#i have a degree in robotics. i like speculative fiction. i like mapping current attitudes onto future tech developments.
sexhaver · 3 months
why are you interpreting all this robot stuff so literally. just so you can be smug? it’s a sci-fi fantasy, obviously people aren’t talking about actual literal beliefs or hopes. are you going to go up to the werewolf fuckers like “umm actually that’s not how canids mate 🤓”
for the last fucking time, the reason im talking about this "literally" and "like it's real life" is because unlike werewolf-fucking, robot-fucking will be possible in real life one day in the future. i am discussing how things would happen in that future and comparing/contrasting them with the current fantasies people have to see how well those fantasies would actually map onto this future (which, to be clear, will exist one day). if you cannot grasp this concept then just giggle to yourself and move on instead of sending an anon or leaving a reply completely missing the point and accusing me of shit i never said
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