#i hate this bleeegh
oddosstuff · 3 months
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awfull. sickening. shitty. twisteds concepts I made when I first really got into dw * loud sigh *
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So um…. I don’t think I’ll be playing postal anytime soon
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tfw your prof has sent an article where Bezos is mentioned and you're feeling attacked by the evil: 🗡 🔪 🗡
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pysoch · 1 year
Gonna get straight to the point I've got Medic headcanons.
- His doves have had several chances to be released, but he's genuinely such a good caregiver that they stay willingly.
- Sometimes when he sleeps, he starts quoting his own words he said the day prior. This is partially because he has paranoia, and another because of anxiety of the idea he isn't heard nor cared about by his team.
- The medigun took exactly two years, two months, fourteen days, and six hours to perfect. It had some, but not much help from engineer. In the early stages it used to put limbs on the wrong way or gave horrific and cancerous tumors to specifically the lungs.
- Medic loves experimenting on Pyro the most due to their physique being a (quote) "canvas" to work with due to his inability to see them as human. It drives out the small humanity he has.
- One time, he sewed Scout's mouth shut until they were forced to cut their mouth open manually using Spy's knife.
- Out of all of the team, Medic is the second oldest!
- He charges the mercs money if he has to work on Saturdays. He will also be grumpy the entire time unless you pay a little extra.
- Archimedes has three hearts implanted in them because Medic considers one for life, one for love, and one for comradery.
- Despite the fact he's a "medical professional", he finds himself strongly disliking touching things without having his gloves on. This rule doesn't stand for blood or guts, for what/whichever reason.
- He's dated women before, but said he's never really found them preferable in company, and didn't feel much to anything. In fact, the only woman he really finds good charm in is Pauling, and it's purely platonic.
- He's found no help with caffeine, and seems nearly immune to it. Instead, he uses defibrillators to shock his chest awake whenever he's having a rough time.
- Aside from Spy and Demo, he has one of the most versatile and arranged wardrobes. Takes a lot of pride in his appearance, and even if he's just woke up, he'll present himself best he can.
- Sometimes he steals the base's radio and enacts little scenarios out in his room to music.
- The underside of the medigun hooked to his ceiling in the lab has stickers because otherwise Pyro won't stay still when he's on the operating table.
- He prefers picture books over solid words.
- As a child, he actually excelled in literature and mathematics over science. Actually, most of his science classes were spent far away from any teaching and stuck more or less in a corner.
- He hates pet names no I do not care if he's bbg, he would not call you anything but your name or a shortened version of it. Smh my head.
- Every single thing he does is loud and over the top. Sometimes even when he doesn't mean to be. The other alternative is absolute dead and radio silence with nothing but a stern face. There's no in between or medium.
- He spends every single one of his holidays travelling. The second they're released for whatever reason, he is OUTTA there.
- He's a decent driver, but worse than spy, and better than heavy.
- When he's drunk or high he'll eat his own skin if left alone. Aye, giving your soul to Satan has its downsides.
- He's read several religious texts and cannot bring himself to believe anything, but sometimes quotes verses to make himself look like the bigger person.
- He knows (very limited amount but some) french! However, he's mostly focused on using it when he wants Spy to sneak into a merc's room and get something for him to pry into.
- He knows all their sizes. Will not elaborate. ❤️
- Can absolutely obliterate a dance floor in the zestiest way possible
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fauxkaren · 7 months
My Roommate is a Gumiho - 6/10
You know, the drama began in a promising manner. I really loved the Odd Couple vibes of the early episodes but man, this show faltered hard at the halfway point. It sorta ended ok, but a large chunk of the series was pretty 🫤 for me. I was just looking for something light hearted while waiting for the final episodes of Marry My Husband, so I decided to give his drama a shot and I guess it a decent watch while waiting for something better but I had some big issues with it.
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The basic set up is that Shin Woo-yeo, a gumiho (nine-tailed fox), is nearing his 1,000 year deadline to become a human. He comes into contact with Lee Dam, a college student, and basically decides to leech off her human energy in hopes that this will help him become human, so she moves in with him. The fun of this series, for me, is Dam being her slob college student self in contrast to Woo-yeo's uptight mannerisms. But like... the romance is not very good y'all.
