#i have Feelings 4her
teehiicat · 9 days
Washington Commanders G III 4Her by Carl Banks T Shirt
Washington Commanders G III 4Her by Carl Banks T Shirt I sometimes think she’s a bit bipolar Washington Commanders G III 4Her by Carl Banks T Shirt she can be very pushy if she’s feeling like being groomed, but she’s extremely stand offish whenever it is I who actually want to show her some love. She also doesn’t seem to respond to her name….or maybe she just feels like not recognizing me. Either way, she is also very quiet, so I only have her body language and actions to interpret her wants and personality.
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choerrys · 6 years
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i think abt these pics everyday...
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Meet the Witch🔮🃏🕯
✨4-6-2022 ✨
Personal Name: [REDACTED] Just call me Growing, it’s more familiar online anyhow
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, She/Her or any others in any order, most people just gender me on sight so 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t get many choices honestly
Age: post-college, but not in my 30s quite yet
Season: Autumn and Spring. I enjoy walking weather now.
Where: NJ, somehow 
None of you get to see my face on the whole because online people started being real weird to a college friend of mine when she posted her face on tumblr (this was 2015?) and quite frankly I’m not about that. You can gaze upon this post as long as you promise not to be freaking weird. When I am a grown professional nerd who needs social media this may change! Maybe. Don’t hold me to it. I’ve avoided LinkedIn for TOO LONG (ง'̀-'́)ง
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Magical Interests: Ancestral Practices, Cartomancy, Witchcraft research as an art/profession (I’m mid MLS), Tea, divination, folk healing/Herbalism 
Some of my favorite blogs!!:
@upthewitchypunx @breelandwalker @afrocentric-divination @ancestralmedicinemagic @north-of-annwn @whichwitchami @hillbillyoracle @lazywitchling @thewitchofthenorsetrilogy @therestlesswitch @tarotio @thetwistedrope @mudanglife @madamehearthwitch @heatherwitch @tarotio @therootwitch @witches-ofcolor @hyruleoctoling @angiethewitch @tieras @will-o-the-witch @cunningcelt @lazywitchling @maddiviner @serpentandthreads @windvexer @teawiththegods​
Real talk I copy pasted old tag games tag to try and keep as many mentioned people as possible but I know I forgot some people please forgive me. And some blogs are inactive so...idk be nice and scroll kindly.
Fun facts:
I only learned DND because my boss told me to under pain of death
I once fully almost died in Iceland and when I got back to my aunt she was like “I placed an international call just so that I could have the priest pray with me while you were up there” so everyone thank Mom’s Sister that I am still alive to blog today
I am perhaps the only exclusive expert on cult-exposing literature in my branch. which is not a competitive position. No one is fighting me on it or anything.
Once the Circle got real fucking haunted on Beltane but that’s another story
OH I’m one of the founding members of the Circle of Solitary Sirens! It’s very small, we formed in college, but we do have a charter for growth and expansion in the future so I would love if we added in members one day. I want us to thrive.
I have a Bachelor’s in Psych and a minor in Critical Sexuality Studies, which I capped off with an hour and a half presentation on the sexualization of dead women and the feminine role in death *jazz hands*
Was a girl scout and then a 4Her, not bad for a suburbs kid
no but real talk the 4H to librarian pipeline is real fucking real in this town
Carnegie hall performer twice overrrr no I can’t read sheet music and that has never stopped me!
This is my only social media platform. I deleted tiktok.
One of my favorite authors is @/tamorapierce and I would love to write something that made me feel as strongly as she made me feel as a child
Find me @growing-yet-into-being to see pictures of images
Find me @blank-pages-and-bad-ideas​ to read words I sometimes write
Find me @growing-yet-into-mundanity​ to see the stuff I reblog onto basically a junk blog for any interest that isn’t witchcraft. Lots of Danny Phantom. Think my ao3 is somewhere there.
I have a storygraph account here, again, please do not be weird. I have been getting so many funky anons in the last couple months that I am more worried than usual. You have to be signed in to see the profile.
Thank you @baduhennasraven​ and thank you @cauldron-chatter​! This was fun!
