#i have a trashy eclaris heart.
selinaneveahcrystal · 7 years
Lorna said she can feel the baby like almost how she can feel metal and electricity.
Does that mean there's a high potential the baby has similar powers to Lorna? Because unless the child has a certain affinity to the same kind of mutancy Lorna has for Electro-Magnetism I don't think Lorna would be that specific to say that she could feel her baby just like how natural and similar it is to feel metal and electricity all around her.
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selinaneveahcrystal · 7 years
Of All Kisses and Crushes
Prompt: @irenehogan-blog scenarios of what could have happened after their kiss in episode 3. The break apart and get all shy and awkward or they move it inside and get it on. +John teases Lorna about her crush on Marcos.
It's a heady rush of adrenaline and excitement that tingles through Lorna's veins as she breaks apart from Marcos' lips, her hazel eyes slightly glazed and surprised as she clutches his arm to steady herself.
"Okay." She says quietly to herself. "Okay. Wow." A short laugh escapes Marcos' lips opposite her, high pitched and nervous. "That was not what I expected." She glanced at his tense stance slightly before letting her lips gently slide into a wide smile. "Not that it wasn't good." Her cheeks are tinted red---and she can't remember when was the last time she'd actually blushed like that, perhaps in a far distant memory of a more stable life and high school boyfriends.
"Look I, I uhm---"
"Don't you dare apologise." Marcos stops short as she silences him with a glare and a finger to the lips. "I told you I don't mind." Her eyes softened slightly. "And it isn't a crime to kiss someone as pretty as me, you know." He chuckles at her audacity.
"It was a heat in a moment thing, but...it was great." He ended lamely, and Lorna chuckles lightly at his embarrassment.
Their fingers tangled with each other comfortably, his thumb rubbing the back of her hand gently, and Lorna's utterly surprised to find she doesn't detest his touch.
At all.
In fact, she quite enjoys it.
She leans in hesitantly this time, both scared and anticipating, and their noses bump lightly into each other, and she chuckles, embarrassed.
"Sorry." The moment is shattered by their inexperience, and Marcos shakes his head, a crooked smile on his lips.
"Maybe we should go somewhere more private." Lorna glances down at the bright vibrant lights that twined around their hands, and blushes deeply before nodding. She was quite sure John wouldn't be that appreciative of the sudden disturbance to his good night's sleep.
"Or maybe we should take it slow." Her eyebrows raise as he fumbles.
"Hey, you were the one that kissed me."
"Yeah, I did. But I don't want---don't want it to kinda end off as something like a one night stand." She thinks it's adorable that his cheeks flush as he tries to ask her as subtly (but failing miserably) to be his girlfriend, and her hands fists into his shirt as she smiles coyly at him, before pressing a full kiss to his lips and leaving him dazed in the parking lot, flouncing off back towards their headquarters.
She does an internal squeal of excitement as he calls after her not five minutes later.
"Hey! So is that a yes or a no?" She pivots on her foot, her hands behind her back as she smiles cheekily at him.
"I'm free tomorrow evening." She watches as understanding Dawns on his eyes and he smiles sheepishly at her, scratching his head slightly. "I'll kick you if you aren't there at seven sharp!" She calls, feeling on cloud nine as she practically dances into the headquarters.
"So....Flashlight boy and you are hooking up? I guess the googly eyes you were making secretly at him worked." She shrieks as John appears out of nowhere and scares the crap out of her (it's one of his less desirable mutant abilities---to move around like a ninja despite being built like a hulk). He paused for a moment, before a grin spreads across his face. "You're so cute when you are crushing hard on someone and not all imposing and badass, you know."
"Ew, go flatter Sonya instead." She flaps her hands playfully in his face. "But I do not have a crush on Marcos."
"Oh so it's a first name basis now? I guess it's inevitable, since he's meeting you at seven sharp in the evening tomorrow, and you guys just kissed." Lorna had half the mind to actually throw him by the metal buckles on his belt all across the room, but grins as she remembers the leverage she holds over him. John was crushing hard on her best friend himself---Sonya, but the poor man, despite all his muscle and brawn, can't seem to work up the courage to even ask her out for a small date.
"If you're gonna tease me endlessly, I'm telling Sonya about your crush on her!" She sing-songs. What she doesn't tell John is that Sonya likes him too--- because she figures she might as well get the most out of these two secrets (Sonya's been at her Beck and call almost every day because she doesn't want John to know her crush on him, and John's been keeping his line very very well, because he doesn't want Sonya to know he likes her too. All in all, it's complicated. For them, but beneficial for her.)
"You wouldn't."
"Oh believe me, I so would." She cups her hands slightly. "Oh Sonnyyyyaaaa--" John yelps, rushing to clasp a hand over Lorna's mouth.
"Fine! I won't say a word or tease you about your crush with Marcos!" She holds up a finger, raising an eyebrow. "I swear I won't even mention it." His shoulders sag.
"Good boy." She Pats his muscular arms, because it would be awkward for her to stand on her toes and Pat his head when she's only 1.74 metres and he's a good 1.8.
"What am I, a dog?" He calls after her as she prances off gleefully.
"Maybe!" She teases him back, enjoying this new hold over John way too much. Sonya catches up to her halfway through the stairs, eyebrows raised.
"You woke me with that call from my sleep, Lorna." She's Moody from the lack of sleep while Lorna is all hyped from her encounter with Marcos. "Mind telling me why the hell are you blushing?" Lorna shrugs, leaning on the staircase bannister, her face propped in both of her hands as she looked down at her best friend with a wide smile on her face.
"I just got a date with Marcos."
Her best friend's eyes widen.
"You mean that hot scruffy Diaz boy? I thought you didn't like him!" She surrenders as Lorna glares at her when she mentions that Marcos is hot----because Lorna is just damn possessive over the people she likes and Marcos just so happens to be one of them.
"Well---" Lorna drawls, her shoulder shrugging offhandedly. "He kissed me first, and he's quite handsome."
"So because he's handsome that's why you've decided to date him?"
"Noooo, I ain't that shallow." Lorna huffs. "We both can do really cool stuff with our powers."
"Tell me!" Lorna shrinks back slightly, turning her face half away. She wants to keep their Aurora Borealis effect much of a secret rather than share it---it felt like it was something special that they both shared with each other only, and there was no way that Lorna wanted Sonya to know about this, despite them being good friends.
"Oh, it's nothing." She waves her friend off quickly. "I'm gonna go to bed."
"Yeah, keep pretending, Lorna Dane! I'll find out about this thing you're talking about sooner or later!" Dreamer huffs, and smiles shyly as John appears on the steps behind her. "Oh! Hi Johnny." Lorna grins as the two stare at each other awkwardly, a blush on their faces before she retreats to her room, a song on her lips and a skip in her step.
Life was good.
Life was so very good.
