#i hate paperback i will always buy hardcovers if given the choice
random-fun-polls · 1 month
do you prefer hardcover or paperback books?
-i've never considered this before/see results
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ericbrandonrp · 3 years
1. 2. 3. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 24. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. 39. 43. 48. 49. 52. 57. 58. 59. 60 (im so sorry these are a lot *hides*)
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Book Questions
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1. How often do you read? 
// Not as often as I would like to. I haven’t actually read a book in two or three months now...
2. What kinds of books do you enjoy reading? 
// Mostly crime/thriller! Though I kinda switched to WWII romances (my guilty pleasure...) and also horror. I’m actually quite picky with them...
3. What is your favorite reading spot? 
// In bed or on the sofa. I need to snuggle into blankets and pillows.
6. What is the most amount of books you remember walking out of a bookstore with? 
// Oh boy...seven, I think. It’s quite rare for me to find more than one book in a bookstore, however, because our bookstores focus on books I don’t want to read. We used to have a small family-led bookstore in our town that had literally everything you want. Gosh, I miss them.
7. How often do you find yourself in a library?
// Not at all. Our tiny local library doesn’t have any books I care about. I haven’t actually been there in ten years or so.
9. What is the last book you’ve read cover to cover? Do you recommend it? 
// I’m not quite sure, but I think that was The Poppy Field. I finished it within two days.
10. Which author have you read the most? 
// Jo Nesbø! I read his entire Harry Hole series and his modern take on Macbeth. Love the way he’s writing!
11. Have you met any authors? 
// As a matter of fact, I once ran (literally) into Peter Scholl-Latour at a bookstore. I only realised who he was when I was already down the road.
14. Approximately how many books are on each of your bookshelves?
// I don’t have bookshelves in the classic sense (they’re all filled with DVDs). They are strewn all over the place; some under the bed, others in boxes, many in the attic. And I have no clue how many there are. 
16. Have you ever correctly predicted the ending of a book? 
// Probably, yes, but I’ve read so many books I can’t possibly recall which book it was. Sorry!
17. Have you ever thought you knew how a book was going to end but was completely wrong? 
// ...yes. All the time with the Harry Hole series lol I know not to speculate and guess but damn he proves me wrong every time!
18. Are there any books on your bookshelf that you regret owning? 
// Nope. When I bought a book that sucks I usually give it away so I don’t have to waste any space with it lol
19. What is the most amount of books you’ve read at one time? (i.e. a chapter of one book then a chapter of another, then back to the first book and so on) 
// Five or six? When I buy a new book I’m excited to start reading it, so I often end up reading many books all at once.
21. From 1-10, how much do you enjoy the smell of a new book? 
// New book...maybe an 8?
22. From 1-10, how much do you enjoy the smell of older books? 
// 100!!! Gosh I love the smell of old books! I could spend hours in a bookstore that has old books around!
23. How often do you have a book with you? 
// Not often, actually. I’m not going out a lot. Though I always take at least one book with me whenever I travel anywhere. Just in case.
24. Do you prefer paperback or hardcover books? 
// Paperback, they take less space. I do like hardcover books when it’s something special I just buy to collect ‘cause they’re beautiful.
30. How many of your books were bought online?
// Quite a lot, frankly. I usually read German books but I also like English ones (also cause it’s difficult to get English ones over here) so I usually order those online. Also during this lockdown bullshit I don’t have any other choice than to buy them online. Plus, our bookstores suck. So all in all...I’d say maybe 70% of my books were bought online? 
31. Have you ever bought a book solely because you liked its title? 
// Not really. Titles are often completely misleading.
32. How often are you recommending a book to other people? 
// Not often? I don’t know many people who are into books like I am so I just shut up lol I do recommend some books to my mum, though, cause she’s into crime stuff as well.
33. How often do you read the books others recommend to you? 
// Honestly? Not at all. I do take a look but that’s mostly it. I like to make my own opinion.
34. What is your favorite book series and what is your favorite book of that series? 
// HARRY HOLE!! haha I swear I read them all and can’t get enough of them, even though I know they’re gonna hurt. My favourites are The Snowman and The Devil’s Star. 
