practice meant filling in for everyone everywhere without any of the benefits of being a sukkal. 7. prior to meeting Inanna Ninshubur essentially wore the equivalent of a not particularly new jumpsuit, though she actually does want to be more "glamorous" deep down so to speak (irl one of her temples was named s/t like "house fit for a true lady"). She just lacks the means. 8. she's shorter than Inanna, not /that/ much but noticeably so, much like how servant deities tend to be shorter than major gods on Mesopotamian seals. 9. her most prized possession is, at the end of the story, a staff she received from Inanna as a badge of her office; irl the staff was regarded as a sign that a sukkal acts in their master's name, and there are indications it was bestowed upon them in myths so I figured it's the best way to establish which of Ninshubur's roles is her "true" one in my setting. 10. she cuts her hair assymetrically. Relationship: 1. Ninshubur is the first person ever who confesses to Inanna rather than the other way around. It's going to be a plot point. 2. Ninshubur is secretly a huge enthusiast of Inanna's ostentious displays of wealth and status, because she believes that unlike many other upper level gods she actually earned it 3. Inanna praises Ninshubur in public a lot. This is based on the countless words of praise in myths and hymns involving them, obviously. 4. Ninshubur's dedication is an object of light envy from Inanna's various occasional collaborators (the aforementioned "other Ishtars" such as Elamite Pinikir). She is evidently inherently appealing to Inanna-adjacent demographics. 5. Inanna tells Ninshubur stories about her past amorous ventures but Ninshubur is often more invested in the distant locales (such as Ebla) and the worldbuilding than with the romance and what resulted from it. 6. Inanna on her own acts on impulse too much but Inanna+Ninshubur duo is a remedy to this problem which is going to be an in-universe explanation for why Inanna seems to be able to accomplish just about anything in myths which also star Ninshubur. 7. Ninshubur had a rather limited idea about romance and related matters when she started dating Inanna and had to learn a lot about it from her gf. I didn't entirely make this up, there are Inanna love poems where she instructs Dumuzi about related matters so I figured it's only fair to incorporate this information because I found it cute. 8. Ninshubur likes hickeys. 9. they'll probably get married formally at some point but won't be yet in the core story. it needs room for wacky adventures instead. 10. this isn't really a hc but as i already said i think that if they were male and greek this wouldn't be an obscure curiosity only I talk about frequently and the entire story truth to be told started out of the need to show Ninshubur and the tons of subtext she's prepackaged with to more people.
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universal-kitty · 5 years ago
   I see nice tags from @blackquills-wife, I want to keep writing ideas. So have a bunch of headcanons/fun facts about my SI-OCs for LoZ!!! Cause I’m thinking a LOT about this series rn. Obviously.
The very first incarnation of Ethel in the timeline- during the wars of Demise and Hylia- was a sickly young woman. Separated from humanity when Skyloft was formed (she didn’t get on the land in time to ascend with the rest of them), that is what made her within reach for Orona to obtain her soul.
This implies that she died just as young as the First Hero.
Originally, Ethel was supposed to be the “failed” heroine for Orona, where Aquaria was supposed to succeed. Over the years, they’ve both grown to have their darker moments and their brighter, happier moments.
Ethel is the name for most of the incarnations of Orona’s heroine. However, there’s also Evadne (Majora’s Mask and A Link Between Worlds), Aquaria (toon series), and Saorise (Link to the Past + The Legend of Zelda & Adventure of Link).
Ethel (and her incarnations) typically are paired with one: Link. However, this romance is typically unrequited...
Aquaria- when in a Four Swords deal- typically falls for Purple/Violet Link, addressing her connections to Orona. The only time this changes is in Tri-Force Heroes, where she ends up dating Blue. (Due to her name connection and the fact Vio isn’t canon to the game...for some reason...)
She’s also had a crush on Vaati. Again, with the purples.
In Skyward Sword, Ethel moves on from her crush on Link thanks to Groose, who also had moved on from his feelings for Zelda during the course of the story. They end up married and with kids...who would one day become the Gerudo race.
(Fi is just a major AU bc I think that sword spirit is really dang cute.)
There’s also Princess Ruto of the Zora from OoT... In one timeline, that sure happened.
Ganondorf is a minor crush throughout the main storyline, but Ethel’s incarnation in Hyrule Warriors has it for the King quite badly. (As well as a small crush on the hero, as usual.)
BotW sees Ethel fall for Link and Sidon...because really, who wouldn’t? (As well as a Gerudo OC I’m still trying to make, whoops.)
It’s said that- some 10,000 years ago- she also was deeply in love with a certain king from the desert..... Hmm! (BotW 2, help me.)