I kind of hate how Dam always calls him "Sir", even after they start dating. IDK. IT'S WEIRD. I know they do a whole bit about it in the show, but it was too late by then! I was already weirded out!!! I was also weirded out by how Woo-yeo gets a job as a professor at Dam's college. LIKE HOW IS EVERYONE SO CHILL ABOUT DAM DATING HER PROFESSOR??? Even after she drops his class so she can keep dating him (BUT LIKE WHY DOESN'T HE JUST RESIGN? HE DOESN'T NEED THE JOB??? SHE IS A COLLEGE STUDENT AND IS DROPPING A CLASS MIDWAY THROUGH THE SEMESTER SO SHE CAN DATE HIM? WHAT THE FUUUUCK?), I just... I cannot imagine my university being chill about a student dating a professor within their department, even if they aren't taking a class from him. And also there's a lot of lies and hiding of truth and deception throughout the relationship that I could not get over. I mean, I guess they're cute enough in the very end once Woo-yeo becomes human but like... that entire section from like ep 9-the last 10 mins of ep 16 where they're dating before he's human is bleeegh. No thank you!!!
I did like the secondary characters, so that was nice. I found myself wanting to spend more scenes with Dam and her friends or her brother instead of watching Dam and Woo-yeo and their drama. There were also some moments that got a legit laugh out of me. I liked the running joke of Hye-sun not understanding idioms or figures of speech. There was also some ICONIC Subway product placement which, as we all know, is one of my favorite things in K-dramas. Dam has to get a part-time job at one point and of course she gets a job at Subway! I LOVE IT. So it wasn't ALL bad, but the romance itself lacked chemistry and was deeply problematic to me so the show never rose above being "mid".
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semisolidmind · 2 years
bleeegh i hate Instagram and its stupid algorithm
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siberat · 2 years
not the orginal anon but i loved your wg rodi/mus story! can you perhaps write a follow up when he goes to meet this mystery admirer? (if possible i would love for the angst about his wg continue :)) hope u doing well! and thanks in advance
Part One
Rodi/mus pranced his way through the corridors of the Lost Li/ght, rounding turn after turn until he stood in front of his habsuit door. His spark fluttered with excitement, for he was finally going to meet his secret admirer. Prim/us, he waited long enough, and everyone knew he hated surprises.
He liked surprises, just hated waiting for them. The dear captain was a bit impatient after all.
He enjoyed immediate results (well, if he didn’t need to provide these required results, that is). The red and yellow mech was one of action! 
Wasting no time, he beelined it to his wash rack, turned the solvent, and stepped under the stream. Nice hot fluids cascaded over his frame. Rodi/mus found this one of the most relaxing times of the day: standing mindlessly under the shower. Why? He liked to imagine all the dirt getting rinsed off his beautiful frame. Also, he felt like it rinsed all his worries away. Down the drain you go!
Upon rubbing the washcloth over his body this time, his woes didn’t slough off him like in prior experiences. Instead, they clung like bugs splattered across one’s windshield when speeding down a road. This was caused by several reasons.
The major one is his weight gain. While he loved the scrumptious snacks gifted to him (clearly, by his expanding midsection), he missed his sleek frame. Looking down, his paunch expanded out a bit, hanging over his hips. Running his servo across his waist revealed a soft and squishy feeling that resembled a water balloon, not the firm tautness it once sported.
However, that special note claimed to not care about his now squishier belly, right?
The next worry was, who was the mystery mech? Sure, he had a major guess, but what if he was wrong? What if this mech was someone who would not be a desirable date? Rodi/mus could think of a couple that would fit that bill. While Swe/rve was a fun guy, he wouldn’t really be dating material: his mouth formed weird trapezoid shapes when he spoke at times. Weird.
Another lousy date would be Whi/rl. I mean… come on, the captain didn’t like to be mean, but that mech didn’t even have a real face. And he was just too obnoxious! Like, all the time, too.
The third wrong choice of a date sprung to the Auto/bot’s mind and made him drop the soap he was dousing the cloth in; Prim/us, what if it was Mega/tron? Fighting back his gag reflex, Rod/imus whimpered. Slag, how bad would that be? Imagine the reason the former Dece/pticon was on this ship was a lie, and it was all just some crazy, hyper-fanboy excuse to try to berth him?
“Bleeegh!”  the flame-colored mech shook his helm, hoping to shake that thought from his processor. If Mega/tron, the stupid self-proclaimed co-captain of this ship, awaited him, he would break down and cry!
The spray of solvent cut off, and his meticulous drying routine followed. Once the captain was satisfied with the shininess of his frame- and he checked every angle- he set off to the observational deck.
