#i hate the martells and i am a filthy racist
makerkenzie · 4 years
Well now I’ve done it.
It’s finally happened. I knew this day would come.
Putting this biz under a cut because it’s a lot. Content note: I am a terrible person and this shit is hilarious to me.
Someone wrote this reblog of my “Tell me what you want” post. Not going to link because I’m not interested in sending this person any more traffic. 
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CAPTIONS for the benefit of my visually impaired readers:
Did OP just say that Tywin wasn’t guilty of the murder of Elia Martell and her children? What?!
Tywin’s actions of allowing the rape and murder of Elia and her kids were a war crime. It was a war crime back then as it is now. Ned Stark condemned Robert and Jon Arryn so much for not punishing Tywin for his actions that Ned fell out with Robert over that for over a year. In fact, 17 years later after the act, Ned still distrusted and mislikes the Lannisters despite the time that lapsed between them and that he still went to war with Lannisters at his side.
It’s funny how OP crucified the Martells for seeking vengeance and justice for the unnecessary murder of Elia, but doubt they would do the same for Robb Stark for seeking vengeance and justice on the Lannister for decapitating Ned Stark. And Ned publically admitted to his charges who would, in the world of aSoIaF, still be justly executed. I doubt OP judged the Karstarks of wanting vengeance against House Stark for killing Rickard Karstark despite his crimes. It’s funny OP brings up Jonos Bracken, a House famous for constantly warring against house Blackwood for some slight done way in the past. Doubt OP judges them for the right of wanting vengeance on each other for generations long. Oh no, it’s only the Martells who have to admit that it was meh what Tywin did and just move on with their lives.
Bringing up Viserys like Doran wanting a Targaryen restoration isn’t exactly what would hurt the Lannisters (and by extent the Baratheons) the most. Doran doesn’t hold Viserys by the actions of Aerys the same way he doesn’t hold Myrcella for the actions of her mother and grandfather. They were children and not active of the crime. So OP’s point of that is moot.
The Martells deserved justice. And Robert Baratheon failed to give them that. Tywin lived on and was rewarded. The Mountain and his men lived on and were rewarded. Ned Stark himself was so disgusted even with that rewarding of men who were war criminals, that he lived secluded in the North without speaking to his once best friend and now king for about 15 years. No justice was owed to the Martells for so long that Oberyn broke plans and went on ahead to seek it himself.
OP you’re not the first to act this way and you’re definitely not the last so, just admit you’re racist and hate the Martells nor care for them and go. Don’t need to fill the Martells nor Elia’s tag with nonsense when you most likely not hold the same standards to the other houses. House Manderly killed the Freys as guest at their seats in the name of justice for the murdered Robb Stark, where are your “so-called” metas there for how they shouldn’t want justice for those deaths. It wasn’t just the Freys who had a hand in that murder but, guess what, Tywin Lannister who still continued to do war crimes bc he got bested by a 15 year old.
On top of all your nonsense, you’re regarding everyone’s sense of justice through the lens of someone in the 21st century. In the (medieval-ish) feudal world of aSoIaF, things aren’t as simple as you make them out to be, other than the fact that you’re unfair to the Martells, wrong entirely about the Lannisters and plain out stupid for disregarding what the text is clearly saying.
#seen your bullshit before and didn’t want to say shit but goddamn you’re not only annoying but you’re WRONG too
#mr. Martin pls release your books already so these fools can shut the hell up
#I’m tired of people misinterpreting your work mr. Martin pls
#imagine someone out there actually DEFENDING Tywin fucking Lannister??????? are you... are you alright?
#pfft. goodbye son
Yep, there it is.
I only criticize the Martells because I am a racist! Now I can die happy. 
Not that I’m gonna stop this biz any time soon, mind. 
What really makes this response *chef’s kiss* beautiful is the part where they openly admit that they assume I would never write comparable criticisms of people like Robb Stark, Rickard Karstark and Jonos Bracken. 
When you ASSUME, you make an ASS of U and ME.
(Although I feel just fine.)
The decision goes like this: they haven’t read any of my posts outside the Martell criticisms, they’ve hardly read most of my Martell criticisms outside this one post, and they’ve only skimmed this one post enough to see me making this defense of Tywin Lannister:
I’ve said it before: Tywin Lannister was a monster. It is known. That doesn’t mean 1) that everything he ever said and did was wrong, 2) that every single accusation against him was accurate, or 3) that every vendetta against him is righteous.
(clearly I’ve lost my mind)
...so they just decide that I could not possibly have similar criticisms of other ASOIAF characters, which means I’m singling out the Martells, which means I hate brown people. And we know I must not have written about those other characters because we’ve already established that I’m a filthy racist who just resents the Martells.
I’ve been writing ASOIAF metas on this blog for years. The overwhelming majority of my analysis doesn’t appear in the Martell or Elia tags. In fact I have written critical metas on Robb Stark, Rickard Karstark, and the Brackens & Blackwoods. (It’s true I may not have said much about Wyman Manderly.) Not to mention I’ve written copious meta on the many horrors of Tywin Lannister. I’m no stranger to Ned Stark’s argument with Robert about the “dragonspawn.” 
I don’t like having to repeat myself.
If I dropped a list of links to my posts slamming the Westerosi McWhitersons for their jackass throne-gaming and blood-feuding, then would they stop telling me to shut up and go away? 
Nah, they’d just shift the goalposts again. They always find a way.
That last bit about my “21st century worldview” is such a perfect sphere of ridiculousness I won’t sully it with my greasy fingerprints. Just let it sit there and shine.
Oh, and those tags. Oh, dear. I may be a disgusting racist piece of shit for examining this story; I’m not the one writing it. GRRM is not on your side. If you expect the last two books to vindicate the Martells, it’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt like a bath in dragonfire. 
Stay mad, comrade. Your hate makes me stronger.
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