Over the years, various weapons and steeds have been bequeathed to these cursed heroines. Here are some notable ones:
Arion: A black and white pinto stallion from Ocarina of Time and BotW. A horse with attitude, he’s known to be rather troublesome and sassy, but does his best to make room for that and assisting his rider, Ethel.
Ghost Reaver: Ethel’s destined sword (the Master Sword to her Link) and originally introduced in Skyward Sword, with a sword spirit by the name of Castalia. Though now dormant for centuries- much like Fi- her being still echoes through the blade with a comforting, assuring warmth... Legends like to say the Ghost Reaver can cut down any foe- alive or dead- with ease. Thus, the blade’s name.
Raim: Aquaria’s bird companion in Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass. Large enough to ride, Aquaria can ride him instead of using a boat, which makes her seasick. He isn’t one for strangers, but adores Aquaria and is very protective of her.
Shadow Bow: Detailed in Hyrule Warriors, this bow allows Aquaria to shot arrows coated in black-purple malice at her enemies. The bow glows in the same energy. Tales say this bow and it’s supply of arrows feed off of anger and darkness to power it...
Celestial Cleaver: Named in HW, this is Evadne’s secondary weapon. It’s a blade that shines like an opal, with a decorated hit and guard. There seems to be a language on the blade, but none but Evadne, Fierce Deity, and the Giants can read it.
Trident of the Giants: A rare, four-pronged trident built in reverence to the Giants of Termina, wielded by Evadne, named in HW. This is her primary weapon. It’s a rust-red color (matching the giant’s skin color) except for the tips, which fade into a light green color.
Unnamed Loftwing: Ethel’s Loftwing in Skyward Sword. Though given no name (or perhaps, one that is lost to history), they made themselves remembered through time with his coloration: black with purple sheen in the light. Tailed, with red eyes, too; worried as a bad omen, but was simply Ethel’s temperamental partner. Over time, that became that. A calm creature, nurturing and sweet... Though nervous around strangers.
Honestly, pretty close to Impa, through the timelines. Sort of like a distant relative, where they’re awkward around each other, but do care, when it comes down to it. Impa is an inspiration for Ethel, and she has a motherly sort of view on Ethel, wishing her the best for the journey ahead.
Ethel once had a crush on Sheik. Never lived it down when the truth was revealed... (Though was one of her own incarnations earliest realizations of, “Oh, I am...not straight, actually.” Especially considering- in one timeline- she’d later fall for Princess Ruto.)
In Twilight Princess, Ethel takes on the form of a panther in the twilight. (It’s because I’m cat obsessed. We know this.) Alina is her companion of the twilight. (A Twili banished from her homeland many years ago. She’s survived by staying out of the sun, hiding in caves and tunnels.)
In OoT, Ethel has a fairy named Thera. Like how Navi is short for “Navigation”, Thera is short for “Therapist.” Because damn she be needing one...
Modern AU Ethel is a Mess. Orona gives her no peace.
Speaking of the Fourth, Exiled Goddess-!! She had a lover, once. Not Demise, but a being named Ryleh. Her powers influenced his creation- much in a similar way of Demise and the other three with Hylia- and the two ended up falling in love.
Orona- in my view- is a representative of Darkness and Shadow. And though there is some evil tied in there, it is not ALL of who she is. A misunderstanding that’s only gotten worse over the years, to the point where her existence has been denied in later years. (For an idea of this, by OoT, it’s but a little known myth. By the first of each three timelines post-OoT, it’s essentially gone from all records.)
Orona is sweet, just misled. Thinking she’s doing good when she is creating chaos and cruelty. Instead of being corrected, she was shunned and banished for her wrongdoing.
...Despite this, she took the soul of who would eventually become Ethel and waited. Because it didn’t take long for Orona to miss her sisters, and long to be with them again.
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Asa ?
she is Baby. and i Love her.