This was where he would come face to face with the gift giver. However, the closer Rodi/mus traveled to the destination point, the slower he walked. Gone was the excitement of meeting who was crushing on him; the feeling of dread awoke in its place. He no longer skipped, but rather dragged his pedes.
It wasn’t too late to turn back… He could pretend he didn’t receive the note. Ignorance can be bliss…. Right?
He stood face to wall with the door to the meeting place, yet didn’t know if he dared to go in. How badly did he need to know who this mech was? Was this really such a big deal? 
Let’s take a second to think about this…
The second is up. Everyone knows Rodi/mus doesn’t like surprises, and he cannot just walk away from this situation. So, we know he palms the door open and walked inside. With a reign of superior confidence too. As the saying goes: fake it until you make it.
And what is he greeted by?
Huge windows that showcase the vastness of space. Flecks of light litter the sky, and there even appears to be a distant solar system in the background. Just before the windows is a table draped with a white tablecloth. On this table sat two sets of dinnerware. Upon closer inspection, the plates were fine china, not the cheap crap used in the canteen.
Decorative silverware is set to the sides. To the left of the plate were two forks, one bigger than the other. The other side of the dish also had two knives of different sizes. Can you guess what was next to them? Two spoons. One is much rounder than the other.
“What the frag?” Rod/imus muttered. How many utensils did one need? He could make do with one fork and knife-slag- even just one spoon can be used to shovel food inside his mouth!
But when it came to table settings, it’s not over. A cloth napkin folded in some intricate shape rests upon the dinner place. It held a name card with his name on it too. Cursive font, to be exact.
“You gotta be kidding me!” Above that plate was yet another fork and spoon! This was getting out of hand, borderline silly! And to make matters worse, to the left of that was a little plate with a weird-looking knife resting perfectly straight across it. And we cannot forget the three glasses of various shapes and sizes, plus the cup and saucer to the right.
Did this person have some kind of weird dinnerware fetish?
Rodi/mus was about to call it quits, but a whiff of something delightful caught his attention. His belly grumbled loudly. Great- his stomach noticed the enticing aroma as well. Just behind the table were several covered dishes. Now, our dear captain may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but he was smart enough to deduce there was food within those dishes.
Prim/us, how long has it been since he last ate? According to his demanding stomach, too long!
But that’s not the point here: Just where was his secret admirer? No mech was present. And this caused a lump to form in his throat: maybe he was stood up.
Or worse.
What if this was just some sort of cruel joke? What if, instead of adoration, those treats and notes were sent in jealousy? Someone sent him all those treats with the intention of making him gain weight and make him ugly? And when discovering his unhappiness, another card, full of lies, was sent his way as a final insult…to get his hopes and spirits up just to smash them down?
Slaggit, it sounds more like a dirty ‘Con trick, after all. 
His cheeks grew warm with shame at just thinking he had been played. Seriously, who would find this new body of his attractive? Suddenly, the desire to return to his habsuit grew. Even if it meant leaving the delightful food behind, Rodi/mus didn’t like to be the butt of a joke. He spun around to head for the door when a relatively large body loomed in front of his path.
part 2 will be up in a day or so. I broke it up because I don't want these to be particularly long reads
read on AAOx3 Collection of Chubby Drabbles - Chapter 10 - siberat - Transformers - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
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makofinz · 19 days
im going into the time machine i invented. anyway i really fw the creme brulee cream i HATE the sugar on top but the cream is sosososo good. had a creme brulee cupcake which was like reaaally good but indidnt eat the top which had the weird. sugar stuff on it bleeegh.