I know that a lot of people don't like Thunderbird and Dreamer together and to be honest, I don't either. But at this point Clarisse hasn't appeared and we all know that Well, John and Sonya were old news since they dated for almost a year or so I think.
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selinaneveahcrystal · 7 years
Lorna Tells Marcos About Her Time In Jail–Pt 1
Rated M
Prompt: @recklessnesspersonified @irenehogan-blog Polaris being a badass but secretly loving Marcos’ cuddles at night+ Lorna tells Marcos she was kicked, he gets angry and possessive. They somehow find out the baby’s okay and they celebrate.
Its quiet in the car when they’re driving back from the breakout back towards headquarters.
Lorna has never had any qualms of not telling Marcos anything, even with people she didn’t like in the car. But this was sensitive.
She nearly curled into herself as she thought back of her time in prison, and flinched openly as her mind drifted to the baby.
“Hey.” His warm hands slide comfortingly across her back. “Something wrong?” She could see from the corner of her eyes that the other three in the car tried not to be intrusive by looking in another direction (well, John in a more subtle way) but couldn’t help but be interested in what they were saying anyway.
So she shook her head in silence, shrugging off his hands awkwardly as though she didn’t want them on her back.
But unfortunately, both Marcos and John clearly understood her more than they should have, because the moment she did that, both of their voices came sternly as though to reprimand her.
“Lorna.” Her cheeks coloured at their silent reprimand.
“It’s just something that happened in jail. Nothing much.” Marcos stiffened slightly.
“In jail? Are you sure? Do you— do you need a doctor or something?” Panic started filling his voice.
“No.” Lorna murmured softly, but her voice shook slightly as she curled further into herself. “The baby is fine. I think.” She said in a small voice.
Immediately, the blonde lady and John stiffened.
“The baby?” John’s tone was incredulous. “I mean, your scent kind of changed for the last few months or so but I assumed that was because you were sticking with Marcos so much that he had to rub off on you.” He dropped his focus back to the steering wheel as Lorna reached his leg over and kicked the back of his chair childishly. “Okay fine! I’m sorry!” Lorna grinned lightly to herself as she retracted her offensive foot, before gently patting Marcos’ hands, glad for John’s momentary distraction.
“Lorna, what happened in jail?” Marcos kept his voice carefully neutral, but it shook with a hidden anger, like a calm before the storm. Lorna chewed her lip nervously. Perhaps this wasn’t the good time to–
“Did they give you some checkups? Or at least make sure that your baby is okay?” The prosecutor’s wife asked quietly. “I know that I might not be quite accurate with the treatment that they might have given you, but at the very least, if they knew you were pregnant they should have given a proper treatment–”
“Yeah, they knew alright.” Lorna shot an offensive glare at Reed before crossing her arms, her mind taking her back to the atrocious officer that had came to her cell to mock her as the memory flashed through her mind. “Sure didn’t change the kind of treatment I got because I was a mutie.” She grumbled. “I still got locked in the solitary for something I didn’t do and got kicked in the stomach by other inmates.” She paused, eyes widening as she realised what had slipped her mouth in her fit of silent anger.
Her eyes turned to Marcos, who stared at her, before his hands pressed against hers urgently. John’s hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly till his knuckles turned white, while the blonde haired lady fidgeted in her seat, face pale and slightly disbelieving.
“They kicked you in your stomach? Are you sure they knew that you were pregnant?”
Marcos hissed at her words, almost starting for the prosecutor’s wife before Lorna’s hands gently pulled him back.
“Are you ignorant or what?” Lorna felt insulted that the woman didn’t believe her. What did she take her for? A girl that didn’t take her child’s life seriously? So much so that she’d joke about being kicked in the stomach while she was pregnant?
The hidden anger in her tone was enough to keep the lady quiet, Lorna guessed, because none of them spoke a single word as they made their way back to the headquarters.
The consequences of spilling that tiny secret that she was kicked in her stomach was pretty much apparent when they finally settled down back at headquarters, and after Lorna had taken a nice warm bowl of soup that didn’t send her heaving on the floor. She watched as Marcos paced the floor of their room vault, her spoon stirring the hot soup morosely.
He was brooding. Again.
Most likely because he knew she didn’t like being coddled, and hence was struggling to convey his apparent concern for that kick that was still in the forefront of his mind.
Lorna thought it was cute.
And a fleeting smile crossed her face, before her snorts of laughter turned to full blown laughing hysterics. She was sure that everyone who heard her would pretty much have thought she was crazy. But it didn’t matter, because Marcos was staring at her with a half stumped and sheepish look on his face.
“That obvious huh.”
“Don’t worry.” She purred, sliding her arms over his shoulder and stealing a light kiss. “I think it’s cute that you’re so possessive, even though it annoys the crap out of me when you pace the floor.” He smiled wryly, before his rough palms slide across her hips gently, tracing the slight curve of her stomach almost agressively.
“You know I’ll never let anything happen to you.” Marcos growled lowly under his breath. “Both of you. Not if I can help it.” Lorna hummed at his words.
“What?” Marcos glared at her slightly, as though challenging what she thought.
“I didn’t say anything.” She grinned as she felt him getting more riled up. “It’s just that…everyone knows that I wear the pants of our relationship.” Lorna left his arms, smiling teasingly at him before returning to her soup bowl, grinning slightly to herself as she felt him glower behind her agressively. “Not that I doubt the fact of how capable you are.” Her eyes sauntered towards the open vault door.
Perhaps she should close it, in a event of…other..things happening. A shiver of anticipation fled down her spin as she grinned coyly, twitching her fingers as she felt the metal vault door respond and groan.
Just a little more.
She took her concentration off Marco’s entirely, and sighed with exertion as the heavy door finally clanged shut, sealing them inside. John would know better than to let anyone disturb them. He’d learnt that when she closed the vault door, it meant some very scarring things to young eyes was going on in there.
Lorna chuckled at the memory of John’s horrified face when he’d barged into her and Marcos in the middle of sex when he’d tried to consult her for her opinion after a meeting. He couldn’t even look at her in the eye for weeks afterwards.
But, taking her eyes off Marco’s was a bad mistake.
Her eyes flitted back to the empty space where he previously stood in surprise, before yelping as he shoved her possessively against the door, before claiming her lips with his own hungrily.
She moaned slightly in triumph, nibbling on his bottom lip before gasping as he rocked into her, and his tongue shot between her lips, leaving her both breathless and wanting for more.
She pulled away slightly, and he growled, fingers tightening at her hips almost painfully, but not enough to bruise.
Perhaps she shouldn’t have pushed him too much. Marcos was a possessive man, aggressive due to the dark times he’d spent in the cartel. He just kept that side of him hidden well, partly because it brought back bad memories, and the other was because she was badass enough for both of them in the Underground to make a point to everyone.
