#i have a mousepad cuz without it my mouse slipped too much but with it it doesn't have enough mobility
the real reason ds is harder on emu vs. actual hardware isn't cuz of lag or anything, it's because on emulator you can't aggressively hit the touch screen with the side of your stylus in order to do the quick taps in moai doo-wop/the sixteenth notes in shoot-'em-up 2- /j
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louisewahlander · 8 years
about me
From - Wed Feb 24 20:07:50 1999
*Name: Louise Izan Elin, Wahlander Lind (eh, kinda long, i know!!) *Sex: Female *Age: 23 on april 19 *Hometown: Norberg Sweden *Location: Varies, but at the moment Norberg Sweden *Height:  5'8 (173cm...i dunno if that's 5'8, but someone told me it is) *Eye Colour: Turqoise blue *Hair Colour & Style: At the moment blue-black...it varies, ALOT! *Favorite Relative:hmmmm...definately not my dad! But my grandma really...(mom's mom)...she's the best, and my cousins on my mom's side... I hate the relatives on dad's side, don't have contact w/anyone of them, not even dad... *Favorite Friend: My best friend Courtney, i wouldn't be able to live without her... And Hannes, the asshole, he hasn't been in touch in, i dunno how long!   *What do you remember most about this year: About 99? Eh...nothing really, i forget easily...   *Favorite TV Show: Oh...just one???? Dharma & Greg...or maybe OLD X-files! Also documentaries and art/fashion/design shows...   *What's on your mouse pad: Cepus Data www.cepus.se (it's not mine) I don't have a mousepad for my own puter...it's a laptop so it's built in... *In the car... A/C or Open Windows?: Both   *Favorite Game: board or computer? Board: Operation (it's not as pervy as it sounds!!!) Puter:...soo many, i really like Zelda!   *Favorite Magazine: Sleazenation, The Face (altho i HATE the photography innit, too hyped!), art/fashion/design mags... and various zines! *Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Guinness or Cider & Blackcurrant *Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink: Coke!!! and water, i drink 3 litres of water everyday!! (that's why i pee alot, he he) *Favorite Sound: Rain! the ocean too! *Favorite Smell: My perfume oil Oceanus, i don't wear it alot now, but when i do i get flashbacks of Belfast :) And my Vanilla perfume oil, when i smell that i get flashbacks from  my highschool time (ofcourse out of school activities, i've boxed up all school memories in the back of my head!!) And i like the smell of my dog when she's freshly bathed, and Hannes' smell... *Worst Feeling in the world: Beeing depressed, i mean really depressed, so they have to put you in councelling and on medication! And anxiety attacks, panic attacks...ugh! *Best Feeling in the world: Beeing in love. Managing things on my own, showing my dad and his parents that i am worth something, that i do really well on my own, not needing their help, showing them that they are all assholes!!!!! *Favorite thing to do on weekends: Stay on the computer, write letters & poetry, read... *Favorite Soundtrack: I really like the Empire Records soundt. And Carmina Burana (eh, i guess it's actually opera)...Le Grand Bleu... *How do you see yourself in 10 yrs.: Living somewhere else than Sweden!!! Working as a photographer...   *Do you get motion sickness: I never used to, but it's starting now, i even have to eat pills when i'm going on longer car trips, i can manage short trips, but i still feel really sick tho... :( *What's the first thing you thought when you woke up this morning: I don't think i even had a thought, i was dead as a zombie!! But probably...Oh, noooo, not morning!! Not yeeeet....   *Pen or Pencil? Rotring Rapidograph pen...it costs bloody £20 but they are oh so worth it!! The best pen ever (i'm not a designer pen freak, but i need them for my art!) *Future Son's Name: Noah or Callum or maybe Callum-Noah *Future Daughter's Name: Kayla or Towe...wow you know, i have a thing for names, and i collect wierd ones, write them down in a book...i have sooo many... I also like Ruska which means fall-glow in finish. I also like Saoirse (irish) *Chocolate or Vanilla Cake: Chocolate *Do you drive: No, i bike! Ha ha ha... *Do you sleep w/a stuffed animal?: They're in my bed, this dog i've had since i was little, and a Care Bear...i don't cuddle with them, but they can stay in my bed... *If you could meet one person, living or dead.. who would it be? Living, it would have to be Courtney, i miss her... Dead it would have to be...i dunno, Jayne Mansfield maybe, or Nancy Spungen (i would bring Courtney with me to see her, for we both love her)...or ANDY WARHOL!!! The whole Factory gang!! or...or...or... *What's your Zodiac Sign?: Aries *What do you wear to bed?: T-shirt or a slip *Do you eat stems of broccoli?: I'm a vegetarian, so i eat all of the broccoli...   *If you could have any occupation, when you get older what would it be?: Well...i'm working on becoming a photographer! *If you could dye your hair one colour what would it be?: If i didn't dye my hair it would be naturally red-brown... I haven't had my natural haircolor since i was like 12... People say too much hair dyeing will make your hair fall out...They're all lying, believe me, i would be bald by now if they were right!!   *If you could have one tattoo, what & where would it be?: I have three black tribal ones...left upperarm, right underarm and right side of the collarbone... *Favorite Brand of Gum?: Any brand as long as it tastes fresh and the taste lasts long! *Favorite Quote?: "Who knows where thoughts come from, they just appear!" Lucas is Empire Records *Have you ever been in love?: Yes *What's on the walls in your bedroom?: Lotsa stuff... A photo-art-thing i made, a indonesian balsawood mask, bookshelves, photos of friends (and i mean like a million of pix, in and out of frames), faerie pictures by Amy Brown, some prints that my friend Vicki made in art school... *Is the glass half full or empty: Empty *Pick a song that describes you: The Perfect Girl by Cure (and i'm not saying i'm perfect...just read the lyrix and you'll know: "You're such a strange girl, i think u come from another world. You're such a strange girl, i really don't understand a word. You're such a strange girl, i want to shake you around and around. You're such a strange girl, i want to turn you all upside down. You're such a strange girl, the way you look like u do. You're such a strange girl, i want to be with you..." Someone once said the song reminded her of me...) *Which do you prefer, Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch Doritos?: I dunno, don't even have them here... *Favorite Snapple: I never remember the names, but it's purple/plum coloured...oh, wait, that's Fruitopia, not Snapple... *Favorite Movies: Empire Records (i know every word in it!) Rocky Horror Picture Show (know every word in it!), The Craft, B.S. Dracula...oh, Labyrinth is probably my abs. fave!!!! loads more!   *Coke or Pepsi?: I'm a coke-aholic, so Coke!!! But not british coke, it's got a lame taste... *If you were to kill someone, which method would you choose: Pills (do u know if u giva a cat aspirin it'll die, half a pill is enough... No i'm not a wierdo, i just heard it on the tv once...)   *Are you a righty, lefty or ambidextrous?: I am what? Is this about polictics???? I'm left...social democratic... *Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Both, but i type faster when i don't have to give a damn about the right fingers on right keys...   *When you meet a person of the same sex, what do you first notice? Well, i can't help it, but i look at the attitude before bodyparts! I guess when people meet me, they all think i'm a bitch at first, cuz i can get really cold and evil, and if they can handle me or if they are like me, i like them... So i try to find out if they're like me the first thing i do... If i don't like the person, i can just sit and stare evil-y (is that even a word) at them... I'm not a bitch, really, i just have strange ways, he he... But i can be really sweet too...oh, sorry, this question wasn't about me...   *If you could do anything to the person you hated most, what would you do? I'm not a violent person, so i would probably just stare at the person with my most evil look and hope she/he would drop dead by it... *Which do prefer: Mud or Jell-O wrestling?: Jell-O would be fun!   *What's under your bed?: Dust, dust and some...dust... *What's your dream car?: Don't have one, but if i ever get a license to drive (i haven't even tried) i'd like some old strange model or a London Cab...he hee, i could never drive a new car, not even a semi-new...   *Favorite Holiday: Holiday as in vacation or season? Vacation: to some big city... Season: Halloween... *Say something nice about the person who sent this to you: Hmmm...he he, okay... You're a nice person, funny, i like to talk to you on the chat... ... what can i say, haven't known you for so long...
Hey! I've gotten these things before and passed along to all my friends, so this time i'm just sending it back to you... Hope i haven't wrecked your image about me, by answering these questions, he he...?
-izan xo
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