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gferamos · 4 years
Am back from the dead and I'm here to share uh
Boyfriend content
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Decided to make a silly doodle right after, blegh I don't like how the top one turned out at all
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mxthtea · 3 years
french hw,,, detested,,,
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knightowlet · 6 years
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~𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡~ D̶i̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶f̶u̶n̶?̶ ̶D̶i̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶s̶y̶s̶t̶e̶m̶?̶
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bringmisery · 3 years
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@piltoversfinest​ said:  “i’ve  come  to  a  point  in  my  life  where  i  need  a  stronger  word  than  fuck.”     ( incorrect quotes starters.    a. )
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      ❝ mooooood. ❞ Shadow crosses its arms and nods its head behind her, with a very serious expression. ❝ common is bleeegh. how am i supposed to properly communicate to people how much i really, really hate them? or stuff like that. ❞
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      She twitches one ear, and then raises a brow, and adds,  ❝ i think you’re probably beyond help, though. sorry your life sucks. have you tried getting good? ❞
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itscinnafox · 3 years
STORY NOTES [akafuri] : By The Next Sunrise
Because I had sooooo much fun doing this with a friend (@miss-cactus) :] (also being the first collab' work that's posted) and had a lot of messy notes and drafts, it's just so precious to me not to ramble about it >w< also plenty of fun times in just 2 and half months despite life biting my ass at the same time, totally my stress relief lol. Also, this story really isn't just some cheesy stuff for the sake of romance. It's genuine love (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭ु⁾⁾
Read the story here in AO3 Summary: On the way to his brother’s house, the spring showers had begun again. With an open palm, he let it collect the cold showers and let it flow out from the cups of his palm. They were chilly despite the warming sun, he looked up at the sky, and wondered what the rain would be like in other parts of the world. Furihata smiled. He would find out. Perhaps by one of the next sunrises.
.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚. Rambles undercut ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧ .☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.
FIRSTLY, @miss-cactus has all my gratitude ♡(ŐωŐ人) without her; AkaFuri will be stranded in France LOL! Seriously, I'll just dump them in some random village in France and just maybe not even finish this story at all even. The time she took to find me a place, translate, edits and also judging me for my description of the place LOL yep... total life saver. With her help it really motivated and inspired me a lot! She's the oil to my car............. you get the idea :] .
BONUS, she's also a translator and translated many amazing works, basically a deity, breathing life back into them. Also, she has original works too :D check 'em out, it's cute! It's in French, but they're easily translated, she's that good! (๑>◡<๑) her AO3
WEIRD FACT, I also had a short break up with my boyfriend of 7 years while writing this. LOL. I was so upset but I got motivated by the similarities, that when he asked for us back I was like 'But-but the similarities though!' but I love him....bleeegh. So I said yes, and we're better than before. YAY!
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๑ Story Base ๑ The idea popped when I was listening to 'The sun after washed by spring rain' by Wang Lee Hom on a rainy day on my day off, and florist Akashi just looks so beautiful lol and the rest just came up.... and I really wanted this vibe for AkaFuri something incredibly soft and warm~ just cozy >w< huehue~
This story sets in Spring, spring here, spring there~ Spring is the breath of new life, basically Furi's story lol.
I was also aiming for this story to be short and a bit poetic...... LOL then 11k words later I just gave up and was like: well, if AkaFuri wanna romance then who are we to say no? (Akashi will shave my hair in my sleep lol)
๑ Playlist ๑ Play on Youtube The playlist is by order according to each part within the story. I really love to ramble about this since music is my inspiration for a lot of things and the vibe of the whole premise, section of their development and perspectives.
☆ 11 : 11 by Taeyeon Introducing Furihata's little sob lol and Furi's perspective. After Furihata breaks up with his girlfriend (who again, have no significant in his life what so ever), he goes through the phase on moving forward. It really isn't him moving forward with his feelings for her though, it's just him moving forward from the familiarity of being with her in his life. With her gone, he finally reconnects with who he is, like in this passage : "However, somehow with just a fling of his bag onto the island top threw him years back. He has not always been this tidy and clean." Furihata had basically lived his life to accommodate to those around him. (I wanna stress that Furi wasn't forced into a relationship or was it abusive. It was just a relationship with someone whom Furi had no infatuation for. It just so happens she wanted to date him after the wintercup, and Furi is just like 'yea ok?' but really he didn't exactly thought it through.)
So this is where Furihata moves on from the familiarity. He cries because they dated lol, but really he's just confuse.
☆ The Sun After Washed By Spring Rain by Wang Lee Hom Exactly one year after Furi's break-up. The source of this story idea lol. Also, Furi's perspective. The title and the song is literally what it meant; the sun after the spring rain which brings in new beginnings. I present you, this passage of the story: "Instead, with an open palm, he let it collect the cold showers and let it flow out from the cups of his palm. They were chilly despite the warming sun, he looked up at the sky, and wondered what the rain would be like in other parts of the world."
☆ Reunite by Jordie Power I present you, when Akashi appeared and Furihata's crush on Akashi just awakened and go haywire LOL! In this AU, Furihata has genuine feelings for Akashi. They were long time friends, and there were even a few emphasis of their friendship through high school but because Furihata has a girlfriend and Akashi respected that (although most times, in my brain, is just Akashi crying to Kuroko LOL!)