Full Name: asa hallows. she made up the last name all by herself as a tween, and she thought it was very badass at the time.Gender and Sexuality: she’s a lesbian! and the whole werewolf narrative is something v relatable to me from a Gender Perspective so i do see her as nb?Pronouns: she/her or they/themEthnicity/Species: werewolf! (in dnd terms, she’s a longtooth shifter, which is fucking handy from a cleric perspective bc it keeps you up and running.) she isn’t really sure what she is, other than that, though, probably half-elven or firbolg or something among those lines.Birthplace and Birthdate: unknown. she’s somewhere between 18-21, and she was born at least close to the city she grew up in, but. she’s not really sure. neither am i. i like that. BUT virgo sun cancer moon aries risingGuilty Pleasures: not “guilty” per se, but she doesn’t want to be a nerd unless we’re talking about BOTANY or ARCHITECTURE. she also sometimes fucks around with incense for pleasure, rather than just communicating with her deity. i mean, talking to her goddess is a part of it, but it’s a good high, too. just her, some cool looking rocks, and somethin’ a lil bit weird.Phobias: being manipulated, being abandoned, being hated, loud noises.What They Would Be Famous For: dumbassery and Being Just Pretty Nice.What They Would Get Arrested For: medical malpractice.OC You Ship Them With: she flirted (poorly) with an npc the other week! (sorry nemo). but of my ocs, she’s probably have a crush on angie violetbeach. and what a trainwreck that would be.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: we’ll see what happens in-game. but again, my ocs? antigone would hate her ass. what the fuck is a healthy relationship with your deity bitch im gonna kill you. (and then they fall in love for real)Favorite Movie/Book Genre: i think she’d be into campy horror? again, because she is my dnd character, and because i project onto every character i create, there’s some obvious overlap. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: oh gosh she would fuckin’ hate chosen one stories. so much. gosh.Talents and/or Powers: she’s a grave cleric! so. healing. cancelling crits. reviving. bane-ing. blighting, eventually. sending 25 word messages. alternatively: *inflicts a wound* *inflicts a wound* *inflicts a wound* *inflicts a woWhy Someone Might Love Them: she’s baby! she is a very well-intentioned young’un who genuinely wants to help people. and she’s nice! she tries to be very nice! and she has a lot of enthusiasm for the world and for people in spite of shit that’s happened to her in the past!Why Someone Might Hate Them: she does not remember people’s names. she speaks before she thinks. she is extremely dodgy about things she does not need to be dodgy about like ma’am. ma’am. please.How They Change: we’re only three sessions in! but she’s learned what guns are, kind of. and i want her to sort of. you know, be able to feel like she’s worth something/a good person outside of the gifts that have been given to her? she has 0 self esteem. please help her.Why You Love Them: she’s baby. nah, just. conceptually, like–her blank slate personality was fucking wolfpupy. i was like. i am going to be a sort of dumb, very confusing, very confused, feral magic-doer.  and it obviously spiraled beyond that the second i started trying to develop her psyche, but that’s what’s fun about dnd in my opinion! i had no idea that she would be so flighty, or so. uh. for lack of a better term, damage-doer-y. she’s great and she’s surprising and i love her. thank you.
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missilekidding · 6 years ago
☄ / 🔮 / 🌐 :)
Gah I had so much fun with these! Again, so sorry I didn’t get around to them sooner, but I hope they were worth waiting for!
☄ - NewsAGoGo
To begin with I need to say that my headcanons for this wonderful lesbian are HEAVILY influenced by @neon-rat‘s NewsAGoGo tag cause that shit is SO GOOD.
- So we got our lesbian scene queen here. She’s had about four thousand different hair cuts and colours and not a single one has ever looked good, but that’s sort of the point. She is CONSTANTLY shaving bits off her head and has most of her scalp tattooed. Frequently seen in a variety of extremely ugly green, yellow or orange trench coats and totally impractical knee length boots, and manages to pull off the ‘I literally wouldn’t recognise good fashion if it punched me in the face’ look brilliantly. This is mostly because of her charisma and confidence in personally loving her own look, and besides, she is a TERRIFYING motherfucker so most runners wouldn’t have the guts to tell her they don’t like her look anyway.
- When I say shes tattooed I mean she is TATTOOED. Most of her body is covered. They aren’t generally big pieces either - a large piece on her upper arm, chest and one thigh, but otherwise covered in tons of smaller pieces, individual from each other and symbolic of vastly different things. Her favourite is probably any of the pieces her girlfriend, DJ Hot Chimp, has given her, and even if Hot Chimp wasn’t genuinely one of the best tattoo artists in the zones she would adore the fact that it’s her girl’s iconic ocean patterns that rest across her rib cage.
- She can be pretty blunt, and it often comes across as rude - she will always speak her mind and totally tends to miss the changes in conversations when people are hurt. She can also get a little heated too when she’s passionate, but also very short when she doesn’t care, so she can be a little intense for many joys to deal with. That’s not, however, to say that she is unkind. If NewsAGoGo is anything, its a good fucking friend. She is fiercely loyal to Doctor Death Defying and her friends at the radio station, and to Hot Chimp, and she easily makes up for anything mean that she may accidentally say in the passion she shows to the people she trusts.
