#i hate this constant trend of haes
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cashthecomposer · 2 years ago
According to a study by the NIH, which shares its findings with several other sources in a cursory Google search, weight gain and obesity can create, prolong, and intensify symptoms of Chiari malformations. Here's another study, this one by the largest not for profit Chiari research group, which draws the same conclusion. She likely was facing worse symptoms than she otherwise would have due to her weight, and the weight loss most probably improved her outlook.
The Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology found that oedema of the uvula was idiopathic- meaning no particular cause could be found- in over half of their participants in this study; the two identifiable predisposing factors were being overweight, and snoring (a factor more likely to be present in overweight and obese people than people of a recommended weight, according to the NIH- 70% of people with sleep apnea are obese, and 40% of obese people have sleep apnea, and 95% of people with OSA snore). Losing weight usually helps with these symptoms, but sometimes you can develop permanent problems to deal with if you got overweight in the first place, but weight loss is the first step towards healing.
Narcolepsy is more prevalent in overweight and obese populations, and more likely to be triggered upon such weight gain in predisposed individuals. It can end up as a vicious cycle, as people with narcolepsy tend to weigh 20% more than the average. There's not an insignificant probability that her being obese in the first place triggered the narcolepsy.
Endometriosis has a significant increase in incidence in obese populations compared to lower BMIs, complete with worse symptoms, a greater prevalence of severe dysmenorrhea, with an OR (odds ratio) of 1.979 versus all other populations at 1-1.05. There is no research proving that endometriosis 'grows' at any pace, least of all in the span of a year, as that would require a study do serial laparoscopies. In all likelihood, it was already that bad. (Also, on average, it takes 10 years for a woman to get an endo diagnosis, she's fucking lucky to have gotten it in a year!)
And before you say 210 isn't obese, it's a BMI of 34, which is obese. Being obese is a comorbidity to so many bad things, the BMI is not a moral judgement, it's an indicator of health risk. Please please please stop acting like it's irrelevant. It's very relevant.
All of her symptoms that she listed are things that can be caused by a myriad of issues, and pretty much all of them are either significantly more likely to occur if you're obese or significantly worse if you're obese. Being obese means you're at risk for way more issues- losing weight might not solve them, but it will mean that you aren't going to develop any more issues because of your weight.
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This is why fat shaming can have tragic consequences.
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niiwa-angel · 7 days ago
you are not a feminist when you share words of hate, and spew dehumanizing language about women you don't like.
I know you're referring to my takes on fat acceptance and frankly, if you think it's feminist to lie to other women about the state of their health, that's on you. For all us radical feminists talk about science and how important it is to not put feelings over facts, ignoring it when it comes to the obesity epidemic makes us look like hypocrites.
Obesity is an epidemic that mainly affects women, more specifically, it mainly affects women of colour. This is in large part because food deserts are felt hardest by the poor, those in rural communities, and and those with limited access to transportation. These are all social issues that need to be addressed and a massive symptom of it is the obesity epidemic. And in that sense, that it is a social issue, I have no issue with fat people.
What I have a problem with is spreading misinformation, glorifying dangerous behaviour/lifestyles, and perpetrating alternative sciences. What a lot of the fat activism/acceptance nonsense does is spread misinformation about obesity, the health issues it can cause, and whether or not anything can be done about it. Obesity is directly linked to diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular issues, strokes, joint issues, and various types of cancers. It also has proven negative affects on your mental health. It is not just a harmless thing, doctors are not fucking with you when they tell you that obesity is damaging to your health. Obesity is, in large part, caused by an excessive amount of calories and an insufficient amount of exercise. A reduction of calories with increased exercise will lead to weight loss. Weight loss done with proper dietary change, under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist, is not the same as a fad diet or anorexia. Not all diets lead to anorexia. Diets don't fail, people.lose the weight, go back to eating the way they did before, and gain all the weight right back.
To follow up, when I say obese, I don't mean 90's movie, heroin-chic era 'fat' girl.
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I mean in the high yellow all the way to the dark pink level of over weight. I mean the type of over weight where you cannot get up a flight of stairs without feeling like you're dying. I mean carrying so much access weight on your frame that it's a constant strain on your lungs to breathe around it.
I don't want people walking around looking like Eugenia Cooney, I strongly disagree with trends like heroin-chic, fad diets, photoshopping models to make them look inhuman, and promotion of medically unnecessary intervention like ozempic, gastric bypass, or other weight loss aids. These are not words of hate. Pointing out that the fat acceptance movement promotes false science is not 'dehumanizing women I don't like' it's pointing out facts. Lots of people have had successful weight loss journeys, I've seen this in family and friends, my father lost over 150lbs a few years ago, one of my good friends is down 75lbs and still loosing. They themselves have said, they feel better with healthier diets and exercise.
If you want some good stories, I recommend checking out Obesetobeast and Michelle McDaniel, both of them had their own weight loss successes and have great advice. I would also click around on YouTube for budget meal planning videos, you can get some great advice from them. @fitnessfor-me @fitness-not-haes @anti-fattitude @anti-fat-pro-facts all have great advice on their blogs too, for some more local resources.
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