☆ Passage by Miyano Mamoru Furihata and Akashi's similarities. The song is basically about finding yourself as you age, the experiences you go through as you age (i'm 27 and i'm still confuse lol) Even though this story focuses on Furihata a lot and little less on Akashi except for little hints here and there, Akashi was just as lost as Furihata.
Random thought (as I type this), my boyfriend had told me this before "Even though we don't need each other, and do well on our own. We have friends but it's so different. Is just something different to have someone you love around, so to an extend, I really do need you and to share everything with you, it really makes me happy." it really is something different to have someone by your side especially when you found someone. (p/s: you definitely don't need to be in a relationship to feel complete. you complete yourself okay? :3) Furi and Akashi have been in-love since high-school, they have accomplished a lot on their own but in a passage, they both felt lost and felt like something was 'empty' that was because they were still in-love, and they met each other and truly want to spend their life together and share everything.
☆ Moonlight by Miyano Mamoru Mmmmmm~ the juice. This is Akashi's perspective when he wants to romance Furihata (∗ᵕ̴᷄◡ᵕ̴᷅∗)՞ and of course, sneakily confesses to him. OH MY GOODNESS! THIS IS LITERALLY THE PART THAT I'VE BEEN DYING FOR! and wrote it sooooo many times. I wanted it steamy and a little desperate after their long pent-up-frustration unprofessed love, without making it 'explicit' kind of way. So I hope I captured it right lolol.
☆ Make Me Love You by Taeyeon Furihata's feelings towards Akashi. I was pondering on a song that would fit Furihata's pull towards Akashi and how Akashi makes him feel every time. No other songs seems to feel like then I was randomly humming to this song while I was working and this is perfect! Also, a wonderful vibe.
I think it has been emphasised a lot on how Furihata reacts to Akashi, how he blushes like crazy, how he also subconsciously wants Akashi to make him fall in love with him. Because deep down, as again, Furihata genuinely loves Akashi but he was never daring enough to do it and since Akashi had never showed any indication, so Akashi had to confess in order for Furihata to be brave enough to smack their lips together to confess too.
☆ Je Fais De Toi Mon Essentiel by Emmanuel Moire Infinitely bless @miss-cactus (and her naughty brother lol) for this! This is song is seriously sooooo beautiful ;w; I don't care if reader's don't listen to the playlist, but OH MY GOD! If nobody had listened to this, is seriously missing out. (just as a song in general is beautiful) and the lyrics are just akjsfhakjsfhaf AKASHI'S WORDS! In Akashi's perspective and the song that Akashi sang to when they were in the car, and Cactus chose the perfect line for it ;w;
This song basically concludes everything!!! From their feelings for each other since high-school and all the way until the day they die! It's basically everything I wanted this story to be about, just their pure love for one another and to share their happiness together ;w;
Also, I want to point out in regards of Furihata's decision on staying in France. It's really not just a spontaneous and reckless decision lol. As stated and shown in the story, Furihata is somewhat a successful person with a career, but Furihata has other passion and interest which he seemed to enjoy doing which is photography and Akashi notices this. Even though with a career, at a time some will have a change of heart. So if Furi wants to stay in France with Akashi, he has thought it through enough, and can afford to even live by even without Akashi's money lolol. ๑ Premises ๑ Cactus, without her, AkaFuri will be hobos. I . AM . NOT . KIDDING ! She just whip out the map of France and pin point me to everything! I didn't ask for that but her soul is made from angel clay and she showed me this beautiful town, and I am floored! I didn't feel that much motivation and inspiration before o(≧∇≦o)
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So why not Paris? XD 1, I didn't want Paris, I wanted a natural, country/cottage vibe and not the city. 2, proven by Cactus, "actual paris : if you want a cup of coffee you have to give up your wife and your 2 children bc it's way too expensive" (XD actually there's more but those parts are only between us lol) 3, I want to pull Akashi from his usual portrayal of rich and luxurious life style. I mean.... he's still rich, just not lavish in that lifestyle. In here, Akashi's basically bare as a canvas, and painting it on his own. 4, I google mapped Paris.... and if anything, Akashi and Furihata will probably get run over by traffic LOLOL! 5, we hate the crowds lolol and we'd do anything to drown the citizens for AkaFuri to be alone. I'm not even gonna be discreet about this xD.