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rederiswrites · 3 years
Lately a big thing on both my spouse’s and my minds is the future of the property we live on. We’ve consulted experts, read articles, walked the fields, had phone conferences. We’ve gotten to know the neighbors, the people who knew this land before we were here. We take the task very seriously--as a complex combination of our stewardship responsibilities, the possible, the likely, our own desires and abilities--it’s an extremely faceted task, and it raises a lot of thoughts and feelings I’m wrestling to articulate. Here’s a fragment of one chain of thought; no more.
Sometimes the questions are large and obvious. Jacob and I are in our fourth decade now; we know ourselves, at least, fairly well. No, we’ve no interest in cattle. Or goats, although that was a dream once. Sheep are way easier. Dairy? That’s a huge daily commitment; and my body doesn’t process dairy well. Not compatible with our other interests, which come with their own large commitments of time and energy.
But that still leaves a ton of questions you don’t realize exist until you’re closer to the subject. There are high-management approaches, where everything is on a schedule, feeding is precisely orchestrated to create the best possible carcass, everything is optimized for meat, or wool (a hard market), or even live sales, say to hobbyists and 4Hers. You have to keep a close eye on these things if you have any hope of turning a profit. The margins are not great. Mercifully, we don’t need to profit. We want the sheep to beautify and enrich the fields and to, in short, exist. We want to breed for genetic preservation of endangered breeds, and hopefully break even on costs. Thus, a lower management approach, like rotational grazing at a flock concentration that will allow us to give almost no feed inputs, and a looser breeding plan. Some meat eaten, some sold, some fleeces sold, some hides preserved, some lambs sold--it’s easy to get rid of SOME of almost anything. I can sell ten fleeces a year just to friends of friends. 30? That’s considerably more marketing, which is a part of the process few people enjoy.
Is that complex? Everything about the “simple life” is actually complex. Farmers make constant decisions you know nothing about. The closer you look, the more finely the choices branch. It creates a feeling in me somewhere between worry and irony. So many people longing for a simple life that never was simple. I worry that the generations that created Five Guys and Chipotle, places so dedicated to economy of choice that their design aesthetic reflects it, want something that’s not there in the real version of the world they romanticize. Gardening is not “simple”, gardening is intimate knowledge of your soil, your climate, which direction the weather comes from, and the cultivation requirements of each individual plant, and what they will take OUT of the soil, what to plant near them, what to plant after them... 
I worry that the way out of an industrial food system that leaves us all sick with choice does not offer the simplicity people crave. It offers many rewards, but not that one.
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straykats · 5 years
hey, could I maybe request something kinda specific?It's just I was talking with a friend the other day&she mentioned how cold I am when it comes at showing my affection to others?& said any dude would get tired of me too fast if I didnt allow them to love me& I got kinda sad thinking about it so I thought hey an angst to fluff always makes stuff better so maybe Chan angst to fluff in which his friends tell yn shes too cold and boring and she gets insecure but Chans like fuck off stands up 4her?
i’m sorry this took so long :(( i hope it’s okay
“How come you asked her out, of all people?”
You froze in your tracks. You were just outside the classroom, about to come in to find Chan. You recognised the voice as one of Chan’s friends.
“What do you mean?”
It was Chan’s voice, this time. You could feel your hands shaking. You weren’t oblivious of the things that were said about you, but those things had never really mattered. Not until now, anyways.
“Like… She’s kind of like… what do they call those people? An ‘ice queen’, right?”
You waited for Chan to reply, but he didn’t. It felt like every second you stood there waiting was just giving your heart more time to break.
“She’s so cold, man. Why didn’t you choose someone like Seoyoon or Jiahn? They’ve got the looks and the personality! Sure y/n has the looks, but she doesn’t even hug you. I’ve never seen her hug you, honestly. You’re always hugging her,” His friend observed. “I don’t know, I’d break up with y/n if I was you.”
You left, turning around and walking away with nails digging into your palm. You didn’t know how much more of this you could take.
Chan: hey babe where were you at lunch today? I was waiting :(
Your heart clenches at Chan’s message popping up on your screen. You flip your phone face down, pushing it aside as you continue with your homework. 
The words from that afternoon still floated in your mind. You had walked home and seen couples here and there, and every time you saw something vaguely affectionate, you couldn’t help but thing “that could be Chan and I.” 