But on the other hand, Lorna truly enjoyed this animalistic side of him, because it made her feel comforted and wanted, and most specifically, not in a coddled way.
“Hey babe?” His voice pulled her from her thoughts, his eyes losing their dark hunger in them as he stared at her concerned.
Lorna growled slightly, jerking him forward to crash her lips into his.
She did not just come out of jail just to lose the rare Wilder side of her boyfriend just because he was concerned.
Continued in Pt 2
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selinaneveahcrystal · 7 years
Going Home—Part 3
Prompt from: @simbagirl15 Marcos and Lorna feel the baby move for the first time + discuss about the family that threw him out+ the fact that Marcos said that his family was not so much his family (so I presumed that he must have had someone he missed back home/loved dearly)
Credits to: @wereallmisfts for giving me the biggest idea about Aurora’s powers and the partial reason why Lorna can feel her baby in her tummy. So I went along the line that Aurora has powers similar to Lorna, but more specific and super fine tuned that it senses automatically the electro magnetic aura of individuals and objects and she manifests them in the form of coloured lights that are quite similar to the Aurora Borealis. But because the electro magnetism of an individual is suceptible to change because of emotions, Aurora’s ability also likes in being able to change the electromagnetic auras of an individual, which in turn affect their emotions. Something like an empath. She cans till control metal, but mildly and not as effective as Lorna because her powers lie in the more fine tuned aspects of electromagneticism. So the pros is she can cause widespread empathic situations to occur but cons is she only affects metal very vaguely. That means she can bend metal, but she can’t shape it like Magneto and Polaris can, because her power is too specific.
Continued from Part 1 and Part 2
“Lorna Dane. Lorna Diaz-Dane.” A flicker of recognition seeps into the old man’s eyes as he hears her last name. “I am the wife of your son.” She prodded his chest angrily. “And you’re nothing but a fool!” Marcos jerked her back as his father swung a fist angrily in her direction, snapping his body forward and shielding her from the blow. The shriek that fell from her mouth woke her daughter, who wailed at her interrupted slumber.
“You!” Lorna hissed angrily, one hand comforting her young child, and she swiftly pinned the large Man by his belt to the wall. “I should kill you for hitting Marcos!” She shrieked as her daughter wailed in her arms.
“Lorna!” Marcos gripped her hand tightly just as the metal chains tightened almost unbearably around the old hulking man’s throat. “Forget it! You’re scaring Aurora.” Lorna snapped to attention immediately at the mention of her daughter, and her eyes fell to her little daughter, who wailed her lungs out, little hands fisted in her shirt, tears running down her tiny face as she lost control of her powers in her distress.
Marcos and Lorna glanced at each other in alarm as the glimmering black and red lights rose slowly from their daughter’s body, and then exploded into the air, almost blanketing the entire neighbourhood.
Aurora screamed half in anger and half in terror as she clung to Lorna, her empathic powers twisting all of their emotions to rage filled ones, her intense fear and rage taking precedence over all over emotions.
“What…” Marcos watched with horror as his brother and sister cowered in a corner, their own feelings a messed up jumble of emotions. Aurora hadn’t intended to impact them, she was simply lashing out in accordance to her fear and the feedback she got from her mother’s anger.
“Lorna! You have to calm her down!” He hollered over the sudden cacophony of angry shouts as everyone in the neighborhood reacted instinctively on the rage and anger Aurora had pulled out and amplified. Fists beating flesh sounded close to their ears, and screams of pain and distress welled from almost every corner and every direction.
It only served to increase Aurora’s fear and anger, and soon screams of terror filled the air as Lorna tried to calm down her little baby, almost to no avail. Aurora quieted slightly, still sniffling momentarily as she clung to her mother almost desperately. The black red lights sparked, then dimmed to almost nothing before it resumed it’s regular purplish green hue, pretty and sparkling, as Marcos cupped some broken glass in his hands and gave his daughter a mini light show.
Aurora reached curiously for the broken glass, and Lorna snatched her hand just centimeters away from the shattered fragments, exhaling slightly in relief. Her daughter turned to her curiously for a moment before becoming content with stuffing her fingers in her mouth like all babies should, and Lorna glanced at Marcos worriedly.
“We should leave. The Sentinel Services probably would have heard of this by now.”
“See what you did here? Bringing a freak lady and freak child to my house and causing all this—” The old man didn’t even get to finish his sentence before Marcos tore his blazing fists into him, without remorse.
“You can say anything you’d like about me, but the line draws where you insult my family. My wife, my child.” The pudgy old man coughed, blood spurting from the mess of a broken nose and teeth, his face sporting some serious burns. “At the very least, I’m glad you disowned me, because I found my true family after that.” He turned towards his younger siblings. “Of course, with an exclusion of you two.” Marcos said quietly. “You’d always be my younger brother and sister. And we’ll welcome visits if you’d want to.” He smiled tentatively as the twins brightened.
“Yes!” Eliana threw her arms around Marcos before planting a kiss on Lorna’s cheek affectionately. Her fingers gently touched the chubby cheeks of her niece.
“She’s beautiful.” Lorna watched quietly with a smile as Eliana’s face widened into an adoring smile at the little girl in her arms.
“Well, she’s half of your brother.” Lorna chuckled. “So of course she’d be beautiful.” A tender smile crossed her lips.
“¡No! Eliana, tú y tu hermano no pueden visitar a Marcos, ¿entendido? ¡No lo puedo permitir!” Lorna growled as the old man interrupted them again, and she felt her daughter’s fear peak as he stalked forward, as though about to hit Eliana.
“Eliana! We’re leaving!” All head whipped around to the long forgotten Gabríel, who tossed a filled bag at his sister, a scowl on his face.
“What?” The teen stalked forward, almost boiling with anger as he walked past his father to stand next to Marcos.
“Are you deaf or you purposely didn’t hear me? Do I need to translate to Spanish for you to understand? ¡Nos vamos! ¡No nos quedaremos! ¡Vamos con Marcos!” There was almost a violent tone to his vehement voice.
“You cannot leave these premises—”
“Oh yeah? Try me. We’re nineteen, way past the legal age to make a living outside without your help, thank you very much.” Gabriel snapped. “I will not have you insult El hermano and his child in front of me no longer! Puedes negarme todo lo que me importa, ¡todavía voy con Marcos!” Lorna stared, slightly stunned as the older twin grabbed Eliana’s hand and dragged her out of the compound. “I packed your stuff for you already–”
“You went through my stuff? Gabriel you—” Their squibbling voices echoed from the front gate.
“Hey! You coming or not?” Marcos stared after his younger siblings with a brighter twinkle in his eyes, and Lorna slipped her hand into his.
“Well, who knew?” She teased, still bouncing their daughter slightly on her hip. “I told you they’d want you back. They love you too much not to care.” She murmured. “Let’s go.” She pulled a stupefied Marcos forward with a chuckle, and waved her hand, barring the gates with reinforced steel as the hulking man started after them.