☆ Mornac-Sur-Seudre This main village, is the most beautiful town picked by Cactus. It's not so 'in the face' although not so splashed in a lot of colours (except for the oyster huts), it is a very vibrant village. We totally fell in love with it. It's quiet, and not a lot of villagers, so it's perfect for AkaFuri to have their stroll hand in hand (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) They're also very famous for their oysters LOL! So yeah..... Akashi fed Furi oysters.... because....it's yummy.... LOL! Video reference here. There's another beautiful video but I can't find it no more. ;; Other references; here, here and here.
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☆ Seagull Train Furihata loves train (and so do I) and since the train exists here! WHY THE HELL NOT?! I really love writing this part! I fell in love with the department Cactus picked and everything was so perfect and beautiful. Pictures and videos of it was just so breath taking ;w; and it's a steam train! I've never ride one before, but I have been into exhibits in the train museum. The smell is amazing lol. It's like sniffing my humidifier......but bigger.
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This is the train I had saw mostly from it. the 030 T 3 from 1891. It's still operational so choo-choo!!! they go!
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Video reference ; here Train reference; here, here Other references; here, here, here and here.
☆ Saintes & Royan These two towns are what's closest to Mornac. I didn't have much on Royan because Saintes had a beautiful charm, so this is where they would have their wonderful date <3 and talk a little bit about their feelings.
Cactus correcting me on the description on the city as I just woke up from my sleep, is seriously a way to wake up in the morning at 5am XD LOLOL!!
There's a few churches too, and has an interesting history from the Roman empire :D really intriguing.
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The bridge where they have their little confession in high-school (◡‿◡✿)
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This video here, absolutely pretty!
☆ Akashi's Floristry; Fleurs d’acacia Cactus picked out the most beautiful name! "So either L’acacia (just the tree) or Fleurs d’acacia (acacia flowers)" The Acacia because it rhymes with Akashi's name : Aca - as in 'Aka' in Akashi. Ci - as in sea...because they're near the ocean. A - as in....... h(a)m because Cactus said so... and I can't even disagree because it's where Furi getting some of those..... meat....because Akashi's ham.....like his meat.......y'know..... We're very dignified ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)
The design of Akashi's 3 story shop/studio/apartment..... I really don't have any reference, it's all in the head LOLOL! Akashi basically lives in simplicity, his shop all on the ground floor, and the second floor is his art studio where paints and do whatever he wants. Finally the third floor is where he stays, it was wasn't very detailed but it's very spacious and cozy >w<!
☆ The Drive-in theatre Bruuuuuh......the confession is the thing! Akashi sneaking in his opportunity to confess. What more is there need to be said? AkaFuri : mlemlemlemlemlemlemlemlem~
Ohh~ Akashi's pretty Bentley of course.
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☆ The Landes The finale of their romance ❀.(*´◡`*)❀. I think we all know what a Volkswagen van looks like LOL! And they had the funky in the van and Akashi took Jean's advice with the bamboo charcoal.
Cactus showed this pretty place and I'm just ヽ(;▽;)ノ
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Of course I'd really like to say it again. Furihata's decision to stay with Akashi was really not for the sake of a 'happy ending' or so. They've had deep feelings for each other since high-school and bonded closely, but Akashi didn't show any indication of romantic interest out of respect for Furihata's relationship, and Furihata knowing nothing about Akashi's mutual feelings just kept his feelings to himself. As told by the story, Furihata has a career and stable income. But even though his life is dandy in Tokyo with his job, that doesn't mean it's something he wants to keep pursuing or maintain, as we age, we search for something else to add into our experience. Not to say that we're forever unsatisfied, it's just how life is. We accomplish something, and we move on to another thing, and then another and another. It's really something beautiful about it, and life's just us exploring :] In Akashi and Furihata's case, is that they've already have what they wanted, a life of their own, choosing their own path and what they don't have was each other and now that they've bonded and opened up themselves, they can finally pursue another beautiful life together (>*^▽^*<)
๑ Book, Night on the Galactic Railway by Kenji Miyaza ๑ This is a real book. Also, my favourite! There is an anime as well, but if anyone wants the PDF feel free to drop me a DM and I'll give it to ya'.
In here, the story of the galactic railway impacted their lives a little bit differently. With Akashi the loss of his mother and Furihata to live the last adventure before death.
It is shown they have extreme love for this book, and it really is a beautiful book and there's just endless things to talk about, as it is place in an infinite travel of the train through the galaxy, meeting new people, seeing new things, the mysteries of stories and making meaningful relationship despite never being able to see them again.