 Why were you like this? Why was it so hard for you to show your affection? You remember the first time one of your friends had brought it up. They had said that it was okay that you weren’t so affectionate with them, because you guys were friends, but they worried that you wouldn’t be able to get a boyfriend. 
“He’ll get tired of you if you seem so uninterested, y/n. You need to start learning how to give and receive affection!”
You loved Chan. You really did. Every moment that you could spend with him gave you something to cherish. The words that your friend had said, the words that everyone else had said about you… None of it had really mattered until now, when there was someone you wanted to keep by your side.
You throw your pencil down - polynomials weren’t fun anyways - and grab for your phone.
You: Sorry, Channie! Something came up.
You: I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? 
Chan: okay, looking forward to it!
Your heart eases a little. If guys do get tired… well, Chan wasn’t tired yet. You still had a chance at making things better, right?
You: sleep well, love you xx
From his own room, Chan’s brows furrowed in confusion at your message. It wasn’t an unwelcome change, it was just new.
Chan: love you too, y/n
It’s your third attempt to loop your arm through Chan’s, and when you succeed, he looks at you out of the corner of his eye. You had been acting strange all day. Running up to him before class and hugging him, holding his hand while you walked to class… However, kissing him on the cheek at lunch took the cake. You rarely kissed him at all, and when you did, it definitely was not in public.
The two of you were walking home now. You had insisted on coming over to Chan's, which he didn't mind at all. It was nothing new. You often came over to play games with him, or to read with him. The only thing that was different was how touchy you were today.
Chan unloops his arms with yours to unlock the door, and you follow him in. For a while, things are back to normal. You lean on the kitchen bench, he offers you food and drinks, you decline. Then, he suggests you watch a movie, which you agree to.
Normally, the two of you would sit on opposite ends, sometimes playing footsies, sometimes with your feet on his lap. Today, much to Chan’s surprise (although, at this point he wasn’t sure why he was still shocked), you were right by his side, pulling his arm around your shoulder.
You couldn’t quite concentrate on the movie. Instead, your head was clouded with thoughts. Were you being too clingy? Or maybe you were doing okay. There was no doubt that Chan had noticed the change, but he hadn’t outright said anything… so maybe you were doing okay, right?
As the couple on the screen started to make out, you felt your stomach drop. Would you be able to do something like this? You steal a glance over at Chan, who seemed to be watching the movie rather intently. Was he into the kissing? Or was it just the movie?
Steeling yourself, you tap his arm to get his attention. He looks at you with questioning eyes.
You bring your face to his, and you’re kissing him. It’s a little awkward, and it takes Chan a moment to get over his shock and kiss you back. When he does, it’s gentle and soft - because that’s how things were with you guys when you got intimate. Rarely did you guys do anything heated, and you felt like that was your fault. Chan should be able to let go when he was with you, right?
You move so that you’re straddling his hips, knees on either side of his. You’re sitting on his lap, and he pulls back.
“Hey, y/n, what are you-”
“Just kiss me, Chan,” you cut him off and bring your lips down on his again… but you never really make it.
“Y/n, stop- Stop, get off me for a second-”
He has a hand on your chest, preventing you from moving in again. You can only frown at him, confused. You do as he says, and fall down next to him on the couch.
“Sorry, was I- Was that too much?”
He’s eyeing you the same way he eyes a puzzle, and you’re not sure how that makes you feel. 
“No, it was fine. Great, actually, but.. Is everything alright? You’ve been a little weird today.”
You bite your lip and avoid his gaze. Was it worth it to tell him? He lets out a sigh, which catches your attention.
“Is it about what that idiot said about you the other day? About how you’re an ‘ice queen’?”
You could only nod. Chan normally let you take your time to explain yourself, but when he had a strong opinion about something, he tended to bring it up.
“Y/n… come here.” He pulls you close and kisses you gently on the forehead. “You think I wasn't aware of what they said before i asked you out? I don’t mind that you don’t kiss me every second you’re with me, or that you only hug me on special occasions. I don’t mind that you don’t like it when I go overboard with affection, either. The only thing i do mind is you being uncomfortable. And all this…? Today? It isn’t you.”
You weren’t sure why, but his verbal reassurance made you tear up. “But Chan, aren’t couples supposed to kiss and hug and do… touchy things all the time? I feel bad that I prevent you form being able to do that-”
“Don’t. Don’t feel bad, y/n. I asked you out because I like you. Not because I need someone to kiss and hug and have se- And be all touchy with.”