- Before they settled either with or near Doctor D in the radio station, News, Hot Chimp, Cherri and Pony all ran together - it only lasted for about six months once they escaped the City, but it was probably the most fun any of them had. They were some of the earliest killjoys to get out, so the rules of the Zones were much less defined, meaning that setting fire to buildings for the sake of it and driving fast enough to crash every single car they found was fine - the precious nature of these things really weren’t set out or apparent, and the desire for chaos which plagues any runner fresh out of the City went uncontrolled in them.
🔮 - The Phoenix Witch
AH! My absolutely favourite character in the universe! Resident Goth Deity!
- She isn’t called the Phoenix Witch for no reason. The woman has mad power. Raising the dead and making random shit vanish type power. Mostly she takes this very seriously - a nasty side effect of prophetic visions is that she can see the role she, and others, need to play in the big picture, and so her somewhat controversial choices to raise, or not raise joys from the dead plays on her conscience a lot. It’s not clear where she got her power from other than the fact that it took her years of practise to gain it, and that the more powerful she becomes the less she seems to actually be seen.
- This then means that very few living runners have actually seen her. In the earlier days it was more common - she seemed to actually conform to the idea that having a physical form means that you had to exist somewhere at all times, so seeing her around the zones was rare, but possible. Many of those ‘joys who did see her wandering across the land however were ghosted, and those who do claim to have seen her in the later years tend to say that she can just appear at will, and so this lack of knowledge and sightings of her, paired with the frequent stories of the impossible things she can just do really gained her her status as big fucking mythical cryptid across the zones.
- Know I included this in my last Phoenix Witch headcanon post but it’s a headcanon I am willing to Die for - She is Doctor Death Defying’s twin. They were raised together and although they don’t see each other very often cause like. crazy zone happenings. they are still incredibly close and look out for each other. They also fuck around and indirectly make each other’s lives extremely difficult on purpose to piss the other one off because even if your sister is essentially a deity you can still make sure that she wakes up to her least favourite song playing on the radio once every week, and even if your brother is the most revered killjoy in the zones you can give him weird fucking intense dreams that fully convince him that yes, he is in fact a large marsupial, at two in the morning.
- Her ability to shape shift was something that kind of just happened. very suddenly. She was kind of just sitting there one day, thinking about how inconvenient it was to be a human person with like arms and legs and a torso, when suddenly she just wasn’t anymore. It was pretty surprising to say the least, to no longer have to exist in corporeal form, but both personally and practically it was pretty awesome, and after some practise she worked out how to change into a raven, which while also looking totally rad allowed her to go and sit outside Doctor D’s radio station at ungodly hours of the morning and shriek really loud before making a quick get away.
🌐 - One of my OCs
Okay lets talk Grenade. My fucking weird dumbass bitch oc. Love her.
- She has never lived in the Battery - she’s originally from around London, but when shit Went Down in the UK her family moved as far as they could - into the area that later became the zones. Her mother moved into the City in the early days but Grenade’s apprehension to follow proved pretty fucking lucky after Better Living started dropping bombs on the zones and their true nature was revealed. During this time she spent a while running with this group of aggressive dudes and trying to convince herself that she was totally straight™, but she quickly realised that this group were actually pretty awful morally, and left, later realising that girls exist and reassessing her entire world view.
-  She is pretty covered in tattoos (notice the running theme in my headcanons for most female killjoys, I’m gay sue me), with her favourite being either the snake around her forearm or the large floral pieces over her hips and thighs. Her time being a general nuisance to Dracs has proved a little detrimental to the larger pieces on her body - a particularly violent run in left most of her chest piece totally unrecognisable, but the scarring itself still has meaning to her so it doesn’t bother her too much.
- She is often seen running around under the full moon, titties out, praising the Goddess. Just cause you live in the desert doesn’t mean you can’t still do your crazy witch shit and Grenade is definitely extremely spiritual. Due to this she also makes charms for runners she meets - getting her hands on actual supplies for spell bags is hard, but she makes do with what she can find and invests a lot of time into sigil magic to make up for it.
- Her and Lithium (@neon-rat’s OC) were the first members of their group, and met shortly after Better Living stopped dropping pig bombs when the two of them ended up trying to kill the same annoying SCARECROW agent together. They got on amazingly mostly because they are both fucking batshit crazy, so the idea of spending three weeks hiding in the City and just repetitively stealing all the fruit from the previously mentioned SCARECROW agent’s house before setting it on fire was one that made perfect sense to them both. They were originally gonna call their group Dykes! but realised that DOGS, or ‘Damn, Occult Girls are Sexy’ is funnier, and sounds like it should stand for something way cooler than it does.
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