The sentiment of Giovanni and Campanella is also similar to Akashi and Furihata. Before anything else, they want to have their adventure together before eventually parting their ways (and i really mean, until death do them apart.)
๑ Other Juices ๑ There some nitty stuff that aren't just there for show xD Well, kind of but there's some sentiments and stuff so...
☆ The Sunflower Maybe because I'm bias to sunflowers LOL! But Furihata is pretty with yellow! Sunflowers with darker brown florets are absolutely beautiful. The pendent I had in mind was literally the one I had when I was a kid (but I donno it's gone now lol). I googled other sunflower pendent but it's ugleh...
It associates with the theme of this story which is 'Sunrise' as in new beginnings, Furihata's fresh start to pursuing the person he actually loves.
Sunflowers also grow towards the sun. They radiate pure joy and positivity. They also symbolise unwavering faith and unconditional love; which is AkaFuri's undying love here despite the years.
Sunflowers are also given to show their deepest to the person, so Akashi gift him a sunflower :3 also because Furi looks pretty in yellow, fight me.
In chinese myth, sunflower are best for business... So with Furi around, Akashi's business will bloom LOLOL!
Funfact: In greek myth, a nymph named Clytie fell deeply in love Apollo, god of the sun. Although Clytie was beautiful by nymph standards, Apollo did not reciprocate her feelings, or acknowledge it. (except Akashi appreciates Furi's love okay?) After days of hopeless devotion, the nymph then transformed herself into a sunflower and constantly turned towards the sun so she could always be with the one she loved (Furihata's chasing sunrises because Akashi is there ok?).
☆ The Happy Street Cats :D This is actually a real book I have, a gift by my teacher before I leave S.Korea. The passage idiom is extracted by this page as well.
The front cover of the book is also yellow.
Yellow : Sunrise + Sunflower.
There's so much yellow in this story LOL!
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☆ The Movie Cactus : Idol movie Me : *internal screaming* I swear we are always soooooooo close to making this whole thing crack XD
This scene is a real brain wreck lololol. (Still contemplating if it was romantic enough)
☆ Akashi's Florist number I extracted that number from an oyster restaurant LOLOL! Thankfully Cactus changed it.... we were planning on a crack bonus in which, Furihata orders oysters before calling Akashi.
It didn't happen. But if it did.
Furihata will order some oysters. And not regret it.
*Akashi judging*
☆ French Dialogues + Akashi teaching Furihata French Bless Cactus, she's my happiness now. I have no idea how many weird noises were coming out from our mouths just to understand how the French consonant 'R' sounds like to put it into words LOL! XD Without her, it'd be a disaster.
We were looking at other romantic phrases and found the perfect one ;w;
“Je suis ton bonheur.” means "I am your happiness" (oh god, google translate voice just keeps playing in my head LOLOL! help) Which, what else can be said? LOL Akashi's happy ok? Since this story is from Furihata's perspective, I really wanted to put him into the spot of being a foreigner (he speaks english and mandarin lolol just clueless in French, because Akashi is supposed to guide him). So while Cactus work her magic, being the Akashi to my Furihata. I tried to emphasis a lot on the characters expression etc, at least to indicate of what was going on....tbh even I forgot what they were saying. *just as clueless as Furi and Cactus cackling somewhere.
Everything in here is just Cactus being amazing ;w; and pure patience LOLOL!
๑ Side Characters ๑
☆Shérine ............ We butchered the original female side. Her name was Camille.... but I was sooo tempted to name it after *coouugh* :] because it's pretty. Also her hair was blond with hazel-green eyes.... yea we buried her.
Shérine wins now... Shérine is life.
Shérine will be in their wedding.
☆Jean Kirstein (of AOT) It's JEAN! ...........someone gotta tease Akashi with no filter.
(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ FINAL NOTES
The last section when Furihata wakes up and makes his decision, believe it or not, I was in the bus. While typing to Cactus, I was literally shaking in the bus and my eyes stung because of dust and I was in tears. I was between crying and laughing. Finished it at home ;w; Cactus was such a darling through it all.
I really had fun writing this with Cactus ;w; she's the best!!!!!!! And hopefully we'll make some crack stuff because we're hooligans like that XD.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Hiya there! I just came to the realization that Mork has only like.. 2 friends in the whole show.