His ears go red at the words he almost let slip, and you let out a small laugh. He was too cute.
“Don’t force yourself to do what people expect, okay? We’ll take our time doing those things. There’s no rush, baby, okay?” You nod, and he pouts, poking you on the nose. “Let’s make a promise.”
“A promise?”
“If i’m ever too touchy or affectionate and you’re uncomfortable, you tell me. Also, if you don’t want to be touchy, you don’t need to, and if you want to… go ahead, but don’t force yourself.” He holds his pinky up, his eyes on your with a soft love. “Promise?”
“You’re... You’re okay with being with me, even if I can’t-”
“Y/n, I love you for you.”
His voice was so absolute that you could only laugh. You shuffle so that you’re sitting facing him, yours legs crossed before you.
“Okay. Promise.”
He grins when your pinkies wrap around each other, thumbs touching at the top. You give his hand an extra shake, and he chuckles softly.
“Okay, now that the weird y/n is gone… should we watch another movie? This one was getting kinda boring, and I lost the plot halfway when you tried to make-out with me, so…” He shrugs, and you can’t help but laugh.
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mabith · 4 years
Get to know me questions
Thank you for the tag, @sleepanon​
Last song-- Public - 4Her (Why do I love recent music that mimics 80s music so much...)
Last movie-- Look for a Star. The premise sounded more fun than the movie actually was. Some cute moments but not really recommended. (”While keeping his identity secret, a real estate billionaire tries to woo an outspoken croupier who talks gamblers out of losing their money.”)
Currently watching-- So many things. Take My Brother Away, Skate into Love, My Roommate is a Detective (all three are very funny and good), Love by Chance 2, Pearl Next Door (a wlw Asian series that I have high hopes for FINALLY, it’s addressing biphobia!), Strictly Come Dancing, Between the Covers (UK show where four celebs talk about their favorite books and discuss a shared read). It’s basically all fun stuff, I had to give up on the absolute Grown Ups in To Dear Myself.
Currently reading- And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts, because that’s a smart choice in an extremely stressful time. Also an f/f fantasy romance web novel which may be in poor taste so no one needs to know the title.
Currently craving- Hugs hugs hugs. Also some sort of food that I can’t quite pinpoint. German apple pancake? Polenta? Orange juice? It’s very unclear.
I get anxious about tagging people, but please do this if you feel any inclination. Nice to know what people are watching/reading etc...
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craveher · 5 years
I hate my bf's best friends gf. We've had such different lives she's so disconnected from reality i see all her privilege&it GETS me. She sat on my bf's lap once in a car&she had him light her bowl 4her bc she cant use a lighter. Last time we all hung out it showed that I was annoyed&now i dont think her bf likes me. Its rlly important to my bf that we get along & we have b4 but I really don't enjoy hanging out.Idk how to not play along w her weak feminine thing but also not be bitchy. Any tips?