“You’re not following us.” She glared back at the man her husband used to call father. “I’m never having you and your poisonous air near my child ever again.” The metal gates bent inwards threateningly, pointing their sharpened heads at the old man, before both Lorna and Marcos disappeared down the drive, with two extra teens in tow.
¡No! Eliana, tú y tu hermano no pueden visitar a Marcos, ¿entendido? ¡No lo puedo permitir! : No! Eliana, you and your brother will not visit Marcos, understand? I do not allow it!
¡Nos vamos! ¡No nos quedaremos! ¡Vamos con Marcos! : We’re leaving! We’re not staying! We’re leaving with Marcos!
Puedes negarme todo lo que me importa, ¡todavía voy con Marcos! : You can disown me for all I care, but I’m still leaving with Marcos!
And yes. I used Google Translate for Spanish so it’s trash. :p
And we’re done with this prompt! Hope it meets expectations. Again xD I actually wrote this while at work so 😂😂😂
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selinaneveahcrystal · 7 years
Lorna Tells Marcos About Her Time In Jail–Pt 2
Rated M
Continued from Part 1
Prompt: @recklessnesspersonified @irenehogan-blog Polaris being a badass but secretly loving Marcos’ cuddles at night+ Lorna tells Marcos she was kicked, he gets angry and possessive. They somehow find out the baby’s okay and they celebrate.
Marcos smirked slightly into their kiss, his fingers slipping beneath her shirt to her heated skin, the almost burning warmth of his skin against her own skin lighting her desire to even greater heights.
“We should stop before someone hears us.” Marcos said breathlessly, between kisses.
Lorna made a soft noise of disagreement, before pulling his face back to hers, her fingers undoing his belt with a twitch of her fingers.
“You’re being hasty.” Marcos chuckled as he gripped her wrists, bringing them up over her head as she panted, pressed her hands to the wall.
“Marcos.” She growled lowly, bucking slightly, her hazel eyes dilated and hungry for more.
“Lorna.” He grinned teasingly, a equally lazy but animalistic smile on his lips, warning her. She huffed out her frustration as he pushed her back the moment she bucked forward towards his lips, and they struggled for a couple of moments, the power struggle shifting and changing almost every minute as they teased each other.
Lorna nearly raked her nails down his arm in her frustration, and Marcos chuckled lowly, before gently bringing her closer, nuzzling her nose and pressing her lips gently against his in a slow sweet kiss.
She nearly cried with relief as he finally unbuckled her jeans, her slim legs wiggling out of the restrictive cloth to curl around his waist before—
“Lorna! Marcos!” Lorna nearly growled with frustration as John’s voice echoed outside the vault.
“Leave us alone! We’re having an important discussion down here! A Very important discussion!” She turned Marcos’ face back to face hers and slid her lips against his—before a loud pounding sounded incessantly on the vault door.
Lorna growled as Marcos chuckled in resignation, burying his head in her shoulder.
“Go away!” She hollered at her friend at the door. To make an emphasis, she shoved the vault door a little tighter, the metal straining and groaning.
The pounding stopped momentarily.
“Finally.” She grumbled, before flipping over onto Marcos with a grin. “Let’s continue–”
“If you don’t open the door and be wearing decent clothes I will bust through the wall!” Lorna glared at the closed vault door before screaming in frustration back at John.
“Fine! Jerk!” She shimmied back into her pants, tossing Marcos his belt with a angry huff.
“Are you decent?” Lorna had half the mind to walk out there with nothing but her panties on just to see John’s reaction in her righteous anger, before Marcos caught her wrist with a gentle squeeze.
“I’ll make it up to you later.” He chuckled, running a hand through his tousled hair.
“You better.” Lorna huffed. “Or I might just consider pinning John to a metal wall one day so he’ll stop interrupting us when we try to have sex.”
“Lorna! Are you decent already?!” She threw open the vault door with a flick of her fingers, ready to glare at her friend outside the door, he hand resting aggressively against one side of the vault.
“Finally.” John had his fingers stuffed in his ears as he glared back at her, while two teens and that blonde lady earlier in the car stood behind him, trying to look at anywhere but not at her.
“Caitlin’s a nurse, so I thought it might be great if she could just check you out, since you’re pregnant and all.” Lorna nearly socked John in the face.
“Couldn’t you have waited till morning?” She hissed. “In case you didn’t know, Marcos and I were a little busy in here.”
“Oh believe me, I did know.” He tapped his ears, and she ignored him blatantly.
“Hey babe, I’ll be at the workshop if you need me.” Marcos stole a kiss from her lips, and her anger deflated almost entirely from her body.
“I..I know we probably aren’t gonna be on best terms, but since you did mention a kick, I agreed with John that it might be best to check your condition out. Just to be sure. I may not be the best doctor to consult, but I can help you confirm some things.” The blonde lady smiled tentatively.
Lorna glared at John.
“This was your idea?” She mouthed.
He shrugged, then grinned at her.
“Just check it out.” He mouthed back.
“Fine. Make yourself comfortable.” She let the three in, giving John the middle finger as she turned her back and walked into the vault.
Continued in Part 3
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selinaneveahcrystal · 7 years
Marcos Tries to Fix a Baby Crib—Part 2
Continued from Part 1
“Not again!” Lorna wakes groggily to the crash of something wooden against the hard surface of the floor. She rubs her eyes, stretching out the knots in her muscles as she glances blearily at her boyfriend, who simply glared angrily at the pieces of the wooden crib that had fallen apart.
She glanced at her watch, then lifted her head in surprise at the night sky.
She’d slept for six hours.
Lorna yawns, before it registers to her that her frustrated boyfriend has spent six entire hours, working repeatedly on the failed crib scattered on the floor.
“You spent six hours on that thing.”
“Don’t even go there.” She tries not to laugh as he scowls at her. “Perhaps it might have been a little faster if you’d tried to help.” He huffed.
“Well, I would have made it faster if the manual was in German, not Swedish.” She’s entirely amused with the frustration he’s experiencing, and she bends to pick a piece of the wood between her fingers, browsing lightly through the manual. “You’re really terrible at this, Diaz.” She shoved the English translation that’s plastered right at the back, upside down, on the manual right in his face.
Lorna watches as Marcos grunts, his eyes staring accusingly at the translation before he throws the wooden plank he’d been holding to the side.
Lorna guesses that it’s his manly pride that prevents him from saying anything, because his cheeks are flushed as he works on the crib with renewed vengeance and odd vigour. She yawns, feeling almost entirely too lazy to continue sauntering around their room (it was the only place she could walk around, because Marcos is kinda lax with her bed rest issue) when Marcos opens his mouth.