35. When reading a book, how often are you thinking of ways in which it could have been written better? 
// Not at all. I only keep wondering what the fuck they were thinking when translating the book to German...it doesn’t always make sense lol 
37. Have you ever disliked a book so much that you never finished reading it?
// I hate not finishing a book, but yes, I have actually given up on some.  
39. Has any book ever made you ugly cry? 
// Yes. The Light Between Oceans left me sobbing, as well as The Poppy Field...
43. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark? 
// Napkin.
48. What fictional character from a book do you think you relate to the most? Why that character? 
// No clue. I don’t think about such things, really.
49. Name one (yes, only one) fictional character from a book you wish you could be best friends with in real life. Why that character? 
// ...I don’t know? Harry Hole, maybe?
52. Have you ever read a book because you discovered that a celebrity you like was?
// I did read some books because said actor was reported to be in a movie made after a book...but not because anyone recommended it.
57. What is your favorite movie based off a book? 
// The Light Between Oceans. It’s so perfectly made and includes almost every scene from the book as it was written!
58. Has a movie ever made you go and read the book that it’s based off?
// Enigma did. I liked the movie a lot when I was a kid so I went out to get the book.
59. Name one book you wish had a movie version. Who would you choose to act in it? 
// I just wanted to say Night Train to Lisbon, but remembered there’s a movie with Jeremy Irons lol Uhm...more of the Harry Hole series with Michael in the leading role?
60. Name one book you believe is superior to its movie version and explain why you think so.
// Enigma again. I was quite a bit disappointed when I read the book cause it had so many great scenes in it (and that ending!!!) that weren’t in the movie.
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Okay, so my adored @totallysilvergirl has tagged me in a thing that makes me laugh. You only answer selectively??? And then only tag one person? Um, okay then!! 
Weirdly Specific "Get to Know Me" Questions: 
1. What is your go to flavour of salad dressing?
2. What’s the t-shirt you wear the most?
3. What TV show can you quote the most?
4. Do you put your left shoe on first or your right?
5. What’s your study routine?
6. One sound you can’t stand?
7. Hot showers or cold showers?
8. Breakfast or no breakfast?
9. What age were you given “the talk?”
10. Ice in drinks or no ice?
11. What’s one Halloween candy that you would hate getting as a child?
12. Blue jeans, skinny jeans, leggings, shorts, or no pants at all?
13. What’s one slang term you refuse to use?
14. Could you ever be a vegetarian?
15. Hardback, paperback, or e-books?
16. Would you rather go through the drive thru or go inside?
17. Do you keep your car/room neat or messy?
18. What’s the first app you check when you wake up?
19. If I looked in your wallet, what would I find?
20. Spicy food or non-spicy?
The ones I chose to answer: 
3. What TV show can you quote the most? Sherlock. Obviously. 
4. Do you put your left shoe on first or your right? Left. Don’t ask me why. It’s just wrong the other way. 
6. One sound you can’t stand? The sound of saliva in someone’s mouth. Gross! Whether they’re eating or speaking into a microphone and have to pause and smack their saliva into the mic every few minutes, I can’t stand it. 
8. Breakfast or no breakfast? I like it but rarely eat it. I adore going out for breakfast! 
9. What age were you given “the talk?” There was no “talk”. My mother was always scientific with us. 
12. Blue jeans, skinny jeans, leggings, shorts, or no pants at all? Jeans. 
14. Could you ever be a vegetarian? I was one for several years and still don’t eat tons of meat. Just in restaurants; I almost never buy it. 
15. Hardback, paperback, or e-books? Hardcover: too difficult and heavy, doesn’t fit in my purse, stupid dust jacket. Paperback: good. E-books: still a book, weighs much less. Books are good. 
16. Would you rather go through the drive thru or go inside? Drive through, and then have a car picnic somewhere scenic. 
18. What’s the first app you check when you wake up? Probably facebook. Is it my favourite app? No. But it’s how I keep up with “real life” stuff. 
20. Spicy food or non-spicy? Spicy!  
Tagging: @yaycoffee. (Difficult choice!! I hate only choosing one person!) 
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