Definitely communicate with your boyfriend. Tell him you’d enjoy hanging out with them if boundaries were set. There’s no reason for her to be on his lap. It’s not bitchy to talk to him privately and tell him it makes you uncomfortable. And if she doesn’t stop it’s also fine to pull her aside and tell her it makes you uncomfortable. Some girls literally just don’t get boundaries like that. They think it’s normal but it could be hurtful, like it is for you now. You deserve to feel comfortable and happy around them, you shouldn’t have to hate being around them even for your boyfriends sake. If he really cares about you, he’ll listen to you and understand why you’re upset by this. I hope he’s understanding 💖
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themomsandthecity · 6 years
My Parents First Sent Me to Sleep-Away Camp at 8 - and I Plan on Doing the Same With My Kids
I remember watching VHS recordings of Salute Your Shorts on the small box TV in our living room every day during the Winter I turned 8, and every day I'd ask my mom the same question: "Can I please go to Summer camp this year?" And every day my mom, who'd never gone to Summer camp as a kid, would answer, "Maybe when you're older." Desperate, I enlisted the help of my friend Matt - who was a year older than me and started going to sleep-away camp the Summer before - and his mother to try to convince my mom to send me with him come June. After a few months of begging, which were undoubtedly grueling for my mother, she finally gave in on my eighth birthday and said I could go to 4H camp, the coed sleep-away camp Matt went to about an hour away from home. Despite feeling ambivalent about sending me at such a young age, she agreed to sign me up for half the Summer as long as I came home on weekends. Once she realized my weekends home would be filled with whining and complaining about how much I missed camp, though, she conceded to letting me stay the remaining two weekends of the Summer, even though I'm sure it broke her heart a little. In retrospect, though I know she missed me terribly while I was gone, I don't think she ever regretted sending me - I knew in my heart that I was ready, and she trusted that. Since that Summer of 1998, I've always looked at my life's events as before 4H and after. Before and after my parents gave me a unique gift that I'd carry with me my entire life. I'd never felt more a part of something or more free in my life. The first day of camp was exhilarating from the moment I got there. Despite my young age, I didn't feel homesick at all. I'm an only child, so camp was the first time I felt like I was living with siblings; nine of us, all under the same rickety cabin roof. I felt right at home and got along with everyone easily, even my two 20-something-year-old counselors. Even just after that first day, I'd never felt more a part of something or more free in my life. Unlike in school, I was able to choose the activities in my camp schedule. Unlike at home, my mom wasn't there to pick my dirty laundry up off the floor, so I had to do it myself. Unlike with my friends whom I'd spend all of the daylight hours playing with back at home, my new friends didn't have to be home by the time the streetlights turned on - we all went home together, to our teeny cabin in the woods where we'd stay up talking way later than our parents would have liked. The balance between my camp responsibilities and freedoms made me feel more grown up and completely trusted to make decisions for myself. Related: I Love My Kid - That's Why I Send Him Away For the Summer In addition to becoming more responsible over the years - I learned to do my own laundry the Summer I was 9, each cabin had weekly and daily chores to complete for the greater good of the camp, and we all had to keep our cabins swept and neat for morning "inspection," among other responsibilities - I learned who I was as a person at camp. I made new friends each Summer but grew close with a core group of friends, many of whom changed me irrevocably and I still keep in touch with today. Through those friendships, I became a freer version of myself than I felt I could be at home and within the confines of the busy school year. Said free version of me, flying out of a cabin door on a mattress during my last Summer as a camper in 2006. Camp felt like a haven where I could speak my mind more, open up to people I'd known for 24 hours more than I could some of my home friends, and try any new thing I was remotely interested in. I had my first kiss (and second, and third) and fell in love for the first time on 4H's grounds. Many of the clearest, most fond memories I can recall from my life thus far include dirty knees, the camp's wood buildings, and the faces of my fellow 4Hers. They're memories I'd never trade, not for anything, and I'm certain they couldn't have been replicated or matched had I spent my childhood Summers looking for something to do in the suburbs. I kept going to 4H as a camper until the Summer I was 16, and I started working there at 17 for the next three years. Driving out to camp every June felt like returning home to my family after a long trip. Those 12 Summers at 4H - the magical place that shaped me in so many ways - are the reason I am who I am today, and because of that, I plan on sending my future kids to sleep-away camp, too; if they're comfortable, at 8 years old, just like I was. I know that giving them that experience will change their lives in ways I never could, and that's the most priceless gift a parent can give. http://bit.ly/2L1ZWeX
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findurwayback · 4 years
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autumnaljehan · 7 years
i saw public live tuesday night and it was another really memorable night for me and im honestly so taken aback by how good this summer has been to me? 