“Shouldn’t you be resting in bed?” She decides that it’s the injury to his manly pride that has made him bring out the topic of her bed rest, and she obediently flops on their bed, a sigh of relief escaping her parted lips when a even better idea occurs to her.
A coy smile lights her lips slyly, and she leans slightly over the edge of their bed, chewing her lip as she contemplates her idea.
“Marcos. Maaaaarccooooss.” He barely stirs at the annoying use of his name, committed to his purpose with the crib and Lorna huffs almost exasperatedly.
It seemed like she should go to the next step of getting his attention.
Marcos grunts lowly as he finally twists the first joint of the stubborn crib in place when a pair of dark jeans hits him full in the face, smelling way too much like Lorna for him not to lift his face and look at her.
She’s entirely too smug that’s she’s getting his attention as she lazily lounges half on the bed and half off the bed—and Marcos swallows visibly as his eyes land on her bare legs.
“I’ve got a better idea for bed rest and cribs.” She croons, and Marcos chews on his bottom lip as she lies on their bed, dressed in his oversized shirt with no pants on and leaving little to imagination.
Very very tempting.
It’s a torture as he turns his eyes fixatedly from her stunning visage back to the half completed crib, and he hears her huff of exasperation and annoyance.
“Let’s just go to bed, Marcos.” She flops on his back, her weight pressing deliciously against his back, and her scent almost consuming him as he struggles to fix the next piece of their baby crib.
“I’ve got to finish this, Lorna.”
He can’t believe this, but Lorna whines at that sentence.
Actually whines.
“But that’s no fun.”
“Oh yeah? What’s fun then?”
“Bed rest. With you. Naked.” Her answers are so direct that it makes his mouth dry as his mind wanders to the wild passionate night they had before (John couldn’t look at his face in the morning until he came back with the crib, because that was the sixth time they’ve asked for a new bed post–blame it on pregnancy hormones, and Sonia was trying to hard not to laugh) —and he desperately shakes his head, trying to clear his mind and focus.
“I’m trying to concentrate here, Lorna.” She huffs at him in a typical Lorna way that has his lips curving affectionately.
“Well then, stop trying and come join me. I’ve just taken off your shirt.” Marcos fights back a groan.
It was obvious Lorna was trying to distract him from whatever he was doing—to pretty much a great success.
He was already contemplating the pros and cons of not being in bed with Lorna at the moment and—
He stiffens as he feels her lips trail down his jawline to his collarbone.
Ah, fuck this. He thinks as he throws aside the wooden piece of the half finished crib to grab and press her body to his chest. The crib can wait.
He feels her squeals of laughter that collapse into breathy moans as they collapse onto the bed, and he plans on making such a memorable night for her bed rest that she won’t be able to walk or even try getting out of bed to disturb him for the next few days, and if by any luck, make her start permanently liking bed rest for the rest of her pregnant days.
And that’s one down and two more that’s finished to post.
And…not to mention the seven more prompts to start and write on…oh god
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selinaneveahcrystal · 7 years
Going Home–Part 1
Prompt from: @simbagirl15 Marcos and Lorna feel the baby move for the first time + discuss about the family that threw him out+ the fact that Marcos said that his family was not so much his family (so I presumed that he must have had someone he missed back home/loved dearly)
Well, since Aurora got called by Lorna this episode, I guess I’ll stop giving their little girl the name Aurora Allora 😂😂
PS Just saying that I have no idea what goes with Columbian gangs, since I like all the way the other side of the world, so let me apologise first if I offended anyone with my insinuations in my fictional one shot.
“So…” Marcos raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend as she nestled at his side, playing with her fingers while her eyes stared into space.
“So what?” He nearly went back to reading his paper when he felt her shiver slightly, and goosebumps rise on her skin as a cool draft blew through their vault room. He immediately curved his arms around her, his eyes never leaving the paper as his right hand glowed dimly with pulsating warmth, running over her skin lightly where it felt freezingly cold. “Better?”
All he got was a low hum of appreciation that had him chuckling lowly.
“I was just thinking about this.” Her fingers walked the skin his arm contemplatively. “Maybe when Aurora’s born, we should make for a trip to Columbia.” She glanced up hesitantly. “At least let your family know that they have a grandkid.” She immediately regretted her request as soon as her boyfriend stiffens slightly at the mention of his real family. A rather fake laugh escaped his lips, the bad memories having left a terrible taste in his mouth from his youth.
“Yeah, we do not want to go back and see them. Believe me, babe.” Lorna shrugged.
“I don’t see any harm. I mean, they can’t really do any physical harm to us. And I’m sure there’s someone you miss there.” She doesn’t say that she sees the small photo he keeps in his wallet of the small tattered photo of him with his hands slung around a little girl and boy with his skin colouring and eyes, all three grinning like fools into the camera, the names inscribed in childish handwriting of the three children on the back of the tattered photo: Marcos, Eliana, Gabríel ; Together, forever and always.
She doesn’t ask him more for any other information, just like he doesn’t ask her about her long deceased family. It is a silent protocol they don’t break, a rule that protects and hurts them all the same when they think about their families, that lost and abandoned them.
“Doesn’t matter. They probably forgot me.” His facial muscles twitched painfully, the talk about him missing someone at home dragging up painfully happy memories of another life that he’d long tossed aside.
“Tell me more about them.” His head twisted towards her in surprise at her request. “I wanna know.”
“Well..” Marcos trailed off slightly. “I had two younger siblings. Three years younger than me. And fraternal twins. We were really close.” The words started tumbling out his mouth as he placed his hand over her hand on her belly, anchoring himself on reality as he drifted, recounting his happier times with his siblings. “Papa and Mami were always working, you know, never really home, and so it fell to me to take care of two little monster pranksters.” A chuckle escaped his lips. “They were two twin troubles, but creative and utterly imaginative.” The ache in his chest grew as he recalled the adoring looks in his siblings faces as he took them to the park and movies without their parents knowing, him teaching them to ride a bike without falling…
“Did they know about your powers?” Lorna played with his fingers quietly, watching the Aurora Borealis that they created with their fingers.
“….Yes.” There was a painful beat before he replied. “I manifested in the streets while I was with them. We had ran into a gang that kinda disliked me.” He chuckled slowly. “I was kind of the ladies man then, rugged and handsome.” He teased as she slapped his chest, a twitch of a smile on her own lips.
“Narcissist.” She poked his ribs, a silent ask for him to continue the story. The smile fell off his lips as he recalled the day he manifested his powers.