Premise: Another university setting (cause why not) with ML and their “use-to-be” rival. Both had a huge misunderstanding and absolutely despised each other. When their friends had enough of their constant banter, they decided to trap them in a classroom to talk it out. They came to an understanding and decided that they were.. tolerable.. and decided to start at the stage 0 they never got to.
I mean, he's only been shown with two friends, it's true. But I wouldn't want to be friends with that kind of manipulative person either. And I strongly suspect that Mueng Nan is just as manipulative but in a 'nicer' way... that congratulations for the public declaration? Bleeegh.
Okay, onwards to our enemies to lovers premise with a great friendship group!
So, ML is a sporty engineer type, ended up as head hazer and is generally the right person for that. He's strict and stiff and while he does care about other people, he's also very good at pretending like he doesn't.
But Rival is very different. He's more femme and gentle and very empathetic. He's also in engineering but he's there because his father insisted and refused to allow him to study in comm arts the way he actually wanted.
They falling out happened the summer before University started. ML was excited about being an engineer and the SOTUS system and is super stoked to be hazed while Rival is much more nervous and doesn't think it's going to end well at all.
This is their miscommunication. ML is increasingly aggressive about how great the hazing system is and Rival is increasingly frustrated because he thinks it sounds really awful for him. They're at a crossroads and basically cannot get past this argument.
MONTAGE. There's an entire episode that's dedicated to their actual hazing and their extremely different experiences. ML loves it, Rival hates it... and when they see each other during the process the hatred only intensifies because they absolutely cannot agree.
Their friends are BEYOND frustrated. This is obnoxious. May, June, July and August are their friends because why not? May is the girlboss, June and July are twins who both get to have secondary couples with com arts majors (may or may not describe these, tbh) and August is token hetero boy who ends up dating a fantastically pretty engineering girl who's a 1000x smarter than him.
It takes until their second year for them to lose it, though. A full year of this infighting BS making everyone miserable and May is the one who finally suggests just... forcing it.
And that's how ML and Rival end up locked up together in a classroom with a threat to 'figure it out or starve to death' from their very dear friends.
It starts out... bad. They're still fighting, they're still yelling about the SOTUS system and the roll of the group and just... everything.
But, seriously, there's only so long you can fight. ML is the one who finally gives in. He's tired of fighting and he misses their friendship. For all that he's stricter and harder, he's also always been the one to take care of others.
Rival can't, and doesn't want to, keep the fight up one-sidedly. But he also doesn't know where to go. Which is when ML suggests restarting their friendship entirely. He just wants this to be over with, he's missed Rival and their friendship.
So they start over. Everyone is very happy that they're starting over, frankly.
What no one suspected was that Rival had a long-term crush on ML. He'd never expected it to go anywhere, fight or no fight. But after a year of fighting, a year of avoiding him and then suddenly having ML everywhere again... it's hard. It's very hard. And ML is frankly very excited to have Rival back in his friendship circle.
And, one day, both drunk at a party... Rival kisses ML. Rival is far, far more drunk than ML is, he's goofy and laughing and he kisses ML and proclaims how cute he is riiiight as he passes our drunk.
ML, June and July end up taking care of Rival, which is where ML hears about June and July's romances for the first time and starts to kind of wonder how he feels about Rival.
Rival doesn't remember the kiss at all. ML does. ML tries to talk around it, tries to get Rival to remember it but... nothing. He was blackout drunk.
But ML starts to think more. And talk more. And soon enough he's head over heels for Rival and has no idea how to say 'we've already kissed, let's start dating'.
Rival isn't exactly oblivious but he's also not exactly sure what's going on. ML is suddenly closer to him, hanging around and literally on him regularly. And it's Rival who finally stops and asks WTF.
ML, a bit reluctantly, explains the kiss and the feelings. And the insecurities come out as well. Which just makes Rival reluctant to try. So they agree to try for one month. One month of dating and then they'll talk.
The month is super up and down. There are amazing moments and horrible moments and everything in between. Right at the end of the month they end up in a fight about public affection and it looks pretty bleak to everyone outside of them. The entire friend group is losing their minds because they are not doing through this again!
And so they do the first solution that worked... they lock them in a classroom again! FULL CIRCLE.
It works again. Because forced communication does work!
Oooof, this one feels longer than usual. Sorry.
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hhhhgh I think I might have a stomach virus and I am not happy
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dylpiickl · 3 years
Favorite part of GTAV map, GO!! mine are sandy shores, paleto bay, and rockford hills also cgf territory and such. but i hate downtown los santos with the tall buildings its too dark bleeegh
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