my friend drove us there which was super nice of her and also fun bc we jammed to public on the way there. chris would NOT stop singing make you mine which was so funny bc she always gets one line from one song stuck in her head and she just. hums it for the entire time up until the show starts. when we saw hippo it was “zombie kids love to hear that easy going shit” and every time i think about that lyric now i hear it in her voice but anyway
it was at shubas and it was our first time being there (i think we’ve been to all the major chicago area concert venues now!!! the only one we’re missing is the riviera!) and it was super tiny and intimate and cute! i liked the neighborhood it was in too, chris and i just walked through the actual neighborhood and looked at cute houses and shared a dunkin ice coffee and $0.50 day old jimmy johns bread which by the way is this enormous and long thing of bread do you know how hilariously ridiculous i looked carrying this huge stick of bread just tearing off hunks from it jesus
(also embarrassing yet hilarious side note: the zipper on my shorts fucking broke like 30min before the show which had me panicked but my top was long and covered it so it was fine but a) it was funny bc chris’ pants zipper broke when we saw COIN and b) it was also tragic they were really cute shorts)
we got there hella early like the minute it opened we were there bc we’re high strung and dumb but they were nice and let us sit inside to wait. we were the first ones there and we got front row which like. wasnt that much of a feat there was like a total of 30 people there but it was still a great feeling i love being in the front i dont know how ill NOT be in the front from now on i got front row once and now anything else is not good enough for me i screwed myself over lmao
but the show was super great, the crowd couldve been better but we were so hyped it didnt even matter that much 4her went hard and i was having so much fun! you could tell they havent mastered the whole concert thing yet but it was still a good show! they did a cover of toxic which really had me goin wowow
we met them afterwards and they were super chill guys when i asked them to sign my eps john saw i had both their new one and their old one and was like “you got two??” and gave me a high five and then chris was asking them about their van and they were describing it to her but then they were like “wait hold on you can probably actually see it from here” and they led us to the window to show us their frickin van and matt goes “to the window!” and i said “to the wall” but it wasnt really loud or anything but fucking ben heard me and turned around and gave me finger guns it was surreal?? after showing us their van ben and john went to talk to other fans but matt chatted with us for like 15 minutes?? and answered all of chris’ questions and was just super friendly and nice and genuine im so appreciative of him????? also chris has this habit of not being able to stand still and just kind of. dances in place almost and she was doing that while talking to him and he totally called her out on it she asked him a question while doing it and he repeated the question while dancing in place it was hilarious (she pointed out how sweaty he was tho and he was like “dont mock me” idk everything about that conversation was funny) we eventually got kicked out but he asked for our names again and gave us two hugs each and it was a good long hug!!!!!
also we’re extra so we ended up leaving them a note on their van just saying thanks and also new merch suggestion (lemon hats) because we cant stop doing The Actual Most. anyways i liked their music before but this sold me on them i love them so much especially matt for taking the time to talk to us and for being such a good sport i hope his days goin well
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brandoncarlo · 7 years
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So with my transition coming up obviously I’m going to have a lot of extra clothes lying around so i’m gonna sell them on here if you guys are interested!! I have no clothes than this available but this is the hockey stuff i’m getting rid of. If you’re interested shoot me an IM or ask on here and we can talk it out. this is on a First come first served basis, obviously. all of them have been cleaned but i can clean them again before i send them. I will be sending them out of Toronto, ON. which means prices in canada and the united states can be relatively low and depending on the shipping cost we may be able to split it. Like i won’t be a dick about it and will be as fair as possible. however international shipping that’s a lot more will be less easy for me to negotiate around. 
*I have other clothes that aren’t hockey related if you’re interested in that too
**all prices are negotiable
***also don’t judge me for the hawks stuff. i’ve grown and haven’t worn those shirts since like 2014.
1. Boston Bruins Atla Garcia Amelia T-Shirt - Size Small - $10+shipping. I’ve worn this shirt a total of one time a while ago and it’s good as new. Even though it’s a size small it’s made to be a rather large sleep shirt and was too big for my shoulders and i’ve always worn size small shirts without a problem. So it’s definitely a lot bigger than a traditional small. The black is just plain and it’s a relatively soft shirt nothing to write home about but cozy! Here’s the official page on it so you can see the original pricing and how it fits.
2. Boston Bruins Stick Together Life is Good Shirt - size Small - $12+shipping. Honestly I have no recollection of ever wearing this shirt. It may still even have the tags attached. It’s a v neck and is a little more fitting but it’s def more of a “mom” shirt than a small at like forever 21 ya feel? This one is really comfy and the only reason i haven’t worn it before is because my step mom has the same exact one and it felt weird lmao. I can’t find it on a website (i’m pretty sure it’s a local to Mass thing) but all the shirts on the life is good website is listed at $26 dollars.
3. Boston Bruins 4Her shirt - size Medium - $10+shipping. I’ve only worn this shirt once a year or so ago. It’s definitely sheer and more tight fitting especially around the arms. but it is a really soft fabric. I couldn’t find this shirt still being sold but most shirts this brand are around $22. 