“Well, they had the grand idea of coming after me and my siblings. They’d taken Eliana and Gabríel as hostages and I was only thirteen.” He choked slightly. “Columbian gangs aren’t very subtle with their threats, and they brought my siblings with them to confront me when one of them had a better idea seeing my younger sister.” His fists clenched, the light in his hands flickering slightly. “The cabrón had the idea that it would cause me eternal pain if I saw my sister raped in front of me. He was sixteen, and she was ten. ” His left hand made a violent movement as his emotions caught up with him. “It didn’t matter that she was only a small kid. To them, she was a girl they could destroy and use, so why not?” He said bitterly. “ They started tearing Eliana’s clothes off and she was screaming for me to help her, but there was other people pressing down on me…I just remembered getting so angry, frustrated and desperate for something to blind them with, to burn then away from her, and suddenly—” He lifted his hands lit with a blinding flash of pure white energy. “My hands started to blaze with white energy. I didn’t know what I was doing then, but I was frantic to get those boys away from my siblings that I shot the energy at the boys. I don’t really remember what happened exactly, but all I knew then was that my kid siblings were safe. The entire warehouse was in flames, and I was glowing, and there were bodies of dead boys all around from the explosion..and Gabriel was clutching onto Eliana and crying, and I knew I needed to get them out of the burning place, but there wasn’t any way out.” His Adam Apple bobbed as he swallowed.
“I realised that I could get close to the flames without feeling it being too hot or it burning me, so I took off my shirt and soaked it in the tank of water that the warehouse had and..and wrapped it the best I could around them. And then I picked them up and ran.” He remembered the screams of his sister and brother as they watched the flames lick at his skin, the flail of arms and tears that wet his chest as he crashed through the burning timbre, his skin open to burning flames. “We made it out. But I had killed twenty boys in that warehouse with an explosion or something that my powers did.” He shrugged slightly. “And while my siblings adored me, my parents saw me more as a liability that got into more trouble than I should. So they threw me out.” He ended the story simply, fidgeting as Lorna stared at him with her wide eyes. “What?”
“You’re a hero, you know that?” She whispered, capturing her hand with hers and smoothing her thumbs over his skin gently. “You saved your siblings. Did they…did they want to throw you out too?” Marcos smiled sadly.
“No. They opposed it. Gabriel thought I was a superhero.” He chuckled. “They were the ones that made me feel that perhaps my powers weren’t the worst thing to happen to me.” A sigh escaped his lips. “But my parents saw me as a monster that could potentially hurt their other children that was more precious to them than I ever was.”
Lorna made a low grunt of disgruntled disagreement.
“Remind me if I ever see your parents to beat into them the fact of how great you are.” She snorted. “You saved your siblings and all they saw was something they didn’t understand so they labelled it a monster. Stupidity at it’s greatest if you asked me. ” Marcos chuckled.
“Well if it makes you feel better, I did curse them out when they threw me out.” Both of them chuckled slightly, their hands pressed comfortingly against Lorna’s belly.
“We’ll be the best kind of parents for our baby.” Lorna swore quietly. “Promise me we won’t repeat any of the mistakes any of our parents did for us.” Marcos looked at her silently.
“We won’t.” He sighed slightly, his stance slightly relaxed as he exhaled. “Whew. I needed to get that out of my system.” He leaned in for a kiss. “Thank you, babe.” Lorna hummed, reciprocating the kiss with a press of her own. “God, I love you so much.” Both of them smiled at each other, before a thump against their hands interrupted their thoughts.
“And I love you too, tiny peanut.” Marcos chuckled, before it registered to him what had just happened. “Did..did you feel that? She kicked! Oh my God!” Lorna’s cheeks flushed alongside his excitement. “Wait..” Both of them paused, and Marcos smoothed his hands gently over Lorna’s rounded belly. “Hi peanut.” He cooed, and a responding kick was awarded solidly to his hand.
“Awh. Just look at you.” Lorna teased. “All wrapped around her little fingers.” She rubbed her belly slightly. “You’ve got to stop kicking Mommy, baby. It’s getting uncomfortable. ” A lighter tap tapped against her palm this time, like a soft response to her request, and Lorna gave Marcos an excited smile.
“Did you see that? She understands.” Marcos beamed proudly at her.
“Of course she does. She’s a smart but weird kid.”
“No!” Lorna pushed him laughingly over her belly. “Remove that weird and try again.” Marcos smiled goofily at his girlfriend, before wrapping her into a tight hug, their laughter gently drifting into the dark night.
Continued in Part 2
I shall feed your Eclaris heart more and more >:D
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selinaneveahcrystal · 7 years
Lorna Tells Marcos About Her Time In Jail–Pt 3
Rated M
Continued from Part 1 and Part 2
Prompt: @recklessnesspersonified @irenehogan-blog Polaris being a badass but secretly loving Marcos’ cuddles at night+ Lorna tells Marcos she was kicked, he gets angry and possessive. They somehow find out the baby’s okay and they celebrate.
Marcos sighed as he worked on the car with his powers, the light sparking from his hands as he finished the last bit of his hobby job.
Lorna would be done with whatever John had looked her for, wouldn’t she?
He got up with a groan, a twitch of a smile on his lips as he remembered his promise to his girlfriend upstairs.
“Hey.” His eyes flashed in surprise as he notes John beside Sage and Sonia, and his eyebrows furrowed. “Weren’t you with Lorna?”
“Oh, nah. If I’d stayed there longer she’d have throttled me for interrupting you two.” Dreamer grinned at Marcos, shaking her head slightly.
“You two should go easy on Johnny, since he’s the only one that hears everything here.”
Marcos shrugged.
“Tell that to Lorna, not me. She’s the one that you need to tell to be quiet.” He grinned as his friends gave a groan at the excess information.
“So.. who’s with her?”
“Caitlin. They’re checking on her condition just in case.” Marcos nodded, slightly worried. Even though Lorna had pretty much confirmed that their baby was healthy based on her feel of their child in her belly, he’d feel much less apprehensive with at least a professional nurse telling and affirming it.
“Marcos!” He whirled around just in time to catch a blur of green as Lorna hurtled into his arms, her face split into a wide happy grin, Caitlin and her kids trailing behind her with small smiles on their faces. His eyes found Caitlin’s.
“She’s fine.” The nurse nodded slightly. “Both of them are perfectly healthy.” Lorna wrapped her arms around him as a delighted smile spread across his face.
“I.. I…that’s just great!”
“Yeah?” Lorna beamed at him happily, her exuberance and delight rubbing off on him.
He chuckled, gently pressing a kiss to her lips to convey his emotions.
“Go get a room, both of you!” Sonia called from her corner, grinning into the book she was reading. “Before we all see those lights again.” The mutants that knew what she was talking about chuckled lightly. Marcos grinned, sliding his arm around his girlfriend’s waist, watching as her cheeks flushed happily with colour.
“You’re just jealous you can’t do it with Johnny.” Lorna retorted, drawing a scandalized gasp from Dreamer, and a pillow thrown in her direction by her best friend. He gladly let her slip her hand into his, his thumb gently carassing the back of her hand. “And we do have a room. It’s just that none of you leave us alone.” Lorna pulled Marcos down the stairs. “If you’d pardon us, we’re gonna celebrate.”
“Don’t forget to soundproof and light proof so that none of us can see and hear!” Someone called out behind them, and Lorna grinned at her boyfriend, before shoving a middle finger up into the air amidst hearty laughter as they disappeared behind the vault doors.
Aaaand there it is! My first two prompts done xD
Hope it lives up to expectations!
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selinaneveahcrystal · 7 years
Marcos Tries To Fix a Baby Crib–Part 1
Prompt: @irenehogan-blog Marcos trying to put together the crib but the instructions are in Swedish and Lorna isn’t helping
It is by pure luck that they’ve managed to scavange a baby crib from one of the richer neighbourhoods.
It’s rickety and fully of wooden splints, but Marcos reckons that they’ll have to make do with making it better until John comes back with a full blown grin, a fresh and brand new baby crib unassembled under his muscular arms.
“No way.” Marcos has the urge to laugh as John hands him the crib.
“Well, don’t you be expecting a Christmas present from me.” John teases him, careful to stay out of the way of the not yet visibly pregnant but still extreme cranky Lorna. “This crib’s gonna be that early Christmas present.” Marcos cackles, then grins.
“So what? All my birthday presents and festival presents are gonna be baby things?” John shrugs.
“Well, Clarisse got a baby mobile, and Sonia got diapers.” Marcos tries to go for a sad sagging of his shoulders.
“So Lorna and I ain’t gonna get good presents this year.”
“Oh no. Just you. I’m not risking my head not getting Lorna a present for the festivities.” He pats Marcos’ shoulder lightly in consolation. He thrusts the crib and it’s box in Marcos’ face. “Well, get cracking, Daddy to be.” Marcos snorts a laugh, before shoving a middle finger at John’s face, taking the crib under his arm.
He’s careful to avoid all the possible places that Lorna can be in—she’s volatile at the mere mention of their baby, most probably because Caitlin has entirely barred her from venturing out for any rescue missions upon hearing that she’d been kicked solidly in the stomach in jail. They’ve had to drag her back to bed rest more than thrice (she nearly succeeded in sneaking out in her third attempt by hiding in the getaway van), and Marcos winces at the memory of her nails digging into his wrists, then the metal fixtures flying at their heads as Lorna flew into a rage at the restrictions they imposed on her.
He let’s out a low breath of relief when he manages to sneak into their vault room at the basement. It’s not that she’s not happy with the news of the baby—she was simply frustrated that she wasn’t able to help protect more mutants in her dangerous pregnancy stages. Confining her to a bed rest simply went against everything she aimed and wanted to be.
“Is that a crib I’m seeing?”
Fuckity fuck fuck.
Marcos stiffened as Lorna slides from the shadows in their vault room.
He’s so dead.
She’s so gonna hang him from the lampost outside their headquarters.
“Uh, hey babe.” He tries to go for the cool casual tone that is suffice to say—doesn’t work a single bit on his pregnant but temperamental girlfriend. “I was just…wondering where you were!”
Yep. Way to go Diaz. If she wasn’t gonna hang you from the lampost just now, she’s definitely gonna do so now.
Lorna gives him that typical eyebrow raise that would have turned him on if he wasn’t so afraid what her volatile temperament might actually do to him.
“Okay…” He exhaled lightly as she simply sinks into the bean couch they’d stitched out of boredom a few years ago (she’d demanded it to help better her control of metal, and we’ll, he had nothing to do then).
He stares at her, muscles locked and tentative.
“What? ” His girlfriend raises two eyebrows at him this time. “Go on. Don’t let me stop you.”
“Uh huh.” Sensing that she was in one of her happier moods, Marcos nods, sweeping aside the trash left over from his hobby of fixing things to clear a space for himself to fix the crib. “John got it. It’s new.”
“Mhm. Very nice.” Marcos chuckles at her clipped answers, and decides not to tell her that she was being cute in her attempt to pretend that she wasn’t watching him, because she was reading her book upside down.
The crib falls in unassembled pieces to the ground, and his fingers pick up the instructions to read through–before he gives a huge groan.
“It’s in Swedish. Dammit. How am I supposed to know how to do this?” Lorna snorts with laughter at his reaction.
“Or we could just leave things aside, and then let our baby sleep in the makeshift cot with us.”
“Right. Like that’ll happen.” Marcos glances skeptically at his girlfriend. “Care to help?” A glint of her teeth glints mischeviously from behind the still upside down book right smack at him.
“Nope.” Lorna pops the ‘p’, enjoying the sour look on his face as he turns back to the mess that’s supposed to look like a crib. “I’m supposed to be on bed rest.” She adds drily, letting her annoyance seep into her tone quickly.
“It’s just for precautions, babe.” He starts working tediously on the crib, grunting slightly as he tries to fit the joints together. Marcos watches as her face dissolves into one of understanding reluctance.
“I know.” She grumbles. “But still! I feel like I’ve been punished.” Her long legs curl to her chin grudgingly. “And beds are hateful.” Marcos raised his eyebrows at her.
“Well, I didn’t hear you complaining last night.” Lorna flushes at that, before throwing a pillow at his face. Marcos chuckles, then avoids the rough throw with a simple shift backwards.
“You’re horrible, you know that?” She complains, a twitch of a smile on her lips.
“Am I? I seem to be the only reason that’s keeping you in bed. Not that I’m complaining, of course.” He grins as she wiggles her foot, shimmying out of her jeans because it’s just way too hot. “Okay..hush please.” He tries to focus on the wooden crib, and cheers lightly as he manages to fix the bottom half of the crib—after two hours.
Lorna’s sound asleep on the couch, her mouth wide open and her hands splayed out wide, having entirely fallen asleep while watching him concentrate so fully on the swedish crib. He snorts, then turns back his attention to the white crib that sits despairingly in front of him. His eyes land on the swedish instructions manual and he contemplates actually finding someone swedish to help translate the fucking book for him before his pride stops his feet and plants him right back on the floor in front of a half done crib.
Continued in Part 2
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selinaneveahcrystal · 7 years
Going Home–Part 2
Prompt from: @simbagirl15 Marcos and Lorna feel the baby move for the first time + discuss about the family that threw him out+ the fact that Marcos said that his family was not so much his family (so I presumed that he must have had someone he missed back home/loved dearly)
Credits to: @wereallmisfts for giving me the biggest idea about Aurora’s powers and the partial reason why Lorna can feel her baby in her tummy. So I went along the line that Aurora has powers similar to Lorna, but more specific and super fine tuned that it senses automatically the electro magnetic aura of individuals and objects and she manifests them in the form of coloured lights that are quite similar to the Aurora Borealis. But because the electro magnetism of an individual is suceptible to change because of emotions, Aurora’s ability also likes in being able to change the electromagnetic auras of an individual, which in turn affect their emotions. Something like an empath. She cans till control metal, but mildly and not as effective as Lorna because her powers lie in the more fine tuned aspects of electromagneticism. So the pros is she can cause widespread empathic situations to occur but cons is she only affects metal very vaguely. That means she can bend metal, but she can’t shape it like Magneto and Polaris can, because her power is too specific.