4. Boston Bruins Touch by Alyssa Milano V neck - size Small - $20+shipping. Okay this is definitely my favorite shirt out of all of these so because of that it’s the most worn. However it’s completely clean, there are no stains on it, it’s just a little wrinkled because it was in a drawer lol. Like I said I love this shirt and will defend it with my life. The front is a really soft amazing fabric but the back is mesh. The Shirt itself is about $50 on the NHL website but because it’s worn i took a little more than half off. Like I said it’s still in great condition though.
5. Duncan Keith Name and Number T Shirt -  size Small - $15+shipping. If you have a name a number shirt, that’s what this is. pretty simple. it’s a small mens. I haven’t worn it in about 2/3 ish years and it’s good as new. The reason i stopped wearing it because I hate hawks now and it’s not because of the shirt itself. I like can’t find any more traditional name and number shirts because reebok stuff is starting to be pushed out which SUCKS. so yeah. if you want an actually good name and number shirt this would be it.
6. Jonathan Toews Lace Up Long Sleeve Name and Number Shirt- size small - $25+shipping. Okay this shirt is definitely the most expensive one i have it was like $60 when I bought it. I haven’t worn this one in about 3 years and I didn’t wear it a lot when i did however the red of the shirt has beld into the numbers just a little bit turning them slightly pink, but as you can see it’s not that bad. I stopped wearing it for the same reason with the Keith shirt, i just hate the team. But there’s nothing wrong with the shirt itself. 
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jmhjoco-blog · 6 years
Women's health answers begin with one phone call or one email.
One aim of Johnson Memorial Health’s HER program is a simple, direct way of contacting health care providers. Sandra – Sandy -- Stinson, CMA, is the care coordinator for HER. When you call, she’ll probably be the one to answer.
“You can call me directly. I’ll be your point of contact,” she says. “No telephone menus, no long hold times.”
Stinson will schedule your appointments and procedures, helping you navigate treatment plans, care options and insurance companies. It’s care she believes in; she’s worked with HER program founder Dr. Emily Cline for 20 years.
“We feel like family, and we want you to feel that way, too,” Stinson says. “I have every confidence in her, and Johnson Memorial Health. I’m a patient of both.”
For more information, call 833-383-4HER.
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cuchlann · 6 years
I am DDG a Male Capricorn 01.08.1990, i am into this woman who im doing Real Estate work with. She's EJH 08.06.1989 LEO. I have deep feelings 4her & i care for her very much, right now shes more career oriented but i know somewhere deep down she would want the love but also i feel she been hurt by her past. I feel like shes still has some kind of energy towards her Real Estate Mentor BJM 10.27.1974 Scorpio, but its the bad kind. Can you see how EJH feels about me & see wats up with her & BJM?
I’m afraid not. As I’ve mentioned earlier today, tarot readings can’t tell you what someone else is thinking, as they function by telling you what you’re thinking. Your friend would have to be a part of the reading for that to happen. 
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bamzigizigi · 7 years
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Yeah that's right u read it right,but 4peeps like me I'm so used 2it coz its part of my life now, it becomes a normal part of ur life when u sustain a certain amount of fame ( & I'm saying that with da most amount of subtlety & modesty) What bugs me is when da fake rumours affect people around u who don't deserve it at all or people u care bout & love. 2b honest it even makes relationships a lot harder 4peeps like me, coz theirs always some hater out there who wants 2b u, or is jealous of ur lifestyle or fame & success not factoring in that u jst didn't get where u R by mistake u worked hard & sweated for it. I remember once reading inda papers that I hacked in2 da "POLICE" HQ's main computer network & caused all types of trouble. Granted I'm pretty awesome with comps but "hacking into da police HQ"??? Please! Now someone I know has been affected by a rumor she heard which makes me feel sorry 4her coz most likely da rumor was started 2try & hurt me using her & she got dragged into it. What haters don't understand by spreading these rumors is that their basically boosting our brand name's, a sort of PR boost. Ask anyone in advertising the best form of advertising is "word of mouth" & in my business "there's no such thing as bad press" I just have 2b sympathetic bout da peeps who get dragged in2 da rumours by mistake or on purpose & for that I'm truly sorry.
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