Continued from Part 1
“You sure this is the place?” Lorna gently cradled Aurora in her arms as they stood outside a landed property. “You never told me you were rich.”
“Well, in my defense, we were one of the better off families in the area.” His eyebrows furrowed. “And my God, is that a pool? I don’t remember a pool in my old house. Shit. Maybe it’s the wrong house.”
“Language!” Lorna hissed, covering her baby’s ears as Aurora gurgled and suckled on her thumb.
“Sorry, peanut.” Marcos pinched their daughter’s cheeks slightly, and watched with delight as a tendrils of drifting light wrapped around his wrist affectionately, glowing his characteristic white yellow shimmering lights as his daughter rested her head on Lorna’s shoulder and babbled slightly.
They had found out about Aurora’s mutation the moment she was born. She had the ability to manipulate metal in a smaller extent as compared to her mother, but had a wider range of sensitivity to electrical, magnetic and solar energy. Hence, she was able to manifest the rare electro magnetic auras that people tended to have within a few feet of their body, sensing where they were even if they were hidden. It was also something more on the lines of an empathy too, because she tended to alter emotions when she was feeling decidedly happy or otherwise. Once, they had tried out to see how badly yet empathic abilities affected people around her, and had placed her in the centre of the HQ, while Marcos tickled her and made funny faces, sending her into fits of gurgling laughter. Needless to say, the effective two blocks radius of laughing people was more than enough to say how sensitive their daughter was to the electromagnetic fields of individuals and how impactful her empathic abilities that cane with those sensing abilities were.
Marcos smiled tenderly as Lorna grinned back at him, running her hand through their daughter’s messy greenish black curls. Their daughter was perhaps the perfect mix of both of them, her olive skin and a perfect balance between the darker complexion Marcos had and fair complexion that Lorna had. Her eyes were entirely Lorna’s, and Marcos could never refuse her when she gazed at him with puppy dog eyes so reminiscent to her mother’s own, and her long lashes that fluttered in her sleep as she yawned. Her lips were a soft pink shell colour, and was plump and decidedly cute and kissable. Marcos decided that he was going to have to be her knight that defended her honour as she grew up, because their little girl was a stunning individual that would perhaps stun everyone with her beauty wherever she went.
“Marcos!” Lorna hissed as footsteps echoed close to the door, and the familiar bout of Spanish echoed behind the door.
“Coming coming!” The door swung open to reveal a lean girl teen, her long curling her falling to her waist, her eyes a warm chocolate brown and her mouth open in a wide o of surprise.
Marcos smiled tentatively.
She’d grown all up from that small impressionable and mischevious little girl to a lanky and slim teenager, with curves and a bright smile.
“¡Hola, El Hermosa.” Marcos breathed nervously. He shifted his weight from foot to foot as silence ensued awkwardly before the lanky girl shook her head in surprise.
“Marcos?” The shock and surprise was apparent in her voice before it gave away to extreme delight and she leapt into his arms. “Marcos! ¡Te extrañe!” Lorna watched with pride as her husband caught his sister with surprise on his face that broke away into a shy smile. “¿Dónde has estado?”
“Everywhere. Just not back home.” Lorna knew that Marcos replied back in English for her benefit, and she turned slightly, letting him have his moment with his sister while she shifted Aurora’s weight in her hands.
“Gabríel!” She heard the girl turn and call shrilly. “¡Marcos regresó!” There was a shatter of glass in the kitchen, before two different sets of footsteps coming to the door.
One heavy set, the other, light footed.
“Hermano!” Marcos was trying not to cry, Lorna could tell, as his brother captured him in a wide hug. Gabríel was in every way a leaner and taller Marcos. A considerable feat, considering the fact that Marcos was a whopping 1.85. She suddenly felt like a nervous teen in love again as Marcos and his siblings glanced at her, a wide grin of Marcos’ face as he held out a hand to her.
Her brave, stupid foolish man.
Her heart swelled at the thought.
“This is Lorna.” There was a quiet but protective and affectionate action in the way he pulled her intimately against his body, and Lorna felt a warm surge of affection for the man that held her heart. “My wife, and this little peanut here is Aurora.” He looked up at his siblings with a gentle smile. “Our daughter.”
His brother stared at her with slight awe in his eyes that made Lorna want to laugh.
“You know El hermano has powers, right?” There was a sharp edge to the teen’s voice. “And do you accept it?” His voice was oddly hard.
“Gabriel!” Eliana hissed beside him, tugging on her twin’s arm.
“Of course I do.” She watches with satisfaction as Gabríel relaxes at her words.
“And you will never leave him?”
Lorna chuckled as Marcos scratched his neck sheepishly.
“Why would I?” She leaned back smugly into Marcos, with a “I told you so” written right on her face. “Besides, I have powers too.” She let her powers pick up a stray metal piece from nearby.
“Cool!” She grinned widely as Gabriel’s eyes flashed excitedly. “Not as cool as El hermano’s powers of course. He’s the coolest. He saved us you know.” Surprise was clear in Marcos’ face as his brother proudly stated his views on his powers.
“I know.” Lorna said quietly, her hand slipping into Marcos’ own. “He told me. He doesn’t believe he’s a hero, you know.” She said conspiratorially. “He doesn’t really like his powers.”
“Lorna!” Marcos nudged her slightly, a resigned grin on his face.
“Eh. It’s because our parents don’t know better."Eliana spoke up this time. "If I were to say this I’d say that they’re idiots. Who don’t know better.” Her hand pressed on Marcos’ shoulder comfortingly.
Their peaceful camadarie was interrupted by a angry loud retort from behind the twins.
“You! What are you doing back here?!” The large hulking man that looked nothing like his son’s looked in the doorway.
“¡Hola to you too, Papa.” Marcos said grudgingly.
“Get out of my house. ¡Tu no eres bienvenido aqui!” Lorna felt a well of anger boil in her as Marcos flinched slightly.
“Hey! ” Marcos tried to pull her back as she stepped forward, Aurora still half asleep in her arms. “Don’t you dare talk to him that way!”
“And you are?” The big bully of a old man sneered, but Lorna wasn’t afraid. She glowered at his sneer, but his imposing figure still failed to instill almost any fear in her.
Continued in Part 3
¡Te extrañe! : You’re back!
¿Dónde has estado? : Where have you been?
¡Marcos regresó! : Marcos is back!
¡Tu no eres bienvenido aqui! : You’re not welcome here!
And yes, I used Google Translate For the Spanish.
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